Recycling waste. Recycling of industrial waste

Helpful Hints 17.09.2019
Helpful Hints

According to their classification, all wastes are divided into five types of danger, according to their impact on the ecology of the natural environment around us.

The class includes extremely hazardous wastes, which have a very high impact on irreversible impacts on the natural environment. There is simply no recovery period for the environment for such waste.

Class II includes waste with a high degree damage to the environmental situation, but for these wastes there is a recovery period - for a period of about 30 years, after the removal of the source of exposure. It is necessary to dispose of waste according to all norms of legislation on environmental protection.

Class III - moderately hazardous waste, also have an impact on the environment, but the reduction in the level of environmental pollution takes 10 years.

Class IV is low-hazardous waste, the ecological system is disturbed from this class, but self-recovery is possible in at least 3 years.

Class V includes non-hazardous waste, which practically does not violate the ecology of the environment. They are used for recycling.

In addition to classification, the types of waste are divided:

  • - industrial,
  • - construction,
  • - solid household.

Industrial wastes of the first three classes include substances generated during the production process that are harmful to humans and the environment, and, in addition, for example, the processing of wastes from the nuclear industry is not only expensive, but sometimes impossible. It is mostly toxic industrial waste.

Class IV and V class inert waste includes industrial waste. Waste processing mainly consists in their disposal at landfills - these are wastes from the wood, light and food industries

Construction waste is practically harmless, but if, for example, wood is impregnated with paint, then when burned in garbage factories or as a result of decay in landfills, gas is formed, with all sorts of harmful impurities.

Household waste was, is and will always be, humanity is constantly looking for the best ways to process it. Russia has not yet invented better way than to take waste to landfills, but all over the world, waste recycling as a result of the life of the city has long been set at a high level. Waste contains hidden energy resources that can and are already being used for the benefit of humanity.

Waste collection is often the most expensive component of the entire recycling process. Therefore, the correct organization of waste collection can save significant amounts of money. The existing system of MSW collection in Russia should remain standardized in terms of economy. At the same time, additional planning is needed to address emerging issues (eg commercial kiosk waste, which is often under-resourced to collect). Means can sometimes be found to deal with these new problems by introducing differentiated fees for garbage collection.

In densely populated areas it is often necessary to transport waste over long distances. The solution in this case may be a temporary waste storage station, from which garbage can be removed by large-capacity vehicles or by railway. At the same time, it should be noted that intermediate storage stations are objects of increased environmental hazard and, if located and operated incorrectly, can cause no less complaints. local residents and public organizations than landfills and incinerators (as it happens, for example, in Alma-Ata).

Recycling. Quite a few MSW components can be recycled into useful products

Glass usually processed by grinding and remelting (it is desirable that the original glass be of the same color). Broken glass of low quality after grinding is used as a filler for building materials (for example, the so-called glassfalt). In many Russian cities there are enterprises for laundering and reusing glassware. The same, of course, positive practice exists, for example, in Denmark.

Steel and aluminum cans smelted to obtain the corresponding metal. At the same time, smelting aluminum from cans for soft drinks requires only 5% of the energy needed to make the same amount of aluminum from ore, and is one of the most profitable types of recycling.

paper waste various types have been used for many decades, along with conventional cellulose, for the manufacture of pulp - the raw material for paper. Mixed or low quality paper waste can be used to make toilet or wrapping paper and cardboard. Unfortunately, in Russia only on a small scale there is a technology for the production of high-quality paper from high-quality waste (off-cuts from printing houses, used paper for copiers and laser printers, etc.). Paper waste can also be used in construction for the production of thermal insulation materials and in agriculture - instead of straw on farms.

Plastic- plastic recycling in general is a more expensive and complex process. From some types of plastic (for example, PET - two- and three-liter transparent bottles for soft drinks) it is possible to obtain high-quality plastic of the same properties, others (for example, PVC) after processing can only be used as building materials. In Russia, plastic recycling is not performed.

