Biography of Milana Tulipova. “I adore my husband”: Milana Kerzhakova openly spoke about family life

Technique and Internet 01.08.2019
Technique and Internet

The footballer had an affair with the daughter of a senator from St. Petersburg

For the 32-year-old striker of Zenit and the Russian national football team, Alexander KERZHAKOV, last season turned out to be eventful - he entered the country's top three scorers in history and became the most popular domestic football player of 2014. It was not without shocks: in July, Alexander got involved in a lawsuit with his common-law wife Ekaterina SAFRONOVA, trying to take away her one and a half year old son Igor. But, despite the fact that family squabbles have not yet subsided, the athlete has already plunged headlong into the pool new love. This time, 21-year-old Milan, the daughter of Vadim Tyulpanov, a member of the Federation Council, got caught in the footballer's net.

For several years now, glossy magazines have been calling Kerzhakov's chosen one "million dollar baby" and one of the most enviable brides Northern Palmyra. Still would! The daughter of the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, and now a senator and member of the Federation Council, Vadim Tyulpanov, is not only a beautiful girl, but also smart: she is a graduate of the international journalism department of St. Petersburg State University, and entered the master's program at the University of Westminster. Moreover, the British capital for young Milan has long become a second home - there the daughter of an official studied at a language school for several years and tried herself first as a model, then as a designer.
But in her native St. Petersburg, a petite blonde increasingly prefers work and study for the soul. She is often seen at social events, fashion shows and on an elite tennis court - Tyulpanova has the second adult level in tennis, and her song “I became one novel older” is walking around the Web. Apparently, Milana dreamed of becoming a pop star, but for some reason it did not work out ...

"Parent Casting"

Milana Tyulpanova is a bride with a rich dowry. Before the beginning political career Vadim Albertovich was a successful businessman. founded big company sea ​​transportation. The family of the northern beauty blonde owns a luxurious 200-meter apartment on the prestigious Krestovsky Island of St. Petersburg. The market value of this property is more than $2 million. A residence is also being developed in an estate on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, on the 37th kilometer of the Primorsky Highway of the Leningrad Region. Vadim Albertovich allegedly also has a villa in Malaga (Spain), where he flies for the weekend whenever possible and where a caretaker, a cook, a cleaning lady, a security guard, a hairdresser and a personal massage therapist work on a permanent basis.
Naturally, a successful friendly family more than once fell victim to the evil tongues of envious people. Do not leave secular gossips alone and Milan. St. Petersburg paparazzi more than once photographed the beauty in nightclubs in an embrace with some dandy, and then attributed non-existent novels to her, but Milana herself assures that she is a homely person and does not like to hang out at all. Especially with anyone.

For me, there is nothing better than spending a Friday evening with my family, ”Milan shared on her page on the social network. - I like to chat with my mother about fashion (Natalya Tyulpanova - designer. - A.V.), with my father - about politics. There's nothing to be done, to have an active political position is my duty.

In February 2014, the girl gave a short interview to, in which she spoke about the man of her dreams:
- He must be Russian, preferably over twenty-five years old, because only at this age men are formed and they have a real desire to start a family. All my previous gentlemen did not pass the "parental casting" - they did not receive the approval of their mother. And for me it is very important, because who can I trust in this matter, if not my parents?! Marriage is very serious and forever. If I get married, I will arrange a grand celebration - there will definitely not be a second such event in my life.

Probably, Milan suddenly realized that this “prince on a white horse” was Sasha Kerzhakov. They have been dating for a couple of years, but only recently became a couple.
- I saw Sanya with Milanka back in August, - their common friend Igor Lisovsky admitted to me. - They had fun in the club, held hands, but we thought that they were not serious: Kerzhakov then just launched a war for his son with Safronova. However, the guys somehow started to spin, and this New Year Sanya has already met in country house Tulipovs, and then completely drove off with Milan to the islands.
Now the lovers themselves do not hide their relationship either - on Milana's Instagram every now and then there are joint pictures with Sasha. Kerzhakov and Tyulpanova even had a little fight on the Web the other day, when the girl imprudently called her beloved a donkey. Then, of course, they made up and exchanged virtual kisses.

