Write what is remarkable about the month of April, use the signs of the proverb. Month of April

Tourism and rest 24.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Old Russian names of this month - pollen, snowman, aquarius, caddisfly, berezozol(i.e. evil for birch trees: at that time sweet birch sap, sap were harvested). The word "April" came either from "aprecus" (warmed by the sun), or from "aperire" (to open) - there is no consensus on this matter.


April- light the snow, play the ravines.

April he does not like the lazy, he loves the agile.

April with water - May with grass.

In April, the earth dies.

The sun is rolling in the summer.

Thunder in early April - to a dry summer.

If the April rain starts with large drops, it will soon stop.

In April, the wind is from the southwest - the weather will worsen for a long time.

Wet April is good arable land.

April hoots and blows, promises warmth to the women, and the peasant looks - something will happen?

Abundant sap flow from birch - by a rainy summer.

April 1

Day of Daria the Prolubnitsa, the memory of the martyrs Chrysanthus and Darius. They believed: on the one who gets very dirty on this day, an unpaid debt hangs. Ice melts on the rivers, mud forms at the holes, the water turns yellow:

Daria - clog the hole.

What is the first of April - such is the first of October.

Notes for this day:

The water is noisy - there will be good herbs.

From that day on, the housewives began to whiten the canvases woven over the winter, and the healers were supposed to “wash out the spoilage”.

April 2

Photinia Samaritan Day. She was prayed for with a fever. On this day, you can’t go anywhere: the failure that happens on the road will haunt you until next spring.

April 3

Catanic. The end of winter fun kids. Water begins to wake up. They cajoled him with a goose, and on that day they themselves did not eat the bird either wild or domestic - they were afraid to incur the wrath of the water. Offended by people, he will harm the water all summer, and besides, he tells the goblin and foresters to do the same. In that

day all bright spirits pray for universal consent and peace and invite people to join them.

April, 4

Day of Vasily-solar, dropper, named in honor of the holy martyr Basil, presbyter of Ancyra. If on this day at sunrise red circles are visible in the sky, then the year promises fertility.

On Basil the Warm the sun rises in circles - to the harvest of bread.

April 5

St. Nikon's Day. It's time to carry manure into the field:

Without mother earth, do not expect bread from mother earth.

He brought manure into the field - a cartload of bread from the field.

The finch is flying.

Sign of the day:

Cobwebs in the fields and on personal plot- many obstacles to a good harvest.

On this day, houses passed with fire - from damage and the evil eye.

April 6

Day of Zechariah the Faster and Jacob, the eve of the Annunciation.

If the night is warm on Zakharia, then the spring will be friendly.

To attract good luck, drive away troubles, to improve health on this day, you need to feed all the birds abundantly, both domestic and wild - they are messengers of God. The toughest post.

On the eve of the Annunciation, peas were sown.

April 7

The third meeting of spring, coinciding with the Annunciation Holy Mother of God - a holiday in honor of the Archangel Gabriel bringing the good news to the Virgin Mary about the birth of the Savior. The sun “plays” on this day - in the early morning it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The Annunciation is "God's greatest feast". The Holy Scripture says that the Holy Spirit appeared to Mary in the form of a dove. This legend is associated with the custom of releasing birds into the wild in early spring, on the feast of the Annunciation.

Annunciation - release of birds.

In the morning, the townspeople bought from bird catchers to release them immediately:

Titmouse sisters,

Tap dance aunts,

red-throated snowmen,

Goldfinches, well done,

Sparrow thieves,

Fly at will

You live in freedom

Bring spring to us soon.

Flying up with a joyful chirping, the birds, as it were, carried the hopes of people to heaven. Eggs received from chickens on the Day of the Annunciation were thrown away or buried - otherwise they would bring grief and illness to the house.

This day is a big holiday. Therefore, work is a sin:

On the Annunciation, the bird does not build a nest, the girl does not weave braids.

A cuckoo without a nest for curling it for the Annunciation.

At the Annunciation, they don’t look at the harsh yarn, they don’t sit under the smoke.

Who spins, weaves, sews and knits - knots his life.

Sin and swear:

Who swears - digs a hole for himself.

Many signs are associated with this day:

What is the Annunciation, such is the holy Pascha.

On the Annunciation, spring overcame winter.

Spring before the Annunciation - a lot of frost ahead.

If the snow falls on the Annunciation, there will be no oats.

Rain on the Annunciation - rye will be born.

On the Annunciation, frost is a harvest for milk mushrooms, hot springs and cucumbers.

On the Annunciation it is a sunny day - the wheat is harvested.

Wet Annunciation - mushroom summer. On the Annunciation, a thunderstorm - to warm summer, to the harvest of nuts.

If the wind is cold, it will be a cold summer, and if the wind is warm, south, then the summer will be warm.

From the Annunciation, the bear rises from the snowdrift.

Forty frosts left from the Annunciation.

If the night on the Annunciation is warm, then spring will be friendly.

On the Annunciation it is clear that there will be fires. On the Annunciation it is starry - chickens will rush well.

Swallows flew in - a warm spring, but no - cold.

This day is considered suitable for successful undertakings. Elderly women burned salt in the oven, which became healing and helped with various diseases, and baked pastries (buns) from bread dough with it to heal livestock. Annunciation ash was kept for cabbage and other garden plants - when they deteriorated, they were sprinkled with this ash. Rubbish was not thrown out of the house until the next day, "so that happiness does not flow away." The crumbs from the table were given to "domestic" insects, mice, rats, birds - so that there would be no loss in the house. They tried to eat very carefully: how many crumbs, so many losses. new clothes they didn’t wear it on that day - this is damage to health and property. Everywhere they cleaned and fumigated houses and yards, driving away the unclean and unhealthy. On the night before the holiday, they did not put out the fire in the huts - “so that flax would be born better”; in some places they jumped through the fire, "to cleanse themselves and warn against the evil eye."

April 8

Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel, the day of Gavri-il-Blagovest. Strict post.

Whoever reveres the Archangel Gabriel, he reveals Divine secrets to him.

Gabriel - scoop up your boots, wet the soles.

