What continent does eucalyptus grow on. Wonderful tree - eucalyptus: description, photo, where it grows, useful properties, medicinal use and houseplant eucalyptus

Design and interior 16.06.2019
Design and interior

Eucalyptus is truly a legendary plant that has healed entire regions of the planet. First encountered by Europeans in Australia, these living swamp desiccants have spread throughout the world.

Great and mighty

The genus Eucalyptus (Eucalýptus) belongs to the myrtle family. It includes more than 800 species of evergreen or. Most eucalyptus trees come with straight or curved trunks.

Some species reach a hundred meters in height and tens of meters in girth, but nondescript gnarled trees often grow in the mountains, and shrub species are common in desert areas.

bark various kinds can be smooth, fibrous, scaly, folded. Sheds bark periodically. It is interesting that such a property of eucalyptus gave birth to it vernacular name"shameless".

The leaves of the plant vary depending on the species: are ovoid, lanceolate, pointed. They are notable for the fact that due to their location (edge ​​to the sun) they practically do not give a shadow.

In addition, the leaves of species native to Australia are clearly oriented: the plane of the leaf is located along the meridian, the tips point to the north and south.

Did you know? Many types of eucalyptus tolerate fires quite easily. Even seemingly completely burnt trees after a while are covered with numerous shoots.

Eucalyptus tree can bloom in different periods, it depends on the species. The flowers come in a variety of colors, from white to fiery red. They are collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas or panicles.

The fruits may look like a box, a bell or a ball. Their maturation lasts from one to two years in various species. Seeds make up to 17% of the fruit weight.

Where does it grow?

The homeland of almost all eucalyptus is Australia, where the forests are three-quarters eucalyptus, and outside of it only 15 species out of more than 800 grow in the wild. These species have been found in New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Currently, this plant has spread to many countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America. The reason for this popularity is its ability to drain marshland, as well as the rapid growth of the tree. In addition, they are also credited with the ability to disinfect the air.

Eucalyptus is a thermophilic plant that usually grows in the tropics or subtropics. Some species can withstand sub-zero temperatures, and alpine trees are able to tolerate twenty-degree frosts.

They grow on a variety of: clay, sandy, chestnut, peat, etc. They are found both in the lowlands and in the mountains.

Separately about the height

Eucalyptus trees grow very fast. In the first year, they can grow up to 1.5-2 m, by the age of three they can rise to 10 m, and a ten-year-old tree can stretch the trunk 20 m in height. In the future, upward growth sharply decreases, the tree mainly increases in diameter.

by the most high view regal eucalyptus (Eucalýptus régnans). It reaches a hundred meters in height, but there are unconfirmed descriptions of specimens up to 155 m high.

Only one such giant is known for certain - in 2008, a tree called "Centurion" was discovered in Tasmania. Its height is 101 m - it is the tallest flowering plant on the planet.

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, royal eucalyptus trees were mainly used for paper production. Now their wood is often used to make furniture, floors, plywood, building frames.

Popular types

In addition to the royal eucalyptus mentioned above, other types of this are also famous. So, eucalyptus iridescent is the only wild species northern hemisphere. It grows in New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines.

It has an unusual bark - it is initially bright green, but later its sections are painted in other colors: blue, burgundy, purple, orange. Now it's beautiful tree spread across the South and North America, China, Malaysia.

Eucalyptus cineria, also called ashen or silver, due to its frost resistance, was successfully acclimatized in Europe. In the Caucasus, it is now distributed from Sochi to Batumi.

This species is also interesting in that it is cultivated and how. Its branches with silvery rounded leaves are much loved by florists who use them to create various arrangements.
Also widely known as a decorative home eucalyptus populus, otherwise called poplar. It is distinguished by an original crown, similar to the crown of pyramidal poplars, and beautiful oval bluish-green leaves. Florists are very fond of using it in wedding bouquets.

Useful and medicinal properties

O medicinal properties Australian natives knew eucalyptus leaves and actively used them as a natural antibiotic.

