Exclusive: Public Solitude of Athena Onassis. Onassis Christina - biography, facts from life, photographs, background information Wedding "pupa" with an obstinate character

Tourism and rest 29.07.2019

Life story
Christina Onassis was one of the richest women in the world, her fortune was estimated at one billion dollars. But, unfortunately, the huge inheritance left by the Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis to his daughter did not bring that great happiness. In November 1988, Christina Onassis died under mysterious circumstances at her friend's villa near Buenos Aires. And her very young daughter Athena became the heiress of a fabulous fortune.
What could make Christina Onassis give up a far from the worst life, all the more so leave a very young daughter, whom she loved so dearly, alone?
Aristotle Onassis married in 1946 Great love on 17-year-old Tina Livanos. And at first, their marriage really represented an ideal picture of a happy married life. But soon the euphoria passed, and a completely inexplicable longing took its place, which gradually completely took over Tina. It seemed to her that her husband was suppressing her and, not having thought of anything better, she began to take drugs out of protest and, as if in spite, to take drugs. Even the children - by this time the family already had a son Alexander and a daughter Christina - could not affect the mood of their beloved mother.
But the family still continued to exist. True, Tina, completely absorbed in numerous personal problems, did not pay due attention to the children (which, by the way, further increased her suffering), and Aristotle, or, as his relatives called him, Aris, was too busy with work, so time for family joys there wasn't much left. But still, the Onassis undertook sea ​​travel. They set sail on a huge luxury yacht, which Aristotle gave to his beloved Christina as a baby, or spent several days together in some of the European cities, staying in the best hotel rooms, apartments or villas.
Christina grew up like a princess, even her dolls were dressed in custom-made outfits by Christian Dior himself. But, as you know, no intricate gifts and curiosities can replace parental love, affection, attention and warmth. The older the children became, the more often violent quarrels occurred between the Onassis spouses, which were often witnessed by Alexander and Christina. Finally, after another romance with Aristotle, the famous Greek singer Maria Callas, the already fragile marriage broke up. And in 1968, Aristotle remarried, and the famous American widow Jacqueline Kennedy.
Three years later, 18-year-old Christina ran away from home with 48-year-old Joseph Bolker. Bolker worked as a real estate salesman in Los Angeles, he was divorced and had four grown-up children from his first marriage. Of course, such details could hardly please the father-in-law, especially since he was informed about his daughter's marriage to this suspicious Jew (Aristotle especially disliked them) during a celebration arranged in honor of Mrs. Onassis's 42nd birthday. It is not surprising that he was furious and immediately announced that he was disinheriting his daughter. Talking to Christina on the phone, her father categorically stated that she would not receive a cent until she divorced Bolker. Even Jacqueline, who always fell silent when she saw her husband in anger, could not influence Aristotle's decision, since it was simply useless to object to him, especially at such moments.
Christina and Bolker lived together for only 9 months, after which the latter, under pressure from Onassis, nevertheless began the divorce proceedings. Christina tried to commit suicide. She was so upset by her father's anger that she could not come to terms with the situation.
Something similar had already happened in her life when she was forced to part with one of her first lovers, Petros Goulandris. Then for the first time she met such a fierce resistance from her father, who had never refused her anything before, and she fully felt what it was like to argue with a strong personality. Christina lost this argument, just as her mother Tina always lost before, who tried to prove her independence and independence with the help of drugs in some way.
Bolker later recalled, “We lived in tension. She is still too young and could not bear the separation from her father. Christina said, “He ceases to be my husband, but will forever remain mine.” best friend».
Every time Christina came out of depression, she was possessed by an incredible thirst for life. She did not miss a single party, not a single celebration or reception, and every time pictures appeared on the newspaper pages that testified to her rather dubious entertainments.
In 1975, Aristotle Onassis died, and Christina was left all alone; her brother had crashed on a sports plane even earlier, and then her mother died. At 24, she lost her only remaining loved one, even if too despotic, but infinitely loving her, and turned into the richest bride in the world. And now Christina was free to choose a spouse or just a partner. But the newfound freedom no longer pleased her, like her father's millions.
Aristotle Onassis was buried on the family-owned island of Skorpios in the Aegean Sea. Immediately after the funeral, Christina gathered on her yacht all the staff, her father's business colleagues and his friends. Those invited were in a depressed state, and the conversation was barely maintained. Aristotle Onassis rightfully enjoyed universal respect.
Unexpectedly for everyone, Christina climbed onto a massive table installed in the center of the salon, and, looking around those present with a cloudy and for some reason furious look, exclaimed “S today this island, this ship, everything that you see and that belongs to the Onassis family is mine. I will determine your fate." After a short pause, in a broken voice, she shouted out "And you are all mine too."
After some time, Christina got married. This time for the heir of prosperous entrepreneurs - Alexandros Andreadis. But a year later, the couple divorced, and Christina was again left alone with her longing and ever-increasing depression.
Then there was a third marriage, with a Russian official and KGB agent Sergei Kauzov. Their acquaintance happened quite by accident. Once Christina was negotiating by phone with Moscow about the transportation of a batch of oil on her tankers. The interlocutor seemed to her extremely sweet and amiable, besides, he spoke perfect English. Gradually, the conversation took on a completely unbusinesslike character. They met, exchanged pleasantries, and after a while Sergei came to Christina in Paris.
