Room air purifier. How an apartment air purifier solves important problems

Tourism and rest 03.05.2021
Tourism and rest

A home for modern people is not only “their own fortress”. This is the place where we sleep, cook and relax from everyday work. And one of the main criteria for comfortable housing is the microclimate that is created in it. And to improve its quality, you should use the best humidifiers and air purifiers. After all, the state of the air that a person breathes at home (especially in a dream) largely depends on his immunity and health in general. The microclimate in children's rooms becomes archival.

The best solution would be not to wait for the doctor's recommendation (when problems have already arisen), but to take care of your own health and loved ones in advance. The solution would be to purchase a household humidifier-purifier. Thanks to such a device, it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of various respiratory diseases or to alleviate the condition of the body if they have already appeared.

Even outdoors, moisture from the air is frozen out by cold in winter, and dried by heat in summer. In residential areas, the situation is even worse. Everyone knows that heaters “burn” oxygen and dry the air. It is this function that the radiators of the heating system perform in winter. In summer, the humidity in the room decreases due to the use of air conditioners (besides, the air entering the house is already dry).

Popular models of cleaners - humidifiers for the apartment

Venta air purification systems

Perhaps one of the best representatives among the "washers" of air. These German combined action systems are designed to purify the air from dust particles and other possible impurities that can provoke allergic reactions or cause respiratory diseases, as well as for effective humidification.

Venta LW-15. This device is designed for small rooms up to 20 m². Its maximum productivity is 2 m³ per minute. Simple, efficient, economical and fairly quiet device. Nothing extra. Its main function is to purify and humidify indoor air.

Venta LW-25. Similar to the previous device in terms of functionality, but with the addition of a flood indication, a larger water tank capacity (7 l) and higher performance. It is already 3.8 m³ per minute for this device. Therefore, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that the LW-25 can process increases to 40 m².

Venta LW-45. A distinctive feature of this modification is that it is designed for large rooms (up to public) up to 75 m². This is due to the highest productivity among analogues, which is up to 270 m³ for an hour of continuous operation.

Advantages of Venta systems:

  • No filters need to be replaced, the drum is simply washed.
  • Simple, reliable and safe design.
  • Antibacterial protection Venta-Hygienemittel.
  • Optional connection of a humidity sensor.
  • Auto-off in the absence of water.


  • When turned on to the maximum mode, it makes noise (but at the minimum it is quite comfortable for night use).

Air cleaner with humidification Boneco Air-O-Swiss W2055D

This Swiss air washer for the home can easily handle rooms up to 50 m². In this device, for better air purification from small dust particles, pre-ionization is used, which charges them and ensures their attraction to the rotating moistened disks.

The design additionally provides a silver ionizing rod Ionic Silver Stick for antibacterial protection, and it is also possible to use a flavoring liquid. One of the most economical devices in its segment (20W). It has a large water tank (7 l), liquid crystal display and humidity control device.


  • Low noise (at minimum power it is comfortable for use at night).
  • No additional consumables required.
  • Device cleaning indication.
  • Built-in hygrometer and humidity control functions.
  • Large transparent water tank.


  • Pretty big device.
  • Laborious cleaning.

"Sink" for air Sharp KC-860E

This kind of air purifier and humidifier combination, according to the manufacturer, is able to cope with the air in a room up to 48 m². This indicator is provided by a rather serious performance of the device, the maximum value of which is 396 m³ per hour. The device is equipped with convenient electronic control. There is a traditional Sharp Plasmacluster air ionization system.

This home appliance has the most positive reviews. The presence of several high-quality filters in the device turns Sharp KC-860E not only into an effective humidifier, but also into a full-fledged air purifier (unlike the bulk of combined systems).

Used filters:

  • Prefilter.
  • HEPA filter.
  • Carbon filter.
  • Condensate filter.

Important clarification: The service life of consumables is quite long - the preliminary, carbon and HEPA filters are up to 5 years, and the condensate filter is about 2 years.

The main advantages of Sharp KC-860E:

  • The device has 3 fan speed levels.
  • Can be used in automatic mode.
  • There are sensors for dust, odors and humidity.
  • There is a “fight” mode with pollen (relevant for allergy sufferers).
  • Indication of water level, air pollution and Plasmacluster ionization mode activity.
  • Low noise level.


