Crooked fish. What is fish tesha? These are bellies that can be used for a wide variety of dishes.

diets 25.08.2019

Fish, or the edible part of fish, is not inferior to meat in terms of protein content. It also contains fats, 86% of which are omega-3 polyunsaturated acids necessary for brain function, vitamins A, D, E, and trace elements. The composition of the product is determined by its type: there are freshwater and sea fish, white, red and brown fish are distinguished by color. The taste of different fish is also different.

Scientists are constantly researching the effects of this product on the human body, thanks to which it has been found that fish protects against cardiovascular diseases, and if they already exist, alleviates symptoms. People who regularly eat it have good eyesight, good physical and mental health: scientists who conducted a study in Mauritius proved that children whose diet constantly contains fish are less likely to go to prison (by 64%, as they feel calmer and happier). Fish lovers rarely find tumors, osteoporosis, they stay active and young longer (according to nutritionists, the low life expectancy in the country is precisely due to the fact that people rarely eat fish).

white shark

Everyone knows what a big White shark, but only a few know that she has another name, namely Carcharodon. She is not only the largest shark, but also the most bloodthirsty of all representatives of this genus. An adult can grow up to 8 meters. Many call it "white death" because these predators very often attack bathers.


Anchovy is a small, schooling marine fish of the herring family, with slightly oily flesh and a specific taste reminiscent of sardines. It reaches a length of 20 cm, and weighs up to 190 grams. The habitat of anchovies is marine and fresh water temperate and tropical latitudes, including the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov and the Sea of ​​Japan. In places where anchovies are harvested, they are eaten fresh, and are widely known in canned form.

Red mullet (sultanka)

A genus of fish from the goat family. It can reach a length of 45 cm. Two long antennae that hang from the chin of the red mullet serve to stir up sea sand and extract food. The fish lives in the Black, Mediterranean, Azov Seas, as well as in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The red mullet tastes like a delicate and delicate fish, the meat has excellent taste qualities. She is also valued for her special fat, with which she is saturated. It is very gentle, peculiar in taste and has a wonderful aroma.


Fish of the carp family. Reaches a length of 80 cm, and a mass of 5 kg or more. It is found in rivers with fast and medium currents, rifts, whirlpools and fairly cold water. The chub keeps on the rapids - under breakers, behind ledges of stones, under sunken logs, cliffs, overhanging bushes and trees, collecting insects that have fallen into the water; loves whirlpools. It is distinguished by a thick, wide, slightly thickened head (for which it got its name), an almost cylindrical body and steep scales. The back of the chub is dark green, almost black, the sides are silvery with a yellowish tinge. The chub feeds on air insects, young crayfish, fish, and frogs.

Pink salmon

Fish of the salmon family. The second name of this fish is pink salmon.
Pink salmon got its name from the hump that appears on the backs of males during the spawning season. It is found both in the seas and in fresh water in cold climates. Average length 40 cm, average weight 1.2 kg.
It is not advisable to spawn pink salmon during the period, since its meat is tasteless. If pink salmon is caught on time, then its meat is distinguished by amazing taste. Like all salmon, pink salmon is considered a red fish. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements.


Fish of the spar family, distributed mainly in the tropical and subtropical parts of all oceans and adjacent seas.
Dorado (dorado) is a rather strange creature, with a blunt head, a long dorsal fin and a clearly divided tail fin. Dolphin is also often referred to as a dolphin fish, and in most Pacific ports, mahi-mahi. One of the distinguishing features is the spectacular blue-green and yellow coloration, which quickly fades after the death of the fish. Dolphin migrates over long distances, it can be found in temperate and tropical seas around the world. Record weight 39.4 kg.


Belongs to the perch family and is the closest relative of the perch. The name of the ruff was given because he ruffles all his fins when he senses danger. It belongs to a species of fish of the perch family, soft and prickly, fins are merged into a single one. The body of the ruff is short, small, compressed on the sides. Ruff scales are very small. The skin contains a large amount of mucus.
Greyish-green back, yellowish flanks, belly whitish. The fins are gray, only anal and paired with a reddish tinge.


Fish of the marine fish family Anarhichadiae of the perch-like order, which live in the northern waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where the water temperature does not rise above 14 degrees. Off the coast North America, from California to Alaska, there is an eel catfish; in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean common Far Eastern catfish; blue catfish (or "widow") can be found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean; striped catfish are caught in the Barents and White Seas, off the coast of England and Ireland (rarely in the Gulf of Finland).


Flounder is a marine fish that belongs to the flounder family. A strongly flattened body, as well as eyes located on one side of the fish, are its two most important differences. The eyes are most often on the right side. The body of the flounder is asymmetrical with double coloration: the side with eyes is dark brown with an orange-yellowish spot, and the “blind” side is white, rough with dark spots. The flounder feeds on crustaceans and bottom fish. In commercial catches, its average length reaches 35-40 cm. The fecundity of adult flounder individuals ranges from hundreds of thousands to ten million eggs.