This connection was hidden for a long time, and not only from the public, even Christina's relatives did not know anything. Therefore, when she announced that she was marrying a Russian official, everyone was amazed in the extreme. Among other things, after the marriage, Christina had to settle with her husband in Moscow.
But first, Sergei needed to divorce his first wife, who was never able to keep her husband with tears or curses. Only Sergei's mother to some extent understood her son's "madness", and it was with her, in a modest Moscow apartment, that happy lovers settled for the first time. At the solemn wedding ceremony, which took place in a gloomy building on Griboedov Street, some of Sergei's relatives were present, but none of her close friends came to congratulate the bride.
Of course, the daughter of a Greek billionaire would hardly ever be able to get used to the simple and unpretentious Russian life. As soon as she again found herself in the small apartment of Serezha's mother, who for joy did not stop singing Russian folk songs, she realized that she was madly wanting to go home. Closer to the night, calls to friends began - in Paris, New York, London ... And a few days later Christina left for Europe. Sergey rushed after her, and they met again, as if engaged, in hotels and hotel rooms ...
Apparently, these relationships, which so often went from one extreme to another, were already beginning to tire both of them. They did not see a joint future, so the divorce was easy, and he finally put an end to a beautiful love story that lasted almost a year and a half. Christina finally gave her beloved two tankers, and they parted.
Sergey Kauzov then married the Englishwoman Alison Harkes, the former mistress of the British Minister of Defense. The couple had a daughter, but this marriage did not last long. Perhaps Sergei did not manage to forget about the delightful romance with the Greek woman. Today, 60-year-old Sergey Kauzov has become a fabulously wealthy entrepreneur. Some compatriots, not without envy, call this new multimillionaire one of the richest former KGB officers.
Despite the ease of divorce from Sergei, Christina Onassis moved away from social life for some time. It was not easy to look like a cheerful lady in the eyes of society, when the bitterness of a new disappointment burned the soul. But after some time, she again began to appear at secular parties, hoping to convince everyone, and herself in the first place, that life is not so bad.
Christina moved to Paris. Here she met her longtime friend Thierry Roussel, a wealthy French businessman whom she met 10 years ago. Thierry, apparently noticing the decadent mood Christina was in, suddenly decided that from now on the goal of his life would be to save the young woman. He sincerely believed that he would be able to set her on the right path and rid her of the bad habits that Christina had acquired by this time. At first she objected, because she did not see anything wrong with pills and other drugs, at least she believed that this was her own business. But gradually, realizing how much Thierry sincerely cares about her, Christina relented. “Here is a person who finds me attractive, and certainly not for money. Yes, Thierry is better than all my former husbands, Christina thought so in this, perhaps the most wonderful period of her life.
Thierry and Christina got married, soon their daughter Athena was born, and it seemed that happiness would last forever, but ... secret details from the life of Thierry. It turns out that he had a relationship on the side, and what is most offensive, with his former lover, Swede Gabi Landhange. Despite his marriage to Cristina, Thierry did not break off relations with this woman, and she later had a child from him. It was rumored that a certain agreement was concluded between the lovers, which obliged Thierry to maintain this relationship.
Christina knew that her husband had once had an affair with Gaby, but she could not imagine that this relationship would continue even after their marriage. Thierry, remaining a caring, attentive and sensitive husband, nevertheless cheated on her from the very first day of a happy married life. Such a discovery can shock any, even the most courageous, woman, not to mention the completely unbalanced and somewhat hysterical Christina. The offense was too great to be forgotten and forgiven. Another divorce followed, although Thierry still tried to show his affection. He often came to visit his daughter and, of course, tried to regain Christina's trust, but, however, without much zeal.
Christina, on the other hand, sought solace in the church. According to others, she became fanatically religious. Perhaps faith in God is the only thing that still kept her on the edge of the abyss, but apparently this was not enough to overcome the melancholy of loneliness.
On the eve of her death, Christina returned from a party late at night to a hotel in Buenos Aires. She quickly went up to her room, but after some time she reappeared in the hotel lobby. Christina looked somewhat strange, which struck the hotel employees barefoot, with Wokman headphones and too lightly dressed for this time of year, she, paying no attention to anyone, walked to the exit and disappeared from view. Where she was and why she went out, no one knew.
The next day, when her friend Marina Dodero came for her, Christina was already in her room. Together with Helen Ciro, Marina's inseparable companion, they went to a villa 37 km from the city.
In the late afternoon, the company settled down for dinner near the pool, Christina, citing poor appetite and chills, said she would go to bed. The next morning she was found dead. Naked, she lay in a cold bath. No signs of violence or signs of a struggle were found, she died of severe pulmonary edema. Then an empty vial of sleeping pills was already found.
Thierry Roussel, barely learning about what had happened, came to his former lover, but all he could now do for her was to take care of the funeral. Christina was buried on the island of Skorpios, which became the mausoleum of the Onassis family. The last offspring of a noble family - Athena - became the only consolation for Thierry. From now on, he decided to devote himself entirely to this girl, still very young, in order to fully experience the irreparable loss.

