New moon what to do. Rituals for the new moon: why are they strong

Technique and Internet 20.07.2020
Technique and Internet

Who is promised happiness on the new moon?

Since ancient times, people have associated their dreams of a better, happy and rich life Therefore, they perform various rituals on the new moon. How magic works for the new month and what you can ask the higher powers for in this short phase of the lunar cycle - you must certainly figure it out before the next new moon!

Is the new moon dangerous?

Studying the nature of the influence of various phases of the night luminary on a person, scientists - astrologers, doctors, psychologists, esotericists - agree that the new moon, although it is the most short period of the lunar cycle (day), however, has the most powerful energy pressure, capable of both developing the inner potential of the individual and negatively affecting all spheres of her being.

While the young month, being renewed, is gaining strength, people, especially those who are hypersensitive, subject to the influence of weather changes, can experience an unprecedented emotional decline. This manifests itself in anxiety, depression, loss of strength, a state of hopelessness and lethargy, the occurrence of apathy, indifference to oneself and others.

Those who know how to use the charge of energy sent from the Moon to Earth, on the contrary, experience an incredible surge vitality, which is easily accumulated (transformed) into creativity, communication and the implementation of fateful plans.

And the most advanced, who know firsthand about the wonders of magic, conduct special rites on the new moon, designed to serve to accumulate and correctly direct the energy flow to their own benefit, and sometimes to the detriment of others.

The rites performed on the new moon were originally formed from the signs that the common people came up with, noticing certain event patterns that occur in this phase. Here are the brightest ones:

  • The baby was born on a new moon - he will be healthy and happy.
  • If the wedding date fell on a new moon, the young will know all the joys of family life and this marriage will be indestructible.
  • If you notice a new month to the right of your beloved - it will bring you happiness, and if you see it to the left - be careful and beware of betrayal.
  • On the new moon, show the month a handful of coins, and ring them - you will attract the growth of funds.
  • If you put a few banknotes on the windowsill on the young moon so that the beam of light falls on them, you will become rich very soon.
  • All profitable business is better to start on the new moon.
  • Do not dare to lend large sums or lend at the beginning of the lunar cycle - you will lose your luck in money.

It was also not customary to plan any serious business on the new moon, except for those that promised income: to conceive children, move, move into a new house - for such events in the old days they tried to choose another, more favorable time.

On the other hand, rituals for the new moon were widely used, in which people hoped that all the undertakings planned, weighty for human destiny, would be successfully completed.

Most signs for a young month are associated with the material side of existence - finances, therefore they are deservedly considered the most popular type of witchcraft for the new moon. However, the sacraments for the return and strengthening of health, the removal of damage, and protection from the enemy's evil eye traditionally do not lag behind them in terms of the degree of use.

The main thing for a beginner is not to get confused in the cycles and, instead of a new moon, not to perform selected rites or rituals on the growing moon (the next part of the cycle after the required phase), otherwise the effect will be completely unpredictable, if not at all - the magic will not work.

It is important to know that in the phase of the so-called rebirth of the moon, it is practically invisible in the sky - only a grayish smoky disk (as if through fog, or as during an eclipse). This period is also called - the days of the "dead moon", in the scientific world - the days of Hecate. But when a luminous half-bend begins to be seen - a young month - this is already a different phase (of the growing moon) that has replaced its preceding one.

So, you understood that all plans, dreams and important long-term affairs are best predicted during the period of lunar reincarnation. Then decide on the problems that concern you and begin to imagine the stages of their solution, and the rituals will help you.

Growing wealth under the moon

Take a smooth white saucer (without a border and pattern), seven copper ( yellow color) coins, a handful of wheat and a handkerchief, you can have a piece of fabric in green, personifying money, tones.

Put the coins on a plate, sprinkle with wheat grains, and cover with a handkerchief. Every three days, water the seeds (through the fabric) with warm water, saying:

“Mother wheat, the breadwinner of the whole people: you feed both the old and the young, the poor and the rich, you don’t forget anyone. Give for me, servants of God (name), the embryos of money at once with this wheat. As your seeds grow night and day, they don’t let anyone die of hunger, so let my money grow, feed me. Bless, Lord. Amen".

When the grains sprout, transplant them into a clay pot - they will nourish your home with monetary energy. And put the coins in your wallet, in the compartment of your bag, in the pocket of your favorite clothes - let these “charged” talismans attract finance.