It is believed that being born on Gabriel is a great bad luck. On this day, the work does not go for the future, and the fun does not go well. They were waiting for the bird cherry to turn green: this means that it is time to plant early potatoes.

Notes for this day:

Drops - to a warm spring.

Whoever tumbles on the ground three times on this day will be healthy all year and is not subject to damage and the evil eye.

Thunder - for a happy year and a good harvest.

April 9

Day of Matryona-teacher, half-reptile, named after the martyr Matrona of Thessalonica. On the morning crust, the remains of hay from the haystacks were brought to the yard, since the last snow had melted by noon. The rivers are about to open up:

On Matryona, the pike breaks the ice with its tail.

Gola Matryona is terrible for everyone, covered with lubok - for everyone.

Under the threshold of a ford, and on the street there is a crossing.

On this day, the peasants selected turnip seeds suitable for sowing. For a long time, turnips and cabbage were the staple foods of the peasants, and on this day they selected vegetables suitable for seeds, putting them in a separate, inviolable half, hence the name - half-turnip. About these vegetable crops there were many fairy tales, riddles and jokes. Here is the game "Turnip". Children sit on one chair on each other's knees, clasping their hands in front of the one sitting. The driver asks:

— Knock-knock at the gate?

The turnip answers:

- Who the hell did you get?

- My grandmother fell from the stove, hurt her shoulders, groans, sighs, wants turnips. Can you break a turnip?

Turnip: Tear, but not with the root.

The leader pulls ahead of the person sitting.

Turnip: Your arms are weak, your legs are thin.

The former "turnip" stands behind the driver, helps to pull the next one, etc.

On this day, they were waiting for the arrival of lapwings.

The lapwing calls in the evening - to clear weather.

The lapwing flies low - to prolonged dry weather.

Peasant women put a candle in front of the image of St. Matrona, who condemns negligent housewives and patronizes the bleaching of new-woven canvases and linen yarn - the most important process in weaving.

April 10th


The coltsfoot flower warms the earth.

April 11

Cyril Day. Time to listen to birches, drink birch sap - "birch". They soldered the sick to them, cleansed the blood, expelled "illness" from the stomach.

April 12th

Day of John the Ladder. It was customary to bake a short flight of stairs to give a future ascent to heaven. On this day, the "wall" is especially rampant - strange creature, which leans on the sleeping person and crushes him so that it is impossible to move or say a word. At this time, according to legend, the wall is looking for a mate. On this day, the brownie is fed with porridge so that he is a good helper to the owners. Gather the grass Adam's head.

April 13

Day of Hypatius, healer of the Caves.

Women prayed to him for infertility, nursing, mothers - for more milk. This day was also called "Fire".

14th of April

Mary's Day, named in memory of St. Mary of Egypt. The beginning of the flood.

Marya starts flooding.

If the spill is on Marya, then there will be a lot of grass.

If the ice melts quickly, the year will be easy, good; if the ice sank, the year will be difficult, it will bring a lot of troubles and grief.

On Marya, the snow melted under the bush.

By this day the stock was out sauerkraut:

Marya - empty cabbage soup.

There was another explanation for this name. Mary was considered the patroness of repentant harlots and fornicators, as well as a judge at the Last Judgment of those who did not repent, so in many places it was considered a sin to eat anything other than empty cabbage soup on this day.

In the old days, it was believed that on this day (April 1, according to the old style), the brownie wakes up, and therefore you need to deceive each other. The girls especially tried, since it was believed that what more people they deceive, the less grooms will lead them by the nose.

If you don’t lie on the first of April, when else will you find time?

On this day, for good luck, you need to update all the bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains and towels in the house.

April 15

Day of Titus the icebreaker, Polikarpov day.

Named in honor of St. Titus and the martyr Polycarp. Ice drift begins.

Farewell, ice

For the whole year

For all the fly

For the whole winter!

Chrychinka-chrychinka, say -

Bow to the blue sailor!

The ice breaks hard - it's dangerous to walk.

On this day, we watched the birds: dergachi scream - for a fruitful summer, quail screams - for a good harvest and juicy grass. In the forests, capercaillie go to the current.

April 16

Day of Nikita Waterfall, named in honor of the Monk Nikita the Confessor, hegumen of the monastery of Midikia. The rivers overflow, the water finally wakes up from hibernation. To appease him, the men drowned the worthless horse.

If the ice does not go that day, then fishing will be the worst.

April 17

Joseph's Day a. The cricket begins to sing, the crane gives its first voice. It is believed that if the cricket screams - it's time to plow under the rye.

Put aside the tricks, take on the arable land.

Alder blossoms. An infusion of her cones was used to treat the stomach and throat.

April 18th

Day of Fedul Warm.

Commemoration of the Martyrs Agathopod the Deacon, Theodulus the Reader and others like them. It's time to put winter frames out of the windows in order to drive sickness and grief out of the house, and begin to regularly ventilate the home.

Fedul is a warm windmill.

Fedul came - warm wind blew, opened the windows, heated the hut without firewood.

On Fedul, dissolve the window.

If bad weather happened on Fedul, they said this:

Fedul pursed his lips.

On Fedula, crickets wake up, ladybugs come to life.


Fly up smartly.

Bring us from the sky:

Bread replacement,

Mushroom change

berries growth,

Radish long tail

April 19

Eutychius Day, named after Saint Eutychius.

Eutychius is a quiet day.

On Eutychius, the day is quiet - to the harvest of early spring crops.

Water makes a noise - towards a thunderous summer, moans - to moan all year, mutters in a human voice - to great profit and goodness, whistles - the worst thing: a water man shrinks from the world.

If the day happened to be windy, the peasants grieve: "the ear will knock down."

20 April

Day of the martyr Akulina.

If it rains on Akulina, viburnum will be good and spring will be bad.

Frost and sun are good bread and buckwheat; rain - a lot of viburnum.

The 21st of April

Rodion Day, named after the apostle Herodion. Rodion-icebreaker, icebreaker, roaring waters.

Rodion - roaring waves.

Rodion brought water - put a plow, plow under the oats.

Spring waters and the king will not take away.

According to popular beliefs, on this day the red sun meets the bright moon. If the day was bright, fine, the meeting was considered good and foreshadowed family happiness, and if it was cloudy, they said that the sun met the moon unkindly, and quarrels and separations were expected.

