Prioksko terraced natural reserve. Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve - what is famous for

Interesting 30.06.2019

Protected areas remain islands of wildlife in the conditions of the dying ecology of the Earth. The Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Mikhail Zablotsky is one of the brightest examples of this. The territory on which not only the natural flora and fauna of this region has been preserved, but also representatives of the biosphere that are not typical for this area are located.

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Where is it located and how to get there?

This protected area in the Moscow region, not far from the city of Serpukhov and covers an area of ​​​​about five thousand hectares. You can get here from Moscow, from the Kursk railway station by train, intercity buses or private vehicles.

The reserve and its staff will please adults and children with thematic excursions. There is an opportunity to ride horses and a balloon, and most importantly, to see wild animals and rare plants, some of which are endangered species on our planet.

Information about the reserve, a map of its area, short description excursions, what animals and plants are here, as well as contacts and how to find it on the map, is presented on the official website.

History of creation

The natural biosphere reserve was founded in the summer of 1945. Of the five reserves in this region, to date, it has remained the only reserve in the Moscow region, a corner of wildlife where you can meet wild animals and rare flora in their natural habitat.


Geographically, the reserve is located on the Oka River, this area is characterized by the presence of ancient terraces naturally washed from a limestone-sand mixture. Features of the region of the reserve determined its name. Main Feature of the reserve, noted by its creators, is a vegetation that is not typical for this region.

Despite the territorial location in the northern part of the Moscow region, the southern steppe flora is widely represented on the banks of the Oka. Scientists were also struck by the unusual combination of terrain: the steppe and forest-steppe climate harmoniously coexists with the taiga. Such a neighborhood became possible on the territory of the reserve, largely due to its terraced structure and creates a special microclimate here, which is unique to this place.

The object was registered in 1979 in a special way and is under the protection of UNESCO as one of the few pieces of land on the planet with a preserved natural biosphere. In 2015 the ministry natural resources and ecology of Russia, the Oksko-Terrasny Reserve received the title of M.A. Zablotsky.

What is famous?

The nature reserve is a place where almost nine hundred species of plants, more than fifty varieties of mammals and about one hundred and fifty species of feathered representatives of nature live. There are also reptiles and invertebrates in natural ecological conditions.

What the Prioksky object is famous for is the fact that there is a bison reserve on its territory - it was founded in 1948 and is now truly unique. The fact is that by the beginning of the last century, bison, as a species, had practically disappeared in the European region. There were no more than fifty of them left. Scientists-biologists timely attended to their breeding in the most imitating natural conditions.

Bison. Youth group. Photo by Olga Kalinina

For the entire time of its existence, the bison reserve has given birth to about six hundred purebred animals released into their natural habitats. It is the terraced reserve that should be thanked for the fact that bison exist in nature to this day and are preserved as an animal species.

AT Interesting Facts about the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, you can add some more points:

The nature reserve is famous not only for its history, flora and fauna, but also widely known throughout the country as the only one located near a huge metropolis - the capital of Russia.

Animals and plants of the reserve

The reserve on the Oka River boasts a rich flora. Coniferous and deciduous forests decorate spruces, pines, oaks, birches, aspens. You can also find rare plants here. Briefly about the specimens listed in the Red Book:

Plants included in the Red Book of the Moscow Region deserve special attention - there are about eighty species of them here! The most famous of them are: Bieberstein's tulip, gray-haired veronica, straight clematis, black hellebore, etc.

tulip bieberstein

An important part of the ecosystem terraced reserve composed of invertebrates. The territory is replete with a huge assortment of butterflies - about six hundred species of them have been spotted here! The main value of the park is the Common Swallowtail, listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region, it is a large, bright butterfly that has practically disappeared in this area.


The exact number is not known, but according to the notes of the reserve's employees, about three hundred varieties of spiders live on its site.

The Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve has about one hundred and forty species of birds; representatives of sixteen orders of birds live on its territory. Approximately half of the passerine family, but there are also chicken and predators. Mostly these are nomadic or migratory birds, but many families stay over the winter in the reserve. Due to the mixing of terrain types, here you can meet both birds from the taiga strips of Russia, and representatives of broad-leaved forests.


The fauna in the reserve is diverse and is present in various forms: about a dozen amphibians, reptiles, more than fifty species of wild mammals. Of the latter, almost all animals here are characteristic of the Russian Plain: roe deer, elk, wild boar, badger, hare, weasel, beaver, and others. However, there is also certain types mammals typical for representatives of the southern taiga: shrew, vole, lynx or broad-leaved forests: hazel dormouse, southern hedgehog, wild boar.

Hazel dormouse (rodent)

There is a large beaver population in the park. Although in the first decades of the twentieth century, this species of animals was on the verge of extinction due to the constant demand among hunters and poachers. Several pairs of animals from different regions countries, for them, by the forces of employees, ideal conditions for life and breeding of offspring were created. At first, the offspring was small, the cubs had to be fed and nursed by hand, but already around the 60s, the population rapidly went up. For animals, special reservoirs and conditions for the construction of minks and houses are created, the amount is inventoried and analyzed from time to time.