Carp is a fish of the carp family. The dorsal fin is long, the pharyngeal teeth are single row. The body is high with a thick back, moderately compressed laterally. The scales are large and smooth to the touch. The color varies depending on the habitat. Golden carp can reach a body length of more than 50 cm and a weight of over 3 kg, silver carp - usually 40 cm long and weighing up to 2 kg, however, there are individuals up to 60 cm long and weighing up to 7-8 kg, it depends on the habitat and conditions fish nutrition. Golden carp reaches puberty at the 3-4th year. They spawn in spring and early summer, eggs (up to 300 thousand) are deposited on vegetation. In places with a harsh climate, crucians fall into hibernation, while maintaining the complete freezing of the reservoir to the bottom.


Carp is a bit like crucian, especially in young age. But as they grow, the differences become more and more obvious - carp are fatter, wider and longer fish. An adult carp has a cylindrical shape. The lips are bream-like, thick and active. The color of the river carp is very beautiful - the scales are dark gold, often with a bluish tint near the fin, and light gold below. The fin is wide and stretches along the entire back. The tail of a carp is dark red, and the lower fins are usually dark purple.


Keta is an anadromous red fish, spawns once in a lifetime, after spawning it dies on the way back. In most cases, chum salmon come to spawn at the age of 4 to 6 years.
Keta can reach a length of 1 meter, and a mass of 15 kilograms. Her caviar is the largest, remarkably beautiful orange-red color.


Mullet is a small (about 60 centimeters) commercial fish of the genus Mugilidae, living mainly in marine and brackish waters of all tropical and warm seas; several species of mullet are found in the fresh waters of tropical America, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In the USA, where the mullet is caught mainly off the coast of Florida, its two most common varieties are the striped mullet, which in Russia is called the striped mullet, and the white mullet.


Smelt is a fish of the salmon family, which is distinguished by a rather large mouth, a longer lower jaw, numerous and large teeth and very delicate scales; the dorsal fin does not begin in front of the ventral fins, as in whitefish and grayling, but behind; lateral line incomplete. Both fish differ from each other almost only in size, and belong to the same species.


Lin is the only representative of the genus Tinca. He is very warm and inactive. Tench grows quite slowly and most often sticks to the bottom. Its habitat is the coastal zone. Tench is not just a name, it is a characteristic, since this fish was so named because of the ability to change color when exposed to air. It seems to be shedding, the mucus covering it begins to darken, and dark spots appear on the body. After some time, this mucus peels off, and yellow spots appear in this place. It should be noted that in the world there is also a decoratively bred look - golden line.


Family fish. Bream walks always resemble a flock of wild geese led by an experienced leader.
The bream belongs to the carp family. The body of the bream is high; laterally compressed, with long anal fins. On the belly, between the anal and ventral fins, there is a keel, not covered with scales. Globular teeth single row, five on each side. The caudal fin is rather strongly indented; the lower lobe is usually longer than the upper one. The mouth is semi-lower.


It is very popular among gastronomic gourmets all over the world. It is known that already in the Middle Ages, salmon was popular on European, Scottish and Australian shores. It was prepared in the summer and dried and smoked for the winter. They say that there is nothing better than the taste of wild salmon, but farmed salmon is more affordable and therefore more common. Wild salmon is available from February to August, when farmed salmon is available all year round.


The bluefish is the only representative of the bluefish family of the perch-like order. The body is elongated (up to 115 cm), laterally compressed; weighs up to 15 kg. Scales are cycloid. Bluefish is found in tropical and temperate seas; schooling fish; in the USSR - in the Black and Azov seas. It makes significant seasonal migrations. Spawning is portioned, in summer. Pelagic caviar; fertility from 100 thousand to 1 million eggs. Predator, feeds on herring, anchovies and other fish. Fishing object.


This is a fish from the family mackerels. Residents of English-speaking countries call mackerel mackerel, this often causes confusion. Fish of the mackerel family can vary greatly in size - from 60 centimeters to 4.5 meters, but the entire family of these fish, regardless of size, is a predator.


Cold-loving fish of the cod family, pollock genus (theragra). The most common cod fish in the North Pacific. It is one of the main commercial fish in Russia.
Pollock lives in cold waters (from 2 to 9 °C), preferring depths of 200 to 300 meters, although they can migrate to depths of 500-700 meters and deeper. Pollock lives for about 15-16 years. During spawning, walleye pollock approaches the shores, swimming in shallow waters with a depth of 50-100 m. Spawning accumulations of walleye pollock are very dense.


A species of smelt that is found in the Arctic, Atlantic (Atlantic capelin) and Pacific oceans (Pacific capelin, or uyok). Belonging to the capelin family of salmon, it is inferior to its relatives in size. The body length of capelin is up to 22 cm, weight is up to 65 g. Capelin has very small scales and small teeth. The back is olive-greenish, the sides and belly are silvery. Males are distinguished by the presence of a strip of scales on the sides, each of which has a semblance of a pile.