Cashing a check

This money ritual will make you feel like a sort of Bill Gates - a rich billionaire, and at the same time will fulfill your material needs: help you repay a debt, get a highly profitable job, or simply give you unexpected profits.

Take a beautiful rectangular piece of paper and sign it in the manner of a valuable bond:


  1. DATE (DATE)
  2. PAY
  3. TO THE ORDER OF (purpose of funds)
  4. DRAWER (performer)
  5. SIGNED (recipient)

Now fill in the fields:

  • put the current date, which is at the moment;
  • enter your full name in the "pay" column;
  • then write why you need funds - to buy a car, a fur coat, an apartment, etc. - do not hesitate to ask a lot, most importantly, clearly imagine what you want;
  • the executor is the infinitely generous abundant Universe;
  • the last column is the signature of the representative of the magic bank (you in his person).

Fulfilling wishes on the new moon

The new moon is interesting for connoisseurs of magic in that it is often repeated, and during this period you can plan a lot.

Get yourself a book of rituals of the new moon - a thick, stitched, bound notebook where you will enter your desires and actions aimed at their realization.

For each new moon, write down what you want to accomplish or receive, not forgetting to reread the previous entries and sum up what has already come true. Plan in detail how you are going to realize your dream, who can help you with this, what you agree to give in return. Additionally, you can use .

Desires can be varied - from the standard "to be healthy" to the most incredible - "to jump with a parachute", "buy a plane", etc. The better you represent the implementation of your plan, the more likely it is that you will be heard by the universe.

So, dare and be brave - the new moon will help you!

Usually the new moon lasts only a few hours, although rituals can be done on the first, second and even third lunar day. On the new moon, it is recommended to perform magical practices to attract something into life - love, money, good luck. It is believed that along with the growing moon in your life, an increase in what you lack will begin.

Below we offer you some effective rites and rituals that must be performed on the new moon or on the first days of the growing moon.

Ritual for money on the new moon.

Take banknotes of different denominations and spread them throughout the apartment in different places (on top of cabinets, mezzanines, etc.) so that they do not catch anyone's eyes. After 3 days, collect all the bills and buy something for them at home (you can buy food, things, household goods, interior items.

It is believed that you put into circulation money that was saturated with the power of the moon and in the next month they will return to you in double size.

Receipt for receiving money on the new moon.

In many forums dedicated to this topic, users claim that this technique really works in an amazing way. With this practice, you can attract the desired amount of money.

So, in the first minutes of the new moon, make a list of everything you need to buy, write down all your desires, then calculate how much it will cost. When you have figured out the exact amount, write yourself a receipt for the money.

Take an ordinary sheet of paper and make a "Magic Receipt" out of it. Write today's date at the top, then to whom it was issued (your full name and surname), the amount for which the receipt was issued, sign below and write "Paid". Hide the receipt somewhere far away (you can in a book or in a locker. Be sure that soon (usually within a month) you will receive the required amount.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon.

In the first days of the growing moon, take a sheet of thick paper and write your desire on it, for example: "I want to get a bonus this month" or "I want to be promoted ...". You will need two church candles (one - more, the other - less), put them in candlesticks and light them in turn (a large candle with a match, and a small one with a large one. Think about your desire all the time. Then take the paper with a desire and burn it very carefully the last letter of your wish. this case the letter "U" with the words "today I burn the letter "U". From curses, damage, the evil eye, the holy spirit will immediately deliver." Next, extinguish the candles and hide all used items. The next day, in the same way, burn the penultimate letter from your written desire, for example "And". Do this ritual every evening, burning one letter at a time. When you burn the last - leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Ritual for harmony and beauty on the new moon.

This ritual is performed three new moons in a row (that is, 3 months on the new moon - the first three lunar days in each new month. To perform it, you must: pectoral cross, a glass of milk, holy water, rose aromatic oil.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour a glass of milk, a glass of holy water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water.

Immerse yourself in a bath of water and enjoy water treatments. When you lie in the bathroom, relax, close your eyes and say the plot:

"You, water, listen to me! Do not stir, do not boil, but take hold of me!
You, water after the cross, make me slim!
Nurture me with milk, caress me with a rose, so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even! When the water cools down a bit, you can leave the bath, lowering the water, say a conspiracy for weight loss: "Water, Go away, Take the Surplus from Me, under the Black Stone of Teka, lie there for a hundred years."

