Scraper spoon - a conspiracy. Simoronsky ritual "spoon-grab" to attract money and good luck

Auto 10.10.2019

The amulet of the zagrebka spoon is very often found at holiday fairs and in souvenir shops. Many tourists buy it as a decorative trinket, like a horseshoe, without really thinking about it. semantic load these souvenirs.

In fact, these items are not just decoration, but amulets. Therefore, their choice must be taken seriously. In this article we will talk about what a rake spoon is. You will learn what it is used for and how to choose the right talisman so that it has a positive impact on life.

History of the origin of the scoop spoon

Many wonder why such an ordinary thing, widely used in everyday life, is considered a magical attribute, and how a spoon can bring money.

The appearance of the talisman of the grebe spoon was facilitated by the special attitude of the Slavs to this subject. AT Ancient Russia the spoon was considered not just a cutlery, but almost a sacred product. She symbolized prosperity, because if there is a spoon, then there will definitely be food for it. And to set the table with all sorts of dishes is possible only when the pockets are full of money.

Among the Slavs, the custom was widespread to visit with your spoon.

Initially, the rake spoon completely corresponded to the usual one in visual terms. In the future, its variations appeared. Sometimes, instead of a miniature spoon, you can find a spatula, and sometimes you can see a coin or at the end of the spoon.

The magical properties of a spoon

A spoon with a purse mouse will help improve your financial situation.

The rake spoon is associated with an ordinary spoon, which, in turn, is associated with food. No, this item will not be able to fill your table with food, like a self-assembly tablecloth. But having such a talisman in your wallet will help increase cash flow. Then you will not only easily set the table, but also finally close the loan, give your child a long-awaited bike and be able to organize a vacation in warmer climes!

A variant of the talisman is common along with. Some believe they work twice as hard together.

The rake spoon not only attracts money, but also makes its owner more successful. In other words, you will not just get a big profit once, but in general you will become more successful - the money will begin to come in steadily and in very large quantities. It doesn’t matter here whether you are a subordinate or lead own business. In both cases, the amulet will improve the financial situation, help pay off debts, open a new business and develop it in the right direction.

Of great importance is your attitude to the talisman. Improving your financial condition without confidence in its action will not work.

And, of course, you should not sit back and wait until the magical little thing does everything for you. The rake spoon attracts good luck, but luck favors those who strive for success. Therefore, having bought a talisman, do not forget to make efforts to achieve your goals - this will nourish it and make it stronger!

Rules for using a scoop spoon

Unlike other materials, a silver comb spoon is capable of not only preserving existing wealth. Silver is known for its properties to scare away evil spirits, ward off evil slander and protect its owner from the evil eye.

In tandem with this amulet, this metal is able to protect a person from monetary losses. Ruin, bankruptcy, theft and loss of income due to the envy of others do not threaten if there is a silver spoon in the wallet. You can also buy a wooden spoon, but in no case plastic, because it will not have living energy.

The talisman of a silver spoon will help attract money and wealth, as well as protect the owner from envy and the evil eye.

To increase your chances of attracting good luck in the financial aspect, use a few tricks:

  • sort banknotes by face value;
  • put small and large bills in different compartments;

In the first method, the order of banknotes plays an important role - it is he who helps to set up the correct energy of money. Large ones should be closer to the owner of the wallet when he opens it, and small ones away. Thus, a trifle will move away from you, and large bills will always be there, attracting the same large amounts. There is a more practical explanation: when you open your wallet, you will see large bills more often. This image will be imprinted in the subconscious, helping to attract the right thoughts and build an overall picture of wealth.

A lot has been said about the power of thought and its impact on life, for example, in the popular film The Secret. Scientists also come to this conclusion. For example, researchers at Columbia University found that people who view old age in a positive light do, on average, become more successful than pessimists.

In the case of distributing banknotes to different departments, the spoonful, of course, should be sent to where there is more money, so that it successfully fulfills the role of a magnet, attracting wealth.

It is not necessary to put a spoon into a purse immediately after purchase. Before this, the amulet must be cleaned. This ritual should be performed on a waning moon so that all negativity moves away from you. Soak the spoon in salt overnight or leave it in a glass of spring water. Then you have to wait until the moon begins to grow in order to pronounce an activation conspiracy before the full moon.

Spoon zagrebushki conspiracy for money

Each amulet and amulet requires activation. It does not matter here whether it was bought in a shop of esoteric goods, directly from the master or made by hand. Without this ritual, the thing will not be able to fulfill its purpose.

Having acquired a spoon to attract money - do not forget to activate it.

Activation rituals are different and depend on what form the object has and what its functions are. Like any magical item, the rake spoon requires a call to action, a special spell. But if you pronounce it without believing in what is said, it will not work.

