Ecological leisure "Earth Day" (middle group). Leisure "earth day" Children sit on high chairs

Recipes 07.07.2019

Target: Deepening environmental knowledge in children, educating them in a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.


  • To educate children in a responsible, humane, careful, emotionally positive attitude towards nature and towards each other.
  • Strengthen the ability to expressively read poems.
  • To give children the joy of participating in a common holiday.

Entertainment progress:


Once upon a time there was a planet Earth

She was pure and beautiful.

And every spring I met my birthday

And this holiday was a surprise for everyone.


Our Earth with you - beautiful planet, full of wonders and riddles. We are surrounded by magnificent nature. People, animals, birds, fish, plants live on Earth, all of them should be fine, and people should take care of wildlife.

But, unfortunately, people do not always notice the beauty surrounding us, do not care about nature and, even worse, cause irreparable harm to it. All people living on our planet Earth must protect, protect and increase its wealth

1 Child:

Hello, our happy holiday,

Glorious holiday - Earth Day.

We are with you today

They came to celebrate.

2 Child:

Hello planet! Hello Earth!

From now on we are your children and friends!

From now on, we are together - a big family:

Flowers and trees, birds and me!

3 Child:

We live on Earth with you.

There is no more beautiful Mother Earth!

So let's take care, love,

Protect her, don't destroy her.

4 Child:

Nature cannot be offended!

The earth is our common home!

Animals, birds live in it,

And we live with you.

5 Child:

So that the forests may bloom

And gardens and rivers

Take care of all living things

You are in this world!


Guys, today at the entrance to Kindergarten i found a letter (picks up a letter from the table)) It says here ... the city of Kartaly, the kindergarten "Teremok".

The address is correct, shall we read it then?


Dear Guys!

I learned about your holiday.

And my letter for you

Sent straight from the forest.

How to receive a letter

Don't waste your time.

Start having fun.


It is not clear who is writing to us, instead of a signature, a hook.

Why, this is our friend - Lesovichok.

Yes, there is a sequel:

I congratulate you, friends, on the occasion of Earth Day!

I wish everyone to grow up strong, strong and healthy.

Take care of our planet, our land, our waters and fields.

If the forest is clean, the whole Earth will become cleaner.

1 child

We want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest,

To have blue skies.

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

2 child

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

3 child

Save our beautiful planet

Let's save our Mother Nature.

We should be very grateful

To her that we live happily

Children sit down.

Enters the Old Man - Lesovichok

Lesovichok :

Hello dear kids!

I am an old Lesovichok.

Left a chest in the forest.

In that chest are my tasks,

Wits require both knowledge and effort.

I wish you to cope with the task,

Then nature will get rid of trouble.

Look around carefully

Then you will understand who is the enemy, who is the friend.

Hurry up buddy, hit the road

And look under your feet, do not stumble! (walks aside)

Children, together with the Leader, walk in a circle, depicting a trip to the forest.

Sounds of nature can be heard in the background. Find a chest.


Children, we found the chest! Let's take it and go back to kindergarten.

Children sit down.

Leading: Let's open the box and see what's in it.

He opens the chest, takes out a postcard, reads:

My dear children, guess riddles!

blue ball,

Our own house.

My beloved planet

your favorite,

It is called ... - (earth)

The guys have a green friend,

Cheerful friend, good.

He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them

And thousands of hands. (forest)

Flowing, winding here and there

And through the fields, and through the meadows,

The shores are washed by water.

What is it, do you know? (river)

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you. (sun)



People stopped thinking about nature.

And forest dwellers began to take offense.

On the hunt, people shoot birds, animals.

And trees are often cut down.

Rivers are clogged, grasses are burned

And they don't know anything about the inhabitants of the forest.


People lived on the planet

Mothers, fathers and their children.

People throw paper

The planet will become a mess.

Look how dirty the forest is.

I propose to split into two teams and collect garbage. One team removes paper garbage (newspapers, candy wrappers, the other - plastic garbage ( plastic bottles, cups, disposable tableware, etc.) . The winner is the team that picks up the trash the fastest.

Pick up trash game


Guys, do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? What can and cannot be done in the forest? Let's play a game: "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you answer. If I do well, say “YES”, if badly, then “NO”.