Sea bass

Sea perch is a genus of bony fish, of the scorpion family of the percoid suborder, equipped with poisonous glands on the sharp rays of the fins, the injection of which causes painful local inflammation.
There are about 90 species of sea bass in the genus, of which 4 live in the northern waters of the Atlantic, and almost all the rest live in the temperate waters of the North Pacific Ocean, and near the American coast there are twice as many of them as near the Asian. Among these species, the smallest barely reach a length of 20 cm, and the largest exceed 1 m, surpassing all other species of the entire family in size and reaching a mass of 15 kg. In terms of body shape, sea bass really resemble river perches, but nevertheless they differ so much from it in many features of the external and internal structure that they belong not only to another family, but also to another order of spiny fish. Sea bass live up to 15 years.


Burbot is the only representative of the cod family living in fresh waters. This is a cold-loving fish that is active at a water temperature not higher than +10°C, so it is almost impossible to catch it in the summer. The most favorable time for catching burbot is considered to be cold, inclement weather. Perhaps because of this, burbot is not so popular among anglers.


Fish of the perch family. The body of the perch is oblong, moderately laterally compressed. It is covered with small, tight-fitting scales, the edges of which have spines. Scales are also present on the cheeks. The mouth is wide, with several rows of bristle-like teeth on the bones of the oral cavity. There are sharp spines on the posterior edge of the gill covers. The first dorsal fin has only prickly rays, while the second one has mostly soft rays. The pelvic fins also have spiny rays. The lateral line is complete. The body color is greenish-yellow with dark transverse stripes. The back is dark green, the belly is white. The spiny dorsal fin is bluish-red in color with a black spot on the membrane between the last two rays.


Genus of fish of the sturgeon family. Freshwater and anadromous fish, up to 3 m in length and up to 200 kg in weight (Baltic sturgeon). There are 16-18 species, some of which are listed in the Red Book. The sturgeon is characterized by the following features: longitudinal rows of bone shields do not merge with each other on the tail; there are spray holes, the rays of the caudal fin go around the end of the tail.


Halibut is a marine fish of the flounder family. A feature of this fish is that both eyes are located on the right side of the head. Its color varies from olive to dark brown or black. The average width of a halibut is about one third of its body length. The mouth is large, located under the lower eye, the tail is crescent-shaped. The length of an adult individual of this marine fish ranges from 70 to 130 cm, and its weight is from 4.5 to 30 kg.


This is a ray-finned fish from the pangasia catfish family. It comes from Vietnam, where fish have been bred and eaten for two millennia. Fishing for pangasius is economically profitable due to a fairly large consumption. It is widely distributed, and is bred in aquariums. The most commonly served fish fillets.


Haddock - marine fish, with two years of age leading a benthic lifestyle, relatively thermophilic, found at depths from 30-200 to 1000 m at a water temperature usually about 6 ° and at normal oceanic salinity. In the eastern part of the Barents Sea, haddock usually lives in well-heated shallow waters at a depth of 30-50-70 m. Haddock is common throughout the North Atlantic Ocean.


Roach is a fish from the carp family, it has a very wide habitat. It is found in the rivers and lakes of Europe (except Western), Siberia, there are also subspecies that can spend some time in brackish waters, at the confluence of rivers into the sea. And also, a special kind of roach is known, living in the reeds along the banks of the Aral Sea. In various regions, roach is known by the following names: roach, chebak, Siberian roach (Urals and Siberia), roach (Black Sea and Azov region), vobla (lower reaches of the Volga).


Carp is a large freshwater fish similar to carp. This fish lives in almost all water bodies. Looks for wide and deep areas with little current or stagnant water, with soft clay or moderately muddy bottoms. Does not avoid a hard bottom, if it is not rocky. Carp loves warm water, prefers overgrown ponds. Stays deep.
Carp meat is dense, juicy, there are not many bones, therefore it is suitable for any method of cooking. It can be fried, baked, stewed, minced meat is used to prepare delicious meatballs and cutlets. The domesticated form of carp is carp.


Salaka, a subspecies of fish of the herring family. Length up to 20 cm (rarely up to 37 cm - giant herring), weight up to 75 g. Baltic herring differs from the Atlantic herring in a smaller number of vertebrae (54–57). This is the Baltic form (subspecies) of the Atlantic herring.
Salaka is a typical pelagic fish that lives in the water column and feeds on zooplankton, mainly small crustaceans, but does not refuse fish larvae or fry. Giant stremlings eat not only herring, but even spiny sticklebacks.


Small marine fish, 15-20 cm long, rarely up to 25 cm, from the herring family. The sardine is somewhat thicker than the herring. Its back is bluish-green in color, the sides and abdomen are silvery-white. Gill cover with a golden tint and furrowed dark stripes radiating from its lower and posterior edges.
In live form, this is one of the most beautiful fish: on the back you can see the ebb of several colors of the rainbow. The lifestyle of the sardine has not been sufficiently studied: it is only known that in summer the sardine from the depths of the sea comes to the shores of countries located along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean for a very long time. a short time, after which it disappears again.


