Leonid mihelson instagram. Leonid Viktorovich Michelson

Career and finance 20.06.2019
Career and finance

Victoria Mikhelson is the daughter of a famous billionaire and

Little is known about the girl - she does not give interviews to glossy magazines, she is not involved in scandals and is not noticed.

Born in 1992. According to some sources, she received her higher education in the States, New York University (USA), where she studied art history. The same institution became the alma mater for Olga Luzhkova, the daughter of the ex-mayor of Moscow. According to the same data, studying at this university costs the parents of students more than three million rubles a year.

The girl was repeatedly included in various lists of the richest brides and heirs. Certain publications regularly put it in first place. Five rich brides, a hundred of the most enviable brides in Russia, the richest heirs of the oligarchs - Victoria Mikhelson was in the top everywhere.

Despite this, the lifestyle of the daughter of a billionaire cannot be called idle: art and painting attract her more than social events and parties. In 2003, her father opened the Victoria Charitable Foundation, in 2005, a gallery of the same name in Samara, and in 2009, V-A-C fund(Victoria - the Art of Being Contemporary or "Victoria - the art of being modern") in Moscow. The patron gave the names of the institutions in honor of his daughter, who is directly involved in their work.

Like many wealthy people, she seeks to help others. She is seriously involved in charity work, according to some reports, she even founded a charitable children's fund.

In December 2016, according to the publication of Art News, the girl became a member of the board of trustees of the New Museum in New York .

The girl does not advertise her personal life. She is not married, no children.

Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson is a very interesting and peculiar personality. This is a man who made himself, made his first million not on the tears of other people, but in hard work.

This famous and successful entrepreneur Russian Federation is the main shareholder of Novatek and the head of the board of directors of Sibur.

He tops the list of the richest and influential people Russia, however, does not hesitate to share with those in need. Leonid Viktorovich has been supporting a class for gifted children for a long time in one of the schools in the city of Novokuibyshevsk. He also helps the Skolkovo School of Management and the Russian Museum, develops folk crafts and supports institutions.

Height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Mikhelson

In our country, almost every person wants to know what our domestic billionaire eats for breakfast, as well as what height, weight, and age he has. How old is Leonid Mikhelson is not a secret, because his date of birth is widely known.

Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson was born back in 1955, so in current year he was sixty-one years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Leonid refers to the ambitious, strong and persistent in achieving their goals, Leo. And by Eastern horoscope Michelson has all the character traits inherent in Goats, namely, peacefulness, a penchant for creativity, thriftiness, rationalism.

Many are interested in the nationality of Leonid Viktorovich. He is a Jew and does not deny his belonging to people of this nationality.

Michelson's height is not very high and is one meter and seventy-five centimeters, and his weight is seventy-eight kilograms.

Biography of Leonid Michelson

The biography of Leonid Mikhelson is the life of an ordinary Soviet schoolchild and an adult at the turning points of his country. Little Lenechka was born in August 1955 in the small Dagestan town of Kaspiysk. In the early childhood of the child, his entire family moved to the Samara region.

AT school years the boy has established himself as a very good and persistent student. The humanities were hard for him, but the boy excelled in mathematics and physics. He was always the first, if it was necessary to participate in a community work day or scrap metal collection, to move something, to plant a tree.

Leonid was fond of sports, he was engaged in sections of volleyball, athletics, basketball. He had the first category in team games, which are listed above.

With pleasure I took part in competitions and reviews of amateur performances. Leonid even made instruments for a technical exhibition. By the way, now Leonid Mikhelson helps his native school.

After graduating from school, Mikhelson entered the Civil Engineering Institute of the city of Kuibyshev, but in the evening department. Over time, he moved to day department the same educational institution.

According to the distribution, the young man ended up in Yuzhtranstekhmontazh of the Volga and South, which was located in Kharkov. He lived in a hostel, the salary of a young specialist was not enough for anything.

For a long time raised the industry in Siberia, where he built the first string of the gas pipeline and even was the head of this line. He was the head of Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy and the manager of the Novatek holding.

Since 2010, he owns a fifty percent stake in Sibur, which is engaged in the production and sale of oil and gas and is the chairman of its board of directors.

