Countries of the world with nuclear weapons. Nuclear Powers and Atomic Unmercenaries

Career and finance 20.09.2019
Career and finance

More than two-thirds of the world's countries demand a total ban on nuclear weapons. Everything you need to know about nuclear arsenals, initiatives to destroy them, and the prospects for the latter is in the DW help.

At the session General Assembly United Nations in New York, many states have already signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (it was adopted on July 7, 2017 at the UN Headquarters and opened for signature on September 20. - Ed.). As UN Secretary General António Guterres put it, by doing this they want to create a world "without doomsday weapons." But countries with nuclear weapons (NW) do not participate in the initiative.

Atwho has nuclear weapons and how many?

It is generally accepted that there are actually nine nuclear powers in the world today - the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. At their disposal, according to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as of January 2017, there are a total of about 15 thousand nuclear warheads. But they are distributed among the G-9 countries very unevenly. The United States and Russia account for 93 percent of all nuclear warheads on the planet.

Who has official nuclear status and who does not?

Officially, only those that signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty are considered nuclear powers. These are (in order of creating their first atomic bomb) the USA (1945), the USSR/Russia (1949), the UK (1952), France (1960) and China (1964). The remaining four countries, although they have nuclear weapons, have not acceded to the treaty on its nonproliferation.

North Korea withdrew from the treaty, Israel has never officially recognized that it has nuclear weapons, but Tel Aviv is believed to have them. In addition, the United States assumes that Iran continues to work on the creation of an atomic bomb, despite the official rejection of the military use of nuclear energy and control by the IAEA.

How did the number of nuclear warheads change?

Although over time more and more states have acquired nuclear weapons, the number of nuclear warheads today is much lower than in the days of cold war. In the 1980s there were about 70,000 of them. Today, their number continues to decline in accordance with the disarmament agreement concluded by the United States and Russia in 2010 (the START III treaty). But the quantity is not so important. Almost all nuclear powers are modernizing their arsenal and making it even more powerful.

What are the initiatives for nuclear disarmament?

The oldest such initiative is the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The states that signed it, which do not have nuclear weapons, take upon themselves the obligation to refrain from creating it for a long time. The official nuclear powers undertake to negotiate disarmament. However, the agreement did not stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Another weakness Treaty - it divides the world in the long run into those who have nuclear weapons and those who do not. Critics of the document also note that the five official nuclear powers are also permanent members UN Security Council.

Have there been successful nuclear disarmament treaties?

The USA and the USSR/Russia have destroyed a significant number of nuclear warheads and their carriers since the end of the Cold War. Under the START-I treaty (signed in July 1991, entered into force in December 1994, expired in December 2009. - Ed.), Washington and Moscow have significantly reduced their nuclear arsenals.

Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signing START III, April 2010

This process was not easy, it was slowed down from time to time, but the goal was so important for both sides that Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed the START III treaty in the spring of 2010. Obama then announced his desire for a nuclear-free world. Further fate of the treaty is considered uncertain against the backdrop of the demonstration policy military force conducted by US President Donald Trump and Russian actions against Ukraine.

Which countries have given up nuclear weapons?

From trying to create atomic bomb refused shortly before the abolition of the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as Libya in 2003. The former republics of the USSR, which inherited nuclear weapons after its collapse, stand apart here. Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the Lisbon Protocol, which made them parties to the START-1 treaty, and then acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

The largest arsenal, the third in the world after the United States and Russia, was in Ukraine. Rejecting it, Kyiv received financial assistance in return, as well as guarantees of security and territorial integrity from nuclear powers, enshrined in the so-called Budapest Memorandum. However, the memorandum was in the nature of a voluntary commitment, was not ratified by any of the states that signed it, and did not provide for a mechanism of sanctions.