The empire built by Aristotle Onassis turned out to be cursed, and wealth did not bring happiness to his heirs

On January 23, 1973, the only son of the famous "Golden Greek", as they called him, died. Aristotle Onassis, the founder of one of the most powerful business empires of the twentieth century. The life of 25-year-old Alexander was claimed by a plane crash, the circumstances of which seemed very strange to many - including his famous father. Aristotle, who adored his son and saw him as his replacement, was sure that they had deliberately decided to deprive him of an heir.

The young man crashed on a private jet. He crashed to the ground in the second minute after takeoff, barely leaving the ground. The main version of the disaster was then called a technical malfunction. But Aristotle believed in criminal intent and even offered a million-dollar reward to those who would help find the perpetrators behind the plane crash.

The riddle has never been solved. However, perhaps it was not at all a criminal plan, but a curse that prevailed over all members of the family. Onassis had every chance of being not only the richest, but also the happiest - but alas.

Unequal marriage

"Golden Greek" Aristotle Onassis he was not particularly handsome - short-legged, squat, with rough features. After the charm of youth was gone, it was difficult to call him super attractive. However, all his life Onassis was surrounded by the first beauties of the planet, brilliant and outstanding women.

In addition to wealth, Aristotle was always distinguished by generosity: he did not spare money for gifts for his mistresses and wives. True, the jewels granted by the Greek billionaire did not bring joy and happiness to any of them. Apparently, because the entire Onassis family and all its women were cursed by a jealous rival.

Despite the fact that Aristotle was born into a wealthy family, he had to build his empire from scratch, because his father went bankrupt: in 1922, the city of Izmir, where they lived, was captured by Turkish troops, the Onassis fortune was lost. Parents fled to Greece, and it was decided to send the son of Aristotle to South America. In just two years, taking up the tobacco business, Aristo became rich. By the age of 25, he was already a millionaire. Fortune was on his side: whatever he did, everything brought huge profits. He built a fleet of cargo ships and supertankers - and managed to make it more powerful than the fleet of many countries.

When Aristotle was 40 years old, he decided to marry and chose as his wife a lovely young girl - 18-year-old Athena(Tina), the shipowner's daughter Stavros Livanos. Despite the age difference, the lack of education and the outward unattractiveness of the groom, Tina agreed: Aristotle radiated such powerful charisma.

Jewels and tears

The marriage of such a prominent and striking character as Onassis attracted close attention of the press. All the newspapers colorfully painted the jewels that the enamored groom presented to his bride. For example, the first letters of the English phrase "Tina, I love you" were engraved on one of the pieces. Aristotle bought the New York mansion where the young people settled for almost half a million dollars.

He had houses both in Greece and in other countries. The couple Onassis was tempted to visit some event - they immediately became the center of attention: the beautiful Tina shone with exclusive diamonds, which were showered by her husband. Aristotle, in love with Tina, presented her, among other gifts, with a 38-carat teardrop-shaped diamond necklace. Then Tina said that it did not bring her happiness - from some point on, married life began to rapidly collapse, despite the fact that the wife gave birth to Onassis two children, a son Alexandra and daughter Christina.

fatal meeting

And the whole point was in the love of Aristotle. He did not deny himself petty intrigues, and once he was visited by a real fatal passion.

At a ball in Venice, Tina Onassis eclipsed everyone - in a luxurious dress, adorned with many jewels, the billionaire's wife attracted everyone's admiring attention. The only exception was her husband - he did not take his eyes off the famous opera singer Maria Callas, who attended the celebration as a guest of honor. Mary was accompanied by her husband - Giovanni Battista Menegini.

Aristotle lost his head. He so insistently invited Maria and her husband to ride on his yacht Christina, named after his daughter, that it was useless to argue with his pressure. And here on the yacht - two couples: Onassis with his wife and Callas with her husband. Such a disposition does not stop the stubborn Greek for a second, and he begins to harass Maria almost in front of Menegini and his own wife. Shocked Tina makes a scandal. But the snowball had already rolled down the mountain, the process could not be stopped.

The self-willed Onassis tried to “buy” Maria: he offered her husband five, then ten million dollars. The millionaire Menegini drove him away in anger, but his wife left anyway, subdued by the authority and charm of the "golden Greek". Tina, of course, filed for divorce, unable to endure the insult.

Diamonds for Jacqueline Kennedy

The passion of Onassis knew no restraint, he showered Mary with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds, spent a lot of money on her whims. The opera diva sincerely believed that she was about to hear a marriage proposal from a generous lover. But that did not happen. But one day she found a box in the house with an incredibly beautiful and expensive diamond bracelet. To her flirtatious question - for whom was the jewelry bought? - Onassis answered honestly: for Jacqueline Kennedy.

Wish from Callas

Seeing once the wife of the American president, the beautiful Jacqueline Kennedy, Onassis again seemed to go crazy: this bird of paradise should have belonged only to him! And he began to hunt for her. A small, short-legged, funny Greek with a protruding belly appeared at the feet of a beautiful, slender Jackie(short for Jacqueline) just after her husband was killed. Aristotle literally attacked her, not even allowing her to grieve for her husband. Jacqueline could not resist such a powerful pressure. In fact, she made a business deal with Onassis: her beauty and charm - in exchange for the wealth that the billionaire threw at her feet. The Americans never forgave her for this act: they called Jacqueline the most expensive prostitute in history.