Composting. Composting is a waste processing technology based on their natural biodegradation. Composting is most widely used for the processing of organic waste - primarily vegetable - origin, such as leaves, branches and mowed grass. There are technologies for composting food waste, as well as an undivided stream of MSW.

In Russia, composting with the help of compost pits is often used by the population in individual houses or on garden plots. At the same time, the composting process can be centralized and carried out at special sites. There are several composting technologies that vary in cost and complexity. Simpler and cheaper technologies require more space and the composting process takes longer, as shown in the classification of composting technologies.

The end product of composting is compost, which can be used in various urban and agricultural applications.

Composting used in Russia on the so-called. mechanized waste processing plants, for example, in St. Petersburg, is the process of fermentation in bioreactors of the entire volume of solid waste, and not just its organic component. Although the characteristics of the final product can be significantly improved by removing metal, plastic, etc. from waste, it is still a rather dangerous product and has very limited use (in the West, such “compost” is used only to cover landfills).

Various composting technologies. Minimum technology. The compost heaps are 4 meters high and 6 meters wide. Turn over once a year. The composting process takes from one to three years depending on the climate. A relatively large sanitary zone is needed.

Waste types

Quantity household waste in the world per person increases by about 1-4%, and by weight - by 0.2-0.4% per year and currently is (kg / year): in comfortable buildings - 160-190, in unfurnished buildings -600-700. The problem of these wastes is currently very acute in many countries of the world. In particular, about 150 million tons of waste is generated annually in US cities.

About 80 billion tons of waste have been accumulated in our country, and their mass is increasing every year. By the beginning of 1997, more than 1.4 billion tons of toxic waste alone had accumulated at enterprises in various industries. In 1995-1997 the annual generation of toxic waste has reached approximately 90 million tons, including hazard class I - about 0.16 million tons, class II - 2.2 million tons, class III - 78.7 million tons. In general, in Russia, the amount of hazardous: waste is about 10% of the total mass of municipal solid waste (MSW).

The largest part of the hundreds of millions of tons of industrial waste is generated in the coal industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, thermal power plants, and the building materials industry.

Production and consumption waste- these are the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products formed in the process of production and consumption, as well as products that have lost their consumer properties. Wherein hazardous waste must be neutralized, and those not in use are considered garbage. Waste can be very different (Scheme 1).

Solid Liquid gaseous

Scheme 1. Main types of waste(according to V.A. Vronsky)

The main methods of disposal of household and industrial waste There are many ways waste disposal,

Let's take a look at the most commonly used ones.


Disposal of waste to a landfill is the cheapest, but at the same time short-sighted way of its disposal. It is short-sighted in the first place because garbage remains garbage. Landfills around cities occupy huge areas. Poisonous substances that end up in landfills penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, is blown around by winds, and thus damages the environment. In addition, as a result of decay processes without air access, various gases are formed, which also do not refresh the atmosphere around the landfill. Some decay products can spontaneously ignite, so fires regularly occur in landfills, in which soot, phenol, benzapyrene and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

The volume of landfills in our cities is doubling approximately every 10 years.

Another way of recycling is not just removal to a landfill, but waste disposal with subsequent reclamation.

Approximately 2/3 of all household and industrial waste is stored in landfills. Such storage facilities occupy large areas, are sources of noise, dust and gases,

formed as a result of chemical and anaerobic biological reactions in the thickness.

Before burial, a number of activities are carried out:

Dig a pit

The bottom is lined with silt

An insulating material is placed on a layer of silt

Then alternately follow - a layer of waste and a layer of soil

Carry out compaction of waste

Drainage systems for wastewater treatment are installed to remove liquid waste

Then they fall asleep with a thick layer of soil and plant green spaces.

Many countries with access to the sea carry out sea burial of various materials and substances - dumping, in particular, soil excavated during dredging, drill slag, industrial waste, construction debris, solid waste, explosives and chemicals, radioactive waste . The volume of burials amounted to about 10% of the total mass of pollutants entering the World Ocean.

It is not known which of these two methods is better, since, on the one hand, the buried garbage does not produce dust flying around the landfill and does not spoil the landscape so much, and on the other hand, the waste is closer to groundwater. In addition, waste disposal is an expensive process.