With the start of the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014, critics of the memorandum say that Kyiv's renunciation of nuclear weapons did not justify itself. They believe that Ukraine's possession of nuclear weapons would prevent Russia from annexing Crimea. On the other hand, experts note that the example of North Korea can cause a chain reaction when more and more countries want to get atomic warheads.

What are the prospects for a ban on nuclear weapons

The current initiative to ban nuclear weapons is nothing more than a symbolic gesture against the nuclear arms race. If only because all nine nuclear powers do not take part in this initiative. They argue that nuclear weapons are the best defense against attack and point to the already existing non-proliferation treaty. But there is no mention of a ban in this treaty.

NATO also does not support the treaty, which was opened on September 20 for signature. The campaign for its signing, as stated in the official statement of the alliance, "does not take into account the increasingly threatening international security environment." Jean-Yves Le Drian, French foreign minister, called the initiative "almost irresponsible" "self-deception." According to him, it can only weaken the nonproliferation treaty.

On the other hand, Beatrice Fin, head of the international campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons, called on the countries of the world to join the initiative. She stressed that nuclear weapons are "the only type of weapon mass destruction, which is still not banned, despite its destructive power and threat to humanity. "According to her, with the advent of Donald Trump to power in the United States, this threat has increased.

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To begin with, let's remember that nuclear weapons can destroy all living organisms, including people, in the shortest possible time. And accordingly, it is this type of weapon that is capable of destroying our entire world within a few seconds.

The second question that arises before the creation of the list is why did these countries still create nuclear weapons, despite the fact that this is an active form of destructive material? The answer to this question is that this type of energy is useful for mankind, but if it is used in peaceful purposes. Basically, the reason for the appearance of nuclear weapons in the country is the desire to protect itself from external aggressors. Interestingly, only the Americans actually used nuclear weapons in World War II against Japan, but the effect of this is still felt in the relevant areas of the country.

Here is a list of ten countries with the most nuclear weapons in the world.

Today, Iran is not a country with nuclear weapons, since there is only one Islamic country in the world that is considered as nuclear - and that is Pakistan. But before that, it was believed that Iran had created several types of nuclear or chemical weapons. Islamic Republic Iran has signed a treaty with the United States to eliminate nuclear weapons, as more than 1,000,000 people became victims during the Iran-Iraq war.

After the fatwa of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran stopped the creation of nuclear and other types of weapons, and everything created earlier was destroyed by the UN Security Agency. But all the same, rumors do not cease that Iran still has undestroyed nuclear weapons, but no one knows exactly how many.

The country's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. O North Korea we constantly hear in the news as it seeks to increase the number of nuclear weapons. It was also reported that North Korea fired three ballistic missiles at the United States. This country cannot boast of a good reputation, as it is considered the most hated of all countries in the world.

It is rather difficult to determine the level of well-being of the people due to the closed nature of North Korea, but huge amounts of money are regularly spent on defense. Nuclear weapon this country has created for defense, tests have already been carried out and the Koreans have about 10 nuclear warheads. But for life, this country is considered one of the most dangerous.

Another popular country in the world, officially called Israel, is also considered a Jewish state. On the other hand, Israel is another one of the most hated countries in the world because of its continuous war with Palestine, which is why it is not only fiercely hated in Muslim countries, but in others too.

Israel has been reported to have a large number of nuclear weapons, but they are mainly being developed with the help of America, which is considered Israel's strategic partner. The state was formed in 1947 and does not increase its territory due to the war with Palestine, so this country still has about 80 nuclear weapons.

India, the official name is the Republic of India, one of the most important countries in the world and is one of the largest countries, the second largest in terms of population in the world with an indicator of about 1.3 billion people.

If we talk about the defense of this country, then it has surpassed many countries in the world, because last year it acquired a large number of types of weapons in Russia, now there are from 90 to 110 nuclear weapons - this is the third indicator for all countries in the world. Many of this country's nuclear experiments have failed, but they are ongoing due to the state of the Cold War on the border with Pakistan.


