An unknown creature washed up on the shore. Strange objects that were found on the seashore

Helpful Hints 25.08.2019
Helpful Hints

On September 17, the Dixon family from New Zealand, while walking along Pakiri Beach, came across strange creature. A pink mass, shaped like a small volcano, pulsed on the sand. Pale segments were enclosed in a ring inside the color of raw meat. The shore around was covered with the bodies of jellyfish thrown out by the wave.

“Jellyfish were everywhere, it amazed us. Then we saw this creature, which was very different from them,” Eva Dixon told a local publication. Auckland Now. - We looked at it for a long time - its color and shape were beautiful. My son said it reminded him of a volcano."

“It looked like naked twitching muscles,” Adam Dixon, Eve's husband, described the creature.

Despite the unusual appearance, the creature turned out to be just a jellyfish - a hairy cyanide. They are common in all northern seas of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and are found in the surface layers of water near the coast. Usually cyanideas do not grow more than 50-60 cm, but can reach two meters in diameter. The diameter of the dome of the largest known jellyfish was 2.3 m, and the length of the animal was 36.5 m.

Marine biologist Diane McPherson of National Institute A study of water and atmosphere in New Zealand notes that hairy cyanides are often found near the islands, but not at this time of year.

“They usually appear in the spring and summer when the plankton starts blooming,” she explains.

However, the lack of plankton is not a problem for the jellyfish, says marine biologist Lisa-Anne Gershwin. abundance long tentacles, combined in eight bundles, allows her to easily hunt small animals and other jellyfish.

“Each of its tentacles is capable of catching something,” she says. “Thanks to this multitasking, the jellyfish is able to find a lot of food.”

Shelagh Taylor

Hairy cyanides are often accompanied by small fish and shrimp, which are immune to the toxins of these jellyfish. They feed on the remnants of a cyan meal. The jellyfish themselves can become food for larger fish or turtles. For example, leatherback turtles actively feed on jellyfish.

Experts attribute the untimely appearance of jellyfish to climate change. They recommend not touching the hairy cyanide. Although their danger is exaggerated in popular literature, the jellyfish can sting quite painfully.

“Their tentacles contain a toxin that can hurt you if you get close to them,” McPherson notes.

This is not the first such find in New Zealand - in October 2017, a huge hairy cyanide washed up on the shore of Auckland. locals ran into her at the pier.

“It is so huge, we have never seen anything like it before,” eyewitnesses said.

Environmentalists have warned that it is better for young children to stay away from jellyfish - if they are generally harmless to adults, then it will be more difficult for a child's body to cope with toxins.

And in May 2018, in the Philippines, on the coast of the city of San Antonio, a wave similar to “hairy sea ​​monster»globster - a biomass that does not resemble any known living creature.

A six-meter foul-smelling "monster" covered with something resembling hair was discovered by local residents. Its smell was unusually vile, even for specialists who came to take samples to establish species affiliation creatures.

The locals were sure that the Globster was an omen of something terrible coming at them. In their opinion, his appearance spoke of an approaching earthquake.

And on seabed near Bali in 2016, the diver is another unusual animal.

The creature had a transparent head, with which it caught prey, as well as 13 legs, its body length reached 13 cm.

Disputes about the belonging of the animal flared up on the forum of lovers of sea slugs, to which this creature most likely belongs.

According to some experts, it may belong to the genus melibe viridis, whose representatives are found in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, as well as off the coast of Mozambique. Science knows more than 3 thousand species of sea slugs, which differ in shape and color, most of them live in tropical waters.

Publication date: 03/02/2017

The ocean is the most mysterious place on our planet. It covers 70% of the Earth's surface, and its vast expanses are still not fully understood. In truth, only a small part of it has been explored - about 5%. It is not surprising that sometimes he throws ashore unlike creatures from somewhere in his depths ... These "monsters" are often overgrown with rumors and speculation, although usually there is a completely reasonable explanation for everything.

1 The East River Monster

Such a creature would fit well in any horror movie. The corpse of an incomprehensible animal was found in July 2012 on the banks of the East River under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York and outwardly the creature resembled the “Montauk” monster already known by that time (it was found on the beach of Montauk in 2008). Not a single zoologist could determine the type of animal, and the corpse was quickly taken away and destroyed by the city improvement service. One can only guess what kind of Chupacabra the river carried. It is said that in the case of the "Montauk" monster, it was a bald raccoon, and in the case of the monster from the East River, it was the swollen carcass of a dog. However, both stories have already become urban legends.

