Will it be warm in April. What folk signs are famous for sonorous April

the beauty 05.08.2019

April is the very month when nature begins to actively shed its winter shackles and prepare for a summer rebirth. Studying the weather forecast in Russia for April 2017, one can come to a positive conclusion: spring will be warm, but with its own rainy days.

Weather forecast for Moscow for April 2017

In the capital, April will start unhappily: according to weather forecasts, the daily temperature in the first half of the month will not rise above +11. At the same time, according to forecasts, April is dominated by sunny days, but the rains will be rare guests, and if they overtake the Muscovites, then in the first 10 days of April. According to popular beliefs, if the second spring month turns out to be rainy, then the whole summer will pass under the auspices of torrential downpours. Consequently, residents of the capital can already prepare for a hot summer, as cool downpours will not visit them often in April.

About what else weather features warm month worth knowing?

  1. The warmest day in April is expected to be on the 28th, when the thermometer rises to 18 degrees.
  2. The coldest day of the month will be April 2, as the air warms up to only three degrees.
  3. Night temperatures will be below zero until April 12, so it is recommended to refrain from planting seedlings in vegetable gardens during this period.
  4. The night temperature will rise to a maximum of +7 degrees on April 29 and 30.

Weather forecast for St. Petersburg for April 2017

For St. Petersburg, the forecast is slightly less reassuring, as heavy rains overtake Russia's cultural capital. Largest number precipitation will fall in the middle of the month, but by the end of April, the city's residents will be able to enjoy the sun and flowering gardens. Despite frequent precipitation, cold winds will not overtake St. Petersburg this year. According to popular beliefs, the absence of a cold wind in April becomes a harbinger of a dry and very hot summer.

Both weather forecasters and astrologers predict light frosts in April, but the thermometer will fall below zero only at night. Snowfall is also possible, but light. At the same time, residents of the cultural capital may face sleet and daytime, especially in the first days of the month.

The coldest day in April will fall on April 4, when the air warms up to only +3 degrees, and at night the temperature will drop to -1.

The last days of the month will predictably turn out to be the warmest: on April 28, 29 and 30, the thermometer will be kept at the same level, at +12 degrees.

Weather forecast for Yekaterinburg for April 2017

The weather forecast in Russia for April 2017 is encouraging, but the residents of Yekaterinburg will have to deal with two cold periods at once. So far, weather forecasters promise the following weather changes:

  • the beginning of the month will be cold and rainy, and the temperature will not rise above +5 during the day and -2 at night;
  • the warmest days will fall in the middle of the month, and on April 22 the temperature will even rise to +14 degrees during the day and +2 at night;
  • by the end of the month it will get colder again, the daytime temperature will drop to +9 in the afternoon, and the townspeople will be overtaken by constant rains.

Astrologers note that cold winds will overtake the city at the end of the month, and weather forecasters agree with this opinion. The abundance of winds, according to folk beliefs, may result in strong heavy rains for the residents of Yekaterinburg in June.

However, the night temperature will continue to gradually rise, and by the end of the month it will be +3 degrees, which will allow summer residents to start an active process of sowing their plots.

Weather forecast for Nizhny Novgorod for April 2017

AT Nizhny Novgorod warm weather will be established from the first days of April. The air temperature on the afternoon of April 1 will warm up to +4 degrees, and a similar indicator on the thermometer will remain until April 9.

In the future, the temperature will continue to rise, reaching +17 degrees by the end of the month.

Until April 13, residents of the city will have to put up with sub-zero night temperatures. But from the middle of the month, the thermometer at night will not fall below +3 degrees.

Precipitation will fall, but only in the form of warm and short-term rains. By the way, according to popular beliefs, warm rains that last only a few minutes are a direct hint of a very dry summer.

The coldest day of the month will fall on April 5, when the thermometer will show +4 degrees during the day and -3 degrees at night.