After Jacqueline agreed to become his wife, he immediately transferred a million dollars to each of the Kennedy children. Jackie herself received three million from her husband. In addition, the rain of jewels, traditional for Aristotle, followed: he showered his wife with the most expensive and exquisite jewelry.

Maria Callas was unable to come to terms with such a betrayal. In the autumn of 1968, when the morning papers came out with reports of the "wedding of the century," Opera singer dressed in the most Nice dress, put on high-heeled shoes and, spreading all the newspapers on the floor, tore them to shreds with his heels, saying: “Damn you, all your women and all your family!”.

Apparently, the power of the curse was great. Since then, neither Aristotle himself nor his relatives knew happiness - they were haunted by strange catastrophes that claimed lives one after another.

However, the curse left its mark on Callas herself: the singer soon lost her voice, and then completely sank.

The bright, witty Aristotle, in whom life was in full swing, could not become happy next to the cold and prudent Jackie: they were too different. Her marriage also did not bring joy: she put up with a fat, ugly husband only because of the future inheritance. When Aristotle died, his daughter Christina, who hated Jacqueline all her life, bought her off with 26 million dollars - on the condition that she would never hear about her ex-stepmother again.

Misfortune and suffering

Onassis's first wife, Tina, married a second time six months after the divorce, but was not happy. Daughter Christina kept getting into unpleasant love stories and tried to commit suicide several times. Two years after his son Alexander crashed in a plane crash, Aristotle Onassis himself passed away.

Broken by misfortune, Tina sought solace in drugs, and one day she died of an overdose. All her jewelry went to Christina. But they did not bring her happiness either. Christina married five times (according to another version, four), but not a single marriage can be called happy. She also became addicted to drugs, and they took her life at 38 years old. According to the official version, she died of a myocardial infarction, her death was also considered by many to be very strange. Cursed jewels passed to her daughter from her fourth marriage Athena whom Christina literally idolized.

A young girl, one of the richest brides in the world, whose passion was equestrianism, fell in love with a married jockey from Brazil. The quick-witted guy quickly divorced in order to marry not so much Athena as her money. He took with him the children from his first marriage, and soon his first wife - Sibel died by jumping out of a window. She left a note saying that she couldn't live without children.

Frightened by the birth curse, Athena decided to get rid of the fatal jewels - she put them up for sale, like the Greek island where her grandfather, uncle and mother are buried. After living together for 11 years, the couple divorced: Athena was tired of her husband's infidelity.

Today, Athena Onassis, who turns 33 on January 29, 2018, is one of the richest women on the planet. But is she happy? It seems that her grandfather's wealth did not bring her joy. Probably, the curse of Maria Callas continues to operate.

On November 19, 1988, 37-year-old Christina Onassis tragically died under unclear circumstances - only daughter famous Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis. She was an entrepreneur and owned her father's vast empire.


Christina was born in New York on December 11, 1950. Like all real princesses, she grew up in luxury, even her dolls had clothes from Dior. The daughter of a billionaire was brought up, like her older brother Alexander, in several countries: in France, England, Greece. She studied at a school in Headington (Oxford) and at King's College in London.

In the mid-70s, when Christina was 24 years old, she lost all her relatives. They passed away one after another: first, a brother died in a plane crash in 1973, in 1974 his mother died of a drug overdose, and in 1975 he also died. famous father Aristotle Onassis. After his death, Christina renounced her American citizenship, remaining a citizen of Greece and Argentina.

Personal life of Christina Onassis

From the first two marriages, Christina had only disappointment, but in 1978 she met Sergei Kauzov, who, according to many, was a KGB officer. Their romance developed rapidly, Sergei moved to Paris, and not only French intelligence, but also the CIA, found out about this connection, where they sounded the alarm that the KGB had views of Onassis's condition. But this stopped Christina, and the marriage, which the entire Western world was talking about, and only a select few knew in the USSR, took place.

The wedding ceremony took place in the Griboedovsky Wedding Palace, only Kauzov's relatives were present, but, finding herself in a small Moscow apartment, Christina realized that she would not live in the USSR, and returned to Europe a few days later. Sergey went after her, the newlyweds had plans to have a child, but they were not destined to come true. A divorce followed; Christina gave ex-husband tanker.

Christina's last husband was Thierry Roussel, a French businessman. He was not faithful to her and kept in touch with his former lover, who had two illegitimate children. Christina could not come to terms with this, and in 1987 she divorced again. However, it was Roussel who became the father of her only child, the daughter of Athena.

In the fall of 1988, Christina arrived in Argentina, where she was going to go down the aisle for the fifth time. Her chosen one was the brother of a childhood friend, Georgios Tsolmektsoglu, for whom she had a strong feeling, but she did not have time to realize her dream.

Mystery of death and testament

From the memoirs of Marina Tsolmektsoglu-Dodero, who discovered the body of Christina on November 19, 1988, it is not clear what caused the death. Christina was found in the bathroom, sitting by the door, water flowing from the faucet. There were no traces of tranquilizers in the body, and, according to the assurances of the witness, Christina did not take them in last days life.

The mysterious death of the owner of the state of Onassis left many questions. Who benefited from her death? An autopsy showed that she had pulmonary edema, but doctors claimed that Christina's heart was healthy. The version of suicide was also not confirmed, since Christina was happy and was going to get married; Plus, she had a daughter.

