Is it possible to show the cross to people. Who should not give a pectoral cross

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Question to the priest

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Hello! I was baptized last month and this weekend I have my first confession. I'm very worried because I don't know what to do. How is the confession going? What should be done in front of the icon and the priest? What to say before repentance?

Dear Maria! Look into your conscience, it will tell you what sins to name. You don't need to search for specific phrases. Approaching, cross yourself, say hello, and name the sins. You can preface your confession with the word: "I repent." After confession, the priest reads a permissive prayer, placing an epitrachelion on the penitent's head. Therefore, when you say everything, bow your head. Don't worry - while you are waiting for your turn, you will see everything. God bless you.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello, I want to thank Father Sergiy Osipov for answering my question...

The pectoral cross symbolizes unity with the Lord, his favor and patronage, therefore, during the sacrament of baptism, this attribute of faith is put on a person. But life situations are different, the cross can be lost, replaced with a new, more beautiful one, etc. And when acquiring a new cross, many people have a question - is it possible to wear it without consecrating it in the temple before.

Consecrating the cross in the church, the priest cleanses it from the works of human hands and their impure thoughts. At the same time, a whole series of prayers are read in which the clergyman asks God to endow this item with holy heavenly power so that he can protect the wearer from all sorts of negative manifestations. It is not for nothing that on the bulk of the body crosses there is an inscription “Save and Save”.

Therefore, if a person really has faith in his soul, then his cross must necessarily be consecrated, because without this sacrament it is nothing more than a banal decoration. To do this act...

Good afternoon. If a pectoral cross bought in a church or church shop - it is already consecrated and is not subject to re-consecration. In jewelry stores, they don’t particularly follow the canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion and, as a rule, they sell not only Orthodox pectoral crosses, but also Catholic or just jewelry crosses without the image of the Savior. Therefore, it is necessary to consecrate the pectoral cross, not only because it is some ritual purification of the works of human hands and the blessing of a material object to contribute to the salvation of a person, but also because the clergyman, looking at the cross, will tell you exactly: it will be possible to wear this cross, or better purchase…

Is it possible to wear an unlit cross and how to choose a pectoral cross

Today, a lot of people have a pectoral cross. At the same time, for some, such a thing is nothing more than an ornament, others wear it due to traditions, and only for some, a cross is not just a thing, but a symbol of connection with heaven.

Is it possible to wear an unlit cross if you consider yourself a Christian

For a Christian of almost any denomination (Orthodoxy, Catholicism, many Protestant movements), a cross is a sign that he belongs to the Church of Christ. The cross symbolically glorifies the Expiatory Sacrifice that the Lord suffered for all people on the cross. On the other hand, the cross reminds the believer of the words of Christ: “Whoever wants to follow me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34). That is, that a believing Christian must accept with humility and patience all the difficulties of life that God gives to each according to his strength.


Banshee Friday, September 23, 2016 07:47 AM (link)
This is a quote from letdisub's post Original post

How to clean fat

The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From this article, we will learn whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and why it cannot be worn over clothes.

The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions, which a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about ...

19.1. How to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross? For the sign of the cross, the first three fingers (thumb, index and middle) right hand put together, and the last two (nameless and little fingers) are pressed against the palm of your hand. Making the sign of the cross, the fingers folded like this are placed first on the forehead - to sanctify the mind, then on the womb (stomach) - to sanctify the inner feelings, then on the right and left shoulders - to sanctify the bodily forces. Lowering the hand, make a bow. In this way they depict the Calvary Cross on themselves and worship it. It is impossible to put the lower end of the cross on the chest, since in this case an inverted cross is obtained (its lower end becomes shorter than the upper one). The sign of the cross must be performed meaningfully and with a prayerful invocation of the Lord.

19.2. What is the meaning of the sign of the cross?

- The sign of the cross, which is placed on oneself or depicted on oneself with a movement of the hand, is a silent, but at the same time loud, for open, confession of faith.


Should a baby wear a cross?

Yuya, 07/08/06 11:22

Hello Moms! Forgive me if this was asked, I couldn't find it. Should a baby wear a cross? If not, at what age should I start, and if so, how? Grandmother suffered today to take communion of the child, and I forgot to put on a cross, the priest cursed, gave an order not to take it off. How did you do?

staisi, 08.07.06 11:42

We did not remove the cross from the day of baptism, but I baptized the girls in the second month, as it should be after 40 days. Your father is telling you right. Moreover, the cross is not just like that, it is the protection of the child from all sorts of misfortunes.

