Ecological tale: "Once upon a time there was an old woman planet Earth." Cognitive fairy tale about the planets of the solar system Fairy tale about the uniqueness of our planet

Tourism and rest 14.08.2019
Tourism and rest

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The star called itself the Sun, and the planets called themselves Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The sun was a hot-tempered, wayward, but kind star. It, neither thinking nor guessing, settled down in the center of the ring of meteorites, leaving the planets all the space around it.

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Four small planets wanted life to appear on them, so it was decided that they would take their places near the sun, and the rest, not longing for life on themselves, but worried about their beauty, for the ring of meteorites. - I, - said Mercury, thinking by no means always correctly, - I believe that life will arise only in warmth, so I will be the first after the sun, especially since we are great friends with him. - With these words, the smallest planet took the chosen place and immediately began to heat up, but confident in the correctness of her decision, she did not change it. MERCURY The tiny planet of the First is warmed by the Sun, And nimble - the year on it is Eighty-eight days.

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Mars came next, believing that it would be best if he took fourth place after the Sun so as not to damage himself with the heat of a scorching star and allow life to appear. Alas, if you chase two hares, you will not catch one. MARS Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet.

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And I, - spoke, eternally raging, dazzlingly beautiful and proud Venus - I think that I need to get as close to the Sun as possible. Warmth and my beauty will definitely create the conditions for a prosperous life. - And Venus took a place next to Mercury, becoming the second planet near the Sun. But what kind of life (her own or the one that could arise) she spoke about remains a mystery. Only the sun and the moon in the sky is brighter than she is. And there is no hot planet in the solar system. VENUS

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EARTH Modest, kind, not noticing its beauty, the Earth, sincerely wished for the emergence of life. It didn't matter where she got up, she believed that life would appear on it anywhere near the Sun. Therefore, without saying a word, she took the third place near the star. There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it.

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It was easier for the other five planets. They chose their seats according to their size. The fifth was taken by the giant Jupiter, the sixth by Saturn, proud of his multi-colored rings, the seventh by Uranus, the eighth by Neptune, and the ninth by the taciturn little Pluto. The heavyweight giant Throws lightning from heaven, He is striped like a cat, It is a pity that Jupiter is losing weight little by little Jupiter The magnificent gas giant Jupiter's brother and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby. Saturn Uranus He has been a Greek among the Roman brothers for centuries, And rushes through the cosmos with melancholy, lying on his side. On the planet blue-blue The wind is blowing very strong. The year on it is very great - Winter lasts 40 years. Neptune Pluto It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, And therefore it is not visible in telescopes.

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When each of the planets fell into place, the star declared that it would rotate on its axis in order to see the world and advised others to do the same. The planets thought and agreed with the luminary. However, the planets had a question that was voiced by Mars: “What is this? If we always stand in one line like this, then some will get more heat, others less, and some will not get it at all! How to make sure that there is enough light for everyone? They thought the planets thought, and after several hours of reflection, they decided to move around the Sun, each in its own way, and this path was called an orbit.

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So the planets lived together with the star for a long time until tourists arrived, the so-called satellites. They were struck by the friendship between the planets and the star, between the planets themselves. The companions made friends with everyone, so much so that they decided to stay here forever. Each with their own new friend. The Moon satellite began to live near the Earth, revolving around it, amazed by its beauty and kindness.

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Phobos and Deimos are around Mars. Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, admiring the size of Jupiter, remained to live next to him. Titan, Rhea, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Pandora and Janus decided to settle near Saturn. Oberon, Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet and Portia are with Uranus.

Hello, dear readers. I talked a lot about the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. And he told us about this process, and I did it. Whatever you say, the topic is rather complicated. Therefore, at the end of the conversation, I will tell you a fairy tale.

So listen, Live was a small planet. Her name was Earth. Well, she wasn't that small, just compared to the Sun, which was big and hot, that she orbited, she was just a baby.

