The benefits of meldonium for the male body. Speaking of meldonium: are there any side effects of mildronate at all?

Health 09.03.2018

Greetings to all who are now reading these lines. Have you ever wondered what doping is? And in general, what meaning do you put into this word? So, today we will talk about what meldonium is and why it is doping. I will try to explain as simply as possible so as not to "strain" you with abstruse speeches.

As you probably know, there is a World Anti-Doping Agency called WADA (translated from English). Every year, the list of prohibited substances used in competitions increases.

Relatively recently, meldonium also got into it - a drug with certain properties, which I will discuss a little below. By the way, it was found in a well-known person. So here it is, dear athletes.

But first, you still need to figure out what doping is in order to understand why meldonium was included in the list of prohibited substances.

What does doping mean?

This term is applicable only to sports, although in an indirect sense it can also be applied.

Doping means the intake or use of non-narcotic substances in order to increase sports performance and, consequently, achievements.

In order to preserve the health of one of the best parts of humanity (athletes) and control this process, the above-mentioned agency was introduced. The so-called meldonium also fell under their gaze. By the way, the scientific name of the drug sounds very complicated.

What drugs can serve as doping? Oh guys, this question is not for me - there are so many of them that you get tired of describing each one. But I can say one thing. Before you use any tool on the eve of serious competition, look at these same lists. Thank God they are in the public domain.

The drug "Meldonium"

So it is called for ease of designation. In fact, its name sounds like this: trimethylhydrazinium propionate or mildronate. Really, great? Kidding.

This medicine was invented in Soviet time, or rather in the 70s for military needs. I will not tell you how this medicine was used in the army (and there are few patients there), I think you will understand everything yourself.

Was the following: he had to stimulate and protect our most important muscle - the heart. Well, if you dig even deeper, then regulate the work of cells that lacked oxygen or nutrition. Simply put, the medicine facilitates the work of the heart in difficult conditions, and, as you know, athletes, although hardened people, excessive loads not protected. Here also it is passed to support itself by means of a meldonium. More precisely, it was necessary - now it is impossible.

By the way, although the drug is outlawed in the world of sports, it has a good reputation in medicine and is a success in heart patients. It has a tablet form, relatively fast absorption by the body.

Meldonium in sports

Or in other sports, this drug was used, according to the athletes themselves, exclusively as a vitamin remedy that does not have any effect on performance. Hmm, and where are the vitamins? Anyway. Recently, in sports, the drug has been classified as a hormone and metabolic modulator.

Athletes who work exclusively for themselves still do not hesitate to take the drug. But for those who have to prepare for competitions or will soon compete in them, this cannot be done - they will not miss it.

According to manufacturers, meldonium is excreted from the body in a maximum of a day. But in practice, it turned out that its presence can be determined even after 120 days - there is a special test. That's it.

Why is it doping?

As you already understood, the drug is assigned to a certain group because of its stimulating effects. And there's nothing to be done about it. But there is really one loophole, which over time is increasingly closed.

If the samples for prohibited substances were carried out before the lists of these same substances were updated, then the agency cannot bring charges of using the now banned substance. Something like this.

But many experts and specialists unanimously argue that this drug is designed to protect the heart from extreme and extreme loads during training and competition, and in no way affects or affects the ability to adapt to them.

They explain this by the fact that by eating right, athletes also adapt to the loads to some extent. So what? Food is also dope now? Even the use of the drug during the competition will not affect the result of the athlete, but rather protect his heart from the development of ischemia. What's bad about it? After all, there are many steroid drugs, the effects of which have long been proven - so fight them.

If you speak personally from yourself, you can understand both sides. My point of view is alternative - you can use the drug, but long before the competition. And who you listen to is your personal choice. And which side are you on? Let's discuss in the comments.


So, meldonium is already considered doping and there is no getting away from it. I hope I was able to more or less fully reveal the topic "What is meldonium and why is it doping." If you have any questions from this area - write in the comments.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Means that improves metabolism, an analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine. Suppresses gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxynase, inhibits the synthesis of carnitine and the transport of long-chain fatty acids through cell membranes, prevents the accumulation in cells of activated forms of non-oxidized fatty acids - derivatives of acylcarnitine and acylcoenzyme A.

Under conditions of ischemia, it restores the balance of the processes of oxygen delivery and its consumption in cells, prevents the violation of ATP transport; at the same time, it activates glycolysis, which proceeds without additional oxygen consumption. As a result of a decrease in the concentration of carnitine, gamma-butyrobetaine, which has vasodilating properties, is intensively synthesized. The mechanism of action determines the variety of its pharmacological effects: increased efficiency, reduced symptoms of mental and physical overstrain, activation of tissue and humoral immunity, cardioprotective effect.

