When is the best time to go to Iceland? Holidays in Iceland in winter and summer. Where to go on vacation The best time to travel to Iceland

Fashion & Style 31.08.2019

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Unfortunately, none of the journalists website I have never been to Iceland, although we all dream of visiting this amazing island. Therefore, in this case The guide will be useful not only to our readers, but to the entire editorial staff.

And its background is as follows: while browsing the ru_travel livejournal community, we came across an interesting post about Iceland by a popular blogger Ilya Varlamov, better known under the nickname zyalt. After reviewing the text, we realized that this is a very useful and detailed guide to the country of geysers and glaciers.

We turned to zyalt with a request to publish his guide to Iceland on website to which he briefly answered "yes". We do not need to repeat twice - we publish!

The only thing to keep in mind is that the guide was written for travelers from Russia, so in some places we adapted it a little for Ukrainians (we are talking about visas, air tickets). Also, out of respect for the author, we did not remove links to some services in his post - it's up to you to decide if this is useful or not.

Well, to finish with the prefaces, a small introduction from the author himself:

It is very difficult to write a good guidebook, especially when you have been to the country only once. In this post, based on my experience, I wrote tips for those who want to plan their trip to Iceland on their own.

Get to know Iceland in a crazy fun video:

Iceland travel guide - when to go

Everything is simple here. In winter, there are only a few hours of daylight, it is cold, but there are few tourists, cheap hotels and northern lights! In summer - white nights, flowering meadows, sunshine, many tourists and expensive hotels. The most season is June-August. Choose yourself. If you don't have much money, then it's better to go in April-May, since many hotels have almost doubled their prices since June 1st.

Iceland travel guide - how much does it cost

It all depends on how you are used to relaxing. You can consider 3 extreme options, and everything is very individual. One thing I can say is that less than 30,000 ( we are talking about rubles, in terms of hryvnia - this is 8150), this is not Egypt and not Turkey. Let's imagine that 2 people go to Iceland for 10 days.

Option 1: 30,000 rubles per person. (8150 hryvnia)

You buy tickets in advance, with a backpack with a tent on your back. Hitchhiking or buses, live in campsites, maybe a couple of times in hostels if bad weather+ you need to wash, buy food in stores and cook yourself on the grill. Of the costs, only food and transport, as well as housing sometimes.

Option 2: RUB 170,000 per person (UAH 46,100)

You rent a car and drive around the island. You have lunch and dinner in restaurants, live in 3-4 star hotels, take several excursions.

Option 3: RUB 500,000 per person (UAH 135,770)

You take good car, live in the best hotels and eat in good restaurants. Excursions by helicopters and airplanes, rental of all-terrain vehicles, guides.

Iceland travel guide - how to get a visa

Iceland is one of the Schengen countries. Ukrainian tourists who want to visit Iceland must apply for a visa to the consular section of the Norwegian Embassy.

All information, in particular the documents required for issuing visas, is listed on the official website of the Norwegian Embassy.

If you have any questions, please contact the visa department at +380 44 281 22 00 (call from 14 to 16). Address: Kyiv, Yaroslavov Val, 38.

Iceland travel guide - how to fly

There are no direct flights from Ukraine to Iceland. You will have to fly with at least one connection. Often the algorithm is as follows: from our "nenko" you need to get to one of the European cities from where the Icelandic airline Icelandair flies. In particular, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm, Milan, Brussels, Madrid, Munich, London, etc. See the full route map.

© icelandair.is

From Europe there is already a flight to Reykjavik. Tickets are not cheap. In general, such a trip will cost at least 6000-8000 hryvnia. Naturally, you can plan a trip for some special offers, airline promotions, then the budget for the flight will be 20% -30% less.

As an example, we tried to buy tickets to Reykjavik from Kyiv for mid-May - early June, using the tickets.tochka.net ticket purchase service.