He heads the "Dar" Foundation, which oversees non-commercial projects. He helps in organizing the concerts of the Yuri Bashmet Ensemble. He has numerous titles and awards.

Personal life of Leonid Michelson

The personal life of Leonid Mikhelson is far from being as cheeky and reckless as is often attributed to billionaires. He cannot be seen in the company of girls of easy virtue, since Michelson is a deeply religious person.

He has been married since his student days and loves his soul mate very much. An interesting fact is that Leonid is credited with living in two families. His second common-law wife is often called Olga Yeskova, who lives in sunny Spain.

official wife gave Michelson a huge scandal and even threatened with a divorce. However, the couple reconciled, and all the problems came to naught.

Leonid loves taking pictures and collecting rare photographs from various countries peace. Sponsors sports teams volleyball "Nova" and football "Wings of the Soviets".

Family of Leonid Michelson

The family of Leonid Mikhelson was truly Soviet and working. Mutual understanding and assistance to each other reigned in it.

Father - Viktor Zelmanovich - for many years headed SMU No. 5, although he had only a secondary technical education. He was very fond of reading, was engaged in self-education and could keep up the conversation on any topic. Despite the fact that SMU patronized general education school, the father of Leonid Mikhelson was able to purchase equipment for the art school. Little Lenya remembered this case of gratuitous assistance to those in need for the rest of his life.

Viktor Mikhelson was the director of the Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy trust. He taught his son a lot and showed him how to build a business and treat people the right way. He died in 1987, was awarded many awards, diplomas and badges of honor. A monument was erected to the famous countryman in Novokuibyshevsk.

Mother - Praskovya Fedorovna - nee bore the name of Shirokov. She worked for Construction Trust No. 25. She was best friend son, not only raised, but also supported his hobbies.

Children of Leonid Michelson

The children of Leonid Mikhelson exist, this is a beautiful and successful daughter in all respects. She was born when her father was not yet a rich and famous billionaire. The daughter and her mother went through poverty and times when her father worked hard and earned little.

The father largely supports the hobbies of his daughter and supports her in every possible way. Mikhelson gave his daughter, who was fond of art and drawing, a number of galleries in the city of Samara.

Rumor has it that Leonid's son is growing up, whom Olga Eskova gave birth to in Spain in 2006 or 2007. There is no confirmation of this gossip, but if this is true, then the entire inheritance of Michelson will pass to this boy, and the daughter will no longer have the status of an enviable bride.

Daughter of Leonid Mikhelson - Victoria Mikhelson

The daughter of Leonid Mikhelson - Victoria Mikhelson - was born in 1992. She studied well at school, was fond of music and drawing.

Higher education girl got at the university American New York. Victoria is very modest, she does not consider herself a golden youth society and does not attend high-profile parties.

When the girl turned eighteen, she became the mistress of a private art gallery in Samara. Now Victoria is on the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Michelson's daughter - head charitable foundation"Victoria", which supports orphans.

Wife of Leonid Mikhelson - Lyudmila Mikhelson

Leonid Mikhelson's wife, Lyudmila Mikhelson, appeared in his life as a child, she was his playmate and school friend. The couple got married in their student years in the fifth year. In 1977, when Lyudmila worked at the Hydroproject Research Institute, the whole family moved to Surgut.

The woman considers her influential husband the head of the family and has no objections to his popularity, however, the person herself is far from being public. She does not attend social events and does not like noisy societies.

Currently, Lyudmila Mikhelson lives in the UK and rarely visits her homeland.

Photo by Leonid Mikhelson before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Leonid Mikhelson before and after plastic surgery sometimes appear on the World Wide Web. However, the billionaire frankly declares that he is not going to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon under any circumstances.

Leonid Mikhelson believes that looking young and fit helps him healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. The famous businessman claims that sport is what will get rid of wrinkles and fat forever. It is because of this fact that Leonid Viktorovich supports amateur and professional volleyball, football and basketball teams.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Mikhelson

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Mikhelson do not exist in full. Dedicated to the activities of Leonid Viktorovich Official page on Wikipedia. On it you can find information about his personal and family life, family and hobbies, career and activities today.

