Monstera how to transplant an adult plant. Monstera: cultivation and care at home. Care of young plants

Interesting 15.08.2018

Monstera is a tropical vine native to South America. It has large heart-shaped leaves of rich green color with slits. An adult plant can reach a height of more than six meters. Flower

Monstera is a cream-colored cob. At the end of flowering forms a fruit, which is considered edible.

The name of the plant was formed from the Latin word "monstrosus", which means - amazing or bizarre.

Lush and bold, the Swiss Cheese Factory makes a nice accent if you have the space. It can grow several feet tall within a few years, and its dramatic, perforated leaves are up to 12 inches long or more, so it needs a bit of elbow room. Keep these leaves dusty and shiny by wiping them gently with a damp cloth.

Breeding problems

This beautiful foliage plant is a climber in wild nature, grappling with big trees, fixed on dense aerial roots, which also absorb moisture and nutrients. You can stick the aerial roots that appear near its base in the soil and train others to climb the moss pole.

Monstera leaves ionize and purify the air. For this reason, plant large cities. When grown at home, the plant requires special care.

Plant care at home

The basic rules of content boil down to creation of natural conditions in which Monstera lives.

Young plants have smooth leaves. But as it matures, the leaves develop deep cutting edges and wide slits. In its natural jungle habitat, slashes, holes and cuts in large leaves help the plant withstand strong winds and torrential downpours.

Most problems with Monstera will be shown in her leaves. Wipe the water thoroughly, then let the soil dry out a bit before watering again. Sharp, crunchy leaf tips may indicate low humidity or too much fertilizer. If they don't get enough light, big leaves grow without holes and cracks. Give the plant moderate to bright light, but not direct sun. Leaf waste is caused by a strong, direct sunlight.

  • Yellowing of the lower leaves is a symptom of oversaturation.
  • flush the soil clean water to wash away any accumulated fertilizer.
  • Wait a month before feeding again.
However, the Swiss cheese factory rarely produces flowers and fruits when grown indoors.


For healthy growth, Monstera needs bright diffused light. The plant does not tolerate shade in exactly the same way as direct sunlight.

In low light, flower leaves stop growing and do not form incisions. And with an excess of light, the plant.

AT winter period when the day is short, it is necessary to provide an additional source of light.

Flowering at home

This multi-leaved plant is sometimes called, but it is a different genus. Repo in the spring, when the roots filled the pot. Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil. Origin: Southern Mexico and Guatemala. Height: up to 10 feet. Light: bright light, direct sun. If leaves on mature plants grow without holes or crevices, give the plant more light.

Water: Wipe water thoroughly and dry the top inch of soil between waterings. In winter, keep the soil only moist. Yellowing of the lower leaves is usually a sign of oversaturation. Humidity: medium to high. Soil: Mix 1 part peat moss and 1 part sand or perlite for good drainage.

The optimal location in the house is one to two meters from the window.

The correct location of the monstera is next to the window


Tropical liana loves warmth the higher the temperature, the faster the growth. Flower growers recommend maintaining the temperature within 17-22 degrees in winter and from 22 to 25 degrees in summer. Drafts are strictly prohibited for the plant.

Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in spring until autumn with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Propagation: Take spring plant cuttings from a mature plant in spring and stick them into a wet peat moss mixture. This "Swiss cheese factory" is a great example of why generic names are confusing. These climbers have striking perforated deep green leaves that will make you the envy of any plant collector worthy of their sphagnum peat.

The Swiss cheese plant is a tropical ornament that has aerial roots growing down from the stem. These roots easily reach the ground sometime, giving this plant a propensity for the vine. The Swiss cheese factory gets its name from its large, heart-shaped leaves, which become covered in holes with age, reminiscent of Swiss cheese.

Watering and humidity

Monstera needs to be watered often and a lot, especially in spring and summer, when the stage of active growth begins. Reduce watering in winter. The main thing is that the soil in the pot always remains moist.

For irrigation take settled water at room temperature. Once a week, spraying and wiping the leaves is mandatory. If the room has dry air, a container of water is placed next to the plant.

Here are some growing tips. Keep the soil continuously moist during spring and summer, and reduce watering in winter. Raw Material: Very well drained potting mix, including large amounts of perlite. Almost a mixture of orchids. Fertilizer: Regularly with liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

  • Light: Bright light, but not direct sunlight.
  • Water: high humidity.
  • Temperature: Prefers warm and humid conditions.
Keep cuttings warm and protected until new growth appears.

