When is the best time to go on vacation to Hungary? The best time to travel to Hungary Beach holidays in Hungary in the summer.

Design and interior 12.06.2019
Design and interior

The mild temperate continental climate of Hungary makes this country favorable for tourism in any of the four seasons. Remote from the seas, located inside Europe and closed by mountains, the country is protected from cold northern winds.

Seasons in Hungary

Winters are mild, spring and autumn are warm and long, and summers are moderately hot and long. The hottest month is July, and the coldest month is January.

Although the area of ​​Hungary is not that large, the weather can differ depending on the region. The southeast is warm, sunny and dry, with frequent droughts in summer. It is already cooler in the north of the country, and it rains more often in the mountains than in the plains.

Precipitation in Hungary

Precipitation in Hungary is moderate: on average, their annual amount reaches 600–700 mm. The main amount of precipitation falls on the cold season and early summer.

Thunderstorms and showers are possible in summer. In autumn, prolonged rains for several days are possible, and in winter - hail or freezing rain. Snow rarely falls: 3–5 times per season. Spring is rich in a variety of precipitation. Fog is possible wet snow alternating with warm dry days.

Rainfall also varies by region. Western Hungary is considered the wettest part of the country. Here the rainfall reaches 800 mm per year. The driest region is the center of Hungary - the valley of the Tisza River. In the "driest" years, 400 mm of precipitation fell there.


Hungary is considered the sunniest country in Central Europe. In Budapest, the sun shines for more than 2,000 hours a year, of which more than half falls on May, all summer and September.

The average temperature in July in the capital is +22–25 o С: this month is considered the hottest. Such warm weather is connected not only in summer, but also in autumn with the influence air masses who came from the Mediterranean lands and the influence of the Azores anticyclone. This also explains the June rains.

Since the beginning of the new millennium in July and August, record temperatures have been recorded: + 35–40 o C, and the lack of rain led to severe droughts.


In Hungary, the air warms up to comfortable temperatures quite early, already in early April. Rain is not uncommon and the weather can be changeable. A Hungarian proverb says: "Believe a woman as you believe the weather in April." This means that even if the sun is shining now, it is not a fact that it will not rain in the evening.

Average temperature in spring

Happy +12–14 o С
At night +4–6 o С


The weather in autumn is warm, and the autumn itself is long. The first frosts begin only in November. Of course, it often rains, and there are often fogs. However, the rest of the time it is sunny outside, but there is no longer that exhausting summer heat.

Average temperature in autumn

Happy +11–14 o С
At night +3–5 o С


Hungary is not considered the warmest European country: by the standards of Europeans, winters are cold here. Of course, they cannot be compared with Russian winters: here average temperature in January -1 °C, and the values ​​on the thermometer below -10 °C - severe frosts.

Often there are thaws, all because of the same air masses coming from the West. The snow cover lasts a little more than a month in general, and the Danube is covered with a layer of ice for a long time. The sky is mostly cloudy and the humidity is high.

Average temperature in winter

Happy +3–6 o С
At night From -1 to +5 o С

Best time to visit Hungary

Things to do in Hungary different time of the year?

  • Spring and autumn

In spring and autumn, Hungary will delight tourists with mild and warm weather. This is a pleasant time to admire the beautiful nature. In September, gourmets will also enjoy the Ode to Wine festival. New Year's tours are also popular, when all cities are filled with a fabulous Christmas atmosphere.

  • in winter

Worth a visit in winter ski resorts. About 50 tracks are designed for a variety of leisure activities: from simple skiing, sledding to extreme sports on ski jumps and twisted turns.

  • Summer

For those who want to fully enjoy the large and crystal clear lakes of Hungary, it's time to visit the country in the summer. In this season, without interference, you can swim, go in for water sports, and fish. Just keep in mind that hotels can be overcrowded during the high season.

Well, you can admire the sights, the historical heritage of Hungary, as well as relax in the spa and wellness centers at any time of the year. The climate is ideal for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

When do you like to visit Hungary? Do you like the Hungarian climate? Tell us about your impressions in the comments.

