The warmest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean. Hydrometeorological conditions and the temperature of the Pacific Ocean

Pregnancy and children 30.09.2019
Pregnancy and children

AT recent times I am overwhelmed by an unusual desire to become part of something indestructible, to build a temple of immortality on the true grandeur that only a person can achieve. Look at the merciful heavens, directing your gaze towards the scarlet sunset, and plunge into the ocean, absorbing its power. But in order not to get pneumonia after this sacrament, and not to spend the rest of the vacation in a hospital bed, calling myself an idiot, I decided that I needed to plunge into a warm ocean. But which of all the warmest? Let me tell you.

What is the warmest ocean

Our beloved planet mostlyandis made up of water, and almost all of this water is concentrated in four huge oceans.

  • Quiet.
  • Atlantic.
  • Arctic.
  • Indian.

Let's figure out which one is warmer than the rest. Arctic- definitely not, because it’s not for laughter for the sake of it that they called it. Atlantic- his north side borders on the Arctic and let him southern part much warmer, but he cannot fight for the title of the warmest. So we're left with two finalists, and that's - Indian and Pacific. That's a tough choice... Indian much smaller than the Pacific, and as you know, it is easier to heat a smaller capacity of water, moreover Red sea, together with PPersian Gulf are part of it, so the Indian Ocean has every chance to take the lead.

But despite the fact that Quiet borders on the Arctic and stretches already all the way to Antarctica in its waters there is a huge variety of resorts which are visited by tourists all year round. Of course, the size of these two oceans incomparable, which means that any superiority between them can only be conditional. However, it is generally accepted that The Pacific Ocean is the warmest of all. Let's applaud Quiet!

A little about "Tikhon" :)

Takes about n a little less than half of the entire part of the earth and is the largest ocean in the world.Initially he was named "Great", one Spaniard who explored the new world and only seven years later " Quiet"named him Magellan, as is known precisely because when traveling from Tierra del Fuego to Philippine Islands , none of them caught up storm.

in the world. At breaks, you probably thought about which and which ones. Do you know which ocean is the warmest in the world? Let's talk about it.

The warmest ocean: list

We have carefully examined the information recorded in the book "Geography of Continents and Oceans", and based on it we have compiled a list that will help you find out which ocean is the warmest on earth.

4 - Arctic Ocean

The smallest and coldest ocean, which occupies only 14.75 million km², is the Arctic Ocean. There are several layers of water masses here. For example, in the Norwegian Sea, the water temperature varies from 6 to 8 ˚С. But in the East Greenland Current, measuring instruments show 1˚С. By the way, +1˚С- That's what it is average temperature waters in the Arctic Ocean.

Note: now the fifth ocean is also distinguished - the South. We tried to find out the average water temperature, but could not. There is information that southern regions in winter time water temperature - 1.8-1.9 ° C. Off the coast of Antarctica in summer - -1 to 0.5 °С.

3 - Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean covers an area of ​​92 million km and most of it lies in belts that are under the rays of the sun all year round. Therefore, in the central part of the ocean, the water temperature warms up to + 28 ˚С, and in the northern and southern parts - 0˚С. Average water temperature - 16.5˚С.

The water in the ocean is desalinated, so there are no corals to be found there. But marine life enough here: flounder, perch, sardine. In addition, shrimp, lobsters, cuttlefish and oysters are caught in the ocean. There are also dolphins, swordfish and sharks.

2 - Indian Ocean

It cannot be said that the Indian Ocean is the warmest, so in our rating we give it the second step. Despite the fact that the water temperature in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf reaches up to + 35˚С, there are places that are very cold, for example, off the coast of Antarctica - minus 1.8 ˚С. The average water temperature in the Indian Ocean is +17.3˚С.

If we take into account the color of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, they have a blue tint, the waters of the Indian Ocean are dark blue. These places are famous for their coral "spots", among which are the well-known Maldives. You should not bypass other riches of the ocean - in this place there are large areas where pearls, diamonds and emeralds were mined.