2. Incineration

In order to free up the vast areas occupied by landfills, the idea of ​​incinerating waste arose.

The first systematic use of waste stoves was tested in Nottingham, England, in 1874 Incineration has reduced the volume of garbage by 70-90 %, depending on the composition, so it has found its use on both sides of the Atlantic.

The densely populated and most significant cities soon introduced experimental ovens. The heat released from the burning of garbage began to be used to generate electricity, but these projects were not able to justify the costs everywhere. Large expenses for them would be appropriate when there would be no cheap way of burial. Many cities that used these stoves soon abandoned them due to the deterioration of the air composition. But even now, up to 50% of all waste is incinerated in developed countries.

Incineration is not the most profitable option - both in monetary terms and in terms of resource saving.

Non-combustible materials, such as metals and glass, retain their value when recycled, but when incinerated, they only take up space in warehouses and furnaces. Organic waste is better used for composting than ignoring it high humidity trying to burn them. Paper

and plastic, on the other hand, is a valuable fuel. Unsorted waste has a calorific value of about 8400 J/kg, which is half the calorific value of coal. The heat of combustion of paper and plastic is 2 and 4 times higher, respectively. Therefore, it is not practical to burn all the materials together.

The German Greens believe that incinerators only convert one form of pollution into another, but do not eliminate it.

AT recent times bets are placed on plasma combustion waste (temperature about 30,000 C). The high energy intensity and complexity of the process predetermine its use for the processing of waste only, the fire disposal of which does not meet environmental requirements.

3. Solid waste composting

Composts- These are organic fertilizers obtained as a result of the decomposition of plant and animal residues by microorganisms. When composting in the organic mass, the content of nutrients(phosphorus, nitrogen) in a form digestible by plants, pathogenic microflora is neutralized, the amount of cellulose and pectin substances decreases; fertilizers become free-flowing, which facilitates their introduction into the soil. Composts are often used instead of scarce organic fertilizers (peat, manure).

When composting in special (compost) installations, a temperature of up to 70 ° C is created, at which microbes and weed seeds die. Composting is considered quite a rational way to eliminate certain waste almost no harmful effect on the environment. However, when processing waste containing metals, the latter can accumulate in the compost in large quantities.

4. Burial of toxic industrial waste

recyclable industrial waste should be carried out within special landfills providing their isolation and environmental safety for such a period until they become harmless to humans or economically acceptable technologies for their processing and subsequent use are developed.

Underground industrial waste storage facilities include those located in geological formations remote from the earth's surface, providing long-term isolation of waste from the biosphere.

Underground storage facilities are environmental structures and are designed for centralized collection and disposal of waste (including toxic waste) from industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions. The placement of industrial waste in storage facilities can serve two purposes - their subsequent use (storage) and eternal burial.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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The world uses various ways garbage disposal. In our country, the most popular method of disposal is considered to be burial.

In highly developed countries recycling 50 - 90% of waste materials are fulfilled, in Russia only 5 - 17%.


Industrial and household waste is the main source of pollution. The classification of household workings is represented by several options.

There is a division of garbage into two classes:

  1. Productions - industrial
  2. Consumption - household

The classification of waste depends on how it is disposed of. Household waste, the hazard class of which is determined by specialized services, is subject to disposal various methods. Toxic hazardous waste must be disposed of in accordance with established regulatory legal acts.

Only 3-4 hazard class waste is accepted to MSW landfills, and certain types of these workings are accepted in limited quantities and disposed of with strict observance of special conditions. For the destruction of scrap, various methods of disposal and processing of waste are used.

In the process of human life, household waste is generated, their hazard class is determined by the degree of harmful effects on nature:

  1. Works carrying extreme danger
  2. Highly dangerous
  3. Moderately dangerous
  4. Low-dangerous
  5. Practically harmless

How is the hazard class of waste determined?

To determine, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of waste is usually carried out (if it is not possible to establish them, then a model method is used, this method is also called experimental), on the basis of which a conclusion is made and the hazard class is established. If the qualitative and quantitative composition is known, then the calculation method is used.