Herring is a genus of fish from the herring family (lat. Clupeidae). The body is laterally compressed, with a jagged edge of the belly. Scales moderate or large, rarely small. The upper jaw does not protrude beyond the lower. Mouth is moderate. Teeth, if present, vestigial and protruding. The anadromous fin is of moderate length and has less than 80 rays. Dorsal fin over ventral. The tail fin is forked. This genus includes more than 60 species distributed in the seas of the temperate and hot, and partly in the cold zone. Some species are purely marine and never enter fresh waters, others belong to anadromous fish and enter rivers for spawning. Herring food consists of various small animals, especially small crustaceans.


Salmon is an anadromous fish of the salmon family. Length up to 1.5 m, weight up to 39 kg. Scales small, silvery, no spots below the lateral line. It lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the southwestern part of the Arctic Ocean, as well as in the Baltic Sea. Sexual maturity at the 5-6th year of life. It goes into the rivers in different ways. time (in autumn and at different times in summer). Spawning in September-November. During spawning, red and orange spots appear on the head and sides of the salmon. Fertility 6-26 thousand eggs. Caviar large, orange. Juveniles live in the river for 1-5 years, feed on invertebrates and small fish. In the sea it feeds on fish and crustaceans. Lives up to 9 years. Valuable object of fishing.


Whitefish is a genus of fish from the salmon family, distinguished by some researchers, together with white salmon and nelma, into a special family of whitefish (Coregonidae). The whitefish has a compressed body, covered with scales of medium size, a small mouth, in which there are never teeth on the maxillary bones and vomer, and the teeth on other parts either disappear soon, or, in any case, are very poorly developed; the maxilla does not continue beyond the eye. Whitefish live in temperate and cold countries of the northern hemisphere.


Mackerel is a fish of the mackerel family of the perch-like order. The maximum body length is 60 cm, the average is 30 cm. The body is fusiform. The scales are small. The back is blue-green, with many black, slightly curved stripes. There is no swim bladder.
Mackerel is a pelagic schooling heat-loving fish. Swims fast (in the throw - up to 77 km / h). Schools usually do not contain admixture of other fish (rarely with herring) and consist of individuals of the same size. Mackerel lives at a temperature of 8-20 ° C, which is why it is forced to make seasonal migrations along the coasts of America and Europe, as well as between the Marmara and Black Seas. These migrations are of a feeding nature (mackerel feeds on small fish and zooplankton).


Catfish is the largest freshwater predator. It lives in pools and cluttered river pits, can reach a weight of up to 300 kg! Such giants, scientists believe, are usually 80-100 years old! True, I don’t hear anything that any of the anglers are so lucky. More often come across catfish weighing 10-20 kg. By their own outward signs catfish is easily distinguished from all other fish. He has a huge blunt head, a large mouth, from which two large mustaches and four mustaches extend on his chin. Whiskers are a kind of tentacles, with the help of which the catfish finds food even in the dark. And what is surprising - with such large dimensions - very small eyes. The tail is long and looks a little like a fish. The body color of the catfish is variable - almost black on top, while the belly is usually off-white. His body is naked, without scales.

Horse mackerel

The horse mackerel is a perciform fish. Body length up to 50 cm, weighing up to 400 g. The largest horse mackerel measured by experts weighed 2 kg. They live up to 9 years. Horse mackerels feed on zooplankton, small fish, sometimes bottom or bottom crustaceans and cephalopods.
The body is oblong, fusiform, with a thin caudal peduncle, slightly laterally compressed. A characteristic feature of real horse mackerels is bony scutes along the lateral line, sometimes with spines directed backwards. . Lateral line with bony shields along its entire length. Horse mackerel - this name is associated with the Black Sea, with tyrant fishing.
In fact, this fish is very widespread. The scad family (Carangidae) unites 140 species of fish of different sizes from twenty-centimeter horse mackerels to two-meter serioles. Scad fish are of great commercial importance.

Have you ever heard the word "tesha"? Many have heard it, but do not know exactly what it means. Our article will tell not only about the meaning of this term, but also about the varieties of tesha.

This word is often used among purveyors and sellers of fish products. After all, the carcass is cut into several pieces, each of which has its own purpose. Tesha fish are fatty strips cut from the ventral part of the carcasses. Why do housewives and professional chefs love them so much?

Product Features

Fish tesha is quite specific. Cut strips always have a relatively large length and small width. Teches of some fish also contain fins with internal bones. There are no other bones in the cut pieces.

The fillet cut from the belly has the highest fat content compared to other parts of the carcass. Keep this in mind if you're tracking calories.

This product is not widely available for sale. In large specialized stores, you can easily find fish at any time, but in ordinary hypermarkets or small grocery stores there are interruptions in the supply of such a product.

