Where is the warm sea abroad now. Vacation in January

Career and finance 27.08.2019
Career and finance


Beach holidays in January 2020: where to relax abroad and inexpensively

When you look out the window in January, what do you see there? Sun, sea, sand and people relaxing on the beach! Don't believe? And this is so, because these people look out the window of their rooms at hotels, and relax in the dead of winter on the warm coast. Do you want the same? Then let's see where to relax in January 2020 abroad inexpensively, and arrange for yourself beach holiday at first winter month. We selected best countries with a beach holiday and now we will tell you about them. And so, let's get acquainted with our TOP.

And so, January is not the best month for beach lovers. There are not so many countries with a warm climate, the choice is limited and therefore prices can be quite high. But you don’t have to immediately give up on vacation, look at the TOP, and you will definitely find camps where everything suits you: weather, prices, and hotels.

Thailand is the peak tourist season.
In the first month of the year, the resorts of Thailand are experiencing a real peak of the season. All hotels and beaches of the country are occupied by tourists who enjoy the warmth and the sea.

As we have already said. In January, the water off the coast of Thailand is warm, even hot! It warms up to +29 degrees, and sometimes even +31!
At this time of the year there is no wind, low humidity and the temperature stabilizes. Therefore, tourists feel calm and do not suffer from anything.

“I vacationed in January last year in Thailand. What can I say: super weather, super beaches and just everything is super! Of course, it is a little unusual that the new year, and winter without snow. But this is forgotten on the first day. I especially liked the sunsets on the beach. They are something special, and not like anything else. And I have been to many countries. And I have something to compare!

In addition to beach holidays, there are many excursions. After all, Thailand is an interesting and rich culture. Tourists sightseeing and visiting nature reserves. People often come here to visit temples and to calm down spiritually.

Dubai is an alternative to Egypt.
Yes, Egypt is still closed to our tourists and this cannot but sadden. But if you are looking for an alternative to it, then Dubai is exactly it.

Of course, it is a little more expensive here than in an African country, but the difference in money is compensated by the beauty and service.
The weather here in January is beautiful - sunny and dry. True, it is often windy, so there are a lot of surfers here. But I don’t scare tourists away from the waves, after all, they are big far from the coast. And tourists go into the ocean and enjoy the warm water.

“When I first came to Dubai, I was struck by its beauty. Everything here is so unusual and everything is so natural. When we were told on the tour that there had been a desert here for literally a couple of decades, I did not believe it. As for the rest, everything here is gorgeous. The hotel has the best service I have ever experienced. The beaches are clean, and the city itself is without garbage. And I also visited the kite festival - this is a spectacle forever!

Also in January, sales are held in Dubai. So do not be surprised if you see people running back and forth with huge bags - they just want to have time to buy more and pay less.
What else attracts our tourists to Dubai? Flight time! It takes only a few hours to fly here, 3-5, depending on the city where you live. Plus, the time in the UAE is the same as in Moscow. So for most tourists there will be absolutely no acclimatization and transition to another time.

Sri Lanka - holidays all year round.
All tourists know that holidays in Sri Lanka are possible all year round. But January is the best time to visit.

Of the advantages of resting in Sri Lanka in January, it should be highlighted warm ocean and dry weather on the south side of the state. During the day the air temperature rises to +33 degrees. And the nights are such that you can sleep without a blanket and with open window+25 degrees.

“Whales have always fascinated me. I'm just crazy about them. These big fish. They are so beautiful! Arriving in Sri Lanka in January, I just got into a period when you can see whales very close. During this period of time, they migrate and swim close to the coast and often float on the surface of the ocean.
Do not be afraid of whales, they are completely harmless. We rented a small yacht and sailed with them. This is an experience of a lifetime!”

Another advantage of a holiday in Sri Lanka is that a visa can be issued directly at the airport upon arrival or at home via online. You do not need to visit the embassy and collect many documents.

Sri Lanka is rich in its natural landscapes. There are beautiful nature reserves, beautiful mountains and many parks that have state status. Nature lovers fly here more often than beach lovers. Plus, there are many temples in Sri Lanka, you can visit them and even live there for a while.

