Smoke notes. Sign: smoke column Signs about summer weather

Career and finance 19.06.2020
Career and finance

There are many different signs that, one way or another, indicate a change weather conditions. A red sunset, for example, indicates that it will blow strong wind, Pink, - on the contrary, indicates good weather. Low Cumulus clouds always appear to bad weather. If such a situation takes place, then do not go to the fortuneteller, the weather will change.

And such examples can be cited as many as you like. Observing the behavior of plants, people noticed that before bad weather, a previously opened flower closes its petals. You can learn from the behavior of animals and birds that the weather will change. If the lark sings merrily without ceasing, then the weather will be good. But swallows flying low are a sure sign of rain. If there is no dew in the morning, then this is also a sign of impending bad weather.

So it turns out that all these signs did not arise spontaneously, but on the basis of long-term observation of people for those physical phenomena that occur in nature. In ancient times, they were for a person a kind of analogue of modern meteorological station and, moreover, the most reliable adviser. After all, in those days people did not know anything about modern methods weather forecasting, and they used signs that were quite truthful. And all because they relied on those physical natural phenomena that were the cause of weather changes.

A similar situation is observed with smoke creeping along the ground, which is a clear sign of an approaching rain. There is no doubt that this sign did not originate today, and has a long history. Its roots go back to the times when a person kindled a fire to keep warm and cook food. And if the smoke from it began to spread above the ground, then it was necessary to seek shelter and hide from the impending bad weather.

Now let's look into the true roots of this natural phenomenon. In anticipation of rain, the humidity of the air increases significantly. The smoke rising from the fire comes into contact with moist air, and takes away some of its moisture. It is clear that at the same time it becomes heavier, and can no longer rise to the upper atmosphere. Under the influence of gravity, moisture-saturated smoke falls to the ground. This is a sure sign that rain is coming soon.

It is clear that these are just signs that you can not believe in. However, no one is forcing anyone to do it. Today you can turn on the TV, look at the Internet, and find out what the weather will be like for the coming days, weeks and months. But still, we should not forget about the methods used by our ancestors. After all, even meteorologists with modern equipment can make mistakes, but with signs, this happens much less often.

Smoke - to bad weather, deceit, self-deception, the appearance of happiness.

Dark smoke is something unpleasant.

White smoke is most often something associated with love, happiness in the future.

Smoke from the chimney of a residential building goes vertically upwards - family happiness, praise.

A column of smoke suddenly rises in front of you - a sudden danger.

The horizon in smoke is the hopeless power of passions over you, everyday troubles block the upcoming bright future from your eyes.

To be in a ring of smoke is a captivity of illusions, self-deception.

Smoke is rolling on you in a cloud - unrest and mistakes are coming.

To see how strange, colored smoke formations grow around - you can live carefree among your fantasies, a dreamy image of a fantasy game.

Smoke flying in wisps in the wind - your life is unclean and quickly burns out.

Seeing a lot of smoke from a steamer or a steam locomotive is an ominous foreboding that is likely to come true.

Fumigating a house or bed with smoke is a disease.

Clothes are a benefit.

To see a lot of smoking pipes - to be torn apart by conflicting desires and petty passions.

A huge smoking chimney - a petty passion, a small hobby that swallowed up everything else and became dangerous.

A person comes out of the smoke or stands in the smoke - an image own position in life.

A vessel filled with smoke is money that will not bring happiness.

Your apartment is filled with smoke, but not a fire in it - false fears.

A stream of smoke now closes, then opens objects - temporary delusions. You need to make an effort to see the world soberly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

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If the smoke spreads along the ground - go back and turn off the iron, if it rises in a column - you can no longer return.

If it itches left hand- to money, if the nose - to booze, if both - to booze for free

Cats have a sign: if a Negro crosses the road ...

If a husband gives flowers for no reason, then there is a reason after all

If a woman has a ring on her hand, then she is most likely married.

If - beads, then it does not mean anything. If the ring and beads - she is married, but that does not mean anything

A screw driven in with a hammer holds tighter than a nail driven in with a screwdriver.

If you want to feel like a star - sit on the Christmas tree!

I came - thank you, I left - thank you very much ...

Life is given to a person once, and mostly by accident ...

On the fact of the disappearance of her husband initiated ... two neighbors

Better with Petrov in Mallorca than with a major in Petrovka

Never be afraid to do what you can't. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

If you watch TV, you must have noticed that good guys the bad guys always win, except for the nine o'clock news.

Citizens! Fly with Aeroflot! Hurry! There are very few of them left.

If you think nicotine doesn't affect a woman's voice, try shaking the ashes onto the carpet.

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has ended. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that everything clean has ended.

A speed bump is a good thing - it regulates the speed, and it's nice to move.