Weather forecast for Novosibirsk for April 2017

April in Novosibirsk will be moderately warm, with sufficient rainfall. What are the forecasts for this moment do weather forecasters?

  1. The warmest day of the month will fall on April 24, when the air warms up to 16 degrees, and the night temperature will be about +5 degrees.
  2. The first 4 days of the month will be the coldest, since the thermometer will not rise above +3 during the day, and above -2 at night.
  3. According to lunar calendar gardener, it is best to organize the planting of heat-loving plants after April 20, since the night air temperature during this period will not fall below +4 degrees.
  4. In the first half of the month, Novosibirsk residents will have to endure heavy rains.

Forecasters emphasize that hail or sleet may fall in this region, but such weather anomalies will be short-lived. For most of the month, Novosibirsk residents will be able to enjoy the clear sun.

Weather forecast for Samara for April 2017

The city on the Volga will be caressed by the April sun. If the rains overtake the inhabitants of Samara, then only in the first days of April. By April 13, the thermometer will reach +10 degrees, and this figure will not fall below. The warmest days will fall on April 29 and 30, when the air warms up to +19 degrees.

No less positive is the forecast of weather forecasters regarding the night air temperature: on April 5, the thermometer will fall below zero for the last time, after which the temperature will rise steadily. By April 17, the air will warm up to +7 degrees at night.

At the same time, the water temperature in the Volga will not rise so rapidly. According to weather forecasts, the water will warm up to only +8 degrees by the end of the month.

At the same time, there will not be a single snowy day in Samara in April, and rainfall will become rare guests.

The April weather forecast for the whole of Russia is extremely positive. Spring is about to come into its own, and warm days will overtake the inhabitants of the country in the first half of April.

Temperature in Moscow in April 2017

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in April 2017 was +5.399°С (average for 1999-2019 +7.2°С). Average monthly humidity 68% (average for 1999-2019 67%)

The coldest day in Moscow in April 2017 was April. The average daily temperature dropped to 0C that day. The warmest day took place in April with an average temperature of °C.

The absolute minimum temperature in Moscow in April 2017 was −4°С (April 18, 2017 at 02:00:00), absolute maximum +25°С (April 30, 2017 at 11:00:00)

Humidity in Moscow in April 2017

Average monthly humidity in Moscow in April 2017 was 68% (average for 1999-2019 67%).

The lowest humidity in Moscow in April 2017 was April. The average daily humidity that day was only %. Wettest day took place in April with an average humidity of %.

Absolute minimum relative humidity in Moscow in April 2017 was recorded on April 19, 2017 at 08:00:00. Humidity at that time was only 5%.

The most common wind in Moscow in April 2017− southwestern (on average it blows 29% of the time). In second place is western (17%), in third - northwestern (15%). The rarest winds in Moscow in April 2017: east (4%), southeast (7%) and northeast (8%).

Maximum wind gust in Moscow in April 2017 is 5 m/s and was recorded on April 26, 2017 at 08:00:00.

Average daily wind speed in Moscow in April 2017 ranges from m/s (April 2017) to m/s (April 2017).

Temperature in Moscow in April in different years

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in April varies in the range from +4.5°С to +11.1°С. The coldest April was in 2004, and the warmest in 2000. April average temperature according to statistics for 1999-2019, it is + 7.2 ° С.

More detailed information featured on average monthly temperature chart in Moscow in April. The graph confirms that in 2000 there was the warmest April (+11.1°С). The second in a row - in 2001 (+11°С), the third - in 1999 (+10°С).

Respectively, coldest april in moscow happened in 2004 (+4.5°С), the second in a row - in 2003 (+4.7°С), the third - in 2009 (+5.2°С).

Spring always makes people happy, especially that spring weather when it was already warm outside, and green buds swelled on the trees. This can be seen in the month of April. At the moment, many are interested in the problem. Of course, this issue is very relevant, because most gardeners begin their active actions precisely during this period. Also interesting this problem and because many soothsayers predicted a not very simple year, perhaps the peak of misfortunes will fall precisely on given time.

