What to do during the heat. How to save yourself from the heat and why it can be dangerous

Fashion & Style 01.07.2019
Fashion & Style

MOSCOW, June 18 - RIA Novosti. Hot weather will set in Moscow this week, in connection with this, for good health, citizens should not neglect healthy eating, drink plenty of water and be aware of the dangers of office air conditioners. About what rules to follow during the heat, what to do when laying your ears on airplanes and what to go hiking with, RIA Novosti was told by the chief physician of the Moscow Hospital for War Veterans No. 2 of the capital's health department, Candidate of Medical Sciences and deputy of the Moscow City Duma Vera Shastina.

Hot weather with air temperatures up to plus 25 degrees and above is predicted in Moscow this week. As previously reported to RIA Novosti in the weather center "Phobos", the air in Moscow on Monday will warm up to plus 29 degrees - this day could be the hottest day since the beginning of the year.

Light clothing and plenty of water

“The heat in Moscow is over 25 degrees. Such weather has a bad effect on children under 3 years old, the elderly and people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. Yes, and healthy people in all age groups may experience discomfort," Shastina told RIA Novosti.

According to the doctor, in the heat, the human body loses a lot of fluid and mineral salts, and blood thickens in the human body during the heat, which can subsequently lead to the formation of blood clots.

“It is recommended, if possible, to limit the time spent on the street or to dress properly. It should be spacious, light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics, a hat. When going out, if possible, you should try to be in the shade, be sure to drink plenty of fluids - non-carbonated cool water, juices, fruit drinks, but not sweet soda, and certainly not alcohol. You can add a slice of lemon to the water, "advises Shastina.

At the same time, according to the doctor, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, mainly in the morning and evening.

“But you don’t have to drink cold drinks. In the heat, immunity is weakened, so the risk of getting a sore throat and acute respiratory infections increases. You need to eat fruits and vegetables, but not heavy foods, or sweet and fatty foods,” the doctor recommends.

“You shouldn’t lower the temperature below plus 22 – plus 23 degrees Celsius. If there is no air conditioner, you can use a container with water or a fan to cool the air,” she added.

According to the doctor, abnormal heat stimulates the exacerbation of diseases of people in any age group. During the heat Special attention citizens should pay attention to personal hygiene and food hygiene, not to smoke, wash their hands more often and remember that the number of intestinal infections often increases in the heat.

Help with heat stroke

The obvious signs of heat stroke are weakness, lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, heavy sweating and thirst. In this case, the person must be moved to the shade, a cold compress or a damp towel should be applied to the victim’s forehead and drink plenty of water, the doctor advises.

"Then you need to call a doctor. If you lose consciousness, give a sniff of ammonia, especially if it's a child or old man with chronic diseases," Shastina notes.

First aid kit tourist

Outdoor activities, hiking, camping often become a favorite pastime of people in the summer, and in addition to the basic equipment for recreation, citizens need to stock up on the right first aid kit in order to be able to help the victim in case of injury or other incidents.

“Active recreation is great. But we must remember that there may not be a medical worker nearby. Therefore, everyone should have the skills to provide first aid and be sure to have a complete first aid kit with the right contents,” said Shastina.

As the doctor noted, the first-aid kit must contain medicines aimed at the rapid elimination of acute conditions, for example, such as poisoning, fever or a heart attack, as well as dressings from a cut to a fracture.

"The drugs should be affordable, tested, effective. At the same time, the content of the first-aid kit also depends on the complexity of the trip. It is better to consult a doctor and be sure to assess the health capabilities of each tourist, his readiness for a difficult route," the agency's interlocutor recommends.

The first-aid kit bag itself should be light and airtight and have a bright marking in order to quickly find it. It will also be useful to sign the medicines and be sure to check their expiration dates before the trip.

"As a rule, such first-aid kits include: bandages, plasters, painkillers, drugs to treat problems gastrointestinal tract- antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, protective creams, burn spray, antiallergic agents. And each participant of a campaign should think of the problems. Do not forget individual drugs if he needs them," Shastina said.