2. An unknown species of dolphin

When, in June 2014, on the coast of Alaska, a young biology teacher stumbled upon a dead water dolphin, then at first he decided that this was a young toothed whale - a northern swimming pool (Baird's beak, northern beardius, Far Eastern bottlenose - it's all about him). However, upon closer examination, it turned out that the dolphin found differs from the northern swimmers in the shape of the dorsal fin and body color, and by the age of the teeth it was determined that the individual - with a length of 7 meters - cannot be a northern swimmer, because. in adult swimmers, the sizes are larger. Further studies by scientists showed that this is completely the new kind dolphin and an extremely successful and rare find - a dark raven dolphin, the existence of which is mentioned in Japanese fishing legends.

3. Blue dragon

This stunning sea slug - Glaucus Atlanticus - was found off the coast of Australia in November 2015. Usually mollusks of this species do not live near the shore, but this one must have been chasing its favorite prey. Blue dragons feed on several types of jellyfish, and they are able not to react to their poisonous stinging cells, but, on the contrary, to digest them. The stinging capsules remaining from the cells of the victims serve as protective mechanisms for the mollusk itself. Blue dragons are poisonous and sting painfully, so it is better not to take them in your hands. But beautiful!

4 Lake Macquarie Monster

This miracle yudo whale fish was found in March 2016 on the shores of the peaceful Macquarie Lake in New South Wales (Australia). The photo got into social networks and the Internet began to vigorously discuss what kind of cross between a crocodile and a dolphin. However, there are no mysteries here - in fact, it is an ordinary pike-nosed eel, but it is not clear how it got into the lake in Australia, because its usual habitats are the tropics and subtropics of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Off the coast of Australia, they can be found, but at great depths. Pike eel can reach a length of 2.5 meters.

5. Herring king (strap-fish)

In 2013, not one, but two giant thong fish washed up on a California beach, and people were even worried: Is this a sign of an impending earthquake? After all, these sea ​​creatures deep-sea and live at a depth of about 900 meters, which is why people rarely see them. One of the fish thrown ashore was as much as 5.5 meters long, and it took the strength of 15 people to lift and drag it. Marine biologists believe that these giants (who are not very good swimmers) may have been washed ashore by strong currents. They lost their orientation and could not swim out of the current, back into the sea.

And this fish was called the “herring king” for two reasons: it was often met in schools of herring and on its head it had a kind of “crown”, formed by the first rays of the dorsal fin.

6. Freak

When in May 2010 a dog pulled a creature unknown to science from a lake in the small Canadian village of Kitchenameykusib, the locals immediately remembered the old legend about the Freak. It sounds like this: “No one knows what kind of creature it is, but our ancestors called it the Freak. The Freak appears rarely, but when it does, it is a bad sign. So something bad is going to happen." However, there are those who believe that the “creature unknown to science” is just a partially peeled mink or weasel.

7 Giant Squid

Despite the fact that the giant squid is the largest invertebrate on the planet, it is still largely a mystery to scientists. It is extremely rare, a video with such a squid in natural environment habitats first appeared only in 2013. So when in May 2015 on the coast South Island New Zealand carried out a giant squid, everyone was alarmed. It reached a length of 7 meters, and each of the eyeballs was 8 cm in diameter. Scientists determined that this individual was an adult female, but no one understood why she was washed ashore. No clear cause of death was found.

8 Folly Beach Monster

On the beach of Folly Beach in South Carolina (USA) in 2012, an unusual sea “monster” of gigantic size and with massive bone “shields” along the sides was carried out - like a dinosaur. People began to wonder who it could be. The truth turned out to be the following: it was not a monster, but an ordinary giant Atlantic sturgeon, which acquired unusual coloring, withered in the sun. In addition, the giant Atlantic sturgeon actually looks like a monster: it traces its lineage from individuals that lived on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and can reach almost 5 meters in length and weigh up to 250 kg.