Svetka-Konfetka, 07/08/06 11:54

And we have a cross hanging at the head of the bed. Decided not to wear it yet. Ilya pulls for everything - it's scary. cut with a string, and the chain can be irritating.

Although I agree that the cross should be worn. But kids are forgivable. We also dressed for communion, and then took it off.

Katarios, 08.07.06 11:59

I did not take off the cross with ...

The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From our article you will find out whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and why it cannot be worn over clothes.

The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions, which a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about his cross.

Cannot be worn on a chain

There are absolutely no restrictions on the chain. Here, rather, the question of convenience and habit is more important. If a person wants to wear a pectoral cross on a chain, then he can do it, such actions are not forbidden by the church. Most important principle to be followed in this case- so that the cross does not get lost and does not fly off the neck. Both lace and chain are acceptable. Superstitious people, however, assure that by all signs ...

Is a pectoral cross a good gift?

Superstitions are wary of all kinds of presents, and especially religious gifts. Every now and then you hear - they say, a pectoral cross presented to a person with the purest intentions will bring tears and trials with it, break fate, shorten the years of life ... How is it? A symbol of faith, purity, the victory of Christ over death and dark forces - and suddenly such bad prophecies? .. Or folk wisdom this time it failed, you can say, seeing the danger where it is not?

Why is it impossible to give according to signs? Faith and superstition

First, let's find out why the pectoral cross as a gift did not please the signs. There are several interpretations on this topic among the people, each with its own logic:

Pectoral cross: 10 questions about the pectoral cross

– The meaning of wearing a cross is revealed in the words of the Apostle Paul: “I have been crucified with Christ” (Gal. 2:19). The consecrated pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ. The cross protects from evil spirits. He who does not want to bear the cross himself rejects the help of God. The Hieromartyr Peter of Damascus said so on the cross - “Demons and various diseases are driven away by the inscription of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross; and this is done without any cost and without labor. And who can count the praises of the Holy Cross?”

- It doesn't matter what material the cross is made of - there are no rules about the material for crosses. Obviously, precious metals are also acceptable here, because for a Christian there can be nothing more precious than a cross - hence the desire to decorate it. But the main thing is that the cross is worn, not ...

You have christened the child and have questions: is it necessary to wear a cross without taking it off? What to wear a cross? You can always consult with parents of your children's peers, with visitors to the conference "Child from 1 to 3" on the website
Vitenko Natasha.

Does your child wear a pectoral cross? You mean constantly? Even if it's small? If so, are you afraid? Is there not enough? If not yet, at what age will you wear forever?
20.11.2002 Anyuta

As baptized - from 40 weeks.
kong Both - from a month and a half or 43 and 40 days, like most
Ira We wear without taking off, from 40 days old. Nothing terrible happened, except that the chains have already been changed 4 times. Wear it, don't be afraid!
EgorOlya And we wear on a string, the chains are postponed until an older age, after 10-12.
Ira Dasha - from 2 months, Kirill - from 42 days (both from christening). Breaks were - like. when the chain is torn or, there, they came for an x-ray, it is necessary to remove it. So I can't say 100%...

Many believers wonder if it is possible to give a person a cross, because there is a sign that it is impossible to give a cross. This sign is substantiated allegedly by the fact that you hang a cross around the neck of the recipient.

Is it worth giving a cross

This sign has no religious grounds and is an anti-religious superstition. The cross is a symbol of the Christian faith, and there can be nothing wrong with such a gift. Also, signs are delusional, stating that parents should not give a cross to children. A cross is a great gift, regardless of who gives it, because the cross is a reminder of God and faith - and this is the most important thing. It is believed that close people should give a cross, and this makes a certain sense - after all, it is the relatives who know the person best, and besides, the cross is a rather personal gift. On the other hand, you can give a cross even if you are not a close relative.

Who should not give a pectoral cross

The only thing…

Is it possible to remove the pectoral cross?

Is it possible to remove the pectoral cross?

Peace be with you, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

Many of us remember the time when the Soviet atheistic regime forbade wearing a pectoral cross. But, that time has passed.

Now it has even become fashionable to wear a pectoral cross. In any Orthodox church, you can buy a silver and even a gold cross, not to mention jewelry stores.