France is an extraordinarily beautiful country that is officially called the French Republic and has about 67 million people; its capital is Paris, which is also the most beautiful, largest and cultural center peace. The country itself is also considered the cultural center of Europe and has a dominant position regarding defense.

If we talk about past wars, then this country took part in both the First and Second World Wars. France is known as a country of nuclear energy, there are about 300 nuclear weapons, so the defense of this beautiful country is also considered the best in the world, as a highly organized army has new technological weapons.

Great Britain

Great Britain is one of the oldest countries in the world, which is also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Besides this, this rich country with a population of 65.1 million, it is the fourth most populous country in Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London, it is an important financial center for different peoples peace.

The defense capability of this country is considered one of the highest in the world, this country is also a nuclear power, which has about 225 nuclear or chemical weapons. The army is also known all over the world as one of the best - due to the presence of highly qualified personnel. And this is one of best countries according to the conditions of life, even in spite of nuclear energy.

China is the most developed country in the world because almost everything that is used on our planet is produced here. It is the leader in terms of population with more than 1.38 billion inhabitants. This happy country is officially called People's Republic China, also the largest electronics manufacturer, ships its products to almost every country in the world.

China is also a country using nuclear energy, so there are 250 nuclear weapons here, so the defense of this country is at a very high level due to the use of new technologies in the manufacture of weapons or other equipment used in the army. China is the world's oldest state and occupies the third largest territory in the world, after Russia and Canada.

Pakistan - one of the most beautiful and important countries in the world, appeared on the map in 1947, in accordance with the constitution of 1973 is called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the second largest Islamic country in the world due to its population of almost 200 million.

Thus, Pakistan is the only Islamic country in the world with nuclear weapons. Defense is priority, therefore, they do not save money on the purchase of weapons. Pakistan's stockpile is about 120 nuclear weapons.

The United States of America is considered one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. The country includes 52 states and a total population of 320 million. If we talk about defense capability, here is the most highly organized army, which has a new and the best weapon, and also this country is number one among the nuclear powers of the world, having almost 7,700 nuclear weapons.

It is the only country that used nuclear weapons against the population - in Japan in 1945 during World War II. The US has many disagreements with many countries including Russia, China and Pakistan hence is also considered the most hated country in the world.


Russia is also one of the most influential countries in the world, known for the high quality of its weapons. Official name - Russian Federation. It is the largest country in the world in terms of area, but has a population of around 146 million.

One of the most ancient countries in the world. Russia is the largest arms producer in the world. Its stockpiles of nuclear weapons are the largest among all countries in the world, amounting to about 8,500 units. Russia sells weapons to all countries of the world, so there is no doubt about their quality. This allows the country to claim the title of superpower.

You have noticed that the farther, the more incomprehensible the processes taking place on the planet become. It is explainable. First, there are more and more people. Secondly, they do not sit on a palm tree, but develop. Only their creations are not always safe. Therefore, it is necessary for a person to understand where the threats lurk. It is proposed to study the list of countries that have Politicians and the military are closely watching what is happening inside these states. Yes, and you and I need to look closely, is it not blazing?

What are we talking about?

Before telling about how many countries in the world have nuclear weapons, it is necessary to define the concepts. The fact is that not everyone imagines the strength and power of the described threat. Nuclear weapons are a means mass destruction population. If (God forbid) someone dares to use it, then there will not be a single person on the planet who has not suffered as a result of such an act. Some will simply be destroyed, the rest are subject to secondary risks. The nuclear arsenal includes the devices themselves, the means of their "delivery" and control. Fortunately, these are complex systems. To create them, you need to have the appropriate technology, which reduces the risk of replenishing the "owners' club". Therefore, the list of countries with nuclear weapons has remained unchanged for a long time.

A bit of history

Back in 1889, the Curies discovered oddities in the behavior of some elements. They discovered the principle of release of a huge amount of energy in the process of their decay. D. Cockcroft and other great minds dealt with this topic. And in 1934 L. Szilard received a patent for the atomic bomb. He was the first to figure out how to put the discovery into practice. We will not delve into the reasons for its work. However, there were many who wanted to take advantage of the discovery.