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Located in the geographical center of Europe where the blue Danube splashes and the strict Carpathians rise - Hungary is a fertile land of fertile lands, reserved nature, amazing culture and good-natured people. In this article on the Tour-Calendar you will find out why the best time to visit this wonderful country is the second half of spring, the beginning of summer and the first two months of autumn.

Tourist season in Hungary

From the point of view of avid travelers, Hungary is without a doubt one of the most attractive European countries. Its inexhaustible diverse tourist potential, a myriad of attractions, as well as inexpensive accommodation with sufficiently high-quality service are the main secret of the annual increase in foreign guests. Here everyone finds something to his taste and what will interest him. Natural and medicinal resources are considered to be of great value in this area. Along with excursion objects, tours to thermal resorts are in constant demand. Almost no visit to Hungary is complete without a “appetizing note”. Enlightened gourmets highly appreciate the taste of national cuisine and famous Hungarian wines. Unlike other European countries, the tourist season here has a year-round duration. For 12 months, about 39 million people visit Hungary, which is 3.9 times more than the size of its own population. Of these, half are participants in short bus tours and those who are in transit in Hungary, the remaining half are genuine tourists. Per last years Russia has taken the 2nd place in terms of inbound tourist flow to this country.

High season in Hungary

May holidays and summer are traditionally the most popular time for recreation. The days are sunny and warm, conducive to participation in excursion programs and swimming in the lakes. The resort infrastructure is working at full capacity. In general, at this time in Hungary there is no time for boredom. When planning a trip during the high season, it is worth taking care of finding a suitable hotel room in advance, since at this time almost all accommodation facilities are overcrowded. Early booking in addition to guaranteeing accommodation in conditions that suit you, it also allows you to save a little. The second wave of tourists, although weaker, is observed during the Christmas and New Year holidays, from December 25 to January 2. Rooms are redeemed in a few months, the purchase of air tickets in anticipation of winter holidays can also be a problem. That's why everything organizational issues should be considered in advance.

Low season in Hungary

Those who do not want to pay for an expensive tour can come to Hungary in the fall, in early December, in the second half of January, in February or in March, when the rates of air carriers and hoteliers are noticeably reduced. at Easter, which locals used to celebrate on a grand scale, prices are creeping up again, so it will not be out of place to ask what numbers it falls on current year. In addition to its affordability, a holiday in the low season has a number of other advantages. This, for example, is fast service in cafes and restaurants, half-empty halls of museums and galleries, as well as the measured and imposing rhythm of cities devoid of excessive tourist attention.

The best time for excursions

Hungary is an ancient state with a turbulent history. For several centuries of its existence, the Romans, and the Germans, and the Slavs, and the Ottoman Janissaries lived here. It is not surprising that such a colossal number of attractions - cultural, historical and architectural - has been collected on its territory. Almost all sightseeing tours include in their route the dazzling pearl of the Danube - Budapest, deservedly recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and several compact, but very colorful cities in the country: Eger, Sopron, Debrecen, Szentedre, Dunayváros and Pécs, plunging into the charm of the Middle Ages. According to experienced travelers, the best time for an educational vacation in Hungary is spring and early autumn, when it is not hot, but not cold either. cold weather, and there is no huge crowd of people.

Beach season in Hungary

Despite the fact that there are no seas and oceans in Hungary, summer in this country is a full-fledged beach season. The main center of a beach holiday is Lake Balaton, which, with its immense size and color of water, resembles the sea. The mountains approaching it only complement the image of a real Mediterranean resort. A chain of first-class hotels and restaurants stretches along the entire shore of the lake. Therefore, vacationers feel more than comfortable here. In summer, the water temperature is kept at around +22°C, and on some days at +26..+27°C. In some years, you can swim and windsurf on the lake until the beginning of November.

Fishing season in Hungary

However, people come to Balaton not only for the sake of solar-water procedures. The depths of the southern part of the reservoir abound with fifty various kinds fish. True, before placing a rod on the shore, you need to purchase a special permit for this. The fishing season lasts from the end of April until the freeze-up.