On Rodion, the meeting of the sun with the month: good - a clear day and good summer, thin - bad weather and a bad summer.

Sunny - hot summer, cloudy - summer is the same.

On Rodion, a ceremony was held to honor the young - "vyuniny". The youth gathered under the windows of young families formed in the past year (the newlyweds were called "weed and weed"). Boys and girls banged on the porch with a stick and called out to the young, performing special vine songs. They contained wishes for every blessing and, of course, requests to reward the praisers:

You get up, well done

Get ready, you bastard.

Come out on the porch

Show me you face.

How will you give us

We will praise you

Hello young

With his young wife!

How many stumps in the forest

So many sons for you

How many bumps in the forest -

So many daughters!

young lady,

Give us eggs!

Don't give eggs

Let's take the young man

Lock it in the barn

Let's broom the door

Let's roll the mortar

And we won't let go!

Young people went out on the porch with refreshments. Satisfied praisers thanked them and, leaving, wished happiness, prosperity, prosperity, and then went to the parents of the newlyweds to glorify the elders (these songs were called "kings"):

King, Queen -

Bread crust!

The king is rye,

Korolushechka - oatmeal!

And we are onions,

Two trousers -

Submit, do not refuse!

April 22

Day of Eupsychia. Elderly women curse the dark spirits, facing east.

April 23

Day of Terenty Marevny.

If on Terentia the sun will rise red in a foggy haze - to be a grain-bearing year.

On this day, the mysterious people of Lukomorye come to life until November 24 - assistants to treasure hunters. Those who are going to look for treasures should appease the spirits with offerings.

April 24

Day of Antipas-vodogon, waterfowl. Holy Martyr Antip was revered in Russia as a healer of various human diseases. They prayed to him for a toothache, and they were treated like this: they took a small coin and kept it for some time on a sick tooth. In some areas, the first trip to the field was timed to coincide with this day.

Who is lazy with a plow, the whole year is bad for him.

Do not look for treasure, but plow the land - and you will find it.

The rivers did not open - a very bad summer.

25th of April

Basil's Day of Pariah, or Steamer. The bear comes out of the den.

On Basil of Pariah, spring soars the earth.

26 April

Day of the martyr Thomais of Egypt.

She was prayed for deliverance from prodigal passion.

April 27

Day of Martyn the fox. Commemoration of Saint Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome. Foxes move to new holes, and crows to new nests. Crow's holiday (crows were fed bread crumbs).

Martin is attacked by fox-blindness.

April 28

Puda Bee Day, named after the apostle Puda. Last day of removal of bees. If you skip it, then there will either be no honey at all, or there will be very little.

On St. Pud, take out the hives from under the bushel. Whoever has honey and butter has a holiday. By this time, the buds of viburnum and mountain ash are blooming, from which healing infusions are prepared.

April 29

Day of Irina the nursery. The memory of the martyrs Agapia, Irina and Cheonia. It's time to plow, sow cabbage and cucumbers for seedlings, cut crowns and whiten the trunks of fruit trees.

On the day of Irina the nursery, this cabbage is in the nursery. Snowdrops bloom in the forests, spring waters “make noise in spring”.

Irina - snatch the shore.

Do not resist the shore against Irinina water.

April 30

Day of Zosima the beekeeper. The memory of the Reverend Zosima, hegumen of Solovetsky. On this day, the villagers took the beehives to the apiaries. Having placed them, they put a table in the middle of the apiary, covered it with a clean tablecloth, put out bread and salt, a shard with heat-coals, epiphany water and a candle left over from Easter matins. Then, praying to Zosima, they went around the apiaries with a lit candle, sprinkled the beehives with consecrated water. At the gate, through which the beehives were brought into the apiary, a stake was driven in and said:

Fly, my bee, to all four directions for yellow waxes, for sweet honeys, bring honey to your hives...

Opening the entrances, they said:

As the ocean-sea gathers from all rivers and channels and becomes strong, as hollow water is hefty and strong, breaks the forest and snatches the banks, rushes through islands and bushes, floods green meadows and swamps, so would I, God's servant, have a bee in the apiary was strong and hefty, carried honey from all four sides, from meadows, from swamps, black mud, from an open field, from dark meadows and from the blue sea and from every color, would have children, let go of strong swarms, would work she wouldn’t go to people herself, and wouldn’t let someone else in to her, she defended herself from all four sides.

The peasant did not start any work without sayings, jokes, signs, appeals or spells. So on this day:

Yara bees,

honey carriers,

Fly to the meadow

Sit on a flower

Collect honey!


Grey, small

scarlet wings,

pointed noses,

Themselves colorful.

They go into the field

They hum, they hum

From the field they go

They carry honey.

Notes for this day:

On which bread the bee flew, that one will be good for grain.

If the bees sit on a cherry blossom, then the cherries will be born, and if not, there will be no cherries. Swallows are flying.

Night of May 1- Walpurgis Night, the ball of dark forces. You should spend the eve of this night as calmly as possible so as not to attract their attention to yourself.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Spring is a bit late this year. No winter-winter wants to give way to spring. Snow fell again, as in the month of January. So the kids started their spring break with sledding, snowball fights.

April is coming soon. Let's hope that he will please us with a warm spring sun, flowers and green grass.

Today let's tell the children about the month of April, talk about folk signs of this month, find out what holidays will be in April.

April is the middle of spring, the fourth month of the year. In Russia, April was called differently: Snegogon, Tsveten, Berezen, Kapriznik.

It was also believed that April got its name from the Latin word "aperire", which means - to open.

The earth "opens", sprouts appear, buds burst, nature comes to life. Still this spring month called "Berezozol", because he was evil for birch trees, from which they took juice.

The weather in April is very changeable, capricious: either the sun is shining, or it is raining or snowing(Last year we had a snowfall on April 20, when the trees and flowers were already in bloom).

The sun in April shines more dazzling, it becomes warmer. Winds blow from the south, warm. The soil is warming up. A young grass appears, the first flowers.

The first smile of spring is called coltsfoot.

Perennials bloom: crocuses, snowdrops, goose onions, violets, anemone.