Michelson's Instagram page does not exist, as well as profiles in other in social networks. Information about career and work activity can be found on the official website of Novatek.

Mikhelson claims that he is a non-public person, therefore he is not ready to personally upload photographs and videos for public viewing.

Samara character - 9

…Our life and our work have become the embodiment of the dreams of many generations and eras. Our work for a beautiful present and no less beautiful future is the main theme of Soviet literature. "All human labor - such is the slogan of history", such is the slogan of the communist tomorrow. I am entering a big life. What lies ahead for me is hard to say, but I would like to benefit people, these are not just words, no! I want my life to be as meaningful as the life of Zakhar Bolshakov. I want my work to be as useful and necessary as the work of Zheglov and Stepan Bukov, as the life and work of the heroes of my favorite works ... These are words from the written work of a graduate of school No. 8 in Novokuibyshevsk, written by him on August 30, 1972 at the entrance exams to the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute. A.I. Mikoyan. The applicant's name was Leonid Mikhelson.

Today L.V. Mikhelson is listed by Forbes magazine as one of the “selected thousand” of the most influential people on the planet, and his company NovaTEK became the largest independent gas producer in Russia after covering the Itera gas project.

Leonid Viktorovich, a very atypical figure for the Russian establishment. He entered the economy even before the start of perestroika. Not from Moscow and is not a member of the St. Petersburg team. He never aspired to sole control over his assets and, nevertheless, remained at the helm of the NovaTEK company he created. In addition, Mikhelson is one of the least public Russian oligarchs. He himself once said that he does not like to “exhibit”, and his business does not need PR.

All the same, there can be no better creativity than participation in the Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, together with President Dmitry Medvedev. As the rector of the school Andrey Volkov said, people are included in its board of trustees not by position, but only in connection with deep knowledge and experience.

However, the concept of how the “Mikhelson phenomenon” was originally formed is more important for businesses operating in the Russian outback.

Summer 1972. Outwardly similar to Dmitry Kharatyan from the Soviet film "Joke", a young man with 10 classes behind him chooses his life path. So far, in his track record, merits marked by a characteristic signed on June 28, 1972 by the “triangle” of school No. 8 of Novokuibyshevsk, class teacher, Komsomol organizer and director.

« A member of the Komsomol ... During his studies at school, Leonid showed himself to be a good student, but he did not always study according to his abilities. He is fond of exact sciences: mathematics, physics ... He loves physical work… Attended elective classes in mathematics… He is fond of sports… Took part in city competitions in volleyball, basketball, athletics. Basketball has II category, volleyball - I discharge. He took part in the city amateur art show ... He took part in the manufacture of devices for the exhibition of technical creativity of the city's schools ... ". June 28, 1972

August 3, 1972 Leonid Mikhelson submits an application to the Kuibysh Civil Engineering Institute. A.I. Mikoyan with a request to admit him to the entrance exams for admission to the evening department in the specialty of THS (Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation). Why Mikhelson does not enter the full-time department is not clear ...

On August 21 and 25, he gives “good” written and oral mathematics to Sergey Kopeikin (later Sergey Vladimirovich will head the Kuibyshev Railway Institute and the Volga Social Bank, he will also work in the Kuibyshev Regional Committee of the CPSU). On September 4, Leonid receives “satisfactory” for an oral exam in physics, and then writes a written work on a free topic, the title of which was the phrase of Dmitry Mendeleev: “All human labor is the slogan of history.”

What can you pay attention to in the flight of thoughts of the young Michelson? His clear non-conformism. Leonid Mikhelson does not adhere to the prescribed rules, moreover, he is not afraid to demonstrate it, even at the entrance exams to the institute. In the meantime, let us remind you that it is 1972, not the best time to say out loud what you think.

Applicant writes: « The rapid movement of time poses new problems for the development of such a large and important theme in Soviet literature as the theme of labor. Our time demands a profound psychologism from literature. Research into the complex processes of development and formation of the human personality, its spiritual world. A book about labor should not only be a picture of human relationships... The man of labor is main character literature of socialist realism, many outstanding works of which we are justifiably proud of are associated with his image .... "I'm going into a thunderstorm" by D. Granin ... "Three minutes of silence" by G. Vladimov.