The second spring month surprises many people with its weather and natural tenderness. Judging by weather manifestations, this period can be called the most beautiful manifestation of spring. How is April 2017 expected in relation to weather conditions? To begin with, it is important to note that at the moment it will not be possible to give any accurate forecasts. But still, some preliminary forecasts can be told.

Usually, temperature regime in the second month of spring, it already takes positive marks in all regions of the country. For example, in the central parts of Russia, the thermometer will already rise to plus 15 degrees. AT southern cities countries, such a mark can even rise to 25 degrees Celsius. But the northerners will feel the real coming of spring much later, but in April the temperature will still be much more than 0, about 5-10 degrees above zero.

What will April 2017 be like? in terms of precipitation? In this period, precipitation is an infrequent occurrence on earth. Some regions may feel the manifestation of rain in the atmosphere, and northern cities sometimes see hail. A special influx of precipitation is not expected, humidity will be enough from melting snow. As for the melting of snow, this case, everything will be fine. The month of April is rich in the presence of the scorching sun, which perfectly melts the accumulated snowdrifts. It is for this reason that people will often begin to observe the cheerful melting of snow, and subsequently the frisky run of a stream.
Gardeners are currently beginning their most active work with plantings and with the ground. When planning any work, it is necessary to coordinate your plans with the calendar for given month. After all, it is known that the influence of the night luminary can affect the development of fruit and vegetable crops in two ways.

According to astrological forecasts, April 2017 is expected to be a quiet time. The queen of the year, the Goat, is not particularly keen on various cardinal changes in the fate of people. She strives for peace and tranquility, therefore a year will pass in calm and measured colors. But people need to prepare for the fact that fate will begin to present them with surprises in personal relationships, especially in the month of April. As you know, spring has a special effect on the mood and positivity of each of us. It is during this period that we all want love, care and attention. The Goat itself also has family ties and romantic hobbies, so some representatives of the zodiac world need to wait for lightning events in life and in fate. You should never renounce love, because it is only on it that the world rests. New relationships must be entered with a pure heart and a positive attitude.

An interesting problem is the question what will April 2017 be like in terms of political events? It is so established by our present life that it is impossible to plan anything for even the very near future. The government claims that our life will be better and more prosperous every month, but at the moment, none of the ordinary people notice this. The economic peak is expected in the second month of spring. There is confidence that the price of many products will grow rapidly, primarily for vegetables, the availability of which in the cellars of the country is already running low. Also, goods and services will rise in their prices. But there is no need to talk about raising salaries and pensions. All planned salary increases have come to a halt, all because of rising inflation and economic difficulties. Well, and pensions, as everyone is used to seeing, will rise by only a few hundred rubles a year.

April in Moscow and the Moscow region is the month with the least amount of precipitation. Despite the fact that at this time, especially in early April, frosts are noted here, snowfalls and blizzards occur less and less. At the end of the month, it warms up to positive temperatures, rare rains begin to fall. Weather in Moscow - April 2017 will not surprise Muscovites and guests of the capital severe frosts, nor, on the contrary, a sharp warming. According to the most accurate forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center, average temperature month will be + 5-6⁰ C.

Weather in Moscow for April 2017 - The most accurate forecast

The proverb says: "April snow breaks the flower." This folk wisdom Accurately explains the weather for April. It is in this month that the snow melts most intensively, floods occur, and the first flowers hatch. It is getting warmer every day - nature is preparing for the May bloom. According to the most accurate forecasts, this month in 2017, positive daily temperatures will be observed starting from the second decade of April. At the end of the month and at night, the air temperature will not drop to minuses.