  • Large dimensions.
  • Filters, although very durable, still require replacement after a certain period.

Air purifier with humidification Panasonic F-VXH50

This model was originally developed for the Japanese market. A characteristic feature of this "washing" of air is the automation of the process. At the first start, this device is able to “analyze” the air quality in the corresponding room, and within 2-3 weeks it adjusts to the time when, more often than usual, more pollution occurs in the room.

The estimated area for the effective use of the device is up to 40 m². Power consumption is quite low - 43 watts. Maintenance and cleaning of the instrument itself is carried out approximately once a month.


  • Small sizes.
  • Low noise.
  • Function of maintenance of level of humidity of Econavi.
  • Durable filters.


  • The LED is too bright for night use (can be turned off).
  • Expensive consumables.

In conclusion, certain conclusions can be drawn. The popularity of the above models of humidifiers with the function of air purification (or vice versa, as you like) is not accidental. All the reviewed models have excellent functionality, excellent build quality and reliability. And most importantly, they almost flawlessly cope with all their declared capabilities and at the same time replace two separate devices.

A modern apartment does not experience a lack of home “dust generators”, a lot of household items, from plush toys to books, make their “feasible” contribution. In addition to "generators", there are always plenty of devices and things in the house that attract this dust. A stationary computer, for example, accumulates a monstrous amount of dust inside in a short time, and even if you clean it once a month, this is still not enough.

How a typical photocatalytic air purifier works using Aircomfort/AIC as an example

To reduce the amount of dust, a variety of electronic devices have been invented that draw this dust into themselves in one way or another. Then the dust can be washed off, cleaned off, thrown out together with a filter ... In general, today we will talk about dust collectors, they are also air purifiers. Go!

Electrostatic cleaners

The most common option in terms of price/quality ratio are electrostatic air cleaners. They do not have consumables, and the principle of operation is based on Coulomb's law: the ionized air in the device begins to move and captures dust particles, which at the same time receive an electric charge of a certain sign. Plates with the opposite potential attract particles of dust and gases, thereby purifying the air.

Such devices purify the air with high efficiency from fine dust, soot and tobacco smoke (from particles less than 1 micron in size), giving comfort, freshness and the smell of ozone as a bonus in the case of a built-in ozone generator. Such an additional device is only beneficial, since in small concentrations ozone performs a bactericidal function, destroying harmful viruses, bacteria and toxins. Ozone also oxidizes phenolic resins, pesticides and unpleasant aromatic compounds.

A nightstand that looks like a computer case is The Design Air's electrostatic air purifier

A tangible advantage of such devices can be called noiselessness (that is, complete - due to the absence of moving elements) and low power consumption (28-40 W). If the first indicator is critical for you, it makes sense to think about purchasing electrostatic cleaners.

Returning to the device of the ionizer, we can say that in itself it is useful without additional options, since the air is initially charged with ions. But passed through any filter, it loses its natural charge and becomes "dead". It is rather unpleasant and generally unsafe for a person and animals to be in such air, since it can provoke various diseases. A built-in or separate ionizer corrects this annoying flaw.

The Maxion vertical air purifier is simple, but has both an ionizer and an ozonizer

Now there are quite a few manufacturers of such cleaners, from Korean Maxion and Japanese Daikin to Russian Super Plus, Fanline, AIC, Atmos and other semi-known Russian-Chinese brands. Due to the simplicity of the design, such devices can be easily disassembled for cleaning, and for daily or round-the-clock work, it is recommended to do this about once a week. The procedure is simple: we clean the accumulated dust and fumes from the plates with a damp sponge or napkin, and, if desired, blow open internal parts.

Electronics and technology

With regard to control, all dust collectors are arranged quite simply. Power button, power control, as well as a separate button for turning on the UV lamp, if present. In the case of more sophisticated models, these may not be mechanical buttons, but touch ones, it is also common to see an LCD display, a timer, a remote control and filter control.

In general, when choosing a cleaner, both electrostatic and any other, it is hardly worth focusing on electronic bells and whistles. The main thing, we repeat, is the type of filter (or filters) that you eventually choose, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for which the device is designed.

Cleaners with replaceable filters

Such dust collectors offer air purification with HEPA filters (yes, the same type as in vacuum cleaners), whose advantage lies primarily in the ability to effectively clean the air of particles with a size of 0.34 microns and less (see above figures for electrostatic cleaners). Therefore, they are recommended and indicated for allergy sufferers and children.