Conspiracy on the new moon to conceive a child.

It is necessary in the first minutes of the new moon to take a container of clean water and say such a conspiracy over it: "as the new moon is born in the sky, so would we (your names) be born to the Child. Amen." This water should be washed before sexual intercourse by a man and a woman.

Ritual for love on the new moon.

Only if a girl wants to attract love, she needs to perform such a ceremony on the new moon. You need to completely undress, put a cup of water and a pink or red candle in front of the mirror. Add a few drops of rose aromatic oil to a cup of water, add pink or scarlet rose petals there, light a candle and say this conspiracy: "a rose bloomed under the moon, fragrant, so I would have blossomed beautifully, but I would have found my love. Moonlight path, bring the bridegroom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

After that, wipe yourself with this water, looking in the mirror, wipe the door handle from the side of the street with water, sprinkle water on the threshold. Put the rest of the water, along with rose petals, under the bed. It is believed that after that within a month you will meet your soul mate.

The New Moon is the perfect time to start something, add or renew. The rituals for the new moon are very diverse, they can be aimed at finding love, improving existing relationships, attracting good luck and financial well-being.

Preparation for the ceremony.

In order for the ritual for the new moon to become effective, it is necessary to prepare for it. You need to clean your home and your soul from trash.

To achieve the maximum effect, before carrying out any magical ritual, you need to carry out a special cleaning - remove all negativity from your energy, all negative emotions and feelings that may interfere with the implementation of your plan.

First of all, you need to clean your own home. It’s worth starting with physical cleaning, try to put the whole house in order, throw away all the unnecessary trash that lies in the room like a dead weight, and it’s either a pity or there is not enough time to get rid of it. Only after there is no dirt in the house on the material plane, you can proceed to cleaning the energy.

There are many different cleaning methods, the easiest is to light a church candle and walk around with it through all the rooms, stopping at every wall and corner. At this time, you can read both special magical cleansing conspiracies against negativity, and any prayers you know, depending on your own preferences.

After a complete cleaning of the home, you can move on to updating your own energy. First of all, try to get rid of all negative feelings and emotions, forget about all past failures and grievances, leave them behind, let go and forgive the offenders, you don’t need to carry unpleasant feelings in your heart, because they can interfere with you, live on and be happy .

Rituals for the New Moon.

When choosing a ritual, be guided by your intuition. The main thing is that you like it and that you enjoy it.

After completely cleaning your home and your own energy, you can proceed to the next stage - choosing a ritual. It is important to remember that any magical rite has a certain power, but its ultimate effectiveness depends entirely on the performer.

Magic rituals for money on the new moon.

The new moon is ideal for rituals to attract money, as this lunar cycle symbolizes the beginning of something new, and you can make this "New" be nothing more than your wealth.

Poppy Ritual.

When performing a ritual with poppy seeds, it is not necessary to take a black cloth.

Buy a poppy on the market during the new moon, and remember that you cannot take change from the seller for this purchase. Lay a black handkerchief on the table, draw an even circle on it with a piece of soap that only you yourself used before and no one else. Put the poppy seeds in the center of the drawn circle. Now draw a cross over the poppy with the ring finger of your right hand and say the words:

"There is an island on the sea - the ocean, and on that island the land lies. The Lord God himself and the Blessed Mother of God walk on that land. I, the servant of God (name), will be on that island, I will go to the Lord God with Mary, I will bow them to the earth itself. Mother of God, as you lived on earth, took bread in your hands, paid for that bread with coins, and carried coins in your wallet. So I, the servants of God (name), will always have coins. you will be full, they won’t weave your clothes, they won’t sell candles in the saint’s church. Lord, God, give me, like a poppy on my scarf, so much money in my wallet. I lock my word with a key, I close the case from prying eyes. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Money box.

The ritual of a money box should be performed strictly following the procedure. And then it will serve you for many years.

This is an ancient magical ritual, for which the performer must buy a special witch box. A purchased box or a simple small box can serve as the basis of the chest. After the ceremony, this box will become your personal amulet, attracting financial well-being.

In the first days of the new moon, put all the money you have in the chest, the more diverse the money, the better. In addition to bills, also put coins and jewelry, this will greatly increase the effectiveness of the ceremony. You must believe that inside this magical chest, money acquires the ability to multiply and increase. To do this, close the box, remembering how much money and in what form is there. Now close your eyes and try to recreate as clearly as possible in your thoughts the picture with your casket, after that remember how much money is in it, imagine this money, and then try to mentally increase the number of banknotes.