Unfortunately, Kerzhakov's previous attempts to build a family were unsuccessful. Neither the first wife, Maria, who gave birth to a footballer's daughter Dasha in September 2005, nor the cohabitant Katya, who gave him an heir in the spring of 2013, could curb the ardor of the scorer. Let's hope that Alexander drew conclusions from the unsuccessful family life and relations with the fragile Milana Tyulpanova will be built according to different rules. Advice to them and love.

35-year-old footballer Alexander Kerzhakov and his 24-year-old wife Milana Tyulpanova are rumored to no longer live together. 2.5 years after the wedding, a discord began in their relationship, despite the fact that the couple is raising their little son Artemy, who is not yet a year old.

In addition, on April 4, 2017, Milana's father, the famous senator Vadim Tyulpanov, died suddenly. After 6 days, the girl gave birth to a son, and then fell into prolonged depression. According to friends, Alexander persuaded her to go to a psychiatric clinic. And then another one - but already in Germany. However, the treatment did not help: according to family friends, their problems began just after they were discharged from the hospital.

Milana and I met in the summer - one of her friends. For obvious reasons, she asked us not to give her name. - Milana told me even then that after the death of the pope, Kerzhakov stopped coming home.

Milana and her son moved to live with their mother, Kerzhakov lives separately. Last thing joint photo Milana and her husband posted on her Instagram in December last year. And even that was timed to coincide with the anniversary of Kerzhakov - he turned 35 years old.

The face is only a mask. Souls are bound and sick, she wrote.


A family friend spoke to reporters and said that the problems started because of Kerzhakov's betrayals.

“Now Milana and Sasha no longer live together, they don’t have a common home,” she said. - In our last conversation, just the other day, Milana admitted that they draw up a prenuptial agreement and communicate only through lawyers.


At the same time, according to the interlocutor, Milan does not want to file for divorce.

She says so: I love Sasha and am ready to endure betrayal, her friend sighs. “The whole town is talking about it. And that he is rude to his wife.

Allegedly, Milana's father, Vadim Tyulpanov, also found out about the first betrayal. Then the father-in-law allegedly had a difficult conversation with his son-in-law. And after the death of the senator, Kerzhakov continued to cheat on Milan, which she could not stand.


Meanwhile, Milan herself, in a conversation with reporters, denied information about the impending divorce.

“I’m fine with Alexander,” she said. - I could have thought it all up, but not quite. healthy man. I was approached under the pretext of asking about my child. And what I saw in the newspaper in the end is a stream of sick consciousness!


When I want to say something, I will say it myself. Be that as it may, not a single person in the world has the right to defame the honor of my husband while he is my husband. This is a man who has done a lot of good for me, and I am very grateful to him for a lot,” she wrote.

Before the start of the new TV project “Team for Pumping” (“Match TV”), the famous couple spoke about the problems of education, favorite songs in karaoke and tragic losses.

The best scorer of Zenit and the Russian national football team Alexander Kerzhakov and Milan have been together for more than three years. During this time, the couple experienced many difficult moments: courts related to Alexander's children, the death of Milan's father, the player's failure to qualify for Euro 2016, and the end of his playing career. However, all this did not separate, but only rallied the Kerzhakovs. Alexander continues to work at Zenit, and now he also hosts the show Team for Pumping (Match TV) and looks confidently into the future while caring Milana takes care of his children.

- Milana, remember how Alexander received an offer to host the show "Team for Pumping"?

- This program is a foreign format, it comes out in Europe under the original name "Football Nightmares". A few months ago, Tina Kandelaki (the general producer of Match TV. - Ed.) offered Sasha to conclude a contract with the channel so that he would act as an expert and host of a new show. They decided to name the project "". The concept was understandable and interesting to us - I supported Sasha in every possible way, and he himself wanted to work in a new capacity.

— Were you offered to be a part of the project?

- Not. It was a job just for him.

- Do you have a division of labor at home - Sasha earns, runs a program, works in his own club, does business, while you keep comfort and raise children?