Trees begin to sap. It becomes warmer, water and minerals rise from the roots along the trunk to the kidneys. They swell, burst and young leaves appear, tender, sticky.

On the willow, fluffy buds-balls cover the flowers, hide them from rain and cold, at the end of April, birch buds bloom.

The snow has not yet melted, and the first spring mushrooms appear in the forest. These are the lines. Their hat is all wrinkled, as if stitched. These mushrooms are conditionally edible.

In April, migratory birds return to their native places.

Insects appear. Walking with children in the park, you can see flying butterflies: yellow lemongrass, motley urticaria, mourning. These butterflies emerged from pupae last summer and overwintered in the crevices of houses.

Soldier bugs appear. Children know them very well: bright red with black spots on the wings.

Ask the children who else has such a bright color. The children will be called. Say that this protective coloration scares off birds that do not eat these insects.

In April, a bear with cubs wakes up and leaves the den. They roam the forest in search of food.

In April, the cuckoo begins to call. A she-wolf gives birth to wolf cubs (the first two weeks they are blind and deaf), a hare gives birth to hares, with open eyes and covered with wool.

The labor of people. People prepare the soil for sowing. They sow oats, millet, barley.

Early greens are sown in vegetable gardens: dill, parsley, onions are planted on a feather, and trees are cut.

You can collect cut branches of cherries, apple trees and put them in water at home, watch how the buds open and leaves appear.

Children can, together with their mother at home in April, transplant indoor flowers, cut plants. It will be very useful - and to accustom children to work, and then they will willingly want to take care of themselves. indoor plants: they will water, loosen, wipe the dust from the leaves.

This is how you can tell children about the month of April.

Watch the video.

And so that the children better remember the features of the month, tell us about the signs of the second spring month.

April signs

April is a fickle, changeable and very capricious month.

They say about April: “April dresses the whole earth in flowers, calls all people to joy, crowns the trees with foliage.”

Folk signs of April help predict the weather and determine what the harvest will be like.

Signs about nature and weather in April

In April it is wet - to the mushroom summer.

A thunderstorm in early April - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts.

Hot during the day, cool at night in April - to good weather.

Starry nights at the end of April - for the harvest.

A lot of juice in a birch - a rainy summer.

If the swallow has not yet arrived in April, the spring will be cold.

Proverbs about April

April with water, May with grass.

April is warm, May is cold - the year of grain.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

Spring rains are not superfluous.

Folk signs of April for children

April was popularly called the Snowman. It spares neither snow nor ice - it drives away the remnants of winter. The April sun wakes up the earth.

There is a lot of water in April, Water is good, it will come in handy in May.

This is how the people called this day. April loves water, breaks ice on rivers, melts snow. He loves to splash in the water this spring month.

And the kids need to put on boots and play on the street with streams, let paper boats go. Just don't get your feet wet so you don't get sick.

Sign: "If spring water comes to Daria with noise, there will be good grass, and if it's quiet, it's bad."

Tell the children that you can tell what spring will be like by watching the birds. If they nest on the sunny side of the tree, a cold spring is expected. If on the shady - warm.

If there is frost, wind, fog in the yard, the year will be fruitful.

At this time, badgers, hedgehogs come out of their burrows after hibernation, ants crawl out.

The last snowy crust is coming down. Buntings, lapwings arrive. Fish wake up in the river. "A pike breaks ice with its tail."

Spring in the river spills water. Wood grouse begin to lek in the forest.

Rivers are spilling. If it is possible to take the children to the river, show them what it means. People say: "The water one woke up." The river overflows its banks, a lot of water from melted snow.

Remember the funny joke: “Fedul, why did you pout your lips? -Caftan burnt. Is the hole big? One collar left.

And our Fedul pouted his lips from the wind. Wait for the spring breeze.

"April blew his lips - a warm wind blew." At this time crickets wake up from hibernation.

Watch the weather on this day. If it's warm, then the summer will be good. If there is bad weather on this day, then it will not be very warm in summer.

The earth heats up and soars. Big day for bears. The last day they leave the lair.

Talk to the children about foxes. According to signs, on this day, foxes move from old holes to new ones. 3 days they celebrate "housewarming". Ravens on this day "release" their children to independent life. Sosvem like people.

April 30 - Zosim Solovetsky, Zosim the Pchelnik, protector of bees. Tell the children about bees, what kind of workers they are, about their great benefits.

Beekeepers set up hives for bees. On this day, they judged the harvest of buckwheat. "The bees lost a little - by the harvest of buckwheat, a lot - buckwheat will not give birth."

We talked about signs, let's remember what holidays there are in April.

April pleases us with light, warmth. Spring is in full swing. April begins with April Fool's Day and ends with Fire Department Day.

Lots in April different holidays, professional and church. In 2018, April 8 will be Easter. Very early.

Let's look at the calendar of holidays in April. Many we don't know about.

On this day, we used to celebrate the birthday of V. I. Lenin. And children were accepted as pioneers.

Here are our holidays in April.

And now we still have snow, but it is already melting. Cool photo of our kitten in the snow. We had snow last week with an orange tint. They say, sandstorms brought us snow.

Today we talked about the month of April, remembered the folk signs of the month, found out what holidays will be in April.

I love April very much. Our gardens and flowers are starting to bloom. Very beautiful.

All good weather, warm spring and health.

Write your comments, share information with friends.

Sincerely, Olga.