The disadvantages of such systems are more significant, and they consist in the price of HEPA filters, which are recommended to be changed at least once a year. Actually, this is where their description ends, and the advantages of such air purifiers are only in their low power consumption (desktop models consume about 5 W) and low price (from 1000 rubles).

Due to their high cost, HEPA cleaners are not very popular, but they are often used in conjunction with photocatalytic cleaners, and less often with electrostatic ones. They are produced by the same vendors that provide us with all other types of cleaners. It is difficult to find dust collectors exclusively with a HEPA filter, except perhaps the old ones, combined only with carbon filters - like the Boneco humidifiers known to us.

Photocatalytic cleaners

To date, this particular type of air purifier is considered the most efficient - but at the same time the most expensive in terms of electronics. Photocatalytic air purifiers purify and disinfect the air through the interaction of UV light and a catalyst. Ultraviolet light hits the surface of the catalyst (usually titanium dioxide), and natural substances with a high oxidizing power (ozone and higher oxides) are formed. They decompose all contaminants that have fallen on the surface of the catalyst, and the size of the destroyed particles is about 1 nm (a value comparable to the size of molecules), which makes it possible to speak of them as the most efficient types of air cleaners.

Photocatalytic cleaners also decompose toxic chemicals (odors, smoke) into harmless substances (mainly water and carbon dioxide) and destroy microorganisms. The breakdown occurs at the molecular level, so the photocatalytic purifier does not accumulate anything anywhere: there is no need to change the filter, and the air becomes clean in a completely natural way.

Another significant advantage of photocatalytic cleaners is the long service life of the filter element: over time, only the UV lamp will need to be replaced, but its service life can be either a year or 3 years, it all depends on the model.

Very often, this type of air purifier is combined with ozonizers and an electrostatic or carbon filter to trap larger particles (recall, for electrostatic filters, this figure is less than 1 micron). It is clear that all this increases the price, and before choosing photocatalytic cleaners, it makes sense to think about the really necessary set of additional functions.

Photocatalytic filter from the Russian manufacturer Atmos is combined with HEPA filters

The disadvantage of photocatalytic cleaners can be a high level of noise. This is especially true for inexpensive models costing about 4-6 thousand rubles, their noise can reach a level of 55 dB.

Another disadvantage of photocatalytic cleaners is the higher power consumption compared to electrostatic models: it can reach 65-80 watts. All and sundry sell photocatalytic air purifiers in Russia: the same AIC, Daikin, NeoClima, Ballu, Panasonic, Timberk, Atmos, REDMOND, Zenet and others.

Air washing

We have already briefly mentioned combinations of an air purifier and a humidifier in an article about humidifiers, and now we will once again mention these very expensive (on average 15-20 thousand rubles), but space-saving devices. They humidify the air and purify it at the same time: water is used as a filter.

The principle of operation of such a system is simple and effective: dirty air blows over a grounded water surface, dirt particles “stick” to the water surface under the action of electrostatic forces, and then dissolve (settle) in the water.

Among the disadvantages of such a system (in addition to the high price), one can note a lower quality cleaning compared to photocatalytic and HEPA filters, as well as high time costs: since an air humidifier is an integral part of the device, the water must be changed periodically (every 1-2 days) and top up.

There are options when the design of the air washer is not limited to a combine of a humidifier and a purifier. This can be supplemented by multi-stage air purification (mechanical, electrostatic, and actually “washing”), the presence of a room disinfection mode and a temperature controller. As well as everything else that comes to the mind of the manufacturer. And there are many of them: Electrolux, Daikin, NeoClima Panasonic, Polaris, Stadler Form, SUPRA, Atmos, Fanline, Venta, Boneco, BORK and other popular manufacturers of household appliances.


Regardless of which type of air purifier you choose, it's better to have one at home than none at all. They clean the air excellently (the degree of superiority is determined by the size of the trapped particles, which is indicated for each of the types, and the amount you are willing to spend on them), so purifiers are an obvious and unambiguous must-have category for both smokers of all stripes and candle lovers. , aromatic and others. The author's practice shows that soot accumulates on electrostatic plates after an evening with candles so much that they need to be cleaned the very next day. And imagine if all this settles in your lungs, and you have to breathe it!