In the case of acute ischemic myocardial damage, it slows down the formation of a necrotic zone, shortens the rehabilitation period. In heart failure, it increases myocardial contractility, increases exercise tolerance, and reduces the frequency of angina attacks. In acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation, it improves blood circulation in the focus of ischemia, promotes the redistribution of blood in favor of the ischemic area. Effective in vascular and dystrophic pathology of the fundus. It has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system in patients with chronic alcoholism with withdrawal syndrome.


After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is about 78%. C max in plasma is achieved 1-2 hours after administration. Biotransformed in the body with the formation of two main metabolites, which are excreted by the kidneys. T 1/2 is 3-6 hours and depends on the dose.

2. Release form

5 ml - ampoules (5) - plastic blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - ampoules (10) - plastic blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - plastic blister packs (2) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - plastic cell packaging (15) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - plastic cell packaging (20) - cardboard packs.

3. Dosage

In connection with the possibility of developing an exciting effect, it is recommended to use it in the morning. The dose is set individually depending on the indications and route of administration.

When taken orally, a single dose is 0.25-1 g, the frequency of administration and the duration of treatment depend on the indications.

When administered intravenously, the dose is 0.5-1 g 1 time / day, the duration of treatment depends on the indications.

Parabulbarno enter 0.5 ml of injection with a concentration of 500 mg / 5 ml for 10 days.

4. Interaction

When used together, meldonium enhances the effect of antianginal drugs, some antihypertensive drugs, and cardiac glycosides.

With the simultaneous use of meldonium with nitroglycerin, nifedipine, alpha-blockers, antihypertensive agents and peripheral vasodilators, moderate tachycardia, arterial hypotension may develop (with these combinations, caution is required).

5. Side effects

From the side of cardio-vascular system: rarely - tachycardia, changes in blood pressure.

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - psychomotor agitation.

From the side digestive system: rarely - dyspeptic symptoms.

Allergic reactions: rarely - itching, redness, rash, swelling.

6. Indications

For oral or intravenous administration: as part of complex therapy for coronary artery disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), chronic heart failure, dyshormonal cardiomyopathy; as part of the complex therapy of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (strokes and cerebrovascular insufficiency); decreased performance, physical overstrain (including in athletes), postoperative period to speed up rehabilitation; withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific alcoholism therapy).

For parabulbar administration: acute circulatory disorders in the retina, hemophthalmos and retinal hemorrhages of various etiologies, thrombosis of the central retinal vein and its branches, retinopathy of various etiologies (including diabetic and hypertensive) - only for parabulbar administration.

7. Contraindications

Increased intracranial pressure (including in violation of venous outflow, intracranial tumors), pregnancy, lactation ( breastfeeding), children and adolescents under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to meldonium.

8. Special instructions

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the use of the drug is contraindicated.

Application for violations of liver function

Use with caution in liver diseases, especially for a long time.

Application for violations of kidney function

Use with caution in kidney disease, especially for a long time.

Use in children

In children and adolescents under the age of 18, the efficacy and safety of meldonium has not been established.

Meldonium in the form of capsules is contraindicated for use in children and adolescents under the age of 18; in the form of syrup - in children under the age of 12 years.

special instructions

Use with caution in diseases of the liver and / or kidneys, especially for a long time.

Many years of experience in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina in cardiology departments shows that meldonium is not a first-line drug in acute coronary syndrome.

The question of what is Meldonium is of interest to many, after another scandal with doping tests. I will introduce you to the drug and consider the intricacies of its use - indications, contraindications and dosage.

Meldonium is a metabolic agent developed in Latvia in the 1980s that normalizes the energy metabolism of cells that have undergone ischemia or hypoxia. Used to combat cardiovascular diseases, prevent heart attack and angina pectoris. In 2012, the drug was included in the list of vital medicines. In January 2016, the World Anti-Doping Agency placed the drug on its banned list.

Ivars Kalvins, the creator of meldonium, claims that his brainchild optimizes oxygen consumption, as a result of which the cells in the body produce energy in conditions of less oxygen.

In the post-Soviet space, meldonium is in enviable demand. It is especially popular among professional athletes, because it allows the body to adapt to huge loads and accelerates the recovery of strength without a significant increase in physical capabilities.