April dresses the whole earth in flowers, calls all people to joy, crowns the trees with foliage.
Warm April, wet May - it means there will be a harvest.
April is rich in water, if there was a full moon on Epiphany (January 19), there will be a large flood of rivers.
Spring will spill like a river - you can’t see a drop, in the fall it will sift - scoop it with a bucket.
April with water - May with grass.
Early rise of bees - to the red spring.
A lot of juice flows from a birch - to late autumn.
Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.
When the birch leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is ahead of the birch, the summer will be wet.
A lot of Khrushchev - to drought. (Khrushch is a beetle with lamellar antennae).
The first booming thunder - to vigorous bread.
The first thunder in the north wind is a cold spring, in the east it is dry and warm, in the west it is wet, in the south it is warm ( Northern part Russia, Siberia).
A lot of cobwebs are flying - the summer will be hot.
In the cold spring - hailstorm summer.
A strong ovary of a nut - to thunderstorms.
The cuckoo cuckooed on a dry tree - to frost.
Ducks scream and splash - to the rain.
The cat is fast asleep - to warmth.
April 1st. Darya month opened. These days in Russia huts were whitewashed.
2 April. The buds of the southern tree - apricot are ready to blossom.
It is not a great misfortune to serve the ungrateful, but it is a great misfortune to accept a service from a scoundrel.
Any shortcoming of ours will be more forgivable than the tricks we go to to hide it.
The virtues of a man should not be judged by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.
April 4 - Vasily - sunny.
April 7 - Annunciation. Third meeting of spring. (The second was March 18). On this day, songbirds are released into the wild.
April 9 - Matryona day. Turnips were selected for seeds.
April 12 - the average period of flowering of southern sweet cherries. A sign that it's time to sow corn and beets.
April 14 - Marya-Play the ravines.
Cherries are blooming in the South of Russia.
It's time to plant melons, watermelons, pumpkins.
April 18 - the day of Fedula-winder. They said: "It pulls with Fedul warmth."
Before “Fedul”, the housewives do not dare to open the windows that are caulked for the winter: “Before, Fedul had the windows wide open - you would block the road for spring warmth!”
April 19 - the day of memory of the Monk Eutychius and the martyr Jeremiah - calm weather portends a good harvest of spring crops: "On Eutychius, a quiet day - to the harvest of early, spring crops."
Rain on Akulina (April 20) - viburnum will be good.
April 21 - "Rodion brought water." AT middle lane Russia plowed the land for oats on Rodion. In the South of Russia, lilacs bloomed that day.
April 23 - St. George's Day.
They said: “On St. George's Day, the moon is young, sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the Moon is damaged, you can not hurry with sowing - there will be no frost until late autumn.
April 24 - the day of Antipas flood.
April 25 - the day of Basil of Paria. Spring soars the earth. Basil is a serious saint. These days they said: “Turn out the shafts, throw the sleigh to the lead”
April 29 - Irina-urvi coast. The spring waters have subsided, the river banks are knitting, the hazel is gathering dust.
April 31 - the memory of St. Ivan the New is honored. On this day, it is customary for gardeners to sow carrots and beets, which is done in compliance with special customs. Early in the morning, the seeds are wetted in spring water, and it is advised to put copper money into the spring. According to another belief, you need to moisten the seeds in ordinary river water at three morning dawns. But in both cases, no outsider should see what the sowers are doing. "An alien eye - like a dashing raven - is envious, and envy - like rust - will eat the whole crop," folk wisdom warned.
We live well: we have established two kvass, one is like water, the other is even thinner.
Clever people are considered pieces, fools are bundles - therefore, we, fools, are more needed.
Stupid people destroy and drown each other, while smart people love and help each other.
It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

April is approaching - a month of contrasts, when the bright sun gives way to drizzling rain, when drops begin, but there is still snow in the forest (and can lie until May itself), when green grass is already breaking out from under the snow, snowdrops are blooming, and sometimes snowfall begins again . Not in vain even folk omens April is mostly related to the weather in this spring month. What are the folk signs of April? And what is the origin of the name of this month?

History of the name of the month

The very name of the month "April" comes from the Latin "aprecus" or "aperire" (there is still no consensus). “Aprecus” in Latin means “warmed by the sun”, “Aphrodite’s month”, and “aperire” means “to open”, that is, the month when the first grass begins to break through, spring actually “opens” and flowering begins.

The Romans devoted all their months to various gods, and April was dedicated to the goddess Venus (or the Greek Aphrodite) - the goddess of love and beauty. In addition, with the advent of April, the season dedicated to the gods opened and is the longest among the Romans (19 days). During these 19 days, all judicial institutions were closed.

In different European countries April had its own names, and there was even an opinion that the name of the month was based on the name of the Easter holiday. In Russia, April was called "pollen", "snow-driving", "aquarius", "caddis", "berezozol", etc.

And each name of April in Russia reminded of natural features during this period, which, as already mentioned, is the basis of folk signs of April.

It is the folk signs of April that tell us that this month the snow finally melts and grass and snowdrops cut through:

  • "April is snowing - the snowdrift is burning,"
  • April picks up water, opens flowers,
  • "April streams wake the earth"
  • "February is rich in snow, April in water."

But, despite this, folk signs of April warn that this month is very fickle and the bright warm sun can always be replaced by cold:

  • "Do not break the stove - it's still April in the yard",
  • April is neither colder than March nor warmer than May,
  • “April is hoarse and blowing, it promises warmth to a woman; and the man looks: there will be something else,
  • “April will deceive, let you down under May. And the month of May, ah, ah, is both warm and cold.

In addition, April was considered an important time to start field work, which could not but be reflected in the folk signs of April:

  • "April care will drive you off the stove"
  • "April does not like the lazy, he loves the nimble"
  • “The deeper you sow in the spring, you will be with bread in the winter,”
  • "Wet April is good arable land."

Well, what are the folk signs of April without predicting the weather for the future? According to the April weather, it was mono to predict what awaits us ahead:

  • “In April it is wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to a warm summer, to the harvest of mushrooms”,
  • "Thunderstorm in early April - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts",
  • “At the end of April, there are warm rains - for the harvest”,
  • “What is the weather like on April 1, it will be like this on October 1”,
  • "It's hot during the day in April, and cool at night - for good weather,"
  • “The night of the Annunciation (April 7) is warm - the whole spring will be the same”,
  • “In April, spring finally overcomes winter: the snow cover completely disappears in the city, the first mosquitoes appear. But if the swallows have not yet arrived, the whole spring will be cold.”

Folk signs of April by day

Literally for every day of April there are signs that help predict the weather for the future, the richness of the harvest, or some other natural phenomena. Popular signs of April, distributed by day, help you navigate the long list of signs and know what you should pay attention to on a given day.

This day was popularly called “Daria Dirty Holes”, because it was on April 1, according to popular beliefs, that the snow began to melt actively. An important folk sign of April on this day was this: “If spring water comes to the Darya with noise, there are good grasses, and when it’s quiet, bad grass grows.” Most likely, this was due to how saturated the earth was with water. If the waters flow noisily, then there is a lot of water, and it will fertilize and moisten the earth well, and if the waters flow quietly, then there are few of them.