There are various product options available for sale. Choose the one you like best. And our article will tell you how to use various types of fish fillets in cooking.

Salted and smoked bellies

The salty version is the most common and relatively inexpensive. Long sticks with a delicate aroma, inimitable rich taste and expressive fatty structure, many people like to serve them in their original form. For convenience, teshi can be simply cut into convenient pieces 7-8 cm long. The skin is easily removed from them and they are great for beer.

But you can go the other way. Tesha fish is a great idea for preparing buffet dishes: vol-au-vents, pancakes or profiteroles. It is very difficult to cut teshu into thin slices, and from an aesthetic point of view, it is unlikely that something good will turn out, so this part is not used for sandwiches. But it is quite possible to crumble salted fatty fish into a salad.

Smoked red fish teshi can cost a little more. But their taste is even more expressive. They are good on their own, but they are also suitable for all sorts of experiments. For example, this product is often used by lovers of homemade rolls. The skin must first be cut with a thin knife, and the fins removed.

Freshly frozen tesha

Silver carp bellies can be fried in oil, rolled or in flour. Before cooking, the product must be completely thawed. This is a very high-calorie dish, you should not get carried away with it, but sometimes it’s quite possible to pamper your home with delicious. An excellent side dish would be boiled rice or mashed potatoes.

Salmon tasha is a great option for making stuffing. Boil the bellies in a small amount of water, cool, sort out, breaking into pieces with your hands. It remains only to add boiled rice and fried onions.

How to choose the best?

Remember, fish is fish. When buying, pay attention to freshness. The pieces should have an even shape, a pleasant smell and a shade corresponding to the type of fish.

What can you get from fish? Here are the most common ones.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis with folk remedies is categorically contraindicated and can harm your health. Before undergoing a course of treatment, it is necessary to diagnose opistarchosis in the clinic.

CLONORCHOSIS. The causative agent is the Chinese fluke. It is transmitted by fish caught in the Amur and its tributaries, water bodies of China, Korea and Vietnam: Amur chebachok, wasp, gudgeon, crucian carp, carp, mustard, Amur ide, etc. Manifestations of the disease: fever, skin rashes, liver enlargement.

Anisakiasis. Roundworm larvae can infect almost all types of marine fish: cod, perch, salmon, etc. In particular, the prevalence of herring in the Baltic Sea is 30%, and in the North Sea - 55-100%. Everyone who loves Japanese dishes made from raw fish is at risk of getting sick. Anisakid larvae can provoke the development of intestinal ulcers, incubation period- from 4-6 hours to 7 days. Manifestations: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash, fever, diarrhea.

Caught fish affected by Ligulidae after removing them from abdominal cavity quite edible. However, the meat of sick fish is somewhat different in biochemical composition from the meat of healthy fish, it is less nutritious and tasty.

culinary commandments

If it is marine, caught in the ocean, then it should be immediately frozen and thawed on a fishing vessel just before eating; or it must be eaten immediately after being caught;

Well-cooked or fried fish is safe. The rules apply to all fish, since it is impossible to distinguish by eye whether there are microscopic larvae in it (which, once in the human body, will turn into adult worms there).

Fish should be cooked for 15-20 minutes. from the moment of boiling.

Fry - at least 15-20 minutes. (large fish is preliminarily cut along the ridge into a layer).

Bake fish pies for at least 30 minutes.

With hot and cold smoking, the fish is completely neutralized by the time it is ready.

Under conditions of hot salting (15-16°C) - after 5-9 days,

In conditions of cold salting (5-6°C) - after 6-13 days,

Under dry curing conditions:

In whole fish - after 9-13 days,

In flogged fish - after 7-12 days.

Take 20% salt by weight of the fish. Freezing. Fish (weighing up to 2 kg) are considered neutralized after aging:

12 hours - at -27 ° С,

18 hours - at -22°С,

36 hours - at -16°С,

3 days — at −12°С,

7 days — at −8°С,

10 days — at −4°С.

Opened burbot. Presence of globules in the liver.

What's on the pike?

We present a list of the most common freshwater (river) fish. Names with photos and descriptions for each river fish: its appearance, taste qualities fish, habitats, fishing methods, time and method of spawning.

Pike perch, like perch, prefers only clean water, saturated with oxygen and contributing to the normal life of the fish. This is a pure fish without any ingredients. The growth of pike perch can be up to 35 cm. Weight Limit can reach up to 20 kg. Pike perch meat is light, without excess fat very tasty and pleasant. It contains a lot of minerals, such as phosphorus, chlorine, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, fluorine, cobalt, iodine, and also a lot of vitamin P. Judging by the composition, pike perch meat is very healthy.

Bersh, like pike perch, is considered a relative of perch. It can grow in length up to 45 cm, with a weight of 1.4 kg. It is found in rivers that flow into the Black and Caspian Seas. His diet includes a small fish, like a minnow. The meat is almost the same as that of pike perch, although a little softer.