The question of price here, in fact, is secondary, because most of these cleaners are in the price range from 3 to 10 thousand rubles, with rare exceptions.

About combine number zero - an air conditioner with a dust collector, we will tell in one of the following materials about air conditioners in general, and split systems in particular. Moreover, summer has almost arrived, and for residents of large cities such a thing is becoming more than relevant.

In the conditions of modern ecology, it becomes impossible to ventilate a room with an open window, since the risk of penetration of carcinogenic compounds with street air significantly exceeds the expected benefits of ventilation.

And in a large metropolis, the streets are so dusty that it is simply unwise to open the windows.

To overcome this impasse, the home air purifier was created.

Until now, many people treat this unique invention with some doubt, trying to understand whether it is harmful to health. So what are air purifiers for home, which one is better to choose?

The principle of operation of the air purifier is the circular circulation of air - from the external environment through the purifier to the outside. Cleaning of the room is carried out using built-in filters. The home air environment is characterized by the presence of carcinogens (formaldehyde, benzene, nitrogen dioxide), mold, fungi, bacteria and dust impurities.

When the air flow passes through the air cleaner, the harmful microparticles contained in it settle on the filter of the device.

The greatest concern among people is the electrostatic air purifier. It converts oxygen into ozone, which in large quantities is dangerous to human health. However, manufacturers produce devices with low ozone emission, which is absolutely safe. It should be remembered, when choosing an air purifier, reviews, benefits and harms are distributed in a ratio of 95 to 5%. In general, air purifiers do not harm people.

Main types

All air cleaners are classified filtering type:

  • mechanical;
  • ionic or electrostatic;
  • photocatalytic;
  • combined.

Mechanical air cleaners contain HEPA air filters and carbon filters. They perfectly clean the air from house and construction dust, cope with bacteria and allergens a little worse, but are ineffective against viruses and gaseous compounds. You can make such an air purifier with your own hands, using filters and a fan.

An ionic air purifier (electrostatic) operates with an electrode that charges neutral air particles and attracts them to itself. It copes well with allergens, dust mites, viruses and bacteria, but is not able to clean the room of toxic gases. In addition, the air cleaner ionizer fills the room with freshness.

Air purifier with photocatalytic filter purifies the air in the house using UV radiation. It is effective against any microorganisms, allergens, toxic gases, but is not able to cope with organic impurities.

The purifier with a UV lamp completely kills all microorganisms and literally sterilizes the room.

Combined cleaners are characterized by a multi-stage cleaning system and include all of the above filters. With the help of these devices, the air is simultaneously disinfected, cleaned of organic impurities and ionized.

How to choose

When choosing an air cleaner the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Room area. All devices have a different range of action: from 10 m 2 to 150 m 2. It is especially important to consider the area when choosing a device that contains an ionizer cleaner, since the concentration of ozone released by it is calculated for a certain range of action.
  2. Noise level. Devices with mechanical cleaning are characterized by the presence of noise during operation, this is due to the action of the built-in fan. The quietest option is an ionic purifier.
  3. Dust content. With the greatest accumulation of dust and organic impurities (animal hair), it is more expedient to choose the option with mechanical or ion cleaning.
  4. allergic reactions. With any household allergens (dust mites, plant pollen), cleaners with an ionic and photocatalytic filter do an excellent job. However, if the allergy is caused by animal hair, then the best helper in this matter is a HEPA filter.
  5. Smoke and odors. Devices with an ionizer and carbon filtration will help to cope with tobacco smoke and unpleasant odors.
  6. Disinfection. Maximum air disinfection is achieved by using a UV lamp.

As a rule, the device is turned on daily for several hours or left overnight. Some devices are equipped with an air control function and work according to the air atmosphere.

Electrostatic and photocatalytic cleaners do not need filter replacement, unlike mechanical ones. Therefore, before choosing an air purifier for your home, you need to decide on the frequency of its use.

Air purifiers for home: top 10

The table shows the most popular air cleaner models, according to customer reviews.