This day was popularly called the day of Photinia. There is such a folk sign associated with this day: “If the day of Photinia is not frosty, and the birds start mating games, the summer will be warm.”

This is the day of Nikita the Confessor, by which, according to popular signs of April, the ice from the reservoirs was supposed to come down. If he has not yet descended, the fishermen will not see any spring fishing!

This day in Russia was called Vasily warm, and the folk signs of April associated with this day said: “The dawn sun in the sky on Vasily warm in red circles - this year there will be a good harvest of vegetables.”

Among the people, this day was the day of Fedul - and any natural phenomena were mentioned with the involvement of his name. For example, if it was sunny and warm, they opened all the windows and said: "Fedul came - the greenhouse blew." If it was cool that day, they said: “Fedul pouted his lips.” Popular signs of April include such a pattern, noticed by people in the old days: “Siverko (north wind) blows to Fedul, it pulls warm from Fedul.”

In addition, April 5 in Russia was also Nikon's day, when, according to popular signs of April, finches arrived. On this day, the birds were attracted to their porch and fed with bread crumbs, grain and seeds.

April 6 was the day of Zechariah the Faster. Folk signs of April, associated with this day, advised on this day to clean the house “from evil spirits”, wash and clean, burn fires outside the yards and go around the huts in circles. And at night it was necessary to hang a wet towel in the yard to look at it in the morning. If the towel dried up in the morning, then, according to folk signs in April, the summer was expected to be fruitful, if not, then it would be very rainy, at the end of which frost might even appear.

In addition, April 6 was the day of memory of the Monk Eutychius and the martyr Jeremiah. Folk signs of April did not advise sowing spring crops (oats, buckwheat, millet, etc.) if this day was rainy, and be sure to sow them if the day is good. It was also customary to sow peas on this day.

April 7 was the day of the Annunciation and was accompanied by a large number of different folk signs of April. According to folk signs of April, swallows were supposed to fly to the Annunciation, otherwise the spring would be cold. If on the Annunciation the snow had not yet fallen from the roofs of the houses, it was not worth waiting for it to fall in the field until May 6 (Egorya).

In general, a lot of folk signs are associated with the Annunciation:

  • “There are 40 cold matinees left from the cold Annunciation” (that is, even if April 7 is cold, the cold morning is not left to endure for so long),
  • "Thunderstorm on the Annunciation - for a warm summer or a harvest of nuts",
  • "It's raining on the Annunciation - in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms and a good harvest of rye",
  • “The sun shines brightly on the Annunciation and it is cloudless - there will be thunderstorms in the summer”,
  • “If by the Annunciation the birch leaves are already appearing, and the alder is still naked, then the summer will be very sunny and warm,”
  • “On the Annunciation, clouds with obscure contours, layers, halos - to a change in the weather”,
  • “If there is wind, hoarfrost and fog on the Annunciation - wait for a fruitful summer”,
  • “If it’s frosty on the Annunciation, there will be a lot of milk mushrooms in the summer.”

According to folk signs in April, on the Annunciation it was impossible to comb your hair too carefully to prevent it from falling out, and it was also forbidden to work. Such a popular sign of April resulted in a saying: “A bird does not nest on this day, a girl does not weave a braid.”

Among the people, it was the day of Rodion, dedicated to observing the "meeting of the sun and the month" (that is, in the morning hours). According to popular signs of April, if this meeting was good, it means that the day will be clear, and the summer will be warm. If this meeting was rainy, a rainy day was also expected, and the summer was rainy.

April 9 is the day of Matryona Nastovnitsa. According to popular signs of April, on this day the remnants of the snow crust descend and the lapwing and bunting arrive. There was such a popular sign of April, associated with knitting needles: “The lapwing screams from the evening - to clear weather”, “Oatmeal sang - leave the sleigh, take the cart” (that is, now it was necessary to move only on wheels).

If on April 10 the sun is blood red at sunrise and then hides in the clouds, rain is possible during the day. According to another popular sign of April, if the voice of the cuckoo is heard on this day, it means that the frosts are over.
Popular signs of April also include the following:

  • “The road is collapsing on Rufa, the snow has melted, there is mud all around - neither drive nor pass”,
  • "The mother-and-stepmother has blossomed - wait for the warmth soon."

Folk signs of April call this day Martin's day. It was believed among the people that on this day the geese would go out onto the ice - then there would still be cold. The explanation for this sign is very simple: the main feeding place for geese in cold times is considered to be just a reservoir - therefore, when they arrive before the onset of heat, they go out onto the ice, feeling that they will have to feed here for a very, very long time.

On the same day, the time of the fox rut begins, when the foxes begin to move from old holes to new ones. According to popular signs of April, by the 11th, chicks already appear at the crows.

According to folk signs in April, it was on this day, on average, that the draft of woodcocks (breeds of birds) began. If there is no draft yet, or it suddenly stops abruptly, this can be regarded as a symbol of an imminent cooling or even snowfall!

In addition, April 12 is the day of Ivan Lestvichnik. And folk signs of April mean baking special cookies on this day - ladders - to call for rain.

April 13 was called in Russia "Fire". On this day, the fireman - that is, the peasant woman, who had a birthday that day, collected all the coals in the house, carried them to the field, made a fire and burned last year's grass.

On this day in Russia was the day of Mary of Egypt (Mary, light the snow). On this day, according to popular signs of April, the ice from the reservoirs and the snow from the fields completely disappeared. If this did not happen, the year promised to be difficult. And if the ice came down and a flood began, it was worth waiting for the rapid growth of young grass.

Usually, by this day, the peasants no longer had stocks of sauerkraut - the most important ingredient in cabbage soup and simply delicious food, so April 14 was called "empty cabbage soup". On this day, it was customary to eat those very “empty cabbage soup”, “fasting” in this way - after all, Mary of Egypt was also the patroness of repentant fornicators and harlots at the terrible judgment, and she herself judged those who did not repent.