Of course, the main attraction in terms of fauna is the bison reserve. It was he who, at one time, actually saved Prioksko-Terrasny from closing. When this species of animals was on the verge of extinction, they were able to organize special conditions for the reproduction and comfortable living of these powerful, beautiful animals.

Tooth with a baby. Photo by Olga Kalinina

The specialized nursery occupies about two hundred hectares of the area of ​​the reserve, it is completely natural conditions habitats for animals. The animals are kept in spacious mesh enclosures. They are cared for, monitored for nutrition, hygiene and reproduction. Cubs are specially fed, and if necessary, nursed. The bison nursery made it possible to bring this species of animals out of the rare ones, saved them from extinction, and thanks to it, the bison population was successfully settled in the forests of Russia and even abroad in their natural habitat.

Bison in the enclosure

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve still remains natural environment for many, including rare species of animals, plants and birds. Its task: a comfortable existence for the entire ecosystem of the region. Natural flora and fauna are preserved here, and scientific research is carried out regularly. By the way, the reserve does not have a territory fence - its territory freely contacts with adjacent areas - this is done in order not to disturb the natural ecosystem.

Lake Protokskoye

Unfortunately, in the twenty-first century, when the state of the ecology of our planet is deteriorating every day, such, even if artificially maintained, remain the only opportunity for natural existence many representatives of the animal and flora, as well as maintaining the general circulation of substances in the biosphere of our planet.

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, located on the banks of the Oka, is a great place to spend a weekend with children in the Moscow region, because in the bison nursery you can see rare animals with your own eyes. The long ones are coming new year holidays, which means you can have an interesting time with your family so that you have something to remember, in addition to the chiming clock and home feasts. There are long holidays ahead, so for those who do not fly to distant lands, I want to throw an idea where you can go on a weekend, and not far from Moscow.

bison reserve

In the Moscow region there are quite a lot of different nurseries with a variety of animals, communication with which will bring pleasure to both adults and children. One of the most famous and unique places is the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, located on the banks of the Oka near the city of Serpukhov. The main attraction of the reserve, in addition to its stunning Oka nature, is rightfully considered the unique Bison Nursery.

Here you can see and observe the life of rare animals: European bison and American bison, which are listed in the Red Book. Moreover, winter is the best time to visit the reserve, as tourists will be able to observe these formidable animals up close, because it is in the cold season that they gather along the tourist trail, where feeders are placed.

Animals near the hiking trail

In summer, bison usually disperse throughout the territory and can only be seen from afar.
So, waking up early in the morning, in order to be in time for the reserve before the early sunset, we hit the road. We drove along the Simferopol highway, which we really liked because of the absence of traffic jams and a fairly straight road. Near Serpukhov we see the sign "Serpukhov-Danka" and turn right, and then go left under the bridge, to the side locality Danki. We drive several kilometers, cross the bridge over the local river, and almost immediately a turn to the reserve appears in front of us.

A huge wooden head of a goblin with a huge inscription "Reserve" serves as a guide. Then we drive to the parking lot and go for tickets. An adult ticket costs 300 rubles, and a child ticket costs 150 rubles. Then it was quite a bit to wait for the start of the tour, which is scheduled about once an hour. Without a guided tour, visiting the reserve is prohibited.

In the nursery

I must say that on the holiday a lot of people gathered here, about 15 cars were driving with us to the entrance to the nursery, for which parking is provided. The day turned out to be frosty, but very snowy, and the surrounding forest at such a time is especially beautiful. Before entering, the guide told us a little about the history of this unique place.

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve was established in 1945 on an area of ​​about 5,000 hectares. These lands were taken from economic use in order to preserve the unique ecosystem and untouched nature, typical for the southern suburbs. Now, from the whole variety of plant species common in our latitudes, about 80% can be seen here. The bison nursery established in 1948 is especially valuable. By that time, the bison population was under the threat of extinction. Since this animal has been an object of hunting since ancient times, its numbers gradually decreased.

In 1927 the Caucasian bison were exterminated. Another subspecies of the European bison was preserved in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, a couple of the first individuals were brought to the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve from Poland, and then three more animals were brought three years later. Painstaking work began to restore the population of an endangered species.

Animals brought from Belarus were given names starting with the letter "B", and those born in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve - with "M". Every year bison give offspring, which, if possible, are distributed to other reserves, or even released into the wild. To date, there is already such an experience. Now bison are not threatened with extinction, but there are still very few of them, so the work of the reserve on the genetics and distribution of this species is very important.

In the nursery

In addition, North American bison, the closest relatives of bison, also live on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. No matter how much they explained to us how they differ, I did not remember, and I would hardly have distinguished them in nature.

As I said, in winter, the animals crowd around the feeders located along the hiking trail, and you can clearly see them. We were warned not to come close to the fence, as this is a wild animal and how it will behave is unknown.

little bison

Feeding animals with imported carrots and other food is prohibited. All this is best left in special boxes for sanitation. The fact is that animals from third-party food can get sick and even die. In addition, the staff of the reserve is trying to make sure that animals do not associate humans with feeding, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive in wild nature. This is not a zoo.

