Rebellion of the intelligentsia on the "Nik": the thread broke. At the presentation of the film awards, most of the laureates - from Sokurov to Zakharov - made political statements

Family and relationships 04.09.2019
Family and relationships

The Nika cinematic award ceremony impressed many as a protest action: several filmmakers who became award winners at once addressed sharp words in their speeches. political topics. Thus, film director Oleksandr Sokurov spoke out in support of the Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov convicted of terrorism, as well as all those who were detained at anti-corruption protest marches on Sunday, March 26.

A full transcript of the speech can be read on the website. A few quotes:

When I called my mother on the eve of my departure - she is over 90 years old - she asked me: "Don't speak, don't say anything!" "Why?" - I asked. To which my mother told me, “They will kill you, because you are always arguing with the government, you are always unhappy with something.”

And I say that I do not argue, I state my point of view. And today I want to say that I am waiting for a decision from the president, an answer to the question that we discussed - the fate of Oleg Sentsov (a director of Ukrainian origin, in August 2015 he was sentenced to 20 years in a strict regime colony. He repeatedly announced the torture used against him - Note. ed.). And the President said that he would think about this problem. But I say this because I, like many of us, watched what was happening in the country on Sunday. And it seemed to me that the state was making a big mistake by behaving so familiarly with young people, with schoolchildren and students.


Can't start civil war among schoolchildren and students, you need to hear them! None of our politicians wants to hear them, no one talks to them. For many years, I turned to Matvienko, turned to our current governor with a request to start talking to young people. I have never received a positive response. They are afraid to do it. Why? This can no longer be tolerated! I want to appeal to our male deputies, because women will not accept such a new law. Let's pass a law prohibiting the arrest and general touching of women and girls participating in public actions.


Everyone who is involved in youth today, everyone who is involved in student life, who is connected with education, we all must take strong [positions] with you, fight for the power of enlightenment, only this will save us from possible savagery, from possible political catastrophes.

The performance was met with applause not only in the hall where the ceremony was held, but also in social networks. The video recording of Sokurov's speech was shared by tens of thousands of users.

An absolutely amazing performance. What is surprising is not his courage - Sokurov has long been known as a man of courage and principle. Not with his ideas and manner of presentation - Alexander Nikolaevich, a real Russian intellectual and humanist who really cares for his country - but we also knew this. Amazing audience reaction. In the hall sits the color of the creative intelligentsia of Russia. People are not only talented, but also sensitive to society. At the same time, they are largely dependent on the authorities. And look at the audience's reaction. Listen upstairs, right?

In my opinion, absolutely everyone should (just should) watch this. Watch and share with all your loved ones.

The speech of the director Sokurov - to tears. Highly in simple words, heartfelt about the main thing, without pathos

Sokurov - Lancelot, the hero of my heart.

How light and joyful in the soul, excuse me for the pathos.

I look and think: “It’s amazing that Sokurov was allowed to speak for these five minutes.”
Or, here: I recently sat at night at a concert in Great Hall conservatory and wondered why it was already half past two in the morning, and until now the watchman had not cut off the light in the hall.

Many noted that the name of the award that Alexander Sokurov received - "Honor and Dignity" - surprisingly harmoniously combined with the content of his speech.

The case when he confirmed right on stage that he was awarded a worthy one.

I just watched Sokurov's performance at Nika. And the reaction of the audience. And I thought once again how much depends on one person.
Sokurov and literally a few other people - this is our chance. And woe to the nation if, however belatedly, it fails to heed that quiet voice.
And how well he looked against the background of the words HONOR AND Dignity. Like poured.

Sokurov was also compared with other cultural figures - not in their favor.

Human! And that's who, I think, would be a good minister of culture. But how far is that.

There are, for example, Mikhalkov with Konchalovsky, Yulia Menshova, and there is Sokurov.

As soon as Nika left Mikhalkov, very decent people began to gather there.
Listen to Sokurov's speech. See how the audience applauds him. Think.

Someone remembered the perestroika years, and someone - the recent performance of Meryl Streep at the Oscars (the actress sharply criticized Donald Trump).

Yesterday Alexander Sokurov performed at NIKA. The hall reacted violently and adequately ...

In the mid-80s, filmmakers were the first among the creative intelligentsia to rebel against the lies and delirium of the nomenclature that had sat in power.
So, by chance, I remembered ...