Where else?
There are other places where in January it is warm, dry and you can swim in the sea. For example, Goa is an Indian state. In January, it is above +30 degrees and the weather is dry all days.
We also recommend taking a closer look at Vietnam and its resorts. Holidays in Vietnam are inexpensive, but very high quality. On average, a tour for two for 10 days will cost you 60,000 thousand rubles.
If you are not bothered by a long flight, then go to Cuba or Mexico. The Maldives are popular among Russian tourists, and people come here to celebrate the New Year and spend time in the sun and in the warm ocean.


Shopping, shopping and more shopping, not just the beach! It is for those who like to take a walk through the bright oriental shops and modern shopping centers in between gaining a golden tan and sea bathing. The only negative in choosing such a holiday is that you will have to drink alcohol and flaunt in revealing outfits only on the territory of the hotel: the country is Muslim, and they will not understand free customs here. Everything else is at the highest level: the weather is beautiful, the sea is warm, the hotels are comfortable, the service is at the European level. The air in January warms up to +25...+27 °C, and the sea up to +20 °C.


Yes, getting to this fabulous country is incomparably longer than to the usual Egypt. But maybe it's worth spending these hours to good use and eventually get unforgettable vacation? Prices in Goa in January are quite reasonable: a week-long tour will cost 700-800 USD, but memories and impressions will last for a long time. After all, there are no such sunsets as in India anywhere else - the sun does not set, but falls below the horizon, every evening coloring the sky in a new way. Beautiful beaches and Ayurvedic centers await their guests. The air in January here warms up to +28...+30 °C, which means that sunscreen with an increased protection filter should take its rightful place in the suitcase. The sea is also warm - +25...+27 °C, so sea bathing can be long.

"Subtleties" tell: 5 beach destinations that will easily replace Egypt in winter


A ticket to Thailand will cost a little more. On average, you will have to spend about 900 USD on a weekly vacation. The air temperature in January here is about +26...+28 °C, which almost coincides with the water temperature. If you bought a tour to Thailand to combine sightseeing programs and holidays by the sea, then Pattaya would be the best choice. And for those who value a relaxing holiday and a high level of service, it is better to take a closer look at Phuket and Koh Samui. Snow-white beaches and smiling staff, vibrant nature and Thai cuisine will not disappoint even the most discerning tourists.


This is the choice of real extreme sportsmen! People go to Kenya for adrenaline and real adventures. Of course, you can sunbathe here, but is it worth it to come to a country where zebras and giraffes, leopards and buffaloes, pink flamingos and important pelicans roam, and not see all this splendor? Therefore, you can combine a beach holiday in your tour (the sun does not burn here in January, but warms it) and participation in a real safari, see exotic animals in their natural environment a habitat. Don't forget to bring warm clothes as it gets quite chilly here in the evening.

The cheapest Kenyan tour will cost at least 1500 USD for exotic lovers.

Where to go to New Year on the sea? Where is warm on New Year's Eve? 11 options where you can fly to the sea for the New Year.

Where to go for the New Year at sea 2018-2019?

New Year for Russians is the most beloved and desired holiday. But in the middle of winter I so want to take it and fly away to where it is warm for the New Year, where the hot sun, gentle sea, palm trees and amazing sunsets. Realize your dream! For once in your life, leave the pre-holiday chores, drive away the winter blues, buy a plane ticket and go for new experiences.

Warm countries for the New Year

In this article, I have collected for you 11 warm countries where you can celebrate the New Year wonderfully. For ease of choice, under each country, the average prices for hotels, air flights or package tours at sea for the New Year are indicated. Note that it is not cheaper to fly to every country on your own than with a tour package. Prices are average for the market for December-January.

Maldives for New Year

© -lucam- / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

In the middle of the Indian Ocean, the Republic of Maldives is located in a picturesque chain of 20 atolls. This is a great option where you can spend a holiday at sea for the New Year 2018. It is summer on the islands all year round, and the change of year falls on the most favorable dry period, when the air is 27° and the water is 24°.

The Maldives is a real paradise oasis where you can feel like Robinson Crusoe, because some of the islands are still uninhabited. Tranquility, few people, white sand and clear turquoise water - what else is needed for complete relaxation?