Remember that it may take a while for new cuttings to root, so be patient and keep them in a moist, warm area. Many gardeners opt for a bag for their cuttings to seal in moisture and improve chances of survival. However, most growers use them as trailers or hanging plants, requiring less frequent replanting. Reschedule each year as needed and renew the soil annually.

Soil and fertilizer

The correct soil composition for Monstera must necessarily include equal parts:

  1. Leaf land;
  2. sod land;
  3. humus;
  4. peat;
  5. sand.

A 5-7 cm drainage layer of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot.

Failure to store them in nutrient soil will damage these plants. They are all native to Mexico, Central and South America, although some of the species are probably extinct in their native habitat. Most plants in garden centers will contain juvenile leaf molds with characteristic leaf holes. Much of the confusion surrounding this species stems from the fact that the plant changes forms several times as it grows, and no plant looks exactly the same.

These are deep jungle plants that thrive in very high humidity, a lot of moisture during the rainy season and high rates. Mature plants are also climbers, so they can be aggressive when grown properly. The closer you can imitate natural conditions plants, the better it is to choose well-lit, warm and humid bathrooms or kitchens, or often use misty plants. Move them outside and daily, as well as abundant fertilizer.

It is necessary to fertilize the soil with minerals and organic matter at least once a month.

This rule especially applies to the period from March to September. In winter, top dressing is done less often.


The container for Monstera needs to be wide so that the air roots growing from the stem can take root in the ground in the future.

The material of the pot doesn't matter.. The depth of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system. And another rule when choosing a container is stability. Otherwise, heavy leaves and stems can topple it.

While this epiphyte plant, which is native to rainforest in South America, is a flowering plant, it is mainly grown indoors for its attractive foliage and the height to which it grows. This is a plant that becomes the focal point of the room once it matures.

Temperature conditions for monstera

It is believed that holes and cuts within the leaves are formed so that the plant survives well in its natural rainforest habitat when strong winds and heavy rainfall occur. Leaves without these cuts and holes will break easily due to their size and the force of the weather.

How to cut monstera

It is not necessary to prune the plant. This procedure is carried out to achieve lush forms and branching Monsters. To form multiple stems, initial stage development of the flower is cut off the top.

However, the Swiss cheese factory is quite easy to look after and maintain, however, if right conditions and care instructions are not followed, plant leaves can look very unattractive. aerial roots: This species has aerial roots that exist to support crop production. These roots, which hang from the stem, need to be put into the compost and can be placed over the moss if you want the plant to grow very tall.

Each heart shaped leaf that appears starts as a full leaf and then begins to form its slits. These leaves will grow until the plant is very young and only a few inches tall, although they do not produce slits until it matures more.

To avoid infection, the procedure is carried out with a sterile blade, and the cut is sprinkled with charcoal. Over time, side shoots grow on the stem.

After all activities, you must thoroughly wash your hands, as Monstera juice has toxic properties and can lead to skin burns.

When pruning, the vine will become more magnificent, therefore, heavier. So that under its own weight it does not break, a support for the stems in the form of a pole is used.

This species is similar to a palm tree. Flowering and Fruiting: The cheese plant makes a flower in its natural habitat or somewhere that mimics natural habit very well. It is very rare to see them indoors. These flowers are a whitish color type with vanes in the center.

The fruit, which looks like a cone of sweet corn, is produced after the flowers have fully bloomed. There is a certain way of knowing that they are ready to eat, and if eaten before they are ripe, they are said to cause mouth irritation.

Display and Growth: They look fantastic in large rooms, hallways, offices, and anywhere else their size and care can suit. In order to grow their height, they will need to be trained, which is quite easy when using moss. If you don't have the time or materials to make a moss pole, you can purchase them online or at garden stores, which is probably the cheaper method. In the wild, this plant grows by climbing trees to get its support and moisture from them, which are used to mimic a moss pole.

How to transplant a flower

Aerial roots have grown strongly - monstera needs a transplant

Monstera because of its impressive size needs regular repotting. Such an event will help maintain health and accelerate the growth of the plant.

The plant is notable for its large, perforated leaves that can grow up to 3 feet long and have a Swiss cheese-like appearance. Because of its tolerance to less than ideal conditions such as dry air and indirect light, the split-leaved philodendron is a popular houseplant. Department of Agriculture, plant hardiness zones 10 on outdoor plants can grow and produce edible fruits with a taste similar to pineapple. Fruiting is rare in houseplants.

