How to grow a beard fast: proven methods. How to speed up the growth of a beard with folk remedies.

the beauty 07.11.2017
the beauty

Fast is a question that occupies many men, regardless of age. A beard for a man is a symbol of courage, with its help you can emphasize your brutality.

The age at which the beard begins to grow is approximately the same for everyone, however, the growth rate, intensity, how thick it is - are individual indicators.

There are a number of specific factors that affect the growth of facial hair in men, which should not be neglected in cases of growing a beard.

Boys usually like to watch their father in childhood, who in the mornings / evenings.

Teenagers dream that soon, just like real men, they will go through this whole ritual, so when the first fluff appears at the age of 14-15, they proudly begin to wear it.

Before dense facial hair forms, adolescents first develop mustaches that are not at all like the thick and fluffy mustaches of an adult.

At 15, they are a whitish fluff, consisting of several hairs, which only remotely resembles what a real guy would like to have.

It should be noted that the beard begins to grow individually for everyone, the reasons for this are genetics. The presence of the male sex hormone testosterone is mainly responsible for the growth of facial hair.

Even at the age of 16-17, not all children complete the stage of puberty; this process occurs for many in the period from 18 to 20 years.

However, even this age does not guarantee the presence of a thick beard.

In the process of growing, it seems to most guys that the beard grows unevenly, if you have patience and do not shave, then after a month (this period of time is quite easy to endure), you can notice the vegetation that appeared on the cheeks, neck and chin.

Hair follicles that were at rest begin to become more active.

There are cases when even after 25 years there is no hairline on the face of a man.

Then you need to make an appointment with an endocrinologist, since this situation may be the result of a hormonal imbalance.

beard growing technology

To grow a beard, you need to be patient, because you will have to face various kinds of difficulties, for example, with the opinions of others who exert psychological influence (pressure).

There is a myth that the frequency of shaving directly affects the quality of chin hair growth, which grows not only faster, but also thicker.

Due to frequent shaving, the hair becomes coarser and slightly thicker, this procedure does not lead to other results.

With a positive decision to grow a beard, you need to know that this process is lengthy, facial hair requires integrated approach, definition with style, and care.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To grow a beautiful beard, you need to start by choosing an “object of admiration”, that is, an example that will inspire, in difficult times (when you want to shave off the vegetation) will also loom ahead, reminding you of a dream. Good celebrity examples are Jared Leto, who for a long time walked with a lush beard, Keanu Reeves, Jake Gyllenhaal, etc.;
  2. Ignore the myth about the benefits of frequent shaving;
  3. "Proper beard" requires about 4-6 weeks time. The first time will be the most difficult, it can grow unevenly, in spots. Why is it recommended to start growing a beard on vacation so that there is no talk about crooked facial hair behind your back;
  4. Another unpleasant moment may be the appearance of itching in the chin area, which occurs due to the appearance of new hairs. You can fight it, irritation must be removed. This is done by maintaining basic hygiene: the face should be washed every day with a mild cleanser, at the beginning of the process, you can wipe the chin with a soothing lotion;
  5. Another remedy for itching will be an anti-dandruff shampoo that will fight peeling and create a neat look. If desired, you can use a small amount of conditioner to keep the beard soft.

General methods of growth stimulation

The growth of hair on the face of a man is genetically determined, it can begin at the age of 15, or maybe at 25.

However, do not be upset about this, since the growth of the beard is influenced by various factors that inhibit and stimulate, which must be taken into account.

Proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on beard growth. What do you need to know about hair?

The main structural element of hair is protein, which is found in fatty fish, chicken, and beef.

Eggs and nuts are rich in saturated fats, which also stimulate testosterone production.

To reduce the amount of estrogen (female hormone), it is necessary to dilute the diet with spinach, kale and other green leafy vegetables.

Try to get rid of bad habits that negatively affect all life processes in the body.

Sugar consumption also does not carry any value, so it can be reduced or eliminated.
Vitamin supplements will improve the overall condition of the hair, including the beard.

Biotin is considered the best such remedy, which must be taken once a day (2.5 mg).