Underwater caves and coral reefs will delight diving enthusiasts. There are no dangerous currents here, so even beginners can go under water. There are dozens of dive sites around the hotels.

AT new year's eve a gala dinner is organized for hotel guests and entertainment until morning.

There are no cheap hostels in the Maldives, and therefore the most economical accommodation option is 1600 rubles per night. for one person in a guesthouse, for two - from 2500 rubles.

Thailand for New Year

© mjpicsde / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The Kingdom of Thailand is the most popular destination where you can go to the sea for the New Year. Therefore, book the hotel in advance.

The conditions for a beach holiday are ideal, the sea is warmed up to 28 °, in the air 30 °.

Thais love the holidays and know how to spend them fun and on a grand scale. In the New Year, guests will not be bored, wherever they are.

The most popular islands are Phuket and Pattaya. Tourists are waiting for comfortable hotels, and in combination with Thai exoticism, lush shady parks, azure sea ​​water rest in the "Land of a Thousand Smiles" will be remembered for a lifetime.

In Thailand, prices are much lower than in the Maldives. Here you can find a bed in a hostel from 300 rubles per night, from 500 rubles per night. double room in a guest house. Average prices for popular hotels in the region of 1500 rubles.

Philippines for New Year

© travelourplanet / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Christmas and New Year in the Philippines - one huge fireworks display! Festive events starting in mid-December.

The highest prices on the island of Boracay. locals they celebrate the holiday noisily and cheerfully, with dances, songs, to the sound of bells and flashes of amusing lights.

Lovers of solitude will like Bantayan Island more. There are fewer tourists here, prices are lower, only the sound of the surf breaks the silence. And the sea is warm everywhere - up to 28 °, in the atmosphere 29 °. Imagine how nice it is to celebrate the New Year on the beach - just a paradise!

Let it be long and expensive to get to this paradise, it's worth it! But for the Russians there is a visa-free regime, and this is a definite plus.

The situation with hotels in the Philippines is the same as in Thailand. Those. there are cheap hostels, there are cheap guesthouses, there are luxury hotels. The bulk of tourists choose something in between for 1500 - 2000 rubles. for the number.

Vietnam for New Year

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The Vietnamese celebrate their New Year lunar calendar, almost a month later than accepted according to European canons. But, to please tourists, by the end of December in all hotels and shopping malls garlands of lights are lit, artificial Christmas trees are dressed up, Santa Clauses appear. And therefore, Vietnam is another beautiful warm country, where I advise you to fly to the sea for the New Year.

Festive events are held in nightclubs, hotel restaurants and beach discos. And the winter weather in the resorts of Vietnam is wonderful: in Phan Thiet 33 ° (at sea 25 °), in Phu Quoc 30 ° (water 27 °).

Be prepared for the fact that many compatriots will be with you on vacation with all the ensuing consequences. The flight is long, tiring, but a visa is not needed when entering the country, and cheapness and a wonderful climate atone for all difficulties.

In terms of pricing for hotels, Vietnam is in the same category as Thailand and the Philippines.

Bali, Indonesia for New Year

© jedavillabali / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Bali or the "Island of the Gods" is located in the Indian Ocean and combines the jungle, waterfalls, extinct volcanoes, rice fields on mountain terraces and, of course, snow-white sandy beaches.

New Year among blooming nature, on the ocean will leave the most vivid impressions. A festive banquet for vacationers is organized in hotels, on the beach, in nightclubs.

The island has a subequatorial climate. In the water all year round 26-28 ° - this is where the warm sea is on New Year's Eve, and in the air up to 30 °.

Among the disadvantages of resting in Bali is an expensive and long flight, and even an undeveloped transport network. You can’t run into a taxi around the island, it’s far on foot, so it’s most convenient to rent a bike.

There are even cheaper accommodation options in Bali. Literally from 170 rubles. for a hostel bed. But the most popular hotels cost from 3000 rubles per night. In any case, everyone will find an option for themselves.

Dominican Republic for New Year

© dsumin / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

It is worth crossing the Atlantic Ocean to celebrate the New Year in the most popular country in the Caribbean. Even in winter, the temperature of the water in the sea does not fall below 27 °, and in the air up to 30 °.