The reserve also has a program "Adopt a Bison". Anyone can help support the bison, they say it doesn't take much money. And in gratitude, signs with the names of people who allocate funds for the maintenance of specific individuals are hung on the enclosure with animals. So, if for some reason you can't get a pet, the bison can be a great alternative.

Sponsor Nameplates

In addition to bison, we saw a ram in the nursery.

And going forward a little, behind the net in the distance they saw a herd of deer. Unfortunately, they did not come closer in the path. Apparently they had enough food in the forest.

Deer in the distance

Another local star is a wild boar, they say that his name is Vasily Ivanovich. He joyfully ran along the fence and was not at all afraid of people, “sniffing out” treats.


After walking a little more, along the same path we returned to the ticket office. With our ticket, you can also visit a small museum of nature, which contains exhibits that tell about the flora and fauna of the southern suburbs.

In the distance we saw a couple of small horses. Here, children can ride on an ice slide and take pictures with a bison statue.

Bison monument

I must say that a couple of hours flew by unnoticed and left a lot of the most unforgettable impressions. A visit to the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve will definitely appeal to children, who will be able to see such large and formidable animals up close, which they managed to save only through long and hard work. And for adults, a day in the fresh air will only benefit.

How to get to the Prioksky Terraced Biosphere Reserve

Address: Russia, Serpukhov district, Danki township, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve".

By car:

From Moscow, you need to move along the Warsaw highway (E-95) to the South, then along the Simferopol highway (M-2) and, you need to pass the sign "97 km", and turn right following the sign "Serpukhov / Danki". Further - to the left to Danki, under the automobile bridge and - straight about 4 km. In the village of Danki, you need to focus on the sign "Main Road", turn right and, after driving over the bridge over the river. Drying, after 200 m turn right again at the sign "Reserve / Tour Bureau".

By public transport:

To get there on your own, you need to take an electric train at the Kursk railway station (you can also take a train at Tekstilshchiki and Tsaritsyno stations) and go to Serpukhov station. The whole journey to Serpukhov will take about two hours. It is recommended to depart from Moscow in the interval of 7.45 - 8.30, so as not to wait a long time for the bus in Serpukhov.

  • No. 31 (Turovo),
  • No. 41 (Zibrovo)
  • fixed-route taxi No. 25 "Serpukhov - Danki",

The road will take about 35-40 minutes, stop "Reserve". Remember, buses run at long intervals, so check the schedule on Yandex in advance. The central estate is located at the end of the Danki settlement, 200 meters from the Zapovednik bus stop.

Excursions are conducted daily, without days off from 9:00 to 15:00(The last Monday of the month is a sanitary day).

Official site

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve rightfully considered one of the best nature reserves. An area of ​​​​about 50 km² is mainly forests, occupying more than 90% of the territory. The reserve is interesting for botanists because of the presence of steppe flora here, which is not typical for this area. climate zone, and ordinary tourists come here primarily to watch bison in the local nursery.

Location: address and phone

What is the best way to get from Moscow

  1. The reserve is located about 100 kilometers south of, so if you decide to get by car, you need to go along the E-95 highway, then along the M2 highway and, having reached the Serpukhov / Danki sign, turn right.
  2. Turning left and driving another 4 kilometers, you find yourself in Danki, and it will be quite easy to find the administrative center of the reserve there.
  3. If you decide to use public transport, then you have to travel by train from the Kursk railway station.
  4. From Serpukhov station in about half an hour you will reach the reserve by buses No. 31, No. 41 or No. 25. Buses run infrequently, so it is better to take the morning trains.

Visiting rules: opening hours, ticket price, promotions and discounts

The entrance to the territory of the reserve is open from 8:30 to 17:30, tours are held from 09:00 to 16:00 (7 days a week).
Registration for a tour of groups of more than 10 people is carried out by phone.
On the territory of the reserve forbidden:

  • damage trees, break bushes and branches, pick flowers, pick fruits, mushrooms, berries, as well as mow and burn grass;
  • walk on the lawns and sunbathe on them, swim, set up tents, light fires and have picnics;
  • litter and damage the property of the reserve;
  • visit the reserve with any kind of weapons, as well as pets;
  • move far away from the main excursion group and go beyond the established barriers;
  • touch animals and museum exhibits, as well as use optional equipment for shooting without the permission of the management of the reserve;
  • visit the reserve in a state of intoxication, as well as smoking, drinking alcohol or narcotic substances on its territory.

Service prices:

  • Children preschool age are allowed to all excursions and tourist sites is free.
  • Ecotrail "Through the leaves"- 300 rubles. (children 7-17 years old - 150 rubles).
  • Ecopark "Derevo-Dom"- from 250 to 1000 rubles. (depending on the age and number of visited objects).
  • Central Bison Nursery Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve (with a visit to the Museum of Nature and an observation tower) - from 400 to 4000 rubles. (depending on age and nationality). Access to the nursery is open only with a guide.
  • Accommodation in guest rooms- from 300 to 700 rubles per day.