The shores of the Indian Ocean are considered the most beautiful, so if you are planning to go on a trip, visit these unique places. They attract tourists with their indescribable beauty and mystery.

An interesting fact: the temperature of the world's oceans at a depth of 2 to 4 thousand meters is constant - 0 - + 2˚С.

1 - Pacific Ocean

We assign the first place in our rating to the Pacific Ocean. Why is the Pacific Ocean the warmest? Because most of it is located in latitudes that warm up well. Unfortunately, the water temperature in the central region and in the north is different, if in one place you can swim and sunbathe in the sun, then in another you won’t even want to take off your jacket. Judge for yourself: in the central regions of the ocean, the water temperature is in the range of +25 - 29˚ Celsius, while in the northern part it will not exceed + 8˚С. The coldest water off the coast of Antarctica. Its temperature is below 0°C. But if we take the average indicators, then they are 2 degrees more than that of the Indian - 19.4˚С.

There are several oceans on Earth, or more precisely, four. These are the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. And which one is the warmest? This question should be of particular concern to us. harsh winter when you so want to plunge into the warm sea ​​water... Well, if it doesn't work out, no one forbids dreaming.

So, for starters, you can think logically. Let's start from the north. The Arctic Ocean - brr ... Almost all of it is covered with ice, it can hardly be called even a little warm. You can safely dismiss it - there are much warmer places.

The Pacific Ocean - stretches from Antarctica to the Arctic Ocean, and a large part of it is located at the equator. Yes, there are many in the Pacific paradise- and Tahiti, and Haiti, and Hawaii ... Its widest part falls on the equator zone. It also holds more than half of all the water of the oceans, and water, as you know, perfectly accumulates heat.

The Indian Ocean is very warm, it includes the Red Sea - the warmest and most salty in the sea. But the ocean is not the whole sea. In the south, the Indian Ocean, in its widest part, borders on Antarctica, and this brings a significant proportion of cold water into it. There are hot places in it - for example, in the Persian Gulf, the water temperature reaches 30-32 degrees. But on average, the water is colder ...

The Atlantic Ocean can also be safely discarded. In the north, it actively mixes its waters with the Arctic Ocean, and in the south it also neighbors Antarctica. The equatorial zone is not very wide, and the water temperature there is on average only 26-27 degrees. In the Indian Ocean, even more. And to the north or south of the equator, the water becomes even colder.

Thus, two "competitors" have already emerged - the Pacific and Indian oceans. It remains to turn to scientific data and find out the average temperature of the water in them. And now the winner is revealed - in the Pacific Ocean, the average annual temperature 19.1 degrees, and equatorial zones - from 25 to 29 degrees. In the Indian Ocean, the average temperature is 17 degrees, 2 degrees less than in the Pacific. A few particularly warm places do not change the situation - the average numbers turned out to be slightly lower. So - the Pacific Ocean turned out to be not only the largest, deepest, but also has the warmest water. Now we know where to go to steam our bones on the beach. And where are we going?

Our choice is a huge number of the most diverse places - after all, Australia is located in the Pacific Ocean, and thousands of islands - small and large, inhabited and uninhabited, single and in large groups… Many of them are quite famous – Tahiti, Bora Bora, Fiji. Australia and New Zealand also have great beaches. Many of the islands are of volcanic origin or formed from coral reefs. Undersea world The Pacific Ocean is striking in its diversity, so hardly anyone will remain indifferent after seeing all this at least once.

By the way, the descendants of sailors from the rebel ship Bounty, who was sent there from Great Britain for breadfruit seedlings, still live on the island of Tahiti. The sailors overthrew the captain and remained to live on the island. In general, the entire population of the Polynesian islands is distinguished by exceptional hospitality. In addition, they have a very ancient and rich history, evidence of which can be seen on every island.

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