In early 2015, meldonium appeared on the list of drugs that are not considered doping, but in the sports field they are checked for the presence in the blood. In the autumn of the same year (the ban came into force on January 1, 2016), he was on the list of substances prohibited for use by athletes, compiled by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

According to the current classification, meldonium is a hormone and a metabolic modulator. There was information that experts found evidence of the use of the drug by athletes to improve performance. The creator of the drug claims that the agency's assessment is scientifically unfounded, and the ban is an initiative of competitors producing carnitine.

How doping meldonium works for athletes

Meldonium is a structural analogue of -butyrobetaine, a substance present in the body that has a positive effect on energy metabolism and stimulates the nervous system. He found application in sports, as it increases the endurance of the body during training and helps to cope with mental stress during the competition. Let's take a closer look at the principle of meldonium doping.

  • When the body is regularly and continuously subjected to physical and mental stress, meldonium controls the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption. This is due to the stimulation of metabolic processes, which provides energy at a lower cost of oxygen.
  • Due to the heavy load, the body rapidly loses energy and strength. Thanks to meldonium, an athlete copes with titanic workouts, consumes oxygen sparingly and restores energy resources much faster.
  • Meldonium accelerates the transmission of nervous excitation, as a result, the work of muscle mass is accelerated. The substance allows you to maximize the use of the body's capabilities and make it easier to endure physical and neuropsychic stress. It is especially manifested when a person pumps muscles.
  • In the process of training, a lot of energy is consumed, the amount of fatty acids in the cells is reduced. Thanks to mildronate, cells adapt to a deficiency of fatty acids and survive in conditions in which unprepared brethren die.
  • During the competition, the athlete's body is also subjected to neuropsychic stress. Mildronate prepares nerve cells for stress. At the same time, the athlete maintains a clear mind and optimal physical shape.
  • The unique mechanism of action on the body allowed meldonium to find application in the fight against various diseases. It is used healthy people to improve performance.
  • The considered metabolic substance improves the transport of glucose to cells. The normal supply of energy to the heart muscle and brain is carried out even in conditions of low blood sugar.
Meldonium produces a stimulating effect on the body - thinking is accelerated, memory improves, dexterity of movements increases, resistance to adverse factors increases.

If during training or competition there is no opportunity to saturate the blood with oxygen and provide the body with energy, cells survive only through the correct use of available resources.

Application instruction of meldonium

Any drug has side effects and contraindications. The effect of drugs is significantly influenced by the diet, because foods can enhance or minimize the therapeutic effect. Most often, problems arise due to incorrect dosage.

I will review the instructions for the use of meldonium for various diseases. Before taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. Cerebral circulation disorders . During the acute phase, they use 0.5 g daily. The course of treatment is one month.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases . In this case, meldonium is an element of complex therapy. Take 500 mg every day. The daily dose is often divided into two doses. Six weeks is the optimal duration of treatment.
  3. Cardialgia. Take 500 mg daily. Cardialgia is not an independent disease, but a consequence of a pathological process. It takes a month and a half to fix the problem.
  4. Chronic disorders . Daily dose of 500 mg, duration of treatment - one month. A second course is allowed only after consultation with the doctor.
  5. Mental and physical overload . Athletes take the drug at 0.5 grams per day for two weeks. Sometimes the treatment is repeated after two decades.
  6. Chronic alcoholism . When a person seeks to quit drinking, it is recommended that he take meldonium four times a day, 500 mg, under medical supervision for a week.
  7. Vascular pathologies . The drug is administered by injection. The dosage is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition and the phase of the disease.
  8. Training and competition . Professional athletes use twice a day for 0.5 grams before training. The course of treatment during the preparatory period is 2 decades, during the competition - one decade.

Mildronate is forbidden to take with increased intracranial pressure, during pregnancy and during lactation. The list of contraindications also includes high sensitivity.

Are meldonium and mildronate the same thing?

Meldonium is a drug that improves metabolism and provides the body with energy at the cellular and tissue levels. There are currently three dosage forms on the market:

  • Capsules;
  • Syrup;
  • injection solution.

These dosage forms lies the active substance meldonium, whose trade names are Mildronate, Mildrocard, Cardionat, Midolat, TNR.

Athletes disqualified for meldonium in Russia and the world

Meldonium was not considered doping for almost 50 years, until 2016. As of March 11, 2016, 60 athletes tested positive.