What to do when laying the ears

Often, when taking off or landing an airplane, many people experience severe throbbing pain in their ears. To get rid of discomfort, the doctor advises stocking up on candy, as well as trying a "life hack", the so-called Toynbee maneuver.

“Ears in an airplane stuff up due to pressure drops during climb or landing and too much air pressure on the eardrum. With a normal structure of the sinuses and the absence of an abnormally narrow lumen of the Eustachian tube, which occurs with inflammation, it is usually enough to make a couple of swallowing movements. Also you can stock up on lollipops or take earplugs with you for flights. effective way used by divers, the so-called Toynbee maneuver," Shastina explained.

According to this method, you first need to close your mouth, then pinch your nostrils with your fingers and make swallowing movements. This exercise can be used during takeoff and landing.

wild plants against mosquitoes

Unfortunately, summer rest can be easily damaged by mosquito infestation. As Shastina said, there are more than 100 varieties of mosquitoes in total, but in Moscow and the Moscow region, the so-called real mosquitoes, or peeps, are common.

"Malarial mosquitoes are dangerous for humans. Numerous bites can lead to undesirable consequences: the development of infectious diseases, allergic reactions, infection of the bite site, especially in children after scratching," the doctor explained.

"With proper use of repellents, mosquitoes will not interfere with rest," the agency's interlocutor added.

How to protect yourself during pregnancy in the heat?

How not to suffer from the heat

Not everyone handles heat the same way. During pregnancy, especially at a long time, the hot time is a real punishment. In order to survive it normally and wait for the baby to be born in good health, you need to know how to protect the unborn baby and yourself from the effects of abnormal summer temperatures. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations and conduct healthy lifestyle life.

Safe exposure to the sun

One way to protect yourself from the heat is to stay outdoors in doses. It is better to walk in the morning, before 10 o'clock and in the evening - after 17-18. During these hours, the sun either has not yet risen, or is already striving for the horizon and it is easier to walk. The skin is not exposed to aggressive effects sun rays. They are much weaker at this time.

Room ventilation

It is necessary to ventilate the rooms where you have to stay most of the time, not only in the summer, but in the hot season it is simply necessary. To do this, just open the windows. In order not to create drafts, you can ventilate each room in turn or close the door tightly. It is possible, when leaving the house, to leave one window open if the apartment is not on the lower floors.

Be careful with air conditioning

If there is an air conditioner in the room, then, of course, it is much easier to endure the heat, but ... It has long been known that air conditioners are fraught with many troubles, and sometimes dangerous moments. Firstly, a large temperature difference negatively affects a person’s well-being. It is important that the difference between indoors and outdoors is not very striking. Secondly, it is not recommended to stay directly under the current air conditioner, you can catch a cold and get sick, which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman at any time, especially early. Also, the air conditioner needs careful maintenance so that dirt and dust do not accumulate.

Supplying the body with oxygen

Walking outside in the summer is also relevant. Only in fresh air can you get enough oxygen. It is very important for the development and well-being of the future baby. As already mentioned, a pregnant woman can stay outside in the heat only early in the morning or not yet late in the evening. Take a walk near the house, do not walk fast.

What to eat and how much fluid to drink?

In the hot season, you don’t really want to eat, but you need everything to get into the body nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to consume more vegetables and fruits, light protein foods. Avoid hot, spicy foods, unhealthy fried, smoked, pickled foods. Salt in moderation and do not eat a lot of sweets.
Fluids, of course, need more than usual, but in the later stages, swelling may occur. To avoid this, consume less salt and heavily salted foods. In addition, do not stay in one position for a long time, especially in a vertical position. From time to time to rest, raising your legs higher. You can drink not only plain water, but also compotes, fruit drinks, not strong tea. Let everything cool down a bit.