Proper transplant monstera

Choose a location with bright indirect sunlight for your split-leaved philodendron at temperatures that consistently stay between 70 and 75 degrees. Place the philodendron with spacer leaves in peat-based peat carriers.

Young plants up to 3 years old should be replanted annually.

This is done in early spring, until the active stage of growth has begun. Monsters, whose age has crossed the three-year mark, are recommended to be transplanted once every 3 years. In this case, it is necessary to replace part of the old soil with a new one each time.

Before starting the transplant, you need to take care of the dishes, they should be at least 7-10 centimeters larger than the previous one. A drainage layer of small stones or expanded clay is necessarily laid out in the pot. Then, ready-made fertile soil is poured into half of the dishes. A lump with roots and the remnants of the old soil is placed in it and covered with the second part of the soil. After the done actions, Monstera is abundantly watered with water.

Water regularly with a watering can or cup during the growing season. Allow the soil to dry out a little between waterings and reduce watering in the fall and winter. Periodically extinguish the foliage of houseplants using a spray bottle filled with demineralized water or rainwater. This increases humidity, mimicking natural environment plant habitat.

Fertilize as desired, if needed, using a balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season. Check foliage for common pests such as mealy fish, aphids, thrips, mites and spider mites. Many pests can be removed simply by spraying the plant with a direct stream of water. You can also wash the leaves with insecticidal soap.


There are several ways to propagate vines:

  1. Propagation by air layering. To do this, there must be at least one air root and one leaf on the layer. The layer is cut off and placed in a bowl with nutritious and moist soil. During this period, it is important to maintain the temperature at 17-22 degrees. You can cover the future flower with a film to prevent drafts. After the layering has taken root, it is grown according to general rules care.
  2. Reproduction by cuttings. To achieve the result, the stem or lateral processes are cut off. First, the soil is prepared from equal parts of humus and sand. Then the stalk is immersed in it and it is plentifully watered with room water. After the done manipulations, the pot with cuttings is closed with glass and placed in a well-lit place. From now on, watering is carried out daily. As soon as Monstera gives roots, it is transplanted into a separate flowerpot.
  3. Reproduction by seeds. This method is recognized as the most successful, but lengthy. First of all, you need to purchase seeds that are not more than 1 year old. They are soaked in phyto-solution and sown in nutrient soil. From the moment of planting to the moment of the first shoots, it takes at least a month. All this time, the seed container must be kept in the shade, heat and humidity.

Air layers

Use a damp sponge or paper towel to regularly remove accumulated dust or houseplant debris. The plant will not grow well in saline soils found right on the coast and may do better as a houseplant in such regions.

Water regularly during the growing season with a garden hose to completely saturate the soil. Fertilize three or four times a year with a balanced fertilizer if desired. accelerated growth. Watering can, cup or garden hose Spray bottle Insecticide soap Liquid fertilizer. Purdue University recommends planting indoor plants outdoors at least once a year in direct sunlight. While the mature fruits of the plant are edible, they may cause allergies in some people, according to the NC State Extension Service. Ingestion of other parts of the plant, such as the leaves, can cause intense burning, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some may experience minor skin irritation from handling the plant. For indoor plants, demineralized water or rainwater preferred for tap water, which contains potentially harmful minerals. Michelle Wishhart is a writer based in Portland, Ore.

When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to increase the lighting.

In order for young Monsters to reach at least 9-10 sheets, at least a couple of years must pass. Florists claim that a vine grown in this way will be strong and beautiful.

Problems and diseases

Like other indoor flowers, Monstera is prone to disease and pest attacks. In order to protect the plant from such problems, a number of rules must be observed:

Following the simple rules of care, you can grow a beautiful and lush Monstera, which will delight those around you with its beauty and will thank the house with clean and healthy air.

Monstera is native to South America and East India. It belongs to the vines of the aroid family, blooms very rarely and grows up to 5 meters in height.

it indoor plant is one of the most common. This is due not only to its attractive appearance, but also to its unpretentiousness and growth rate. After 3 years, he will need an impressive space. What kind of care does monstera require home care and what needs to be done for normal growth and development?