9 Panama Monster

The "Panama Creature" (also called the Panama Monster, the Blue Stream Monster, or the Blue Hills Horror) was found and killed by teenagers in Panama in September 2009. It was found on the banks of the river near the city of Cerro Azul. According to the story of the teenagers, the creature grabbed one of them by the leg in the water, after which they got scared and stoned him to death. The photos were shown by a local TV station and the story was widely circulated - of course, such fat! There were many versions: that it was an alien, and that it was some kind of species unknown to science, and that it was a bald sloth ... Scientists biopsied the remains and a few days later reported that the Panamanian monster was indeed a male brown-throated sloth, which had lost hair as a result of underwater decomposition.

10 Large Mouth Shark

In January 2015, Filipino fishermen were frightened when they discovered this 4.5 meter long creature. The strange monster turned out to be a megamouth shark - a long-lived deep-sea shark that can live up to a hundred years, but is rarely seen. As a species, it was discovered in 1976, when one such shark accidentally caught on the anchor of a warship in Hawaii. By August 2015, only 102 individuals had been discovered, of which only a few were scientifically studied. Very little is known about the anatomy, behavior and range of this shark. In general, quite a mysterious monster from the depths of the sea!

11. Sakhalin Monster

These terrible remains of an incomprehensible monster two human heights washed ashore in June 2015 in the north of Sakhalin Island near the city of Shakhtersk. Muzzle with a "beak", strange hair on the tail - again a dinosaur? By itself! Scientists from the Sakhalin Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography quickly identified the miracle yudo: it turned out to be the northern floater (or beaked whale), a large representative of cetaceans. The beaked whale lives in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan and is a well-known marine mammal. And the "wool" is just adhering sea plants.

12. Whales are Siamese twins

In January 2014, Mexican fishermen encountered something they had never seen before: they discovered in coastal waters two dead gray whale calves fused together. These Siamese twins had two heads, two tails, and a joint in the belly area. Unfortunately, they were found already dead. Judging by the size, the female did not carry them and threw them away. ahead of time- somewhere between 8.5 and 10.5 months (instead of 13.5 months).

The inhabitants of the island compare the found animal with a dinosaur and a Gangetic dolphin.

The carcass of an unknown animal washed up on the coast of Sakhalin near the airport of Shakhtersk. Judging by the remains, the creature was the size of two human heights, had a long nose, similar to a bird's beak, the back and tail are covered with long hair. Photos of an unprecedented sea animal caused a discussion in social networks. Locals found the animal similar to an ancient dinosaur, apparently referring to a pliosaurus, an aquatic lizard that lived about 150 million years ago.

According to a more plausible version, the creature found could be Gangetic river dolphin, since it has similar sizes and body shape. However, supporters of this theory still have many questions: it is not clear how the freshwater dolphin, which lives in the basins of South Asia, ended up off the coast of Sakhalin. The hairline of the found monster is also puzzling: its tail and back are covered with hair, while the skin of the Gangetic dolphin is smooth. Some eyewitnesses suggest that these are adhering seaweeds, others claim that this is wool. “Probably our summer is so cold that even Indian dolphins, getting into local waters, are covered with fur,” one of the residents joked on social networks. SakhalinMedia writes about the amazing find.

The Gangetic dolphin most sharply differs from other species of dolphins: it grows up to 2.6 m in length, reaching a weight of up to 90 kg. The animal has a crescent long body, an elongated narrow beak-shaped nose and a steep frontal protrusion. Instead of a dorsal fin, the dolphin has a low triangular hump. For the characteristic sound made during breathing, the animal received a second name - susuk. Prolonged residence in muddy fresh water led to the loss of the lens and loss of vision: the susuk is practically blind, he navigates with the help of echolocation. Dolphin populations living in the Indus and Ganges rivers have not interbred for several centuries, in connection with this, some scientists distinguish two species: the Gangetic dolphin and the small Gangetic dolphin.

That recently a rare giant shark was caught in Australia, about which scientists know very little. The 6.3 m specimen was transferred to the Victoria Museum in Melbourne for study. As employees admit, for 160 years they had to deal with only three animals of this endangered species.