The right wardrobe

During pregnancy, all clothing should be specially selected for such cases. In the summer, you must wear loose clothing. It is recommended to select only natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body, light and breathable. Shoes - comfortable, on a stable platform, light, as open as possible.

Water procedures

In the heat, you want to dive into the water. You can often see children bathing in the fountains. It is better for a pregnant woman to take a shower or go to the pool. However, the water should not be very cold, but only a few degrees lower than body temperature. Also, it should not be in the water for a long time either. Maintain a sense of proportion in everything. Cool down carefully, without fanaticism. If a shower or pool is not available, you can take a bottle of water and a handkerchief with you. Moisten in water and wipe the skin or purchase wet wipes and do the same periodically.

Exhausting summer heat does not spare anyone! unaccustomed to temperature records people feel terrible in a stuffy, sultry atmosphere. Surely you know this unforgettable feeling: hot air it becomes dense, there seems to be nothing to breathe, you sweat a lot, you feel unbearably thirsty ... And yet, at the same time, you need to manage to live normally, work and, if possible, maintain a cheerful mood!

If you do not believe that this is possible even in a thirty-degree heat, I have to disappoint you: everyone will be saved from the heat, including unfortunate people deprived of air conditioning. These tips will teach you to always carry cool with you! Learn to survive in any conditions.

What to do during hot weather

The kids are even hotter than you! A small organism can quickly grab sunstroke. Try not to dress your children in unnecessary things, stop saving them from drafts and protecting them from the cold floor with socks. Children are people too, they are hot, they need to be undressed in the heat and doused with moderately warm water. This applies not only to older children, but also to babies.

Have pity on pets: who can be cut, be sure to cut it. Hairdressers for dogs and cats will give your pet an image that will save him this summer. Water and wiping with a damp cloth animals are needed, be a responsible owner.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

How does a person adapt to heat?

Heat is excessively high temperature environment (over 30 degrees Celsius). This article will talk about how the human body adapts to such high temperatures and what to do when it's too hot.

The human body is designed to feel comfortable both in summer and winter. To do this, there is a thermoregulation center that ensures the constancy of body temperature and triggers compensatory mechanisms in response to changes in ambient temperature. In summer, to prevent heat stroke, mechanisms are activated to cool the body.

The mechanisms of the body aimed at preventing heat stroke are as follows:

  • decrease in body heat production;
  • maximum increase in heat transfer.
These mechanisms are based on the principle of thermoregulation, that is, heat production - heat transfer. This means that the body is capable of both producing heat ( heat production), and give it away ( heat transfer). The balance between these two processes is regulated by the thermoregulatory center, which is located in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It maintains a constant body temperature ( about 36 - 37 degrees) regardless of ambient temperature. The exception is fever, when body temperature changes due to infection. In other cases, the hypothalamus ensures the constancy of body temperature. When ambient temperature decreases, heat transfer decreases, heat production increases. When it's hot outside, everything happens the other way around - heat transfer increases sharply, production decreases.

The brain receives signals about changes in temperature from skin receptors. These are special heat receptors ( sensors), which are embedded in the superficial layer of the skin. They instantly react and send signals to the brain when the ambient temperature changes even by 2-3 degrees.

The mechanisms for reducing heat production and increasing heat transfer are as follows:

  • All processes in the body slow down. Breathing becomes shallow, heart rate becomes less frequent. All this is done in order to stop the production of heat.
  • The vessels of the skin expand, and the volume of circulating blood in them increases. This leads to increased heat transfer.
  • At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, the work of the sweat glands is activated. Sweat production is the main mechanism of heat transfer. So, evaporating, sweat cools the body, leading to a decrease in body temperature lower than the ambient temperature. Sweating can significantly reduce body temperature, but it is important to understand that a large amount of fluid is lost during this.

How to save yourself from the heat in the apartment?

Being in the apartment during the heat, it is very important to stop the sun's rays from entering the room. Light from the sun can raise the temperature in a room by 5 to 10 degrees, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. To avoid this, it is necessary to close the windows with blackout curtains or hang blinds. Reflective film will help to reflect the sun's rays as much as possible, which can be attached to the curtains from the side of the window.