Wellness season

Nature generously rewarded Hungary with healing lakes, thermal springs and springs that can cure many ailments. Local sanatoriums and dispensaries specialize in the treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the digestive tract, chronic and acute respiratory diseases, and some skin diseases. Hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, massage - only an incomplete range of services they provide. Balneological centers are waiting for their clients all year round. But in terms of the effectiveness of treatment, the winter time still has more advantages: doctors say that at this time the content of useful minerals in natural sources. The minimum course to achieve positive results is 2 weeks. As for spa treatments, the favorable season for them lasts from mid-spring to late autumn.

Time for holidays and festivals

The ability to make a holiday out of an ordinary day - the Hungarians know a lot about this. Throughout the year, a lot of exciting events take place in the country, each of which is somehow unique. Among the most striking events, we highlight the stage of the Formula 1 water race in Dunauvaros (May), the Festive Weeks in Sopron (June-July), the three-day Oxblood spiced wine festival in Eger (July), the Formula 1 Grand Prix stage (end July - early August), the annual musical party "Sziget" on the island in Obuda (August), the world festival "Ode to wine" in Pec and the International Sledding Competition in Silvashvárad (September). Among the state dates: December 6 - Catholic day of St. Nicholas, December 25 - Catholic Christmas, December 31 - Sylvester, January 1 - New Year, February 14 - Valentine's Day, March 15 - Hungarian Revolution Day, May 1 - Labor Day, first Sunday of May - Mother's Day, May-June - Trinity , August 20 - St. Stephen (the first king), October 23 - Memorial Day of the Hungarian uprising.

Climate in Hungary

On the territory of Hungary, advantageously located inside Europe, at a decent distance from the penetrating winds blowing from mediterranean sea and the Atlantic, a temperate continental type of climate has formed. Hungary is one of the sunniest among all the central European countries.

Hungary in spring

The onset of spring is an expected event in itself, and in Hungary it is doubly so! The first wave of heat comes to the country in March. Since this month, the thermometer has been steadily creeping up, growing up to +15..+20°C by April. At the same time, it also increases relative humidity air, due to which Hungary is shrouded in fog. But fortunately, such periods do not last very long, and the cloudy sky is soon replaced by a bright sun. In May, there may be short torrential rains. But they do not interfere with the rest. Walking in nature is a special pleasure, at this time everything is in bloom.

Temperature and weather in Hungary in spring

Hungary in summer

In June, summer enters its fleeting season. Literally from the first week of the month, they are stable warm temperatures+19..+27°C. In July and August the sun is even stronger and they can rise a little. This time of year is not without showers, but since they are short, they cannot be considered as any disadvantage. Evenings can get chilly, so bring a pair of sweaters and jeans with you.

Temperature and weather in Hungary in summer

Hungary in autumn

Beautiful in early spring. There are still few tourists, it is already warm in the city and young leaves appear on the trees. Autumn is also ideal for leisurely sightseeing, but in summer you need to be prepared for large flows of people and queues at museums.

Budapest Opera, Cultural Center The Austro-Hungarian Empire is still considered one of the most respected in Europe. The picture is completed by grandiose bridges thrown over the Danube, flashing in the evenings with hundreds of lights. Budapest is a city of inspiration, you want to come back here again and again.

The ancient town of Pech is another key point of the excursion route. There is a whole museum quarter, after visiting which one gets a complete impression of Hungarian culture. You should definitely look into Veszprem, hidden among the green hills, which has preserved the appearance and atmosphere of past centuries.

Budapest is a city of inspiration, you want to come back here again and again.

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Treatment in Hungary

Hungary is the largest balneological region in Europe, it is often called the continent. With over 1,000 springs scattered throughout the country, medical tourism has flourished here since Roman times. There are several dozen baths in Budapest alone, among them the most popular are Gellert and Széchenyi. But it can be quite noisy and crowded there, so lovers of a calm environment are better off choosing the less popular Rudas and Lukacs.

You can go according to the maximum program and go on a full-fledged wellness tour. The hotels and sanatoriums of the thermal resorts of Bük, Balatonfured, Debrecen, Harkany and Zalakaros offer effective methods of restoring the body and dozens of spa treatments. Treatment is harmoniously combined with walks in the parks and sightseeing, which are many in the towns and their environs. The undoubted advantage of traveling to sanatoriums in Hungary is the lower cost of services compared to other European countries. At the same time, the quality remains high.