Fantastic beauty of nature, the azure ocean, white fine sand that does not burn your feet, and the European level of service will turn your vacation into heavenly bliss.

AT new year holidays colorful fire shows, grandiose processions with incendiary Latin American dances are waiting for you.

Russians remain visa-free.

In the Dominican Republic, you can also relax cheaply, hostel prices from 140 rubles. For cheap hotels from 600 rubles. Lots of expensive and mid-range options.

New Year's tours at sea in the Dominican Republic also do not stand out in price from the middle segment.

India, Goa for New Year

© cblue98 / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Goa is another great option to spend the New Year holidays at sea. The resort covers 100 km magnificent beaches on the coast of the Arabian Sea. The average winter temperature here is 30°, in the water 28°.

Young people prefer to celebrate the New Year in North Goa with its noisy parties and dances under the moon. A more respectable audience prefers south goa with clean deserted beaches, luxurious hotels, old Hindu temples, where a colorful wedding ceremony can be organized for you.

It would seem that India is a poor country, and hotel prices start at 600 rubles. In popular hotels, rooms cost from 4000 rubles.

Cambodia for New Year

© strupler / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The New Year holidays in Cambodia will be relatively inexpensive. The largest part of the cost is the flight. Domestic prices are quite democratic. And wonderful beaches, warm sea, outdoor activities make this option attractive for lovers of the exotic.

Cambodia is another super-cheap country with hostel accommodation from 140 rubles. Prices for popular hotels average 2000 rubles.

Sri Lanka for the New Year

© jeanlouispotier / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

"Blessed Land" is a great way to celebrate the New Year for active travelers. On the coast, despite 28-30 °, the heat is not felt, thanks to the fresh sea breeze. The ocean is 28° and conditions are ideal for surfing and diving.

In addition to traveling around the fabulous island, you can afford to fly to the Maldives for a few days. The price for the flight will pleasantly surprise you.

Night in a hostel in Sri Lanka from 230 rubles. Popular hotels cost in the region of 1500 - 2000 rubles.

Tours for the New Year at sea in Sri Lanka are not at all inexpensive.

UAE for New Year

© [email protected]/flickr.com/CCBY 2.0

A tour to the United Arab Emirates can be compared with a trip to an oriental fairy tale - this is a great option where to go for the New Year holidays at sea.

Winter - best time years for a holiday on the Persian Gulf. The climate is dry subtropical, 355 sunny days per year, the daily January temperature is 24-26 °.

And the combination of ancient oriental customs and large-scale advanced projects is amazing.

The United Arab Emirates is a more expensive and developed country. Here, a night in a hostel from 900 rubles, and a room in a popular hotel from 6,000 rubles.

Intro image source: © jmhullot / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

A beach holiday in January at sea is available to those who have an extra couple of thousand dollars (this is if we talk about inexpensive vacation) or from 4 thousand dollars (for those who like more expensive). You can go sunbathing in Egypt (although it’s not very safe there now), or you can buy a tour to Australia - it all depends on the size of your wallet.

Beach resorts are the undisputed leader in winter tourism destinations, because on cold cloudy days we all want warmth, fruits and the gentle sea. Trips to the exotic in winter, although they are a test for our immunity (after all, after the heat, we will return to cold winter), yet strengthen it, saturating the body with vitamins and vivid impressions.


Thinking where to go to the sea in January inexpensively? Egypt is the fastest and cheapest solution. It is not so hot here in January, but, on the other hand, if you are not a fan of temperatures above +25, this option will suit you. For those who love the heat, it is better to choose another time to visit Egypt. Those who are not afraid of a slight coolness will also be interested in visiting numerous sights of the country and even visiting neighboring countries, for example, Jordan, where excursions from Egypt are taken.

+13 +25°C

Water temperature in January: +21 +22°C

Domestic prices: low

Cape Verde (islands off Africa)

The Cape Verde Islands (Cape Verde Islands) in January offer a beach holiday for those who do not like the heat. The water temperature at this time here is no more than +24, and the air - no more than +25. For many, this option is the most acceptable. In addition to swimming in the ocean, Cape Verde is interesting for walking along black sand beaches, exploring wandering dunes, as well as relaxing in nature, very similar to the Canary Islands, but only more exotic and wild.