The leaves of this tree are indeed the most valuable medicinal raw material. They are collected throughout the summer, but the autumn collection is especially valuable. Phytoncides are present in abundance in eucalyptus foliage - these substances help in the fight against pathogenic bacteria.

The essential oil extracted from the foliage contains up to 80% cineole, a substance with antiseptic and expectorant properties. In addition, the oil contains healing bitterness and tannins.

Such a healing blend is very effective in the fight against particularly resistant pathogenic organisms that cause dangerous infectious and gastrointestinal diseases such as tuberculosis, malarial fever, trichomonas (infection of the genital tract), gangrene, pleurisy, bronchitis and other dangerous diseases.

Important! Eucalyptus-based preparations are not recommended for use in severe liver and kidney damage. In addition, inhalation with such drugs is contraindicated in patients with whooping cough.

With the help of eucalyptus, such deadly diseases as cholera, typhoid, scarlet fever, and measles were defeated. Also, preparations made on the basis of eucalyptus have analgesic properties. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are successfully used in the treatment of eye diseases.

People have long noticed that the smell of eucalyptus repels mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking gnats. Various ointments infused on the leaves of this plant not only drive them away, but also help with bites and other inflammations.

Eucalyptus essential oils often used as healing and soothing fragrances. To ensure a calm, sound sleep, just drop a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on the pillow. This fragrance also relieves people from fatigue, depression and migraines.

Important! For expectant mothers, the use of eucalyptus oil is possible only after consultation with doctors.

On the basis of eucalyptus ointments, not only hygiene products are made - soap, shampoos, sprays - but also aromatic and medicinal products for baths, saunas, and baths. Also, these oils are actively used as perfume raw materials.

More about usage

Eucalyptus branches are also often used in interior decor and floristry. Each cut branch for a long time, up to three weeks, retains its natural freshness. The surface of these dark green leaves is matte and gives the illusion of something solid.

No wonder the eucalyptus is one of the symbols of protection and abundance. Perhaps that is why florists often use the branches of this plant in the preparation of wedding bouquets.

These evergreen branches look great with, or. In addition, the pleasant smell of this plant gives bouquets a special showiness.

In addition, this plant is also used in. This is only possible in those climatic zones where nature allows this native of the tropics to grow.

The design uses not 100-meter giants that are found in nature, but decorative varieties of the meter population, reaching a height of only 2 m, they fit perfectly into cultivated nature.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree with a sharp, specific aroma, the essential oil and greens of which have been used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and other areas of life. In other European languages, the name of this plant sounds like this:

  • Deutsch– Eucalyptus;
  • English– eucalyptus;
  • French– eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus leaves are the favorite food of koalas.


Eucalyptus is a tree or shrub with oblong, pointed leaves. mature plant can reach 100 meters in height. The shape of the crown can be round, triangular, "weeping", etc. - depending on the type. During the flowering period, eucalyptus is covered with large white, red or yellow inflorescences. Flowers with long, thin petals are collected in fluffy umbrellas. Some parts of the plant secrete essential oil and gum.


About seven hundred species of eucalyptus have been described in the scientific literature. Here are just a few of them:

  • crowded;
  • white;
  • almond-leaved;
  • Andrews;
  • angophore-like;
  • Camaldulian;
  • capitate;
  • ashen;
  • berry;
  • conical.

Rainbow eucalyptus - the most beautiful tree in the world

Where does it grow?

Eucalyptus is native to Australia. Also, wild thickets of eucalyptus can be found in New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea, Indonesia and Philippine Islands. Today, this plant is distributed throughout the globe. Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America Eucalyptus has gained popularity due to its ability to grow rapidly. It is planted in wetlands to drain the soil. In Russia, eucalyptus is grown in Krasnodar Territory, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Eucalyptus love sunlight, but also grow on the slopes of mountains, in gorges and ravines.