For a second - “Three Minutes of Silence” by G. Vladimov, seventeen-year-old Leonid attributed to « the best works Soviet Literature". It was not just a bold, but a daring step for the applicant. A real challenge to the system of power. Back in May 1967, Vladimov addressed the IV Congress of the Union of Writers of the USSR demanding an open discussion of Solzhenitsyn's letter to the congress: “...are we a nation of scumbags, whisperers and informers? Or are we a great people who gave the world an incomparable galaxy of geniuses? .. "

Published in 1969 in the magazine " New world”, which was then led by Alexander Tvardovsky, the novel “Three Minutes of Silence” (written in the genre of confessional prose, since the author himself worked as a deck sailor on a ship in the process of preparing the book), caused a flurry of communist criticism directed both against Vladimov himself and against the editor who published his work.

For one mention of Vladimov, Michelson's written work could be assessed as unsatisfactory, but we must pay tribute to the teacher of the university Klimanova, who gave him a good mark solely on the grammatical and semantic component.

The Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute, which was then headed by Vladimir Koryakin, was generally known as a kind of island of freethinking. Scientists in the field of construction never adhered to official dogmas, so the rector of KuISI, for example, did not consider it reprehensible to play in a student theater.

Returning to Vladimov's novel, it is worth noting that not a very large part of society was familiar with the content of literary magazines in those years. The peak of the popularity of magazines came in the second half of the 1980s, therefore, Michelson's non-conformism was brought up in the family.

Leonid's father, Viktor Mikhelson, who headed the Construction and Installation Department-5, despite his secondary technical education, had a reputation as a versatile educated person. As the artist Vadim Sushko later said, it was with the help of Michelson Sr. that necessary equipment to the art school of Novokuibyshevsk (although in Soviet time industrial enterprises patronized only educational institutions). In general, the father gave good lessons to his son, who was just entering into a great life. By the way, Leonid's mother, Praskovya Fedorovna Shirokova, also worked in construction (25 trust).

And then there was the study of Leonid Mikhelson at the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute (later he transferred to the full-time department of the university with a degree in Water Supply and Sewerage). Happy years. Sports camp in Tsarevshchina, construction teams, student spring dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory. In 1976, the popularity of the vocal and instrumental ensemble of the faculty, where the future hero of Forbes studied, rose sharply.

Although there were plenty of others. In 1972, the regional council of deputies decided to consider whistling in the streets and playing billiards for “interest” as violations of public order. Within the walls of the university itself, articles began to appear from time to time in the institute's large-circulation newspaper "For Construction Personnel", proving that even honestly earning "free money" is not very good. “If a person, for the sake of an extra dozen, does not study something, does not finish something, ... this already worries us.”

Such an attitude to earned money fit into the context of communist ideology, but did not quite correspond to the attitudes of Leonid Mikhelson, who was responsible not only for himself, but also for his young family in senior years. His wife Lyudmila in 1977 herself worked at the Gidproekt Institute. That is why the young man changed a comfortable apartment in the center of Kuibyshev - on Samarskaya Square, to the hostel of the Yuzhtranstekhmontazh of the Volga and South department of the Ministry of Transport Construction, where he was distributed on March 25, 1977. Yuzhtranstekhmontazh itself was located in the sunny Ukraine, native to his father, in Kharkov. However, the nature and thirst for knowledge of life forced Leonid to choose the position of foreman of the SMU in the still uninhabited region of Surgut, on the construction of the first line of the Urengoy-Chelyabinsk gas pipeline, designed to transport "blue fuel" from the fields of the Tyumen region to the Urals and to the center of the country. Most of the new facilities were to be located in the middle of nowhere, away from settlements and roads, in wetlands.

Like the hero of the novel "Three Minutes of Silence", Leonid himself went into a big life. First to Siberia.