Air temperature in January: +20 +25°C

Water temperature in January: +23 +24°C

Domestic prices: medium

Kenya (Africa)

Winter is the time to go to Kenya, because at this time there is summer. Kenya is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so everything is the other way around there: even the water in the funnel swirls in the wrong direction that we have, but during our winter it is summer there. January is considered one of best months for a beach holiday. But for a safari, it is not the most successful, because. the great animal migration is already over. But, on the other hand, safari prices are reduced significantly.

Air temperature in January: +26 +33°С (Mombasa and Lamu), +12 +25°С (Nairobi)

Water temperature in January: +27 +28°C

Domestic prices: medium

Tanzania (Africa)

A neighbor of Kenya in January offers a wonderful island vacation: you can choose the island of Zanzibar, Pemba, Pnembu, Mafia or any other. Read more about these islands in our other review . Also at this time, the north of the country is interesting, where Mount Kilimanjaro is located - national park Serengeti: wildebeest migration occurs at this time, plus the weather is conducive to nature watching and climbing to Africa's highest peak.

Air temperature in January: +18 +32°C

Water temperature in January: +26 +28°С

Domestic prices: high

Senegal (Africa)

Senegal is a great alternative to the popular and more expensive Kenya and Tanzania. Safaris here are easier than those of the neighbors, because. for a long time large animals were exterminated, but nevertheless, it is interesting, because. you can watch medium-sized animals, such as a leopard or an antelope. Tourism here is not a very developed area, so for now there is an opportunity to enjoy some exclusivity and wildness of the holiday. This country is for real travelers and seekers of the new.

Air temperature in January: +20 +35°C

Water temperature in January: +20 +23°С

Domestic prices: low

Mauritius (Indian Ocean)

Although precipitation is possible in early January in Mauritius, in general this month is considered warm and hot - summer reigns here. True, this time is suitable only for those who, well, really love the heat and are ready, sitting in the sauna, to flop in a warm bath. But there are fans! In terms of attractions in Mauritius, there is almost nothing to see, so get ready for an exclusively beach holiday. But what! Bonus - great photos for social networks you are provided.

Air temperature in January:+22 +35°С

Water temperature in January:+35°С

Domestic prices:very high

Seychelles (Indian Ocean)

In the Seychelles in January, it is cooler than in Mauritius, but also hot. And here you can’t count on anything other than a beach holiday either. Unless you take a walk around the capital, buy souvenirs and huge coconuts in the form of priests. On the other hand, with such a busy lifestyle of a person, the opportunity to forget about everything and relax, without going on excursions, going to nightclubs or walking around noisy cities, but simply swimming in the gentle sea and sitting on the ocean, is the very thing.

Air temperature in January: +26 +30°C

Water temperature in January: +26-28°С

Domestic prices: very high

Maldives (islands in the Indian Ocean)

In January, the water temperature in the Maldives is almost the same as the air temperature, that is, do not expect coolness from swimming in the ocean. But you can choose almost any atoll, because. during this period there are no storms and the weather is generally quite even. Maldives is one of the best beach resorts in the world and one of the the best places for snorkeling and diving: the ocean vegetation and living creatures here are so diverse that after the Maldives, many people cannot find a more worthy place.

Air temperature in January: +27 +29°С

Water temperature in January: +28°С

Domestic prices: very high


Now let's move to another part of the world - Indonesia. Here the king of beach resorts is the island of Bali, although on most of its beaches the sea is very restless. True connoisseurs of the exotic go to Bali not for the beaches, but for mountain holidays. Jungle, gray haze covering the surface of the mountains, and tropical insects chirping around and exotic animals screaming. True, in January all this will be accompanied by night thunderstorms. Well, in general, romance!

Air temperature in January: +28 +30°C

Water temperature in January: +28 +29°C

Domestic prices: medium


At the United United Arab Emirates at this time it is warm, but not hot, and there are no dust storms. A beach holiday is suitable for both those who are not used to the heat and those who love it: +25 degrees are comfortable for everyone on the coast. In the UAE, you will marvel at modern architecture with its skyscrapers and technological wonders, and immediately plunge into the depths of the ancient Muslim buildings of the old streets, meet the sunset in the desert and go skiing on the slopes of the indoor ski resort.