That's right, you need to pronounce a conspiracy! On the net you can find a lot of conspiracies on a spoon rake. There are examples for every taste, here are some interesting ones:

  • Everything that was a hindrance to wealth, I drive away, I rake in good luck and big money.
  • Spoon, live in my wallet, pull money to yourself. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and prosperity.
  • Spoon, spoon, help, you multiply money! Zagrebushka, don't be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars, rubles, you row, row, row.

If you do not like such creativity, and you doubt the effectiveness of such conspiracies, then it is better not to use them. Then you should think about how to speak a spoon rake without using ready-made phrases. The answer is simple - the power of words is enough. It is quite possible to formulate a request or desire in your own words. The main thing is to make sure that the request is clearly and sincerely formulated.

The request to the spoonful should be pronounced clearly, without hesitation and in a very confident tone. Do you suspect that you will not be able to immediately catch the right mood and ensure an effective plot? Practice without a talisman, and then repeat all this in front of him, holding it tightly in your hand.

Where to store the talisman

The picker spoon should be kept next to banknotes.

A rake spoon as a souvenir for money should be kept in close proximity to them. But this does not mean that it can be kept in absolutely any place where money is lying around. A spoon is one of their purse talismans, respectively, its place is there.

  • do not treat it carelessly, for example, keep it in your pocket along with crumpled money;
  • keep the talisman only in the compartments of the wallet with money, preferably with large ones;
  • do not put a spoon in the coin compartment - we are not going to attract them;

What money will be in contact with the talisman depends on what it will bring you. If these are small coins, don't count on a big catch. It is for this reason that it is customary to keep such a talisman in the vicinity of paper bills - preferably large ones. To attract money, you can specially put several large banknotes (for example, dollars or euros) in your wallet.

Now many are switching to the electronic money format in order to unload a filled wallet and simplify the payment process. If you are one of those people, don't worry. The rake spoon will get along well with plastic cards. By putting it with them, you will also ensure that your credit debts are closed more quickly.

Trying to increase their fortune, improve their financial situation, people resort to magic, witchcraft, calling for help from supernatural forces. It is also widespread to attract money to store various talismans in your home, wallet, pocket.

One of these magical talismans was the "spoon of the rake". A beautiful product should be kept in a wallet, right with the money, the financial aura of the happy owner will certainly improve!

What is a rake spoon

In appearance, the rake spoon is an ordinary kind of souvenir. Very beautiful, attractive, and by the way quite inexpensive. Few can resist buying such a charm, especially since the cost varies about a hundred rubles.

Such talismans have always been highly effective. The first mention of a wonderful talisman came to us from paganism, Ancient Russia. Outwardly, a monetary souvenir is a small product, shaped like a small spoon. Why a spoon? Probably because it has long been a spoon that has become a symbol of a well-fed life, full of prosperity and material wealth.

The rake spoon is most often made of precious metals - gold or silver. Based on the author's talent, they decorate by applying different images of animals to the product - a rooster, a horse, a sheep. Sometimes a rake spoon is similar to its usual counterparts only in shape, while its main body is a small decorated spatula, scoop, broom. A rooster, a horseshoe, a coin can sit on the handle. The talisman may differ in the presence of signs of the zodiac, incomprehensible symbols, the inscription - "Zagrebushka". Talismans may vary appearance, but the shape should at least be similar.

A beautiful product with amazing decoration in fact, it is very tiny and can easily fit not just in a wallet, but in a small compartment for plastic cards.

How to use a scoop spoon

Like any money talisman, you need to know how to use a rake spoon correctly. Firstly, you need to know that you can buy it yourself, it is allowed to receive it as a gift as a small souvenir, but the giver must be a friend, a good person, and present such a souvenir must be from a pure heart, without concealing malicious intent. Only under such conditions will the product attract well-being and financial profit.

Before placing a spoon in a wallet, it is cleaned with a saline solution. At night, put a spoon in a glass filled with salt water. In the morning, rinse with running water, wipe, put in a permanent storage place, after speaking. A special place is assigned to a spoon for a pickle, next to large banknotes, they are not placed near coins. When the talisman lies next to a trifle, it will only attract coins, or even the loss of money will begin. The product must not be placed in an empty compartment.

If, over time, the talisman begins to lose strength, it is again left in salt water for the night, washed and the plot is re-read over it. It is important to remember that the product is in the wallet, no one else should see it. It is also undesirable to talk about it, if you want to help your loved ones in this case, give them a spoon and teach them how to use it, but you can’t brag that you already have this, and it doesn’t work!