Plants and animals of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

  • Flora The reserve is quite diverse. Higher vascular plants (herbs, shrubs, trees) are represented by 980 species, among which it is worth highlighting oak, linden, maple, birch, spruce, pine, hazel, viburnum, steppe cherry, honeysuckle, feather grass, Bieberstein's tulip, gorse, sedge, cinquefoil, lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries.
    As for other representatives of the flora of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, there are also more than 130 species of mosses, about 140 species of lichens, more than 20 species of liverworts and about 700 species of cap mushrooms.
  • No less varied and fauna. Of the invertebrates, spiders (over 280 species) and butterflies (620 species) are the most widely represented. Small vertebrates are represented by amphibians (10 species) and reptiles (5 species). Birds are most widely represented in the fauna of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, of which there are more than 140 species. Most often you can see hazel grouse, cuckoo, great spotted woodpecker, sparrowhawk, great tit, songbird and blackbird, chaffinch, warblers and flycatchers. Mammals are represented by 62 species, among which it is necessary to single out bison, red deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, wolf, lynx, badger, marten, weasel, squirrel, otter and beaver.

Attractions of the reserve

  • Central bison nursery. The bison nursery is, perhaps, the main thing that Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is famous for in world scientific circles. Bison live and breed in a fenced area of ​​200 hectares. There are about 25 bison permanently here, although the nursery is designed for 60 animals. This is the central nursery of Russia, from where young animals are transported throughout the country to create similar protected areas. There are also 5 bison - American relatives of the bison.
    Ask the staff of the reserve when bison have lunch, and you can admire these powerful animals when they come to the feeders. Also, sometimes you can see how the bison scratches his neck on the fence and at the same time groans funny with pleasure. But it is more interesting to see how young bison walk with each other, who are in a separate fence like a kindergarten.
    But most of all you will be amused by the local celebrity - the ferret Ivan. He dances and somersaults in front of bison, and when they come closer, he hides under the feeder. And so every day.
  • Ecotrail "Through the leaves". This is an integral part of the excursion to the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. Convenient and safe ecological trail laid at a height of 8 meters. It consists of viewing platforms connected by cable bridges. At a height, you can not only study the crowns of trees in more detail and observe the representatives of the fauna living in them, but also fill your gadgets with photos and videos of the picturesque landscapes of the reserve. To pass the ecotrail, no special safety devices are required.
  • Ecopark "Tree-house". A system of routes for children and adults of different difficulty levels, which allows you to combine active recreation with an educational journey. Quests include overcoming suspension bridges and rope crossings on the way to completing tasks related to the life of plants and inhabitants of the protected forest. The program is designed very interestingly and creatively, so the knowledge about the flora and fauna of the reserve will be well fixed in the memory of your children.
  • Museum of Nature. Here you can find out what animals and how many bison live in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, see stuffed animals. Tour guides in interesting form tell about the history of the reserve, discover new facts from the life of animals familiar to us, and also demonstrate a rich collection of insects
  • House of Leshy. A place especially liked by children. The inhabitant of the forest hut is Terras Terrasovich. Leshy is a protector of animals and plants. He guards the forest and can punish those who misbehave towards its inhabitants. The interior of the hut is very original: the furniture is made of old stumps, and there are various antique utensils on the shelves. Nearby is a pond, as if descended from the pictures of children's fairy tale books.
  • Integrated background monitoring station. Here you can get quite interesting information of an ecological nature, as well as to see the original 3D installation "The Seasons", which creates the feeling of being in nature surrounded by animals.

History of creation

  • Work on the organization of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve began immediately after the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The place was not chosen by chance. Here still in the middle 19th century southern steppe plants uncharacteristic for this climatic zone were discovered.
  • The founding date of the reserve is considered June 19, 1945. At first, he was part of the structure, being one of its five parts.
  • In 1951 In the same year, four reserves were abolished, leaving only one - Prioksko-Terrasny, since at that time there was already a nursery for breeding bison, which by that time were on the verge of extinction.
  • In 1966 year, the area of ​​the reserve was increased by 80 hectares, and in 1983 year, monitoring work was organized here environmental situation in the Moscow region.

Interesting facts about the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

  1. Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve is the only state natural reserve in the Moscow region.
  2. Since 1979 The reserve is part of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
  3. First bison- Puslav - was brought to the reserve in 1948 year from the Polish nursery Belovezh. Soon Plesse and Pustulechka were brought to him from there for breeding bison. With them (apparently, "for safety") they also brought the bull Pletsukha II. A typical bison family consists of one male and 5-6 females. But the head of the family is not a bison, but the largest bison.
  4. Despite its impressive size, the bison can speed up to 50 km/h and jump over an obstacle 2 meters high.
  5. During the existence of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, over 500 bison.
  6. In the reserve you can "adopt a bison", i.e. a person or a group of people can provide annual funding for the maintenance of a bison they like and come to him at any time.