- Probably not. Our responsibilities are related. After all, I also work - in addition to the work of a charitable foundation (Alexander and his wife established the Stars for Children Foundation. - Ed.), I also organize commercial events. I am the ambassador of the millionaires club of the Lotte St. Petersburg hotel, I hold events related to it. So we both bring money to the house, not only the man earns here.

- When difficult situations arose related to criticism of Alexander's game, missing out on Euro 2016, a back injury and missing training camps at Zenit, or an abundance of jokes and jokes, did you try to give him strong support? Or do you leave your husband alone at such moments?

- It's not always the same. Depends on his desire. Of course, if my support is needed, I am always there. And I support Sasha in everything. But every person has a state when he wants to be with himself. At such moments, I try not to particularly disturb my husband, not to strain. It is important to adapt to the psychological state of a loved one, this is the secret of family happiness.

“Cutting circles with a baby in my arms was not easy”

- You also had to experience tragic moments - your dad passed away this year. AT difficult moments Did Sasha help?

— It was very difficult for me. And Sasha supported as much as he could. But in such situations, it is quite difficult to give advice: each person who has experienced this must come to his own awareness of the situation. And keep moving on. It took me a certain period of time for this, and Sasha was always there, for which I am very grateful to him.

Has this loss changed your worldview?

- Of course. But it is unlikely to fit in a few pages of your magazine. Awareness takes place globally, on a large scale and concerns all aspects of life. Now I try to devote more time to my family and things that inspire me. Do not waste yourself on trifles. I try to cut off secondary tasks and concentrate on the important. As practice shows, life is a very ephemeral and short-term thing. And all of us are often mistaken, believing that we are doing important things and doing serious and necessary things for someone.

In August, Kerzhakov the player said goodbye to Zenit fans at his native stadium. The touched football player was supported by the whole family. Photo: Mikhail KIREEV / RIA Novosti

- This year, your son Artemy was born with Sasha. Did your husband really attend the birth?

- It so happened that my contractions started at night and we immediately went to the hospital. He was not present in the ward, but immediately after the birth he put on an obstetric bandage, a gown and took the baby in his arms. I saw my son one of the first. An aunt or brother who was with us took it off.

- But you were present when Alexander said goodbye to the fans at the Zenit Arena. Together with him and the children, you ran the lap of honor to applause. Was it mesmerizing?

- I can’t say that I felt the global scale or the specifics of the situation. All because I had a six-kilogram son in my arms. With my build and weight of 46 kilograms, it was not easy to keep him in my arms for so long. Especially to go a few laps in the stadium. As a result, fatigue remained from euphoria. But for Sasha I was extremely happy and proud of him.

What are your kids doing now?

- Our common son Artemy is still six months old, he has not yet manifested himself. But Sasha's eldest son Igor (from marriage to Ekaterina Safronova. - Ed.) Goes to Kindergarten, plays the piano, will soon go to football. Let's see what happens.

- Do you see that at some moments the children are more like Sasha, and at some - like you: with their eyes, gait, character?

- I find it difficult to answer. So far, I don't notice. We'll see when the kids grow up. Outwardly, Tema looks like Sasha - this is perhaps the most obvious observation.

Free time Alexander is happy to spend with children: adult Dasha, growing up football player Igor and baby Tema (back). Photo:

- Do you often communicate with Igor's sister Dasha, Alexander's 12-year-old daughter?

- It happens, but everyone has their own life. Of course, we see each other, communicate, go to visit. At the same time, I have a job, Sasha has new projects, Dasha has a lot of studies, so I often fail to meet. Our schedules don't always match. When Igor leaves for kindergarten, I go to work, Sasha may be on a business trip, little Tema wakes up before anyone else, and Dasha lives with her mother. Therefore, we do not have a traditional family cult. Everyone has their own daily routine, we rarely gather at the same table.

- But on the anniversary of your mother, Alexander not only was, but also dedicated Alexander Serov’s hit “I love you to tears” to his beloved mother-in-law, singing a song in karaoke. And what did he give?

He likes to sing a duet with my brother. Often performs hits by contemporary poets. So it was at that time. Sasha called my brother, who loves karaoke, and they sang together.

- Can you rewind time and remember what Alexander Kerzhakov was like when you met him? What has changed in him since then?