Legislatively, the norms for hazard classes are established by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources No. 511. The main criterion for determining the hazard class is the potential threat to the environment and the severity of the consequences in case of improper storage, transportation or disposal.

Hazard classes vary in degree negative impact for ecology:

  1. Extremely hazardous waste of the first class causes irreversible and global changes in an ecosystem over a large area. If such waste enters the ecosystem, its recovery, even over time, is impossible.
  2. High-risk waste causes an imbalance in the ecosystem. It is estimated that with modern technologies, it will be possible to eliminate the negative consequences only after 30 years, and the self-healing of the system will take even longer. When waste of class 2 enters the ecosystem, animal populations will suffer irreversible damage associated with the extinction of certain species.
  3. It takes at least 10 years to restore the ecosystem after the impact of class 3 waste. Modern technology can slightly speed up recovery. As for the impact on fauna, animal populations may suffer.
  4. When exposed to class 4 waste, self-healing of the system occurs within 3 years.
  5. Contacts of class 5 waste with the environment practically do not affect the ecological situation.

Processing methods

Today, the following recycling methods are used:

  • Burial at landfills - sorting, earth filling.
  • Natural ways of decomposition - composting.
  • Thermal processing - combustion, pyrolysis: low-temperature and high-temperature.

Waste is not just garbage, it is a cheap material for production. The main thing is to learn how to properly dispose of them.


This type of recycling is the most common in the world. It applies to non-combustible mining, as well as to scrap that releases toxic substances when burned.

The solid waste landfill is not an ordinary landfill, but a complex structure equipped with systems that prevent groundwater and air pollution.

At some landfills, gas is processed, which was formed during the decay of waste into heat or electricity. Russian polygons to a small extent correspond to these characteristics. The main disadvantage of burial is that it does not eliminate rotting and the odors released during this, which are dangerous to the environment.


This technology is based on the natural decomposition of waste. It is used for the disposal of organic waste. Subject to composting food waste, as well as unseparated MSW flow. In Russia, composting is not widespread, since the classification of waste depending on the hazard class is not applied, organic matter is not separated from inorganic matter, which poses a danger to the environment. Composting is used only on garden and summer cottages, it can be carried out at special sites.

- the end product of this type of utilization is used in agriculture.

Thermal processing

Industrial and domestic waste is also subject to thermal processing, its advantages:

  • Complete disposal of waste.
  • Reducing the volume of scrap by 10 times.
  • Use of energy potential from organic substances.

The use of combustion is beneficial in obtaining electrical and thermal energy. The result of pyrolysis is a vitrified product + energy. The slag formed in the process of high-temperature pyrolysis does not pose a danger.

How to dispose of household waste to prevent danger? The best option is pyrolysis, this is the thermal decomposition of waste that occurs without oxygen. Pyrolysis contributes to a waste-free technology for the disposal of mining, as well as to the maximum rational use missing natural resources.

  1. Low temperature pyrolysis is characterized by the formation of a small amount of gas and a large volume of oils, resins and solid residue. It is performed at a temperature of 450 - 900°C.
  2. High-temperature pyrolysis is characterized by the formation of a minimum amount of resins and solid residues, and the gas yield is maximum. Burning is carried out at temperatures above 900°C.

Overseas experience

All developed countries have separate waste collection. People independently make classification of garbage in apartments. In Russia, unfortunately, this method is not used in practice. For example, in Germany, the process of introducing this method to the masses took 18 years. In their apartments, they have at least 3 trash containers, their number can reach 8 pieces.

There is the following classification: packaging, paper, food and other waste. Citizens are required to sort waste, and manufacturers are responsible for disposing of their packaging material. In apartment buildings, there are usually 3 types of containers.

  • Blue - containers for paper.
  • Yellow - for packaging.
  • Gray - for food waste.

The manufacturer of any product, on a formal basis, assumes the costs of processing the packaging material, but in reality everything happens differently. The manufacturer includes these costs in the cost of his product, as a result, they are passed on to the consumer. On average, it costs 11 euros per year for every inhabitant of Germany, which is not much for Germany.