Photo of Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve

Modern technical capabilities made it possible to build a high-altitude eco-trail "Through the Foliage" without harming the trees.

The exposition of the Museum of Nature presents the widest possible animal world reserve.

In the reserve you can meet deer.

In the reserve you can relax on the shore of a quiet forest lake.

Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve – video

An interesting story about the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve. Happy viewing!!!

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve is a great place to relax for Muscovites and guests of the city. Every citizen, and especially a resident of a metropolis, will be pleased to escape from the city noise and breathe in the clean forest air, admire the pristine nature, watch bison and other rare animals, learn a lot of interesting things about nature, and also walk along fascinating ecological trails.

From visiting the reserve, you and especially your children will have a lot of pleasant impressions. Well, be sure to get a few memorable souvenirs with the emblem of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

The Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve was founded in 1945. In 1978, he was given the status of a biosphere and issued a corresponding UNESCO certificate.

Prioksko-Terrasny state natural biospheric its purpose of creation for conservation and study natural course natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, certain types and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

Physical and geographical conditions

Where is

The Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve is located on the left bank of the Oka, 12 kilometers east of Serpukhov and 100 kilometers south of Moscow, and is an almost regular square with sides of about 7.5 km. The area of ​​the reserve in the year of its organization was 4853 hectares, in 1966 it increased to 4945 hectares. According to the latest data specified in the course of land management, the area of ​​the reserve was 4960 hectares. The reserve owes its name to its proximity to the Oka River and terrace-like steps in the relief, which were formed more than 10 thousand years ago by the Oka shore surf.

How to get there. Driving directions


The terraces are composed of bedrocks of the Carboniferous period, mainly limestones, overlain by the Dnieper moraine and a thick cover of alluvial-fluvioglacial sands. The thickness of sand deposits is from 0.75 to 2 m, on the lower terraces in the western part of the reserve it reaches 4 m or more. In the floodplain of the Oka and the terrace adjacent to it there are dunes - curved sandy shafts, apparently formed by the activity of river and lake waters. Some shafts rise to 10 meters or more and have their own names: Turkish, Ponikovsky (Zionsky).


The rivers in the reserve are so small that the word streams would be more suitable for them. The largest of them are several meters wide and several kilometers long. These are Tadenka, Ponikovka, Drying. Water does not freeze in them even in severe winter. Small streams and temporary streams, flowing into depressions between sandy shafts, form two forest lakes of the reserve - Protovskoye and Sionskoye. In the hot summer, these lakes almost completely dry up. From north to south, the reserve is crossed by two small rivers: Tadenka originates north of the reserve, has a pronounced floodplain covered with lush grass.

The sources of Ponikovka are located in the center of the reserve. Both rivers are fed by springs with clean, clear water, which are found in abundance in the northeastern and especially in the central part of the reserve. Ponikovka does not reach the Oka, getting lost in a swamp of karst origin beyond the southern border of the reserve. There are few reservoirs in the reserve, and all of them are small in area. Two of the larger ones are filled annually with melt, rain and groundwater. These shallow depressions, located at the foot of the sand banks in the southern part of the reserve, are gradually overgrown with aquatic vegetation.


The climate of the reserve is characterized as temperate continental, with warm summer and cold winter. The duration of the frost-free period is more than 135 days. Average annual temperature air 4.8°. average temperature air of the coldest month (January) -8.3°, the warmest (July) 17.6°. The annual amount of precipitation is 683 mm, the rainiest months are July (about 90 mm falls)), the minimum amount of precipitation falls in March (about 34 mm); the highest snow depth is at the end of February (average snow depth is 52 cm). Snow cover is established more often at the end of November, disappears at the beginning of April.

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve. Animals

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve - its fauna is generally typical for the center of the Russian Plain. There are 54 species of wild mammals from 17 families, 6 orders, 140 species of birds, 5 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians and 8 species of fish. Currently, the fauna of the Oka forest zone is dominated by species characteristic of mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests: the European bank vole, yellow-throated mouse, hazel dormouse, pine marten, green woodpecker, greenfinch, crested tit, siskin and others. Of the species of the taiga fauna, the white hare, capercaillie, hazel grouse, pygmy owl, black woodpecker, wren, etc. live here.

The bird fauna is especially diverse in the reserve. Birds inhabiting a mixed forest choose the most preferred tiers for themselves, where their chicks are protected from enemies and where it is easier to get food. Yes, nests. large predators located at the top of the crowns big trees first tier. Small insectivorous birds prefer the second tier or undergrowth. Who is not here: a chaffinch, a great tit, a forest pipit, a redstart, a ratchet warbler, a nuthatch, a robin, a thrush, a jay, a pied flycatcher and many others.

The forests of the reserve are distinguished by the abundance and diversity of ungulates. Elks and wild boars are quite numerous here. In 1964-1966, sika deer entered the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve from neighboring hunting farms, brought by the Serpukhov Society of Hunters from Far East, as well as European red deer from the Khoperovsky and Voronezh reserves.