She moved around the Sun as if she were being twisted by a rope. On one side, facing the Sun, it was always summer and it was day, and on the other side it was always winter and night.

Since the eyes of the Earth were located precisely on the side facing the Sun, they soon ached from the bright light. The planet tried to turn away, but it twitched too hard, and it began to spin. She couldn't stop. So she had to spin around herself (rotating around her axis) and continue moving around the Sun.

It was difficult to rotate all the time, and in the beginning, dizzy, but then the Earth got used to it. But now the light did not blind her all the time, but gently illuminated in turn one half, then the other. Day gave way to evening, and then to night, which was replaced by morning. The beauty!

Everything would be fine, but it seemed to the Earth that this was not enough. Day and night are the same length, the season is always the same. Above and below the equator it is always spring, neither hot nor cold. Summer is only in the middle of the Earth, at its equator, so to speak, at the waist. Of course, there was no such waist, because it was a ball.) The equator was just its widest place. Eternal morning stood at the poles. The sun stood there forever at the very horizon. Boring(

Then the Earth decided to try to lean towards the Sun.

It immediately became more interesting. Summer, however, at the equator remained summer, but it also got warmer above it. The days have become longer than the nights sunlight more fell there, the sun shone directly on the forehead of the Earth and warmed more strongly. And at the North Pole, eternal day has generally come. True, below the equator, on the contrary, it got colder, winter came, the days became shorter. And at the South Pole, night has become as eternal as day at the North.

The Earth wanted to try to bend over and see what would come of it, but the Sun looked at her so angrily that the desire to experiment on the planet disappeared. She froze in an inclined position and flew around the Sun in that way. Having flown halfway, she noticed that now the southern hemisphere was already inclined towards the Sun, and hot summer had come there, South Pole the polar day (it turned out to be not eternal, only very, very long), in the Northern Hemisphere winter came with snow, and at the North Pole - the polar night, long, long, when the Sun did not rise at all. Continuing its flight, the Earth watched with interest how the seasons succeed each other during its complete revolution around the Sun. Summer - autumn - winter - spring, and then a new revolution around the Sun, and again summer :)

Ecological fairy tale

« SOS - save our Earth!


On our earthly ball,

Where we were born and live

Where is the summer dew in the grass

And blue skies

Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -

Full of mysterious wonders.

Wandering through the forest grey Wolf,

And a thin lily of the valley blooms,

In the steppe, feather grass, like delicate silk,

The wind blows.

A waterfall thunders on the rocks,

And rainbow splashes fly.

And in the blue sea a fat whale -

Big as a house, sleeping on the waves.

You are also a part of her miracles

And the forest darkens for you

And the river is flowing.

Birds circle every year.

And you have to try

We can't part with this.

Don't destroy this world

Girls and boys

Otherwise these miracles

Remain only in the book.

Teacher. Dear children and dear adults!

Today you will see the performance of the Children's Ecological Theater "Luchik". The problem of ecology worries us for a very long time. We carry out various promotions, environmental exploration, research experiments. This year we conducted an experiment on separate waste collection. And as a result, it turned out that there are wastes that require special disposal conditions - batteries, modern energy-saving lamps etc. To find out what to do with such waste, we made a request to the Internet reception of the Administration of Desnogorsk and were very upset to learn that this problem has not been resolved in our city.

Each of us is responsible for preserving nature for present and future generations.

Today we will show an ecological fairy tale-tale "SOS - save our Earth!"

Does anyone know what this signal means?

(children's statements)

SOS - international radio distress signal. It is served from sinking ships. Now a plea for salvation is heard from the planet Earth.


Storyteller .

A long time ago, about 5 billion years ago, a daughter was born to the mother-Universe and father-Cosmos - they called her Earth.

Father-Cosmos, in joy, arranged a feast for the whole world and invited a huge number of guests.

Father Cosmos:

I give you, daughter, the most bright star called - The Sun, so that it warms and illuminates you.

mother universe :

I will give you the Moon so that you do not miss the nights and can dream looking at her.