P.S. As it became known on July 1, scientists from the Sakhalin Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography were able to identify the species of animal from its remains: with a probability of 95%, this is a northern swimmer. “We have assembled a group of scientists. We looked through all the versions and came to the conclusion that the remains found on the shore belong to a baby whale,” SakhalinMedia quotes Nikolai Kim, Deputy Head of the SakhNIRO Forecasting Department. - First of all, we paid attention to the beak. He indicates that the remains belong to either a dolphin or a whale. Secondly, we looked at the size of the body - at least 3 m. Dolphins can't be that huge. But the bodies of whales exceed 10 m in length, and their cubs reach just 3-4 m - the minimum size. As for the discovered wool, all newborn whales and dolphins have a small coat of hair at the beginning of their lives. Then he disappears. Judging by all signs, the animal thrown ashore is a northern swimmer, or rather, its cub. With such a description, only he lives in those waters. This is a species that is typical for the region. You can never be 100% sure of anything, so let's just say we are 95% sure."

On the coast of the Philippines, fishermen discovered a strange creature of impressive size. The monster, over six meters long, covered all over with white hair, was unlike any of the known species marine animals, according to The Telegraph.

The carcass was washed ashore after a recent earthquake in the region. Pictures of the monster quickly spread throughout social networks, and users began to speculate about the nature of the find. Some thought it was half polar bear, half whale. Others - that this is a fantastic creature from cartoons and fairy tales.

The beach in the town of Kagdainao has become the center of attraction for local residents. People began to take pictures with an unusual creature and take selfies.


However, according to scientists, this is the corpse of a whale, which allegedly died about two weeks ago due to a collision with a ship. Unusual view huge mammal, experts explained that the body for a long time drifted in the ocean and turned white due to the extreme stage of decomposition.

Note that simultaneously with the appearance of " hairy monster"On the coast of the Philippines, several extremely rare fish that live at a depth of 200 to 1000 meters have washed up. Locals associated the appearance of fish with earthquakes, since these creatures are supposed to be able to sense the displacement of tectonic plates.

The ocean holds many secrets, and the surf sometimes brings ashore something completely unimaginable. The man tries to pretend that he is subject to all the elements, but is unable to identify some of the "monsters" thrown out by the storm. Do people know all kinds of living beings? Less than 15% of the 8.7 million species living on Earth are known to us. Thus, 85% of terrestrial and underwater creatures remain mysterious to us. We will tell about some of them.

15. Monster from Montauk
The Montauk Monster is an unidentified animal whose corpse was washed ashore on a beach near Montauk, New York, USA in July 2008. The story began when the local newspaper The Independent published a report that on July 12, 2008, Chief Britton and three of his comrades found the corpse of a strange creature on the beach.
This discovery caused a lot of speculation, initially it was believed that the "monster" was a creature unknown to science, then they thought it was a turtle without a shell or a dog without hair.
Maggie Jones, director of the Mystic Nature Center, after examining the photographs, said it was most likely a raccoon.

14. Monster of Kanway Island
The Canway Island Monster was the name given to an unusual creature whose corpse washed up on the shore of Canway Island, in England, in November 1953. A second similar corpse was found there in August 1954. Only one photograph has survived, and that one is of poor quality.
It looked like a toad, with legs but no arms. But seriously, the monster was described as "an unknown creature, 76 centimeters long, with thick reddish-brown skin, large bulging eyes, a soft head and gills." The creature had five-toed hind limbs and horseshoe-shaped, concave-arched feet that were thought to be suitable for upright walking, but no forelimbs.
Some scientists believe that the remains could belong to some unknown species. deep sea fish, and the fins were mistaken for legs.

13. "Roch Ness" monster
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, a rather scary monster was washed up on the shores of the quiet Hollingworth Lake in Rochdale, England. It is said to have been a little over five feet long, with a huge mouth full of incredibly sharp teeth.

The couple who stumbled upon the creature first thought it was a crocodile. Later it was decided that this was nothing more than a strange pike that grew a little more than usual. Even if it's "just" a pike, swimming in Rochdale is reluctant.

