Didactic manual on the fairy tale “Mitten. Master Class

Recipes 05.07.2019

Tatyana Viktorovna Konstantinova

Master Class. Didactic guide based on the fairy tale Mitten.

Target: Learn retell a fairy tale.

Tasks: Pin content fairy tales; expand vocabulary children; develop creativity and independence. Cultivate interest in the artistic word.

move: Turning the disk in the right direction, the child independently, relying on visibility, retelling a familiar tale.

Benefit can be used in the classroom as a demonstration material, in individual work with children, to reinforce the content fairy tales and as a game for independent games in the theater center.

Working with kids allowance can be used when getting acquainted with wild animals, when guessing riddles about animals.

For the manufacture of benefits:

I cut out two circles of the same diameter, corrugated cardboard from boxes. On one of the circles cut out a window.

Since the cardboard is thick, I glue the edge along the end with thin paper.

Printed characters fairy tales and color them, can be found colored.

I distributed the characters sequentially in a circle of paper, the same diameter as the cardboard circles, covered it with tape and pasted it on cardboard.

I also made a picture with the beginning fairy tales and the mitten itself.

On the whole circle the beginning fairy tales and characters, on a circle with a window, a picture on one side.

Connected two circles together.

That's it, the game is ready!

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Material Description: Master class organized educational activities in the first junior group(2-3 years) - application "Mitten".

In our kindergarten in February, there is a thematic exhibition of works based on the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen. Educators introduce children to creativity.

Once, in the winter, my grandfather was walking through the forest. He walked and walked and accidentally dropped his mitten.

A mouse ran past. She saw that the mitten was lying on its own in the snow and thought that it would make an excellent house. The mouse got into the mitten and said:

I will now live here.

Then a frog jumped past, she saw a mitten and said:

What a warm mitten! Who lives here?

I live, mouse-violator. And who are you?

And I'm a jumping frog. Let me live with you, otherwise it's cold outside!

So go! - answered the mouse.

And there were two of them in a mitten to live. Soon a hare was galloping through the forest. He saw the mitten lying and also ran up to her and asked:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

I'm a mischievous mouse.

And I'm a jumping frog.

And I'm a jumping bunny. Can I live with you too?

And there were three of them. A fox is passing by. She saw that such a warm mitten was lying in the middle of the forest, ran up and asked:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

We live. A disturbing mouse, a scratching frog and a gray jumping bunny. And who will you be?

And I'm a fox-sister. May I come to you?

There are already four of them, and only one mitten. Look, a wolf runs past, he also runs up to the mitten and asks:

Who, who lives in such a warm mitten?

We are: a disturbing mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, and a sister fox. And who will you be?

And I'm a top-gray barrel! Let me live with you!

Well, okay, go!

The wolf also got into the mitten and there were already five of them. Out of nowhere, a boar is walking by.

Oink-oink-oink, who lives in a mitten? he asks too.

We: a disturbing mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, a sister fox and a gray barrel wolf, answer him. - And who are you?

And I will be a fang-boar. Let me live with you!

But we don't have much room. How will you get in here?

Yes, I’ll shove it in somehow, ”the boar answered.

Well, get in! - answered from the mitten.

The boar also pushed himself into them. There were six of them. The mitten swelled up, barely holding on, already crawling at the seams. But then, as the branches crackle, a bear came out of the forest and also goes to the mitten.

Who, who lives in a mitten?

A disturbing mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, a sister fox, a gray barrel wolf and a fang boar. And who are you?

Oh, how many of you are here! And I'm a bear-father, let me in!

But how do you get in here? It's already tight in here!

Somehow I'll try! the bear answers.

Well, go, only from the edge.

A bear squeezed in and there were seven of them. But it's just as tight! Togo and look the mitten will break.

And by this time, the grandfather was missing his loss - one mitten had disappeared! And he went back to the forest to look for her. And he had a dog with him and she ran forward. She was running, running through the forest, and suddenly she saw a mitten lying on the snow and moving! She howls:

Woof woof woof!

The animals were frightened, jumped out of the mitten and took to their heels! Grandfather came and took his mitten.

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