Leonid Mikhelson is the richest businessman in Russia in 2016 and 2017. The size of his fortune is more than eighteen billion dollars, thanks to which Michelson is now in sixtieth place in the ranking of the richest people in the world. Such qualities as purposefulness and diligence helped the Russian businessman to achieve this position. My labor activity he started out as a foreman in a pipeline construction company. Today, the businessman heads the large gas company Novatek.

Start of work

Leonid Mikhelson was born in August 1955 in Kaspiysk. His father worked on the construction of an oil pipeline, and later headed Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy, his mother also worked in the construction industry. Shortly after the birth of Leonid, his family moved to Novokuibyshevsk. In this city, the future oligarch spent his childhood and youth.

After leaving school, Leonid went to study at the construction institute of the city of Kuibyshev. Having received a civil engineer diploma after his graduation, he left for Siberia, where he began working on the construction of a gas pipeline that was supposed to connect Urengoy and Chelyabinsk. Leonid began to quickly move up the career ladder - first he became the head of the line at the Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy enterprise, and later took the position of chief engineer of a similar enterprise in Ryazan.

business success

In 1987, there was the first significant success in Michelson's biography. He became the head of Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy. The appointment to this position was largely facilitated by the authority of his father, which was dissatisfied with many employees of the construction trust. However, the new director managed to prove with his work and professionalism that he takes his place. In a short time, he managed to become the most respected and influential specialist in the entire oil and gas industry in Russia.

In 1991, after the Union collapsed, Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy was the first Russian enterprise to be privatized. It was renamed SNP "Nova". The company took control of the largest gas field in the Vostochno-Tarkosalinsky area. In 1994, this enterprise was taken under control by the Novafininvest company headed by Michelson, which was engaged in hydrocarbon production. A few years later, the enterprise was transformed into a large gas company Novatek, which today is in second place after Gazprom.

In the late 1990s, Mikhelson acquired the Truboizolyatsiya plant, which produces insulating materials, and in 2005, the Purovsky Plant, which processes condensate. Thanks to this, Novatek was able to arrange gas exports through its own terminal located in the White Sea. This allowed Novatek to become the only non-governmental organization on the Russian oil and gas market.
Interests of Leonid Mikhelson lie not only in the oil and gas industry, but also in the banking sector. He acquired Svyazbusinessbank, which in 2008 became the First United Bank. In 2011, he headed the board of directors of the country's largest petrochemical holding Sibur.


Leonid Mikhelson devotes a lot of time to charity. He founded the now famous Foundation for Contemporary Art, which he named after his daughter Victoria. The Foundation does a lot to integrate Russian art into the global context, is engaged in educational and educational activities. In addition, he holds a variety of events aimed at promoting contemporary art in the country, collaborating with many companies and institutions.
In 2015, Mikhelson took 6th place in the ranking of people who have the greatest influence on Russian art.

A family

Leonid Mikhelson has been married to his wife for more than twenty-five years. His daughter Victoria, who was born in 1992, is today considered richest heiress Russia. She, like her father, takes a very active part in charity.

The oligarch devotes his free time to his family and sports. He is fond of volleyball and sponsors the NOVA volleyball club (Novokuibyshevsk).

Leonid Mikhelson today

Forbes magazine in 2016 and 2017 named L. Michelson the richest Russian. In 2014, his fortune was $14.4 billion. Compared to the previous year, his fortune has grown by three billion dollars. In 2017, it increased by another four billion. In 2017, the oligarch owned 43.2 percent of shares in Sibur and 24.8 percent of shares in Novatek.
In addition, the businessman owns five hundred and ten hectares of land near Sestroretsk. On this land, he plans to build real estate objects in the near future.

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Leonid Mikhelson is one of the richest people Russia. His life and destiny are a vivid example of perseverance, purposefulness and remarkable diligence. He began his career as a simple superintendent and some time later reached simply fantastic heights. Today he is CEO and the largest shareholder of Novatek, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of the SIBUR petrochemical holding. His name is on the list of the richest people in Russia, and his personal fortune is estimated at billions of dollars.

But how did these metamorphoses come about? In this article we will talk about life and career path one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Russia.