You can also make hair grow with other supplements containing calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, as well as B vitamins (B1, B6, B12).

Physical inactivity also has an owl effect on the increase in facial hair. Therefore, more training is needed. Why?

First, testosterone levels rise. Secondly, blood circulation improves, and vitamins enter the body through the blood.

Therefore, in addition to building muscle, due attention should be paid to cardio training.

Helps you grow your beard faster good dream, because with its help the process of renewal and restoration of cells takes place.

Do not allow dehydration of the body. Water helps to moisturize the skin from the inside, removes toxins from the body, and ensures the normal functioning of the body.


Can make a beard grow special means and vitamins. Let's consider some of them.

American vitamins VitaBeard help to grow hair on the face of men faster due to its unique composition, which is complex and characterized by the presence of stemoxidine.

This substance awakens and activates the hair follicles. The vitamin complex also helps to relieve itching, hair becomes strong, prevents hair loss and promotes the formation of new ones.

Another stimulant is Minoxidil, which is primarily aimed at expanding blood vessels and improving blood circulation.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at the time of achieving the desired results and stopping the use of the remedy, the beard may become the same, since the remedy is not medicinal.

This tool is found in the form of an ointment, lotion, spray. For persons under the age of 18, this drug is contraindicated.

Burdock or castor oil can be considered a safer and more environmentally friendly remedy.

Compresses are made from burdock oil:

  1. The face is first steamed over a container of hot water, while covering the head with a towel or blanket;
  2. Gauze or a clean small towel (which is not a pity) is soaked in oil and applied to the chin. It can be fixed with a bandage;
  3. You need to keep from 1.5 to 2 hours. Wash off with warm water and soap.

Oil compresses allow hair to grow faster and become thicker.

You can also do the following: warm burdock and castor oil are mixed in equal parts and applied to the chin, cheeks. Wash off with soap and water.

You can keep the mixture on your face for up to one hour, apply 2 times a week for six months, after which a break is taken.

Beard care

A beautiful thick beard requires careful maintenance.

When you decide to grow a beard, you must be guided by the main rule: you can not shape your facial hair before a month - this is another fad in staying tolerant.

Since in the future it will be easier to work with more hair.

After a month, you can think about the style, having decided on which, you need to do shaping (shave a little).

If there is no such experience, then why not use the services of professional hairdressers? You can learn a lot from them.

In order for the beard to grow beautiful, it is necessary to wash it periodically.

Shampoo and conditioner are good for this, which will allow it to remain soft. Extra pieces of food left in the beard look extremely unaesthetic.

Grapeseed or jojoba oil can be used to protect facial hair.

It is advisable not to neglect this active species sports such as snowboarding or swimming in the pool.

Don't forget to comb your beard if it has grown and the length allows it.

The beard is a symbol of masculinity and power. Many men want to learn how to grow a beard at home and what to do if the beard is not growing. It is not surprising, because the image of a man thanks to a beard looks more brutal, courageous and individual.

Many want to decorate the look with this decoration and try to accelerate the growth of the beard. At the same time, those who know consider the issue of high-speed beard growth to be wrong, since such an approach is fraught with regression. They do not recommend rushing nature, but only stimulating it through folk and pharmacy remedies.

For a luxurious beard to appear on your face, you will need to wait a bit. Let's talk about the correct growth of facial hair.

Why is the beard not growing?

Many people want to have a thick beautiful beard, but not every man boasts of dense facial hair. The answer to the question why the beard does not grow is of interest not only to young people, but also to some mature men. Consider the main reasons for this "anomaly".

  • Genetics . If there are no men with a thick beard in the family, the likelihood that the younger generation will have it is minimal.
  • Age . The moment of appearance of facial hair for each man is individual. In one person, the active growth of bristles begins at the age of 15, and in another - after 20. This is a natural phenomenon.
  • Endocrine disorders . Testosterone is responsible for facial hair growth. Often modest vegetation signals violations in the endocrine system.
  • Ethnicity . The presence of facial hair for men of a number of nationalities is not typical. These are Eskimos and Chukchi.
  • Oncological diseases, avitaminosis . Health problems often lead to hair loss, slowing down or completely stopping the growth of bristles.

