How to transplant bearberry at home. To have money at home. Problems in breeding a money tree.

Interesting 01.01.2018

The name money tree belongs to several plant species:

  1. (Crassula arborescens) otherwise tree-like cotyledon. Green leaves resembling coins.
  2. (Crassula argentea) Shiny silvery leaves with red spots on the inner surface.
  3. (Crassula argentea)

All of them can grow in houses up to 1.5 m high. Opposite leaves grow on the stem, collected in a small rosette.

bloom numerous species crassula small flowers collected in umbrellas, brushes. The color of flowers is most often white, but there are types that have red, yellow, even blue flowers. The money tree has white small flowers that look like stars with a strong sweet aroma. They give unusual view the whole tree.

The medicinal properties of the plant

In addition to a beautiful decoration of any room, it has active antiviral, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties. The beneficial substances released by it have a healing effect on a person, being a green healer for some diseases, for example:

  1. With cuts, abscesses, wounds. During application, several leaves are plucked. Carefully, without losing juice, grind into a fine gruel, which is laid out on gauze. Top cover with another piece of fabric, fix on the affected area. You need to change such a compress every three hours.
  2. With herpes on the lips. Lubricate the lip with fresh juice every 20 minutes. You can make a cotton swab soaked in juice, fixing it with a band-aid.
  3. For sore throats. Angina, tonsillitis methods traditional medicine it is recommended to treat by rinsing with a solution prepared from the juice squeezed from ten leaves, dissolved in 200 ml of hot water. Rinsing should be done three times every day for ten days.
  4. With peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum advise on an empty stomach to eat, carefully chewed, three leaves. It must be taken into account that the plant contains arsenic, which causes serious poisoning. Signs of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness.
  5. With inflammation of the kidneys. To do this, five crushed leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The solution is infused for about one hour. Strain carefully. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. Do it shortly before meals.
  6. With arthritis. The juice of 15 leaves smears the affected areas at night.
  7. When bitten by insects juice lubricate painful places up to five times a day.

The process of planting and breeding

The tree grows quickly in almost any soil. At the same time, the mass of green leaves grows rapidly, which requires some attention, accounting at the time of planting. The landing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Seedling preparation. They can even serve as a separate leaf. For the rapid appearance of roots, it is recommended to hold it in water for several days, although the roots appear quickly when planted immediately in a wet pot. Reproduction of the fat woman is usually carried out by shoots, leaf cuttings, vegetatively. It is recommended to dry the seedling a little before planting. A pot with a seedling can be covered with a film, glass jar. Raise them regularly to ventilate. best time breeding is considered spring, autumn. When the plant grows up, it is transplanted into a different volume. Its size is chosen larger than the previous one.
  2. Soil selection. The best soil option for growing is an earthen mix used for cacti. You can make it yourself by taking one part of soddy land, the same amount of sand, which has a neutral reaction, three parts of leafy land. When transplanting an adult plant, the composition of the soil should remain the same.
  3. Pot selection. The money tree, decorated with a large number of leaves, is not light in weight. The pot is chosen stable, heavy. Good drainage conditions must be created. mature plant transplanted every four years. The diameter of the new pot should be slightly wider than the top of the tree.
  4. Frequent plant transplants do not produce. The signal for their need is tightness for the roots. They are woven into a coma, they can suffocate.

Rules for home care

For fast, effective growth money tree specific rules must be followed. It:

  1. The location of the pot. The plant loves warmth and sunlight. Sometimes its excess leads to redness of the leaves. In this case, use a side table. So that the branches of the tree do not stretch out in a specific direction following the sun's rays. It must be rotated regularly. This technique also helps to create an even pressure of the weight of the plant, which will prevent the pot from falling over. The best place considered southeast. In summer, it responds positively to the development of the money tree by transferring it to the loggia, balcony, veranda. Drafts should not be allowed.
  2. Watering. The plant does not tolerate abundant watering, which can lead to its death due to rotting of the roots. Water only after the earthen coma has completely dried. It is better to forget to water the tree than to pour it. Water twice a week in summer. In winter, this should be done once every two weeks. Dry air coming from heaters, the plant tolerates normally. Sometimes the leaves begin to dry. Noticing them, you need to rearrange the pot to another place.
  3. Top dressing. Once a month, experts advise applying complex fertilizer. You can apply a fertilizer recommended for cacti. This is usually done from spring to early autumn. During top dressing, it is advisable to loosen the earth in a pot.
  4. pruning. Produced in cases where they want to give the plant a more compact look. When creating a crown shape to grow bonsai yourself. The pruning process is not difficult. Soft branches cannot be damaged. A clean, sharp knife is used. Sections must be treated with activated carbon. Pinching the buds is done to create a dense crown. Remove the rudimentary bud located between the leaves at the end of the branch. Several new buds will appear here.

It is necessary to regularly wipe the dust from the leaves, ventilate the room, remove old, dry leaves. This helps the tree breathe better and grow well.

Disease and pest control

The main pests of the plant are spider mites, mealybug, shield. All of them use the juice of the plant. To fight dangerous pests necessary:

  1. Take a close look at the tree. Remove damaged leaves.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol. Remove them, detected colonies of pests.
  3. With a large percentage of damaged parts of the tree, it is urgent to carry out treatment with appropriate chemicals.

Frequently asked Questions

A plant with leaves that look like coins is surrounded by many legends, myths about wealth, money, luck, accompanying the owner and his family. Therefore, more and more often it finds a place on our windows, tables, shelves. Despite the simplicity of the methods of care, some questions often arise. For example, there is a desire to know the answers to certain questions:

Why does the money tree rarely bloom?

The main reason for the lack of delicate inflorescences on the money tree is a violation of the rules for caring for a fat woman, which came from the conditions of hot countries.

Sun, water, proper transplanting, pruning are essential requirements for flowering. Another reason is the natural processes occurring in a plant living indoors. It is they who create the preconditions for flowering only after many years of caring for it. You just need to wait, love, take care of him.

Why are the leaves falling off?

A tree sheds leaves for two reasons:

  1. Soil waterlogging. To avoid excess water, you need to keep a diary in which to mark the days of watering. At the same time, the soil is examined first. If dry, then it's time to water.
  2. The air is very dry. The plant loves regular spraying, creating a humid atmosphere around it.

There is a belief that when a tree drops its leaves, it feels that someone in the family is sick. It again becomes green, beautiful after the patient recovers.

Why does the tree look untidy?

The branches of the plant are bent, do not grow symmetrically, the branches form randomly, often break if they forget to turn it. It grows on its own. Trunk young plant covered with leaves even when it is stiff. Gradually, they will fall off on their own.

How to grow a beautiful money tree?

Only one cutting should be planted in a pot. The first pinching is done when four pairs of leaves grow on it. A new kidney appears. She is removed. At this point, two new ones should form, giving rise to branching of the stem. If they do not form, another kidney must be removed.

You can change the shape of an adult tree by cutting off the top of the stem at a height of about 30 cm. This will give impetus to the emergence of new buds, creating a lush crown. If the plant began to branch early on its own, then the tree will not look beautiful, but will become like a slingshot. In this case, it is recommended to cut both branches at a distance of 15 cm from the stem immediately next to the last pair of leaves.

You can buy a ready-made seedling, secretly tear off a leaf from someone else's tree, perform numerous rituals when planting it. But, most importantly, do not forget about the famous fat woman, properly care for her. And then health, prosperity will always be in the family. The main thing is to believe in the magical power of the money tree.

Crassula or fat woman is popularly known as the "money tree".

The plant is very popular due to its unpretentiousness. But not everyone knows how to grow a really beautiful specimen.

In fact, everything is very simple, it is enough to follow some rules for caring for a fat woman.

A bit of history...

It has long been known that plants bring well-being to the home, especially if we are talking about Crassula. According to Feng Shui theory, a money tree attracts financial flow to its owner. But in order to achieve a result, it is not enough just to acquire a plant and forget about it.