Perch prefer water bodies with clean water. These can be rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc. Perch is the most common predator, but you will never find it where the water is muddy and dirty. Quite thin gear is used for perch fishing. His fishing is very interesting and entertaining.

The ruff has a peculiar appearance with very prickly fins, which protects it from predators. Ruff also loves clean water, but depending on the habitat, it can change its shade. It grows in length no more than 18 cm and gains weight up to 400 grams. Its length and weight directly depend on the food supply in the pond. Its habitat extends to almost all European countries. It is found in rivers, lakes, ponds and even seas. Spawning is carried out for 2 days or more. Ruff always prefers to be at a depth, as he does not like sunlight.

This fish is from the perch family, but few people know it, since it is not found in such an area. It is distinguished by an elongated spindle-shaped body and the presence of a head with a snout protruding forward. The fish is not large, not more than one foot long. It is found mainly in the Danube River and adjacent tributaries. Her diet includes various worms, mollusks and small fish. The chop fish spawns in the month of April with caviar of a bright yellow hue.

This is a freshwater fish that is found in almost all water bodies. the globe, but only in those in which there is clean, oxygenated water. With a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the water, the pike dies. Pike grows in length up to one and a half meters, with a weight of 3.5 kg. The body and head of the pike is characterized by an elongated shape. No wonder it is called an underwater torpedo. Pike spawning occurs when the water warms up from 3 to 6 degrees. It is a carnivorous fish and feeds on other fish species such as roach etc. Pike meat is considered dietary because it contains very little fat. In addition, there is a lot of protein in pike meat, which is easily absorbed by the human body. Pike can live up to 25 years. Its meat can be stewed, fried, boiled, baked, stuffed, etc.

This fish lives in ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs. Its color is largely determined by the composition of the water that is available in this reservoir. By appearance very similar to redfin. The diet of roach includes various algae, larvae of various insects, as well as fish fry.

With the advent of winter, roach goes to wintering pits. Spawns later than pike, somewhere at the end of spring. Before spawning begins, it is covered with large pimples. The caviar of this fish is quite small, transparent, with a green tint.

The bream is an inconspicuous fish, but its meat is characterized by excellent taste indicators. It can be found where there is still water or a weak current. Bream lives no more than 20 years, but grows very slowly. For example, a 10-year-old specimen can gain weight no more than 3 or 4 kilograms.

The bream has a dark silver hue. Average life expectancy is 7 to 8 years. During this period, it grows up to 41 cm in length and has an average weight of about 800 g. The bream spawns in spring.

This is a sedentary type of fish with a bluish-gray color. The bream lives for about 15 years and grows up to 35 cm in length, with a weight of 1.2 kg. Gustera, like bream, grows rather slowly. Prefer bodies of water with stagnant water or not fast current. In spring and autumn, the silver bream gathers in numerous flocks (dense flocks), hence it got its name. The white bream feeds on small insects and their larvae, as well as molluscs. Spawning takes place at the end of spring or beginning of summer, when the water temperature rises to +15ºС-+17ºС. The spawning period lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The meat of the bream is considered not tasty, especially since it contains a lot of bones.

This fish is distinguished by a dark yellow-golden hue. It can live up to 30 years, but already at 7-8 years old, its growth stops. During this time, the carp manages to grow up to 1 meter in length and gain weight of 3 kg. Carp is considered freshwater fish, but it is also found in the Caspian Sea. Its diet includes young shoots of reeds, as well as caviar of spawned fish. With the advent of autumn, its diet expands and various insects and invertebrates begin to enter it.

This fish belongs to the carp family and can live for about a hundred years. Can eat undercooked potatoes, breadcrumbs or cake. Distinctive feature carp is the presence of whiskers. Carp is considered a voracious and insatiable fish. Carp lives in rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, where there is a muddy bottom. The carp loves to pass the pliable mud through its mouth in search of various bugs and worms.

Carp spawns only when the water begins to warm up to a temperature of +18ºС-+20ºС. Can gain weight up to 9 kg. In China it is a food fish, and in Japan it is an ornamental food.

A very strong fish. Many experienced anglers are engaged in fishing for this, using powerful and reliable gear for this.

Carp is the most common fish. It is found in almost all water bodies, regardless of the quality of the water and the concentration of oxygen in it. Crucian carp is able to live in water bodies where other fish will immediately die. It belongs to the carp family, and in appearance it is similar to carp, but does not have a mustache. In winter, if there is very little oxygen in the water, crucian carp hibernates and remains in this state until spring. The crucian spawns at a temperature of about 14 degrees.

Tench prefers ponds with dense vegetation and covered with dense duckweed. Tench is well caught from August, until the onset of real cold weather. Tench meat has excellent taste characteristics. No wonder the tench is called the royal fish. In addition to the fact that tench can be fried, baked, stewed, it makes an incredible fish soup.