If I come to the forest and pick a chamomile (no)

If I eat a pie and throw away a piece of paper (no)

If I leave a piece of bread on a stump (yes)

If I tie a branch, I will put a peg (yeah)

If I make a fire, but I will not put out (no)

If I mess up a lot and forget to clean it (no)

If I take out the trash, I'll dig up a jar (yeah)

I love my nature, I help her (yeah)

Well done boys! I have no doubt that it is you who will never harm Mother Nature. You will protect and love her with all your heart.

Oh my forest, my wondrous forest!

Full of fairy tales and wonders:

All the animals are having fun

And foxes, and hares,

Birds sing until dawn

Nightingales sing.

It's time for me to return to my forest, there is no way without me! Goodbye, kids! (leaves)



Our home is our own, our common home is

The land where we live!

We can't count miracles,

They have one name:

Forests, and mountains, and seas -

Everything is called Earth.

Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

There is only one in the entire universe

It is given to us for life and friendship.

(See lesson presentation below)

On Friday, April 20, on the eve of Earth Day, the guys participated in the first part of their leisure time, which was like the project "Our Home is the Earth". For in music hall the guys of junior and middle groups went on a trip with the Malyshariki to the forest and met the Old Man-Forester in the forest, who told that someone had littered, and because of this, all the animals fled and the birds flew away. The children cleaned up all the garbage in the forest, and they showed in a quiz with questions about ecology that they even know the rules of behavior in the forest. The older guys visited the Lecture Hall, where everyone's favorite Fixies talked about the problems of ecology on Earth and what children can do to solve these problems.

The second half of the leisure time for senior and preparatory groups took place on the street on Tuesday 24 April. Sports relay races and exercises, travel games on the continents of the Earth - these were not all the surprises at the holiday. With admiration and joy, the children met an alien from the planet Vodoliache who arrived on earth, who told them how he saw the Earth from space, conducted a weightlessness training with them and prepared a surprise - a signature treat from his planet called Dudolidu, which the children were looking for on their walking areas. The holiday was very omnipresent and left a lot of joyful impressions and useful knowledge about our Planet Earth.

Irina Danko
Ecological leisure"Earth Day!"

Ecological leisure« Earth Day»

in the middle group


deepening environmental knowledge in children, upbringing careful attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility for all living things on Earth.


Develop an understanding of life Earth and conditions for the development of plants, animals and people (air, water, food,);

Cultivate a sense of pride in your planet;

Arouse desire to do for Earth something nice;

preliminary work: conversations on the topic environmental education , looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals, getting to know space.

Equipment: illustrations "Seasons", globe, world map, two trash cans, trash (crumpled paper, dry branches).

Is on earth huge house.

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house,

And all your friends.

Today we celebrate Earth Day. We earth praise and thank you for everything. All living beings on Earth find food for themselves. Everything we need to live gives us Earth: food, clothing material, water. Earth- beautiful planet! People should love and take care of her, because she is our common home. I congratulate everyone on the holiday Earth!

Guys, today Day the planet invited us to birth Earth. Her day Births are celebrated by all people around the world. In that day everyone is trying to plant trees, flowers, make birdhouses for birds, remove garbage from the streets, squares, clean up reservoirs. People are trying to save and decorate their home - our planet

AT: Guys, let's say hello to earth.

Hello mother Earth!

Hello, meadows, fields!

Hello river, hello meadow,

Everything we see around us!

Come on, our Earth read this congratulations.

"Darling, honey Earth!

Congratulations on your holiday!

We wish your rivers, lakes, forests,

For your pets: animals and birds,

Fish and insect health,

And also be the most beautiful planet.

We think that in our birthday

You will be cheerful and will not be offended by us.

We will try to remove all the rubbish from you.”

Guys, do you want to play?

There is a ball game:

1. Who lives on earth? (animals, insects, flowers, etc.)

2. Who lives under earth? (worms, moles, beetles, etc.)

3. Who flies over earth? (birds, insects)

4. When is it light outside? (afternoon)

5. Why is water needed? (drink, bathe, water plants, etc.)

6. What is air for? (required for breathing)

7. What are the bees doing? (gathering nectar)


You guys are great, everything about know the earth.

Competition: "Who will quickly clean up the garbage".

After the end of the competition, the presenter is interested in where the animals can use the branches (for nests, anthills, etc.)

And now I propose to guess puzzles:

1. What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little blue.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue


2. We all like it,

We cry without him

And as soon as it appears

Look away, hide:

It's very bright

And hot - hot.


3. Grew up in the meadow -

Was in a stack.


