How to clean a washing machine with citric acid. Prevention of scale formation. Proven folk remedies

Technique and Internet 24.10.2017
Technique and Internet

Having bought an automatic machine, we hope that it will wash for many years. But for this she needs very thorough care, which can cost a round sum of money. Stop! Knowing how to clean washing machine citric acid, you will extend the life of your favorite assistant and save on the purchase of professional products.

The whole cleaning process takes place in just a few steps.

  1. Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder department (this is 2-3 tablespoons or 4 packets). This amount is enough for a washing machine designed for 3-4 kg of laundry.
  2. Select the washing mode with the most high temperature. Rinse and spin should also be included. But linen and clothes in the typewriter should not be!
  3. We press the "Start" button. Further, everything depends on the machine - it will pump water and clean the heater from dirt, scale and powder. Step 4. At the end of the wash, open the drum and let it dry.
  4. Gently push back the rubber pads and carefully check the drain for pieces of limescale.

This procedure is repeated twice a year. If the water is very hard, sessions can be increased up to once a quarter.

Why is this method good?

Cleaning a washing machine with citric acid has a lot of advantages over classic calgon or any other means:

  • Budget, simplicity, availability;
  • Health safety. In small doses, citric acid is not dangerous to health. In addition, it rinses well, while special means remain on clothes during subsequent washings;
  • High efficiency - citric acid copes well with hard deposits and is in no way inferior to expensive store-bought products. Moreover, it refers to carboxylic acids, which are part of household chemicals and react with metals and salts.

Is citric acid dangerous for a typewriter?

Descaling with citric acid can really have a very bad effect on its details. To prevent this from happening, remember a couple of tips.

Tip 1. Do not exceed the amount of acid - lemon will quickly corrode plastic and rubber elements.

Tip 2. It is undesirable to turn on the temperature above 90 degrees - the acid reacts with scale and without strong heating. High temperatures only speed up the process.

Vinegar from scale in the machine

Descaling with vinegar has the same success as citric acid. And the process itself looks exactly the same:

  • Pour 200 ml of 9% white vinegar into the powder compartment;
  • We choose the shortest washing program and a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • Turn on the extra rinse;
  • We launch the "Start" button;
  • At the end of the program, the scale will be completely removed. It remains only to unscrew the drain valve and clean it from the remnants of plaque.

This method has several drawbacks - this is a very strong smell that vinegar leaves, and it Negative influence on parts of a washing machine.

Copper sulfate and soda for your washing machine

If you do not clean the machine from scale in time, mold may appear in it. It not only exudes a very unpleasant odor, but is also dangerous to health. Every housewife can get rid of it!

Method 1 - copper sulfate

This remedy was also used by our grandmothers. Of course, no one knew about washing machines then, but every second person suffered from mold in the corners. And vitriol helped everyone - a bluish powder of a crystalline appearance. It is diluted in water (about 30 grams per liter) and treated with this mixture throughout inner part cars. After that, she is left alone for at least a day. At the end of the period, pour any detergent into the powder department and start full cycle. Then repeat the wash, but without powder.

Method 2 - baking soda

A great alternative to copper sulphate is ordinary soda. Mix 100 grams of water with 0.5 cups of soda, soak a clean cloth in this solution and carefully process the insides of your machine - seals, drum, etc. Then turn on the rinse mode to wash the drum.

Both methods are effective, but neither of them guarantees 100% results from the first time. To completely remove mold, the process must be repeated, and then carried out with a preventive purpose.

Knowing how to clean the washing machine with citric acid, and regularly performing the above cleaning, you will reduce energy costs, get rid of fungus and allow the machine to serve you faithfully for decades.

So, what is scale and why is it not so easy to get rid of it? When hard tap water is heated, the potassium and magnesium salts contained in it break down into two components - carbon dioxide and solid particles. It is the second component of this decay process that is called scale. It coats the heating element and the washing machine tank along with other undissolved particles, usually rust and dirt. Covered with such a thick layer of salts and heavy deposits, the heating element starts to work worse, giving off heat slowly and consuming more electricity.

Scale covers the heating element and the washing machine tank along with other undissolved particles, usually rust and dirt.