The cheapest ticket that the system offered us cost UAH 7,110. Docking in Stockholm. On the shoulder Kyiv-Stockholm fly with Aerosvit, on the shoulder Stockholm-Reykjavik - Icelandair.

Of course, not only Icelandair flies to Reykjavik. You can find cheaper tickets at the same low-cost EasyJet or Air Berlin, there are good prices at Lufthansa. In general, you need to monitor, see how best to design (precisely design) your route. The search algorithm, we think, is clear - go for it.

© easyjet.com

Keep in mind that the international airport is not in Reykjavik, but in Keflavik, which is about 50 km from the capital. A taxi to the capital will cost you $60-80, so if possible, it is better to rent a car right at the airport. Also, there is no need to book the first hotel in Reykjavik, if you just need to spend the night, then it is better to take a hotel near the airport.

Iceland travel guide - where to live (hotels and hostels)

The first thing you need to get used to is that everything in Iceland is very expensive. Hotel prices are no exception; on average, you will pay 2 times more for food and accommodation than in continental Europe. Another feature of Iceland: in most cases, hotel prices are set not per room, but per person. That is, if you see that the cost of a room is €100, then for two you can already be charged €200.

It is better to book hotels in advance. There are many tourists in Iceland, but not so many hotels. In winter, many hotels close, but in the rest, prices fall several times. You can live in Iceland in hotels, hostels or on farms and cottages.

The hotels we rented are shown on the map, reviews and details on them can be found on the Turbina.ru website. Keep in mind that five-star hotels outside of Reykjavik are almost impossible to find, and four-star hotels do not always live up to their status. On average, a 3-4 star hotel for two will cost €160-200 per night.

There are interesting hotels. For example, the Ranga Hotel in the Icelandic town of Sudurlandsvegur was named by the Sunday Times the best place around the world to see the northern lights. The northern lights are the main attraction with which the hotel lures guests. Best time to watch it natural phenomenon- from September to April.

I reprinted information about some hostels, contacts and details can be found on Turbine. You can also find and book a hostel on this site. Price per seat averages €25.

© hotelranga.is

Iceland guide - where to live (farms and cottages)


The winter period (from late September to April) is considered off-season in Iceland, although in last years The number of tourists is growing regardless of the season. Travelers are scared away by short daylight hours (about four hours), constant storms and piercing cold. True, Iceland is not very cold in winter: average temperature above zero (and December 2016 has already broken all records: the temperature was around plus 7-8 degrees), thanks to the Gulf Stream!

Probably the most obvious reason to choose the winter season to travel to Iceland is that during the winter season it is easier to find cheap tickets to Reykjavik. Many airlines (such as Icelandair or Wow Air) have very attractive prices. And do not forget that Icelandair, when flying from Europe to America, makes it possible to make a stopover in Iceland for up to seven days absolutely free of charge. I will add that in winter time renting a car, a hotel room or a bed in a hostel are cheaper than in summer.

Iceland becomes a little paradise in winter. In winter, even the most popular places in Iceland have fewer tourists, which means that your photos will not have crowds surrounding the geyser, or hundreds of people at the Skogafoss waterfall. And if you decide to turn off road number one and get, for example, to the north or east of the country, which is less popular in winter, the chances of meeting tourists are minimized.

The only period when tourists overwhelm Reykjavik late autumn- Iceland Airwaves festival. This is a unique event for the country: in addition to the main program, where both Icelandic and foreign artists perform, almost every bar and cafe has its own unofficial program. Those who have not bought a ticket to the festival have the opportunity to listen to performances by famous Icelandic musicians in small bars, a hostel or even a shop! For five days Reykjavik lives only for music and parties, and this is the craziest and coolest time of the year.

Another thing that immediately comes to mind is a completely unique light. Yes, the daylight hours become very short, but the winter sun, rising quite low above the horizon, illuminates everything with a soft golden light.