Diverse fauna and nocturnal inhabitants - bats. There are 10 species of them here: bats (pond, water, Brandt, Natterer), bats (small and forest), two-tone leather, red and small evenings, brown earflaps.

Of the 11 species of predatory animals known in the fauna of the reserve, 9 constantly live here. The most numerous of the relatively large predators is the fox. AT last years the number of foxes in winter is relatively constant: 7–8 animals per 1000 ha of forest. Foxes feed mainly on bank and common voles. AT winter time can eat carrion.

In winter, and in wet weather and in summer, you can see many traces of foxes coming from the protected forest to the Oka floodplain, where they regularly feed. Also in the reserve are the usual inhabitants of the forests - marten, weasel, ermine, snow leopard. From 2006 to the present, the lynx has been constantly living. An otter regularly enters the rivers of the reserve from the Oka side in search of fish and frogs.

Until 1949, wolves bred annually on the territory of the reserve. But all the broods were destroyed, since until the 60s the fight against this predator was encouraged in the reserves. Now wolves only occasionally enter the protected forest, not staying for a long time.

Near forest dwellings and near villages, forest polecats constantly keep. Since 1953, it has been regularly met here. raccoon dog, which penetrated into the Moscow region from the Ryazan and Smolensk regions, where it was released for the purpose of acclimatization.

bison nursery

And, of course, the bison is the pride of the reserve. In the bison nursery, animals live in conditions close to natural. In 1947, the Council of the All-Union Society for the Protection of Nature, on the initiative and support learned societies, as well as outstanding academicians L.S. Berg, I.I. Schmalhausen, N.D. Zelinsky, Professor S.I. Ogneva applied to the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a request to organize a Central Bison Park in one of the sections of the Prioksko-Terrasny State Biosphere Reserve. The creation of the Central Bison Nursery was preceded by a survey of the territories of the central part of Russia to select a suitable site.

This territory had to satisfy three necessary conditions: to have an environment suitable for these animals, to be legally protected, and to have good access roads. After the choice fell on the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve and the nursery project was developed, Mikhail Alexandrovich Zablotsky turned to the Polish bison breeders with a request. As a result of the agreement reached at the end of 1948, the initial population of 4 bison was received from Poland. The first bisons Puslav and Pushchanin arrived at the nursery on November 21, 1948, on Mikhailov's Day, the birthday of Mikhail Aleksandrovich.

In May 1950, the first bison were born in the nursery - the bull Moskvityanin and the bison Muravka. In the future, the livestock of the nursery was replenished with its young.

The first bison Pukhar, born in 1948, was taken out of the Central Bison Nursery on February 10, 1951 to the bison park Caucasian Reserve.

On December 19, 1959, the first pair of bison was taken out: Muromets, born in 1956 and Muza, born in 1956, to a new bison nursery established on the territory of the Oksky Reserve.

Since 1961, bison began to be exported in order to create free populations.

The Central Bison Nursery is currently the center scientific work on problems of bison restoration. It conducts research on the morphology, taxonomy, genetics, evolution, ecology, ethology of the bison, the problems of its restoration, the development of methods for keeping, feeding, transporting and economic use of bison, student scientific practices, and work with schoolchildren.

The bison nursery of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve continues vigorous activity for the conservation of the bison insurance gene pool in Russia, supplies animals for the formation of new free populations and serves as a place for overexposure of Western European bison born in zoos for their subsequent adaptation in the forests of Russia.

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve. Plants

The flora of the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve is represented by 981 views vascular plants. Unique for the reserve are areas of meadow-steppe vegetation, the species composition of which is called "Oka flora".

"Okskaya flora" is a fragment of the meadow steppe and steppe meadows located on the high floodplain of the Oka and on the first floodplain terrace along the edges of dry steppe forests and in some places under their canopy. In total, about 50 species grow here. higher plants, which are typical for the communities of the northern variants of the meadow steppes. In total, about 50 species of higher plants grow here, which are typical for the communities of the northern variants of the meadow steppes.

Among them: feather grass, fescue, Biberstein's tulip, annual gill, blood-red geranium, purple goat, black hellebore, elecampane rough, three-stamen bedstraw, steppe timothy grass, tuberous gooseberry, Russian hazel grouse, steppe cherry and many others. One of the most picturesque places in the reserve is the valleys. The valleys are very beautiful in the spring, when during the flood, filled with spring waters, they look like a group of lakes, and later, when the water surface is replaced by the living colors of meadow and steppe grasses.

93% of the area of ​​the reserve is occupied by forests. The forests of the reserve are predominantly mixed, that is, consisting of coniferous (pine, spruce) and deciduous species (linden, oak, birch, warty and fluffy, aspen). mixed forest is usually divided into more or less distinct tiers, in which the crowns of trees and shrubs are concentrated. The tiers differ in height, density and composition of plants. Usually, 2-3 tiers are distinguished - a forest stand, undergrowth and undergrowth, including young trees and shrubs, grass and moss-lichen covers. Often alone tree species can be presented in different tiers.