Rating Name Characteristics (filters, area of ​​effect) Cost, rub)
1 AIC XJ-3800A1 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m2 16.000
2 Daikin MC707VM Pre-cleaning, electrostatic, ionization. S \u003d 42 m 2 50.000
3 Redmond RAC-3704 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 46 m 2 24.000
4 AIC KJF-20B06 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 40 m2 11.000
5 Boneco P2261 HEPA filter, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m2 2.000
6 Bork A800 (AP RIH 9935) HEPA filter, carbon. S \u003d 38 m 2 40.000
7 Mitsubishi Electric MA-E83H-R1 HEPA filter, carbon. S \u003d 63 m 2 35.000
8 Shivaki SHAP-3010 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S \u003d 25 m 2 14.500
9 Atmos Maxi photocatalytic, coal, pre-treatment, ionization. S \u003d 30 m 2 14.000
10 Philips AC 40144.5 HEPA filter, carbon. S \u003d 55 m 2 30.000

Filters in air cleaners

Air purifiers use the following types of filters:

  1. pre-cleaning. Conventional mesh filters, which are used in the first stage of cleaning, trap large particles of dust, animal hair.
  2. HEPA filters. They are an accordion assembled on both sides with micro-holes. Cope with mold and fungus spores, animal hair, dust mites.
  3. Coal. Fight dust and absorb odors with activated carbon.
  4. Electrostatic (ionic).Work on the principle of ionization, provide a high degree of purification, cope with microorganisms.
  5. Photocatalytic. Purify the air with UV light. Absolutely disinfect the room from pathogenic bacteria and carcinogens.

Air purifier operating rules

The air cleaner should be installed in places where dust is most likely to function effectively.

The device should not be closely adjacent to the wall, but be at least 10 cm away from it. For the purifier to work, you must turn it on and set the cleaning mode in accordance with the instructions.

Almost all modern models have electronic control and filter replacement indicators.. Replaceable filters of the device must be replaced every 2 months. The ionizer plates should be wiped with a damp cloth at least once a week.

An air purifier for the home is a useful thing, purifying the air space as much as possible. When choosing a device, one should take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the factors of its pollution.

The best option is a combined air purifier from dust, carcinogens, allergens and bacteria, which includes a multi-stage purification system.

A healthy atmosphere, and not only psychological, must be maintained in our homes. An important criterion is the quality of the apartment air, which directly affects the well-being and mood. When there is a lot of dust, allergens, viruses in the apartment, health inevitably deteriorates, as there is a constant load on the immune system. Helping your body is easy enough - you just need to choose the right air purifier.

Types of air purifiers for an apartment

Typically, such devices are distinguished by the type of filters, cleaning methods and built-in capabilities. They can be:

  • ionization - remove dust, disinfect the air and saturate it with ions;
  • with electrostatic cleaning - trap dust using static electricity;
  • with fine cleaning - eliminate almost all contaminants, even the smallest ones;
  • photocatalytic - neutralize the simplest pathogenic organisms and viruses;
  • ozonizing - clean from large pollution and enrich the atmosphere with ozone;
  • deodorizing - absorb harmful volatile compounds and odors;
  • detergents - have a complex effect on the air, moistening it and literally washing away dust and allergens.

Only electrostatic devices and sinks can be independent devices, while the rest are usually combined in various ways, depending on the model. The best devices for creating a clean air environment in your home are those purifiers that have the maximum number of the listed methods. It is they who will get rid of mold, remove dust and pet hair, neutralize bacteria and give freshness.

How to choose an air purifier for an apartment

First of all, you need to decide on the range of tasks that the device should solve. For example, if we are talking about the kitchen, then it is necessary to eliminate odors. For a bedroom, it is important that the air does not contain dust and is sufficiently enriched with negative ions. And in the room of an asthmatic it is better to choose the maximum possible configuration.

Next, it is worth clarifying the dimensions of the room - the area or volume with which the device will work. It is necessary that the device does not function for wear and tear, and its performance fully covers the required indicators.

The third parameter is functionality. Reduced noise performance, remote control, timer, built-in gas analyzers - all this is not included in the basic package. Of course, the price of air purifiers increases with the increase in the number of additional features, but you should not save on your comfort.

Where to buy an air purifier

For residents of Moscow and other regions of Russia, the MirCli virtual showcase has collected on online pages a variety of models from leading companies in the industry. Here it is easy to purchase a high-quality device with an official guarantee that will definitely be able to meet the needs of users.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that living in a clean apartment is better than living in a mess. And it's not just about the aesthetic perception of the surrounding space. Dust and dirt can cause various diseases, allergic reactions and just an uncomfortable state. How to properly clean your own apartment, we have already figured out. Today, another issue is on the agenda - air purification in the apartment.