Well, that's good, otherwise Meryl Streep takes the rap for everyone, and these letters of joy and pleasure are mostly signed.

From admiration for Sokurov's words, commentators soon turned to criticism.

Alexander Sokurov suggested adopting a law prohibiting police officers from even touching women at rallies.

Well done Sokurov, unlike Fedotov, who defends the right of the police to be civilians and in every possible way prevent them from exercising their Constitutional rights.

Imagine, the director Sokurov on "Nika" agreed to the point that you can not beat women and children.

The hall was shocked: "What a desperate courage!"

men also cannot be beaten, but we still have to grow and grow to these heights of thought

well, that's not entirely true. This is just one line from his speech. He spoke about Oleg Sentsov, about speeches and detentions on March 26, about prohibitions and freedoms. And the remark about girls and women at protests was a bow in the context of a general protest and harsh speech.

Sokurov says obvious things. Tomorrow he will declare that it is not good to read other people's letters, and the audience will gasp. The trouble is that these obvious things for many educated cultured people are news that need to be considered, discussed ...

in our time to speak common truths and calling a spade a spade is a very bold performance

well, it turns out that heroism can be the voicing of basic values ​​by an intellectual against the backdrop of the obscurantism of the Chaplins ...

When, at the time of the persecution of Shostakovich, Mravinsky performed his concerto, the audience applauded. Although the fact that Shostakovich - brilliant composer was by then quite obvious. But only Mravinsky performed his music. The world is such that obvious things constantly require a reminder. This is especially valuable when for this reminder of the obvious, a person is threatened with punishment of one degree or another of severity.

A well-known methodologist also brings to the use of a reminder of the obvious in a roundabout way. Petr Shchedrovitsky :

Not so long ago I realized one important thing. The process of education is aimed at including a person in one or another ontology - a picture of the world. Unlike disparate ideas that arise in each of us in the process of life and are an element of situational experience, ontology builds a much more complex system of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. Thus, it allows a person to plan and carry out meaningful and productive actions. If the World in which we live did not have this or that device, we could not act in this World, or rather, expect that our actions will achieve the results and goals that we strive for. Those who do not have an education do not have a picture of the world. Even ruder: people who have not received education - and most of them - do not understand the cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena and events around them. Alexander Sokurov, whom I have deeply respected for a long time, proceeds from the fact that those to whom he addresses have an ontology. That is, he expects that those causal relationships that he sees in the World or discovers in his reflection are available to his listeners. But, unfortunately, this is a misconception. Most people do not understand the causal relationships that exist in the social world. They have no social ontology. This is especially typical for our country, where philosophical and social-humanitarian education has been practically absent for 100 years. Therefore, only Sokurov's Action itself, his deed, remains, and not his Thought, indication, hint.

Following Alexander Sokurov on topical issues. Aleksey Krasovsky, who received the Discovery of the Year award for the film Collector, urged his colleagues to "use their power to change something" in the fate of those detained on March 26. The actress Yelena Koreneva (a prize for the best supporting actress) also reminded of political prisoners - after her words, the hall stood up, according to the website. Fears that viewers would not see these performances on television were justified: the presentation of "Nika" was never shown on all-Russian channels.

0 March 29, 2017, 03:25

This evening at the Mossovet State Academic Theater it was as noisy as on the day of the premiere of a new production. But no, today at Bolshaya Sadovaya 16 there was not a presentation of the next performance, but the XXX solemn ceremony of presenting the national cinema award "Nika" ..

Star guests and this year's nominees began to gather for the Nika-2017 award from seven o'clock in the evening. By half past seven in the lobby of the Moscow City Council was no longer overcrowded. Perhaps, on any other day, the fuss and hustle and bustle near the wardrobe would have angered someone, but not today: every clash, accompanied by "oh, I'm sorry", ended in hugs and kisses - schedules, you know, only at major awards and festivals remain exchange news with colleagues and friends.

However, Marina Alexandrova, Svetlana Ustinova, Yulia Vysotskaya, Andrei Konchalovsky, Vadim Vernik and other stars did not spend much time talking. Pretty soon, in the theater hall, where the arriving celebrities moved after the photocall, the lights went out, applause sounded, marking the beginning of the ceremony.