This magical ritual is based on visualization, therefore, the more often and more realistically you imagine that money is multiplying in your magic box, the faster you will start making your first profit. Visualization can be done anywhere, anytime, day or night. The main thing is that the box itself is in a safe place and no one except you has access to it.

Immediately after the ceremony, most of the contents can be taken away, but the box should never be completely empty.

Simoron rituals for the new moon.

Simoron is a rather young magical teaching, which differs to a large extent from traditional views on all magic in general. The magical rituals of simoron are more like a fun game than a serious sacrament, however, this does not prevent such rites from working and, thanks to their effectiveness, gaining more and more fans and adherents.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

Simoron rites and rituals are based on the belief in the effectiveness of the ongoing manipulations.

On the first day of the new lunar cycle, go to the stationery store and find the most beautiful notebook there. You really should like this thing, and therefore you should not skimp, notebooks in general are not too expensive. In addition to a notepad, also get a beautiful pen with a stem of any color.

Do not show the purchased items to anyone and do not talk about what magical rite you will perform.

At midnight, take a notebook and a pen and start writing your own destiny. Desires should be written as follows: "I (name) gratefully accept from the universe (your desire), for my good, for the good of my family. Feel free to list all your dreams, no matter how global they may be, the universe will withstand, be sure At the end of the list, write: "Thank you." Remember that your desires should be expressed as clearly and concisely as possible. Do you want a new car? Write what, moreover, pay attention to details, write color, brand, model. For example: I want a new red mercedes No timing needed.

After listing all your desires, close the notebook and put it away, along with the pen, in a safe place. On the next new moon, you need to get a notebook, cross out all fulfilled desires from the list and, if necessary, enter new ones.

Money rituals for the New Moon.

1. if you place banknotes of different denominations in different places of the apartment (so that they do not catch anyone's eyes), and after 3 days you buy something (things, products ...) on them, the money will start working for you.

This can be explained as follows: money was put into circulation, which was nourished by the power of the moon. It is believed that within a month they will return to you, having doubled in size.

2. The "Money Receipt" that you write in your name works well. Put a date on a regular sheet of paper, indicate that it was issued specifically to you (write your last name and first name), indicate the amount of money you need.
At the bottom of the receipt, sign and add the word "Paid". After that, the receipt must be hidden and forgotten about. Those who performed this ritual claim that within a month the necessary amount appeared with them.
3. Water poured into a glass and left overnight on the windowsill also contributes to the improvement of the financial situation. Wash your face with this water in the morning.
4. You can, having collected all the money you have, drop cinnamon or rosemary oil on them, and then put it under the pillow. Waking up, without getting out of bed, you need to count the money 3 or 7 times.

Before that (when you collect, put it under your pillow), you can’t count money. Now you can read any money plot or just talk with money. The multiplied money will return to you if you spend it in a month.

5. to attract money into your life, you can resort to Simoron rituals. To do this, write on the washing machine with a marker: "Turnover of Money."

And give the "Spam" folder a new name - the "dollars" folder. Send unwanted emails to this folder, imagining how your dollars increase.

And so that the wish is surely fulfilled, you can perform the following ritual.
On a thick sheet of paper, write a desire. For example: "I'm getting a good job this month."

Two church candles, different sizes, set in candlesticks.

Light a large candle with a match.

Light a small candle from a large candle.

Thinking about the desire, bring a sheet with a written desire to any candle. You only need to burn the last letter of your desire. In this case, it's the letter y.

Burning the last letter, say: "today I burn the letter y. From curses, damage, the evil eye, the holy spirit will immediately deliver.

Extinguish candles. Remove all ritual items.

The next day, the penultimate letter of the desire is burned.

The ritual is carried out until all the letters of the written desire are burned.

On the last evening, after burning the first letter, the candles must burn out.

For money to flow:

Buy a gray poppy on the new moon, but remember that you can’t buy a poppy from a man and you can’t take change after the purchase. At home, lay a black scarf on the table. With a remnant of soap (which was used by only one person), draw a circle on it. Put the poppy in this circle. Draw a cross on the poppy with the ring finger of your right hand and read the plot:

"In the sea, in the ocean, there is one island.
There is land on that island.
There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and I.
I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower.
Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your own hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet.
Without money, they won’t give food, they won’t weave clothes, they won’t sell candles in the church. Give me, Lord, how many poppies on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I lock my words, I close my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen". Simoron - fulfillment of desires. Visualization. Simoron visualization psychology.