The best raw materials are young eucalyptus leaves, which begin to be harvested from September, since during this period they contain the largest amount of essential oil. First, the branches are cut with a sharp cleaver, then the leaves are collected from them. The leaves are laid out in a thin layer on the floor and dried outside under a canopy or in a room that is constantly ventilated.


  • dark green color;
  • fresh, intense aroma with hints of camphor;
  • spicy, bitter taste.

You can learn more about the properties of eucalyptus from the program "1000 and one spice of Scheherazade"

Chemical composition

  • essential oil
  • tannins
  • gallotannins
  • coumaric acid
  • cinnamic acid
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • cobalt
  • silicon
  • nickel

Eucalyptus leaves are rich in essential oils

Beneficial features

  • produces a disinfecting effect;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is a good remedy prevention of certain infections;
  • has a wound healing effect.


In the presence of individual intolerance, eucalyptus can cause a severe allergic reaction.


  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood.


Eucalyptus juice is called "cinema" or "Australian cinema". It is a thick red substance, pungent and burning.


In cooking

  • in small quantities, dried eucalyptus leaves are used to flavor meat and fish dishes;
  • marinade for meat is prepared with the addition of eucalyptus;
  • eucalyptus tea is known for its invigorating and warming effect;
  • Eucalyptus leaves are used in the production different types alcohol;
  • eucalyptus is added to confectionery to give them a fresh scent.

Carefully! Eucalyptus - poisonous plant Therefore, it can only be eaten in very small doses.

Warming drink

Pour into a saucepan 2 tbsp. dried sage and dried eucalyptus, pour 2 cups of cold water and bring to a boil. When the broth boils, pour in 2 cups of milk and sweat for a few minutes. This drink will help warm you up on a cold winter day.

Marinade for pork

Grind a few dry or fresh leaves eucalyptus. 2 tbsp spices pour 1 liter of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, add chopped onion and a couple of carrots, wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Put the meat in the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

In medicine

Healing agents based on eucalyptus are used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • neuralgia;
  • lumbago;
  • rheumatism;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fever;
  • adnexitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • diseases genitourinary system;
  • wounds and ulcers;
  • herpes;
  • flu;
  • helminths;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Eucalyptus tincture is used for gargling and inhalation for colds, bronchitis and coughs.

Eucalyptus honey has strong bactericidal properties, even bees producing it never get sick

Traditional medicine recipes

With herpes infection. Take a few leaves of geranium and eucalyptus and squeeze out 5-6 drops of the juice of each plant. Mix juice with 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply to the area affected by herpes 4-5 times a day.

With severe cold. Grind 20 grams of dried eucalyptus leaves and pour a small amount of medical alcohol. Infuse in a tightly closed container for a week, then strain. Dilute 20 ml of tincture in 50 ml of water and take 2 times a day.

With milkmaid. Take one part of dried or fresh herbs - chamomile, calendula, birch buds, sage, yarrow, eucalyptus, juniper. Pour a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insist 40-50 minutes and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

At home

  • The aroma of eucalyptus eliminates unpleasant odors in the house. To do this, you can use fresh or dry leaves of the plant, as well as eucalyptus oil.
  • The smell of eucalyptus repels many insects, including annoying midges and mosquitoes.
  • Bath brooms are collected from eucalyptus branches, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and respiratory system.


  • Eucalyptus may well be a potted plant. Keeping it at home is quite easy. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a ready-made seedling, and not grow it from seeds.
  • In a spacious pot, eucalyptus can grow into a large, two-meter bush. At the same time, it grows by about 50 cm per year.
  • Eucalyptus prefers room temperature in summer and quite low (6-7 degrees) in winter.
  • Eucalyptus needs sunlight. The pot must be installed in such a way that the plant is under direct sunlight for several hours a day.
  • In summer, eucalyptus is watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter 3-4 times a month is enough. Every 2-3 days the plant should be sprayed.
  • All year except winter months, you need to feed the soil with organic fertilizer.
  • For the first few years of a eucalyptus' life, it should be transplanted annually into a larger pot.
  • Eucalyptus grown at home is unlikely to please you with flowering, but it will constantly disinfect the air and eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment.