Such weapons were then considered to be the key to world domination. It doesn't even need to be applied. Swing like a club, everyone will obey in fear. By the way, the principle has been living for almost a century. All the nuclear powers listed below have a significant, compared with others, weight on the world stage. Of course, many people don't like it. But such is the order of things, according to philosophers.

Which countries are nuclear powers

It is clear that technologies could not create states that were not developed, that did not have an appropriate scientific and industrial base.

Although this is not all that is needed to create such complex devices. Therefore, the list of countries with nuclear weapons is small. It includes eight or nine states. Are you surprised by this uncertainty? Now let's explain what the problem is. But first, let's list them. List of countries with nuclear weapons: Russian Federation, USA, Great Britain, France, China, Pakistan, India. These states were able to implement Curie's discovery to varying degrees. Their arsenals are different in composition and, of course, threats. However, one bomb is believed to be enough to destroy life.

On the discrepancies in the quantitative composition of the "nuclear club"

That's what intrigue exists on the planet. In the list of countries with nuclear weapons, some experts include Israel. The state itself does not recognize that it can already be included in this "club". However, there is some indirect evidence that Israel still has deadly weapons. In addition, some states are secretly working to create their own nuclear "baton". They talk a lot about Iran, which does not hide it. Only the government of this country recognizes the development of the "peaceful atom" carried out in its laboratories. I am inclined to believe that such a program, if successful, will also make it possible to create weapons of mass destruction. Experts say this. They also talk about nuclear powers supplying technology to their "satellites". This is done for political purposes to strengthen their own influence. Thus, some experts are trying to convict the United States of supplying nuclear weapons to partners. Recognized evidence has not yet been presented to the world.

About positive effects

Not all experts consider nuclear weapons only a threat to the existence of the planet. In times of crisis, it, oddly enough, can act as a powerful tool for "peace enforcement." The fact is that some leaders consider it possible to resolve claims and conflicts by military means. This, of course, is not good for people. Wars are death and destruction, a brake on the development of civilization. So it was before. Now the situation is different. All countries are connected in one way or another. As they say, the world has become very small and cramped. It is almost impossible to fight in such a way as not to hurt the "nuclear club". A power that possesses such a "club" can also use it in the event of a serious threat. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the risks before using conventional weapons. It turned out that the members of the “nuclear club” guarantee peace.

About differences in arsenals

Of course, the club of the “chosen ones” is heterogeneous. Countries have in completely disparate parameters. If the US and Russia have a so-called triad, then other states are limited in the potential use of their bombs. Strong countries (USA, RF) have carriers of all types. These include: ballistic missiles, air bombs, submarines. That is, it can be delivered to the place of impact on land, air and sea. Other members of the "nuclear club" have not yet reached such a development. Another issue is complicated by the fact that powers do not seek to reveal their secrets. Estimates of their nuclear arsenals are very relative. Negotiations are conducted in strict secrecy. Although efforts to establish parity are constantly being made. Nuclear weapons are currently not a military, but a political factor. Many politicians and specialists are working to ensure that this state of affairs remains unchanged. Nobody wants to die.

The first atomic bombs, dropped on Japan in August 1945, had a very modest yield compared to those that began to be made later. After that memorable demonstration of US strength and technical superiority, a real nuclear arms race began, reaching its peak in the mid-1980s. The signing of treaties on the ban on nuclear tests, control and reduction of weapons led to a sharp decrease in the nuclear stockpile back in the 90s. But even to date, the world's existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons remain significant - about 14,485 warheads in 2018. The rate of reduction of nuclear weapons has significantly slowed down.
Numbers in parentheses indicate the approximate total number of warhead units. This includes deployed strategic warheads (deployed on intercontinental missiles and on bases heavy bombers), deployed non-strategic warheads (at bases with operational short-range delivery systems), standby warheads (non-deployed) and those in the disposal queue.