- I think he became more down to earth, or something. Still, the career of a football player and the career of a sports functionary are two different things. The first profession aspires to space. The second is to the ground. At this stage of life, Sasha has become closer and easier in relation to people. No, he wasn't arrogant or celebrity before. But now he has become more open - you can feel it.

— Returning to the beginning of the conversation. Did you have a desire to become Alexander's co-host?

- Sasha does not see me in this capacity. And I listen to his desires. So not yet.

- On the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, what should we especially pay attention to in order to perform successfully?

— We with you? Or football players?

- And both.

In the show "Pumping Team" Kerzhakov and Tsveiba (right) come to real villages
and train local football players. Photo: MATCH-TV

- You and I - to make as much effort as possible to sincerely support the team in any result. For football players, I think the most important thing is to give yourself completely on the field. Then no one can accuse you of indifference. Even if the players are inferior in any components of skill, you can always compensate for this with dedication. If we all unite during the World Cup, the fans and the team, I am sure, will achieve results.

- In the dreams of Kerzhakov the father, is there a picture in which Kerzhakov the son, one or the other, goes to the World Cup as part of the Russian national football team?

- I would like all my children, not only sons, to grow up worthy people. Become footballers - so be it. If they don't, it means they made a different choice. I want them to grow up as people who will respect elders, relatives and relatives. To be respected for their behavior and human qualities. So that they grow up kind and sympathetic.

— Can the Team for Improvement project become an impetus for starting your coaching career?

For now, I have other thoughts. I work in my native Zenit as a club academy team coordinator. And, thank God, the club management trusts me. I also host a TV show. In it, I share my experience - I show new and interesting exercises that may be useful to amateurs. While this is my main task as a coach in quotation marks.

The football player is happy to go fishing when he has time, but he does not consider himself an avid fishing fan. Photo:

- Did the end of your playing career affect you? Many brilliant football players disappear after leaving football or find themselves washed ashore by “carcasses” without any prospects. Now you have work in the club and on TV. But did you have to think about the maximum program?

- I didn’t have a special rethinking of the moment. Before I ended my career as a professional football player, I weighed the pros and cons. I made a conscious decision. I knew perfectly well what I would do next. Discussed the future with the club "Zenith". What I do allows me to realize myself. There are always moments in life when something comes to an end. But you shouldn't stop there. A person develops while working and doing what he loves. Everything is exactly the same for me now - work at Zenit and at Match TV.

“I didn’t know that in the clip of Cord you would have to miss”

- On Instagram, you have repeatedly published photos with huge fish caught in Karelia. Do you fish often?

“Now there is much less time. Oddly enough, when I ended my professional football career, there was almost no free time. During the break between the filming of "Pumping Team" I was in Abkhazia for a couple of days, but did not have time to go fishing. It's a shame. Disappointed, because mountain rivers there is an amazing atmosphere.

— Can you remember the biggest catch?

I am not an avid fisherman. I don't have super trophies. Nothing to brag about. I like the process: nothing distracts, you can stay with your friends in a relaxed atmosphere and chat.

We all have difficult schedules, and it’s not often possible to gather at a common table

- But the time for shooting in the video of Sergei Shnurov for the song "Ch.P.Kh." succeeded in breaking out.

“Sergei and I have been friends for a long time. And when he invited me to star in the video, I agreed and didn’t even know what kind of role I would get (the football player played a man who misses his glass with his mouth. - Ed.).

Did the script bother you? After all, there is a paradox: you remain the top scorer of the Russian national team and Zenit, while jokes about your mistakes have become the talk of the town. This was played out in the Leningrad video.

“Before filming started, I didn’t know what I was going to do. And when I found out, I did it - this is a fun video. It turned out hilarious and fun. Jokes are good when appropriate and on time. Then it's funny. When it’s out of place, it doesn’t amuse me, it doesn’t amuse, it doesn’t strain, it doesn’t annoy. I ignore it and move on.

- And you also have a photo with the idol of youth Gleb, rapper Pharaoh, he also starred in that video.