But, nevertheless, in our time there are situations when a person, for some reason, takes off his pectoral cross.

Can I take off my pectoral cross? And what does this shrine give to a person?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

“We must definitely wear a cross so as not to deviate from the most ancient Christian tradition. When the sacrament of baptism is performed on a person, the priest's hand puts on the cross, and the worldly, unconsecrated hand does not dare to take it off. The cross accompanies us all our lives. We can…


Why is it important to make the sign of the cross over ourselves?

- Performing the sign of the Cross on himself, a Christian, firstly, brings to mind that he is called to follow the footsteps of Christ, enduring in the name of Christ sorrows and hardships for his faith; secondly, he is strengthened by the power of the Cross of Christ to fight evil in himself and in the world; and thirdly, he confesses that he is waiting for the manifestation of the glory of Christ, the Second Coming of the Lord, which itself will be preceded by the appearance in heaven of the sign of the Son of Man, according to the Divine words of the Lord Himself (Matt. 24:30): this sign, according to the unanimous understanding of the Fathers Church, there will be a majestic appearance in the sky of the Cross.

How to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross?

- According to the tradition currently accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church for making the sign of the cross, partsy can be folded in two ways:

1) Three-fingered - the first three fingers (thumb, index and middle) of the right ...

The pectoral cross is a thing that a Christian should not part with under any circumstances. Usually, a pectoral cross (or, as it was traditionally called in Russia, a vest) is put on a baby at baptism, and a person does not part with this thing until death. The priests say that it is best to never take off and change the vest, because every Orthodox believer must carry his own cross. But there are situations when the cross still has to be changed.

This may be the case when man lost his old vest or received a new one as a gift, for example, with inlay from precious stones. How to consecrate a cross bought in a store? Do I need to light the chain for the cross? Priests unanimously affirm that it is necessary. However, it all depends on the particular store. If the cross was bought in a store belonging to a particular temple, it is most likely that all goods were originally consecrated (this must be clarified with the seller when buying).

If the vest is purchased or made to order in a jewelry store, then most likely it has not yet been consecrated. Only the clergy know how to consecrate this important subject for a Christian.

The main functions of the pectoral cross

Christian under no circumstances should he take off his cross, because:

  • The cross is a reliable protection against the attacks of enemies and evil spirits.
  • A person who wears the main symbol of the Christian faith on the body, thereby openly confesses Jesus Christ and preaches his faith to other people.
  • The vest protects a person throughout life, helps to overcome temptations, fight diseases and troubles.
  • A Christian who wears a cross thereby likens himself to Jesus Christ, who also carried his cross to Golgotha. And the one who does not wear a vest denies the Lord and openly demonstrates the weakness of faith, disregard for God and Orthodox traditions.

When the believer wears a vest and treats him with respect (kisses at night, does not take off while washing and bathing), this indicates that a person takes his faith seriously and treats it informally. And one who refuses to wear a cross cannot be considered a believer, even if he regularly visits the temple. Priests say: those who do not wear a vest sometimes many temptations and troubles, such a person can be openly acted upon dark forces. Not without reason, even in Ancient Russia about people who were distinguished by a crazy and violent disposition, they said: There is no cross».

Many believers on Orthodox websites and forums ask the question: is it possible to consecrate a cross at home? Of course, in our time the rhythm of life is very intense, not everyone has the opportunity to attend church regularly. In many churches, priests, by prior order, go to the house to bless apartments and cars, to receive communion and unction of the sick and the elderly. But how to consecrate a cross at home and is it possible to do this at all?

The Church unequivocally answers this question: such an opportunity cannot be provided to believers, since in order to consecrate some things and accessories, it is required to bring the consecrated product into the temple. Do I need to consecrate the chain for the cross? Not necessary. But if the vest is already attached to the chain, the priest brings it to the altar along with the chain. This is much more convenient than consecrate a small cross without chain. Here is how the vest is consecrated:

  • The believer comes to the temple, after the end of the service he goes to the priest and shows the cross that needs to be blessed.
  • If necessary, the owner of the vest makes a feasible donation or pays for the service of consecrating the cross in a candle shop (this is negotiated with the priest in advance).
  • The priest inspects the product and informs the believer about whether this cross corresponds to the Orthodox canons. If the product is made according to Catholic canons, the priest has the right to refuse consecration.
  • In the event that the vest is made in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, the priest brings it to the church altar and consecrates it. Sanctification consists in reciting special prayers appropriate to the occasion. Then the cross is sprinkled with holy water and blessed. After that, the believer can wear it without removing it until death.