Some causes cannot be eliminated. It's about about nationality, heredity and age. But even in this case, you can get a beard through hormonal drugs or hair transplant surgery. Some men help out ethnoscience. If the problem is caused by a disease, the solution comes down to treatment.

What to do if the beard does not grow

The era of men with a smooth face is behind us. Today, representatives of the stronger sex prefer a slightly rough and daring image, an integral element of which is a beard. If you decide to join the league of bearded men, you will need lush and well-groomed facial hair. How to solve the problem at home will be discussed in this part of the material.

  • Food . A balanced diet is considered the most easily accessible and uncomplicated way. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They provide the body with vitamin C and pectin. Useful and protein foods, supplemented by plenty of drink. Minimize the consumption of sweets and convenience foods.
  • Proper care behind the skin . The growth rate and density of facial hair depends on the condition of the skin. For example, redness or flaking slows down the appearance of stubble. Moisturize your skin regularly and nourish with vitamins. Visit a beautician or make cosmetic masks yourself. The growth of the beard will also be accelerated by regular steam treatment of the skin. Go to the sauna more often.
  • Life without stress . Stressful situations inhibit the growth of facial hair, make it fragile and brittle. Strengthen your spirit with sports and breathing exercises. A good night's sleep can help you deal with stress. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is enough for the body to relax and recover.
  • Hormonal balance . A common cause of facial hair loss is a lack of testosterone. Only a doctor can solve hormonal problems. At home, it is really possible to slightly increase the level of the hormone. This will help sports and high sexual activity.
  • Fight bad habits . There is no doubt that the effect of nicotine and alcohol on the body is negative. Nicotine does not affect the hair follicles, but worsens the work circulatory system, which adversely affects the nutrition of hair follicles. At the same time, alcohol reduces hair regeneration and promotes hair loss. If you dream of a beautiful beard, stop drinking and give up cigarettes.

As you can see, the solution to the problem comes down to a healthy lifestyle in an environment protected from stress and depression. Additionally, this approach provides a complete recovery of the body.

How to grow a beard for a teenager and an adult man

The first acquaintance of guys with facial hair occurs at the age of 14-16 years. Hair grows unevenly, and attempts to get a beautiful beard often end in failure. This is not due to improper care or genetic abnormalities, but to young age.

Doctors say preparation male body to this decoration is completely completed by 20 years after the completion of the transition period. By this time, the level of hormones that affect the growth of vegetation has stabilized.

Even if, due to heredity, hair on visible parts of the body grows actively, I do not recommend growing a beard or mustache at the age of 15. Agree, the appearance of the child does not fit well with the dense facial hair, and the image is more like a caricature than a real man. Therefore, before accelerating the growth of a beard, think. I advise you to wait for full maturation.

As for mature men, everything is different here and the lack of facial hair often becomes a problem. It is to them that I recommend studying the material, which describes the technique of growing a beard using folk and pharmacy remedies at home.

Folk remedies

In humans, the hair follicle system works differently. Lack of hormones often leads to impaired hair growth on the head and face. Fortunately, there are folk remedies that stimulate hair growth. Consider time-tested options that involve the use of oils and natural ingredients.

  1. Burr oil . Improves hair growth, stimulates blood circulation and has a positive effect on complexion. Apply the oil on your face, wait 15 minutes and wash off with soap. Apply burdock oil three times a week.
  2. Castor oil . Saturates the hair follicles with keratin, which accelerates hair growth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine it with burdock oil. Apply daily.
  3. Tar soap . A lot of useful properties, contributing to the growth of the beard, and the main advantage is the low cost. The disadvantage is an unpleasant odor. Tar soap is also recommended for skin treatment for frostbite and insect bites.
  4. Mask on cognac . The product, consisting of natural ingredients, accelerates the growth of the beard in the problem area and significantly improves the condition of the bristles. To prepare a spoonful of thistle oil, mix with five drops of tocopherol and a small spoonful of cognac.
  5. mustard mask . As in the case with the previous version of the mask, it is prepared from natural ingredients. Mix honey, kefir and mustard powder in equal amounts and apply on the face.