12. Sakhalin miracle Yudo
The city of Shakhtyorsk on Sakhalin attracted zoologists, paleontologists and mystery lovers when a carcass washed ashore unknown to science a three-meter creature - with a nose resembling a beak, and with a tail covered with hair. There were many versions of who he was. Local residents were unable to identify the mysterious beast. Judging by the bones and teeth, this is not a fish, although it looks like a dolphin; the skeleton is a bit like a crocodile, and the skin of the creature was covered with wool. If a dolphin, then why is it hairy? And how did you get to Sakhalin? According to some reports, the creature was washed back into the water, according to others, the special services took it away.

Specialists in scientific work Primorsky Oceanarium suggested: “Judging by the shape of the skull, the size of the animal, most likely, it could be a large beaked dolphin. Sizes of adult animals from 5 to 9 meters. The largest is the northern floater. Animals are quite rare, they live above deep-sea regions or in the depths. Therefore, they are extremely rare near the coast or in the shelf area.

11. Tranco Gloster
Tranco or trunko is the name of an animal that was seen in 1924 near the city of Marit in South Africa. An article about him entitled "Polar Bear Fish" was published on December 27, 1924 in the London Daily Mail newspaper. Eyewitnesses observed how an unusual huge animal, similar to a fish covered with wool, fought off two killer whales near the shore. It used its tail and jumped over 20 feet out of the water. Later, the strange creature washed ashore off Margate Beach and was described as "an animal possessing snow-white fur, an elephant's trunk, a lobster's tail, and a carcass devoid of blood."
In 2010, however, Trunko's long-standing secret was revealed. Trunko was nothing more than a globster, that is, a massive, tough "bag" of fat and skin containing collagen, which sometimes remains when a whale dies and its skull and skeleton separate from the skin and sink to the seabed.

10. Beast of Tenby
A resident of the city of Tenby, UK, was walking along the beach when he found the corpse of an incomprehensible animal on the sand. While closely studying his find, 27-year-old Peter Bailey realized that he did not know a single animal that looked like this strange creature. Fearing that the monster would be washed away by the wave, the man took a picture of it and memorized its distinguishing features.

“It looked disgusting. My first impression is an eerie cross between a horse's face, bear's claws, and a pig's body. Obviously, the creature was covered with hair, but in the process of decomposition, most of the hairline fell out, ”he described his find.

Local zoologists decided that the photographs depicted "the bloated corpse of a Jack Russell dog." In search of a competent specialist, the man turned to Swansea University, located in Wales, where they decided that it was a badger. But the inquisitive Briton Peter Bailey doubts such conclusions, and continues to look for a clue.

9. Giant eyes
If you think about the things that wash up on the shore, then a bottle with a note comes to mind, clothes, garbage and a lot of plastic. To the dismay of those who frequent the beaches, recent times giant eyeballs began to be found on the shores of the seas around the world.

Experts who have personally examined these eyes, as well as those who have reviewed photographs and videos, have concluded that at least one of them belonged to a swordfish. But why does the sea throw out separate eyes on the shore? There is no answer yet.

8 Dead Birds
On the coast Pacific Ocean Thousands of dead birds are washed ashore, and no one knows why. As a rule, a small number of such birds always occur, because they die during strong storms and severe storms, but such mass deaths are unprecedented.

Birds have been found all over the coast, from Oregon to southern California, and this has prompted scientists to try to understand the situation and uncover the causes of death of birds. It is also strange that representatives of not only one species die. In fact, four different species of birds have been found to die in such masses. One possible explanation is the lack of food for growing chicks. Another assumption concerns climate change, and this is the most likely theory.

7 Strongsea Monster
Here is a drawing of the Stronsay monster by Sir Alexander Gibson in 1808. The Stronsay Beast is a large dead carcass or gloster washed ashore on the island of Stronsay, Orkney, after a storm on September 25, 1808.
The length of the carcass was 55 feet, and since part of the tail was missing, the animal itself was probably even larger. Society natural history in Edinburgh could not identify the corpse and assumed it was a variety sea ​​serpent. Later, anatomist Everard Dom stated that there were decomposed remains giant shark. In 1849, Scottish professor John Goodseer in Edinburgh came to the same conclusion. However, the largest documented basking shark is 40 feet long, and if the Stronsay creature was indeed over 55 feet, then its nature remains a mystery. Drawings of the decomposing carcass of the beast, which have survived to this day, are surprisingly similar in shape and size to images of the Loch Ness Monster.