Everyone who came to look at the beautiful Earth brought her various gifts. Here are the first guests - the constellations and galaxies.


We give you the stars so that you can look at them at night and rejoice.


And we will present the Milky Way, which will show you the way in the starry world.


Other guests arrived at the feast:

(fairies enter)

Fairy Aqua gave the Earth clean and cool water so that it would not be tormented by thirst.

Fairy Aera gave her a beautiful, almost weightless, pale blue veil. And although the cover was very thin, it warmed the Earth and protected from meteorites.

Fairy Flora gave the earth plants and animals. Decorated her outfit with flowers and butterflies.


Everyone rejoiced, looking at the beautiful Earth. And only the evil sorceress, who was not invited to this holiday, did not forgive the offense and decided to take revenge. She thought for a long time what to do, more than one million years passed, and, finally ...


Invented! And I will give the Earth a rational being-man.

(referring to a person)

Come on, Man, come here and listen. Your task is to penetrate the earth and avenge me.

The whole body of the Earth is pitted with quarries, torn with bomb explosions, covered with more garbage.

Cover clean seas and rivers with an oil film so that all living creatures donated by the fairy Flora die.

Cut down the forests so that there is less oxygen in the air.

Tear the ozone cover that the fairy Aera gave, so that destructive ultraviolet rays painfully burn the body of the Earth.

Well, is the task clear?

(Man stays, Witch leaves)


Here - Man - nature's son!

At first he was here alone.

But he was weak and very stupid.

He needed a sharp tooth

And strong claw like a lion

It was just the head.

He soon became the strongest

He won by force.

And here he is - the new master -

Said to everyone...

Without special need and out of boredom

I will break the hands of the trees.

Trees, herbs, flowers and birds

They won't be able to protect themselves from me.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

And finally, I'll cover everything with garbage.(covers everything with rubbish)

Well, that seems to have fulfilled all the wishes of the sorceress! (horrified)

But how am I going to live on this planet?(leaves)


Seeing her daughter, Mother Universe did not recognize her. The whole body of the Earth is wounded, covered with debris. Once clean seas and rivers are covered with an oil film.

Universe: (horrified)

You were beautiful, you were pretty

She didn't look like herself at all!


Yes, in order to remove all this dirt from the Earth, serious means will have to be found. I heard that there are living organisms on Earth that can decompose garbage into harmless substances.

Aqua: And glass, and polyethylene, and plastic decompose?


Probably just what they are called, I don't remember!

Universe. They are called putrefactive bacteria. But they will not be able to cope with glass, plastic, polyethylene.



Folks, remember this before throwing away your old plastic bag or bottle.

Aera. Well, friends, let's go look for a cure for the planet?

(The fairies leave. Fairy Flora enters the forest)

Fairy Flora.

I hear some sounds like crying.

What happened, bunny?


I'm such a big coward.

Scarecrows came to the forest

The trees have been cut down!

There was nowhere to hide.

I will now toil.

Fairy Flora.

Butterfly beauty, what happened to you?

Tell me how bad

happened to you?


The man got me

He broke my wing!

I won't be able to fly!

How can I not grieve?


And I'm very scared!

There were many of us in the forests.

Now here is the road.

Here comes a man

And ruined our lives forever.

Everyone loves my skin

After all, I'm a beautiful Lisa.


I'm wolf. Came to you from the forest

I did not find peace there.

People are relaxing there.

All animals are scared

Garbage is left everywhere.

It became unbearable to live there -

Leave, live where you want!

Fairy Flora.

Why are you so evil?

Who woke you up in winter?


Well, they didn't let me sleep.

I became angry, began to interfere with everyone.

What should I do now

After all, I am a wild terrible beast.


Ka-r-r-r .. hooligan! Oh, we crows also have a hard life. The children became cruel: they break trees, litter, shoot at us with slingshots.