Such increased attention to waste sorting and recycling in Germany is explained not only by the love for cleanliness, but also by saving resources. It is worth considering that 14% of all raw materials used in German industry come from waste.

Garbage removal

Pickup fee household waste, as well as construction is calculated by the hour or depending on the volume. For export, firms use specialized vehicles. Next, the waste materials are transported to landfills, of which there are about 11,000 in Russia. They carry out the burial of 96% of waste materials and only 4% are recycled. Proper handling of waste materials dangerous, helps to save natural resources, as well as reduce the degree of environmental pollution.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Mankind is seriously faced with the problem of waste disposal, therefore, more and more advanced methods of waste disposal are being developed all over the world.

“Recycling” is now such a fashionable foreign word. Unfortunately, it has not yet gained the desired popularity in our country. In developed countries, resource conservation is an important motivation for recycling waste.

Special landfills and engineering landfills for waste disposal have a limited area, in addition, they occupy useful land and harm the environment around them. The problem is not solved by the removal of workings at waste incineration plants. They allow you to reduce the amount of waste, but cause no less harm to the environment, poisoning the air with toxic gases.

The latest efforts of scientists are aimed at developing new schemes for waste disposal, and to introduce new processing technologies by type, hazard class and source of origin. This approach is most effective in terms of environmental protection and rational consumption of exhaustible natural resources. The importance of competent waste processing also has an economic component - it contains useful components, the secondary production of which is much cheaper than primary extraction and processing.

Garbage classification

Types of waste by source of origin

  • household
  • Organic origin
  • industrial production
  • Medical
  • radioactive waste

Types of waste by state of aggregation

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Pastes
  • Suspensions
  • emulsions
  • Bulk

In total, there are 5 hazard classes of waste:

  • Working off, which belong to the first class of danger, pose a threat to all life on earth. Even in small quantities, they can lead to death, disability, the birth of sick offspring. Substances such as mercury, polonium, plutonium, lead can cause a serious environmental disaster.
  • The second and third hazard classes are united by garbage, which can cause ecological imbalance, and it will take decades to restore it. These include chromium, zinc, phosphorus and chlorine compounds, arsenic.
  • Low-hazard substances of the fourth hazard class also affect the human body and living beings. The ecosystem after their impact is restored within 3 years.
  • There is a fifth class - environmentally friendly garbage, but even in large quantities it can cause damage to the surrounding space.

A variety of working off leads to the need to create progressive methods of primary waste sorting.

Methods for processing household waste

The most significant part of the garbage on earth is MSW. Their source is residential areas and social facilities. With the growth of the world's population, the volume of solid waste is also growing. Currently, there are such types of recycling as:

  • Burial at landfills
  • Natural decomposition in the natural environment
  • Thermal processing
  • Isolation of useful components and recycling


Looking at all existing methods of waste disposal, burial is the most common method. It is suitable only for garbage that is not subject to spontaneous combustion. Ordinary landfills are giving way to landfills equipped with a system of engineering structures that prevent contamination of surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, agricultural land. In developed countries, gas traps are installed at landfills, which are formed during the decomposition process. It is used to generate electricity, space heating and water heating. In Russia, unfortunately, there is a very small number of engineering landfills for disposal.

Most of the workings are various organic residues, they quickly rot into natural environment. In many countries of the world, household waste is sorted into fractions, their organic part is composted and valuable fertilizer is obtained. In Russia, it is customary to compost an undivided stream of MSW, so it is impossible to use decayed organic matter as a fertilizer.

Thermal processing

Thermal processing refers to the following methods:

  • Burning
  • Pyrolysis on low temperatures burning
  • Plasma treatment (high temperature pyrolysis)

Process thermal processing allows you to completely destroy harmful components, significantly reduce their number in burial sites, convert combustion energy into heat and electricity.