Wearing the right clothes will make it easier to endure the heat in the apartment. It is not recommended to wear dense, synthetic fabrics, because they prevent heat transfer and create additional heat for the skin. Loose cotton clothing will not interfere with heat transfer and will not create a greenhouse effect.

What to do if the room is hot in summer?

During the day it is recommended to keep the windows closed, while in the morning and evening it is recommended to open them to ventilate the room. A well-ventilated room will prevent oxygen starvation of the body. To freshen up the room as much as possible, you can resort to a draft. To do this, you must simultaneously open the windows located in opposite rooms. This will help to quickly cool the room, but it is very important not to catch a cold. To avoid this, it is not recommended to be indoors during a draft.

Replacing incandescent lamps with LED ones will help to reduce heat production in the room. The latter emit two times less heat than conventional incandescent lamps.

What can and can not be done with a chill?

Why can't you drink alcohol during the heat?

What you should not do during the heat is drink alcohol. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided for several reasons. First, when drinking alcohol in the summer ( And this applies even to beer.) increases the load on cardiovascular system. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the heat increases several times. Secondly, getting into the body, alcohol needs a lot of water. It breaks down and uses body water for its metabolism. This explains dry mouth after heavy drinking. However, in the summer, the body already loses water in large quantities, and drinking alcohol can even lead to dehydration. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding alcohol while relaxing on the beach and in other places, as this increases the risk of heat stroke several times.

It should also be noted that in the summer the effect of alcohol intensifies. This is explained by the fact that the blood vessels are dilated, and blood circulation in them is more intense. Alcohol very quickly penetrates through the gastric mucosa into dilated arteries and spreads throughout the body with blood flow.

Refreshing drinks at home

Refreshing drinks prepared on your own at home help to cope with thirst. In addition, the feeling of quenched thirst after them persists for a long time, unlike industrial drinks. The fact is that various industrial juices and carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, and after a very short time after drinking them, the feeling of thirst arises again.
There are several varieties of homemade drinks, each of which has its own characteristics and specifics of preparation.

There are the following types of soft drinks:
  • fruit drink;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • compote;
  • herbal tea.
All types of homemade soft drinks should be kept refrigerated as they do not contain preservatives and the heat can spoil the drink. The shelf life of any drink does not exceed 2 days.


Morse is a drink that contains berries or fruits ( fresh or frozen), water and additional components ( sugar, mint, ice). The history of Morse goes back many centuries, and even in ancient Russia it was prepared from wild forest berries and was used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat certain diseases. Today, this drink is also used in the fight against certain diseases, and there is even such a definition as sea therapy ( mors treatment).

Morse cooking rules
To prepare this drink, any berries or fruits can be used, but it is advisable to take those that have a large amount of juice. Raw materials need to be crushed ( suppress the device for mashed potatoes, for example) and squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. If the fruit drink is prepared from frozen foods, before carrying out this procedure, they must be thawed by holding at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes. Utensils for making fruit drinks should be made of glass or ceramic, not metal.

The raw materials remaining after squeezing the juice should be poured with warm water at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit and brought to a boil over low heat. Then the broth should be filtered from the squeezes, cool and combine with the squeezed juice. Various additional ingredients can be added to taste.

The following components can be used as a supplement when cooking fruit drink:

  • sugar ( added at the time of boiling);
  • honey ( added after the broth has already boiled and cooled down a bit);
  • mint ( put in a ready-made chilled drink);
  • lemon peel ( added during the extraction of raw materials);
  • slices of citrus used as a decoration for ready-made fruit drinks);
  • vanilla ( put on a boil);
  • cinnamon ( added at the boil);
  • ice ( used to cool the finished fruit drink).
There is another, simpler method of preparing fruit drink, which eliminates the boiling process. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, the raw materials must be squeezed out and poured with boiled or mineral non-carbonated water in the proportion of a liter of liquid per 300 - 400 grams of fruit. It should be noted that such a fruit drink is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity.