For growing eucalyptus at home, see the following video.

  • In the homeland of eucalyptus, in Australia, the cardinal directions are determined by the arrangement of the leaves of the plant.
  • In Russia, eucalyptus is also called a gum tree or marvelous tree.
  • Eucalyptus bark is used in the manufacture of paper.
  • The koala's only food is eucalyptus leaves. If you deprive an animal of this plant, it will die.

Australia is the birthplace of the legendary eucalyptus tree. The plant belongs to the myrtle family and has more than seven hundred species. Eucalyptus leaves have healing properties, therefore they are used in folk medicine. Most species are trees with thick trunks. Miniature eucalyptus is grown in the garden and at home. Max Height woody plant - 100 m.

Description and territory of distribution

The botanical description states that eucalyptus is a tree or shrub. The bark of the plant is smooth, scaly or folded. The peculiarity of the tree is that it independently exposes itself, that is, sheds the bark. Some species have ovate leaves, others are pointed. The tree is hardy. Even if it burned out, after a while it again forms shoots. The plant can bloom for a long time. It produces white or rich red flowers, collected in inflorescences, shaped like umbrellas. The fruit is a bell or a small rounded box, which is located at the end of the trunk.

A large number of trees are found in Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand. Wild animals live in these countries. The peculiarity of the tree is that it dries the swampy area. Its fruits disinfect the air. The climate where eucalyptus grows is warm, tropical or subtropical. It withstands temperature fluctuations. The eucalyptus tree, which grows high in the mountains, endures twenty-degree frosts.

These pathologies are considered especially dangerous. In spite of healing properties, the plant has contraindications. It is forbidden to people with diseases of the liver and kidneys. The oil is not used for whooping cough. There is evidence that the oil helped with deadly ailments: measles and typhoid. Medicines based on this product stop the pain syndrome. Infusion is used for ophthalmic diseases.

The soil must be:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • quality sand;
  • soddy soil.

Proportions: 1:1:1:2. Eucalyptus is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The disadvantage of seedlings is that they take root for a long time, in this regard, it is better to use seeds. They are bought in a specialized store. Sowing is carried out in early March. First prepare the soil mixture. It is placed in small containers (the optimal value is 20 cm). The soil is moistened. The seeds are placed on the surface. There should be 3 pieces in one pot.

In order for the tree to grow well, it is necessary to adjust the trunk. Pruning is done in mid-spring. Thanks to this procedure, the tree will produce young bores. Pruning promotes active growth. If you pinch the shoots, the crown will be denser. Young eucalyptus is transplanted in the spring. At this time, it forms new leaves. An adult plant is transplanted 1 time in 20 months. It is recommended to choose a spacious pot.

A gardener may encounter difficulties in growing a tree. If the plant does not have enough light, the shoots are drawn out, the leaves become smaller.

Poor watering leads to wilting. Eucalyptus should not be kept in direct sunlight, as spots (burns) will appear on the leaves. In order for the tree to develop favorably, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do not forget to bring water.

Among the most unusual plants with useful properties, the eucalyptus tree stands out, nicknamed the “green skyscraper” for its huge size and fast growth rate. The description of this heat-loving giant, in addition to its medicinal qualities, includes many oddities and features, for which it was called the "tree of miracles."

Eucalyptus groves, even the densest ones, are considered the lightest, which is caused by the peculiarity of the arrangement of narrow leaves, in addition, they are famous for their healing air filled with phytoncides. Most trees shed their green coat in autumn, while eucalyptus sheds its bark instead.

The plant has extraordinary vitality, quickly recovers from fires, and also has the ability to absorb huge volumes of water from the soil and evaporate them with leaves.

Even the densest eucalyptus groves are considered light, due to the special arrangement of the leaves.