Simply incinerating garbage is a cheap way to dispose of it. In this area, proven methods of waste processing are practiced, serial equipment is produced, a high level of automation puts the process on a continuous flow. However, when burned, big number harmful gases with toxic and carcinogenic properties. Gradually, the world is moving to pyrolysis.

The most effective is high-temperature pyrolysis - plasma treatment. Her virtues:

  • No need to sort leftovers
  • Getting steam and electricity
  • Obtaining a liquid residue - pyrolysis oil
  • Obtaining a harmless vitrified slag at the output, which can be used in secondary production.
  • Ecological safety for the environment and human health

Plasma waste disposal methods eliminate the need to create new landfills and landfills, and the economic benefits are expressed in millions of dollars in profit.

AT last years waste recovery began to actively develop, i.e. recycling. Garbage contains many useful components that can be reused for the synthesis of new materials and the production of various goods.

From waste sorted:

  • Ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals
  • glass break
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Polymer packaging
  • Rubber
  • Remains of wood
  • Food leftovers, products with expiration dates

The development of recycling in Russia is hampered by the lack of an established waste sorting system. In developed countries, containers for various types of household waste are installed in the yards, and a culture of waste management is brought up from childhood. In our country, there are collection points for metals, paper, polymer products, but they cannot seriously stimulate the opening of new recycling facilities. A gradual transition to low-waste and resource-saving production is also desirable.

Disposal of industrial waste

Industrial waste includes:

  • Remains of raw materials and materials that are used in production
  • By-products of production - garbage, liquids, gases
  • Substandard and defective products
  • Decommissioned machinery and equipment

Theoretically, any useful component from production waste can be reused. The issue rests on the availability of efficient technologies and the economic feasibility of processing. That is why secondary raw materials are distinguished among industrial waste and irretrievable waste. Depending on the category, different waste processing technologies are used.

Irrevocable waste, where there are no useful components, is subjected to burial in landfills and incineration. Before burial, industrial waste, which contains toxic, chemically active and radioactive substances, must be neutralized. To do this, use specially equipped drives.

Subject to centralized collection and neutralization:

  • Toxic waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, zinc, tin, cadmium, nickel, antimony
  • Waste from galvanic production
  • Organic varnishes, paints, solvents
  • Oil products
  • Mercury-containing waste
  • Waste containing radioactive components

Accumulators are placed in open areas or in underground structures on the territory of enterprises or beyond. For solid waste, tailing and sludge collectors are built, dumps and waste heaps are arranged for waste rocks, ash, and slag. Liquid waste is placed in ponds, settling tanks and burial grounds. After neutralization, hazardous industrial waste is buried in separate authorized landfills.

All industrial enterprises are included in the list of nature users. In this regard, they must comply with the requirements, rules and regulations for waste management, as well as safety precautions, so as not to harm the environment.

The state is trying to encourage manufacturers to introduce low-waste technologies and convert waste into secondary raw materials. So far, this area is developing poorly in Russia.

The main ways of recycling industrial waste:

  1. Separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, industrial alloys, such as win for the purpose of remelting.
  2. Manufacturing process from polymer waste granulate, which is used in the production of the same kind of polymers or materials with different properties.
  3. Crushing rubber for use as fillers, production of building materials.
  4. Usage wood waste and shavings for the production of finishing boards and paper.
  5. Obtaining electric current and heat energy from combustible waste.

The problem of industrial waste disposal is very relevant for Russia, where the extractive industries, metallurgy, and petrochemistry are developed, forming a large amount of waste and by-products.

Medical Waste Disposal Methods

Medical waste is a special category. They are formed by medical institutions, pharmacies, pharmacological plants. Approximately 80% consists of ordinary household waste, but the rest can harm the life and health of many people.

Hazardous medical waste includes:

  • All items that have been in contact with patients with dangerous and especially dangerous diseases.
  • Remains medicines, disinfectant liquids.
  • Remains of equipment that uses mercury salts and radioactive elements.
  • Organic waste - biomaterial from pathological and anatomical departments, operating rooms, immunoglobulins, vaccines.