Christina Onassis changed her will several times, but after her divorce from her last husband, she made her daughter Athena the only heir to a huge fortune, according to various estimates, reaching $ 3 billion. She disinherited Roussel, giving him $12.5 million a year to support him.

Athena Onassis ."Little Rich Girl"

Athena with her husband

Much has been written about the Onassis family. Despite the fact that only the granddaughter of Aristotle, Athena, remained from the family. Much is written about the "curse of Onassis".

Christina Onassis, mother of Athena, was born in New York in 1950, she is the only daughter of the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. She grew up amid great wealth and her life was spent between Paris, New York, Athens and on the fabulous yacht that her father built and named after her. After her father's death in 1975, Christina took over the reins of the Onassis empire, and proved to be a very shrewd businesswoman. She was president of the A.S. Onassis Foundation, which was established in memory of her brother, who died in 1973. Christina Onassis saw her father, brother and mother die within 24 months. Thierry Roussel, French, blond, tall, bright eyes and very attractive, met the only daughter of Aristotle Onassis when she was 21, but only 13 years later he became her husband. Christina and Thierry were married on March 17, 1984, almost a year later, on January 29, 1985, the only daughter from the marriage was born.

Athina was three years old when her mother died. Christina passed away in Argentina in 1988, at the age of 37, and although it was said that she drowned in the bath from a heart attack, friends suspect otherwise. At this time, Christina was dealing with divorce issues from Athena's father, French businessman Thierry Roussel, having convicted him of treason. Christina's attachment to Thierry was painful. Cristina fell in love at first sight, and she fought desperately for the playboy's feelings, even tolerating the discovery that while she was married to him and pregnant with Athina, his longtime lover, Swedish model and translator Marianne "Gaby" Landhage, was pregnant with his baby boy. named after Eric, who was born a few months after Athina. In an attempt to save Roussel, Christina invited him with Gabi and Eric and insists on a photo together, offering to buy a house nearby just to see him. What ultimately led Christine to divorce was the discovery that Gaby had given birth to her second child, Sandrine.

What a loving woman does not go to: Gaby, Eric, Sandrine, Christina, Athena

Christina divorced Thierry, but still hoped to do everything to have another child with him. In the autumn of 1987, she wrote a letter to Stelio Papadimitriou, saying: “I want to remind you that I was the first one who came to you... to ask for help to protect me from Thierry.... I built a house and doors to open a house. In this house I put all my capital, and the door was closed, and the task of the defenders is to keep the door closed. They are there to help me because they know only too well that I have a soft spot for this person and therefore I will always be abused.

Thierry Roussel marries Gaby Landhage

Athena grew up in the family of her father, along with half-brothers and sisters.

After coming of age, she practically does not maintain a relationship with her father. She continued to talk to Roussel on the phone, but their conversations often became harsh. Athina fought with her father for control of her money, she felt torn between her lifelong devotion to him and her new dependence on her lover.

Greek journalist Nicolai Gage wrote in an article in Vanityfai that he first met Athena Onassis Roussel, the last direct descendant of the shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, on a hot day in July 1999, when she was a tall, playful, shy girl of 14. The next time I spoke to Athina, five years later, she seemed like a different person. She separated herself from her father and moved out of her home, and she was immersed in a bitter legal battle with him to win control of her destiny. How has she changed from a scared child, convinced that only her father can protect her from a world full of danger, to a defiant 20-year-old ready to fight him in court over her inheritance and rejecting his name? “Cherchez L" Homme.” This is Alvaro Alfonso de Miranda Neto, six foot two, dark haired, muscular, boyishly handsome Doda, as his friends call him, is 12 years older than Athina. had long been involved with a Brazilian model of his age, Sibele Dorsa, with whom he had a daughter named Vivian.

Sibele and Athina became aware of each other's existence, and when Sibele became clear that Alvaro preferred an heiress, she gave a number of bitter statements to the press. “She can buy him horses and I can't,” she complained. “He always told me that he finds her fat and ugly. He traded me for Athina money.” The amount of money 17-year-old Athina had was actually quite a bit because her father put her on an allowance of 10,000 euros (worth about $9,000) a month, according to what she and Alvaro later told their friends. . But Athina found her first great love, and the limitations of her purchasing power were the last thing on her mind. She was not interested in couture jewelry or clothing. Her passion was horses, and according to one friend, a bitter memory of her childhood was when her father refused to give her half a million dollars to buy a horse she liked.

In the first burst of love, they lived a simple life in Brussels. Movies and inexpensive restaurants, spending time in grueling workouts. However, according to the Brazilian press, shortly after Athina turned 18, Alvaro took her to Sao Paulo to celebrate his 30th birthday on February 5 and meet his parents and his young daughter. According to a British newspaper, “the newlyweds insist that their relationship began when Doda broke up with Sibele.”). In 2005 they got married. The wedding of 20-year-old Athena Roussel and 32-year-old Brazilian jockey Alvaro Alfonso de Miranda Neto, nicknamed Doda, took place in Sao Paulo in the strictest secrecy. 400 security guards were hired to guard thousands of guests who were not allowed to bring Cell phones, photo and video cameras. Dad ignored his daughter's wedding. First, Thierry is offended that he lost the battle with his daughter for control of her capital. Secondly, he is sure that Doda marries only for the sake of money. As a result, Thierry and his wife Gabi, who replaced Athena's mother and raised her along with her three own children, defiantly went on vacation to Morocco. From the side of the bride, only one relative was present at the wedding - her half-sister Sandrine. She gave the couple wedding rings. One of the bridesmaids was the groom's daughter from his first marriage, six-year-old Vivian.