In turn, particles of scale and dirt during the washing process gradually break off, clogging the inlet valve. As a result, over time, the part wears out and completely fails.

Prevention is better than fight

To minimize the build-up of heavy salts and minerals in your washing machine, there are a few more simple recommendations:

When is it worth cleaning the washing machine - we determine this insidious moment?

Before you start cleaning the washing machine from scale, you should make sure that this is really necessary. At the same time, you don’t need to disassemble the machine, but what if you don’t assemble it later? It is enough to open the door and look inside the drum.

The location of the heating element and how to inspect it?

For the convenience of inspecting washing equipment with side loading of linen, use a flashlight. Typically, the heating element is located directly under the drum or slightly off-center. Just direct the beam of a flashlight through the holes in the drum, slightly shaking it from side to side, and you will see the same heating element. A heating element covered with scale can always be identified by a characteristic white coating, and in advanced cases, gray and black.

Other contaminated plastic and metal parts, on which dirty deposits are clearly visible, can also serve as a signal for the need to remove scale in the washing machine. Dirt accumulates especially well in hard-to-reach places of washing equipment, in particular rubber pockets.

Dirt accumulates especially well in hard-to-reach places of washing equipment, in particular rubber pockets.

To ensure that future repairs do not cost you a decent amount, you should ensure constant care of your washing machine, paying attention to Special attention purity of the heating element.

Citric acid is your ideal assistant in the fight against scale

If during the operation of your washing machine scale has appeared on its working elements, do not rush to purchase expensive means to get rid of it. Experienced housewives have long known that citric acid is perfect for descaling a washing machine. This is an absolutely inexpensive tool that has been proven over the years to cope with this problem no worse than store-bought counterparts. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions, knowing certain subtleties and details.

A few secrets...

So, all you need to remove scale in the washing machine is a few sachets of food-grade citric acid and a soft sponge to clean the inside of the appliance from the remnants of coarse deposits.

How to descale a washing machine with citric acid? First of all, make sure that there are no things left in the drum, otherwise you can not only get rid of petrified dirt, but also irrevocably ruin your favorite clothes. After all, it is still acid, albeit citric acid.

After making sure that nothing threatens your things, pour into the main compartment or directly into the drum from one hundred to two hundred grams of food powder. Alternatively, many housewives often experiment with adding the same amount of lemon juice to clean the washing machine. However, such a technique would be absolutely inappropriate, a waste of time and money. Remember, lemon juice has a negligible concentration compared to the original cleaner, by no means removing the scale that has formed.

After making sure that nothing threatens your things, pour into the main compartment or directly into the drum from one hundred to two hundred grams of edible citric acid powder.

After that, close the machine door and set the longest mode and the maximum washing temperature (approximately 90-95 ° C) so that the descaling reaction is as successful as possible.

The result of a successful experiment

During this long process, you will see a stream of water flow out of the drain hose with particles of fallen off pieces of dirt and hard deposits. This will mean only one thing - citric acid removes scale, which means it prolongs the performance and durability of the parts of your washing equipment for many more years.

At the end of washing, check the rubber elements by carefully examining the inner pockets. Often, it is under them that pieces of scale and lumps of dirt accumulate. If they are found, they must be removed with a soft sponge or clean cloth. Don't forget to inspect the drain. Rough particles could also remain in it - we remove them without hesitation.

When the first automatic washing machines appeared, many housewives could not believe their luck. The new assistant did a great job with one of the hardest parts homework. Of course, such a miracle of technology needed the most careful handling and care. Therefore, every happy owner wanted to know how to clean the washing machine so that it would work for a long time and work properly. After all, the very idea that you would have to wash it by hand again made even the most calm and experienced housewives worry.

In this article:

Modern washing machine care products

So special products for the care of automatic machines appeared on sale. washing machines. With their help, you can clean the washing machine from mold, unpleasant odors and scale. Undoubtedly, this will lengthen the service life of wonderful equipment, however, the cost of all these funds is sometimes simply sky-high. The pranksters even claim that if you put aside the money that you were going to spend on highly advertised funds, in a couple of years you can buy yourself a new model.