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Wine and gastronomic tourism - why not?

Gourmets can safely pack their bags and read guidebooks. Hungary has a rich and varied national cuisine, as well as ancient winemaking traditions dating back to the beginning of our era. You don't have to travel far to taste goulash, halasle, langosh or the famous paprikash. All this is perfectly prepared in the restaurants of Budapest and resort towns. But in most tourist places dishes, alas, have almost lost their unique recipe in the process of endless adaptation to world standards. You will have to “hunt” for something authentic.

With wine, things are easier. The most popular regions for wine tourism: Tokaj and Eger in the north, Badacsony near the lake. Balaton and Sopron in the west. Almost all brands of Hungarian red and white can be tasted in the cellars and wine bars of Budapest. After visiting wineries and tastings, the treasury of taste sensations will be replenished with unique bouquets of "Bull's Blood", "Kadarka", "Kekfrankos", "Vilan-Rose", "Turley-Muscat" and incomparable "Tokay".

Hungary is located in the temperate climate zone, so you can choose absolutely any period when to go to Hungary. Basically, it depends on your hobbies and the immediate purpose of the trip. The high tourist season in Hungary starts in May and ends closer to September. The main influx of tourists is observed in July-August.

The low tourist season in Hungary is set immediately after new year holidays. The influx of tourists is declining not only due to the fact that all mass celebrations are taking place, but also due to the deterioration weather conditions. In addition to the low temperature, walking down the street is not comfortable due to high humidity and fogs.

Holidays in Hungary in the spring

If you want to make your trip unforgettable and romantic, ask when is the best time to relax in Hungary. Experienced tourists know that for this purpose it is better to go to Hungary in the spring. For holidays in Hungary, spring is characterized by a flowering period, nature comes to life, and prices for holidays remain at the same level as in winter.

Despite the general enthusiasm for spring holiday, remember that the weather in Hungary in spring can be quite changeable. May is considered one of the rainiest of the year.

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Features of summer holidays in Hungary

If you are interested in the weather in Hungary in the summer, then from June a sultry heat sets in throughout the country. Only occasionally can a meteorological report show bad weather and slight cooling. Due to the fact that the average air temperature is around +26°С, huge flows of tourists flock to Hungary in the summer.

summer months are considered such when it is better to go to Hungary for outdoor activities. Indeed, during this period, a large number of local festivals take place in the country.

You don't have to wait until summer to go on vacation or get treatment in Hungary. The peculiarity of the country is the year-round tourist season: the flow of guests from all over the world does not stop for a single month.

Due to the fact that the Hungarian land has an inexhaustible tourism potential, and life here is relatively inexpensive, the number of tourists is increasing every day, because they know that holidays in Hungary will always turn out to be colorful and inexpensive.

Hungary celebrates New Year

Let's figure out when it is better to go to Budapest or on a tour around the country in order to enjoy your vacation as much as possible, how to save money wisely, what types of recreation the country offers.

Briefly about the weather by seasons

Many avid travelers return to Hungary again and again. They do not doubt when it is better to go to Hungary, because they know that tourist season never stops in the country.

Let's take a quick look at the weather in Hungary to understand what to expect from a vacation in a country with a temperate continental climate:

  • In winter, daytime temperatures are on average in the range of –2…+2°C, with constant humidity up to 99%. Cold, humid, snowfalls are replaced by thaws, but severe frosts can not be.
  • Spring is fully felt from the first days of March. In April, the daytime temperature no longer drops below +15 ... + 20 ° C, but at night it is quite cool - at this time the period of fogs begins in the country. May is a bright sun and intermittent rains.
  • Summers are hot (temperature in July-August averages +26°C in the shade) with frequent heavy rains. It gets cold very quickly in the evening.
  • Real autumn comes only in October, and in September it is still practically summer (+21°C). In autumn there are fogs and rains, but without strong winds, the weather almost until mid-November is within + 10 ... + 15 ° C.