It is no coincidence that the fat woman received its name. This succulent plant has the appearance of a small tree whose rounded leaves resemble coins, attracting positive energy into the home. Crassula lends itself well to shearing and bush shaping, which allows you to grow a small bonsai.

The homeland of the fat woman is the arid territories of Africa and Madagascar. AT vivo habitat, the plant accumulates a lot of moisture in the leaves, making it easy to tolerate the lack of rain.

There are a lot of varieties of the money tree, but in indoor floriculture, a tree-like, silvery and oval fat woman is more often grown. The color and shape of the leaves is varied, and depends on the species. There are trees with a green, silvery color, with a reddish border and pubescent leaves.

In room conditions, almost all types of crassula grow well and can reach large sizes.

How to plant a fat woman (photo)

If you want to grow a real money tree from a fat woman, which will delight with its appearance, then you need to follow some rules.

1. All money plants must be planted with your own hand.

2. It is necessary to determine the correct location of the flower pot in the room.

3. Pick up a pot made from natural materials.

4. Provide the necessary care.

Choosing a flower location

The whole life of a fat woman in the house depends on the right place. Crassula prefers bright areas of the apartment, but direct sunlight can cause leaf burns.

In summer, it is necessary to shade the flower, and in winter, put it closer to the light. A suitable place for growing a fat woman would be a western or eastern window sill, as well as a bright room.

Creating comfortable conditions: temperature and humidity

Fat girl doesn't like high humidity air, so it is indifferent to spraying. To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the dust from the leaves with a wet cloth several times a month.

It is desirable to maintain the temperature regime at a natural level.

In spring, indicators for growing range from 20 to 25 degrees.

In winter, the plant is kept cool, at temperatures up to 15 degrees.

If it is not possible to constantly maintain such conditions for growing a plant, then in winter period you just need to clean it on a colder windowsill, away from the heating system.

Soil for growing bastard

Crassula grows in any soil, but it is better if the soil is loose and well-permeable to moisture. River sand, ash or charcoal are added to heavy lands. You can use the substrate for cacti.

What pot to choose for a money tree

Not every purchased pot is suitable for growing this succulent plant. It should be made from natural materials, which will benefit the root system of the fat woman. The size of the pot is selected taking into account the root system of the tree, but it should be flat, wide. The plant is not grown in large deep pots.

If a fat woman is planted to attract financial flow, then the color of the pot matters. As a rule, the flower is planted in a red or green bowl. You can simply paint the existing container or wrap it with suitable paper.

At the bottom of the pot, there must be holes for water flow and good drainage. This will protect the flower from various diseases.

Crassula care: watering, fertilizing, transplanting

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult at all. The plant requires a minimum of care, but will thank you with an elegant green crown. By the way, according to the state of the money tree, one can judge the financial affairs of its owner. Dark green juicy leaves indicate that everything is going well, but the oppressed fat woman hints at the inability to manage money. The money tree blooms very rarely, but for caring owner it will be a pleasant surprise.


The money tree does not like frequent watering. After each watering, the earth in a pot should dry well at least 3-4 cm. In summer, water more often, and in winter, once a month is enough.

The signal for watering will be the leaves and stem of the plant, which, with a lack of moisture, wrinkle and lose turgor.

Inexperienced flower growers often ineptly handle the plant, which is why it dies. The reason for this is waterlogging of the soil. With root rot, the flower cannot be saved, you can only take a cutting from it for rooting.

Crassula top dressing

Occasionally a fat woman needs additional food. During the period of active growth, from spring to autumn, the plant is fed once or twice a month. With the onset of cold weather, all top dressing is stopped.

Universal fertilizers are suitable as a fertilizer for a fat woman. mineral complexes or special top dressing for succulent plants.

money tree transplant

Young plants need an annual transplant, and adult specimens need to be transplanted once every four years. The fat woman does not tolerate frequent transplants and can get sick.

The capacity for transplantation should be narrow, it is selected in accordance with the diameter of the crown. The fat woman does not tolerate large and spacious pots.

How to propagate a fat woman (photo)

The money tree propagates in two very efficient ways:

Rooting of the leaf plate;


The best time for breeding Crassula is the period from August to October. Although many sources advise transplanting in the spring. But then additional lighting and growth stimulants will be required.