Advertising generously adds fuel to the fire, showing more and more "catastrophes" that can happen if you do not clean your favorite assistant with special descaling powders. Wonderful appliances break down, water floods the neighbors, and the poor hostess is left with a basin full of dirty laundry. Or he calls some strange master, who, instead of repairing a breakdown or cleaning the heating element from plaque, begins to break it with a hammer. Like, nothing will help the unfortunate. Let's see if this is actually the case.

What is dangerous scale

Lime scale is hard deposits that form on the internal parts of the washing machine and interfere with its proper operation. If the plaque is not cleaned, it interferes with the conduction of heat, as a result of which the heating element has to work with greater intensity. Electricity costs increase, and the heating element itself burns out sooner or later due to such excessive efforts due to the fault of scale.

But this does not mean that the technique will have to be thrown out. You just need to call a normal craftsman or, with the help of the skillful hands of your husband, replace the broken part. Then the machine will work again, like new. But it’s even better to just avoid such situations, and clean the washing machine from scale in time.

Citric acid is the best helper

The easiest way to clean the washing machine from scale at home is with the most ordinary citric acid. To do this, pour 80-150 g of citric acid into the detergent dispenser. Its amount depends on the volume of the drum and the hardness of the water in your tap. Now you need to run the longest washing program with the highest temperature. Please note that we do not put laundry in the drum!

You can clean the scale in this way once a year, if you rarely use the services of your automated assistant and do not "torment" her with high washing temperatures. If your industrious technician washes almost every day and regularly boils the laundry, you will have to use citric acid every six months. If you are very worried, resort to the help of citric acid once a quarter. There is no point in cleaning more often.

After this procedure, there will be no trace of scale. By the way, the same tool will help clean the machine from mold, if it has already managed to take root inside your assistant.

How to get rid of mold

Mold is a very harmful fungus that is extremely difficult to get rid of. Its presence may be indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the drum of the machine. It is extremely dangerous for young children and allergy sufferers, so you need to clean all the details of the equipment immediately after the first signs of the fungus appear.

You can clean the outside of the machine from mold using chlorine-containing substances. It is worth rinsing them with a cloth soaked in bleach or other effective means from mold, and it will be very easy to clean it. The tray for loading the washing powder must be periodically removed and washed under running water. If even a little mold has appeared on it, soak it in a solution of whiteness for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

You can clean the inside of the machine from mold with the same citric acid and the maximum washing temperature. 90-95 degrees of water in the presence of acid will instantly kill a living fungus.

Ways to prevent the appearance of scale and mold

To prevent scale and mold from bothering your pet, follow our recommendations:

  • regularly wash all external parts of the machine and wipe them dry;
  • leave the drum door ajar after each wash;
  • if possible, install a washing machine in the kitchen to ensure regular ventilation. This will keep it free of mold. As a last resort, put a forced exhaust in the bathroom;
  • clean the filter from time to time and, if necessary, replace it with a new one;
  • be attentive to your assistant: as soon as it seems to you that she is no longer washing very well due to the appearance of scale, you need to urgently clean it with citric acid;
  • you also need to regularly clean the rubber seal and all the slots in the door of the washing machine, since this is where the most dirt accumulates. At home, it is best to use an old toothbrush;
  • to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the drum, you need to pour a little bleach into it and run the washing machine “idle”.

Now that you know everything about caring for an automatic washing machine, you can ensure that it continues to work for the benefit of your family for a long time to come. And she, in turn, will save you from the most routine and hard work.

Experts constantly warn: in order for the washing machine to serve for a long time, it must be properly looked after. This is especially true for regular descaling. But the cost of funds earmarked for these purposes is high. Therefore, many housewives are interested in whether there is an alternative to expensive purchased household chemicals. As it turned out, yes. How to properly clean the washing machine with citric acid?

When to apply

Inside every modern washing machine, heating elements are installed that heat the water during washing. Under the influence of high temperature, the salts contained in the water are converted into a precipitate, and it is fixed in a dense layer on the heating element, walls and other details. This is especially true in regions with hard water. Some owners, in order to protect their assistant from the negative effects of hard water, put on the pipes going to her, special filters that retain salt. These measures reduce the risk, but do not solve all the problems.