Childhood and youth of Leonid Michelson

The future billionaire was born in Dagestan, but he almost never lived in his native Kaspiysk. All his childhood and youth were spent in the city of Novokuibyshevsk, where immediately after the birth of his son his parents moved. Here in the Samara region, Leonid's father was engaged in the construction of an oil pipeline. In this field, Viktor Zelmanovich (namely, that was the name of Leonid Mikhelson's father) was quite successful and very soon received the position of director of the Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy trust for his merits. Thus, already from early years the life of our today's hero and his family was inextricably linked with oil production.

After graduating from school number 8 in his native Novokuibyshevsk, Leonid entered the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute, where he began to study as a civil engineer. In 1977, Mikhelson received a diploma and, as a young specialist, went to Siberia, where he began to build the first branch of the Urengoy-Chelyabinsk large gas pipeline. In this place, he worked as a foreman, but soon he began to make serious progress in the service, which did not go unnoticed by his superiors. Mikhelson earned respect among colleagues and began to rapidly climb the career ladder.

In 1983, Leonid Mikhelson took over as head of the line at the construction of one of the branches of the gas pipeline, which was carried out under the auspices of his father's company. Thus, the future billionaire began to work for Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy. However, two years later he was transferred to Ryazan, where he took the post of chief engineer of Ryazantruboprovodstroy.

The further career path of Leonid Mikhelson

The turning point in the career of a young manager was 1987. During this period, Leonid Mikhelson's father died suddenly, and his son became one of the main candidates for the position of head of Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy. In the end, there was no surprise, and it was Michelson Jr. who took the post of head of the company.

From that moment in the life of Leonid Viktorovich there were significant changes. He became one of the most influential people in the region, and therefore everyone had to reckon with his opinion. In 1991, "at the suggestion" of Michelson, Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy became the first privatized enterprise in Russia, which at the same moment received a new name - Samara People's Enterprise Nova. In this difficult period for the entire industry, Leonid Viktorovich managed to shift the vector economic activity firms in the Tyumen region, where he very soon received the right to control a large gas field belonging to the Vostochno-Tarkosalinsky area. It is noteworthy that this field was one of the few that Gazprom did not get.

Yurevich and Michelson

In 1994, Mikhelson headed the Novafininvest company, which was no longer engaged in the construction of oil pipelines, but in the production of hydrocarbons. The next step of Leonid Viktorovich was an active purchase of shares in the Purneftegazgeologiya association, which owned licenses for the development of a number of fields. In the end, the actual takeover of this enterprise took place, which in turn laid the foundation for a new company - OAO Novatek. In 1996, the organization began gas and oil production at the Vostochno-Tarkosalinskoye field, which became the first in a long list of fields entrusted to Novatek OJSC.

Leonid Mikhelson now

Things were going uphill, but it was during this period that reports began to appear in the press about dishonest play on the part of Mikhelson, namely, the actual bribery of the Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Iosif Levinzon (who was included in the shareholders of Novatek OJSC), as well as the use budget funds in the form of loans from state banks (which again were provided through Joseph Levinson).

Leonid Mikhelson became a shareholder of SIBUR

However, one way or another, Leonid Mikhelson soon became one of the most influential people in Russia. The Novatek company created by him on this moment is the second in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of hydrocarbons produced. After the actual strengthening of Gazprom in the early 2000s, the Michelson enterprise is the only independent player in the Russian oil and gas market.

At present, in addition to the named company, Leonid Mikhelson also owns about 75 percent of the large Samara bank OAO Pervobank. In addition, the businessman is the largest shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of SIBUR, which also operates in the petrochemical sector.

In 2013, the name of Leonid Mikhelson was in third place in the overall ranking of the two hundred richest people in Russia. According to Forbes magazine, personal fortune Russian businessman is estimated at 15.4 billion dollars.

Personal life of Leonid Michelson

Not as much is known about Leonid Mikhelson's personal life as about his career path. The only thing public is the fact that the businessman has long been happily married to his wife Lyudmila. The couple have a daughter, Victoria (born in 1992). Recently Russian media called her the wealthiest heiress of Russia. The girl herself, who is in last years became a regular participant in various fashion events and social events in Moscow.

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