It is necessary to consecrate not only the vests bought in the store, but also the crosses found on the street. It should be borne in mind that the product that was found on the street must certainly be picked up and taken to the temple. The cross is the main shrine of Orthodoxy, and this thing should not be allowed to be trampled underfoot.

Only the priest can consecrate the vest, no one else has the right to do so. But a believer, if desired, can attach a consecrated cross to the relics of a beloved saint in order to ask this saint for help, intercession, and strengthening in faith. Many people do this when they go on pilgrimages to holy places.

Buying a product: important points

How much does it cost to bless a cross? It should be borne in mind that all products that are sold in church shops on the territory of temples have already been consecrated, so it is best to purchase a cross in such places. If the vest, which was found on the street or bought in a store, needs to be consecrated, the price for this service may be different depending on the temple. It should be noted that in most churches, the priest renders such a service to parishioners for a "feasible donation." When purchasing a pectoral cross in a church shop or in a jewelry store, you should keep in mind the following:

  • According to Orthodox tradition, one nail is nailed to the feet of Jesus Christ on the crucifix. In the Catholic tradition, these are two nails.
  • The crucifix depicted on the cross must also comply with other Orthodox canons of the image of Jesus Christ.
  • On products made of precious metals, there must be a sample.
  • If the cross is purchased for a child, it should be small in size and with rounded ends, without sharp corners. This is very important from a safety point of view so that the child does not get hurt. When choosing a children's vest, you need to pay special attention to the reliability and quality of the chain. And it is best to choose an ordinary thin rope, because many chains, especially those made of low quality metal, contain nickel. This metal is a strong allergen, its use in products for children is unacceptable.

Do not chase expensive products. It is best to choose the simplest cross, because the vest is not an ornament. This is a thing that symbolizes the Christian faith.

How to wear

You need to wear a pectoral cross correctly. The priests unanimously affirm that under no circumstances should one exchange vests with each other. Previously, this custom was quite common in rural areas. Especially often men who consider themselves close friends exchanged crosses with each other. People believed that in this way they "brotherhood", that is, they become relatives. However, the clergy categorically forbid this. Each believer has his own cross, and it is he who must be carried, literally and figuratively.

Under no circumstances should the vest be removed. Before taking your child to school or Kindergarten, the mother must definitely check if the baby has a cross. Many young mothers do not put this important symbol of Christianity on their newborn child, as they are afraid that the baby might suffocate himself with a string. The solution to this problem is very simple: you need to shorten the rope so that it becomes safe.

Only baptized people have the right to wear a pectoral cross. An unbaptized person is not considered a member of the Orthodox Church, so he cannot wear a vest, even as an ornament. It is also forbidden to wear an Orthodox cross to people who have a different religion (Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims).

Before going to bed, a pious Christian reverently kisses his vest before reading prayers for the coming dream. The cross must be worn in such a way that it flip side was hidden, and the front (with a crucifix) is visible. You should not flaunt a vest, even if it is a unique work jewelry art. The cross is best hidden from prying eyes.

It is necessary to consecrate a pectoral cross bought in a store or found on the street. This should be taken very seriously, because the cross accompanies a person all his life, from the moment of baptism until his death. But the easiest way is to purchase already consecrated products. This can be done in any church shop on the territory of an Orthodox church. A properly consecrated vest is not only reliable protection and patronage of God, but also proof of a strong Orthodox faith person.

Priests are often asked this question, is it possible to wear a cross on an unconsecrated chain. It is not necessary to consecrate the chain or rope on which you will wear the pectoral cross. It is worth noting that the Orthodox tradition does not pay much attention to what the cross on the chest will be hung on. For this reason, it is even allowed to wear a cross on a pin fastened with reverse side clothes. To bless the chain or not is up to you, the church does not force you to do this. To find out how much a men's silver chain around the neck, women's or children's, goes here. The catalog has a wide selection of chains at affordable prices.

It is not the chain that plays a big role, but the cross itself. This is a creed that constantly reminds a person that he must live a righteous life, keeping the laws of God. Many Orthodox believe that the cross has magical powers and is a real talisman. He is able to take the side of the disease, protect a person from evil and ill-wishers. For this reason, you should never take off the pectoral cross, it should always be on the chest and it is worth hiding it under clothing from prying eyes.