Not only water is a source of scale. Plaque can also form because you often wash fleecy products. For example, blankets or sweaters. During the spin cycle, fiber particles fall into the water, cling to the heaters and remain on them. Another reason for the formation of plaque is the frequent use of programs with a high temperature (more than +60 ° C). The more scale accumulates on the heating elements, the more electricity the machine spends to heat the water. And if the accumulated layer is not removed in time, the spiral may burn out.

Carry out preventive descaling of the automatic machine at least 2-3 times a year.

To make sure that the heater of the washing machine needs to be cleaned, try to diagnose it yourself. To do this, take a flashlight and shine it into the lower holes of the drum. Usually the heating elements are located directly below it. Scrolling the drum at different speeds from side to side will help you to see them well.

If you want to protect the device from breakdowns, use softening powders and carry out preventive cleaning of the washing machine from scale at least 2-3 times a year.


As mentioned above, cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is a great alternative to using household chemicals. The benefits of this natural substance include:

  • inexpensive price;
  • ease of use;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • the ability not only to remove scale, but also to clean the hoses from the source of an unpleasant odor.

Before cleaning, wipe the rubber seal around the door free of dirt and make sure there is nothing in the drum. Otherwise, during cleaning, they will shed and deteriorate. Now prepare the remedy. You can calculate how much acid to pour using the following formula: about 20–25 g of concentrate per 1 kg of load volume. If the drum is designed for 5 kg of laundry, use 100–125 g of detergent. A big mistake is to assume that the more acid, the better. An environment that is too acidic can adversely affect the rubber and plastic parts of the machine. And as a result, instead of extending the service life, you will get the opposite effect.

Step-by-step instruction

The preparation was left behind. Now you can start removing scale, unpleasant odor and, if any, mold. Below is the algorithm that you need to follow when cleaning the washing machine with citric acid.

  1. Pour half of the prepared acid into the powder tray. Sprinkle the second part of the concentrate on the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Select and set a washing program with a temperature of at least +60 °C. To do this, you can use the "Cotton" or "White linen" mode. The program must be complete and include washing, rinsing and spinning.
  3. Install an extra rinse if possible. If your machine does not have such a function, after washing, repeat the rinsing procedure by selecting the appropriate mode.
  4. Start the machine. After 10-15 minutes, stop washing and take a break for 50-60 minutes. This is necessary in order for the acid to react with lime deposits. Then restart the unit. During rinsing and spinning, you can check whether dirt comes out and how much of it. Do not be alarmed if the process is accompanied by an incomprehensible noise. It is created by the departed scale, which goes into the drain.
  5. After cleaning is complete, check the rubber pad and drum for limescale residue. Wipe the inside of the machine with a soft cloth and leave to dry with the door ajar.

Precautionary measures

Sometimes scale builds up on heating elements too much. When draining, its particles can get stuck in the hose and prevent the normal outflow of water. In this case, pause and try to remove the blockage and release the drain with improvised means.

Always calculate correctly how much product to pour into the powder container. Reacting with plastic parts, acid damages their structure, makes them more porous. This can later cause dirt to accumulate in them or lead to rapid wear.

Sometimes, to enhance the effectiveness of cleaning, 1 tbsp is added to citric acid. bleach. In this case, make sure that the room where the washing machine is located has good ventilation. Heated chlorine vapors are able to burn the internal respiratory organs.

Now you know how to effectively descale your washing machine at minimal cost. Remember: it is necessary to use citric acid in moderate, strictly calculated doses. After cleaning, be sure to perform an additional rinse so that any remaining deposits and undissolved particles can exit the drain.

The washing machine is an indispensable assistant for every housewife, life in modern world impossible to imagine without this technology. In order for the washing machine to serve faithfully for many years, it is necessary to properly and timely care for it, regularly clean it from dirt at home.

It is easier to regularly clean the machine from small contaminants than to deal with the result of an unscrupulous attitude towards an au pair and use chemicals from fungus, mold, scale and other unpleasant consequences.

When cleaning the washing machine from dirt and when working with detergents observe safety precautions.