What components are used for fruit drinks?
Any berries and fruits that have juicy watery pulp can be used as the main component for making fruit drinks. It is recommended to choose seasonal local fruits, because imported products are characterized by a high content of nitrates and other harmful substances.

There are the following most popular fruits for making fruit drinks:

  • cherry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn ( boiling process is a must).
Sugar, mint and other additional components are not a prerequisite for preparing fruit drinks.

Recommendations for choosing fruit drinks
In addition to quenching thirst, fruit drink has a positive effect on a person's well-being. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to choose the type of fruit drink that will be most useful to a particular person.

  • Cowberry. Such a drink will be useful for people with low resistance to various infections, as well as for those who are engaged in hazardous industries, because lingonberries remove harmful metals from the body.
  • Crimson. It is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, improves blood characteristics. Also, raspberry juice is recommended for those prone to frequent colds, digestive disorders.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry juice is recommended for women with chronic diseases of the urinary system ( e.g. cystitis). The drink is also useful for gastritis with low acidity, edema, kidney problems.
  • Blackberry. Blackberry juice improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, so its use will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from constipation. The drink also lowers arterial pressure (therefore, it is not recommended for hypotension), activates the process of outflow of bile.
  • Cherry. It is recommended for problems with the joints, as the berries prevent the deposition of salts. Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, a substance that is responsible for the sleep process, therefore, with increased drowsiness, this drink is not recommended to be taken in the morning. If you have problems with sleep, you should not miss the evening reception of such a fruit drink.
  • Bilberry. This morse is indicated for people with vision problems, as well as for those who subject their eyes to regular stress ( works at a computer, knits, repairs or produces small parts).
  • Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn drink should be taken with a tendency to diseases respiratory system (bronchitis, sore throat). In addition, such fruit drink is recommended for frequent stress, nervous fatigue, depression.
  • Currant. Currant juice, especially black currant, is recommended for high cholesterol. All varieties of this berry have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the drink will benefit from chronic infections.


Kvass is a drink that is obtained by fermentation. Traditionally, kvass is made from bread, yeast, sugar and water, but there are other varieties of this drink. Since the preparation is based on the fermentation process, kvass is a carbonated drink with a small amount of alcohol ( no more than 1.5 percent). Therefore, kvass is not recommended for children under the age of 3 years.

There are the following varieties of kvass:

  • classic bread yeast kvass;
  • kvass from Borodino bread;
  • apple kvass;
  • kvass from dried fruits.
Classic bread yeast kvass
Classic kvass is made from bread, yeast ( dry or pressed), water and sugar. The choice of bread affects the taste of the finished drink. So, if you use rye bread, kvass will turn out dark with a rich-sharp taste. If you take wheat-rye bread, the drink will come out lighter and with a milder taste. The process of making classic kvass consists of 3 stages.

Bread yeast kvass is prepared according to the following rules:

  • First stage. First you need to prepare the starter. For this you need half a loaf of bread ( 200 - 250 grams) cut into finger-thick sticks and dry in the oven. It is important that the bread does not burn, because kvass will have a bitter taste. Dried crackers should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, add 60 grams of sugar ( cane can be used) and grind into a paste. The resulting mass must be cooled naturally ( i.e. don't put it in the fridge.) to 35 degrees, then add 20 grams of dry or 30 grams of regular yeast. After that, the starter container must be covered with a cloth ( no plastic lid) and leave to ferment at room temperature for one day.
  • Second phase. After the starter is ready ( the foam that appears at the beginning of fermentation should settle), the mass should be transferred to a more capacious container ( the best option is glass jar volume of 3 liters). 200 - 300 grams of crackers are added to the sourdough, after which the vessel must be filled with cool syrup, which is prepared from water and 50 grams of sugar. Then the jar is covered with a cloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Third stage. The final stage is the filtration of the drink, for which gauze folded in several layers is used. Kvass should be poured through gauze into a vessel with a tight-fitting lid and put in the refrigerator. The bread mass that remains can be used to prepare another 1 - 2 servings of the drink.
Kvass from Borodino bread
Kvass from Borodino bread is prepared by analogy with classic kvass, but without the addition of yeast. In addition, 50 grams of raisins are added to this drink. Put raisins during the preparation of the sourdough. Since the drink is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process may take longer than in the case of traditional recipe. As a rule, it takes about 3 days for the sourdough to be completely ready.