AT recent decades the world has moved to the use of disposable medical instruments made of metal and various types of plastic. After disinfection, they can be sent for recycling after sorting. This judicious use of raw materials will save a significant amount of resources and reduce the cost of producing disposable instruments and patient care items.

Problems of waste disposal and recycling in Russia

The main problems of waste disposal in our country include:

  • The presence of many unauthorized dumps.
  • Combined waste, for example, mercury lamps can be disposed of like glass - according to the lowest hazard class.
  • Placement on a dump of spontaneously combustible waste.
  • Modern methods of waste disposal at waste processing plants are too expensive; they are disposed of at landfills much cheaper.
  • Weakness of the legislative framework and economic incentives for recycling enterprises. The standard is waste disposal at the enterprise.
  • Lack of infrastructure and well-established waste sorting process.

The need to stay healthy ecological environment will force state structures to adopt the experience of developed countries. They will face the need to effectively solve the problems of waste disposal and recycling. different categories and switch to environmentally friendly production technologies.

Industrial waste is different from household waste. Often, during the production process, substances belonging to the first hazard classes are formed. This means that when such compounds enter the natural environment they will lead to the destruction of all life and the irreversible imbalance of the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to properly dispose of these wastes.

Industrial waste is substances, materials and products generated at different stages of the production process and unsuitable for subsequent use to obtain products at the enterprise.

Wastes obtained in production after various types of impacts on the feedstock may differ in their state of aggregation and be solid, gaseous or liquid.

It has been established that in modern conditions of functioning of industrial enterprises, the share of waste generated is 0.1 part of the amount of all raw materials used in production processes.

Classification of production waste

The classification of industrial waste implies its division into the following types:

  1. Waste is returnable. Such substances and materials may remain in production for further use in work processes other than those from which they were formed. They are not required to be of high quality. Often these wastes are used as consumables. For example, machine oil waste is used to lubricate components technical devices least important purpose.
  2. Recyclables. This group includes scrap that cannot be involved in the current production process, but is a valuable raw material for other industries.
  3. Irrevocable losses. These are wastes, the processing and use of which is impossible and inexpedient, therefore they are recognized as irretrievably lost. They are taken out of the enterprise, stored, in special cases they are subjected to neutralization and subsequent burial in specially designated areas.

In addition, industrial waste, like consumer waste, is divided into hazard classes from the most harmful to practically safe.

In the course of the activity of enterprises, as waste materials and losses, the following are formed:

  • metal materials;
  • plastic components;
  • ash and slag accumulations;
  • leather, rubber, glass products;
  • remnants of wood and fur;
  • waste paper (maybe you will be interested to read about);
  • construction and textile materials;
  • remains of biological origin;
  • fertilizer components;
  • oil-containing mixtures, as well as radioactive elements, mercury, lead, arsenic, antimony compounds, etc.

All of the above is only a small part of the waste from industrial enterprises, some of which can lead to an environmental disaster.

Characteristics of industrial waste

The fate of waste produced by enterprises depends on its characteristics:

  • source of education, i.e. industries;
  • the stage of the production process at which it was obtained;
  • impact on the human body and the state of the environment;
  • quantitative indicators (mass, volume, etc.);
  • recyclability;
  • possible suitable methods of disposal.

Disposal of industrial waste

Under the recycling of waste in the context of this article, we mean their destruction.

The implementation of the removal and disposal of each type of industrial waste occurs in accordance with the established hygienic classification, accepted standards and legislative acts.

Consider the main methods and some of the nuances of the elimination of industrial waste unsuitable for processing, depending on their type:

  1. Inert trash. Its warehousing is carried out jointly with MSW. Also, such industrial waste can be used for backfilling ravines and pits, building garage areas, etc.
  2. Garbage that quickly decomposes in the process of vital activity of microorganisms. Stored in landfills and landfills with solid waste.
  3. Low-toxic waste, poorly soluble in water. For this group, a list of materials has been compiled, according to which they can be disposed of at landfills together with MSW. This list includes: textiles, technical rubber, polymers, electrical insulation, asbestos-cement, graphite, abrasive materials, etc.
  4. Oil-like mixtures. Incinerated with MSW.
  5. Compounds with increased toxicity and little polluting the atmosphere. They are transported to specially equipped landfills.
  6. Highly toxic industrial waste. They are neutralized in a certain way, after which they are buried in compliance with special safety requirements.