4. Two antennas on top,

And she sits in a hut.

She is lucky on herself

It crawls along the straw.


5. Alive can be dead,

Both liquid and very solid ...

May lurk in the sky

And deep down land hiding,

And evaporate before our eyes

And then reappear!


6. Who lives in the water all the time,

She doesn't drink water:

Neither lake nor river

Not any other.


Guys, but Earth in different time year is different. (Show pictures)

Guess: When the earth is white?

What about yellow, red, orange?

When is it green?

And when - multi-colored?

AT: And now, in honor of the holiday, I propose to make medals in memory of our Earth.

(stencils, templates, glue, scissors)

You are already big and understand that Earth- our nurse and drinker.

Let's save the planet.

There is no other like it in the world!

We frolic over it and clouds and smoke.

We won't let anyone hurt her!

Related publications:

"Earth Day". Ecological matinee for preschool children involved middle, senior, preparatory groups Main tasks: to form a careful, responsible attitude of children to their native nature.

On April 22, leisure activities dedicated to the holiday "Earth Day" were organized with the children of the older group. The children systematized their knowledge about the planet.

Objectives: To increase the interest of children and parents in joint activities. Develop physical qualities (strength, agility, endurance, speed).

Leisure in the senior group "Earth Day""Earth Day" Purpose: To acquaint children with life, culture, way of life, peoples different countries. Tasks: 1. To educate children in interest, respect for.

Children enter the song with flags. Rebuilding with flags to the music of "My Russia" Gr. Fidgets of the Vedas: How many peoples, how many traditions.

Leisure scenario for "Earth Day" in the preparatory group for school

Author: Lokman Lyubov Viktorovna
Position: Educator of the 1st category of the Gymnasium No. 1619 named after M. Tsvetaeva, Moscow DO "Palermo"
Purpose: material for educators before.
Target: Deepening environmental knowledge in children, educating them in a humane attitude towards nature.
Tasks: Fix the rules of behavior in nature.
Consolidate knowledge about nature itself.
Repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.
Cultivate a sense of camaraderie.
To cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, feelings of love for the Earth on which you live.

Event progress:

Sounds "We are the children of the galaxy" - "Gravity of the Earth" (Space music) two children come out, a boy and a girl.
Girl: Which beautiful planet! What is its interesting name?
Boy: I do not remember!
Girl: What is the name tell me! (referring to children)
Children: Earth!

Child 1:
There is one planet - a garden.
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory.
Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in the green grass.
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!
Child 2:
Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello Mother Earth!
Hello my friends!
Sounds music Michael Jackson "Earth Song" (only Russian version)
Girls dance with balls:
1. We take the ball from the hoop (it lies in the center of the hall)
2. Run around the hall
3. Slowly up the ball and swing from side to side
4. Squat down
5. Sit on your knees and again swing with balls from side to side
6.At this moment, the video on the projector starts (Michael Jackson's video for the song Earth Song with a girl in leading role)
7. Children freeze and watch videos while sitting on their knees until a certain point
8. Get up and swing with balls
9. At the end of the song, they put the balls back into the hoop and take flowers and signs with the letters: SAVE! SOS
Girl: This planet is screaming SOS! - so save! But why save it?
Child 3: Like a roof over the earth
blue skies!
And under the blue roof
Rivers, mountains and forests!
Child 4:
Oceans, ships,
And glades, and flowers.
All countries and all peoples
And, of course, me and you!
Child 5:
Circling in the blue sky
Our huge round house.
Under one blue
We live under a common roof!
Child 6:
House under blue roof
Spacious and big!
In this house we are neighbors
And the owners are with you!
Child 7:
Together we are responsible
For a wonderful home.
Because on the planet
All yours and all mine!
Everyone sits on chairs.
The music of G. Gladkov-Yu. Entin "Song of a Pirate" sounds and the boys dressed in dirty clothes and decorated with garbage come out.
They run out, walk around the hall, litter, scare:
I'll poison-I'll throw
I'll trample and burn
Together: What a good planet! It's disgusting! It shouldn't be like this!
Trash1: If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower
If everything is me and you,
If we pick flowers
They will remain empty
Both trees and bushes!
Hooray! Class!
Garbage 2: And there will be no beauty,
And there will be no kindness
If only me and you
Let's scatter the trash!
Garbage 3: We want you, my friend,
Give our poison a sip!