On what else can you wear a cross besides a chain.

In addition to the chain, the cross can be worn on a string or a pin. If you decide to wear a symbol of faith on a pin, then it should be fixed on the wrong side of the clothes closer to the body. You can take any rope for a cross. If you do not have a suitable rope at home, then it can always be purchased at the Temple. If you decide to wear a cross on a chain, then you should know that it must be made of the same metal as the pectoral cross. For gold men's chains around the neck, the price depends on the complexity of weaving, weight, manufacturer, place of purchase. The same applies to women's and children's chains.

The pectoral cross must be worn only on the chest. Sometimes you can meet people who wear a symbol of faith on the wrist, fastened on a bracelet, inserted into an earring in the ear, worn on the navel. However, the church has a negative attitude towards such experiments. The pectoral cross is only meant to be worn on the chest and not on other parts of the body. If you are a follower Orthodox Church, then it is worth observing its laws and traditions.

Believing myself Orthodox Christian, it is important to have elementary basic knowledge in the field of Christian culture, and not be led by popular superstitions. And, unfortunately, there are a great many of them, even if we are talking about the main shrine - the cross. They begin with the interpretation of dreams, during which any manipulations with the pectoral cross take place, end with indecision and fear if a cross was found lost by someone. Let's try to deal with the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and how the church recommends dealing with such an unexpected "foundling".

The meaning of the cross in Orthodoxy

Jesus was martyred on the cross for the salvation of every living being. Wearing around the neck the crucifixion of Christ, received at baptism, a believer declares his involvement in the sufferings of the Lord, his selfless feat, which gives hope for resurrection. The pectoral cross is a silent prayer with which we turn to the Almighty for the salvation of our souls. A believer should wear a cross all his life, because it is a clear proof of self-sacrifice in the name of love. Russian folk proverbs have survived to this day, symbolizing the attitude towards this shrine: “Whoever has a cross is with Christ”, “We don’t wear a cross, but he wears us.” The crucifix tells about faith in the Lord, is a promise to live according to his commandments. The Almighty hears everyone who addresses him, and opens his arms to him.

Wearing rules

The figure of the Savior, superimposed on the cross, shows the human and divine incarnations, the triumph of victory over death. The symbol received its dogmatic validity in the 690s in Constantinople. Since then, the pectoral cross has been a sign of belonging to the Orthodox Christian faith, a silent witness to the "ineffable". There are several principles for wearing it:

  • The crucifix is ​​a cross, on one side of which is the image of Jesus Christ, on the other - the words "Save and Save."
  • The cross can be made of any material: gold or silver, wood or stone, amber or pearls.
  • The protective effect of the power of the cross comes from the correct cross consecrated in the church. It can be 4-, 6- and 8-pointed.
  • The crucifix is ​​worn constantly, under clothing, with the prayer side to the body.
  • Treating the cross as an adornment or a fetish is unacceptable.

Priests about other people's crosses

People are often interested in whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross. The answers of the priests fit into a few words: "The cross is the cross." They treat the cross as a shrine, reverently. The prayer “Let God rise again” conveys the attitude of a believer to crucifixion as a living, spiritualized being. The clergy do not approve of all kinds of superstitions, predictions, fortune-telling. When asked if the bad energy and sins of the former owner will be transferred with someone else's cross, they remark: “What about virtue? Will she pass too?" The priest will advise you to treat the found cross with respect, carefully pick it up and take it for yourself, give it to someone who needs it or take it to the temple. But in no case should you step over it and leave it to be trampled underfoot.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross

Despite the fact that it is easier to believe in folk signs, it is worth understanding the nuances. Is it possible to wear the found cross, consciously and churchily? On the one hand, if the "foundling" is to your liking, you should not be afraid to wear it yourself. On the other hand, is there a good reason for this and is there some secret mystical goal being pursued? The cross is not a talisman, so there is no strong or weak amulet among them. It is at least naive to pin your hopes or, on the contrary, fears on him. You can simply take the crucifix to the church as a donation. But it should be remembered that there is no trouble in finding a cross, and wearing it does not bode any trouble.