Thus, there are two main methods for the disposal of industrial waste:

  • burial;
  • burning.

The most common today is the disposal of industrial waste by the burial method. This method is implemented on special land plots called polygons. Usually next to them there are enterprises that provide disposal of unsafe waste. In the process, methods of thermal and physico-chemical waste treatment are used, the result of which may be completely or partially neutralized garbage. The burial is carried out in special pits, the entire territory allotted for them is fenced with barbed wire.

There are a number of requirements for the location of landfills: sites cannot be located in the territory of mining, in mountainous environs, in swamps, close to underground sources of drinking water, in green urban areas, etc.

Incineration means reducing the initial volume of industrial waste by 85% or more. The process is carried out at an incineration plant, where high-temperature furnaces of various design solutions are installed. The modern thermal method of waste disposal is pyrolysis, the essence of which is the burning of materials under anaerobic conditions. In order to destroy harmful components, oxidative and dry pyrolysis are used.

Utilization of liquid industrial waste, which is not extremely toxic to the environment, is carried out by passing wastewater through the treatment facilities of the enterprise. The process involves mechanical, biological, physical and chemical stages, as well as disinfection of treated effluents.

The listed methods of elimination and disposal can reduce the negative impact on nature and the human body of production waste, but do not solve the problem completely.

The following video tells about the modern landfill for industrial non-radioactive waste, the technologies used on it.

Features of disposal of hazardous production waste

Existing recycling technologies are currently not applied to hazardous industrial waste (classes 1-3). Their disposal is in special ways using special technical means. The main methods used for the disposal and disposal of hazardous waste include: cementing, encapsulation in glass (and other types of fixation), exposure to microwave radiation, incineration and sterilization under conditions high pressure, as well as burial at a carefully equipped landfill.

Landfill is a popular way to dispose of hazardous liquids. Working off in liquid form is pumped into special wells, consisting of pipes: external, protective and for direct injection.

In addition, special combustion methods are used to eliminate harmful liquids, for example, in atomized form and over a bed.

The activities for the disposal of hazardous substances require high professionalism, good knowledge of the process technologies and the equipment used from the employees.

Important! Incorrect and unauthorized liquidation of production developments can lead not only to large-scale environmental problem but also to the criminal responsibility of persons managing the enterprise.

Recycling of production waste

Methods for processing industrial waste:

  • mechanical - grinding and separation;
  • biochemical - neutralization of workings through the use of special types of microorganisms and further use as recyclable materials;
  • diffusion - includes drying, crystallization, distillation;
  • chemical - changes the properties of the original substance;
  • thermal - processing of garbage (for example, tires and tires) into fuel by burning raw materials in pyrolysis plants;
  • hydrodynamic - includes a number of methods: sedimentation, filtration, separation of the mixture in centrifuges, etc.

These methods involve obtaining new products useful for various branches of life from waste materials. As an example, we give the process of processing metallurgical slags, because it is one of the main components of the total mass of industrial waste generated.

Conventional slag conversion technology consists of:

  • preliminary disassembly and sorting;
  • grinding in crushing plants;
  • metal release;
  • control sorting;
  • transportation of the product to the consumer.

The process uses such types of equipment as screeners, crushers, magnetic separators, conveyor belts for manual sorting of raw materials.

Recycled slag from metallurgical industries is used for road construction, agriculture, obtaining building materials, etc.

The main goals of industrial waste processing are to reduce their negative impact on the environment, to reduce the area allocated for waste storage, and, of course, to make a profit from the production and sale of new products.

The recycling of industrial waste is aimed at protecting the environment and human health, as well as conserving often non-renewable natural resources. But some business leaders are unwilling to spend money either on waste disposal or recycling, which leads to disastrous consequences. To improve the situation, you need to change the minds of people.

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