The drug was taken by Maria Sharapova, a Russian tennis player and multiple world champion. The list of Russian athletes convicted of using meldonium includes cyclist Vorganov, volleyball player Markin, skater Kulizhnikov, figure skater Bobrova.

Athletes from other countries also admitted to using Mildronate in March 2016: Ukrainian biathlete Abramova and biathlete Tishchenko, Ethiopian marathon runner Negesse, Swedish and Turkish middle-distance runners Aregavi and Bulut, the Georgian wrestling team in full force.

Under current WADA rules, doping is punishable by up to 48 months of ineligibility. For the duration of the investigation, athletes with positive doping tests are suspended from the competition. If the expert committee decides to disqualify the athlete, he may lose the titles received at the championship in which the violation was discovered.

Video information

Athletes and the elderly have been familiar with such a drug as Mildronate (or Meldonium) for many years. However, the majority of Russians became interested in the properties of the drug only now, in connection with the sensational media investigations of a number of anti-doping agencies. Initially, Mildronate was intended to combat heart problems that occur against the background of increased energy consumption or deterioration of the body. Today, the drug is often used by healthy people, athletes and those who want to lose weight.

How does Mildronate work?

To date, Mildronate is available in three dosage forms:

  • Gelatin capsules in two sizes.
  • Injection.
  • Tablets.

In all cases, meldonium acts as the main active ingredient. It is an analogue of the component that is part of every cell human body. Receiving Mildronate leads to the launch of many chemical reactions and the following results:

  • Improving the performance of the body, increasing efficiency.
  • Increased humoral (carried out through fluids) and tissue immunity.
  • Dulling the reaction to psychological and physiological overstrain.
  • Protection of cardiac activity.

Due to these properties, the drug can be used at a young, mature and old age to improve the performance of the heart. The medication is also useful for athletes, people who are forced to experience serious physical and emotional stress.

What gives the use of the drug?

The therapeutic properties of Mildronate appear depending on the purpose for which it is planned to be used.
The main effects that can be expected in the course of drug treatment are as follows:

  • In heart failure, the strength of contractions of the heart muscle increases, thus reducing the risk of an attack of angina pectoris, in addition, meldonium increases the body's resistance to physical exertion.
  • If there is damage to the myocardium, the rate of formation of areas with signs of necrosis decreases and, accordingly, the rehabilitation period is reduced. At the same time, the blood circulation of the damaged, ischemic area is noticeably improved.
  • If a person experiences increased physical activity, Mildronate restores the normal supply of oxygen to cells, prevents the accumulation of toxins and waste products of cellular metabolism in them, increases the stability of cells and their structures, and prevents their excessive destruction. As a result, the rate of metabolic processes increases, the body recovers faster.

Most of the reviews on the use of the drug based on meldonium are positive. But the desired result of therapy is possible only with the correct dosage, which is prescribed individually. Before taking Mildronate, you should be examined by a cardiologist and agree with him on the features of taking the drug.

  • Mildronate has a tonic effect on the central vegetative nervous system. This is often used to eliminate disorders that have arisen against the background of an abstinence syndrome (due to chronic alcoholism).
  • The drug is also used in ophthalmology. It helps to improve visual acuity due to a positive effect on the small vessels that supply the retina with blood.

The above positive effects are most pronounced when using an injection solution. Tablets are able to show up to 78% of its effectiveness. Regardless of which form of medication is used, its decay products will be excreted by the kidneys. They do not have any toxic load and do not harm the excretory organs.

Who should take Mildronate?

The drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The effect of meldonium on a woman's body during pregnancy and lactation has not been fully studied; its use during these periods should be avoided.

Tablets and capsules of Mildronate are prescribed in the following cases:

  • ischemic disease, as part of complex therapy;
  • vascular diseases, in particular, the periphery of the arteries;
  • physical, mental and emotional strain;
  • the need to accelerate the rehabilitation process after surgery or long-term treatment;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • chronic pain in the heart in the absence of obvious pathology;
  • obstructive conditions of the lungs (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema) of a chronic type;
  • rehabilitation after a stroke;
  • chronic alcohol dependence, in complex treatment.

Solution for injection can be used in all of these conditions. In addition, it is additionally used in the following cases:

  • hemophthalmos (blood entering the vitreous body of the eye) of total, subtotal and partial type;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • damage to the eyeball, vasodilation on its surface;
  • the formation of blood clots, leading to impaired vascular patency as a result of pathological processes in the central branch of the retina.

Even if one of these diagnoses was made by a specialist, you do not need to independently prescribe Mildronate in any form. It is necessary to agree on the dosage and frequency of administration with the doctor, to make sure that there are no contraindications to specific therapy.