Those in power are increasingly thinking about the environmental situation in cities. And the scientific fraternity has been sounding the alarm for a long time. The country is full of cities choking on industrial emissions. Municipal waste landfills surround megacities in a continuous ring. It is not uncommon for people to move to another area because of bad smells and dirty air. And there is no improvement yet.

The only solution left is to take care of yourself. Relocation is not always possible. And where is the guarantee that the same thing will not happen in another area over time? Let's try to figure out how to determine air pollution? What devices will help to make the air in the apartment cleaner? Well, at the same time we will tell you who to write a complaint about the pollution of the atmosphere around us.

Cleaning the air in the apartment. A bit of theory

The composition of the atmosphere is familiar to everyone from school. The basis is nitrogen and oxygen. Only one percent is accounted for by all other gases and other impurities. Every year the number of suspensions and non-typical substances increases. Power plants, automobiles, metallurgical and chemical enterprises constantly emit hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, sulfates, ammonia and other harmful substances into the air.

The easiest way to determine the purity of the air - "nose". And never funny. If there are landfills, smoky factories or major highways close to home, you can smell it. Even weak. And you don’t need to pay for an ecotester 🙂 Naturally, it’s not so simple - it’s not enough to feel the “aroma”, you need to know what it is. It is easy to find the information you need on the internet. For example, the smell of rotten eggs indicates a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

INTERESTING. Scientists consider smog, acid rain, ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect to be the main consequences of pollution of the earth's atmosphere. If the last two problems are not noticeable to ordinary residents, then smog and acid rain are frequent phenomena in many large cities. The greatest problems are observed in industrial centers and places of accumulation of industry.

If it smells like sewage, then mercaptan derivatives have accumulated in the air. Difficulty breathing, a distinct chemical smell and taste, a feeling of burning or dust indicate a high content of harmful substances. You need to act immediately. Don't wait for everything to pass, of course. You need to buy a device for cleaning the air in the apartment.

If you are “lucky” to live in a large industrial center, air pollution can not only be smelled, but also seen. It can be a colored cloud, clouds of dust, or darkening of the atmosphere. All hope is for special services involved in monitoring air quality. For example, in Krasnoyarsk it is Krasnoyarsk.nebo or in Chelyabinsk. Definitely helpful service.

But it is better to buy special analyzers. No need to bother with expensive devices that can show fractions of a percent of a huge amount of substances. A compact integrated analyzer is sufficient. Such a device will show the general degree of pollution, but will not tell which substances threaten health. But this is not necessary in order to take action, a signal of danger is enough.

There is nothing complicated in the operation of the device - the color of the indicator will show the degree of danger. According to international standards, red means danger, yellow warns of a high degree of pollution, and green indicates normal air purity. But the main thing is different, a household analyzer is several times cheaper than a professional one. You can buy a natural gas analyzer, but it's a little different. Although it will save you from leaks.

Cleaning the air in the apartment. What are the dangers of pollution

It has long been no secret to doctors what diseases are caused by polluted air. At the very least, respiratory problems. Frequent colds, allergic reactions, reduced immunity - this is an incomplete list of possible problems. In the worst case, a person is threatened with cancer. For example, when the concentration of formaldehyde is exceeded in the air for many years.

What can be done? How to protect yourself and loved ones from harmful consequences? Unfortunately, there is no simple and universal solution. After all, we won’t really walk the streets in a gas mask or a respirator 🙂 We definitely need to install a cleaner in the apartment. But with the movement around the city is more difficult. We close the airways with a handkerchief and quickly leave the dangerous place. If you feel unwell, call an ambulance!

Which air purifier to choose . Main types

Technology allows you to clean the air from pollution of any type. There is no shortage of household versions of purifiers on the market. Such a device is designed to work in a room of a certain area. Hence the conclusion - the larger the apartment, the more powerful the cleaner is needed. Accordingly, the cost increases depending on the class of the device. And if you decide on a complex gadget with ionization or humidification, get ready to shell out a tidy sum.