Conspiracy on a spoon rake

In fact, over the many years of using such an attractive product, many conspiracies have developed among the people that enhance its magical properties. Conspiracies are certainly associated with small rituals.

Important! In order for the talisman to bring money, it is necessary to sincerely believe in it.

You can find a lot of examples on the Internet and choose something more suitable for yourself. It is important to pronounce the words of the conspiracy with the right attitude, believing that the words will endow the subject with additional power, contribute to the faster attraction of money, and attract good luck.

When and what to read

Immediately after the product has undergone a cleansing procedure with salt and running water, a conspiracy is read over it. It is desirable that the time of the ceremony falls on the growing moon. In order for the words of the conspiracy to have great reading power, the spoon is held under moonlight. Increase the power of the talisman will allow next rite. Lighted 4 candles are placed exactly in a row, the distance between them is shifted with clover petals.

The magic item is placed behind burning candles. The performer of the magical rite takes a sip of holy water in advance and pronounces the chosen plot.

Conspiracy options

As already mentioned, there are many options for a conspiracy, but their essence is always the same. The applicant asks for improvement in well-being and financial condition:

  1. Spoon, spoon rake - you are my amulet! More money, more money for me and less trouble. I rake with a rake and multiply wealth!
  2. What was a hindrance to happiness - I completely drive away. I rake in money, happiness and luck!
  3. Spoon, spoon, help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness, joy to everyone.

Something like this can be conspiracies. Although, according to experts, if a person really truly believes in such talismans, then financial well-being will improve in any case. You can pronounce the conspiracy yourself, asking for what you need in your own words, you can not speak at all.

Why does the spoon scraper work?

The effectiveness of such money amulets is indicated primarily by faith in their ability. If the owner of the talisman does not believe in his strength, then the flow of monetary energy will not improve, will not go in the right direction. Secondly, above the amulet, before putting it in your wallet, it is recommended to read a special plot that enhances the abilities of an unusual item.

The product is made of precious metals not in vain. Of course, this is beautiful and unusual, but silver, in turn, contributes to the removal of negative energy, protects from bad things, including the evil eye of money, damage to money. A gold and silver product protects its owner from waste, theft, losses, increasing the available capital.

If you decide to become the happy owner of this money amulet or have already received it as a gift, first of all, pay attention to the following points:

It is advisable to make a choice in favor of the classic type of this amulet - a miniature silver spoon.

The talisman should not lie anywhere - be sure to take a place for him in one of the compartments of your wallet: near large banknotes or plastic bank cards. It is not recommended to put a rake spoon together with a trifle - firstly, you risk losing it, and secondly, it will attract the same small money to you. An empty compartment is also not a solution, here the amulet will not work.

Have you just got a shovel spoon? Be sure to perform a cleansing ritual before using it. The essence of the ritual: dissolve a pinch of salt in water and dip a spoon into this solution - let it lie in it all night. In the morning, take it out of the water, rinse thoroughly under running water, and wipe dry. This cleansing rite can also be used for the purpose of prevention - when the magical effect of the rake spoon begins to weaken, and the cash flow decreases.

The talisman will not work without activation. Its meaning is to read a special conspiracy.

A rake already prepared for the magical performance of its duties and placed in a wallet cannot be shown to anyone - the talisman should only be your personal, hidden from prying eyes. A charged amulet cannot be gifted to anyone, even to a very close and beloved person, otherwise you may lose your material well-being.

For a gift, it is better to buy a new product and teach the recipient to work with it.

How to speak a spoon for money

The rake spoon will prove itself as a souvenir to attract money only when it is prepared for work with the help of a special conspiracy. In general, there are several such conspiracies, and there are also special ceremonies performed with this money amulet.

The simplest and most famous method

Before the rake spoon goes after all the preparatory measures to its permanent place in your wallet, read this short but effective plot on it:

“What was a hindrance to happiness - I completely drive away, I rake in money, happiness and good luck.”

For prosperity and good luck

The text of the second plot is slightly longer than the first, but no less effective. It sounds like this:

“I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I am friends with her, and now I do not grieve. Now I live in abundance, and money - in the balance. I'm home, and the money is behind me!”

And a few more

You can also activate the talisman for money using one of these conspiracies below. Choose whichever you like:

“Spoon, spoon, help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness, joy to everyone.

“Spoon, spoon, help, you multiply money! Zagrebushka, don't be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars and rubles you row, row, row!”

“Spoon, live in my wallet, pull money to yourself. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and wealth!”

When talking about a spoon for money, you need to sincerely believe in the power of the talisman. The stronger and more powerful this faith, the faster the results will appear, the greater the effect of the monetary amulet.