As a person who has experienced all the seasons in Iceland, I can say that for me winter was a real revelation. Reykjavik looks absolutely fabulous when the snow falls and all the tiny colorful houses look like toys. Waterfalls partially freeze, fresh snow lies in the mountains, and Iceland appears in a completely new light.

Also in winter (and only in winter) tourists have the opportunity to visit the ice caves. And it is truly a mesmerizing sight. When you first see them in photographs, it's hard to believe that such places really exist on the planet. For safety reasons, the caves can only be visited with one of the authorized tour operators. The pleasure is not cheap, but really worth it. ice caves Iceland is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, and where, if not here, to arrange a trip to the heart of the glacier?

An obvious reason to visit Iceland in winter is also the northern lights. You can enjoy this truly bewitching spectacle even not far from Reykjavik, the main thing is to choose the least illuminated area and check the forecast (you should make sure that the sky is clear and the radiance forecast on a ten-point scale is at least three).

And finally, probably the most favorite winter pastime of Icelanders is hot springs. When, if not in winter, can you enjoy them to the fullest? In addition to the city's many outdoor pools, the Blue Lagoon and the Green Lagoon (Lake Myvatn), small springs are scattered throughout the country. My personal favorite- a hot river in the Reykjadalur valley, near the town of Hveragerdi (about 30 minutes by car from Reykjavik). Yes, this may not be the most obvious choice (it takes about an hour to get to the river), but I would say that this is a real paradise! Depending on how far up the river you go, it can be warmer or colder, and the fabulous scenery around will be a plus. Full list all hot springs of Iceland can be found.

Is it difficult to travel by car in winter, do you need to rent a jeep or can you get by with a small car?

Depends on where you are going to go. On a circular road, you can get by with a small one, all car rental companies change tires on cars in winter. But if you want Icelandic exotics (western fjords or, for example, any interesting places in the middle of nowhere), you will need a jeep with studded tires. For example, last March we went to the western fjords, and the road was either covered with snow, or generally covered with a thin layer of ice.
We recommend checking the condition of the roads on the Road.is portal a few hours before departure.

Is it possible to see all the main attractions of Iceland in winter? Are there any that are closed, not accessible or covered with snow?

All the most basic and popular attractions are open and accessible in winter. The only thing is that it is necessary to accurately calculate the time, it is better to go on any trip in the dark - daylight hours are only three to four hours. If you leave at dawn, there is a great chance of not seeing anything. True, you won’t be able to see whales in Husavik, because the season there lasts until November.

www.road.is - a portal about the state of roads in Iceland.
accommodation.is - a portal about guesthouses, campsites and hotels in Iceland.
hotpoticeland.com - all the hot springs of Iceland on one map.
en.vedur.is - weather and northern lights forecast.

The best time to visit Iceland - the pros and cons of every season!

What is the best time of year to visit Iceland? I can make arguments for every season! Check out the list of pros and cons for each season, as well as average temperatures and daylight hours!

Often people wonder when is the best time to visit Iceland, but this is such a difficult question to answer! The answer will differ from person to person and it depends on what you want to do as well as what kind of weather you prefer.

I personally love any weather and in every manifestation of it I find something interesting for myself. When we were going to go to Iceland, I analyzed many sources and this is what people who live in Iceland say.

So first off, winters in Iceland are seriously not as cold as you might think. Due to the effect of the warm current, the coast remains relatively warm all year round. Conversely, summer is never too hot. So although Iceland has all four seasons, the temperatures are not very extreme, but sometimes all four seasons change in 1 day.

So, here's what kind of weather you can expect from each season in Iceland.

Spring in Iceland

April and May

Spring temperature in Iceland:

  • Average high: 7-10°C
  • Average minimum: 0 ° C

Daylight hours:

  • April: 15 hours
  • May: 18 hours

Pros of spring in Iceland:

  • The snow is melting and the flowers are starting to bloom.
  • You get nice cool weather but without the crowds of tourists and high seasonal prices
  • Puffins begin to arrive (April-August)
  • You may still catch the Northern Lights (early April)
  • long days
  • Good weather
  • Less tourists

Cons of the spring season in Iceland:

  • This is not a typical forever and you will not be able to afford to wear a T-shirt and shorts, sometimes you may need a coat or a warm jacket.