  1. Unplug the machine before cleaning.
  2. Do not fill the body of the washing machine with water. Remember, this is an electrical appliance and electricity does not like water.
  3. Before you start using detergents, read their instructions.
  4. Use gloves to protect your hands.
  5. After cleaning, check and screw back what was disconnected.

Let's move on to the main part.

We clean the washing machine from the smell and dirt

Armed with a damp cloth, clean the case of dust, small stains and traces of powder. The second step will be cleaning hard-to-reach places where you can’t get with a rag. These are the junctions of parts, corners and shallow recesses. Take a small brush or an old toothbrush, soap solution or a non-abrasive cleaner, and treat hard-to-reach areas. Then wipe them with a dry cloth.

The heaviest contamination is in the powder tray. Cleanliness and a pleasant smell in this place are the key to good and high-quality washing, so pay special attention to it. The appearance of dirt here is facilitated by the use of liquid powders, thick concentration of fabric softeners, rare cleaning and cleaning of the tray.

With irregular washing of the tray, black mold may appear, which can greatly harm the human body. To avoid this, rinse the tray with cool water, dry and replace after each wash.

Now in detail about how to clean the powder container from small contaminants. For cleaning, you will need an old toothbrush and soapy water.

  1. Take out the powder container. If you have difficulty with this, read the instructions for the washing machine, which describes in detail how to remove the tray.
  2. Dip the tray into the prepared soap solution and clean the dirt with a toothbrush.
  3. Rinse off the remaining product and dry the tray.

If the stains are persistent, you will need bleach or a chlorine-based product. Dilute the chemical with water and dip the tray into it for a few minutes, then follow the same procedure as when cleaning light soiling. Note! The front panel must not be dipped in bleach, otherwise the plastic may change color.

Proven folk remedies

To quickly clean the machine from dirt and scale at home, proven folk remedies- citric acid and vinegar.

Lemon acid

The amount of citric acid depends on the degree of contamination and the volume of the drum. For a machine with a volume of 1.5-3 kg, one or two 90 g packets of citric acid will be required, if the volume is about 5 kg - five 90 g packets, with one bag falling into the powder compartment, and the rest into the drum.

After that, we turn on the machine for washing with a water temperature of 90 degrees. After such cleaning, all the dirt accumulated over the years will come out of the drum and hoses.

Video instructions

During cleaning, make sure that there are no pieces of dirt and scale stuck in the drain hose. In this case, you will need to clean the hose manually. The procedure is advised to be carried out no more than 1 time per month.


Another way to clean with folk remedies is vinegar. Please note that vinegar is an aggressive agent that can damage rubber parts or thin plastic parts.

Pour 40-60 ml of acetic acid into the powder compartment and turn on the wash cycle at a temperature of 90-95 degrees.

If this type of washing machine cleaning does not inspire confidence, use store-bought cleaning products. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in stores and the choice is limited only by the budget. Special solutions are sold to combat unpleasant odors, to combat scale and mold.

How to clean the filter and drum

The most important part of a washing machine is the drum. Some models have a nice feature - automatic drum cleaning. But what if there is no such bonus in the machine?

  1. Pour 100 ml of bleach into the drum and start washing at a temperature of at least 50 degrees. It is also recommended to put a double rinse so that the cleaning is most successful. After the procedure, air and dry the drum.
  2. In addition to the drum, do not forget to clean the glass door. For this, both folk remedies (slurry from soda) and purchased cleaners (glass cleaner) are suitable.

Filter. It prevents the ingress of foreign debris, rust from pipes. With prolonged use of the machine, the filter becomes clogged and requires cleaning. In such cases, you can disconnect the hose and connect to the pipe in reverse.

The mesh, which is located at the end of the hose, must be carefully removed and washed using a cotton swab to remove contamination.

Video instruction

Do not forget to clean the second filter (drain). It filters the water from the tank, which can get into the garbage during the washing process - threads, fabric fibers and much more. You can see where the drain filter is located in the instructions.

At the bottom of the machine there is a cover, under it there is a pipe from the drain, on which there is a cover with a handle - this is the filter.

Substitute a small container to drain the water, lower the hose into it and open the filter.

Features of cleaning vertical washing machines

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