Apple kvass
This type of kvass is made from any variety of apples, but it is better to take those that have a sour taste, which will give the drink a characteristic sourness. To prepare a liter of kvass, peel and seeds 3 apples, cut into slices, pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and cool the apple broth to 35 degrees. Then it is necessary to drain 200 milliliters of broth into a separate vessel, add yeast there and wait until foam appears on the surface of the liquid ( depending on the type of yeast, it may take from 15 minutes to an hour). After that, the fermented yeast should be poured into a container with a decoction, add sugar to taste, lemon juice ( if the apples are not sour), cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a day. If desired, cinnamon, honey instead of sugar, vanilla, mint can be added to kvass.

Kvass from dried fruits
Kvass from dried fruits is prepared according to the same principle as apple kvass. The only difference is that instead of 5 minutes, dried fruits should be boiled longer - from 15 to 20 minutes. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs can be used as raw materials.

Recommendations for the use of kvass
During the fermentation process, various enzymes are formed in kvass ( substances that aid digestion), probiotics ( beneficial bacteria), amino acids. Due to its composition, the drink has a positive effect on all organs of the digestive tract and especially on the intestines. Regular consumption of kvass contributes to the normalization of microflora, which will be useful for those who often suffer from dysbacteriosis, constipation and other similar problems.


Lemonade is a sour-tasting soft drink traditionally made from lemons.

How to make lemonade?
To prepare approximately 1.5 liters of drink, you will need 10 - 12 medium-sized lemons. Citrus fruits should be scalded with hot water in order to remove harmful substances from them, which they are processed during transportation. Then you need to peel the zest from the lemons with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of them. The zest should be sprinkled with sugar ( 150 - 200 grams) and pour a glass of hot water. If desired, mint can be added to the syrup, after which the liquid should be left for 15 to 20 minutes so that the zest gives flavor. Then the cooled syrup must be filtered, add lemon juice and a liter of water to it ( you can use carbonated or still water). The drink should be stored in a dark container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because the vitamins present in it are destroyed under the action of light.

In addition to lemons, oranges are often used to make lemonade. The proportions of citrus fruits are based on personal preferences. So, the most popular is the recipe, which uses oranges and lemons in equal proportions. This drink has a pronounced citrus aroma and characteristic sourness. If you make lemonade only from oranges, you should significantly reduce the proportion of sugar so that the drink does not turn out too sweet. You can also add grapefruit, tangerines to lemonade, and replace mint with basil, oregano.

Tips for Drinking Lemonade
Due to the large amount of vitamins, lemonade will be useful for people who are often exposed to colds. Especially often during the heat, those who work in air-conditioned rooms catch a cold. Lemonade also normalizes metabolism, improves brain activity and increases working capacity.


Compote is a decoction of fruits or berries with added sugar. This drink is the most popular and has a large number of preparation options. The difference between compote and other cooling drinks is its longer shelf life ( 3 to 5 days), since the fruits from which it is prepared undergo heat treatment.

How to cook compote?
Among all compote recipes, it is impossible to single out one that could be called a classic. The composition of raw materials, proportions, cooking features - all these factors are determined, to a greater extent, only by personal preferences. There are only general rules, which should be guided by the preparation of this drink.