Vitamin complexes paired with folk remedies provide amazing results, but only if there is no stress. I have already said that stress negatively affects human health and contributes to slower hair growth and hair loss.

medical supplies

Representatives of the stronger sex try everything possible ways grow dense vegetation on the face. No wonder, because a mustache, along with a luxurious beard, is on the list of the best natural jewelry. And if some men have no problems with beard growth, others stimulate the growth of vegetation with the help of medical means. What does medicine offer?

  1. Finasteride . Available in tablets, the remedy stimulates the growth of hair on the head, but some men use it to solve the problem with a sparse beard. The drug is considered one of the best, because it increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the density of the bristles. Sold by prescription. Take once a day at the time set by the doctor.
  2. Minoxidil . Another popular medicine used by men. Available in oral and topical form. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation in the hair follicles. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the male hormones androgens. It is used externally or taken orally.
  3. hormone therapy . No less effective than the drugs considered. Testosterone injections help solve many men's problems. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor only after a preliminary examination and testing.

Video tips

If you plan to accelerate the growth of a beard through pharmaceutical preparations, be sure to consult a doctor before using. He will select the best medicine and determine the dosage. Perhaps the doctor will find a solution to the problem without the use of medicines, which is only good for health.

How to Speed ​​Up Beard Growth with Minoxidil

For men who dream of a thick and uniform stubble, I recommend taking a closer look at Minoxidil. Regular use will help to get a chic beard.

At first, Minoxidil was used to combat baldness. Later they began to use it to activate the growth of bristles on the face. The result was excellent. Minoxidil is considered the most effective means, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of men who have tried the drug in practice.

The effect of the use of Minoxidil appears after 4 months with daily use. If you do not follow the instructions, the result appears later.

The drug provides a vasodilating effect, as a result, blood circulation improves in the subcutaneous layers, which improves the nutrition of the hair follicles. Prolonged use starts the process of hair development. As a result, the beard grows more intensively.

Instructions for use and contraindications

Minoxidil is designed to combat baldness, but it is also great for accelerating beard growth. Sold in the form of tablets or solution with different concentrations of the active substance.

The drug in tablets is used in the treatment of arterial hypertension. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage is determined by the doctor. As for the solution, it is applied externally twice a day in the morning and evening. The product is applied to the problem area, gently rubbing with the tip of the dispenser. Washing is allowed after the solution has completely dried. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of the action and individual tolerance.

Often, irritation or redness of the skin appears at the point of rubbing the drug. In this case, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. If side effects appear, including swelling of the extremities, dizziness, decreased pressure, a rapid increase in body weight, stop taking it.

According to reviews, a 5% drug is more effective than a 2% analogue, but an increased concentration of the active substance in Minoxidil increases the likelihood of side effects. More concentrated solutions are also sold, in which up to 15% of the volume falls to the share of the active substance.

Trichologist interview video

Analogues of Minoxidil

Pharmacology also offers other drugs that are similar in composition and principle of action to Minoxidil. No one has done much research on their use. Therefore, information about direct action and side effects missing. Let's consider analogues.

  • Aminexil . A creation by L'Oreal chemical composition strongly resembles Minoxidil, but is characterized by a less pronounced stimulating property. Used for mild baldness.
  • Nanoxidil . The creator and owner of the patent is the American company DS Laboratories. It is used to combat baldness if the patient has intolerance to Minoxidil.
  • Minoxidin . According to the principle of action and composition, it practically does not differ from Minoxidil. In other countries, they are released under different names. In Ukraine it is MinoX, and in Italy it is Revivexil.

And this is an incomplete list of analogues. There are a lot of medicines, it is problematic to choose the right one. It would be better if you see a doctor. After conducting an examination and questioning, he will make a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment that will provide a quick result.