1. Russia (arsenal - 6850 units)

The first test was made in 1949, the last in 1990. The test ban treaty was ratified.

The Soviet Union became the second state after the United States to test a nuclear weapon in 1949. From then until the refusal in 1990, 715 of them were produced, while 970 different devices were tested. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia acted as the sole legal successor of the entire nuclear arsenal of the USSR, and all nuclear weapons that were at that time on the territory of the former republics were transported to Russia.

Until now, together with the United States, Russia is far ahead of the rest of the world in the field of nuclear weapons. The power of the first nuclear charge, tested near Semipalatinsk on August 29, 1949, was 22 kilotons of TNT. In the same place, in August 1953, the world's first hydrogen bomb was tested.
But the most powerful test took place in 1960, when the “Tsar Bomb” was detonated at the nuclear test site near Arkhangelsk, the power of which reached 58 megatons! This explosion has so far remained the most powerful ever arranged by mankind. This test was to make a lasting impression on the Americans. Initially, it was even supposed to make a 100 megaton “tsar bomb” charge, but at the last moment prudence played (due to the danger of excessive radioactive contamination of the area), and the charge was reduced to 58 megatons.

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2. USA (arsenal - 6450 units)

The first test was made in 1945, the last in 1992. The test ban treaty was signed.

The United States has conducted a total of over 1050 nuclear tests and takes its well-deserved place in the list of nuclear powers. They have launch vehicles capable of delivering nuclear charge at a distance of up to 13 thousand kilometers. The very first test of the 20-kiloton bomb, called Trinity, was carried out in August 1945, just a few days before the atomic bombing of Japan. With these explosions, the Americans showed the world that a new era of weapons had begun. To even more clearly show the world ( Soviet Union) their military superiority, and to prevent the Russians from defeating Japan as well, the Americans decided almost immediately to test two more prepared charges (18 and 21 kilotons) on the Japanese Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
At some point, one of the world's greatest minds, Albert Einstein, signed a letter calling on US President Roosevelt to start developing a new type of weapon as soon as possible, because he was afraid of Germany's work on the same topic. During the testing of nuclear weapons, various incidents repeatedly occurred, but none of them caused irreparable consequences. Now over 20 secret organizations are involved in the US nuclear program.

3. France (arsenal - 300 units)

The first test was made in 1960, the last in 1995. The test ban treaty was ratified.

France has long been a member of the club of countries possessing nuclear weapons, which is why it signed a non-proliferation treaty in a timely manner. Having begun their development in this area immediately after the end of World War II, the French were able to create their own bomb only in 1958, and tested it in 1960. To date, France has conducted about 200 tests.

4. China (arsenal - 280 units)

The first test was made in 1964, the last in 1996. The test ban treaty was signed.

China tested its first atomic and hydrogen bombs almost simultaneously, in 1964 and 1967, respectively. Now China has about 280 active nuclear warheads, with which this country is one of the most powerful nuclear powers. At the same time, China became the only nuclear power that guaranteed the safety of its use against countries that do not possess such weapons, regardless of time and circumstances.

5. Great Britain (arsenal - 215 units)

The first test was made in 1952, the last in 1991. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was ratified by Britain in 1968.

At the same time, it began to closely cooperate with the United States in matters of nuclear security immediately after the signing of the mutual defense treaty in 1958. These countries continue to exchange classified information obtained by their own intelligence agencies.

6. Pakistan (arsenal - 140-150 units)

The first test was made on May 28, 1998, the last one two days later. The test ban treaty has not been signed.