She abandoned her father's surname and now her surname Onassis-Miranda Athina lives in Brazil with her husband. The “curse of Onassis”, according to the newspapers, again overtook Athena. Alvaro's former lover, Cibele Dorsa, jumped from the 7th floor. The beautiful 36-year-old actress and Playboy model left a note in which she bitterly complained about the agreement under which the heiress and Doda raised Vivienne - Cibele's daughter from Doda - and Fernando, the son of Cibele From her first marriage to Brazilian businessman Fernando Oliva, she was unable to take care of the children, says Sibel's first husband, Mr. Oliva. Fernando lived with me three years, in 2009 he asked: can I live with my sister? Doda tried to convince her to stay in close contact with both children. “He was very kind to her. He supported her to the end.”

Cibele was recently engaged to Brazilian TV presenter Gilberto Scarpa and they were due to marry this month. But on January 30, he jumped from the window of her apartment (apparent suicide). Cibele later wrote on Facebook: "It is impossible to live without my two children and without love. My life is broken.

on the yacht "Kristina" Athena and Alvaro at the wedding of their half-sister Athena-Sandrine

.People who know Athina said that her strong character was raised in her by her stepmother Gaby, who for 15 years raised her along with her own three children in the unpretentious, five-bedroom Villa Bois L""Essert, in Lussy-sur-Walrus, in a village near Lausanne. Gaby, who comes from a middle class background, raised Athina interested in animals and environment. Even in the midst of Athina's legal battle with her father, she constantly communicated with Gabi by phone. Athena diligently breaks with the past, wanting to interrupt the series of misfortunes plaguing her family.

Ekaterina Rybolovleva is the new mistress of Scorpios

At Christie's auction, back in 2007, a collection of jewelry owned by Christina Onassis went under the hammer for more than $ 13 million. And this is not from a lack of money. These are jewelry from a bygone era, I will have others, she says.

Her mother's villa in St Moritz has already been sold, along with a £5 million Monet masterpiece that once hung on Avenue Foch. The heiress seems to have decided to move away from the jetset lifestyle of previous generations of the dynasty. It was reported in the UK's Daily Express that she had sold 88 Avenue Foch, which was one of Onassis' best-known addresses. Aristotle spent his last hours here before going to the American hospital in Paris, where he died.

Today she lives in Brazil. She rises at ten minutes to seven in the morning, a healthy breakfast (cereals, whole grain bread and fruits). The couple take Vivian to school and then go to train their twenty horses. Doda explained to the Brazilian magazine Gente that they work seven hours a day with the horses. Doda works with 8 or 9 of them, athina five. At 4:30 they pick up Vivian from school and return to their house. They have dinner: fish and salad.

The article continues the conversation about their high investment in Athina Onassis jumping events, first in Sao Paulo where they live, now in Rio. Doda mentions Charlotte Casiraghi. He says: "Elles sont amies." (They are friends).

Doda said he and Athina want to have a baby. He said that they would like to have a son in 3-4 years. AT this moment Athina is busy with Vivian, whom she is raising as her own daughter.

And now the jewelry from the auction - from the publications of the auction in 2008:

The diamond and jewelry collections of Christina Onassis will be the highlight of the Christie's auction program, which will be held in London on June 11

Her lavish lifestyle items, including 230 rings, bracelets, necklaces and loose stones, will be up for auction in London. Christina's treasure is expected to fetch $15.7 million for sellers.

The superb collection of diamonds up for auction includes a delightful Graff ring featuring a 4.15 carat Flawless Clarity Pear shaped Vivid Yellow diamond contrasting with a 4.79 ct E color pear shaped VVS1 diamond.

Also among the lots is a ring with a magnificent 7.12-carat blue-green cushion-cut diamond, which is valued at between $353,370 and $431,911. Another fancy yellow diamond weighing 30.81 carats is valued at $490,808 to $687,131. Classic white, colorless diamonds will also be well represented at Christie's auctions.

One of the largest and most unique pieces of jewelry is a diamond necklace from the 19th century, which is put up for auction again after many years. In addition, 55 set stones from 1 to 10 carats (worth $785,601 to $982,000), a 15.2-carat heart-shaped diamond pendant, valued at $1.18 million to $1.57 million, will go under the hammer. Plus a pair of pear-shaped diamond droplets of 5.89 carats and 5.84 carats, estimated at $196,440 to $294,660.

38 carat diamond necklace, 14.79 carat diamond ring, pair of earrings weighing 5.89, and 5.84 carats. (AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth)

Rubies and diamonds, necklace, "Segovia", VanCleef & Arpels. Photo courtesy Christies

Pair of diamond earrings, Van Cleef & Arpels, circa 1970 and a pair of ruby ​​pendants. Photo courtesy Christies

Faberge's priceless Buddha statue existed for many years on the yacht of the Greek magnate Onassis, until it was bought in 2008 Russian billionaire and art collector Alexander Ivanov. A seemingly airtight display case in the new museum would be enough to protect it, but the treasure suffered unforeseen damage in an accident. The display case was shattered under "unexplained circumstances", resulting in one of the statue's arms being torn off. Another Faberge Buddha contained in the display case was also damaged.