The chub is considered a freshwater fish and is found exclusively in fast-flowing rivers. It is a member of the carp family. It grows up to 80 cm in length and can weigh up to 8 kg. It is considered a bold fish, as its diet consists of fish fry, various insects, and small frogs. It prefers to be under trees and plants hanging over the water, since various living creatures very often fall into the water from them. Spawns at temperatures from +12ºС to +17ºС.

Its habitat includes almost all rivers and reservoirs of European states. Prefers to stay at depth, in the presence of a slow current. In winter, it shows the same activity as in summer, since it does not hibernate. Considered to be a fairly hardy fish. It can have a length of 35 to 63 cm, with a weight of 2 to 2.8 kg.

Can live up to 20 years. The diet consists of both plant and animal foods. Ide spawning takes place in spring period, at water temperature from 2 to 13 degrees.

It is also a member of the family of carp fish species and has a dark bluish-gray color. It grows in length up to 120 cm and can reach a weight of 12 kg. Found in the Black and Caspian Seas. Selects areas with fast currents and avoids stagnant water.

There are sabrefish with silvery, grayish and yellow coloring. It can gain weight up to 2 kg, with a length of up to 60 cm, it can live for about 9 years.

Chehon is growing very fast and gaining weight. Found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas such as the Baltic Sea. At a young age, it feeds on zoo- and phytoplankton, and with the advent of autumn, it switches to feeding on insects.

It is easy to confuse rudd and roach, but rudd has a more attractive appearance. Over the course of 19 years of life, it is able to gain weight of 2.4 kg, with a length of 51 cm. It is found, for the most part, in rivers that flow into the Caspian, Azov, Black and Aral Seas.

The basis of the diet of the rudd is food of plant and animal origin, but most of all it likes to eat caviar of mollusks. Enough healthy fish with a set of minerals such as phosphorus, chromium, as well as vitamin P, proteins and fats.

The podust has a long body and it chooses areas with a fast current. It grows in length up to 40 cm and at the same time has a weight of up to 1.6 kg. Podust lives for about 10 years. It feeds from the bottom of the reservoir, collecting microscopic algae. This fish is distributed throughout Europe. Spawns at a water temperature of 6-8 degrees.

Bleak is an ubiquitous fish, known to almost anyone who has ever fished with a fishing rod in a pond. The bleak belongs to the family of carp fish species. It can grow to small sizes in length (12-15 cm) with a weight of about 100 grams. It is found in rivers flowing into the Black, Baltic and Azov Seas, as well as in large reservoirs with clean, not stagnant water.

It is a fish similar to the bleak, but slightly smaller in size and weight. With a length of 10 cm, it can weigh only 2 grams. Able to live up to 6 years. It feeds on algae and zooplankton, while growing very slowly.

It also belongs to the family of carp fish species, and it has a spindle-shaped body. It grows in length up to 15-22 cm. It is carried out in reservoirs where there is a current and there is clean water. The gudgeon feeds on insect larvae and small invertebrates. Spawns in spring, like most fish.

This type of fish also belongs to the carp family. Feeds on almost food plant origin. It can grow in length up to 1 m 20 cm and weigh up to 32 kg. It has a high growth rate. White carp is distributed throughout the world.

The diet of the silver carp consists of microscopic particles of plant origin. It is a large representative of the carp family. This is a heat loving fish. The silver carp has teeth that can grind vegetation. It lends itself easily to acclimatization. Silver carp is grown artificially.

Due to the fact that it grows rapidly, it is of interest for industrial breeding. Can gain up to 8 kg of weight in a short time. It is mostly distributed in Central Asia and in China. It spawns in spring, loves water areas where there is an intense current.

This is a very large representative of freshwater reservoirs, capable of growing up to 3 meters in length and weighing up to 400 kg. Catfish has a brown tint, but does not have scales. Inhabits almost all water bodies of Europe and Russia, where there are appropriate conditions: clean water, the presence of aquatic vegetation and a suitable depth.

This is a small representative of the catfish family, which prefers small reservoirs (channels) with warm water. In our time, it was brought from America, where there are quite a lot of it and most anglers are engaged in catching it.

Its spawning occurs in conditions when the water temperature reaches +28ºС. Therefore, it can be found only in the southern regions.

It is a fish from the river eel family and prefers freshwater reservoirs. This is a snake-like predator that is found in the Baltic, Black, Azov and Barents Seas. Prefers to be in areas with a clay bottom. Its diet consists of small animals, crayfish, worms, larvae, snails, etc. Able to grow in length up to 47 cm and gain weight up to 8 kg.

This is a heat-loving fish that is found in reservoirs located in large climatic zones. Its appearance resembles a snake. A very strong fish that is not so easy to catch.

It is a representative of cod-like fish and looks like a catfish in appearance, but it does not grow to the size of a catfish. This is a cold-loving fish that leads an active lifestyle in winter time. Its spawning also falls on winter months. It hunts mainly at night, while leading a benthic lifestyle. Burbot refers to industrial types fish.