Summer in Iceland

June, July and August

Summer temperature in Iceland:

  • Average high: 15-18 ° C
  • Average minimum: 7°C

Daylight hours:

  • June / July: 20-22 hours! (that is, in the middle of June there is not even twilight)
  • August: 16 hours

Advantages of the summer season in Iceland

LONG summer days

  • Midnight Sun (longest day - June 20th)
  • The weather is better and everything is so green!
  • Sheep! Horses! Dead ends! Whales!
  • Much to do - summer music festivals, many tours, hiking
  • Highland roads open (access to Landmannalaugar and Þórsmörk, as well as hiking on the Laugavegurinn, Fimmvörðuháls route)

Cons of the summer season in Iceland

  • Peak tourist season / more people at all major attractions
  • Higher prices for everything and possible difficulties in finding housing
  • Light all day. (This may not be a problem for some, but some say they can't sleep in the light)
  • Not very "summer" weather, as you might expect

Autumn in Iceland

September and October

Temperature in autumn in Iceland:

  • Average high: 7-13 ° C
  • Average minimum: 2°C

Daylight hours:

  • September: 13 hours
  • October: 9 hours

Pros of the autumn season in Iceland:

  • The golden color of the trees
  • The comfort that comes with darkness
  • "Normal" daylight (meaning both light during the day and dark at night)
  • First Northern Lights of the season, possibly the first snowfall!
  • Prices below
  • Fewer travelers

Cons of the autumn season:

  • The weather is quite unpredictable - windy, humid and sometimes quite cold
  • Autumn colors can be skipped entirely, depending on the month.

Winter season in Iceland

November, December, January, February and March

Temperatures in winter in Iceland:

  • Average maximum: 4-7 ° C
  • Average minimum: -2 - +1 ° С

Daylight hours:

  • October - 9 hours
  • November - 6 hours
  • December - 4 hours
  • January - 4 hours
  • February - 7 hours
  • March - 10 hours

Pros of the winter season in Iceland:

  • Golden clock (the time of sunset and dawn lasts almost the entire daylight hours).
  • Snow walks through beautiful landscapes!
  • Amazing sensations when bathing in open hot springs
  • Ice caves and glacier tours
  • Christmas lights, Christmas markets, Christmas decorations, Christmas spirit.
  • New Year's Eve: Reykjavik is ranked 5th in the world to watch fireworks!
  • Snowy mountains, frozen waterfalls, an Icelandic horse on a white background... it's all amazing!
  • Northern lights! (That should be enough by now!)

Cons of the winter season in Iceland:

  • Darkness - in mid-December, the sun illuminates the sky only for 3-4 hours. It can be quite tiring and you don't have much time to explore the area.
  • It's cold and very important, you need to take care of good clothes.
  • The weather changes very often, due to this, sometimes even major roads are closed - it is very difficult to plan a trip.
  • Zero access to mountain roads without a tour.

No matter what time of year you decide to visit Iceland, it will be a wonderful time! Beautiful nature, which is always there, will show that you are not mistaken!

Well, how? When are you planning to visit Iceland?

And of course, for those who have read to the end, a small bonus - probably the best site with a weather forecast in Iceland! And not only the weather, but also cloudiness, humidity and even the northern lights! -

Iceland is a country of contrasts, and this becomes clear just by looking at its natural landscapes. Majestic glaciers and active volcanoes, hot springs, waterfalls and mysterious caves, green meadows with lush grass and rivers full of fish.