Air temperature in January: +18 +25°C

Water temperature in January: +20 +23°С

Domestic prices: high


The UAE's neighbor Oman is a more closed country with strict traditions, but that's what makes it interesting, if you are, of course, interested in the Muslim world. The narrow eastern streets of the capital Muscat, the rocks of Cape Musandam, where, by the way, excursions from the United Arab Emirates, the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf go - what else do you need for an interesting trip?! Of course, all this is provided that you do not mind observing local customs and not drinking alcohol, because. it is banned in the country. In general, a unique flavor is guaranteed to you.

Air temperature in January: +24°С

Water temperature in January: +24°С

Domestic prices: high


Qatar is a more expensive but less popular version of the Emirates. Here everything is still more expensive and more fashionable, but there is no such desire for tourist attraction and setting records. Qatar is a microscopic country where, thanks to oil, everything is always shiny and polished. But without too much pomp. True, Islam is stricter in Qatar than in the UAE, so alcohol will have to be abandoned altogether, as well as revealing clothing or open behavior.

Air temperature in January: +17 +28°C

Water temperature in January: +19 +23°C

Domestic prices: very high


In January in India it is better on the coast - in Goa or in Kerala. North Goa is suitable for the discerning and wealthy. Southern is liked by young people. Kerala is a magnificent resort that, in addition to a beach holiday, will offer health improvement: SPA, Ayurveda, meditation, body cleansing. True, if you choose the latter, you won’t have to go on excursions - the course includes taking laxatives. Therefore, you can devote the first 10 days to health, and then go in for tourism.

Air temperature in January: +22 +33°С

Water temperature in January: +27 +29°С

Domestic prices: low


In January, the typhoon season in Vietnam has already ended, mild and warm weather, comfortable for beachgoers and for visiting attractions. As for swimming in the ocean, be prepared for the fact that here it does not favor those who are afraid of waves: to find a beach with calm water, you will have to look for some kind of bay. Also, while in Vietnam, be sure to visit Halong Bay - the most beautiful bay in the world.

Air temperature in January: +20 +30°С (depending on the resort)

Water temperature in January: +25°C on average

Domestic prices: low


In January, Thailand has ideal weather: the temperature is comfortable, there are no showers, the humidity is minimal, and malaria mosquitoes are inactive. Despite the fact that it is winter at this time, there is still a lot of fruit there. The best beach holidays are on the islands of Phuket, Koh Samui, Krabi, Koh Chang, Samed. But wherever you stay, you must definitely go on excursions, otherwise the impression of the country will be incomplete. We recommend a trip to the River Kwai, where you will spend the night in a hotel on the water.

Air temperature in January: +25 +30°C

Water temperature in January: +25°C

Domestic prices: low


Here, on the ocean coast of Sihanoukville, there are many kilometers of sandy beaches. This fashionable resort, however, is located in poor country so prices are quite affordable. Well, if you add to this the exotic, delicious local fruits and seafood, ecological cleanliness and the opportunity to see the famous sights (the largest temple complex in the world, Angkor Wat, where Lara Croft was filmed), you get a unique mix.

Air temperature in January: +21 +31°C

Water temperature in January: +25°C

Domestic prices: low

Sri Lanka (Indian Ocean)

This island in the Indian Ocean is large, so different time you need to rest in different parts of it. In January, the southwestern part is suitable for tourists. The rest can also be visited to get acquainted with the area and sights, but a beach holiday without surprises at this time is in the South-West. Although it is worth noting: for those who are afraid of the depths, waves and do not swim very well, Sri Lanka as a seaside resort is not the best choice: there are permanent waves.

Air temperature in January: +23 +31°C

Water temperature in January: +28°С

Domestic prices: low


If you have enough money to travel to Australia during the cold days of January, do it. In Australia, you can explore high-tech cities, visit the coast and dive on the Great barrier reef, visit Aboriginal villages, arrange photo hunting for exotic animals, sunbathe on the beach, learn to surf and much more. Needless to say, there are a lot of opportunities here, because Australia is a whole continent.

Air temperature in January: +26 +32°C

Water temperature in January: +23°С (average)

Domestic prices: high

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