This couple has been together for eight years. It is clear that Athena loves her husband, let's hope that he does too. Let "Onassis's curse end."

P.S.From July 2016 there are rumors about the couple's divorce. Athena now lives in Belgium, Doda in Brazil.

Athena bought this house in Florida in 2016 for $2 million. dollars It was here that the guards found Athena's husband in bed with a blonde - the sister of one of the athletes. Doda pleaded with security not to tell his wife, but one of them went straight to Athena. She immediately packed her things and left for Europe. She entrusted her affairs to a well-known lawyerRobert Coe. Doda hopes for reconciliation:" I won't give up my love." he says. He laterclaims to be entitled to half of the wealth of Athena Onassis. According to a report by the German website Bunde.de, despite the prenuptial agreement, which stipulates that Doda will receive $11 million for each year of marriage, in the event of a divorce, the Brazilian is demanding $358 million from Onassis' heiress. The report goes on to say that Athena blocked their joint bank accounts and gave orders in Belgium against Dod. Doda is not sad after a breakup, as some photos of him with beautiful women show.

This is a TV presenter from Brazil named Denize North, it is with her that Doda intends to be after the divorce. And after all, only at the beginning of 2016, Athena and her husband celebrated Vivian's birthday, Athena was calm and cheerful.

Daughter of the wealthy Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis. Christina was the richest Greek woman. And one of the richest women in the world.

In November 1988, Christina Onassis died under mysterious circumstances. The heir to a huge fortune, estimated at $ 1 billion, was her young daughter Athena.

Aristotle Onassis laid the foundation for this wealth. Aristotle's father - his name was Socrates - was a wealthy tobacco merchant.

In 1946, Onassis married seventeen-year-old Tina Livanos. At first, she was overwhelmed with happiness, but the euphoria did not last long. Soon she was seized with melancholy, a feeling of weakness in front of the strong personality of her husband, she began to take drugs. Even the children could not pull her out of this abyss. Tina adored Alexander and Christina, but numerous personal problems prevented her from devoting enough time to her family, and this increased her suffering.

Aris (as Onassis was called by relatives) also had little time for family joys: he was overloaded with work and other things. Nevertheless, Aristotle loved his children, and most of all - his daughter. Onassis traveled a lot - their life was spent on a huge yacht (the daughter received this luxurious ship as a gift from her father as a baby), in villas, hotels or apartments in Paris, London, Buenos Aires and other cities. Christina lived like a princess. Even the dolls she played with were wearing dresses specially designed by Christian Dior.

Christina was well acquainted with many celebrities of that time. One of them was, for example, Grace Kelly, a famous Hollywood movie star, who later became the wife of Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

... Christina remembered their wedding well. The ship that brought Grace to the port of Monte Carlo was beautifully decorated. All ships were honking, and flags were set on the docks. Music was coming from everywhere.

Everyone was prepared with gifts. Returning to their castle Chateau de la Croix in Monte Carlo, Christina and Alexander also found souvenirs in the garden - a pair of beautiful Arabian horses ...

A deep imprint in the souls of Christina and Alexander was left by family scandals that influenced their entire subsequent fate.

The Onassis family lived together for a long time. The final point on the marriage of Aristotle and Tina was put by him new novel with the famous Greek singer Maria Callas.

In 1971, three years after Jackie Kennedy became Miss Onassis, her then eighteen-year-old stepdaughter eloped with Joseph Bolker, a forty-eight-year-old divorced Los Angeles real estate salesman. Onassis was informed of the wedding, which took place in Las Vegas, by phone when he and Jackie celebrated her 42nd birthday on Skorpios. The call infuriated him, and he immediately disinherited his daughter, telling her that she would not receive a cent as long as she was married to Bolker. The thought of his daughter marrying a Jew with four adult children infuriated him. Onassis always disliked Jews and did not trust them. Seeing her husband in anger, Jackie fell silent, afraid to add fuel to the fire with her words.

Christina was married for only nine months. Bolker obeyed Onassis and began divorce proceedings in California. “We lived in tension,” he said. “She is still too young and could not bear the separation from her father.”

“He ceases to be my husband, but will forever remain my best friend,” said Christina.

Christina tried to end her life in Los Angeles when she realized how furious her father was about her marriage to an American. Earlier in London, she tried to die after ending communication with one of her first lovers, Petros Goulandris. And after each attempt to commit suicide, Christina was seized by such a lust for life that the newspapers were overflowing with photographs of magnificent celebrations and fun parties with her participation.

The year 1975 entered Christina's life as a tragic milestone - her father died. She was left all alone. After all, before that, my brother had crashed on a sports plane, then my mother died. At the age of 24, Christina became the only successor of the Onassis family and the heiress of fabulous wealth, which, however, did not give her consolation.

... After the funeral of her father, which took place on the Onassis family island of Skorpios in the Aegean Sea, Christina gathered all the staff who were there, business colleagues, his friends on her yacht. The atmosphere in the salon, where Winston Churchill once smoked a cigar, the charming movie star Greta Garbo shot his eyes, Grace Kelly danced, Maria Callas was madly having fun, was different this time.