Meaning and places of growth

In Australia, where most of the eucalyptus species grow, these trees played an important role in the life of the natives. Durable wood was used for construction, the leaves were considered a universal medicine, and water was extracted from the roots in drought conditions. Separate types common in New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines. In Australia, the genus Eucalýptus is represented by over 600 species.

This representative of the Australian flora came to Europe in the 18th century, first settling in France, after which eucalyptus trees quickly spread to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, America and Africa. The plant was cultivated mainly in areas with an unhealthy climate and high humidity, which were transformed in just a few years.

The Australian eucalyptus was brought to Russia in 1816 and was planted in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The Crimean climate turned out to be not quite suitable, however, in the conditions of the humid subtropics of Transcaucasia, these trees took root perfectly.

In Sochi, an active fight against malaria began only in the 20th century, in 1950 an experimental plantation was established, where more than 70 species of eucalyptus grew. Not all varieties finally took root, but the problem of mosquitoes as carriers of infection was solved.

On the this moment in Russia, about ten species are successfully cultivated, among them eucalyptus rod-shaped, spherical, ashy. In a harsh climate, lemon eucalyptus, which is highly adaptable, is well suited for growing in winter gardens and in pot culture.

AT vivo Australia, these majestic trees prefer lighted places, do not grow under the canopy of other plants, form their own groves. Contrary to popular belief, these trees natural environment grow not only in wet, but also in dry areas with sandy soils. Many species of eucalyptus do not grow at all in areas that are too wet, but they tolerate annual floods well. The plant is often found on mountain slopes, in gorges, on steep banks.

Botanical Features

The scientific name for the eucalyptus plant, Eucalýptus, was given in 1788 by French botanist Charles de Brutel. This epithet is derived from the Greek words "eu" - good and "kalyptos" - hide, close. All together it translates to “I close well” and indicates that the buds of the plant are tightly closed by sepals.

One of the classic examples of this plant is the eucalyptus (Eucalýptus viminalis). This evergreen tree reaches a height of 40–50 m, although representatives of other species can grow up to 100 m. The trunk is straight, the bark is yellowish-white, falling in the form of ribbons.

Young leaves are short-petiolate or sessile, have a rounded base, up to 11 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Mature leaves are lanceolate, sometimes crescent-shaped, gray-green or dark green with a slight waxy bluish bloom. They grow on petioles, have a length of up to 27 cm and a width of up to 4 cm.

Species of eucalyptus trees with a silvery shade of the leaf plate are also described. Small flowers are collected in threes in axillary umbrellas, as a rule, they are sessile, but can also be on short pedicels. The fruits are capsules sitting on pedicels, small seeds ripen inside. Eucalyptus prutovidny at home in Australia blooms in December, in the subtropics of the northern hemisphere - in July-August.

Another Australian species that has taken root well in greenhouses is the lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora). AT natural environment These are quite large trees about 30 m in height. At home, growing in a pot or in winter garden, you can adjust the size of this eucalyptus by pinching and trimming.

On the shoots of the plant, harsh and bristly leaves are arranged spirally. Their shape is oblong-lanceolate, up to 16 cm long, up to 2 cm wide. The bark is smooth, the color can vary from whitish to reddish-brown. The flowers are white, dioecious, form corymbose inflorescences, composed of umbrellas of 3-5 flowers. Lemon eucalyptus, when grown at home, fills the room with a subtle, barely perceptible aroma, similar to lemon, lemon balm, verbena and thyme at the same time. One small plant is enough for all insects to leave the room, and the air to be saturated with medicinal phytoncides.

The Australian eucalyptus in its natural environment lives up to 400 years, but some trees are described that have reached a height of 155 m and with a trunk diameter of 25 m, whose age is more than 600 years.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree reaching a height of up to 100 meters.

Procurement and storage

Value in traditional medicine have three types: eucalyptus rod-shaped, spherical and ashy. Growing this tree on your site, it is desirable to combine the process of harvesting raw materials with pruning the plant. In this case, it is better not to break the branches, but simply to pick the leaves from them. The most useful young leaves are grayish-green. The harvesting procedure is carried out from November to February, at other times the content of essential oil is slightly lower.