True, these very applause did not impress Yuliy Gusman very much, so he asked the audience to repeat it. And not for him, but for the viewers. Of course, in a joking way:

I don't care. Then they will cut me out, I will stay only at the very beginning, but at the end, saying "Good evening" and "Thank you for coming." But now people around the world are watching us on online TV. In Australia, for example, three people.

Having received what he wanted, Gusman retired backstage, and Leonid Yarmolnik took his place, who read poems written specifically for the anniversary ceremony for the guests of the Nika-2017 award.

Then Vladimir Tolstoy, Advisor to the President of Russia for Culture, appeared before the audience, reading out a telegram from Vladimir Putin:

For thirty years now, "Nika" has taken a worthy place in the calendar of the most significant events in the cultural and social life of the country, determines the vector of development of domestic cinema, pays tribute to our illustrious masters, and lights new stars. Members of the Film Academy will have to solve a difficult and very responsible task - to sum up last year, which was declared the Year of Russian Cinema, and name those who were honored to become laureates and winners.

The President also expressed his confidence that "to earn high praise from colleagues, to become a laureate of the legendary "Nika" is the dream of representatives of all cinematographic professions of the award", but today the "most deserving" will receive the awards.

Either an embarrassment or a joke from the organizers of the "Nika" award (a parody of?) occurred during the announcement of the winner in the "Best Cinematography" nomination. Igor Klebanov was invited to the stage to present the award. After a few words, he announced the name:

Vladislav Opelyants...

And at that moment the hall exploded with applause, but no such luck. Klebanov continued:

No no. I have another paragraph of text. And I didn't open the envelope. So, Vladislav Opelyants... Maxim Osadchy... Alexander Simonov... All of them are professionals in their field, deserving this award.

However, as we know, only one can win. And they became Maxim Osadchy, whose work on the film "Duelist" academics could not fail to note.

However, to determine one winner in the nomination "Best Supporting Actress" members Russian Academy cinematic arts still could not, so the envelope contained two names at once - Yulia Aug, who played in The Apprentice, and Elena Koreneva, who played the role in the film Her Name Was Mumu.

This evening was not without politics. Director of the film "Collector" Alexei Krasovsky, who went up on stage to receive the award in the "Opening of the Year" nomination, recalled the all-Russian rallies that took place on March 26. During the actions, the police detained 1,000 people, many of whom received prison terms. Taking advantage of the moment, he asked the people in the hall to contribute in order to at least change something.

Alexander Sokurov followed the same path. The director suggested passing a law prohibiting the arrest of girls and women participating in public actions, and even touching them. His recipe for community health:

We must fight for humanitarian education, only this will save us from savagery, from possible political catastrophes.

The full list of winners of the Nika-2017 award:

Best Feature Film- "Paradise", director Andrey Konchalovsky, producer Andrey Kochalovsky

Best Non-Fiction Film- "In the rays of the sun", directed by Vitaly Mansky

Best Actor - Timofei Tribuntsev, "The Monk and the Demon"

Best Actress - Julia Vysotskaya, "Paradise"

Best Supporting Actor - Boris Kamorzin, "The Monk and the Demon"

Best Supporting Actress - Julia Aug ("Student") and Elena Koreneva ("Her name was Mumu")

Best Directing - Andrei Konchalovsky, "Paradise"

Best Screenplay - Yuri Arabov, "The Monk and the Demon"

Best Cinematography - Maxim Osadchy, "Duelist"

Best movie CIS and Baltic countries -"Alien House" (Georgia), directed by Rusudan Glurjidze

Best Animated Film -"Cuckoo", directed by Dina Velikovskaya

Best Film Music - Eduard Artemyev, "Duelist"

Best Sound Engineer - Maxim Belovolov, "The Monk and the Demon"

The best work of the artist - Andrey Ponkratov, "Duelist"

Rusudan Glurjidze (center) director of the film "Someone else's house" with the project's producers

Best Costume Design - Tatyana Patrakhaltseva, "Duelist"

Discovery of the year Alexey Krasovsky (screenwriter and director), "Collector"

Prize named after Eldar Ryazanov "Honor and Dignity"— Alexander Nikolaevich Sokurov

"For contributions to the motion picture sciences, criticism and education"— Andrei Stepanovich Plakhov

Special prize of the Council of the Academy "For outstanding contribution to the national cinema" named after Alexei German— Alexander Naumovich Mitta

"For creative achievements in the field of television cinematography"- the film "Salam, Maskva", directed by Pavel Bardin

Almost at the end of the ceremony, Alexander Mitta appeared on the stage. It so happened that this evening he was awarded not only a statuette "For an outstanding contribution to the national cinema", but also a huge cake: on March 28, the director celebrated his 84th birthday.