Look at me.

Do you know who I am?

I'm harmless - everyone knows

Only there is no life for me.

Poisoned, polluted

(in chorus) We cannot live as we have lived.

(the fairies return to the mother universe)

Flora. I'm just horrified! Poor animals, how hard life is for them!

Aqua: It's just amazing what can be done to the planet for such short period time.

Aera: I, too, was shocked by what I saw. People began to produce more and more new polymers. I'm talking about disposable tableware! If you arrange the glasses used in a year in a row, they will encircle the Earth at the equator 500 times. But the worst thing is that this plastic does not decompose in nature, and during its production substances are released into the atmosphere that destroy the ozone layer.

Universe: How to be? Is there nothing you can do to help the Earth?(thinks)

I know! We need to call the "first aid"!

(Ambulance siren is heard)

Ecology: (dressed as a nurse)

Hello guys! Hello Universe! What happened?

Universe: Sick Earth! And the most powerful wizards and fairies cannot help her.

Ecology: (looks at the earth)

Yes, the Earth is dying!(listens to her) It's getting harder and harder to breathe. Who bullied her like that?

Universe: Human! That's all he did!

Ecology: I am amazed at the carelessness of people. They cut the branch on which they sit. Don't people understand this? If they do not stop, then the Earth will perish, but the people along with it.

Universe: Help us, Ecology - you are a science and you know and can do a lot.

Ecology: The earth can only be helped by the one who destroyed it for many years, and therefore it is the man himself. And where he?(man exits)

Human: Sorry! I was forced by an evil witch. Tell me what should I do? How to help the Earth?


Now, together we will write a recipe for saving our planet. And you promise that you will do everything that is necessary for the Earth to recover. I agree? Will you guys help me write this recipe? Then your suggestions...

(the guys suggest measures for recovery)


1. properly dispose of garbage(a person removes garbage from the Earth)

2. stop deforestation and start planting new ones("planted" Christmas trees)

3. All plants and animals should be protected

4. do not pollute water and save it

5. reduce, and it is better to completely stop using disposable plastic tableware .... and much more


Let's take a look at our blue planet! It is huge, endless, but so fragile and defenseless. Today her health, her life is in danger. And only a person can provide her with emergency ecological assistance.


Without a planet in the world to people

You can't even live a day.

So let's go to her we will

Treat like friends.

Final song "Let's Save!.." (everyone sings)

At the very edge of the universe, in one of the galaxies, there lived - there was a small planet. It was the youngest in its environment and therefore the most beloved, other planets looked at it with curiosity and love, affectionately calling it Blue among themselves.
Harmony reigned on this planet. And it was hard to imagine a world more beautiful than this:
By blue sky floated shining from the whiteness of the cloud. The sun peeps from its height and with kind rays warms every heart that it comes across on the way, smiling at everyone, from which it was always warm there. And there was no bad mood, from those living there.
But the greatest asset on this planet was the people. Cheerful, cheerful and beautiful, and all of them, without exception, were wizards - creators. As soon as they mentally imagine some kind of picturesque plants and how they grow from the ground, how they change their outfits now green, then yellow, and even with all the colors of the rainbow or adorn themselves with flowers and fruits, as soon as all this was brought to life ....
Entire groups of people showed their capabilities by creating birds, animals and creatures of unprecedented beauty, which is why this planet turned more and more into a beauty.
Music sounded from the souls of every musician, and merging with others, it sounded like the music of the spheres, and every philosopher could find an answer to any question of his heart, as soon as this music touched his soul.
Light aromas of beauty and happiness fluttered everywhere.
With one stroke of thought, artists released a flock of fluttering butterflies or birds into the world, which immediately began to trill singing this wonderful world ...
Harmony rules there….
And you can describe for a long time all the wonders of this world, which would have no end if .... Darkness did not fall on the planet ...
The Prince of Darkness came to power with his faithful demon servants. Their names were: Fear, Anger, Envy, Pride and Jealousy. Fear - could creep into the soul of everyone and he did not even notice it, but never again the Wings of his soul could straighten out for flight. Anger - crushed and broke, burning everything in its path and in the souls of those whom it took possession of. Envy - acted very subtly, but its power was no less destructive, Pride ... as soon as it touched the soul, a person’s eyes closed and he began to trample everything and everyone that surrounded him, Jealousy - which possessed
the gifts of all her brothers, but she also knew how to corrode the soul so that it resembled rust and could never become the same again.
The people of this planet were so pure and kind, they did not know that there is deceit in the world and you need to be able to protect yourself.
The prince began his reign by forbidding people to raise their eyes to the sun, and one could only see its reflection in a puddle, with the help of fear, he made people forget about their power of thought ... They were inspired that happiness is slavery and that it’s different it just doesn’t happen, and what they managed to remember became known as fairy tales. It began to drive into consciousness that all fools, mediocrity and lazy people .... and that this is how the world works ... and you all deserve it.
Terrible times have come for the inhabitants of this planet ...
But if the mind can be put to sleep, then without killing the soul, it is not possible to put it to sleep, but it is possible to hide it deeply - deeply, while calling it "subconsciousness".