There are also clean coniferous forests. The reserve is dominated pine forests or pine forests, which can be considered a symbol of the reserve, they occupy about one third of the entire forested area. Pure burs are one of the most beautiful forests reserve. Pines grow on soils so poor that no other tree could thrive here.

The deep taproot allows the pine to reach the water through thick sandy deposits.

Birch forests in terms of prevalence in the reserve are in second place after pine forests. As an admixture, birch is part of the forest almost throughout the entire territory. The root system of birch on sandy soils is superficial, therefore, when strong winds the tree is easily twisted. Spores of destructive fungi quickly penetrate into it. In the reserve, such destructive mushrooms as true and bordered tinder fungi, a rare coral blackberry listed in the Red Book (settles on a dead tree), as well as the chaga mushroom widely used in medicine, are widespread.

In the forests of the reserve, hardwood tree species are widely represented, mainly linden and oak. However, there are practically no pure linden forests and oak forests, the total area deciduous forests less than 2%.

In the northern quarters of the reserve there are two sphagnum bogs. Cranberries, cinquefoil, rosemary, blueberries, sundew and andromeda grow here.

Of the plants listed in the Red Book of Russia, 8 species are found in the reserve (feather grass, lady's slipper, Russian and chess hazel grouse, helmet-shaped and burnt orchid, Traunsteiner digitorum root, neottiantha clobuchkova), and 88 species listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region.

The area of ​​steppe vegetation is unique for the reserve. This is the northernmost section of the steppe in the European part of the country. Many local plants are cut off from their main area at distances of up to 600 km.

Okskaya flora

The originality of the flora of the Oka Valley has long attracted the attention of botanists and florists. Already in the "first Moscow flora" - "Enumiratio stirpum agrin mosquensis" by F. Stephan (Stephan, 1792), one can find indications that three counties of the then Moscow province were subjected to the closest attention of the author: Moscow, Serpukhov and Kolomensky. The territory of the last two counties included the entire Moscow course of the Oka.

In 1866, N.N. Kaufman, in which the author raised questions about the composition of the forest-steppe and steppe floristic complexes in the Oka Valley, the geographical distribution of individual species of these complexes, and their origin in the Oka Valley. N.N. Kaufman wrote that the flora of the Oka Valley "differs so sharply from the Moscow flora proper that, strictly speaking, it should be attributed to the flora of the more southern provinces."

From this moment, the development of the idea of ​​the existence of the phenomenon of the “Okskaya flora” begins, the disputes around which have not subsided to this day.
At present, “Okskaya flora” should be understood as a complex of vascular plant species heterogeneous in origin and variable in composition, the modern ceno-area of ​​which lies within the steppe and forest-steppe zones, confined to the zones of broad-leaved and mixed forests to river valleys.

After N.N. Kaufman, the Oka Valley between the city of Serpukhov and the village of Priluki has become a traditional place for botanical excursions. But the well-known Moscow botanist P.A. Smirnov, who since 1923 had a permanent summer base in the village. Meadows and from where he made numerous excursions. The result of his work was the first flora of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve and an addition to it (Smirnov, 1958, 1971).

On the territory of the reserve, meadow-steppe communities are distributed in the southeastern and southern quarters and are confined to the first low floodplain terrace smoothly turning into the high floodplain of the Oka. These communities occupy the largest areas in quarter 34a, in the Doly tract. This is where they are characterized. greatest variety species composition and most of all are similar to typical steppe communities of the forest-steppe zone. Many species of the Okskaya flora living in the Doly are rare or endangered in the Moscow region and are listed in the Red Book (Red Book of the Moscow Region, 2008).

Rare plants of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

The Red Book of Russia

Orchis ustulata L.
Orchid family.
Height from 15 to 30 cm.
The flowers are medium-sized, bicolor: dark purple with a whitish lip.

Orchis militaris L.
Orchid family.
Height 20–45 cm.
Flowers small, pinkish.
Blooms from late May to late June.
Occurs in damp meadows, forest clearings, forest edges.

Neottianthe cucullata (L.) Schlechter
Orchid family.
Height from 12 to 30 cm.
The flowers are small, purple-pink.
Blooms from July to mid-August.
Found in pine forests.

In the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, on the left bank of the Oka, there is a specially protected natural area with an area of ​​49 hectares.

It is not only the only state reserve in the Moscow region, but also one of the smallest protected areas in Russia. The reserve received the status of a biosphere reserve and the corresponding UNESCO certificate in 1979.

Since then, the reserve has been holding international programs for environmental monitoring, and the reserve itself has since been included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Throughout the reserve, deforestation, picking mushrooms and berries, hunting, as well as any construction and laying of communications are prohibited. Some species economic activity allowed in the areas adjacent to the reserve, but only those that do not harm the ecosystem and do not lead to the disappearance of flora and fauna.