Weather in Iceland now:

Most of the land here is covered with glaciers. Iceland would be a harsh subarctic country if not for the Gulf Stream - the warm current of the Atlantic, which gave this land a mild winter and a short cool summer. Despite the fact that almost all year round they blow over the islands strong winds The climate here is considered healthy and beneficial. No wonder the average life expectancy of Icelanders is 79.5 years.

Climate of Iceland by months:


Spring in Iceland is a time when nature comes to life. Despite the fact that drifting ice floes are accumulating off the coast, the whales are already starting mating games. On the islands, the air temperature reaches + 7-10`C, flocks of birds return from the south, the colors become brighter. Melt waters from glaciers feed waterfalls, which gain strength in spring and attract tourists. The weather remains extremely unstable and can change drastically literally hourly.

The arrival of spring in Iceland coincides with Beer Day, which falls on March 1st. In a country where the “dry law” has been in effect for 75 years, this day is celebrated everywhere.


With the advent of summer in Iceland, a period of white nights begins, the peak of which occurs at the end of June. Long-term observations show that the warmest summer month here is July, when the air temperature reaches +15-20`C. July and August are considered high in Iceland tourist season and the best period to visit the famous Blue Lagoon - an open-air geothermal spa with hot mineral springs.

There are practically no trees in Iceland, but there is plenty of greenery in huge greenhouses and greenhouses, which are heated by underground heat. One of them is Eden Park, a favorite place for tourists and Icelanders to walk. Despite meager vegetable world, live on the island rare species birds that invariably return here with the advent of summer.


September in Iceland is still a relatively "summer" month, and in October the weather deteriorates sharply, which is explained by the passage of cyclones through the ocean. In November, a dark period begins, when the Sun is very low, and daylight hours last no more than 5 hours.

In this regard, from September to April, prices for tours and excursions to Iceland fall. Meanwhile, at this time of the year, the nature of the country is beautiful and majestic. On the endless snow-covered fields, the wind causes tons of volcanic ash. Volcanoes covered with a formidable ice shell erupt right under the ice, and this spectacle looks simply amazing. In addition, autumn in Iceland is a rather calm time of the year.


There is no polar night in Iceland, but at night the Sun is only a few degrees above the ground, and this period lasts from mid-November to early February. In winter in Iceland, you can see the northern lights, but not only. Giant glaciers, active volcanoes and mesmerizing fjords, where even in summer they do not always get Sun rays, make you admire this mysterious edge of the earth.

On December 24, Yule is celebrated in Iceland, a mid-winter holiday analogous to our Christmas. The history of the holiday goes back centuries, in the distant pre-Christian times. On this day, they decorate the Yule tree, drink hot mulled wine, and put gifts for the elves under the tree. The Scandinavians pay homage to the gods, a ritual Yule log is burned in the furnace as a tribute to the "solstice" - the turn of the sun from winter to summer.

My first visit to Iceland happened 3 years ago. By that time, I was so obsessed with the idea of ​​​​this trip that when everything finally coincided - vacation, season and the opportunity to leave alone - I took the very first tickets that were found in the search engine.
As a result, the trip came out (according to my feelings) as a reference - since then I consider myself one foot local. Reykjavik - best city Earth. And prohibitively expensive.

Everything said. And the lack of a clear plan without any preparation, and the fact that the trip was solitary - I could not share the cost of living or renting a car with someone.

But this is mine personal experience. And he absolutely does not justify the fact that it is often customary for us to love Iceland, like a Hollywood actor - to sigh longingly and do nothing.

The end of May and the beginning of June is a great time to go to the island. The weather becomes less capricious, and daylight hours are almost endless. I fly there again, but this time with experienced friends. We fully calculated the budget of the trip with the help of our friends living in Reykjavik - they gave us up-to-date prices for everything from transport around the city to a sandwich in the supermarket.

There is still a month left before the season of Icelandic adventures - with the help of this article you will still have time to prepare for the trip!