The moon influences a person's life. Scientists and astrologers agree with this. Weather-dependent people are interested in when, from what date, to what full moon and new moon in December 2018. Knowledge of the question of what phases the night luminary goes through will help gardeners and gardeners. The last month of the outgoing year will begin and end with a waning moon.

Calendar showing the sequence of the phases of the moon

The new moon will start at 10:20 Moscow time. The position of the night star will be in the sign of Sagittarius.

On this day, do not plan important things. Whenever possible, responsible tasks should be abandoned. It is best to be alone, calmly draw up a plan for further action.

Knowing when the full moon and new moon are in December 2018 makes it easier to make plans. It is recommended to be active during the period of the growing moon. It's time to pay attention to health. Procedures aimed at improving the general condition will be effective.

The exact opposite situation develops with a waning moon. It will be especially difficult for weather-dependent people. It is possible that they will feel weakness in the body. Therefore, things that require physical effort, it is better to postpone for later. What can and should be done is to get rid of unnecessary things.

Lunar calendar - unfavorable days in December 2018

In Vedic astrology, there is the concept of "Rikta tithi" which means "empty hands". All undertakings these days are equal to zero. The negative influence of the constellations requires a person to be careful in his actions. Therefore, you should know from what date, to what bad days. And there are a lot of them in December:

  • 3 to 4;
  • from 6 to 7;
  • from 9 to 11;
  • from 15 to 16;
  • from 21 to 22;
  • from 24 to 26;
  • from 30 to 31.

On these numbers, you do not need to plan the solution of important tasks. Must be avoided conflict situations. And devote time to yourself, think about what is happening, and perhaps rethink something, draw conclusions.

Performing full moon rituals

Even if you don’t really believe in omens, the 22nd last month the outgoing year, they should not be ignored. The full moon has a powerful magical effect. This is the best time to attract health, good luck and financial well-being.

  1. It is necessary to collect all the available money and hide it securely, but not in one, but in several places.
  2. Leave finances for 3 days and make sure that the cache is not discovered by anyone in the household. And not a single bill was taken.
  3. As soon as the time is up, collect the money and go to the store to buy. You do not need to buy anything, but the thing that you have long dreamed of.
Do not regret the money well spent, very soon you will be able to receive additional funds. It's all about the power of the moon, which attracts additional income to the house.

Attracting good luck

Even the most unlucky people in life appreciated the power of the newborn night luminary. And here's what you need to do:

  1. Go to the confectionery store on the first day after the new moon, buy fresh candies and other sweets.
  2. Do not take check or change.
  3. Arriving home, put the sweets on the windowsill, cover with a white or scarlet cloth.
  4. Leave the sweets for three days, so that they take on the power of lunar energy.
  5. Then distribute treats to relatives, friends and just nice people saying the phrase to yourself: “As my gifts are pleasant for you, so I will be pleasant.”

It will take quite a bit of time, as luck will knock on your house and those around you will become kinder. Rites do have magical power, but they must be performed exclusively with pure thoughts.

The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. Usually the new moon lasts only a few hours, although rituals can be done on the first, second and even third lunar day. On the new moon, it is recommended to perform magical practices to attract something into life - love, money, good luck. It is believed that along with the growing Moon, an increase in what you lack will begin in your life.

Ritual for money on the new moon.

Take banknotes of different denominations and spread them throughout the apartment in different places (on top of cabinets, mezzanines, etc.) so that they do not catch anyone's eyes. After 3 days, collect all the banknotes and buy something for the house (you can buy food, things, household goods, interior items).

It is believed that you put into circulation money that was saturated with the Power of the Moon and in the next month they will return to you in double size.

Cosmic abundance formula by Robert Stone.

The essence of this technique is to write by hand such a phrase every evening and every morning for 7 days "Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life" 54 times. This technique helps in an amazing way to program the consciousness to receive the riches of the Universe.

The author of the book "Heavenly 911. How to seek help from the right hemisphere of the brain" claims that in this way you can attract more money into your life in just a few days. In addition, participants in various forums on the Internet and people who have tried this technique for themselves claim that it really works and the very next day your income will begin to increase! So be patient and write! Good luck!

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon.