Necessary care

Monstera loves bright rooms, but you should not place it in direct sunlight. From how comfortable the lighting will be for the plant, the leaves will tell. They should be not only large, but carved. Weak aerial roots and small foliage appear when there is a lack of light.

The plant gets used to the place where it grows and if it feels great and pleases the eye, then you should not move it unnecessarily.


Despite the fact that in nature the monstera grows in warm countries, it will easily endure cool rooms, the temperature of which in winter is about 11 ° C, but it is still better that it be slightly higher and reach at least 16 ° C. With decreasing temperature environment leaves and aerial roots slow down their growth. The plant will be most pleasant at about 25 ° C, most importantly, the absence of drafts.

As for watering, it depends on the season. AT warm time water should not be spared, but in the fall, watering should be reduced. This should not be done immediately after the top layer of the substrate has dried, but wait a couple more days. An indicator of excessive moisture will also be leaves, which do not dry out, but become covered with dark spots. In turn, the aerial roots will begin to rot, which will also be noticeable. But it is undesirable to allow the drying of the earth.

Extra care

The wide leaves of monstera need to be cleaned of dust by periodically wiping them. Plus, they require regular moisturizing by spraying with water.

At the beginning of its life, monstera does not require additional fertilizers, but an adult plant needs top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a month from April to the end of August.

In order for the plant not to fall, it needs some support. And you can stimulate the growth of lateral shoots by cutting the top.

In no case should you cut the aerial roots of the monstera. To improve root nutrition, they must be sent to the ground or, tied together, planted in a separate pot. In dry and warm rooms, short aerial roots can be dipped into water bottles, then they do not dry out.

If you buy special plastic supports, hollow inside, and fill them with earth, then through the holes made, you can direct air roots inside.

No need to be scared at the sight of large drops of water on the tips of monstera leaves. This happens when the humidity of the air increases. You can observe such manifestations before rain or thaw.

At home, monstera rarely blooms. But at proper care and nutrition, the flower on the plant can be seen in 2 years. After flowering, purple seedlings grow, resembling corn in structure.

While the flower is young, it needs to be transplanted once a year. After 3 years, you can wait 2 years, and carry out subsequent transplants no more often than after 3 years. But the earth needs to be sprinkled regularly.

breeding conditions

Monstera reproduces in one of three ways:

  • seeds;
  • offshoots;
  • cuttings.

Propagation by seed is rarely used. Sprouts appear within a month after planting. Seedlings require picking and annual transplantation. During the first 2 years, the root system fully grows and develops and up to 4 adult leaves appear.

Monstera can be propagated by the second method using the lateral processes, which are located at the bottom of the stems. They do this from March to June.

Cuttings - cut off the top of the monstera
or a formed separate stem with 2 or more leaves,
put in water and wait for the roots to appear.

After the appearance of roots of at least 10 cm - you can plant in the ground

Then the flower can be propagated by cuttings: apical or stem. After taking the cuttings, the sections dry. It is better to sprinkle them with crushed charcoal. Landing is carried out in a temporary container. The bottom of the pot is covered with drainage, then there is a layer of peat or humus and everything is covered with sand. After planting, the cuttings should be covered with glass and watered twice a day. So the plant grows until rooting. Then it can be transplanted, but the flower can be transferred to a large container only after 3-4 years. For better rooting, cuttings are taken that have aerial roots.

Monstera diseases and pests

Another insect is the scale insects. As a result of their vital activity, the leaves dry and fall off, as the insects feed on monstera juice. Instead of chemicals, you need to do soap solution and wipe the leaves with a sponge. After washing off, the result is fixed by spraying Aktellik. In the same way, they fight with spider mites and mealybug. The first pest multiplies and creates a web in the internodes, and the second leaves honeydew on the leaves.

With improper care, the flower can get sick. His ailments will be reflected in appearance plants. Damp ends of the leaves will indicate excessive watering. With this disease, if you do not take action, the leaves will wither, and the stem will begin to rot.

On the contrary, when there is not enough monstera water, the leaves will grow small and dark. For rehabilitation, it will be necessary to increase the number of waterings and sprayings.

If the leaves turn yellow, and signs of decay are nowhere to be seen, then monstera diseases are associated with malnutrition. Regular top dressing, which is carried out weekly in summer and monthly in winter, will help correct the situation. Aerial roots in such cases are deepened into the ground.

By small leaves without slits, one can judge the stunting of the plant. This happens when he lacks light and heat.


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