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Tourism and rest 23.05.2019

Elman Mehdiyev: Hello Ilya! Thank you for taking the opportunity to respond to the meeting offer. I already asked the question "tea or coffee", you answered it "tea". My very first question is: why did the Bank of Russia, as a mega-regulator, need the Consumer Rights Protection Service?

Ilya Kochetkov: The functionality to protect the rights of consumers and investors has been implemented before - Federal Service on financial markets, but then complaints were considered by different divisions of the service, according to areas of activity. Thus, from my point of view, there was no end-to-end uniformity in the consideration of citizens' complaints. Therefore, the Bank of Russia decided to create a unified service for the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services and minority shareholders from March 3, 2014. What was it for? The answer can be short and simple: to help citizens.

Elman Mehdiyev: Consumers of financial services and minority shareholders - why did these categories of citizens end up together? Do they have something in common?

Ilya Kochetkov: For me, minority shareholders are the same consumers of financial services, and at the moment they are not the most protected. That is why we pay such attention to protecting the rights of minority shareholders, because majority shareholders have more opportunities and ways to defend their rights.

Elman Mehdiyev: Apparently, it is really worth paying attention to the communication around this, because when you say “protection of the rights of consumers of financial services and minority shareholders”, people's first reaction is that there is some kind of contradiction here. But now, when you formulated your answer in this way and said that they are still the same consumers of financial market services, this is an important point. But is the principle of dealing with complaints from consumers of financial services and minority shareholders different?

Ilya Kochetkov: No, the principle of operation is the same. The approach to the complaint of any citizen must be fair, uniform and transparent. Although, of course, a consumer of a financial service and a minority shareholder are often people at different levels of financial literacy. A minority shareholder is almost always a person who, not by chance, but deliberately, ended up in the financial services market and bought a block of shares, and many citizens become consumers of financial services simply because they have no other choice (for example, motorists are required to purchase an OSAGO policy from an insurance company ) or by chance, sometimes due to their short-sightedness. And very often their rights need to be protected.

Elman Mehdiyev: Often people ask questions like this: joint-stock company has not paid dividends for years, of course, it has the right to do so, but what should the minority shareholder do in this case?

Ilya Kochetkov: You touch on a significant issue, which, in fact, concerns the trust of citizens in the financial market as a whole. Increasing the level of this trust is one of the key tasks of the Bank of Russia, including the Service. If we do not increase this trust, our country will never have the same mass investor, the presence of which is necessary for the full development of the financial market.

Indeed, there are a lot of requests regarding non-payment of dividends, including from people of retirement age. They complain, for example, that they have acquired shares of a certain company N, and for years it has not paid dividends, although, in their opinion, it is obliged to do so. But after all, the decision to pay or not pay dividends is made by the general meeting of shareholders of the company, and citizens who are shareholders themselves should take a more active position at general meetings of shareholders.

Elman Mehdiyev: Let's get back to the Service. Please tell us about its structure. How big is it and how is it represented in the Russian regions?

Ilya Kochetkov: The service consists of ten departments. Four departments are based in Moscow. These departments, respectively, deal with the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services, the protection of the rights of investors, legal and statistical and analytical issues and, finally, financial literacy. We also have six directorates, which are part of the central office, but are located in the federal districts.

In addition, 19 departments are actively working, which are located in the branches of the Bank of Russia throughout the country. They submit to the Service not administratively, but methodologically. As you can see, our structure is very extensive and large - we are represented from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. And the number of service is more than 400 people.

Elman Mehdiyev: And how exactly does the Bank of Russia work with complaints? What happens to the appeals of citizens who come to the Central Bank? And can you really help them?

Ilya Kochetkov: For each appeal containing information about a possible violation of consumer rights, the Service checks the facts stated in the appeal, requests and analyzes the submitted documents. Based on the results of the analysis, the applicant is sent a response on the merits of the stated problem, and an order to eliminate the identified violations may be sent to the supervised person, or a case may be initiated on administrative offense provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The Bank of Russia has an Internet reception, which any citizen of the country can apply to. Now we are implementing the Complaint as a Gift project. One of his goals is to automate the process of receiving and processing complaints. We expect this to make it much easier to deal with the requests we receive. By and large, one window should be created for working with citizens' appeals. In addition, since the beginning of this year, a call center has been launched at the Bank of Russia, where citizens can call and receive answers on the entire range of issues that are within the competence of the Bank of Russia. Yes, from the beginning current year the call center received over 70,000 calls.

Elman Mehdiyev: You have touched upon the topic of the Internet reception and the Complaint as a Gift project. We've heard about this for a long time. Can you tell me when the reception "came out"?

Ilya Kochetkov: The Internet reception has existed for a long time, and citizens actively use it. We received about 10% of requests through this channel. Since May 14, the Internet reception has been working in an updated form. Now, when you enter the Internet reception, you clearly select either the regulated organization you want to complain about or the product. Then, after filling in certain fields, a complaint is automatically generated, which comes to us. It is much easier for us to work with such a structured complaint: the time for initial processing is reduced, and the complaint arrives at the appropriate department faster. By the way, within the framework of the Complaint as a Gift project, a lot of attention is paid to the prompt exchange of information in electronic form, without the use of faxes, and especially mail. This greatly facilitates the interaction both between various structural divisions within the Bank of Russia and with other departments.