Garbage1: We sow dope around.
After all, poisonous water comes from us,
poisonous herb,
Which will give you a headache!
Trash 2: Together we walk the earth
We kill everything!
Now all together in the forest
We'll pick tender lilies of the valley!
Gather sage and mint.
How do you guys like it?
Children: NO! They cannot be torn!
1 fireman and 1 employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (corresponding) and 1 tourist run out
The song "Earthlings-Moan of the Earth" sounds
Tourist: We know these plants
We protect and protect
From dashing ones like these
Bouquet Collectors!
In the book "Red" they
Already listed for a long time!
We do not tear them for fun!
Take care of it!
Child 8: Well in the forest in April
Smells like leafy rot.
Different birds sing
Nests in the trees...
Oh! Someone made a fire!
Ah! Forgetful reveler,
Leaving, he did not trample the fire.
He went home, and the branches were burning down.
And in the morning the wind dispersed the mists
And the dying fire came to life!
The forest began to buzz from a fiery blizzard.
He burned the bushes, killed the green forest!
Boys (garbage) waving yellow "panicles"
Tourist: Gotta put out the fire!
Sounds music "Moan of the Earth"
The Ministry of Emergency Situations + a firefighter + a tourist pour water (blue panicles) on a fire, kick out the Garbage. The trash is running away.
The song "Domisolka-How beautiful this world" sounds
The game is announced (if there are guests-spectators, then they participate)
Two posters depicting a forest, painted fires are glued, you need to take a painted bucket on command and run up to the poster, remove the fire and stick the bucket.
Music "Children of the whole Earth are friends - the sun laughs"
Fireman: Our planet is blue! Why?
Girl: Most of it is covered with water. There are oceans and continents on the planet. They must be protected and not polluted!
To the song "How beautiful this world is," a child runs out with a picture of "Eurasia" on itself, one of the Garbage boys stands behind.
Eurasia: Start with me! I'm the biggest, it's hard for me!
Eurasia, Eurasia!
Huge continent!
Big as hell!
There is no end and end!
What is Eurasia?
Europe plus Asia
That's what we'll call her!
Eurasia is our home.
Most of all, my friends.
I'm happy that I live here.

I am yours, your country is located on me.
BUT animal world which?
He is very rich
Wolves, foxes, ermine,
Lynxes and saigas.
Fireman: Pollutant - we need to clean it up!
The trash is running away.
Under the song "How beautiful this world" go under the handle "Africa" ​​and "Australia":
- We are the two hottest continents!

Australia: To Australia, to Australia,
Where is the little couscous.
On the train, I hardly
I'll take the rails.
To Australia where the possums
Rescuing in the heat
Paired with platypuses
In a kangaroo pocket.
marsupial animals
Lots of people live here.
Squirrels, rats, kangaroos
And a koala bear.
Africa: And they live on me ...
I am the hottest continent and the largest,
And you are Australia-small!
Africa has a desert
All in the sands - Sahara,
Rare thorns here
After all, there is not enough water!
And you will go to the equator -
Tropical forest you will find
Lions, elephants, giraffes there,
Rhino, hippopotamus.
snakes, monkeys
Hiding in vines
A toothy crocodile
The longest river is the Nile.
Together: Remember us? Well, let's check!
Game "Assemble the mainland from puzzles"
Under the song "How beautiful this world" go out "Northern" and " South America"

Sev. America: AT North America
Rich nature!
You will meet moose and lynx here,
Deer and raccoon.
Lemmings one after another
They're on their heels.
And a huge grizzly
Wandering through the forests.
different animals
They live here together.
From the edges of their distant
They send you their hello!
South America: I am South America!
Hot continent!
In cities along the coast
What is not there!
There is deep river,
The widest!
A snake crawls in the jungle
Anaconda is vicious!
There they rush to the watering hole
Animals early in the morning.
And the water is teeming with
Dangerous piranhas.
Tourists come out-GAME must collect garbage!
In the hands of packages and guests help to collect garbage.
The song is "What a beautiful world"
scream: Antarctica! Forgotten Antarctica!
The child "Antarctica" comes out

Antarctica A: I am the cleanest of you mainland!
I am the coldest and people practically do not live on me!
Antarctica South Pole
The climate there is harsh, blizzard.
Intense cold, snow and ice floes,
There are important penguins walking there.
Scream: I am also the coldest! But I am the ocean!
the northern arctic ocean comes out
Ocean: And animals live on me, as well as on land. What kind? polar bears! I have friends (more oceans come out)