The most accurate signs of April - Forecast for 2017

Not only the Hydrometeorological Center can accurately predict the weather. Interesting to watch natural phenomena, check folk omens April. Some of these signs have been tested for centuries. For example, a thunderstorm this month indicates the approach of a long, rainy and cold spring. In 2017, weather forecasters do not expect thunderstorms. Do not be upset if April is too rainy - this promises a lot of mushrooms in the summer. According to forecasters, the current mid-spring will be dry. The end of the month will please the inhabitants of Moscow with the sun - watch the bees on April 30th. Many bees in the garden will bring a large harvest of cherries.

April notes. Notes for April

The surface of the snow in early April is rough - for harvest.

In April it is damp - to good arable land and mushroom summer.

April melt water flows on clear nights - to favorable weather during the harvesting of bread.

At the beginning of the month, a big flood - to a good harvest.

Thunderstorm in early April warm summer and a harvest of nuts.

At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest.

Weather in Moscow - April 2017 - Weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the information received from the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow in April 2017 will not surprise either the indigenous inhabitants of the capital or the guests of the capital. There will be little rain. At the beginning of the month, especially in its first week, sub-zero temperatures will still hold out. However, starting from the second week of April, the air will gradually warm up. Already on the 20th of the month, daily air temperatures will reach +8+10⁰ C. Temperatures above zero will also be observed at night.

Weather in Moscow in April in history - Forecast for 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

During the observation period of the April weather in Moscow, from the 19th century to 2016, the highest average monthly temperatures April were celebrated in 2013. Then it was +16.9⁰C. The minimum average temperature in April - 1.2⁰C was observed in 1929. The weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center for April 2017 pleases - there will be few rains and cold days with air temperatures below zero. On average, April air warms up to +6⁰ C during the day.

Weather in Moscow in April in proverbs and forecasts for 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

Hydrometeorological center, more precisely, meteorological service, was founded in Russia only in 1921. However, weather changes were always observed. Proverbs about the weather, including the weather in April, are based on folk signs. Often, folk wisdom can tell us about the upcoming warming or cooling before weather forecasters, who, by the way, promise a warm, dry April in Moscow in 2017. You, too, can compare signs with scientific forecasts. April 7, look at the roofs of houses. If the snow still lies there, it will not melt for a long time even on the surface of the earth.

Neither water in March, nor grass in April.

April will deceive, under May will let you down.

February is rich in snow, April - in water.

April will get everyone drunk.

Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.

April is rich in water, October in beer.

In April, the earth dies.

March is coming to an end, - to April, the passing month, it seems the way-path.

Weather in the Moscow region in April 2017―Air temperature forecasts

The weather in Moscow differs from the weather in the capital itself by no more than 1-2 degrees. In April 2017, in the south of the region, in Podolsk and Naro-Fominsk, the average daytime air temperature will be +7⁰, while in the north, near Solnechnogorsk and Krasnoarmeysk, it will be 1-2 degrees colder.

April weather in the Moscow region - Forecast 2017

The proverb about April the deceiver is not at all connected with April Fool's Day. In April the weather is still unstable; air temperatures fluctuate from minus to plus, sometimes reaching +19⁰ C. Sometimes a very warm day can be replaced by icy winds. In the Moscow region in April 2017, there will be a gradual increase in temperatures from slight minuses and zero at the beginning of the month to +12+14⁰ C during the day and +7⁰ C at night.

The weather in Moscow - April 2017, will not surprise people watching both the most accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center and folk omens. Floods will begin from the Moscow region and the capital itself this month, but there will be little rain. Small amount of precipitation wet snow at the beginning of the month will stop already in the first days of April. In the 20th, Muscovites and guests of Zlatoglavaya are already waiting for steady heat.

As you know, April is the long-awaited spring month, which pleases both nature and people. After all, everything in the world is interconnected. The Latin word "aprillis" translated into Russian means to open. And you can see that just this spring month “discovers” nature, that is, buds on the trees begin to bloom, and the first flowers also appear.