Purifiers are divided into several types according to the principle of operation. Let's say right away that there are no universal solutions. Some devices are well cleaned of dust and suspensions. Others remove inorganic compounds. Still others delay organics. Much depends on the filter being used. Now let's look at the main types of air purification devices and analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

Cleaning the air from dust in the apartment - electrostatic filters

Cleaners with a "plasma" filter create an electrostatic field in the path of the air flow, due to this, suspended particles collect on the surface of the filter. The efficiency of devices reaches 90 percent. The second advantage is ease of use. Special alloy plates are used as a filter, which are easy to clean from contaminants.

But there are also negative points. The operation of the purifier relies on a certain amount of dust. If the concentration of suspended matter is above the norm, then the filters can not cope. As a result, the device either clogs or begins to let dust through. So when buying, carefully study the performance characteristics. For rooms where asthmatics or allergy sufferers live, we recommend choosing devices with several degrees of cleaning.

How to choose an air cleaner - ionizers

Before us is a completely different type of air purifier. In fact, it is a complex consisting of several elements. Each part is responsible for its own cleaning method. From which it follows that ionizers are more versatile than plasma filters. The first stage of cleaning is the capture of large particles using foam filters. Then the photocatalytic filter comes into play - complex chemical compounds are destroyed.

IMPORTANT! The main air pollutants are: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides II and IV, sulfur dioxide, heavy metal compounds, complex organic compounds. Ozone is a hazardous substance. Despite performing an important function - protecting the planet from cosmic radiation - the substance is harmful to living organisms in large quantities.

The air then enters under the germicidal lamp and passes through the plasma filter. The last stage of purification is the adsorption of negatively charged ions. The multi-stage design has undeniable advantages - the filter is cleaned separately. The system does not require replacement, it is enough to periodically rinse the plates and vacuum the foam filter.

How to choose an air purifier for your home - HEPA filter

The operation of such devices is based on the passage of air through a special fibrous material, folded in a certain way with an "accordion". The structure of the filter is such that the cleaners are able to effectively retain even plant pollen. So the device is the best suited for people with allergies. The second plus is simple operation. It is enough to clean the container with the filter element once or twice a year.

How to choose an air purifier - photocatalysts

Interesting devices capable of retaining suspended particles and neutralizing chemical pollution. The location of the filter elements allows you to trap solid particles, spores, dust mites and animal hair. The main part is an ultraviolet lamp and a special catalyst. Photocatalytic cleaners can be equipped with plasma or carbon filters.

The main "chip" is a chamber with a catalyst. Here, complex compounds decompose into safe components: water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. This avoids the formation of sediment, that is, this element will not require frequent replacement. Photocatalysts easily cope with exhaust gases, phenol, formaldehyde, soot, tobacco smoke, household chemicals and substances of natural origin.

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment - ozonizers

The operation of such devices is based on the strong oxidizing abilities of ozone. A small amount of gas can decompose almost any compound, both natural and artificial. Ozone is created directly at the time of operation of the purifier using a strong electrical discharge. Everyone knows the fresh smell after a thunderstorm. It is this process that takes place in the ozonator.

There are more than enough positive moments - the destruction of microorganisms, spores and viruses, the decomposition of complex compounds. In addition, the device is able to disinfect furniture, clothes, food, eliminates unpleasant odors. But there is also a minus - in large quantities, ozone is harmful to the body. We advise you to use the ozonator strictly according to the instructions or turn it on when none of the residents are at home.

Cleaning the air from dust in the apartment - carbon filters

This technology is widely used not only for air purification. Think activated charcoal tablets or water filters. Carbon filler refers to fine filters and cannot work independently. As additional elements, HEPA filters or photocatalysts are used. No other way. The coal component is not able to stop biological pollution.

When choosing a device, we advise you to pay attention to the composition and structure of the filter plate. The best option would be a corrugated design with medium-sized granules. This will reduce airflow resistance and improve filtration quality. Most models do not require constant monitoring. Carbon elements need to be changed every 6-8 months. Another point - do not use such cleaners in bathrooms or bathrooms.

Water air purifier

Not so long ago, the terms "hydrofiltration" and "air washing" came into use. The principle of operation has been known for a long time, but the embodiment in household appliances happened relatively recently. Such purifiers mix air with water until a homogeneous mixture is formed. As a result, impurities settle, and the separated air comes out. Often, "air washers" are equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a photocatalyst.