In the first days of the growing moon, take a sheet of thick paper and write your desire on it, for example: “I want to receive a bonus this month” or “I want to be promoted ...”. You will need two church candles (one - more, the other - less), place them in candlesticks and light them in turn (a large candle with a match, and a small one - from a large one). Think about your desire all the time. Then take the wish paper and very carefully burn the last letter of your wish. In this case, the letter "U" with the words "Today I burn the letter "U". From curses, damage, the evil eye, the Holy Spirit will immediately deliver." Next, extinguish the candles and hide all used items. The next day, in the same way, burn the penultimate letter from your written desire, for example, "I". Do this ritual every evening, burning one letter at a time. When you burn the last - leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Ritual for harmony and beauty on the new moon.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour a glass of milk, a glass of holy water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water.

Immerse yourself in a bath of water and enjoy water treatments. When you lie in the bathroom, relax, close your eyes and say the plot:

“You, water, listen to me! Don't get upset, don't boil, but take care of me!
You, water after the cross, make me slim!
Nurture me with milk, caress me with a rose,
so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!

When the water has cooled down a bit, you can get out of the bath, draining the water, say a conspiracy for weight loss: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

Ritual on the new moon "Receipt for receiving money"

On the new moon, exactly at the time, in those hours and minutes when the new moon appears, write yourself a receipt (check) for receiving money.
1. Fill in the date.
2. Write your full name.
3. You can insert a certain amount, but first you need to know the size of your internal wallet, i.e. you can only get the amount of money you allow yourself to have.
4. At the bottom, put the receipt number, date and signature.
5. Hide the receipt where no one will find it. Ideally, this should be a red envelope.

You will receive what you want within 7 days. Or get compensation in the form of a good thing, a good purchase or good news. So quickly only a real desire will be fulfilled, and not beyond.

So that a lot of money comes in all the time.
Wait until a new moon appears in the sky. As soon as this happens (on the third day after the new moon), go outside when the month becomes visible, putting a few coins of any denomination in your pocket, bow towards the month, then jingle the coins in your pocket and at the same time say the words of the conspiracy (out loud or to yourself , for memory).

I will bow to the month, I will pray for prosperity. A month, a young month, you are the master of all the stars, be the master of my money: how many stars are in the sky, send me so much money.
Put these coins in a secluded place and do not spend. After a month, distribute them as alms, and say the same conspiracy for other coins during the young month.

Silver conspiracy to lure money
Wait until a new moon appears in the sky. Take in right hand a silver coin or any silver item (but not a cross). Go out into the open sky, open your palm to show silver to the month, and speak the words of the conspiracy, having previously learned them by heart, aloud or in a whisper.

A young month, the crown on you is silver! You walk in the sky, you shine with silver, you shed silver light on the earth. Give me your silver to my silver, so that my (name) money sparkles, silver arrives.
If you talked about a coin - do not spend it, wear it in your wallet as a talisman. If it's a piece of jewelry, wear it too. If there is another household item (dishes, a spoon, etc.) - use them so that you do not lie idle. Then the money will start coming.

A conspiracy for women on jewelry to attract wealth
This conspiracy is read only for gold and precious stones, then it will attract you great wealth. This is done when a new moon appears in the sky. You need to go outside and show him some kind of jewel, at the same time slandering it out loud, by heart.

A month is young, you sparkle with gold, play with diamonds, walk in the sky, count the stars. There is no end to the stars in the sky, so there is no end to my wealth. As the month arrives, so my wealth grows. My word is strong, stucco and tenacious. Amen.
Then this hexed jewel must be worn so as not to lie idle.

For money to flow, wait until a young month appears in the sky after the new moon, go outside at night and show the money to the month by taking it out of your wallet or pocket.

If you give someone a wallet, be sure to put a coin or a bill in it - only then your gift will bring good to the person you give it to, and money will be found in his wallet. And after that, your well-being will grow. In the same way, they do not give empty bags, suitcases, vases and other containers, as well as dishes. If you took a bag, a pot, a frying pan from someone for a while, do not return it empty, put something in gratitude for letting these things be used. Then you will arrive.