- I have known Gleb for 9 years (the popular rapper Pharaoh, who professionally played football at Dynamo. - Auth.). I listened to his tracks after filming, not so long ago. I applaud what my friend is doing. I'm glad that the guy can be realized in this way. Everyone likes different directions of music and art. The main thing is to remain decent and kind people. Both Sergey Shnurov and Gleb are just like that.

I knew perfectly well what I would do after the end of my career

- Did the channel belong to the idea of ​​the program "Team for pumping"? Or did you think about something similar when you finished your career?

— The idea belonged not only to the channel. This is an adapted format purchased from foreign partners. The Football Nightmares show is in Spain and Italy. The Match TV channel liked the idea, they contacted me, and I agreed. Because this is not just a reality-travel show, it is a socially significant project. The program helps and allows amateur teams that never thought of becoming famous to declare themselves in full voice on the federal channel. Believe in yourself and become a little more professional.

“We bring professionalism to the outback”

- The show looks pretty nice: you come to the Russian outback, take the village guys and spend some training with them. You left - and they continued to live as they lived. What's the point?

- Naturally, in a short period of time that the guys and I (the former defender of the Russian national team Akhrik Tsveiba is the co-host and second coach in the project. - Auth.), It will not work to change absolutely everything, everything, everything. The point is different. We come to bring a share of professionalism to their training. And to show that even under the conditions in which they work, football can be treated not as a hobby.

— What surprised or shocked you the most while you were traveling around Russia?

It's not easy to shock me. Because I myself was born and raised in Kingisepp (Leningrad region) and went through the same thing. From the very bottom. Fate did not give me new boots, beautiful shape and natural lawns.

The key problem, as I see it, is the attitude of regional authorities to sports. Everyone wants results. But it is difficult to achieve it with a minimum of attention from officials. Yes, it is impossible to solve all problems in one fell swoop. But I would like that after the broadcast of our program, people in high positions and related to sports issues would pay more attention football.

Private bussiness

Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov met in the summer of 2014. At that time, the footballer had just divorced Ekaterina Safronova, who gave birth to his son Igor (4 years old). The separation was not easy - the St. Petersburg court limited Safronova's parental rights and in fact forbade her to see the child. The son began to live with his father. On June 27, 2015, Alexander and Milan signed. In 2017, she gave birth to his son Artemy. Together the couple established charitable foundation"Stars for Children" In 2017, Alexander ended his football career and moved to the position of coordinator at the Zenit club.

Alexander also has a daughter, Daria, from her first marriage with Maria Golova, now the girl is 12 years old, she lives with her mother.

Sunday, 12.40, Match!

The senator's daughter admitted that she moved from a football player to her mother

Marriage of the best scorer in the history of Russian football, Alexander KERZHAKOV, with the daughter of Senator Vadim TYULPANOV - Milano is bursting at the seams. 25 year old wifehaving learned about Sasha's next betrayal, she moved to her mother and seriously thought about whether their relationship had a future.

About what's in the family Alexandra Kerzhakova not everything is going smoothly, said his former beloved woman - Ekaterina Safronova who gave birth five years ago to the football player son Igor .

Alexander is afraid of me like fire, - says Katya. - During the preparation of the "Male / Female" program, Sasha called me: "Katya, come, take tests, prove that you do not take drugs, and you will see the child." I agreed. But then there was no answer from Sasha, no greetings. Only after the release of this program, his lawyer called me at night: “Tomorrow you must come to take tests.” I did not understand where and why, and refused. Immediately, Kerzhakov began to call me with accusations.

Milana has a good relationship with her son SAFRONOVA, Igor, although she did not become a mother to the boy. A photo:

Ripped off the transfer

Television make-up artist Sofya told how Kerzhakov put pressure on Safronova:

I was making up Katya when Kerzhakov called her. She turned on the speakerphone. Kerzhakov did not want to hear anything about her seeing their son Igor, saying: "You must admit that you cheated on me." She said no, but he insisted.

In the summer, Channel One decided to film “Let them talk” about Sasha in connection with his 35th birthday, Safronova recalls. - They persuaded me for a long time, they brought me from St. Petersburg to Moscow, they invited guests, even Mikhail Boyarsky I arrived. But Sasha, having learned that I was in the studio, stamped his feet, left the hall and no longer began to act. The program has been discontinued. The participants were paid, they bought return tickets, but the program was never shown.