The fat woman grows rather slowly, so rooting occurs within a few weeks. During this period, the plant needs to create suitable conditions.

First important rule during reproduction - the age of the mother plant. The older and healthier the plant, the better rooting will be. Cuttings are cut from strong, well-branched trees.

Prepared cuttings are lowered into the water, when the roots appear, they must be placed in nutrient soil.

With summer rooting, the plant quickly starts to grow.

The rooting of a leaf of a money tree also occurs, with the only difference being that a fresh leaf must be dried for several days, otherwise it will rot. The planted leaf will quickly take root, but the seedling itself will not appear soon.

Problems when growing a fat woman (photo)

Inexperienced flower growers face a number of problems that can kill a plant.

1. Waterlogging of the soil.

The leaves become soft, turn yellow and fall off - the first sign that the plant has been flooded. The fat woman is pulled out of the ground, the rotten roots are cut off, sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in a new substrate.

2. Yellow and brown spots on the leaves indicate the presence of scale insects.

All damaged plants are removed, the flower is treated with insecticides.

3. Yellow spots and cobwebs on the leaves indicate a tick.

The plant is well washed with a tobacco solution, laundry soap, and then treated with chemicals.

4. Cotton-like raids on the leaves indicate a mealybug.

The fat woman is washed with soapy water, only after that they are treated with garlic solution and chemicals.

Growing a fat woman at home not only attracts financial flows, but also cleanses the room of negative energy, brings good emotions.

Under the money tree in Russia they mean a tree-like fat woman, whose homeland is Central and South America. It is believed that it promises the owners material well-being, especially during the period when flowering begins. In our country, this houseplant got its name thanks to unusual shape fleshy leaves that look like coins. This plant belongs to the category of unpretentious, takes root well and pleases the eyes of the owners for many years with its juicy greenery, however, here there are some subtleties of how to care for the money tree. First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for it that are close to those that exist in its homeland: active periods of growth occur in spring-summer, at this time a lot of light should be provided to the tree, and the dormant period begins in winter and autumn.

Proper lighting, temperature and humidity for wood

It is very important to provide competent light for the plant:

  1. The scorching rays of the sun are detrimental to the fat woman.
  2. The best place for a tree in the house is the southeast side, where there is enough sunlight and light, but not intense heat.
  3. In summer and late spring, you can take the plant to a balcony or terrace, and you should carefully ensure that direct drops do not fall on it. Sun rays.
  4. The most comfortable temperature for the plant is from +18 to +25°C, and in winter - from +6 to +10°C.
  5. You should not spray the plant, after all, it belongs to succulents, like cacti. It is only necessary to periodically wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

Proper watering of the money tree

When watering a plant, it is very important to take into account the season: in the stage of active growth, in spring and summer, you should water it a couple of times a week, and each time before watering, carefully check the clod of earth - it must be dry. In winter and autumn, watering a houseplant so often is not worth it - it will be enough once a week, and sometimes less often. Again, you need to focus on the moisture content of the earth.

It is not worth pouring a lot of water into a tree - it will only be enough to slightly moisten an earthen coma, excess water from the pan should certainly be poured out.

Another subtlety in how to care for a money tree: you need to monitor the temperature of the water for irrigation - it should not be too cold, otherwise the plant may die. It is best to defend the water for irrigation in advance in a warm place, as for everyone else. indoor plants(for example, on a sunny windowsill or near a radiator).

How to propagate and transplant a money tree

You can, of course, purchase an adult money tree in a store, but it is believed that it is best to plant it yourself. To do this, you can ask friends for a leaf or a small process of a plant, and, according to folk omens, you need to pay for it with a coin, put it in a pot and cover with a plastic cup, periodically airing it. For rapid growth, you should first put the shoot in a glass of water for root germination, and then plant it in a pot, wide and low, since the flower has an extensive superficial root system.