Pakistan began its secret nuclear program before India, in 1956, but then suspended it on the orders of the country's president, Ayub Khan. Although Pakistani nuclear engineers tried to convince him that it was vital for the country to have its own nuclear program, but the president naively believed that in the case real danger Pakistan could buy ready-made nuclear weapons as if they were sold in supermarkets. But when the Indians began to implement their Smiling Buddha program, Pakistan again resumed its own developments. Even the official statements of the Pakistani authorities sounded juicy in an oriental way: “If India is already creating an atomic bomb, then we are ready to starve for a thousand years, there are only leaves and grass, but we will do the same powerful weapon. Everyone allowed themselves the atomic bomb: Christians, Jews and even Hindus, don’t Muslims now have the right to answer them the same? Approximately similar words answered the tests conducted by India nuclear bomb then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

7. India (arsenal - 130-140 units)

The first test was made in 1974, the last in 1998. The test ban treaty has not been signed.

The Republic of India has accumulated a solid arsenal of nuclear weapons, it also has delivery vehicles, represented by surface ships and aircraft. It is also worth adding that its nuclear-capable submarines are at the development stage. The Indians called their first nuclear test quite original - "Smiling Buddha", as if to say that this explosion was organized only for peaceful purposes. However, it could not be ignored complicated relationship with neighboring countries - China and Pakistan. After the test of 1998, there finally came a reaction from the West, the USA and Japan, which imposed economic sanctions against India.

8. Israel (arsenal - 80 units)

The first test was made (probably) in 1979, and it is also the last. Test Ban Treaty signed.

Israel is a highly technologically advanced country, so it is assumed that it is capable of having full-fledged nuclear weapons and various means of delivery, including the fleet, aviation and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Research in nuclear sphere began almost immediately after the formation of the Jewish state itself. In 1950, the first nuclear reactor was built, and in the 60s, perhaps, the country already had the first nuclear weapon. Until now, this country has not commented on any information about whether it has such weapons, although all international experts are unanimously convinced that this should have happened already at the turn of the 60-70s. And now Israel does not position itself as a nuclear power, but the same France and Great Britain continue to actively cooperate with it in this area. So, there was information that the Israelis created mini-nuclear charges the size of a suitcase. Other rumors suggest that Israel even has such a variety of nuclear weapons as neutron bombs.

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9. North Korea (arsenal - 10-20 units)

The first test was made in 2006, the last in 2009. The test ban treaty has not been signed.

North Korea was able to become the owner of not only chemical weapons of mass destruction, but also turned into a modern nuclear power. At least two nuclear reactors are currently operating on its territory. According to the latest data, this country was able to successfully conduct two nuclear tests. This is unanimously declared by international experts who twice recorded specific seismic activity in the interior of the DPRK, which is typical for underground explosions of nuclear charges.

10. Iran (arsenal - 2400 kg of low-enriched uranium-235)

Test Ban Treaty signed.

The country is facing charges of unofficial storage of dual-use nuclear materials.
The US military and politicians are making a fuss that Iran is capable of making at least one atomic bomb a year, and that it will take no more than five years to prepare a fully functional nuclear weapon. Here is a row recent years Western countries regularly accuse Tehran of clandestine development of nuclear weapons, while Tehran, in turn, with the same regularity dismisses all accusations.
The Iranian government claims that the country pursues only peaceful tasks and the development of nuclear materials is carried out only in order to meet national energy needs and medical purposes. When an international verification of the nuclear program was undertaken in Iran in the 60s, in 1979 it had to abandon it. But according to the secret information of the Pentagon, in the mid-90s it was reanimated again. As a result, pressure was put on Iran through the UN, imposing sanctions on it, the purpose of which would be to hinder the development of the Iranian nuclear program. Despite this, Iran can well be seen as a power that has nuclear weapons or is on the verge of creating one.

Of course we live in Peaceful time, but still some things that are not so peaceful have a place to be.

After all, every country, no matter how pacifistic worldviews its leaders have, must take care of the safety of its citizens. And this is being done, among other things, thanks to a worthy confrontation with other countries.