- Where is your common son with Kerzhakov now?

The guardianship authorities told me that he was at the place of residence of Kerzhakov. Lives with grandmother.

- I heard that Kerzhakov divorced again two years after the wedding.

Milan called me herself. I asked her to arrange a meeting with her son and persuade Sasha to make concessions to me. Milana promised to help. Apparently, having become a mother, she realized what it was like not to see a child. A month after the conversation, we met. Milana came all in tears and explained: “A meeting with a child is impossible, he said that he would rather divorce me than let you see Igor.” Then she began to talk about how bad things were for them. Milana is a young girl, and I don't think she had before Sasha serious relationship. Therefore, she did not expect such treatment from her husband. At the same time, one should not forget that she is the daughter of an influential and rich man. In general, Milana said that he raises his hand to her. The first incident occurred when Sasha entered into a loan agreement with the Zurich team in 2015. They then quarreled strongly because of a trifle. Then she posted on Instagram a photo with a black eye and wrote: “A little hit ...”

Finally ruined relations in the family betrayal of Kerzhakov. Milan learned about her husband's first infidelity from his correspondence with a friend. There was a scandal. But she forgave, considered that the temptress - bodybuilder was to blame Svetlana Erenina. Then the pope intervened (52-year-old senator Vadim Tyulpanov died of a heart attack on April 4, 2017 in the St. Petersburg sports and recreation complex "Oasis". - N.M.), who demanded that Kerzhakov, if he really loves his daughter, put a very large amount on her account as a sign of reconciliation. Sasha did just that. In the event of a divorce, this and other money will have to be divided. After a conversation with Milana, Sasha's lawyers approached me and began to demand that I sign non-disclosure papers. But I didn’t do it, now it’s hard to intimidate me ...

-Katya, have you arranged your personal life?

I live with a man, however, he is too young for me. I enjoy being the mother of three children.

Alexander KERZHAKOV does not even want to hear about his former lover Katya SAFRONOVA. Photo from the personal archive of Ekaterina SAFRONOVA

Woke up in handcuffs

It so happened that Katya Safronova and Milana Kerzhakova have a common friend Svetlana. She spoke about the situation in the Kerzhakov family. It turns out that the relationship between Alexander and Milana has long reached an impasse.

As Milana says, not a day goes by in their family without mentioning the name Safronova, says Svetlana. - It seems to Milan that he loved Katya more than her, so she always sees her features in her son Igor. The problems worsened when her dad died. Kerzhakov often began not to spend the night at home and not to say when he would return. One nervous breakdown, another, and she ended up in a psychological clinic. It's easy to guess who sent it there. Let us recall, for example, the story of Katya Safronova, who was kept in a drug treatment clinic by force. Milana was treated in Russia, then in Germany. She was put into an artificial coma, and she woke up in handcuffs. While she was lying there, someone filmed her. And then the recording can be presented in court as evidence that such a mother cannot be given a child. As in the case of Safronova. It turns out that after the death of the influential pope of Milan, he no longer needs her. Milana loved him very much, she wanted to save her family, but now it's too late. Now she lives with her mother.

On the new year holidays Sasha bought tickets to Bali. They rested there, only separately. Milana lived with her mother, and Sasha hung out with friends. AT in social networks Milana did not post a single group photo and wrote: "I'm going home and crying."

Milana Kerzhakova: “Yes, Sasha and I have a crisis”

We met Milana KERZHAKOVA in St. Petersburg in a cafe not far from her parents' house. A couple of days before our meeting, photos and videos appeared on the Web in which her husband was having fun in a Moscow restaurant with an unknown brunette. And although cats were scratching at Milana's soul, she agreed to talk.

- I have signed a non-disclosure agreement with Alexander Kerzhakov- admitted Milan. - That's why I can't say everything. After the birth of a child, I did not immediately understand what it was maternal instinct. It was just a difficult period in my life. On April 4, my father died, and on April 10, I gave birth to my son Artemy. I needed to fix my head.

- You were twice in the clinic, where you were treated for depression. Is it related to the death of your father?