For the convenience of further calculations, I will take two people, give them a car license, a little love for comfort and send them to the island for a week.

Visa to Iceland

Iceland, although it refused to join the EU, is a member of the Schengen Agreement.

The ideal option is if you already have a multiple entry Schengen visa. On it you will easily fly into the country.

If not, you can apply for a visa at the Iceland Visa Application Center in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The Icelandic Schengen costs about the same as any other. But there is an unpleasant detail - it is highly likely that you will be issued a single-entry visa, for a trip.

The second option is to get a visa from another state. Since there are no direct flights from Russia to Iceland, and you will still be opening a visa in the transfer country, you can contact them. Or to the visa center of any country in whose favor you are sure - in this case, you will need to book tickets and hotels for a package of documents. Keep in mind that if you get a Schengen visa from another country and never enter it before the visa expires, you may have problems next time.

Visa: 5,500 rubles.

When is the best time to fly to Iceland?

  • As I said, summer is the best time to travel to Iceland, but keep in mind that since June 1, hotel prices have almost doubled. You can choose the second half of May and save a lot on housing without much difference in weather.
  • Autumn and spring are fraught with the fact that you will experience the legendary variability of the local climate - this is unlikely to bring you pleasure.
  • Winter is good with northern lights and low prices, but its main disadvantage is a very short daylight hours. You will have 4-5 hours for walks.

How much does a flight to Iceland cost?

The average price range for the route Moscow / St. Petersburg - Reykjavik is from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. The figure is quite pleasant compared, for example, with such a popular Bali.

Often there are options with long (from 8 to 12 hours) daytime transplants. If the long road doesn't scare you, spend an extra day in Riga, Oslo, Budapest or another European city as a bonus. For example, I had an amazing walk around Munich - 9 hours was enough to go around the entire center on a bicycle without panic.

Important. In case of a long transfer, do not forget to include it in the travel budget - transport from the airport to the center usually costs a lot of money, and you still need to eat somewhere.

Do not ignore also flights from Vilnius, Helsinki and Riga. European low-cost airlines fly directly from here to Reykjavik - there were cases when it was possible to fly from Vilnius to Iceland and back for 5,000 rubles. With such savings, it makes sense to slightly lower the bar of acceptable travel comfort and get to the point of departure by train, bus or using the blablacar service.

Flight: 25,000 rubles.

Where to stay?

In the case of a week-long trip, the easiest way is to base yourself in Reykjavik and make one-day trips to interesting places.

District 101 reykjavik - you are in the very center. District 105 reykjavik - you have to walk 20-40 minutes. Try to stick to them and you'll avoid public transport - it's good but expensive. Save on housing, but spend on travel and, as a result, nullify all your benefits.

  • An apartment or a hotel is what you should take care of first of all. With housing at affordable prices, there is a total shortage, and the closer to the date of the trip, the less likely it is to snatch at least something decent.
  • In June, an apartment for two will cost from 10,000 rubles per night, a room - from 4,000. The “the more people, the cheaper” scheme works well - this is how we rented an apartment for four for 11,000 rubles per day.
  • A double room in a guesthouse or 3 * hotel will cost 10,000 - 20,000 per night.
  • But if you're traveling alone, then best option accommodation in Reykjavik - hostel. Almost all of them are very stylish, with friendly staff, cool guests and located in the center. On the advice of the locals, I lived in Hlemmur Square and was very satisfied. Now he still has an excellent rating. The second verified hostel is Kex Hostel.A night in one of them in a room for 6 people (we will not go to extremes and settle in a 12-bed hostel) - 4,000 rubles.
  • In May, any housing will cost 30 - 50% cheaper.

Accommodation for 7 days per person: 20,000 - 35,000 rubles.

How to get from the airport?

Keflavik - Reykjavik Airport, is located 50 km from the city.

city ​​bus

Suitable if you arrived light and are ready to walk a couple of kilometers to the bus stop of the city of Keflavik.