Very often, a money tree, dropping coin leaves, thus multiplies on its own: new small baby trees begin to sprout in a pot. If the owners do not want to see a whole garden of not very neat and small money trees in one pot in the near future, you should plant the sprouts in a timely manner or throw out the leaves thrown off by the flower in time.

The plant is not particularly demanding on transplants: an adult tree can be transplanted into a slightly larger pot than the previous one, only once every 2 years. If the plant looks healthy, does not lose leaves, then you can not rid the root system of the old earth: just transfer the old lump into a new container and add fresh soil. In case of suspicion of a disease, it is necessary to clean the roots from the ground, inspect them for decay, carefully remove the sick, sprinkle with crushed activated carbon, ventilate for a day and only then plant the plant in a pot.

What soil is suitable for a money tree

For everyone who has a money tree, home care also consists in right choice land for planting. Of course, the usual universal soil is also suitable, but since the fat woman belongs to succulents, it is best to take soddy soil for planting, and you can also make a mixture of 4 parts of soddy soil, part of sand, part of humus and part of leafy soil. Before planting or transplanting, a little drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the container, previously washed, and those who believe in the magical power of the plant should also put a few coins to enhance its ability to attract finance to the house.

Crassula flowering

The flower of the money tree has a white or white-pink color, it is small, but very fragrant. Flowers appear extremely rarely, for this you should carefully care for the money tree at home. So, in order to become the happy owner of a flowering money tree, you should first of all arm yourself with patience: the plant usually blooms only 10-12 years after planting. Quite often, the owners who managed to get a flower simply voluntarily or involuntarily subject the money tree to a kind of stress: it can be either a long drought or too cold temperature conditions. However, such methods are only accidents, extremes known to science, but not yet proven, and resorting to them means risking the tree itself.

Formation of a beautiful crown

It is not difficult to form a luxurious crown of a money tree at home. For this, starting from early age plants should start pinching the fat woman: between the outermost pair of young leaves (when there are already about 4 pairs on one branch), new buds should be pinched off with tweezers, after which 3-4 new buds usually appear in this place. Sometimes, however, this does not happen, in which case it is necessary to pinch the new kidney that has appeared again.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, it becomes necessary to form a crown in an already mature tree. In this case, adult branches should be pinched and cut off, and then it is necessary to sprinkle the damaged area with ground activated carbon.

It is important for the beauty of the money tree and uniform lighting: you should turn the plant at least once a month different parties to the light, in this case it will be possible to avoid excessive bending of the trunk in any direction.

Negative factors that interfere with the harmonious development of the plant

  1. Lack of light: the plant becomes ugly, the trunk bends, the tree may even die.
  2. Too abundant watering: the leaves of the fat woman begin to fall off, yellow spots appear on them.
  3. The mealybug is a pest that most often affects the money tree at home. In this case, wipe the affected areas with alcohol.
  4. If rot appeared on the trunk on the plant, this can only mean one thing: the root system has rotted. In this case, to save the plant, you should completely cut off the top, clean the roots of the affected parts and grow the flower again.
  5. Insufficient watering: dark brown spots appear on the leaves, they begin to dry and fall off. It is urgent to resume watering the plant with warm water, but in no case should it be flooded "for the future".

So, now it has become clear to everyone who has a money tree how to care for it so that it grows and blooms. Home care is not very complicated, but it has its own nuances, subject to which the owner of this amazing plant will soon be able to enjoy its unusual and delicate flowering, and, quite possibly, material well-being will really improve, as numerous folk signs promise.

The most popular are the tree-like representatives of the fat women. In the people they are better known as the money tree, the tree of happiness, the monkey bread tree. At home, this tree grows up to 50 cm, the trunk is wide, strong, branches well, the leaves are dense, fleshy, oppositely arranged.

The Tolstyanka plant is a genus of the Tolstyankov family, its second scientific name is Crassula.

In total, there are about 300 species in the genus, all of them differ not only in height, but also in the appearance of the leaves and trunk. The lowest dwarf fat woman grows only 3 cm, and the largest is more than 5 meters.

Some of them are suitable only for growing in arid regions, and some prefer water conditions, for example, they are used at home for aquariums. Among all succulents, the fat woman is the most shade-tolerant. Depending on the variety, the plant needs more or less light.