Initially, the rituals held during the period of the appearance of the new moon were formed on the basis of signs invented by the common people. People noticed certain patterns that occur in this phase, and associated with this stage the acquisition of new opportunities in life. New moon rites are usually performed for the fulfillment of desires. A good result can also be expected from conducting monetary, love, everyday rituals. Their goal is to change everything for the better. This is the opportunity that the new moon presents. And to refuse a chance would be unwise.

love rituals

A gift given to a partner on the new moon will push the indecisive groom to marry. Love magic often becomes an effective weapon in the hands beautiful half. Already in their youth, girls begin to try themselves in divination and divination. The New Moon gives them the opportunity to apply the natural potential bestowed by Mother Earth herself.

For those girls who have a boyfriend and want to marry their beloved, and the admirer still does not dare to propose marriage, you can perform such a ritual. Tie a gift to your betrothed on the new moon, for example, a scarf. Now all we have to do is wait for the offer.

Another ritual in establishing contact with a guy is based on the use of culinary magic. During the new moon period, make an ear using the head of a fish. Serve your loved one generously. Such a ritual will ensure that the groom is attentive to your opinion. A man will listen to your arguments, take them into account when resolving everyday problems.

fidelity ritual

Prepare a red candle, three bay leaves, a piece of paper, a pen. When it gets dark, you should light a candle, starting to write the name of the beloved on paper, saying it out loud three times. After triple folding the note, place laurel (3 pieces) in it, again repeating the triple bend and sealing the candles with wax. Keep the ritual composition should be in a hidden place.

luring love

Having placed a cup filled with water in front of the mirror, as well as a saturated red candle, the girl should be naked. Bringing a couple of drops of fragrant rose oil, rose petals into the liquid, light a candle, then read the plot:

“The rose bloomed and fragrant under the moon, so I would have blossomed with beauty, but I found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end, the girl should wipe her body with charmed water, without taking her eyes off the mirror. Then the handle of the door from the street side is processed with ritual liquid, the threshold is sprinkled. The remains of ritual water are placed under the bed. It remains only to wait - a meeting with your soul mate will take place throughout the month.

Household rituals

There are rituals that help to cope with hair loss. To do this, stand at the threshold, look at the month and, placing your hands on your head, ask the growing moon
enhancing hair growth.

There are many and rejuvenating rituals. For a simple ritual for beauty, use an egg. After carefully separating the protein and yolk, create a foam from the protein, cover your face and neck with it. Hold for 20 minutes, wash your face. Bury the remaining yolk near the rose bush. This is necessary for your beauty to bloom like a rose. If there is no rose bush nearby, then for these purposes you can use another flower with beautiful flowering.

Ritual of Purity

Do a thorough cleaning of your home. Bathe, put on clean clothes. As the sign indicates, the house, scrupulously tidied up on the new moon, will become a place of easy income for finances.

Money rituals

The ceremonies associated with luring money are simple and effective. Their execution does not require the use of special attributes. For magical actions, a bill and faith are needed that the actions performed will lead to the expected result.

The first method is based on issuing a receipt for the delivery of a significant amount. Moreover, it should be as truthful as possible - with a date, a number, a full name, a possible amount (significant, not sky-high).

The second method involves carrying out such actions. A glass of water is placed on the windowsill. When the right phase of the moon comes, wash your face with water. Tangible changes in your financial situation will soon happen to you.

The third ritual is even easier. Bow to the moon seven times, toss a coin to her, sincerely asking for prosperity.

The fourth method is based on the conspiracy of money. Holding a banknote (with the average value of the face value, without units), stretch it to the cosmic body. With all your heart ask for prosperity. Hide the banknote in your wallet. You don’t need to put it before the rest of the bills, it’s better to place it separately, without spending it before the next new moon, when you need to endow a new banknote with magical power.

The fifth method is performed using banknotes of various denominations - they are laid out around the dwelling in the most elevated places (on cabinets, shelves), so long as they are invisible to outsiders. After three days, banknotes are collected. You need to use them to buy household items, groceries, household goods, and other household items. Money, saturated with lunar influence, enters into circulation, returning in the coming month in a double amount.

Fulfillment of desires

Interest in the new moon among connoisseurs of magic is often based on the cyclical nature of this period, and a lot can be planned for a whole month. Keeping a book of new moon rituals will allow you to record your own desires, actions aimed at realizing your plan. Each new moon, create a new entry with the desire to get or accomplish, not forgetting to read previous thoughts, summing up the dreams that have come true. Plan in detail, write down your actions on the path to making your dream come true, who is able to help you, what will be given in return.

Take action, the new moon will help you!

We also recommend watching an informative video with several effective rituals:

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