My dad has been the backbone of my life. The birth of a child, even ten, could not help me get over his death. So I needed some serious help. No child needs a depressed and weeping mother. I saved myself, my mother, my family. In a Russian clinic, they put me on drips and cleansed my body. Most of the time I was dozing. In Germany, I was in an Ayurvedic clinic, where they gave me a massage. Vegetarian food, no alcohol, no internet. A person is completely cut off from society.

Milana gave birth to Artemy in a difficult period of her life. A photo:

- Did you breastfeed Artemy?

Childbirth took place in a state of stress, a day earlier than expected. My milk is gone. Sasha supported me during this period in everything.

- How did you react to what the press writes about your husband's infidelities?

It's not time to comment yet.

Aren't you afraid that the situation with Katya will repeat itself? She also ended up in the clinic, and then Kerzhakov took the child from her.

To date, Sasha and I are not getting a divorce. Yes, we are in a crisis. In the near future we will decide how we will live further. I will survive any situation, because I have the support of my family.

- How are relations with Safronova's son, five-year-old Igor?

I didn’t become Igor’s mother, rather, a friend. But we have a good relationship.

- What do you do in your free time?

Sasha and I established the Stars for Children charity foundation. We also have a common restaurant of Georgian cuisine "Suli-guli". I also own a closed women's club "Devichnik", where we talk about the latest in medicine and fashion. Besides, I take care of my father's business.

Milana Kerzhakova (on Instagram - milana_kerzhakova) is the wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakova, and maiden name- Tyulpanova, you can guess who her father is from her. This is the senator of St. Petersburg V. Tyulpanov. Instagram Milana Kerzhakova also refers to the personality of her father, after all, they were very close. She was born on August 19, 1993. Graduated from St. Petersburg University (Journalism Department).

I met Kerzhakov in 2015. In fact, for the first time, Alexander saw his future wife on an airplane: she flew with her parents, and he flew with his wife and child. The football player drew attention to the beauty of the girl, and some time later he saw her in a magazine and decided to write to Whatsapp. The message was something like this: I apologize for impudence, but I would like to get to know you. At first, Milana thought it was a prank and asked to send a selfie. She was convinced that the interlocutor was the one for whom he claims to be, but then she was embarrassed by something else - he was married. She wrote that if he is married, let him no longer write, then she said that she would explain everything in person. It turned out that his family life was gradually falling apart. After some time, it became known that Catherine, already ex-wife suffered from drug addiction. They had already decided to quietly divorce, they decided to leave their son with dad, but still there was still a chance to restore the family.

Kerzhakov and Milana already talked, but in a friendly way, and she advised him to invite his wife to register and start treatment. He went to Catherine and offered this option, to which she simply replied that she would not do this, since she would be deprived of parental rights.

In fact, because of everything that happened, Kerzhakov was very depressed and disappointed in women, and Milana wanted to convince him that there were worthy female representatives, but she did not try to bring him into a new relationship. Milana and Kerzhakov talked for 4 months, and then he invited her to go on a joint vacation, and a year later he proposed to her. She met both of his children: eldest daughter and younger son. At that time, the daughter was 10 years old, and the son was a little over a year old. We can see them on her Instagram. Milana immediately found with the children mutual language. For some time she simply raised his son Igor, and in 2017 she herself gave birth. True, this event was overshadowed by the death of her father: it happened just a few days before the birth.

The couple organized together charitable organization for orphans and children from single-parent and disadvantaged families "Stars for Children", with the help of which they collect the necessary things, help them get an education, arrange events and provide other assistance.


Currently, Instagram of Milana Kerzhakova (Tyulpanova) is filled with photographs of her newborn, but this is not the only thing that is now in his life. She helps her husband manage their charity project, and announces the events of Milan Kerzhakova in her official Instagram and on the organization's Instagram.

For example, one of these events was a children's breakfast organized in the Manege, the theme of which was masks, and before that she posted a video on Instagram with an appeal by famous personalities who called for support for people with Down syndrome, even if just with a smile. All this is interspersed with pictures of her husband and her own photos from events or photo shoots. New photos appear on the girl's Instagram blog all the time, and we will help you keep track of fresh photos.

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