Cross as a gift

The best gift for a believer is a pectoral cross. Therefore, it can be safely given: for christening, name day, birthday. Both new and found. The main thing is that he be consecrated in the church and gain his power of the cross. If there is no lighting information, it's best to do it anyway. What if one of the relatives offers to wear his crucifix - is it possible to wear the cross of a relative or close friend? Oh sure. After all, such gifts are not made to people whose fate is indifferent.

Cross of the deceased

Exists interesting fact: in Ancient Russia, the deceased people were buried in the earth, having previously removed the cross from them. Russians reasoned like this: "Why a shrine in the ground?". In our time, on the contrary, they put on a cross, because grieving relatives want their loved one to appear before the Creator with a reverent shrine around his neck. Times change and traditions change with them. It happens that a family has a sacred relic, an old cross, passed down from generation to generation through the female or male line after the death of its owner. Sometimes there are fears and concerns about whether it is possible to wear the cross of the deceased, even if it is so valuable. Just as in the case of a cross found or donated, these worries are groundless. Believers are not inclined to trust prejudices and beliefs. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, they do not need a priest's answer. In their bright God's world there is no place for dark superstitions.

Loss of a cross

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the unpleasant situation of losing an expensive thing. When it comes to wearing a crucifix or wedding ring experiences are exacerbated by superstitious fears. But there is no supernatural in such a loss, just as there is no omen. AT popular belief it is said that at such a moment a person is, as it were, at a crossroads, and the Lord will give him a second chance. You can believe in such a "miracle of rebirth." But it is better to think about the soul and its immortality, about how to bring it closer to God. Since the cross itself, without faith, means nothing, it is more important to take care not of external manifestations, but of carrying Christ in your heart. If you analyze the situation, it becomes clear that the chain or ribbon may be to blame for the loss, and they do not carry any symbolic load. Therefore, if such a loss occurs, then you should go to the temple or visit the church shop and get yourself a new cross. And to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, if one of your friends offers it to you in return for the lost one, the answer is definitely positive. You can save and protect your soul with any life-giving cross, no matter who it previously belonged to.

The cross is not a witch's amulet or a dead symbol, not a talisman or jewelry trinket. It is important to worry not about whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and whether someone else's "cross" will have to be carried along with it. It is much more essential to treat it as a living weapon of grace given by the Lord. Wear a cross around your neck, and faith in your heart.

The pectoral cross can be worn on a string, chain or pin. Some are interested in the question, is it possible to wear a cross on a chain that is made of different metals. For example, a cross is made of gold, and a chain of silver, or vice versa. This way of wearing is not accepted. It is worth choosing a pendant and a chain made of the same metals. If, for example, you have a cross made of gold, but the budget does not yet allow you to purchase a chain of the same precious metal, then it is better to temporarily hang a symbol of faith around your neck on a string.

It is allowed to wear crosses on a pin. To do this, pin it on the back of the clothes closer to the chest. However, this method of wearing a cross should not be used on young children. A safety pin that comes loose accidentally can injure a child's skin. In order to purchase the Calvary cross. The catalog of the Orthodox online store has a large selection of symbols of faith made of such precious metals as gold and silver. The store also offers a large selection of church goods and books.

Is it possible for a believer to wear a cross on an unlit chain.

In the temple you can purchase an already consecrated cross. However, if you are going to make a purchase in a jewelry store, then you will have to bless the creed separately. Many are interested in the question, is it possible to wear a cross on an unconsecrated chain. The priests answer this question in the affirmative. In the Orthodox tradition is not given special attention to what the cross will be on your chest. As mentioned above, it can be a chain, rope, or even a pin pinned on the back of the garment.

Wearing a cross is under clothing, hiding from prying eyes. If you like clothes with a deep neckline, then in this case you should take this into account and buy a longer chain. In no case should you wear a gold or silver pectoral cross on other parts of the body except for the neck. Sometimes you can meet people who wear a creed on a chain on their wrist, in an earring, or even in their navel. Many believers recognize this way of wearing the cross as blasphemy. The pectoral cross is intended only to be worn on the chest and nowhere else. In Orthodoxy, it is allowed to wear crosses of all forms - eight-pointed, six-pointed, four-pointed. It is also allowed to wear crosses with and without a crucifix. Whichever option you choose, pay attention to appearance crucifixion. The fact is that Catholic and Orthodox crosses are very similar. If you accidentally bring in Orthodox church for Baptism a Catholic cross, then the clergyman will not conduct the ceremony.

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