The more colorful the leaves, the more the fat woman needs the sun.

The most common types of fat women in home cultivation:

  • Crassula tree.
  • Crassula sickle.
  • Crassula perforated.

In many houses, you can most often find a tree-like fat woman:

  • She came to us from South and Southwest Africa, maximum height in natural conditions 3 meters, at home it is most often a small tree, no more than 1.5 meters high.
  • The leaves of the money tree are round, juicy, shiny. When the leaf falls, a scar remains on the trunk.
  • In the room, the plant color is extremely rare, but when it happens, cream or white flowers can be seen.

Crassula sickle:

  • It has a straight, slightly branched trunk.
  • The leaves are crescent-shaped (hence the name of the species), grayish in color, juicy.
  • During the flowering period, you can see bright flowers, of a red-orange hue, they are collected in an umbrella inflorescence.

Crassula moss:

  • Outwardly, it differs from the previous representatives, it reaches a height of 25 cm, the stem is straight, juicy, branches well, the shoots are tetrahedral.
  • In spring, the fat woman blooms and small pale flowers appear.

Crassula perforated:

  • It is also common in indoor floriculture, the leaves are diamond-shaped, solid at the base.
  • The name came from appearance when it seems that the trunk goes through the leaves.

First of all, you need to choose the right place in the room, the whole life of the plant depends on lighting to a greater extent than on other conditions of detention. The plant loves sunny places, but this does not mean that direct sunlight will be safe for it, they can burn the leaves.

In summer, the plant can be shaded a little, and in winter, put closer to the window.

If it is possible to regulate temperature regime, then the following must be observed:

  • In spring, the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees, and in winter it is desirable to lower it to 15 degrees.
  • If it is impossible to achieve such conditions, then, at least in winter, the fat woman needs to be moved away from the battery.

Humidity can be any, it does not play a fundamental role. Crassula leaves can be sprayed periodically or wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust and other contaminants.

Crassula should be watered carefully:

  • It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the soil, and even more so stagnation of water.
  • The plant should be watered when the topsoil dries out a few centimeters.
  • In winter, watering is limited, especially if the tree is kept at a low temperature.
  • Watering in the cold season is provided a maximum of 1 time per month.
  • But again, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely.

Crassula needs feeding just as much as any other plants:

  • Universal fertilizer is applied once a month, that is, in spring-summer, and in autumn-winter, the required dose can be divided in half.
  • Fertilizer for cacti is also suitable.

Crassula can be transplanted every year, but the optimal number of transplants is once every three years. After transplanting, the plant may get sick. The fat woman does not like space and large pots, so you need to choose a flowerpot that is not deep, according to the diameter of the crown.

It is desirable to select a soil that is not heavy and not dense.

In the store you can buy a substrate for cacti, it is nutritious and at the same time loose. Do not forget about good drainage, be sure to add sand to the soil. With self-production of soil, soddy land, sand and leafy soil are taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. To reduce acidity, ash and clay are added to the soil.

Crassula can be propagated by cuttings or by rooting the leaf.

Both methods are simple and effective. It is believed that the fat woman should be propagated in the spring, during the period of active growth, but practice shows that the most favorable period is from August to October. In this case, stimulating factors in the form of artificial lighting or the creation of greenhouse conditions using glass or polyethylene will not be needed.

The fat woman grows slowly, so you need to be patient. Rooting will occur in 2-3 weeks, the main thing is that the mother plant is mature and strong, well branched.

Propagation using cuttings:

  • Cuttings can be put in water and wait until the first roots appear, or you can immediately plant them in a small pot in the soil mixture.
  • It would be more correct to first lower the cutting into the water, wait until small roots appear, and after about a week transplant it into the ground.
  • In spring or summer, the plant will take root very quickly.
  • The plant instantly begins to lengthen and expand, as long as the soil is nutritious and moist.
  • If you plant a fat woman in autumn or winter, then active growth will not begin immediately, but only by spring.

Another way is rooting a crassula leaf.