There are the following general rules for preparing compote:

  • Tableware. For the preparation of compote, it is not recommended to use aluminum dishes, since many useful substances are destroyed upon contact with this metal. It is better to use enamel pans.
  • Main raw material. Compote can be prepared from any berries or fruits in various combinations and proportions. Compote, cooked from dried fruits, also quenches thirst well.
  • Water. Used to make compote pure water, which is taken from the calculation of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit. If you want to get a richer taste of the drink, the amount of water should be reduced.
  • Sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the taste of the fruit and personal preference. On average, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar are used per kilogram of raw materials. For quince compote, sour apples or tart pears, the amount of sugar can be increased to 5 tablespoons.
  • Additional components. To get an unusual taste, various spices or herbs are added to the compote. Apple compote is combined with cinnamon, cloves or allspice ( in peas). Cherry compote is added with the leaves of the cherry itself or Bay leaf (1 - 2 leaflets per liter of liquid). Mint, green cardamom are put to peaches and apricots.
  • Cooking time. The less vegetable raw materials are cooked, the more saturated the taste of compote comes out, but its shelf life is reduced. On average, cook compote, for example, from apples should be 10 - 15 minutes. If the drink is made from watery berries ( e.g. raspberries), then the cooking time should be reduced to 5 minutes. If dried fruits are used as the main component, the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.

Herbal tea

Tea brewed from herbs helps to quench thirst, and also gives strength and has a strengthening effect, which is important with the onset of summer and high temperatures. You can drink such a drink as warm ( in this form, it not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body resist heat) and chilled.

How to prepare herbal tea?
This drink is made from fresh or dried herbs, water and sugar ( can be replaced with honey or not used at all). You can also add lemon, spices, ice. If tea is prepared from fresh raw materials, a tablespoon of crushed herbs is used in a glass of boiling water. Herbs need to be filled with water and left to infuse. When preparing tea from dry herbs, a teaspoon of raw materials is taken, poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil.

High temperature and heat in a metropolis leaves a serious imprint on the condition of people with chronic diseases. Grigory Arutyunov, chief physician of the capital, spoke about what measures should be taken to avoid exacerbation of diseases.

"One of the most big problems in conditions of heat - a fairly rapid loss of water in the body. Therefore, any person who knows that he has a chronic disease should carefully consider the issue of consumption. required amount liquids. When you go outside, you must definitely take it with you, it is better if it is plain non-carbonated water. It quenches thirst better.

The norm of water consumption is 1.5 - 2 liters per day. If a person cannot drink so much liquid, then a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, will replace it. They are rich in a lot of liquid.

Try not to go outside from 12 pm to 5 pm. During this period, the sun is especially active and the temperature is the highest, and this can lead to negative consequences for the body. It is best to walk before 12 or after 17 hours. It is advisable to walk in parks and where there is shade. If you are tired, take a rest, sit down on a bench, but only where there is a shadow. During the walk, be sure to wear a hat, preferably a hat with a wide brim - so most of the body will be in the shade. You can take an umbrella - it will reliably protect from direct sunlight.

If you decide to sunbathe, make sure that your blood pressure is normal and that you have completed all the necessary prescriptions from your doctor, taken the medicines you need, and are also provided with water. Try not to sunbathe after 11 am.

People who do not have chronic diseases also need to be attentive to their health during the heat. You need to dress correctly - clothes should be loose, the collar is open. It is necessary to ensure natural ventilation of the body - if trousers, then wide, not tight at the waist, light and natural clothing materials.

During the walk, you should never drink alcoholic beverages. The same goes for beer. Alcohol contributes to an increase in body temperature and excessive fluid secretion, and the body does not need either of these in hot weather.

If you work in an office with air conditioning, then there is no danger of overheating. The only problem is to catch a cold or hypothermia. This also needs to be monitored. In the event that there is no air conditioning, then the room should be ventilated more often, as well as take breaks in work.

In general, always be in league with common sense, do not expose your life to unnecessary danger, overheating in the sun can result in a serious complication of chronic diseases. morning reception medicines, common sense, provision of water, shade and the right products- a guarantee of well-being during the heat in the metropolis.

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