Every man at least once in his life thought about how to quickly grow a beard at home using folk methods? After all, stubble is considered an indicator of masculinity, brutality, it adorns the appearance of any guy, making his appearance much more expressive. If a guy wants to let go of the stubble, but genetics is not on his side, and the follicles do not do their job well, there is no need to be sad, you need to find out the main cause of the disease, deal with folk methods that stimulate the development of hairline. Hair growth in the cheek area depends on many factors that directly affect the rapid growth of stubble, so a man who wants to grow facial hair should be aware of these factors.

We present to your attention a miracle drug recommended by doctors of the highest category. It stimulates the synthesis of beta-catenin protein in follicle cells. The hair growth phase (anagen) is lengthened, the resting phase (catagen) is faster. The hair follicle increases in size and produces longer and thicker hair. .

The rate of hair growth is due to many factors that explain how to quickly grow a beard, so it's worth familiarizing yourself with them. The thickness of the bristles depends primarily on genes and hormones. A change in the hormonal cycle can bring a positive effect, but such a price to let go of the hairline is too expensive. Such hormonal disorders are often accompanied by medical treatment. Androgens, i.e. testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, are the most important regulators of male hair growth. They are necessary for a faster, full development of the bristles; the rapid growth of hairline depends on the normal level of these hormones. In addition to hormones, genetics influence the development of facial hair. This science explains why stubble grows unevenly, slowly, or does not develop at all.

So, how to grow a beard quickly at home and what does full hair growth depend on? Often, the hairline, in the normal state of health of a man, grows on average from one week to a month. It is during this period that the hairs completely cover the perimeter of the man's face, forming a full-fledged hair mass. If a man’s hairline develops poorly, but the state of hormones is normal, and genetics is on your side, then the cause of this ailment lies in the following negative factors:

  • Wrong shaving procedure. The health of the hairs depends on the shaving procedure, for example, when a young person does not use special softening foams, the structure of the hairs is disturbed, therefore, the hairline thins and stops growing. To avoid slow hair growth, stop thinking about how to quickly grow a beard, it is recommended to use only sharp razors, special shaving foam.
  • Wrong nutrition. When a man eats junk food, the body is deprived of nutrients that positively affect the functioning of the hair follicles. Therefore, it is recommended to consume more vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, meat, beans. The listed products have useful substances that accelerate the growth of bristles.
  • Constant stress. Everyone knows that stress is a negative factor that affects not only the normal development of hair, but also on the face of a man. When a guy wants to let go of the hairline of the cheek area, he needs to try to avoid nervous tension, otherwise the hairs will grow very slowly.

To know how fast your beard grows for you, you need to put down your razor and do a little experiment that will show how long it takes for a uniform stubble to grow back. And if you need to let go of the hairline in a week, there are special folk methods that allow you to activate the work of the hair follicles and speed up the appearance of hairs.

Proper beard care

Every man can let go of a uniform hair mass of the face area, for this he will need a little time and effort. So, in order for the hairs to germinate at high speed, you must follow three basic rules:

  1. Don't know how to quickly grow a beard on your face? You need to take care of your face.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Take good care of your beard.

Facial care

It is recommended to cleanse the skin at least once a week using special scrubs or peels. These cosmetics are sold in every pharmacy, or you can make them yourself from ground coffee beans and shower gel. Mix equal portions of coffee with gel, apply to the skin, massage, rinse. Thus, dead skin particles are exfoliated, and new hair growth is effectively activated. To solve the problem of how to quickly grow a beard at home, you need to peel it weekly with special products.

Healthy lifestyle

It is recommended to play sports, stop abusing bad habits, get enough sleep, eat right. All of the above will help the guy get a uniform hair mass in a short time. Therefore, it is worth giving up smoking, drinking alcohol, starting to get enough sleep and giving up junk food. Also, regular exercise accelerates the growth of bristles and contributes to the appearance of new hairs.

Take care of your beard

To make the regrown bristles look healthy, it is recommended to use the following group of vitamins: A, E, B. The listed vitamins contribute to the thickening of the hairs, helping the guy understand how to grow a beard quickly, make it beautiful, uniform. These funds are sold in every pharmacy, they must be taken in courses, preferably every two to three months, then the resulting bristles will delight you with their attractive appearance, density, rapid growth.