Alexander Naumovich was congratulated by academicians, the filmmaker's students, and the guests of the award - they all sang the song Happy Birthday to You for the birthday boy.

The award ended with a traditional joint photo of all the winners standing on the stage in the rain of confetti.

Moscow hosted the 30th Nika National Film Award Ceremony following the results of 2016. It was held at the Mossovet Theater on the evening of March 28, on the stage of which the winners in six categories were announced. Also, the artistic director of the award presented honorary prizes to representatives of the national cinematography, which were awarded to outstanding representatives of the film industry.

Andrey Konchalovsky - winner of the Nika-2017 award |

The absolute triumph of the Nika-2017 award was the painting "Paradise". The drama received a statuette in three nominations - "Best Film", "Best Director" and "Best Actress". The picture "Paradise" in the fight for the main prize "Niki" outperformed five worthy competitors who were presented in the nomination "Best Film". Among them were - "Queen of Spades", "Student", "Collector" by Alexei Krasovsky, "Duelist" by Alexei Miznirev and "Monk and the Demon".

"Best Director" at the Nika-2017 film award was Andrey Konchalovsky, and "Best Screenwriter" - Yuri Arabov, who wrote the script for the film "The Monk and the Demon". The Nika statuette in 2017 was also received by Maxim Osadchy for the best camera work in the film The Duelist.

Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrey Konchalovsky - winners of the Nika-2017 award

She won the Best Actress nomination, and won the Best Actor nomination for her performance in the film The Monk and the Demon. And received figurines for "Best Supporting Actress", and in the nomination "Best Supporting Actor" the winner came out.

Elena Koreneva - winner of the Nika-2017 award |

and Koreneva suddenly spoke from the stage about what worries not only filmmakers about the right to free speech, about the lack of dialogue with the authorities, about the women and children detained on Sunday, about the drama of Oleg Sentsov and about political prisoners in general. As the director of the broadcast, which will be shown on NTV tomorrow, told Aleksey Krasovsky, winner of the Nika in the Discovery of the Year nomination, “Well, of course, we will cut it out.”

It is curious that Andrey Konchalovsky, president of the Nika film award and part-time winner of this year for the film Paradise, added in an interview with the RIA agency: “I don’t think this is the right place for political statements. When Sokurov sat at the presidential council and had the opportunity to speak out, I understand this. But here it goes a little past the checkout.”

Actress Elena Koreneva, who spoke from the stage of "Nika" in defense of political prisoners, said on the air of Dozhd what prompted her to this political speech.

I would like to ask you, Elena Alekseevna, how did it happen that yesterday's Nika, a traditional regular annual film award, suddenly turned into such a platform for free, even provocative political expression?

Here's how it happened. The fact is that I personally, when I watched the program, and knew that Alexander Sokurov would be, that he would receive the prize "For Honor and Dignity", that Yuri Arabov would be honored, Pasha Bardin, who directed the series "Salam Maskva" ”, which I have not seen yet, which has been on the shelf for five years and has not been shown, this is a rather acute topic, I already understood, they also honored Alexander Naumovich Mitta, I understood what Sokurov would say, about topical, relevant, important, about civil society and its problems.

Moreover, this "Nika" took place on March 28, after the events of March 26, with an anti-corruption procession or rally of a very large mass of people in different cities, in particular, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And how many people got into paddy wagons, how the riot police treated them, simply snatching them out of the crowd, which, in fact, is typical, this happens at all large, at many processions and rallies. Just peacefully standing or walking people, at a certain moment a detachment of OMON crashes, cuts through the crowd and snatches people absolutely arbitrarily, drags someone along the ground, elderly people, not paying attention to age. That is, it was natural, I think it warmed up this mood on the part of certain speakers.