In addition, folk signs of April on this day also suggest the beginning of the brownie's wakefulness after hibernation. And so that the brownie was satisfied - the people believed that on this day it would be good to deceive their household members in some way!

Another mystical folk sign of April is related to the fact that, according to ancient legend, the old raven on this day releases the crows, who are one year old, into a separate nest so that they begin an independent life. And the raven was considered a very respected bird among the people - after all, he lived for 300 years and, as it was believed, was a bird of things.

The people called this day Titus Ledol and Polycarp. According to popular signs of April, if at this time good weather and a clear sky means that the summer will be warm and fruitful. On this day, crows actively croak and capercaillie scream.

But there is also negative sides have this day. For example, by April 15, all stocks of bread are already depleted, so there is even such a popular sign of April: “The crow croaked, croaked, but the peasant Polikarpov croaked for a day.”

This day is called Tit the Icebreaker, because right now the people monitor the state of ice on the rivers. If the ice floats on the river, it means that the year will be good, and if it sinks, it will be difficult. By this time, according to popular signs of April, the water is already actively spilling.

On April 15, beekeepers began to listen to the hives - whether the bees began to buzz, and if the region was warm, the hives were even put outside.

This day in Russia had several names associated with the same phenomenon - the maximum flood of rivers and lakes. On April 16, they called Nikita Vodopol and Irina-urvi (cut) the coast. And even if by this day the ice had not yet broken, the folk omens of April delivered their verdict: there will be no good fishing.

And if the ice did break, the fishermen tried to insure themselves, for which they sacrificed a horse to the Waterman. To do this, the most unsightly horse was bought from the gypsies, which then went into the river with the words: “Here you are, grandfather, a housewarming present: love, favor our family.” Popular signs of April explain this by the fact that, in this way, the fishermen tried to appease the Waterman so that he would give them more fish and poached fish from nearby lakes and rivers.

And if frost suddenly formed in the morning of that day, people rejoiced, as it was believed that this was a symbol of the warm beginning of summer.

On this day, the peasants made their first trip to the field, and also predicted summer weather. What morning it was that day - so the summer promised to be, according to popular signs of April.

April 24 in Russia was considered the day of Antipas (Anton) Polovod. If the water has not spilled so far, it means that the summer will be cold, and there will be practically no harvest. Popular signs of April directly promise:

  • "Guess about the bread by the antipov water,"
  • Antip without water - bins without grain.

This day in Russia was called Arina - play ravines. The fact is that, according to popular signs of April, the water in the ravines during this period ran quickly and cheerfully. That was the key to a good harvest this year. If the water in the ravines froze, the harvest was expected to be poor.

On this day, they paid attention to what grows in the forest. If there was a lot of plantain, it means that this year everything will be beautiful!

In Russia, each month of the year had a sufficient number of signs, which were confirmed in real life. A vivid example of this is the above folk signs of April. Try to observe the weather and other factors throughout the month - and perhaps you will see for yourself that the signs of April can really be used to predict the future. Let so far only in terms of weather and productivity!

April dresses the whole earth in flowers, calls all people to joy, crowns the trees with foliage.
Warm April, wet May - it means there will be a harvest.
April is rich in water, if there was a full moon on Epiphany (January 19), there will be a large flood of rivers.
Spring will spill like a river - you can’t see a drop, in the fall it will sift - scoop it with a bucket.
April with water - May with grass.
Early rise of bees - to the red spring.
A lot of juice flows from a birch - by late autumn.
Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.
When the birch leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is ahead of the birch, the summer will be wet.
A lot of Khrushchev - to drought. (Khrushch is a beetle with lamellar antennae).
The first booming thunder - to vigorous bread.
The first thunder in the north wind is a cold spring, in the east it is dry and warm, in the west it is wet, in the south it is warm (northern part of Russia, Siberia).
A lot of cobwebs are flying - the summer will be hot.
In the cold spring - hailstorm summer.
A strong ovary of a nut - to thunderstorms.
The cuckoo cuckooed on a dry tree - to frost.
Ducks scream and splash - to the rain.
The cat is fast asleep - to warmth.
April 1st. Darya month opened. These days in Russia huts were whitewashed.
2 April. The buds of the southern tree - apricot are ready to blossom.
It is not a great misfortune to serve the ungrateful, but it is a great misfortune to accept a service from a scoundrel.
Any shortcoming of ours will be more forgivable than the tricks we go to to hide it.
The virtues of a man should not be judged by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.
April 4 - Vasily - sunny.
April 7 - Annunciation. Third meeting of spring. (The second was March 18). On this day, songbirds are released into the wild.
April 9 - Matryona day. Turnips were selected for seeds.
April 12 - the average period of flowering of southern sweet cherries. A sign that it's time to sow corn and beets.
April 14 - Marya-Play the ravines.
Cherries are blooming in the South of Russia.
It's time to plant melons, watermelons, pumpkins.
April 18 - the day of Fedula-winder. They said: "It pulls with Fedul warmth."
Before “Fedul”, the housewives do not dare to open the windows that are caulked for the winter: “Before, Fedul had the windows wide open - you would block the road for spring warmth!”
April 19 - the day of memory of the Monk Eutychius and the martyr Jeremiah - calm weather portends a good harvest of spring crops: "On Eutychius, a quiet day - to the harvest of early, spring crops."
Rain on Akulina (April 20) - viburnum will be good.
April 21 - "Rodion brought water." In central Russia, they plowed the land for oats on Rodion. In the South of Russia, lilacs bloomed that day.
April 23 - St. George's Day.
They said: “On St. George's Day, the moon is young, sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the Moon is damaged, you can not hurry with sowing - there will be no frost until late autumn.
April 24 - the day of Antipas flood.
April 25 - the day of Basil of Paria. Spring soars the earth. Basil is a serious saint. These days they said: “Turn out the shafts, throw the sleigh to the lead”
April 29 - Irina-urvi coast. The spring waters have subsided, the river banks are knitting, the hazel is gathering dust.
April 31 - the memory of St. Ivan the New is honored. On this day, it is customary for gardeners to sow carrots and beets.