Christina climbed onto the table and, having examined everyone, said: “From today this island, this ship, everything that you see and that belongs to the Onassis family is mine. I will determine your fate." And in an even more tragic voice, ready to break into sobs, she screamed: “And you are all mine too!”

After the death of her father, Christina again tried to find happiness in her personal life - she married Alexandros Andreadis, the heir to wealthy entrepreneurs. A year later, the marriage was annulled.

Russian official and part-time KGB agent 40-year-old Sergey Kauzov became her third husband. The romance began quite unexpectedly: one morning, Christina spoke on the phone with Moscow about the transportation of a batch of oil on her tankers. At the other end of the line, a pleasant voice caught her attention. young man who spoke flawless English.

They met, exchanged compliments, and the conversation ceased to be purely business, became friendly. After some time, Sergei arrived in Paris and soon had fun in bed with a 26-year-old beautiful Greek woman. For days, weeks, months, Christina hid from her friends.

The news of her decision to marry Sergei made the impression of an exploding bomb on everyone. Marriage also meant moving to Moscow.

Sergei has not yet received a divorce. His wife and daughter wept, cursing him, and only his mother, a plump and good-natured Russian woman, approved of her son's "madness". With her, Christina lived for the first time in a small Moscow apartment.

…Lil heavy rain when a solemn ceremony was held at the Wedding Palace on Griboedov Street. Some of Kauzov's relatives were present, but there was no one from Kristina's side. When the newlyweds again found themselves in a dark apartment, to the accompaniment of old Russian songs that she sang happy mom Sergei, the daughter of Aristotle Onassis, decided that she needed to leave. That same night calls began to be made to friends in Paris, London, and New York.

A few days later she returned to Europe again. Sergey lost his first wife, and now, it seems, he was losing his second. There was something to plunge into gloomy melancholy. He came to Christina, and they again, as if engaged, began to meet in hotels. The stages of warming and cooling in their relationship succeeded each other. But the mirror had already cracked - they both knew about it.

Divorce was easy. The married life lasted only sixteen months. Kristina gave Sergey two tankers. Kauzov married for the third time to the Englishwoman Alison Harkes, the former mistress of the country's defense minister, but this marriage was short-lived, although they had a daughter. Today, 60-year-old multimillionaire Sergey Kauzov is called one of the richest former KGB officers.

For a period of time, Christina withdrew into herself again, withdrew from worldly life in order to suppress this new bitterness. But then she started showing up at parties again, as if she wanted to reassure herself that everything was going great...

Christina moved to Paris, where she became close to a wealthy French businessman, Thierry Roussel, who returned from Africa, whom she had met 10 years earlier. Thierry decided that the purpose of his life would be to set Christina on the right path: she should stop taking pills, give up night parties and all other bad habits. At first, the headstrong Greek woman did not like it very much.

However, when she realized that Thierry really loved her, she obeyed. New life liked it. “Here is a person who finds me attractive, and certainly not because of money,” Christina thought. “Yes, Thierry is better than all my former husbands.”

But trouble came from where Christina least expected her. Despite his love for his wife, Roussel could not erase his former lover from his life - the Swede Gaby Landhange. They say that a kind of agreement was concluded between them: Thierry will marry Onassis, but so that Gaby does not make a scandal, he will not break up with her. Despite the marriage, Thierry continued to meet with Landhange, from whom she had a child.

Cristina knew about Gaby's existence - in the circles to which she belonged, news spread with lightning speed - but she thought that their relationship was over. From anonymous phone calls and stories from acquaintances, she knew everything.

Christina and Thierry parted, but traces of great affection remained in their hearts. For Christina, the situation was even more difficult, because it was from Thierry that she left her beloved daughter Athena. Roussel loved his daughter very much and then constantly came to see her, trying at the same time - though without much zeal - to win Christina's trust again. Meanwhile, the heiress of Aristotle Onassis imperceptibly sank deeper and deeper into the quagmire of life; The pills and alcohol are back.

Christina deeply experienced the insult inflicted on her, but deep down she hoped that someday her husband would be with her and her baby again. Perhaps it was this hope that kept her going to church regularly, which led some to say that Christina had become fanatically religious.

Roussel returned, but, alas, it was too late.

... On the night of November 17, 1988, Christina returned from a party to a hotel in Buenos Aires (she arrived in Argentina for a short time) quite late and hurriedly went up to her room to go to bed. However, something happened later that threw the hotel employees into disarray: Christina, with the “walkman” headphones on her head, descended into the hall - barefoot, barely dressed, although it was already quite cold outside. No one knows where she went or what she did.

The next day, a friend, Marina Dodero, picked Christina up at the hotel by car and took her with her inseparable companion Helen Siro to her villa, 37 kilometers from Buenos Aires. In the evening, when the company arranged a dinner by the pool, Christina seemed to have lost her appetite. She then said she was cold and went to bed.

The next morning, Christina was found dead: naked, she was lying in the bathroom. There were no external signs of violence or any other evidence of her murder. After the examination, the doctors reported severe pulmonary edema. An empty vial of sleeping pills was found.

Roussel hurried to Buenos Aires to transport Christina's body to Skorpios, which had already become a mausoleum island. He made a vow to himself to save at least the little Athena if he failed to save Christina.

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