The former adviser to the head of Mordovia was buried in Saransk. Nikolai Shchukin: Soviet singer of the Hawaiian Islands, whose leg was torn off in the war Shchukin Nikolai Nikolaevich

Tourism and rest 17.09.2019
Tourism and rest

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional appearances He started on the stage in 1946. At the beginning of his creative way worked in various provincial regional philharmonics, sang on summer park stages, in the cinema ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional performances on stage began in 1946. At the beginning of his career, he worked in various provincial regional philharmonic societies, sang on summer park stages, in cinemas and restaurants. From the late 1940s, Nikolai Shchukin, under the stage name Nika Stefan, performed with the Rostov Jazz Big Band, popular in the North Caucasus, led by I. Stelman. Widespread success came to the artist in the mid-50s. On the Soviet stage, after decades of bans, foreign songs sounded again. The very first and most famous hit of Nikolai Schukin was the lyrical song - "Come back", which was sold on records in gigantic editions. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he performed hits in a way that no one in the world sang them. Sometimes Nikolai Shchukin went on stage in a chic tuxedo (he always dressed and looked brilliant), fit, sparkling with a "Hollywood" smile, with briolin, at that time it was extremely fashionable. The lyrical and spectacular image of the singer Nikolai Shchukin, who at the beginning of his work did not perform Soviet patriotic songs, did not suit the cultural "figures" from the authorities. Heavily zealous officials from the Ministry of Culture disparagingly called him "refined, salon and pro-Western", and were not too eager to support the singer in his creative career despite being very popular with listeners. Since 1959, Nikolai Shchukin became a soloist of Ukrconcert. He performed in Kyiv with the famous and best pop-jazz big band of the country in the late 60s, with an orchestra of x / hands. and conductor V. Ludvikovsky (orchestra created by Leonid Utyosov). Since 1969, Nikolai Shchukin has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In Moscow he worked with the famous Gosteleradio orchestra led by G. Garanyan, with the pop-jazz ensemble "Krugozor" led by V. Kuprevich and other groups. Recorded on records. Until 1970, he mainly performed popular seasonal hits and lyric songs by famous Soviet and foreign composers. As part of groups Soviet artists toured abroad many times. AT last years During his life, the singer successfully performed in concerts with the repertoire of the war years, which reflected his own biography. Participated in commemorative television programs dedicated to war veterans. Since 1984, Nikolai Shchukin has been an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, in the 90s, he received the title People's Artist USSR. Passed away July 25, 1999. There are fewer and fewer of us, But there were many of us ... Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin - this name was not given to him from birth, because he was brought up in an orphanage. Perhaps the people who brought the little swarthy boy with a shock of hair as hard as a crow's wing to the orphanage knew his real name. But he was recorded as Kolya Shchukin, who wept bitterly when they took off his beautiful sailor suit and put on the gray uniform that all the orphanage children were wearing. The name of Nikolai Schukin was covered with legends. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself told about himself that he was the son of a regiment, was wounded during the war, lost his leg, was awarded two Orders of Glory ... I recognized him that way. But there were other versions of his life. In the very first post-war years on the streets of Rostov, among the complete devastation, padded jackets and overcoats, one could meet a person who amazed the whole city. In a cream-colored striped suit, in a boater, he walked with a slight limp along the main street of Engels, followed by crowds of onlookers. This was new soloist Rostov jazz, and his name was Nika Stefan. Moreover, they announced him in a concert, as a singer with Hawaiian Islands! Nika Stefan performed mostly lyrical songs in languages ​​that were incomprehensible to everyone. In Russian, but with a heavy accent, he only sang a song about Rostov. In fact, it was Nikolai Shchukin, who performed under the pseudonym "Nika Stefan". The head of the Rostov jazz orchestra, trumpeter Iosif Stelman, came up with this image for him, and the young singer successfully exploited his pseudonym for several years. Even in Nika's life, Stefan was forbidden to speak without an accent. But it seems to me that he willingly played this role, because he always remembered this period with pleasure! After Rostov Nika Stefan for a long time worked in Kyiv and enjoyed a resounding success. It was impossible to get to his concert. At one anniversary of Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, as a boy, he tried to get to his concert, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket. All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And his main hit "Evening, rustling at the feet ...

The name of the performer of Russian, gypsy, French songs and romances Alexander Zelkin is known today, unfortunately, to a few. His noble baritone captivated listeners in the USA and Canada, France, Israel and many other countries in the 1960s-1980s. One of the most famous was the disc "Russian Folk Songs", where the interpretations of "Bublichkov", "Curly-haired forelock", "Songs of the old cabman", "Moscow Evenings" can only be compared with Sasha's great predecessors, like Misha Epelbaum, Leonid Utyosov or Alyosha Dimitrievich.

In memory of Willy Ivanovich Tokarev

Wolf Messing in Kazan

Soon it will be 120 years since the birth of Wolf MESSING, one of the most mysterious people of the last century. Continuing the series of publications about outstanding personalities in history, we talk about the days of Wolf Grigorievich's stay in Tatarstan - through the collected memories of witnesses and participants in speeches and meetings with the famous parapsychologist.
Wolf Messing is called the man of mystery of the twentieth century. He had the gift of foresight, read other people's thoughts, using the great opportunities given to him for the benefit of people. He presented two aircraft to the front, for which he received a telegram from Stalin with the following content: “Please accept my greetings and gratitude to the Red Army, Comrade Wolf Messing, for your concern for air force Red Army. Your wish will be fulfilled. I. Stalin. I wonder what desire was discussed? Perhaps get permission to perform with concerts around the country .....
Read on Shanson - Portal.