Folk omens for May

The old Russian name for the month is "grass".
Grasses begin to turn green everywhere, foliage develops.
May is cold - a grain-growing year.
You get married in May - you will calm down, you will miss your whole life.
To marry in May - toil all century!
Rain in May - wait for the harvest.
Cold and windy May is good for the harvest. Unreliable May warmth.
May 1 - flowering willow-bredina indicates the beginning of the sowing of dill, radishes, carrots.
May 5 - this bow, it is from seven ailments.
May 6 - swallows arrive, plow the arable land. The cattle are driven into the field.
May 10 - clear sunrise - to a windy summer.
May 11 - the memory of the Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater, according to custom, they began to collect birch sap. It is sweet and quickly begins to ferment, which is why it is called "drunk": "The drunken birch tree is hung with hops!" Village healers collect birch sap not for delicacy, but for treatment. Birch sap is especially helpful for people suffering from fever. But before that, according to the sign, it was necessary to bathe the patient in rainwater or, even better, rub it with March winter snow.
A sunny day on May 11 is the best sign that the fever will release the patient. On this day, it was customary to go out onto the road and wait for a warm wind from noon. This wind, in the view of healers, is also healing. As soon as the south wind began to blow, the sorceresses put out amulets to meet him and with special whispers drove the wind into them, so that after putting the amulet on the patient, they would heal him.
May 12 - the day of the nine martyrs - was also considered the day of treatment. A special conspiracy was read over the patient, in which pagan beliefs and the Christian church canon were combined.
The day of May 13 is marked in the Russian tradition with special signs. If in the evening of this day the sky is starry and a warm wind rises, then, according to a sign near Moscow, the summer will be rich in thunderstorms and warmth, and the harvest will be plentiful. AT Ryazan region it was customary to observe the sunrise on this day: if the sky in the east turns out to be clear and cloudless, the summer will be good, but if the sun rises in the clouds, it will rain all summer.
May 14 - Iremey-harness. The beginning of a wide course of spring field work.
Note: the bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold next winter. They advised: "You sow a day earlier - you will take a week earlier."
Care is to grow a good crop, save it.
May 15 - the nightingale sang thoroughly - spring began to wane, and summer - to profit.
May 16 - if the bird cherry has a lot of flowers - the summer will be wet.
On May 17, they planted cabbage seedlings, while observing the ancient custom of protecting the future harvest: they carried a cracked pot to the garden beds and put a nettle bush pulled out nearby (with a root) inside. This was done in order to protect seedlings from envious people, from the evil eye. When planting cabbage, they said: “Seedling seedlings, don’t be ankle-sized, but be pot-bellied, don’t be empty, but be tight, don’t be red, but be tasty, don’t be old, but be young, don’t be small, but be great” .
May 19 - Ion-Goroshik, Ibn-Rosenik, Ion-borage.
They noted: "A clear day on Jonah - to the harvest of cucumbers."
If Ion-Goroshnik dissolves dew - to the harvest of vegetables.
May 22 - St. Nicholas Day. The beginning of a real working peasant summer. Rain on "Saint Nicholas" - expect a good harvest.
May 23 - dig roots for potions. Prepare medicinal herbs.
May 24 - Mokey Wet. They noted: "It's wet on Mokeya - it's wet all summer." "Sunrise is crimson, and during the day it rains - to a wet and thunderous summer."
May 25 is the day of Epifan. They noted: “If it’s morning on Epifan in a red caftan, then the summer will be dry, fire.”
May 26 - Lukerya Komarshchitsa. There were mosquitoes. It will get warm at night. Mosquitoes are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure. Downgrading atmospheric pressure mosquitoes "flight level" change.
It is believed that mosquitoes favorite treat swallows. Therefore, the swallows also carry their flight down. Looking at the low-flying swallows, we say: “This is for the rain,” and for the most part we are right. Storms bring bad weather and atmospheric fronts that are associated with them. As they approach, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Most often, cyclones come from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. When long fibers appear in the west cirrus clouds with curved edges - they are called "feathery claws" - wait for the rain. Cirrus clouds are followed by cirrus-stratus clouds, covering the sky like a veil, gradually they turn into altostratus and stratified-rainy clouds, from which it rains in summer and snow in winter. Cirrus "rain" clouds lag behind at a distance of about 400 km. On average, the speed of movement of cyclones and clouds is 25-30 km per hour. So, 12-15 hours after the appearance of cirrus clouds and wait for rain. With a significant drop in atmospheric pressure in the swamp, gases come out of the soil, forming a gurgle in the swamps. Compare the flight of swallows with the state of the sky and, after correcting for "gurgling", make your own weather forecast.
May 27 is the day of Sidor. “Severko (northern wind) on Sidor and all summer is like this,” the summer will be cool. Swifts and killer whales will fly in and bring warmth.
May 28 - the day of Pahom Bokogrey. The sun is starting to get hotter. "Pahom came - it smelled of warmth." They noted: "It's warm in Pakhom - it's warm all summer."
May 31 - Fedot Ovsyanik. The onset of heat. The air warmed up. "Fedot came - the earth took on its kind." Signs of the day: “If there is a top with an edge on Fedot on an oak tree, you will measure oats with a tub.”

Spring proverbs and sayings

Spring ice is thick and simple; autumn thin, but tenacious.
Spring is a woman's work (squirrel of canvases).
Spring will show everything (when ice and snow melt).
Spring is red during the day (that is, not entirely).
Spring and autumn ride on a pinto mare. (with white spots like snow)
Spring is red, everything went.
Spring is red and summer is miserable.
Spring has come - everything has gone.
Spring flies off the ground (quickly leaves).
Spring is red with flowers, autumn is sheaves.
In the spring there is no land, in the summer there are hard work, in the autumn there is no road, in winter the winter is cold.
In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud.
In the spring, the wind from the crown, in the autumn from the ash tree (archang.).
In the spring the rain soars, in the autumn it wets.
In the spring, the hare sits at the hearing.
In the spring, that it spills like a river - you can’t see a drop; in autumn he will sift with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.
In spring, it wets the day, and dries for an hour.
Spring day for seven to move (about the thaw).
Spring ice, that someone else's hut threshold (unreliable).
The spring feast of shami takes (took).
The spring feast is crushed with cabbage soup.
Spring time - ate and from the yard.
Dry March and wet May make good bread.

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