Drying is carried out in a room with good ventilation or in a dryer, where the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees and there is air flow. If you do not comply temperature regime then most of the essential oil will evaporate. Well-dried raw materials are stored in a tightly closed glass containers, protecting against sun rays, up to 2-3 years.

Active ingredients

Eucalyptus leaves of all three medicinal species contain an essential oil, up to 80% of which is cineole, which in the past was called eucalyptol. In addition to it, the composition of the oil includes about 40 more components. Eucalyptus herb contains:

  • terpenoids: globulol, pinocarvone, mirtenol, pinene, etc.;
  • aldehydes: caproic, caprylic, isovaleric, cumic;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • esters;
  • phytoncides.

Eucalyptus contains tannins, resins, organic acids, phytoncides, esters

Eucalyptus (gum or wondrous tree, from Latin Eucalýptus) is a plant from the genus of evergreen trees (or shrubs) of the myrtle family, which can reach a height of up to 100 meters. main feature these plants - excellent moisture absorption. This amazing ability of eucalyptus trees is used by people to drain swampy places. Eucalyptus trees have smooth bark, sometimes multi-colored, like a rainbow, green leaves. various shapes and differently located. Some of the eucalyptus trees have a dense crown, others (mostly old plants) are almost devoid of branches and leaves. The smell characteristic of eucalyptus can be heard even at a fairly large distance. Eucalyptus blooms with large flowers in the fall in the third and fifth year of life. Eucalyptus fruits are similar to our poppy boxes. Scientists estimate that there are over 700 varieties of eucalyptus.

Where does eucalyptus grow?

The main residence of these amazing plants is Australia, but today eucalyptus can be found in South America, and in New Zealand, and in India, and in New Guinea and Indonesia, and in African countries, and in the Crimea, and in the Caucasus, and even in Russia. Sochi can also boast of its collection of eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus has earned such popularity due to its amazing ability to quickly drain swampy places.

Photos of eucalyptus can be seen below:

Beneficial features

Eucalyptus is widely used in official and traditional medicine. A number of diseases can be cured with the help of a healing essential oil made from eucalyptus leaves. Phytoncides, tannins and resinous substances are found in excess in the leaves and have a therapeutic effect on the human body. Angina, tonsillitis and bronchitis, asthma, SARS and other diseases of the respiratory organs are treated with it. Medicines based on eucalyptus help to get rid of even pneumonia and tuberculosis. Eucalyptus effectively fights staphylococci and streptococci. Eucalyptus is also widely used in gynecology, but doctors do not recommend using it during pregnancy and breastfeeding kids. Eucalyptus has immunomodulatory, bactericidal, disinfectant and antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Therapeutic use

Prepared from eucalyptus leaves medications different forms and types: essential oils, tinctures and infusions, ointments, decoctions and aerosols. For general healing of the body, eucalyptus bath brooms are used. You can also use a spray bottle to spray eucalyptus in an apartment or house.

houseplant eucalyptus

Photo of indoor eucalyptus:

How can you grow eucalyptus at home?

To grow eucalyptus at home, you need to purchase Gunni eucalyptus or lemon eucalyptus seedlings. Almost every flower shop sells them. You can also order seeds or seedlings in online stores. For planting, you will need a small clay pot and special soil - sand with earth. The soil needs to be moistened, sow the seeds, put in a warm, well-ventilated place. After 5-10 days, if you water the plant on time and abundantly, you will see the first shoots. Now you need to water less and monitor the plant more carefully. When the plant grows up, it will need to be transplanted into a larger pot. When transplanting, be careful with the roots. Do not water for several days so that the plant strengthens. If you are lucky and the plant will take root, in a month you can pick up permanent pots and a place of residence for stronger plants. Choose the sunny side and monitor the air temperature. Water more abundantly in spring and autumn than in winter. Young plants need to be pinned down so that the plant does not grow up, but in breadth.

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