The essence of the soul is creativity, and creativity, even hidden in the depths, still gives its sprouts .... So it happened this time.
Those who heard the music began to create instruments for extracting sounds that continued to live in the hearts. Artists began to find colors in everything that surrounded them - so the soul told them, which yearned for beauty and joy ...
But not everyone succumbed to hypnosis, not all creators let the demons of Darkness into their souls. And they took the fight. But there were so few of them and their forces were not equal that they were forced to retreat and lie low, cleaning the raid of Darkness from the souls and from the eyes of their brothers.
Many warriors of Light died fighting in an unequal battle - on fires, crosses and in terrible torment, but this battle with Darkness made them stronger and there is not much time left when the last inhabitant of the planet realizes that his enemy is not a roommate and not another the person whom he looks at with the eyes of fear, envy, pride, jealousy, anger, and the Darkness that has taken possession of the souls of many ...
It was she who brought to life her music - the rattle, which is called - debauchery, rudeness, dirt, deceit, laziness and other names that are familiar to you.
And in order for the Light to win again, everyone must give battle in his soul, and then the music of the spheres will again flow for everyone and there will be no need to call the truth a fairy tale, because everyone will have their own brush with a palette called THOUGHT.

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center of the solar system, a hot star, the Sun, shines brightly. Eight major planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the Sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth, it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are farther away, a complete revolution can be several Earth years. The planets also rotate on their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the solar system


A bright star at the center of the solar system. The sun, like a hot fireball, distributes heat to its nearest planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are farther from Mars are very cold, because the warm rays almost do not reach them. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, very convenient for the appearance and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun on one side. Therefore, it is very hot on one side of Mercury and very cold on the other.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it is such an air shell. Only unlike our earthly one, it does not consist of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. There are no plants, no animals, no bacteria.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is our common home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of the planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which there is a huge amount of oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history, and from here we observe other planets and stars. And the planet Earth also has a little girlfriend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Red small planet, fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are always looking for it, because once there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened, and the water disappeared. This mystery is yet to be unraveled.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made up of gas and is called a gas giant. Storms and whirlwinds of winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, very quickly rotates around its axis, like a top.


Beautiful and unusual planet, the sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is a ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, but in fact it is not a solid disk, but thousands upon thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


A mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which, for unknown reasons, lies on its side and rotates in a completely different way than other planets. Uranus has an unusual blue color and looks like a round ball with a flat surface.


Icy very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so Sun rays almost do not reach the surface of this blue planet. The strongest winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, it is very cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small for the title of a planet and it is now called a dwarf planet and they are not allowed to adult planets with a name. Maybe Pluto is still quite a baby and he just needs to grow up)

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