On June 3, Mordovia said goodbye to the suddenly deceased former adviser to the Head of Mordovia, Nikolai Shchukin. On July 27, he was supposed to turn 55 years old ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in the Zubovo-Polyansky village of Vadov Selishchi. In 1987 he graduated from Moscow State University. Ogarev, having received the specialty "mechanical engineer", and entered the post of first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the Komsomol. In 1989, after studying at a higher school under the Central Committee of the Komsomol, he became a secretary, and later head of the ideological department of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1992-1996 he worked in the firm "AgroMordovia". Since 1996 - assistant, senior assistant to the Head of the Republic of Moldova, head of the group of assistants to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Since 2012 - State Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Curated questions physical culture and sports. In January 2016, he completed his career as a government official. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Mordovia (2008) ... On June 3, hundreds of people came to the Ice Palace to say goodbye to the former official, many of whom knew Nikolai Schukin personally. The head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Saratov region Alexander Grishnev, winner Olympic Games Denis Nizhegorodov, a classmate of Nikolai Schukin - Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova Alexei Tyurkin and others. Natives of Mordovia, members of the team of Samara governor Nikolai Merkushkin, also came to Saransk to say goodbye to their former colleague. Nikolai Shchukin was buried at the Saransk cemetery No. 5.

“Nikolai Nikolayevich made a great contribution to the creative processes in Mordovia, including at the most difficult and crucial stages of development,” Governor of the Samara Region Nikolai Merkushkin expressed deep condolences to the family and friends of Nikolai Schukin. - Thanks to his competent and efficient work, the most important projects for the republic were implemented in a number of areas in sports, youth, social policy, and the economy. He was a man of deep decency, high professionalism, exceptionally reliable in work and human relations.”

"There are fewer and fewer of us,
But there were a lot of us…”

Singer from Hawaii
(Nikolai Schukin)

Nikolay Nikolaevich Schukin. This name was not given to him from birth, because he was brought up in an orphanage.
Perhaps the people who brought the little swarthy boy with a shock of hair as hard as a crow's wing to the orphanage knew his real name. But he was recorded as Kolya Shchukin, who wept bitterly when they took off his beautiful sailor suit and put on the gray uniform that all the orphanage children were wearing.
The name of Nikolai Schukin was covered with legends.
Nikolai Nikolaevich himself told about himself that he was the son of a regiment, was wounded during the war, lost his leg, was awarded two Orders of Glory ... I recognized him that way.
But there were other versions of his life.
In the very first post-war years on the streets of Rostov, among the complete devastation, padded jackets and overcoats, one could meet a person who amazed the whole city. In a cream-colored striped suit, in a boater, he walked with a slight limp along the main street of Engels, followed by crowds of onlookers. It was a new soloist of Rostov jazz, and his name was Nika Stefan. Moreover, they announced him at the concert as a singer from the Hawaiian Islands!
Nika Stefan performed mostly lyrical songs in languages ​​that were incomprehensible to everyone. In Russian, but with a big accent, he only sang a song about Rostov.

Theater Square,
Poplar shelter.
Crystal lanterns
Cheerful light pour.
Aksai's horns in the morning
Listening to Selmash.
And the Don wave makes noise,
washing the beach."

In fact, it was Nikolai Shchukin, who acted under a pseudonym. The head of jazz Joseph Stelman came up with this image, and the young singer successfully exploited it for several years. Even in Nika's life, Stefan was forbidden to speak without an accent. But it seems to me that he willingly played this role, because he always remembered this period with pleasure!
A funny incident from that time was once told to me by Nikolai Nikolaevich.
Once he arrived in Rostov and there was not a single free room in the only Delovoy Dvor hotel. He was asked to spend one night in a dormitory room. Nika Stefan had a thorough dinner at the restaurant, went into the dormitory, undressed and fell asleep like a dead man. When he woke up, it turned out that there was neither a suitcase nor a suit ... In just his shorts, he rushed to the hotel authorities.
The director just shrugged.
- Nikochka, this is Rostov! Here, whoever wakes up earlier, dressed better.”
After Nika Rostov, Stefan worked for a long time in Kyiv and enjoyed resounding success. It was impossible to get to his concert. At one anniversary of Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, as a boy, he tried to get to his concert, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket.
All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And his main hit “Evening, the sea surf rustles at the feet ...” literally everyone sang:

“Come back, love is calling you, come back.
Do you remember how heartily
We are in pure and eternal
They swore love.
Come back, I call again and again, come back,
Just one word of yours
Give us back again
Love and life!

At the Mosconcert, we worked for some time with one instrumental ensemble. Nika Stefan was already Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin, a veteran, and sang songs not only about love, but also about war. We were very friends with him, we performed in the same concerts both in our country and abroad.
Once, I remember, we performed in some cold club. We decided to warm up with tea. But in this club, even in the dressing rooms, there were no outlets, and I settled with my water heater backstage, next to the stage. As the water boiled, steam began to pour onto the stage. Nikolai Nikolaevich noticed this with his peripheral vision, probably decided that it was a fire, and forgot the words of the song: He sang: “I endlessly ...” And turning to the wings he asked me:
- Fish, what's next? ... "
I was dumbfounded by the unexpected question. And then the audience unanimously suggested: "It's a pity ..."
- Of course of course! Nikolai Nikolaevich rejoiced:

"I'm infinitely sorry
My unfulfilled dreams
And only the pain of memories ...
Depresses me"

And behind the scenes, I lose my favorite “saying”: “Haben zi geveizen mahen zi fuz”.
Now, as I write these lines, Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is no longer with us. But I fondly remember him, the Hawaiian singer Nick Stefan, our Nikolai Nikolayevich!

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