FACT. According to WHO, every eighth person who died during the year suffered from air pollution. According to the results of 2015, this is approximately 7.5 million. Studies have revealed a direct relationship between the purity of the air and diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory tract and cancer.

An integrated approach allows you to effectively remove solid particles, neutralize chemicals and neutralize biological activity. Such cleaners are considered the most productive. The cleaning effect is about 95 percent. Add air humidification - you get the perfect protection for the home atmosphere.

Purification and humidification of air in the apartment

Humidifiers purify the air to a lesser extent. The main function of the device is to create an atmosphere with a given humidity. This is achieved by injection of purified steam. Devices are divided into three classes: mechanical, ultrasonic and steam. Most models, in addition to humidification and partial cleaning, are able to aromatize the air. We advise you to choose humidifiers that use ultrasound.

Mechanical devices are very noisy. Steam generators, working by heating water, "eat" not weak electricity. And the steam is hot 🙂 unlike other types of humidifiers. In terms of maintenance, "ultrasound" is also preferable. The system does not form scale, like steam generators. No need to change cartridges, as in mechanical humidifiers. It is believed that the latter serve for a long time. But it all depends on the composition of the air.

air purifier rating

It is difficult to compare cleaning systems operating on different principles. Although recently, manufacturers have been trying to produce universal cleaners that combine the advantages of different cleaning methods. By the way, there is an indicator of the efficiency of such devices - GOST R EN 1822-1-2010.

If you look at the sales of cleaning equipment, the leadership of several brands is noticeable: Boneco, AOS, Ballu and Venta. The average price for the products of these manufacturers is approximately 15-17 thousand rubles. Not weak, but for such a number of "pieces of paper" we buy a universal air purifier with a bunch of extras and a minimum of noise.

Models from Sharp, Aic and Daikin are cheaper due to the emphasis on the main function. The minimum number of “left” options, moisturizing is also secondary. Nevertheless, the devices do an excellent job - the air in the rooms meets environmental standards. It remains to look at the "best of the best" 🙂 So, the best air purifiers.

  • LG Puri Care AS60GDPV0. The device can be called a modern technological gadget without exaggeration. What are air purity sensors worth! One controls the presence of dust, the other controls odors and gases. The signals from the sensors go to the processor, which selects the operating mode. We can say that the cleaner constantly monitors the situation and selects the optimal mode. The only and not frail minus is the price. This miracle of South Korean technology will cost almost 60 thousand.
  • Boneco H680. An interesting solution allows you to separate the purification and humidification of the air. As they say, who likes what 🙂 The hybrid filter will easily cope with ordinary dust, pollen, spores and unpleasant odors. Humidification consumes about a liter of water per hour. If you look at the filling, then we actually have a climate complex - the system monitors the state of the air and selects the desired mode.

  • Dyson Pure Hot + Cool. A kind of combination of a fan, cleaner and heater. But it copes with air purification with a bang. By the way, the model has been certified for use by patients suffering from allergies and asthma. Heating may be needed in cold summers, but not a fact.

  • Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2. A unique device of its kind. It seems to be sold with us, but at the same time it seems not 🙂 According to official data, the company does not supply this model to the Russian market, but you can buy it without problems. The characteristics are impressive - in 10-15 minutes the air in a room of 20 squares is completely cleaned. The filter is combined, capable of removing dirt, odors, organics and chemicals. I was pleased with the price - only 8.5-9 thousand.

  • IQAir HealthPro 250. The Swiss are in their repertoire - a lot of attention is paid to design. But it is a sin to complain about the work of the purifier. Triple purification is able to filter out any impurities, whether they are gases, spores, pollen or ordinary dust. According to independent tests, it has an efficiency of 99.97 percent.

What is an air purifier

We discussed the technical component, so we will not return to this issue. If you look at the problem of clean air from the point of view of an ordinary city dweller, then a cleaner, albeit an expensive one, but a necessary gadget in our apartments and houses. In areas where the situation is favorable, you can not put it. But exhaust fumes and dust are not going anywhere.

Finally, a little advice. If you feel unpleasant odors for a long time, call Rosprirodnadzor. It is this office that is responsible for the ecological situation in the country. You can contact the regional departments of nature management or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The latter option is relevant for smoke and smell of clearly chemical origin.

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