Choosing between high and low seasons - how to save money?

Planning to visit the country in high season You need to book a hotel and buy air tickets in advance.

The high season in Hungary has two waves:

  • The first one is May holidays and all summer, when there is perfect sunny weather with a minimum amount cloudy days. The country has an excellent modern resort infrastructure, in warm time Interesting and colorful festivals and holidays are regularly held throughout the year.
  • The second wave of tourists is celebrated on New Year and Christmas: in winter, Hungary is good because you can fully experience the whole unique atmosphere of traditional European holidays.

Note! If you want to spend the New Year in Budapest at a decent level, winter holidays in Hungary, you need to start planning in the spring. This will guarantee that you will have time to find comfortable housing for a reasonable price, since a month before the start of the holidays, prices will jump several times.

The low season in Hungary is the end of autumn, the beginning of winter, the second half of January and the whole of February and March. At this time, airline fares are traditionally reduced, the cost of living also remains affordable. It is better to go on vacation to Hungary on a budget winter period and in the spring, but before Easter, when prices again begin to rise on literally everything.

Budapest in November

Low season - bad or good? If you like walking the city streets in near silence, visiting museums all alone, then this is the time for you. You will always be quickly served in cafes and boutiques, you will enjoy the measured rhythm of city life, you will feel in Budapest and other cities of the country not as a guest, but as a full-fledged local resident.

When is the best time to visit the Hungarian sights?

It takes at least 3-5 days to thoroughly explore all the significant sights of Budapest. If you want to spend a few more days at the thermal springs, go shopping and visit other Hungarian cities and neighboring countries, then you need to plan a vacation in Hungary for at least two weeks.

Budapest in April

Experienced travelers categorically do not advise ordering a bus tour of Europe. On such a journey, the curtain will only be opened for you, and you will see a little of what you must see in Budapest. In a day or two, or even less, you will not be able to feel the local atmosphere. The capital of the country deserves a separate vacation, at least a week.

Plan a small vacation at sea for the summer, and leave the unused part of the vacation for traveling to Budapest and better on your own - you can go on vacation to Hungary at any time of the year and absolutely without the help of travel agencies.

Interesting: Hungary ranks first among all European countries in terms of the number of hours sunlight– 2054 hours per year. The numbers are staggering, and considering that the majority, namely 1526 hours, falls on the period April-September, then you need to carefully plan a trip to Hungary in the summer to enjoy your vacation, and not languish in the heat.

The most comfortable time to explore the country is all spring months and September, when it is neither hot nor cold. The amazing Hungarian autumn would be the best time to go to Hungary for excursions, if not for one moment.

It should be borne in mind that in the autumn in Europe it starts to get dark very early and many sights will have to be viewed by the light of lanterns. This is not a problem if you plan visits to museums, galleries, shopping in the afternoon.

The country of healing waters and thermal resorts - when to go for treatment?

Hungary is famous for its medicinal baths and unique thermal waters. The popular European resorts of Heviz, Miskolc, Margit, Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló and others offer comprehensive services. People come here not only to be treated, but also just to have a good and varied vacation.

The famous thermal lake Heviz

When planning a holiday in Hungary for the purpose of recovery, you need to learn to distinguish which resorts offer what, so let's study a little terminology:

  • Healing waters are the sources familiar to us mineral water, the properties of which are confirmed by thorough medical research. Accordingly, at different resorts, water with different indicators, therefore, the complex of medical services can differ significantly from each other.

Patients with chronic diseases go to the Hungarian medicinal waters gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, neuritis, urolithiasis, gynecological ailments, respiratory diseases and some skin diseases.

  • Thermal waters are spas that have natural springs with water whose temperature is above 30°C. Long warm baths help the body to completely relax, promote recovery nervous system and even getting rid of excess weight and cellulite.
  • Therapeutic baths are specialized medical institutions with pools, the water in which is from their own mineral water sources.

Cave baths in Miskolc-Tapolca

When is the best time to go to Hungary for treatment? In any month, as balneological resorts are open to customers all year round. If your goal is SPA treatments, then for them the most comfortable period is from mid-April to early October.

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