From here, bus number 55 goes to the center of Reykjavik, to the BSI bus station. The cost is 1130 rubles.
City carrier website.

Gray Line Transfer (Airport Express)

Significantly outperforms the city bus in terms of convenience at a comparable price. Departs from the airport and takes you to the hotel, runs around the clock according to the schedule, costs 1,350 rubles. The buses have wi-fi.
To buy a ticket

Flybus transfer

Comfortable buses depart 35-40 minutes after the arrival of each flight.
Pay attention to the price difference. To get to the BSI bus station will cost you 1,850 rubles, to the hotel - already 2500. If the hotel is located in the center and you have a little luggage, it will be more profitable to walk.
The site of the company.


From 8,500 rubles one way.
Guys, you are crazy. But if you really want to enter the city like a king, you can order a car at the counter at the airport.

How to get around the country?

You won't need transport in Reykjavik - you need to explore the city on foot, it is small and intimate, with interesting details at every turn. It does not require endurance, walks will be a pleasure.

But in order to get to most of the sensational Icelandic attractions - waterfalls, glaciers and geysers - you will have to drive or use the services of excursion companies.

Car rent

The most preferable option - the costs will be slightly less, and the freedom of movement - much more. So if someone in the company has a car license - feel free to use it. The roads here are amazing, the drivers on them are law-abiding, and the traffic we are used to is on the right-hand side, so driving will be a joy.

Plan out-of-town trips to understand the required car power. From this directly and very significantly will depend on its cost.

If you do not plan to go around the island and climb into hard-to-reach places, then an ordinary passenger car will be quite enough - for example, Kia Rio. And it will cost 4,000 - 6,000 rubles per day, depending on the options (navigation, wi-fi, child seats, etc.).

For more serious races, prefer a crossover or SUV - from 7,000 rubles per day.

It will be beneficial to take a car for the second half of the week and return it already at the airport - this option is free and will save on the return transfer.
Transport: 1,350 rubles transfer from the airport + 14,000 rubles per person for 4 days of car rental.

Tour companies

My option on the first trip - I have no rights, alas.

Bus tours in Iceland are pretty smart. The buses, of course, are comfortable and most often with wi-fi (you can immediately post photos), and in my case the driver was part-time guide and didn’t bother me much - on the way he talked about where we were going, and on the spot he just let the group out and didn't bother.

My friends and I, who traveled to Iceland before and after me, used the services of the company bustravel and were satisfied. Why it's good: there are often package deals for excursions and transfers from / to the airport and to the Blue Lagoon. It's cheaper than buying everything separately.

But if you collect from them a package of all the most necessary excursions (Golden Circle and Glacier Lagoon), transfer and entrance to the Blue Lagoon, it will be about 25,000 rubles.

Excursions: 25,000 rubles.

What to eat in Iceland

There are legends among travelers about suitcases full of buckwheat that you need to bring with you to Iceland so as not to perish from hunger.

Let's figure it out. Yes, in Iceland, expensive catering is not the place where you will party in restaurants. And even in supermarkets, prices for the most simple products bite very much. But there is no need to go to extremes and carry a full diet with you.

If you have rented an apartment or a hotel without breakfast, it is advisable to bring portioned porridge with you. Many bring nuts and dried fruits for snacks on walks, you can take muesli, cereal bars - something that does not take up much space and is guaranteed to come in handy. Take your favorite tea or coffee with you, as well as a thermos.

It is better to buy products in the local Bonus supermarket chain - a yellow emblem with a pink pig. This is something like an analogue of our "Magnet" - quite simple and budget, but there is everything you need.

Remember that alcohol in Iceland is sold only in one chain of stores (Vinbudin), and the price directly depends on the strength and is prohibitively high in any case. It's easier to stop drinking than to tear a toad off of you.