This is a small fish with a long body, covered with very small scales. It can easily be confused with an eel or a snake if you have never seen one in your life. It grows in length up to 30 cm, or even more, if growth conditions favor. It is found in small rivers or ponds where there is a muddy bottom. It prefers to be closer to the bottom, and on the surface it can be seen during rain or thunderstorms.

The char belongs to the salmon family of fish species. Due to the fact that the fish does not have scales, it got its name. Grows to a small size. Its meat under the influence of low temperatures does not decrease in volume. Characterized by the presence fatty acids, such as omega-3, able to resist inflammatory processes.

It lives in rivers and feeds on various types of fish. Distributed in the rivers of Ukraine. Prefers shallow water areas. It can grow in length up to 25 cm. It reproduces by caviar, at a water temperature within + 8ºС. After spawning, it can live no more than 2- + x years.

The life expectancy of this fish is considered to be about 27 years. It grows in length up to 1 m 25 cm, gaining weight up to 16 kg. It is distinguished by a dark gray-brown color. AT winter period practically does not feed and goes to the depths. It has a valuable commercial value.

This fish lives only in the basin of the Danube arm and is not common anywhere else. It belongs to the family of salmon fish species and is a unique representative of the fish fauna of Ukraine. Danube salmon is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and it is forbidden to catch it. Can live up to 20 years, feeds mainly on small fish.

It also belongs to the salmon family and prefers rivers with a rapid current and cold water. It grows in length from 25 to 55 cm, while gaining weight from 0.2 to 2 kg. The diet of trout includes small crustaceans and insect larvae.

It is a representative of the Evdoshkov family, reaches a size of about 10 cm, while gaining a weight of 300 grams. It occurs in the basins of the Danube and Dniester rivers. At the first danger, it burrows into the silt. Spawning occurs in March or April. Likes to eat fry and small invertebrates.

This fish is caught on an industrial scale in Edver, the Urals. Spawns at temperatures not higher than +10ºС. This is a predatory fish species that loves fast-flowing rivers.

This is a freshwater species of fish that belongs to the carp family. It grows up to 60 cm in length and gains up to 5 kg of weight. The fish has a dark color and is common in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas.

River fish without bones

Virtually no bones

  • in maritime language.
  • In fish of the sturgeon family, belonging to the chordate order.

Despite the fact that the water has a certain density, the body of the fish is ideally suited for movement in such conditions. And this applies not only to river, but also to sea fish.

Typically, her body has an elongated, torpedo-like body shape. In extreme cases, her body is spindle-shaped, which contributes to unhindered movement in the water. These fish include salmon, podust, chub, asp, sabrefish, herring, etc. In still water, most fish have a flat flattened body on both sides. These fish include carp, bream, rudd, roach, etc.

Among the many types river fish available as peaceful fish and true predators. They are distinguished by the presence of sharp teeth and a wide mouth, which makes it easy to swallow fish and other living creatures. Such fish include pike, burbot, catfish, pike perch, perch and others. Such a predator as a pike during an attack is capable of developing a huge initial speed. In other words, she literally instantly swallows her victim. Predators such as perch always hunt in packs. Pike perch leads a benthic lifestyle and starts hunting only at night. This testifies to his uniqueness, or rather, his unique vision. He is able to see his prey in absolute darkness.

But there are also small predators that do not differ in the large size of their mouths. Although, such a predator as an asp does not have a huge mouth, such as a catfish, for example, and it feeds only on fish fry.

Many fish, depending on habitat conditions, may have a different shade. In addition, in different reservoirs there may be a different food base, which can significantly affect the size of the fish.

Whistles are coastal sea ​​fish genus of ray-finned fish, family whistling (Fistulariidae). They are fairly common in tropical and subtropical waters, where they swim in sparse flocks.

They reach a length of 150-180 cm. Whistles often swim head down near the bottom, digging with their long snouts in the silt and among the sea grass in search of prey.

Smooth whistle (F. petimba) has bare smooth skin; brown-reddish, without spots, with two longitudinal narrow blue stripes along the back. Distributed in the Pacific and Indian Oceans from California and Mexico to Japan and Hawaiian Islands, Australia and South East Africa.

The meat of whistles is eaten.

The body of whistles is strongly elongated, flattened. The dorsal fin is located above the anal, in the posterior quarter of the body, both fins are triangular in shape. The caudal fin is forked, but its two middle beams form a long caudal filament. The snout is long, tubular, used by fish like a very efficient pipette to capture food.

Alternately expanding and narrowing the snout, the whistle fish quickly draws small animals into its mouth, which it feeds on.

Scientific classification:
Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Type of: Chordates
Class: Ray-finned fish
Detachment: Stickleback
Family: Whistlebirds (Fistulariidae (Blainville, 1818)
Genus: Whistles (lat. Fistularia (Linnaeus, 1758))

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