There are four oceans on our Earth:
Indian is the saltiest in the world!
ocean atlantic
Glorious with herrings.
Arctic - sleeps under the ice all the time.
And Quiet! Of course,
Not at all quiet
And violent, deep and the greatest!
Music Save the Planet

The output of the "Red Book":
I am the Red Book
I was created in order to save the animals and plants of our planet!
Protected by the Red Book
So many animals and birds.
To survive the many-sided space.
For the light of future lightning,
So that the deserts do not dare to descend,
So that the souls do not become empty!
Child 9: Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,
Even the flowers are protected!
The red book is red!
So nature is in danger!
So you can not lose even a moment,
All living things are called to be preserved.
Child 10: Don't live in vain
Red Book! Red Book!
And anxiety for life is relentless,
So as not to perish in the cosmic haze:
All oceans are exhausted
Everything on Earth is exhausted!
Red Book: Study me!
Take care of planet Earth!
Under the song "Earthlings-Forgive the Earth" the event ends.
General formation of the group and farewell to the guests.

Target. To give children the knowledge that April 22 is a big holiday for the whole planet, Earth Day. Clarify knowledge about the planet Earth through the artistic word, proverbs, songs, games. To instill in children a love for nature, a desire to preserve it, protect it. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

1. Earth(slide on screen).
2. Posters “Let's save the nature around us!”
3. Pictures of seasonal natural phenomena.
4. Pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds and animals.
5. Pictures for the game "Ecological Signs".

Preliminary work. Observations in nature, conversations “Earth Day”, memorization of poems, proverbs, songs, games about the planet Earth and its nature.

Children enter the hall to the music. General dance to the music “My Land”, children dance, sit down.

Moderator: Children, today is April 22nd World Earth Day. What is earth? Earth is a planet. Earth is soil and land. The earth is home.

How beautiful is our land!
It also has forests and fields.
And deserts and high mountains
And the seas are deep oceans.

1st child:

Our planet - the Earth is very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields - our dear home, guys!

2nd child:

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world!
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!

3rd child:

We will take care of birds, insects and animals.
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
We all need such a planet.

4th child:

The sky is brighter, the snow is melting,
We'll tell you about spring
Like birds from the south fly to us,
Like streams running, ringing.

5th child:

All nature is alive
Birdsong here and there.
Pinkish white
Apple trees are blooming everywhere.

The song "The Earth is full of wonders" with movements.

1. What could be more beautiful in life,
What could be sweeter in life
Than these groves in a blue haze
And the golden spill of the fields!

Drops of morning dew are bright, clean.
They reflect the world and me and you.
sparks sun rays in any window.
The dawn smiles on you and me
For friends, any distance cannot be close.
For friends, foliage rustles, the river murmurs.
For friends, a star burns through the clouds.
For friends, the land is always full of wonders!

2. What could be more wonderful in life,
Than this sky is turquoise
Than a brook that flows with a song,
Than childhood clear eyes!

3. What could be more beautiful in life
Than this sea of ​​silence
Than our friendship is a ringing holiday,
Never knowing war!

Children sit on chairs.

Leading: Children, they say about the Earth “Without a master, the Earth is an orphan,” let's tell proverbs about the Earth.

1st child: The earth loves care.

2nd child: Although the earth feeds, it also asks for itself.

3rd child: The earth changes clothes like a man.

4th child: The earth is a plate - what you put in is what you take.

5th child: Feed the Earth, it will feed you too.

6th child: The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work.

Leading: Yes, folks, the Earth is dressing up like a human. This means that we have four seasons. What seasons do you know? (children's answers). We love any time of the year.

Musical composition "Seasons".

1st child:

I am woven from the heat
I bring warmth with me.
I warm the rivers
Swim - I invite you.
And love for it
You are all of me. I am summer.

2nd child:

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I am autumn.

3rd child:

I have a lot to do:
I am a white blanket
I cover all the earth
Whitewash fields, houses,
My name is winter.

4th child:

I open my kidneys
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement.
My name is Spring.

Children recite poems about nature:

1st child:

Let's save nature
Animals, birds, air and water.
Let's take care of forests with flowers,
Let the sun shine on all of us!

2nd child:

Let's strive for it
To be loved by both the beast and the bird,
And they trusted us everywhere
Like your most loyal friends.