Folk methods that stimulate beard growth

Also, to stimulate hair growth, they use some folk remedies that help to release a thick hair layer on the cheeks and chin in a short time. For example, burdock oil promotes the activation of hair follicles, improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin, which greatly accelerates the development of a beard. It is recommended to rub the preheated oil daily into the skin of the cheeks, chin and leave it for forty minutes. Before you grow a beard very quickly with burdock oil, you need to check if you are allergic to this remedy. To do this, apply it for fifteen minutes, then wash it off, if there is no redness, then you can safely continue this procedure. Burdock oil also strengthens the structure of the hairs, making them tough, strong, healthy.

Using a eucalyptus mask, you can achieve an accelerated appearance of hairs in the cheeks, neck, and chin. Eucalyptus has a special effect that increases blood flow, therefore, the follicles begin to work more efficiently, the hairs grow more often, thicker, faster. Not sure how to quickly grow a beard in a week with an even layer? Mix eucalyptus oil with oat bran, apply to the skin, after twenty minutes, rinse with cool water. The bran makes the hairs stronger and more rigid, giving the appearance of a fully developed stubble.

How to grow a beard with medication

At home, medications that stimulate the growth of hairs will also help to release the bristles quickly. These include:

  • minoxidil;
  • biotin;
  • finasteride.

The listed drugs have an active substance that stimulates the active work of the hair follicles. When a guy suffers from a problem of how to quickly and beautifully grow a beard on his face, you need to undergo treatment with one of the above drugs.

Minoxidil is a gentle agent that activates hair growth in the chin and neck area. Its use is quite simple, you need to rub the spray daily into problematic skin areas devoid of hair mass. Taking biotin and finasteride also helps accelerated growth bristles, these preparations improve blood circulation, thereby forcing the bulbs to work faster, accelerating the development of hairs. Remember, you can not self-medicate, it can aggravate the condition of your body, harm the immune and hormonal systems. Therefore, when a man does not know how to quickly grow a beard at home with the help of drugs, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right dosage of drugs.

Want to give your face a more masculine look? It's time to grow a beard! It is quite normal if you feel nervous about the growth of new facial hair. However, with a little guidance, you will be on your way to growing a beard within one month.

This guide provides essential help in getting the beard you want.

Set yourself up for success

This is just the first month, so don't expect big things, after all, all men grow facial hair at different rates. Age, health and genetics play an important role in a person's hair growth. However, there is 3 factors within your control that can speed up beard growth:

  • Get 8+ hours of sleep and manage your daily stress levels as it has been identified as a contributing factor to hair loss
  • Eating protein-rich foods to keep your body nourished nutrients for hair growth
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water a day.

Week 1: First difficulties

If you are used to perfectly hair-free skin, the first week will be the most difficult.

The first signs of a beard will most likely be ugly! Often they are uneven, heterogeneous and prickly to the touch. Worst of all, it can be itchy!

Think of this first step as proof of your devotion, you can't refuse! Fight the urge to shave or fix any facial hair. At this stage, it is important to leave the beard alone.

When itching, try not to scratch it too much, as this can lead to infection. Beard oils can be your lifesaver by keeping your facial area and facial hair softer.

Week 2: Maximizing Growth

The scruff will now be more substantial, laying the foundation for your mighty beard. You will also begin to notice where the strengths and weak spots growth.

Since growth expectations are the current priority, continue to resist the urge to trim your beard.

To avoid itching, make sure you apply beard oil on time.

Hair Growth Boost: If your beard is patchy, supplements may be taken to maximize hair growth and quality. Certain minerals and vitamins have been observed to promote hair growth. Try boosting beard growth with biotin, which is found in vitamins B6, C and E.

Week 3: You almost made it

By now, you've gone through the hardest part of growing your first beard. The itching should be greatly reduced and your facial hair has finally reached the status of a beard!

Now you can use a safety razor to tidy up the bumps and edges.