Description of the reserve

The relief of the reserve is a terraced plain, which is inclined from north to south. Where carboniferous limestone lies close to the surface, sinkholes form. Near the floodplain of the Oka there are areas where sandy banks form the so-called valleys. Here the famous "Okskaya flora" grows, which is not found anywhere else in the district.

The climate in the reserve is no different from the usual one near Moscow, that is, temperate continental. frosty winters, warm summer, sufficient rainfall and a lot of snow.

Several rivers flow through the territory of the reserve, there are lakes and swamps. Most major rivers- Soshka and Tudenka, tributaries of the Oka. The largest lakes are Sionskoye and Protovskoye. During particularly dry summers, these lakes dry up almost completely. And in the largest karst funnel, due to heavy summer precipitation, sometimes a small lake is formed, which is called the Ox's Eye.


Immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War, July 19, 1945, the Moscow State Reserve was created, which included several sites.

In 1948, Prioksko-Terrasny was separated into an independent zone. The reason for this was a special group of southern steppe plants growing only here. This flora was uncharacteristic for the Moscow region, so it was even given the name - "Okskaya flora".

Nevertheless, the reserve was on the verge of closing, and it would not have existed long ago if it were not for the bison.

The fact is that in 1948 the Soviet scientist M.A. Zablodsky organized a bison nursery here to save this almost extinct species. Only thanks to bison, the reserve retained its status. Several generations of these animals, resettled from the Prioksky Reserve, have been living since then in the forests of Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania.

Since 1984, within the framework of the UNESCO Biosphere and Man program, meteorological observations have been carried out in the reserve, pollution of sediments and soil has been monitored.

Flora and fauna

About 960 species of higher plants feel great in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. Aspen, pine, oak, spruce, birch occupy almost 93% of the total area. In addition to trees and shrubs, 133 species of mosses, 23 species of liverworts, 625 species of mushrooms, 132 species of lichens grow here. There are also many plants listed in the Red Book. Lady's slipper, helmet-shaped orchid from the orchid family and 8 other plant species are included in the list of rare, endangered species.

In the south of the reserve is the most valuable part of the plants - "Oka flora". These plants, characteristic of the steppes and found nowhere else in the Moscow region, were discovered by professor of Moscow State University N.N. Kaufman in 1861. Such plants include feather grass, fescue, Bieberstein's tulip, steppe cherry, crowned sickle, Russian hazel grouse, and many others.

The fauna of the reserve is also rich in various species of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians.

A special attraction of the reserve is a diurnal butterfly listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region Swallowtail. Yellow-black-blue wings in a span of almost 10cm! Regular observations are made of the number of ground beetles, as these beetles are an excellent indicator of the state of the entire ecosystem of the reserve.


The birds inhabiting the protected forests are so diverse that it would be difficult to list them all, there are 142 species in total. Birds of the passerine order are especially numerous: two species of warbler, flycatcher, powdery, titmouse, blackbird, robin, chaffinch. Of the non-passerines, the hazel grouse, spotted woodpecker, cuckoo and gray owl are especially common.


Wild mammals number 57 species. But the population of elks, beavers, foxes, white hares, lynxes is especially numerous. Moose numbers peaked in 1961 and began to threaten the conservation of the forest. Then it was decided to partially shoot these animals. Since then, the number of these animals has not exceeded the allowable number and has been preserved not only in the reserve, but throughout the Serpukhov region.

It is noteworthy that in the reserve there are both inhabitants of broad-leaved forests and animals living in the steppe zone. All this became possible only thanks to the special landscape and unique steppe zones in the floodplain of the Oka.

Beavers and roe deer were practically exterminated at the beginning of the 20th century. But thanks to the efforts of the workers of the reserve, they were eventually returned to the habitat, and then settled throughout the southern Moscow region. In the same way, the red deer was returned to the reserve.

Among small mammals there are moles, hedgehogs, shrews. And the most numerous species animals - foxes.

The reptiles of the reserve are represented by five species: three species of lizards, and a viper.


Separately, it is worth talking about the saviors of the reserve - bison. The nursery was opened to replenish the population of bison in their original habitats.

Today bison are bred and studied on an area of ​​200 hectares. The nursery is divided into paddocks, which are connected by corridors. There is one male, 4-5 females and bison in the paddock. When the young growth reaches the age of 10 months, it is resettled in a separate paddock. Then the young individuals are resettled in other regions, where they lived before extermination.

For comparative analysis and study in the nursery contains a small group of American bison. It also trains specialists in breeding this rare species to work in other areolas of its habitat.

Interestingly, all bison bred in the reserve are included in a special article of the International Stud Book, and the names of all animals without exception begin with the letter "M", since the nursery is located near Moscow.

The bison became the only successful example of a return to Earth on Earth. natural environment an animal raised in captivity. Despite the titanic work done by the staff of the reserve, bison are still included in the International Red Book in the group of vulnerable animal species. It is not surprising that since 1998 the bison has become not only a symbol of Serpukhov, but also part of the emblem of the city.

Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve on the map

How to get to the reserve

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