Elman Mehdiyev: Ilya, let's talk about financial commissioners, ombudsmen. The ombudsman in other countries is either an institution of civil society, which is paid by the society itself, or an internal institution of a state body. In the American Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an ombudsman is a person who is complained about CFPB, that is, it is a kind of service internal control working with outside world. Therefore, my question is very simple: how will the Service interact with the financial ombudsman?

Ilya Kochetkov: We consider the Financial Ombudsman as an institution for resolving civil disputes, and not as a structure of internal control over the work of state bodies. It is assumed that the institution of the ombudsman will be created in the form of a non-profit partnership.

Now we are just discussing the issue of delimiting the powers of the financial ombudsman and the Service: in which cases the applications of citizens will be considered by the ombudsman, and in which we will. In this regard, we are closely cooperating with Pavel Alekseevich Medvedev, who has been a financial ombudsman on a voluntary basis for a number of years. It seems to me that we cooperate successfully. The bill on the Financial Ombudsman is planned to give him the right to resolve property disputes between a citizen and a financial institution, such as a credit or insurance company. The institution of the ombudsman is, in fact, a system of pre-trial dispute resolution. It is easier and cheaper for a citizen, and for a financial institution.

Elman Mehdiyev: Please tell us about the complaints that the Service receives. By the way, why is the database of complaints not available at least for those under supervision? For example, CFPB published a database of complaints received by them exactly one year after its creation. At that time it was 130 thousand records, and now it is more than a million.

Ilya Kochetkov: We publish on the website of the Bank of Russia in the section "Financial Markets / Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers and Minority Shareholders" statistical information on requests received by us. These statistics are quite specific and detailed. On a quarterly basis, we make reports on the number of requests received and our response to them.

Elman Mehdiyev: What are the main complaints?

Ilya Kochetkov: In total, since the establishment of the Service, we have received more than 33,000 requests. So far, there is a serious bias in complaints towards insurance companies. In 2014, 72% of requests were related to insurers, with more than 50% of all requests related to OSAGO. Two main themes prevail here: imposition additional services and breach of payment terms.

By the way, the imposition of additional services often takes quite exotic forms. For example, an insurance company suggests: "Let's check the battery level for 500 rubles?" - and when the client refuses, insurers do not draw up an OSAGO policy, referring to the lack of forms.

Elman Mehdiyev: After the OSAGO tariffs changed, did the number of complaints decrease?

Ilya Kochetkov: We do not yet have a complete objective picture, it will become visible a little later. The fact is that complaints usually come to us with a certain time lag, they react to the real situation with a delay.

However, according to the appeals of citizens with questions to the call center of the Bank of Russia, one can understand the intensity on this topic. When it became known that OSAGO rates were going up from April 12, the number of calls to the call center increased dramatically. Citizens said that they could not buy an OSAGO policy even where they were selling it yesterday, because insurance organizations did not want to sell policies at the old prices. Then the number of calls decreased.

It should be noted that a huge number of complaints is associated with the still insufficient level of financial literacy of the population. Citizens often do not know their rights or obligations. We often come across the fact that a citizen, without carefully reading the terms of the contract, signs it, and then begins to complain to us about enslaving conditions. Therefore, the issue of increasing financial literacy is very important. For example, we consider the introduction of textbooks and financial literacy lessons to be the most important task for us. To date, an agreement has already been reached with the Ministry of Education that the subject "Social Studies" will include a lesson on financial literacy for the ninth grade.

Elman Mehdiyev: Then my next question is about the financial literacy program of the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank. How do you interact with them in this regard?

Ilya Kochetkov: We are now at the stage of building relations, in particular, we are preparing to conclude an agreement with the Ministry of Finance on cooperation in the field of financial literacy.

Elman Mehdiyev: Please tell us about the information campaign that the Service is currently conducting.

Ilya Kochetkov: Now the Service is actively engaged in a large and interesting project. This is an information campaign called OSAGO+. Its purpose is to inform Russian citizens about innovations in the legislation on OSAGO. We want to focus the attention of car owners on several important points. First: despite the existing difficulties, you can not buy fake OSAGO policies. The second point is the so-called European Protocol. So, if there was an accident in which citizens were not injured and no more than two Vehicle, it is not necessary to create a traffic jam and wait for the arrival of a traffic police officer. And in cases where the amount of damage does not exceed 50 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles for Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region), we urge people to use the European protocol. The third point: if the insurance company refuses to sell you a policy or take into account the bonus-malus coefficient, or in some other way violates your rights, complain to the Service, we will take action.

Elman Mehdiyev: Ilya, thank you very much for the conversation.

Ilya Kochetkov: Thank you.

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