Here the technology is the same as with cutting propagation, but you can immediately into wet soil (peat with sand). Wet moss will work too. The leaf is dug about a third of its height, it is advisable to make a support for it or plant it near the edge of the pot so that it does not fall.

If the leaf will take root in water, then the cut must first be dried. This will take approximately 2-3 days. Thus, there is no risk that the sheet will rot. The roots will not take long to wait, but the plant itself will not begin to grow soon.

Every year for the first three years, the fat woman needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult; she does not require special conditions that cannot be created at home.

Crassula diseases are the same as those of other succulents. Main causes: bacteria and lower fungi. They begin to act when the plant does not have enough light or the humidity is too high.

Main pests:

  • Root worm.
  • Shields and false shields.
  • Spider mites.
  • Greenhouse flatbed.
  • Nematodes.
  • Thrips.

You can determine the disease by the condition of the leaves. For example, if the leaves become soft, yellow and fall off, then this may be a signal of an excess of water. You can help in the following way: remove the flower from the pot, remove the damaged rotten roots, sprinkle the cuts with charcoal and transplant the plant into a new soil.

If brown or yellow spots appear on the leaves, then most likely the crassula has a scale insect. Affected shoots must be removed, if insects are found - destroy, wipe the flower itself and treat with an insecticide.

If small yellow spots form on the leaves and a web is visible, then it is worth talking about a spider mite.

The fat woman not only brings money to the house, as is commonly believed, but is also a family doctor. In addition, Crassula cleanses the house of negative energy, brings prosperity and good emotions to the house.

Preminanie fat woman:

  • The fat woman is used for sprains and bruises. To do this, a bandage or gauze is moistened in the juice of the leaves of the plant and applied to the sore spot and covered with polyethylene. The bandage is changed every three hours until the pain subsides.
  • When many remedies do not help relieve pain and are swollen after a wasp sting, Crassula will come to the rescue. The cut leaf must be attached to the bite site and fixed. If such measures are taken immediately, the pain will quickly subside, and the swelling will subside, and the risk of any complications will be eliminated.
  • Crassula leaves are used fresh inside for sore throats. Three times a day, it is necessary to chew on a third of the leaf, and then the inflammation in sore throat, pharyngitis and tonsillitis will quickly disappear.
  • In case of kidney disease, an infusion of the leaves of the fat woman is used. To do this, the leaves are crushed and in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then infuse for another 1 hour. Such an infusion should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, followed by a break for a week.
  • Rubbing the juice of the leaves is effective for arthritis of the joints. If the hemorrhoids have become aggravated, then it can be lubricated with vaseline ointment mixed with the juice of the leaves of the fat woman. You can also insert a tampon soaked in juice for 20 minutes. The pain will go away if you do this procedure once a day.

Crassula leaves also help with an exacerbation of stomach ulcers, on an empty stomach, you need to eat 2 whole leaves of a fat woman an hour before breakfast.

Crassula is also effective for:

  • calluses.
  • Burns.
  • Cuts.
  • Ingrown nail.
  • Herpes.

Crassula is a unique plant, it has high decorative properties, brings money and well-being, and also has medicinal properties. Crassula is very easy to propagate, so if you saw this tree at your neighbors, it will be enough to ask for one leaf to grow a plant at home.

More information can be found in the video.

The fat woman (crassula) or money tree has long been popular not only among amateur flower growers, but also among many admirers of various Feng Shui signs and teachings. It is known, for example, that the large leaves of the fat woman and the height of the crown of the money tree indicate a good financial situation of the owners of the house. In addition, the indoor money tree is considered a source of favorable energy and an element that neutralizes negative emotions.

In general, a fat woman is a rather unpretentious and viable plant, suitable for growing even for a beginner grower. But this does not mean that the cherished pot with a plant can be placed on the window and only occasionally watered. The money tree must be looked after, as well as for.