Meldonium is often prescribed in combination with other medicines to enhance their therapeutic properties. Most often they are accompanied by diuretics, bronchodilators, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your condition and inform your doctor about any reactions from the body.

The use of Mildronate in sports and dietetics

Today, more and more often Mildronate is taken by healthy people, but in this case, you must first consult a doctor. Athletes - professionals and amateurs - show particular interest in the drug. At some point, their body ceases to cope with physical stress. To maintain his strength, medicines based on meldonium are ideal.

  • Mildronate expands the capabilities of the body, improves its performance, growth results. This applies to both static and dynamic activities.
  • The effectiveness of sports training increases, because. the drug stimulates the nutrition of muscles, including the heart, with useful substances. At the same time, fatigue is removed, which allows you to increase the duration of approaches.
  • Despite the fact that the work of the heart improves, Mildronate is not doping in its direct sense. From its intake, the athlete does not increase muscle mass, it just appears the stamina needed to build it properly.
  • The energy reserves of the body are restored much faster than usual. This is due to the fact that metabolic products are removed from the cells much more actively.
  • The effectiveness of Mildronate is obvious both with strength and cardio loads that train endurance.

In addition, meldonium is often used in a set of measures aimed at getting rid of excess weight. In no case should meldonium be considered as an independent means for losing weight. The substance accelerates metabolic and recovery processes, lowers cholesterol levels, and this allows the body to more actively adapt to the physical exertion necessary for weight loss. Thus, the combination of Mildronate and sports can be optimal for achieving an ideal body.

Correct reception of Mildronate

The rules for taking the drug for men and women are the same and are due to the characteristics of the drug.

  • The schedule of therapy should be drawn up so that Mildronate is taken before 17.00. The components of the composition increase the excitability of the body, which can adversely affect the mode of work and rest.
  • For therapeutic purposes, the drug is prescribed 500-1000 mg 2 times a day. The duration of the course depends on the type of pathological condition and is usually maintained within 12 days or 4-6 weeks.
  • Amateur athletes are recommended to take Meldonium 500 mg per day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. Then a break is made for 2-3 weeks, and the course is repeated. For professionals, a single dose and frequency of administration can be increased by 2 times.

It is important to understand that the constant use of Mildronate can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. Therefore, you should not chase after quick results, you should strictly adhere to the scheme recommended by the doctor.

Side effects of Mildronate

Like any medication, meldonium-based drugs have their drawbacks. They include a rather long list side effects, although they rarely appear if the rules of admission are observed.

  • Allergy in the form of skin itching, swelling, rash. Most often occurs with intramuscular administration of the solution.
  • Dyspeptic disorders in the form of belching, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach.
  • Tachycardia on the background of emotional arousal.
  • Decreased blood pressure.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver up to chronic insufficiency.
  • Increased intracranial pressure, including due to tumors.
  • Edema of unknown nature.

Mildronate is sold without a prescription. When purchasing a drug, you need to pay attention to its dosage (250 or 500 mg) in order to avoid overdose.

A number of high-profile sports scandals forced ordinary people to pay attention to meldonium, few people know how this drug works, but experts from international organizations agreed that the substance can artificially increase the results of athletes. This was the reason for the inclusion of meldonium in the list of doping drugs prohibited for use by athletes.

The history of the creation of meldonium

By and large, meldonium is pure chemistry:

  • The substance was synthesized in the second half of the century.
  • The birthplace of the drug is the USSR, and specifically the Republic of Latvia.
  • Initial studies generally concerned the issues of disposal of rocket fuel.
  • After some time, it was found that the resulting substance has a positive effect on the growth of animals and plants.
  • Only in the mid-80s did meldonium begin to be used in medicine, after a patent was filed for medicine in the USA.

The scientist who led the process of drug synthesis is alive to this day. On the topic of the recent ban, he has already made several statements and expressed his bewilderment. According to the Latvian, meldonium does not give any significant bonuses to athletes, especially when we are talking about big sport and world-class achievements. However, the decision of the commission this opinion had no effect.

Meldonium for athletes, how does it work?

Since the substance is recognized as doping, it is necessary to at least figure out what effect does it have on the body:

  1. Positioned as a cardioprotector.
  2. Protects the heart muscle from excessive physical activity and excitement.
  3. The action is achieved due to the complex chemical structure of the drug.
  4. The substance is included in the main human metabolism, correcting it.
  5. The value of fatty acids in metabolism decreases.
  6. The amount of carbohydrates used increases, which are broken down for energy.