Maintain good condition Beards: You should now benefit from keeping your beard clean. This will keep your facial hair clean and fresh. If your beard is long enough, use a beard brush to shape it.

Week 4: Choose Your Style

Your hard work and perseverance has finally paid off, the beard is strong and ready for the final sculpt! It's time to fine-tune your style.

was a symbol of power and masculinity. This fact confirms the presence of great emperors, kings, presidents, and many show business stars that we see on the TV screen. Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp and other successful star men delight and delight the weak half of humanity with their careless stubble and brutal stylish beard. Not inferior foreign stars and our domestic celebrities, such as the well-known Black Star mafia. Its founder is the bearded man Timati. Currently, facial hair is considered an icon of fashion and style.

That is why most of the representatives of the stronger sex dream of having a stylish manly beard on their face. "How to grow if it does not grow?" - a question immediately arises for many guys at the age of 18, or even 15-16 years old. Of course, it’s not worth it too early to strive for dense facial hair. The appearance of a boy in a composition with a beard looks ridiculous and funny. But if he understands, looking in the mirror, that it's time, then there are several tips on this matter.

First stage

So, the guy wants to have a beard. How to grow if it does not grow? Note that the growing process is a very long and demanding process. special attention occupation. Therefore, you need to be patient.
If a young man has firmly decided on this matter, then the question immediately arises: “How much to grow a beard?”. You should wait at least a month without shaving and trimming the stubble. Even if it seems that the face began to look terrible with fragile, weak hairs, you should not touch them. Despite the condemnation of loved ones, persuasion to shave off everything, the ridicule of others that it doesn’t suit you, you should not pay attention to this. Because after all that has to be done, men and young guys with clean-shaven chins will be jealous of your new look.

The second stage - trimming

After successfully waiting for the time, you can already see a small result: a natural hairline appears. Feel free to start trimming. The first time to do this is desirable in the hairdressing salon. Since if you do it yourself, there is a risk of shaving something wrong and wrong. Subsequent beard trims can already be done at home with a trimmer.
But often facial hair stops growing or begins to grow unevenly.

Special products and scrubs

So how do you grow a thick beard? In such a case, there are many recommendations. You can find special products for beard growth. But do not use improvised, such as burdock oil or red pepper. This can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. There are special dye sprays that give visual density to the beard, which can be purchased at cosmetic stores.

Beard: how to grow if it does not grow?

And for those who do not want to visually, but really decorate their faces with dense and hard vegetation, the following tips will help.
How to grow a beard at home? You must first remember to cleanse the skin on the face, you need to wash yourself often, use various scrubs, mousses to prevent hair from growing into the skin and redness. Then the hairs themselves will grow faster. From ingrown, it will not be superfluous to steam the area on which the hair has grown. You also need to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. The liquid improves the overall condition of the skin and the natural course of life processes, healthy sleep will also improve well-being and the growth of desirable hair. Should sleep 6-8 hours. It is also advisable to give up bad habits.

How to grow a beard at home? You should start exercising. Because physical exercise activate male hormones, which are also responsible for the vegetation on the body of a man.

Nutrition and vitamins for men

How to grow a beard the right way? If you want a greater effect, you need to take a vitamin complex, vitamins of groups B, A and E are perfect. They contribute to the growth and density of hair. Avoid stressful situations and do not overexert yourself, meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress. You should also eat fully: less harmful snacks, more protein. Eggs, white poultry meat, fish, dairy products will help with this. Such food helps to strengthen building tissues and is the basis for the growth of muscles and hair.

Proper care

You know how to properly grow a beard, now let's talk about grooming. You need to look after regularly, trim the hairs on the chin and cheeks, observing the contour, trim in places where it is required. Girls are completely delighted with men with careless brutal bristles.

But this does not mean at all that you can simply grow a one-year-old beard and not shave at all. The effect of careless bristles is not so easy to create, you need special skill. If a man is inexperienced in this matter, then you should trust a professional, go to the salon for such a haircut or trim. The type of beard can be selected by consulting with the master.

Skip the razor

Now you know how popular a beard is, how to grow it if it does not grow.

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