How to care for a money tree


It is common for a fat woman to accumulate water reserves in leaves - this helps her survive in arid natural conditions in her homeland - in the tropics of Africa. You can set the irrigation mode yourself: it is important that the earthen ball does not dry out. Remember that an excess of moisture for a fat woman is more dangerous than its lack, especially in autumn-winter period. Excess moisture makes the indoor money tree vulnerable to fungal diseases, causing the leaves of the fat woman to darken and fall off.

Location selection

The fat girl loves sunlight, but will feel best in a little shade. Indoor money tree periodically needs to be turned to sunshine different sides so that the fat woman grows symmetrically. In summer, a fat woman can tolerate extreme heat, but in winter optimum temperature plus 15 degrees for her.

Feeding and transplanting

In the summer, every two to three weeks, the fat woman needs to be fed. The rest of the time, the plant also needs to be fed, but not more than once a month. Top dressing is best done immediately after watering, while the soil is still moist. Ready-made fertilizers for cacti and succulents are suitable for top dressing. Plant transplantation is required, as a rule, every two to three years. As a soil substrate, a special nutrient soil for cacti is best suited. But you can make a mixture yourself by taking leafy soil, sand and humus in equal proportions.

The fat woman has a superficial root system, so the pot for planting is chosen wide and not very deep, it is best that the diameter of the pot matches the diameter of the crown. A narrow and deep pot can significantly slow down the growth of a tree.

Crown and trunk formation

The classic shape of the crown and trunk for a fat woman is the shape of a tree. But in order for the fat woman to grow into a lush tree, the crown must be formed - pinch the leaves. How to do it right? Wait until three or four pairs of leaves grow on the branch and a new bud appears. It needs to be removed - pinched. After some time, two or three new buds will appear in place of the removed bud - these are new branches. If only one new kidney is formed, it must be pinched again.

Is it necessary to form the trunk of a money tree? The lower leaves growing from the woody trunk do not need to be cut off. These leaves will eventually fall off on their own, and you will get a powerful beautiful trunk.

The fat woman breeds well. Even from a leaf it is not difficult to get a new viable plant. Reproduction with the help of cuttings is also not particularly difficult - we tear off or cut off the shoot we like from the tree, dry it a little and put it in a glass of water. Two to three weeks after the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in a pot with prepared soil.

Diseases and pests

The fat woman is practically not susceptible to disease, but rotting of the root system can occur from excessive watering.

At the same time, the trunk becomes soft, the leaves and branches sag, the plant is not stable. To get rid of root rot, carefully remove the plant from the pot, trim the rotted roots, and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal.

From insect pests, which are very rare, but can also infect a fat woman, chemical preparations help well: Aktara, Fitoverm.

Sometimes pests enter the flower along with the soil, therefore, before planting, it is recommended to steam the soil in a water bath or bake it in the oven.

fat woman and feng shui

Due to its round fleshy leaves and the ability to attract positive energy, the fat woman is called the money tree.

If you want to have a fat woman-a magical talisman to attract financial well-being, then you will have to grow it yourself. Moreover, the stalk of the fat woman needs to be plucked secretly or purchase a young plant in the store. An adult money tree bought in a store will not bring such an effect as a small stalk grown by you with love.

It is also very important to properly position the money tree in the house. The best place for him would be the southeast direction - this is the feng shui wealth zone. The activation of the money tree will enhance the magical effect of attracting financial luck. It can be done as follows: when planting a young plant, bury money in a pot. To do this, you can take a special Chinese coin, but Russian ones are also suitable, for example, 5 or 10 metal rubles.

Another way to activate the money tree: hang three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on the plant - the red ribbon will enhance the effect of the talisman.

Which of the activation methods to choose is up to you, in principle, you can use two at once.

From the very beginning, say kind words to your pet, do not skimp on compliments. The money tree will definitely reciprocate - it will grow and develop, and you will always have money.

The fat money tree, subject to simple care rules, lives for a very long time, becomes stronger over the years and with all its appearance really resembles a real tree with a powerful trunk and a spreading crown. And sometimes, but this happens quite rarely, the fat woman blooms. Then, according to popular belief, its owner is guaranteed one hundred percent financial success! Having reached the cherished heights, do not forget about your living talisman in the form of a small tree with leaves that look like coins.

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