To break down 1 gram of fat and fatty acids, the body spends much more energy than to master a gram of carbohydrates.

  • If more energy is needed, then more oxygen is needed.
  • The more oxygen is spent on the flow of biochemical reactions inside the body, the more intense external respiration.
  • The faster and deeper a person breathes, the faster his heart beats.
  • The higher the pulse and pressure, the faster the athlete will get tired.
  • The sooner fatigue occurs, the faster the coordination of movements and muscle activity will be disturbed.

Meldonium: doping, the effect of the drug

In addition to all of the above, meldonium strengthens the heart muscle itself having a positive effect on athletes:

  1. A person can withstand heavy loads, purely theoretically.
  2. The moment of fatigue will come later than for someone who does not take pills.
  3. All subsequent loads will be better perceived by the body.
  4. With each subsequent workout, the reserves of the body will begin to increase somewhat faster.
  5. The body retains a sufficient amount of fatty acids to maintain the vital activity of muscle and nerve cells.
  6. Under the same loads, but without the use of meldonium, the cells would die from a deficiency of fatty acids. As a result, training and performance would have given the opposite result and reduced performance.
  7. By improving the conductivity of the nervous tissue, you can get a bonus in the form of a few hundredths of a second. It seems like a small thing, but the speed of reaction in some sports is the most important thing.

Approximately such considerations were guided by the doping organization when it entered the substance into the list of prohibited drugs. It's no secret that many athletes have used this drug for years and even decades. So, purely subjectively, they observed some positive effect from its action and the ban is not so unreasonable.

The use of meldonium in sports

To date, the number of athletes who " got caught» on the use of meldonium does not exceed hundreds of people. But given how rapidly history is developing, by the end of 2016 their number can be measured in hundreds. Among those who are accused of doping, there are enough of our compatriots.

However, they are not the only ones who "fell out of favor", athletes from Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden, Ukraine were also convicted of using meldonium as a stimulant for additional results.

Among the defendants in the forefront are representatives of these sports:

  • Athletics.
  • Tennis.
  • Biathlon.
  • Skiing.
  • Figure skating.
  • Skating.

As you can see, most of the athletes endured long loads and trained their endurance. Under such conditions, a cardioprotector that provides energy conservation and reduces oxygen use could become a truly indispensable thing.

Doesn't quite fit into the general list tennis, but in this sport, endurance and reaction speed are also important, which are easier and faster to train using meldonium. But the moral side of the issue always remains, because any sport is a competition between ordinary people. Going out at a distance or standing opposite an opponent knowing that you have an advantage over him not due to your abilities, but only thanks to “chemistry” is not so easy. To do this, one must have very flexible ideas about conscience and morality.

Doping as a means of political struggle?

In connection with the scandals that have erupted, a number of theories have arisen that the inclusion of meldonium in the list of prohibited drugs is another US intrigue against Russia. Supporters and opponents give arguments both for and against:



Most of the accused athletes are from Russia.

From open sources it is known that the testing of the drug was not the first year.

This event was a significant blow to many domestic sports.

All sports organizations were notified of the ban in the fall.

USA has influence international organizations setting standards.

No one forbade athletes to stop using meldonium in advance.

Not a single American athlete has yet been caught on such a “doping”.

Objective studies have shown that the drug provides an advantage.

It is convenient to think that the problem is "enemies around", but sometimes things can be explained elementary stupidity. Hundreds of athletes, maybe even thousands, used meldonium all over the country. But they were able to give up doping in advance. And some did not have time to react in time and paid for it.

The effect of meldonium on the body

Meldonium has an effect:

  1. on the metabolism within the body.
  2. Reduces the level of consumption of fatty acids, so necessary for cells.
  3. Increases the digestibility of carbohydrates.
  4. Contributes to a more economical release of energy.
  5. Reduces the amount of oxygen consumed, counteracting hypoxia.
  6. Protects the heart itself from stress by acting on cell membranes.

Sooner or later, the substance had to get into the list of drugs prohibited for athletes, given its real effect. After all, someone can achieve results with their own efforts, while someone needs “magic pills” for this.

From year to year big sport is becoming more and more difficult and demanding for athletes. Back in 2015, no one was worried about meldonium, how the drug works, only narrow specialists knew.

Video about the action of meldonium

In this video report, Maxim Melyukov will tell you how the drug meldonium works and why it was included in the banned list, what scientists and doctors think about this:

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