Tell me, have you decided in advance what you will say? Or are you already there, succumbing to some kind of general wave, and decided to talk about this?

No, when they called me and said that I was in the nomination as one of the three actresses in the nomination "Supporting Role", then I, of course, firstly, I did not expect at all, I speak absolutely sincerely, because the picture of Volodya Merzoev , Katya Merzoeva, who was the producer, Nastya Merzoeva, their daughter, who worked on the film, it was shot, they say, in two weeks, let's say, in three weeks, in one scenery, for scanty money, and the whole story was composed following in the footsteps too known history with Katya Mumu.

Of course, it was impossible to get 100% of state money for such a story, I think.

In general, the fact that the film was once shown on the First, in my opinion, one night, it was already something absolutely incredible. That is, it was a surprise for me, especially since I have such a microscopic, in my experience of large, more voluminous roles, but this is such an acute episode, in fact. And I looked with whom I was next to, with Yulia Aug for the film "The Apprentice" and Svetlana Bragarnik - these are two powerful dramatic actresses.

I watched the film "The Apprentice", they have a very strong work. I figured out my chances so, just in case, I scrolled through my head so that I would not be taken by surprise. And I'll tell you frankly, I had such a trick, when I went on stage and I had to say something, I started talking about the fact that I eventually played the mother of an oppositionist. I really played the mother of an oppositionist, her name was Mumu, that is, I kind of spoke from the image. I thought about what I could say, but what worried me more was that I felt what was expected of us. And my like-minded people and acquaintances are waiting for me, maybe the same Volodya Mirzoev and Katya. And from us, from actors, directors, from creative unions, they expect some kind of greater revelation ...


It’s not about you being the opposition, not the opposition, call yourself nothing, just a person, don’t call for anything, but just formulate something that you can’t turn a blind eye to, because, as Alexander Nikolayevich Sokurov said, let’s achieve a law prohibiting to put in paddy wagons women and children who took to the square, to rallies and marches, to which all our citizens have the right by law. On peaceful, they are always peaceful, everything that is not peaceful is a provocation. But it is not only about children and women, but in general in every person. A peaceful procession, in general, a person is not allowed ...

The sight of a man being dragged along the ground in a paddy wagon, and the sight of how they crack down on people who are shouting something with batons, even if it cannot but excite just a person who has his heart, soul, eyes and ears in place. And we have to talk about it.

It turns out that this was the first public statement of people with a reputation, recognizable, to a wide audience. That is, in principle, no one said anything until you all appeared yesterday on the Nika stage. Do you understand that, most likely, your statement will not be broadcast on federal air?

Not likely, I knew that it would be cut out, and everyone, in my opinion, who said such things on these topics, knew that they would be cut out. But the fact is that we are all cut, always, any interview, television or print, redrawn, sometimes carefully and for objective reasons of format, this is a natural thing. And even more so, I was calm, I can say to a specific audience, just to her. I said that I say this more to myself, because, by and large, the desire to teach or voice some kind of truth that supposedly other people do not know, but I know it, is arrogant and somehow already set my teeth on edge . I really felt that I should say this.

How did the audience react? Were there any negative responses, perhaps after? What was not worth it, you need to be more careful, more restrained, and so on ...

I am convinced that a number of people, because this also exists, and we all have already encountered this, they really believe that the festival is a holiday, that it is even indecent, there are some taboos - at the table in a secular society one does not talk about money, politics and health.

That is, it was not worth overshadowing, right?

Don't ruin your holiday. But someone thinks so, okay, but someone thinks differently. And then, how can I tell you, an artist, pompously calling us all, but nevertheless, we have such work, for a person associated with a word, image, emotion, people's psychology, and so on, relatively speaking, artists, they are human rights activists in their own way. essence. Whatever they shoot - thrillers, comedies, cartoons, but the humanistic spirit in this very profession of this business, it implies that human rights, that is, the protection of a person from this, this, the fifth, the tenth.

And then, if we talk about me, it’s not necessary to have some kind of history in my family, but I especially empathize with people who are arrested, and especially political prisoners, on slander, on deliberate disinformation, and so on, because my grandmother was repressed with grandfather in his thirties. Then they were rehabilitated, but grandfather had been shot by that time. And I feel it, my involvement, I cannot betray them. Such is my feeling.

Thanks a lot.

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