6. Monster from St. Augustine
A large and mysterious corpse washed ashore at St. Augustine, Florida in 1896. The intended view Latin name Octopus giganteus (giant octopus) and Greek Otoctopus giganteus (can be translated as "giant eared octopus"). These names contradict the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and are not recognized by it, however, like the very fact of the existence of a giant octopus. Giant octopus or octopus - hypothetical sea ​​creature similar to the kraken. Information about him is obtained mainly from legends.

An English scientist named Verrill believed that the remains of a marine invertebrate washed up on the coast off St. Augustine were the body of "a real octopus of colossal size," and he calls it Octopus giganteus - a giant octopus. An article about this appeared in the American Science Journal. In addition, Professor Verrill published a description of the alleged size, shape and habits of the giant cephalopod in the New York Herald newspaper: “The weight of a living creature must have been between 18 and 20 tons. The animal's tentacles must have been enormous, each up to 100 feet (30 meters) long or more, and as thick as the mast of a large ship. They were equipped with hundreds of plate-shaped suckers, the largest of which had to be at least a foot in diameter... The eyes had to be over a foot in diameter. There were 10-12 gallons of ink in his ink bag. No doubt, it could swim quickly, but usually slowly crawled along the bottom in search of prey. It should be noted that wherever this creature lives, there must be hundreds and even thousands of individuals of the same size, otherwise their species would have died out. Further, the professor wrote that the animal, most likely, died in a fight with a sperm whale, was partially eaten by it, and what was left of it was thrown ashore.

5. New Zealand Gloster
On a New Zealand beach, a storm threw the remains of an unknown animal, covered with a shaggy skin, toothy and looking rather scary. The semi-decomposed corpse had a large head with huge cone teeth, rudimentary limbs and a badly damaged tail section. The length of the find was about nine meters.

The excitement among the public and journalists did not contribute to the calm study of the monster. The animal immediately began to be called a giant moray eel, a dinosaur, a saltwater crocodile, and so on. The chairman of the local Zoological Society said that he had no idea what kind of creature it was, and suggested that it be conditionally called a gloster. But the specialist marine mammals Anton Van Helden confidently identified the remains of a common killer whale in the corpse.

4. Gumbo
A large creature washed up on the shore of Bungalow Beach in the Gambia in 1983. Owen Burnham, the 15-year-old boy who discovered the beast, sketched it, and this is the only image of his find.

Because of the resemblance, the villagers thought it was a dolphin. But on his body there were no fins, but there were limbs, more like vestigial paws. Its muzzle resembled a beak. Unfortunately, there are no photographs or any data on the fate of Gumbo.

3. Bermuda blob
In May 1988, in the shallow waters of Mangrove Bay, the largest of the Bermuda Islands, the remains of a large animal were discovered, called the "Bermuda blob" (blob - a drop, a ball). Local fisherman Teddy Tucker described the carcass as "2.5 meters, 70 cm thick, very white and fibrous, with five limbs, like a shapeless star." No bones, no cartilage, no holes, no smell. Three men were unable to turn the carcass. It was incredibly difficult to cut off even a small piece from it. Teddy managed to do this before the carcass was washed into the ocean.

Zoologists who were sent photographs of the Bermuda blob found it difficult to identify the animal. Seven years later, a biochemical analysis by the team of Sydney Pierce (he also examined the tissue of the St. Augustine monster) showed that it was most likely the remains of a huge fish.

2. Hybrid blob
A hybrid blob was washed up on the coast of Scotland in 1990, and even advanced biological classification methods did not help - this creature still remains unidentified and unknown. Louise Witts, who discovered the thing, described it this way: “It was something that seemed to have a head on one end of it and a tail on the other; the curved back was covered with what looked like fins along the back. »
Another mysterious creature that we will never be able to identify.

1. Shoes ... with the remains of the legs
One of the craziest and most disturbing finds ever made ashore has come to be known as the "feet from the Salish Sea". At some point, people began to find shoes on the shore, and to their horror, they found that all of these shoes still contained the feet of their owners. More precisely, fragments of the legs.

Between 2008 and 2016, a total of 16 such creepy shoe items were found. Some of them have been identified, but most belong to people who have never been found or identified. No explanation has yet been found for these findings.

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