Therefore, try to buy everything you need in duty free - you can get into it already at the exit, immediately after baggage claim. Prices here are 2-3 times lower than in the city.Buy beer at Vinbudin, a jar of BUD 0.5 - 235 rubles.

  • Bread - 140 rubles
  • Ready sandwich with chicken - 350 rubles
  • A pack of oatmeal cookies 300 gr. - 180 rubles
  • Smoked beef 1 kg. - 910 rubles
  • Skyr yogurt 500 gr. - 230 rubles
  • Eggs 10 pcs. - 570 rubles
  • Processed cheese 500 gr. - 320 rubles
  • A pack of TUC crackers - 78 rubles
  • Sliced ​​ham 95 gr. - 179 rubles

There are quite a few cafes and restaurants in the country. But eating here is really expensive. It makes no sense to look for everyone's unloved, but sometimes saving McDonald's - the last restaurant of the chain was closed in Reykjavik in 2009.

But if it becomes quite lazy to cook by ourselves, we are preparing for the following price order:

  • Burger with potatoes - 1300 rubles
  • Main dish of meat or fish - from 1500 rubles
  • Soup - from 800 rubles (bread is often brought for free)
  • Beer or a glass of wine - from 600 rubles

Specify the size of portions in advance - they are often quite large, and there is a chance to share one dish for two.

Meals: from 20,000 rubles per person per week.

Iceland itinerary for a week


The whole city is like a handful of scattered children's cubes. Due to its small size and clear structure, you walk along it without maps and questions and always get where you need to go.


Be sure to climb this Lutheran cathedral in the city center, which is famous for its powerful pointed shape. At the very top there is an observation deck - only here you can get a complete picture of how the city looks from above.

On the sitethere is a schedule of musical performances in the cathedral - a huge beautiful organ is installed in its very center.

Entrance to the observation deck - 560 rubles.


My personal city gem spaceship made of hundreds of glass honeycombs, pretending to be a concert hall, built in the port of Reykjavik.

Here you can just relax, lie on the yellow poufs in the lobby, listen to the music coming from behind the closed doors of the halls and watch the ships in the port. Everything else works in Harp open network wifi. I advise you to go to a classical music concert - from 1500 rubles or to a comedy performance "How to become an Icelander in 60 minutes" (goes to English language) - 2800 rubles.


The city's boiler house with hot water tanks is much more prosaic, but the Icelanders made a landmark out of it. On the fourth floor there is an observation deck, this time free of charge.

Folklore Museum Arbayarsafn

An open-air exhibition about old Reykjavik with houses and a farm, an old blacksmith shop and even the first railway locomotive. Looks better than the description suggests.
It is inexpensive - 1000 rubles.

solar wanderer

Sculpture in the form of a boat on the coast - it is better to come here at sunset. Symbolizes the dream of distant lands, the desire for freedom and hope for a new life.

Country program

If you are not such an urban fanatic as I am, then all the most interesting things for you are still outside the city limits. Most often they say - take a car and drive around the island, but it will not work in a week. But you are able to go around all the most iconic places - one day for each of the routes.

Golden Ring of Iceland

The most popular tourist route, but there is nothing wrong with that. Here you will see one representative of each type of local attractions: national park Thingvellir, Kerid Crater, Heikadalur Geyser Valley and Gullfoss Waterfall.

One "but" - there are really a lot of tourists, leave early.

South of Iceland and Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

See the amazing Skogafoss and Seljalandsfoss waterfalls, the Jokulsarlon glacier and the charming town of Vik - tiny, but with a powerful ocean and a black volcanic sand beach.

Thermal spring "Blue Lagoon"

There are a lot of thermal pools in Iceland, the Blue Lagoon is the most famous and well-maintained of them. A sky-colored lagoon with dense milk vapor above the water - you definitely saw it in the photographs.

Entrance fee - 4200 rubles.

The final budget per person per week, if you travel together, in comfort, but without too much glamor:

What do we spend on

lower threshold

upper threshold


5 500


15 000

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