3rd child:

Let's be friends with nature
And protect it with all the people.
Let's all be friendly big family,
So that the whole globe of the earth becomes happy!

4th child:

I am talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home,
Our good house, spacious house,
We all live in it from birth.

Warm-up game “Who lives where?”

Everyone lives somewhere

(The right hand “draws” the waves.)
Fish in the river
In a mink - a mole,
(They sit down.)
Hare in the field(They jump, making ears with their hands.)
Mouse in the straw(They sit down.)
A bear sleeps in a den in winter,(Put hands over face.)
I'm in a big brick house(They close their hands above their heads, depicting a roof.)
Dog Volchok - in my yard,(Get on all fours.)
In a wooden kennel
Murka the cat is on the couch,
(Stroking face.)
Zebras - in Africa, in the savannah,(Run in place.)
In the dark jungle - a hippopotamus,(They walk around.)
Well, where does the sun live?(Shrug.)
The sun is high in the sky(Raise hands up.)
Day and morning - it's clear:(Reach hands up, standing on toes.)
It's great to live in the sky!

Leading: Our land is mountains, rivers, forests, seas, people, animals. The earth is our common big house, in which man is the master. And the owner should always be kind and caring. We should all be friendly. After all, any work can be argued if we have friends and a song with us.

1st child: Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird with the sky
Like the wind with the meadow
Like a sail with the sea
Grass with rain
How friendly the sun is with all of us!

The song "A friend is with us."

With us, friend - with us, friend,
Together - together
sing - sing
Song! - a song!
And then - and then
sun - sun
Smiling at us from above
And then - and then
bright - bright
Flowers will bloom all over the earth.

Together we will build a house
Together we will plant a garden
Let's sing this song together.
Everyone knows that we are together
Everyone knows that we are together
Together we are always more interesting!

2. Birds of us - birds of us
called - called
Behind yourself - Behind yourself
In the distance - in the distance
But then - but then
Who is who
Walk barefoot on the grass?
But then - but then
Who is who
Will the garden plant and build a house?

3. Let the Earth - let the Earth
Spinning - spinning
All children - all children
Friends - friends.
We then - we then
Fast - fast
We'll grow mushrooms under the rain.
We then - we then
Home - home
Let's call the earth a common home.

Leading: The nature surrounding us is beautiful, we can walk in the forest, swim in the river, pick mushrooms and berries. How should one behave in the forest? Now I'll check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play the game “If I come to the woods”, I will talk about my actions, if I do well, say “yes”, if it’s bad “no”.

- If I come to the forest and pick a camomile? (Not.)
- If I eat a pie and throw away a piece of paper? (Not.)
- If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes.)
- If I tie up a branch, will I put a peg? (Yes.)
- If I make a fire, but I will not put it out? (Not.)
- If I mess up a lot and forget to clean it up? (Not.)
– If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes.)
- I love my nature, I help her? (Yes.)

Poem "Flowers".

1st child:

If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If everything, me and you,
If we pick flowers
They will be empty
Both trees and bushes.
And there will be no beauty
And there will be no kindness
If everything is me and you
If we pick flowers.

Host: Very often people destroy nature, causing harm not out of malice, but out of negligence, out of ignorance.

Game "Ecological signs".

Children name the rules of behavior in nature, and find the corresponding environmental sign.

- Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs.
Don't pollute rivers and lakes.
Don't light fires in the forest.
- Do not pick flowers in the forest in the meadow.
- Keep quiet in the forest. You can disturb the peace of animals and birds.
Don't catch insects.
Don't destroy anthills.
- Don't cut trees.
Don't destroy bird nests.
- Do not leave garbage in the forest and near the river.
- Do not take animals home.

Leading: Yes, guys, we ourselves must protect and protect our beloved planet and must always remember the rules of behavior in nature.

1st child:

Fish, birds and animals
As if asking people:
"Take care of your nature."
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
Earth without animals is not Earth,
And we can't live without the Earth!

Host: Guys, what are you dreaming about?

1st child:

What do children dream about?
We have only one dream:
Let it be on the planet
The world is kind, like spring.

The poem "We want".

2nd child:

We want the birds to sing
To make noise around the forest,
To have blue skies.
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.
We want the sun to warm
And the birch is green
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
To make it rain cheerfully in the summer.


love native nature
Lakes, forests and fields
After all, this is ours with you
Forever motherland!
On it we were born,
We live with you on it
So let's all be together
We treat her kindly!

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