From time immemorial, charmed talismans and amulets have been used to attract wealth and material well-being to the house. One of these symbols is the rake spoon, and if you still put a conspiracy on it, it will turn into a talisman that attracts all the blessings of life to the house.

A conspiracy on a spoon rake - when to read

Why did the spoon become the object of attracting wealth and material well-being?

The answer to this question is rooted deep in paganism. In ancient Russia, a spoon was considered an indicator of the well-being of the owners. For where there is a spoon, there is food. Where there is food, there is something to cook from - that means there are food supplies. And if there are reserves, then there are funds for their acquisition. So the fact is undeniable, so the spoon was not only the main attribute in the rites to attract money, but even without it they didn’t even go to visit.

After acquiring a magical talisman, the owner immediately begins to change the material side: profits increase, debts return, disappear money problems. At its core, the shovel spoon promotes continuous energetic cash flow.

The material from which the miracle object is made is silver. This noble chemical element is endowed with a power that is able to protect and cleanse the human energy field from various negative manifestations, both from the side of man and from the side of magic. The same properties are endowed with an object that is made of this material.

magical properties spoons are aimed not only at increasing and obtaining wealth, but also at protecting it: from theft, ruin, losses and from the influence of magic (evil eye, damage).

The power of the silver spoon is aimed only at improving the material well-being and financial well-being of the owner.

Tips on the correct use of the money talisman:

  •  Choose an amulet in classical style- mini spoon made of silver;
  •  Keep a spoon in your wallet, along with large bills. Do not put with small coins - only a trifle will be attracted and in an empty compartment - emptiness;
  •  Before you start working with a spoon, you should clean its energy. At night, lower the talisman into a glass of salt water, and in the morning take it out and rinse under running water. Then wipe dry and put in place of destination;
  •  The cleansing ceremony should be carried out periodically, especially when it is felt that the cash flow is drying up;
  •  The talisman is not subject to transfer to a third party;
  •  Showing and telling about it to strangers should not be, this is a personal matter and is not subject to publicity, otherwise everything can go the other way around and instead of profit - ruin.
  •  And the last point is very important to speak a silver spoon, without this it simply will not work.
    If the talisman is purchased as a gift, then instructions for its use must be attached in writing or orally.

We are talking about a spoon picker

In order for the rake spoon to be not only a beautiful souvenir to receive, but also to show its magical powers to attract material and financial benefits, it must be prepared for its direct purpose.

For this, appropriate conspiracies are read and special ceremonies are performed. Which should be carried out with a certain attitude and the right approach. It is also important to visualize how a stream of banknotes pours into your wallet.

Simple conspiracy

A conspiracy that is read before being a souvenir for money will migrate to a permanent place of residence, that is, to a wallet.

“With the help of your spoon, a rake, an obstacle to happiness, I drive away, and I rake in wealth and goodness.”

good luck

A conspiracy for prosperity and good luck, brings nice results and read like this:

“There was a silver souvenir, it became a money talisman. I will be friends with a spoon and stir up money. My life will be in abundance and money in the balance. As I hurry home, so let the money rush after me.

Strong rite

Ritual to attract wealth and prosperity. It is carried out on a spoon rake before placing it in a wallet.

The plot is read on the growing moon. To carry out the ritual, you need to take: 3 church candles, clover leaves and a glass of consecrated water.

Before starting the ritual, open a window or window, light candles between them, spread clover leaves, and put a spoon on all this structure. Put a glass of water in front of you and read the plot:

“I wish gold, I wish silver, I wish wealth, I wish success. I also wish you health and happiness, and so be it.”

Read the plot seven times. Take your time, carry out the rite in a calm atmosphere. Then drink water and mentally thank Higher power to whom a request for help was sent. Put the talisman in your wallet, now it will always be filled with banknotes.

Why the spoon doesn't work

A rake spoon may not always justify the trust that has been placed in it. The first reason is the owner of this talisman himself. And in order to understand why the “failure” of the talisman happened, you need to know the reasons why this can happen. Perhaps in the future it will be enough to correct unconscious mistakes, and the work of the talisman will resume. Here are the reasons:

  • Lack of faith;
  • The rite of activation of the spoon was not performed correctly;
  • Arising doubts about the power of magic;
  • Wrong phase of the moon;
  • Careless attitude to the money talisman;
  • Bragging, arrogance, bragging, which is manifested by the owner of the spoon.

And very important point is charity.

Silver is a metal that requires a constant movement of energy. The cash flow that was attracted with the help of magic must be directed in the right direction, and only then it will increase and replenish. Give alms to those who ask and need, and do it without regret, but with joy. Make donations and help abandoned children.

Review all of these aspects and if you find at least one clue, then immediately correct it and the cash flow will resume.

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