Of course, there are many methods of confrontation, but it is still very important not to use weapons, but at least let them know that they are available - then you won’t have to “quarrel”.

That is why countries are trying to arm themselves. And arming your people in this context is not very effective - that's why they resort to nuclear weapons. And now it is already capable of inspiring shock and awe to anyone. Therefore, its presence is so valued among countries.

But which countries are particularly successful in this? There are several most protected leaders who have an impressive nuclear reserve. The most powerful nuclear countries in the world included in our top 10 are such that it is better not to argue with them, because in this case it will obviously not be worse for them. This is the power of nuclear weapons. Devastating and very impressive.

10 Canada

While Canada has yet to announce a nuclear capability, that doesn't mean it doesn't have it. It's just that, as it is believed, so far the country's potential, although great, is not enough for it to become a full-scale nuclear power.

But in terms of nuclear trade, Canada is at a very high level, holding a significant position in this area.

9. Israel

Israel has also not officially declared itself a nuclear country, but this also does not mean that it is not, on the contrary, many believe that nuclear capability he has a very large one.

Of course, it is impossible to estimate everything with sufficient accuracy, but rough estimates give from eighty to two hundred warheads, which, in principle, is a significant enough number so that, in the event of a threat, a country could oppose something to its potential adversary.

8. North Korea

When we think about nuclear weapons, we often think of North Korea first. This is served by various high-profile statements that have been made by this country over the years.

Initially, the country was part of the NPT, but then declared that it was a nuclear power. Anyway, the country is a relative newcomer in this area, and it is not known how many warheads it currently has, but this number is probably measured in tens.

7. Pakistan

If we talk about military power, then few of the world's countries, in principle, can be compared with Pakistan. When he was exposed to India, he acquired, as a countermeasure, nuclear power.

Tests were made that served as a kind of deterrent measures that could deter other countries from invading the territory. Approximately, a country may have up to one hundred and ten warheads that are active on this moment.

6. India

Another fairly large nuclear power. The local nuclear program began in the year when the country was actively developing its independence. Initially, it was argued that all this would be used only for peaceful purposes, in order to maintain peace.

But then large-scale nuclear tests followed, which hinted that, in truth, the targets were not so peaceful. And the country has what is believed to be about one hundred warheads in stock.

5. China

It would be strange that such a large-scale country like China would not care about its security. Hence the need to acquire nuclear weapons. It was purchased in 1964. The country is an active participant in the treaty on the non-proliferation of such weapons. Weapons, however, China has quite a few - about two hundred and forty warheads at the moment, as it is believed, are active and ready to "use". Of course, this number is approximate.

4. France

Although it is customary to consider France to be something associated with romance and love, one should not forget that it used to be an imperial country, and therefore everything is decided quite seriously regarding military affairs there. Concern for one's own security is placed in France at a very high place. As for nuclear weapons, they have been present since 1960. There are believed to be between 290 and 300 warheads, more than larger China.

3. UK

The UK has been among the countries that have had a sufficient number of nuclear weapons for a very long time, since 1952. You can also highlight the fact that this country most actively called on other states to nuclear weapons. But the United Kingdom also distinguished itself by acquiring a huge nuclear stockpile. Up to 225 warheads are at its disposal and are ready for active use in case of any emergency. The number is very large.

2. Russia

The United States attack on Japan forced Russia to join the ranks of nuclear countries. As a result, in 1949, the first experiments began. They were successful, because gradually the number of weapons that were at the disposal of the country grew. Now it has become very large. The exact number of warheads that are active at a given time is not known, but the upper ceiling is estimated by experts at about eight and a half thousand.

1. United States

This country, no matter how skeptical many are, is still the most developed in nuclear terms. This, however, is the best example of how not to use such weapons stocks. Because the country's intervention in the lives of other countries, including with the use of nuclear weapons, has already become a canonical example. But this does not negate the huge number of warheads, which varies from more than two thousand to about 7.7 thousand.

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