Indeed, even in connection with such a pleasant month, the Russian people have a fairy tale that allows you to tell that it is in April that you can enjoy the beauty of the long-awaited snowdrops. In connection with the awakening of nature, people also want to spend more time in the fresh air.

The weather in Moscow for April 2017, the most accurate forecast will help summer residents to properly plan their landings, as well as trips to summer cottages. Those who are not engaged in garden work will be able to plan outdoor recreation, for example, by a pond.

To be more precise, this month is already the middle of spring, and, as is known today from the hydrometeorological center, the weather in Moscow for April 2017 will be quite capricious and varied. After long winter days, people want to quickly enjoy the warmth, but it should be noted that April weather can bring unexpected surprises.

In the Moscow region, and in the capital itself, there will be a sharp drop in temperature regimes. According to forecasters, prolonged rains are expected, so you need to be prepared for cold snaps. After all, it is not uncommon that nature pampers us with a bright warm sun, and after that it can get colder and it starts to rain.

It is worth noting that after the most spring month of March, heat does not immediately appear on the streets of the capital. Basically, the weather will be cloudy for a long period of time, and at night, as forecasters say, frosts are expected, this is especially important for avid gardeners who are engaged in sowing this month.

The weather will please with warm days in the middle of the month. Based on what, Moscow will begin to dress in green trees, which, under the hot rays of the sun, will begin to bloom their leaves. The city will noticeably come to life. According to the forecasters, the temperature regime of the Moscow region will be above 10 degrees Celsius.

Rainfall will not decrease, although it will change. After all, the rains will not be as cold as before. Although it should be noted that occasionally it will be possible to observe the manifestation of snowflakes, which will immediately melt. You should not be afraid of such phenomena. After all, weather forecasters have long noted a shift in climatic anomalies that are being studied to this day.

The shift in the planet's climate does not harm the flora and fauna. Just having this information, people will be able to dress warmer during this period of time, as well as grab an umbrella from home so as not to get wet in unexpected rain, which can come abruptly, however, as it will end.

I would like to note that the real spring comes in Moscow in April. The remaining snow is disappearing almost before our eyes, and the duration daylight hours increases, thereby allowing you to enjoy warm days even longer.

According to the forecasters, the average weather conditions will be + 9 degrees during the day. At night, it can drop to +2 degrees. The positive temperature will allow nature to fully bloom and decorate the earth with its charm.

Although, according to the hydrometeorological center, there will be several cold nights in April, where the thermometer will drop below 2 degrees. It should be noted that the conclusions of experts indicate a sharp arrival of April and a short manifestation of snow anomalies.

Mid-April will be warm, although higher than 15 degrees Celsius is not expected. However, this will be enough to receive warm solar energy at this time of the year. Of course, at night the air index will decrease, but not much.

The amount of precipitation after the first half of the month will already decrease. However, cloudy weather is guaranteed for Muscovites. The cyclone of heavy rains will not last long. Small gusts of wind are expected, but it is worth noting that they will be warm, therefore even pleasant. Although in the southern regions, residents may not even notice gusts of wind, because there they will be insignificant.

Undoubtedly weather often remain a mystery to many. There are surprisingly sharp changes in the air, which, it would seem, should not return. For example, after the bright, almost hot sun rays of the spring sun, "black" clouds with heavy rain can run up.

However, for sure, almost every resident of the capital is already familiar with these phenomena and is not very surprised at various changes. climatic conditions. I would also like to note that there are various signs that people have been noticing for a long time, and since they always coincide, they can listen to them, not paying attention to the conclusions of weather forecasters.

For example, if it is noticed that Sun rays painted in bright yellow, then the weather will be hot and rain is not expected. If April started with a thunderstorm, then the summer will be hot. There are a large number of different signs that nature gives us so that we can draw our own conclusions, but we should not forget about the conclusions of weather forecasters, because sometimes many people cannot observe nature as carefully as they would like.

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