Russians call the road the place where they are going to pass.

If relatives or friends do not call you for a long time, then they are doing well.

Well, not just where we are not, but where we have never been!

To help you or not to interfere?

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your merit, but her merit.

When there is only one wife in the family, she grows up selfish.

There are three reasons for non-attendance: forgot, washed down or scored.

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

The Russian tank is not as scary as its drunken crew.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe, and the shepherd has eternal memory.

Mosquitoes are much more humane than some women, so if a mosquito drinks your blood, at least it stops buzzing.

There are three ways to do something: do it yourself, hire someone else, or stop your kids from doing it.

Life hasn't worked out, of course, but everything else is fine.

It is not difficult to make a woman happy, it is difficult to remain happy yourself.

If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same.

A properly abandoned husband will definitely return like a boomerang.

I have the utmost respect for the monstrous choice of my people.

When time is short, there is no time for friendship, only love.

The laziness of a simple Russian person is not a sin, but completely necessary remedy neutralization of the ebullient activity of the fools leading them.

Laughing for no reason is a sign that you are either an idiot or a pretty girl.

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt.

The lottery is the most accurate way to account for the number of optimists.

A real woman must cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.

The patient went on the mend. But it didn't.

Send in four toilet lids and you'll get a free toilet paper roll!

The stupid get married and the smart get married.

American universities are where Russian Jews teach math to Chinese.

Freud's nightmare - Mobius' phallus.

Life goes by so quickly, as if it is not interested in us...

Pickle is the drink of tomorrow.

There comes a time in every man's life when clean socks are easier to buy.

About wives: There is only a moment between the past and the future. That is what is called life.

A well-mannered man will not make remarks to a woman who does not carry a sleeper well.

Milk is doubly funnier if after cucumbers.

There are two infinities - the Universe and stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the universe. (Albert Einstein)

A woman is not a sparrow - you won’t feed a fly

It is not enough to know one's own worth - one must also be in demand.

Take care of your homeland - relax abroad.

Turned the girl's head so that she was sick for 9 months.

She came to Siberia and ruined all his penal servitude there.

Women, like children, love to say no. Men, like children, take it seriously.

The highest degree of embarrassment - two views that met in the keyhole.

Everything is going well, except...

Nostalgia is when you want to return, but nowhere.

It's hard to get into history, but it's easy to fall into it.

If you have found the woman of your dreams, you can say goodbye to the rest of your dreams.

Hurry is when you poop and shave at the same time.

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others!

In some, the main hemispheres are protected by the skull, in others by the pants.

Internet is The best way Satisfy your curiosity with your employer's money.

If you get your ass licked, don't relax - it's lube!

Teaching - learning the rules; experience is the study of exceptions.

It's nice when everyone noticed that you said something smart, but when no one noticed that you said something stupid, it's doubly nice.

My dad's favorite aphorism, coined by himself: "Fools are not mammoths, they will not die out."

Girl, you smell so nice... What did you drink today?...

If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, ... It means that the grass was not very ......

A fairly well-known sign with the following simple explanation. Before the rain, the humidity of the air more or less rises, so moisture condenses on the particles of smoke. In this case, the smoke becomes heavier, so it spreads along the ground, and does not rise up.

This is most likely an incorrect explanation, because smoke particles are probably hotter than air, so condensation on them will be difficult. During condensation, the latent heat of the phase transition from gas to liquid is released, which only increases the temperature of the smoke. In addition, condensed vapor is not always heavier than air. For example, the steam from a kettle is very light and rises quickly.

However, this sign works, so it must have some explanation. The fact is that the density of dry and moist air is different. And at the same pressure and temperature wet air will be lighter than dry, no matter how strange it may seem. The thing is that the mass of a water molecule is less than the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen that make up air. Therefore, with an increase in humidity in one cubic meter of air, the proportion of light water molecules will increase and this cubic meter will be lighter!

Usually the smoke rises up according to the simple law of Archimedes. It is hotter, lighter, so the force of Archimedes pushes it up. But if the air itself becomes lighter, then the buoyant force decreases and the smoke has no choice but to spread along the ground. Roughly speaking, now the roles of air and smoke have been reversed: the smoke has become heavier than air, so it spreads along the ground. Sign proven!

By the way, since moist air is lighter, this can explain the decrease atmospheric pressure before the rain. After all, it is determined by the weight of the column of air hanging over us. The decrease in pressure explains the sensitivity of the joints, teeth, headaches, drowsiness before the rain. It's all about pressure!

From ancient times, signs were attached great value, it was they who from ancient times performed the role of a fortune teller, and the role of an omen, and the role of a psychologist and faithful adviser, and even the role of a meteorological station. Signs appeared not by chance. They were noticed - as it is not difficult to guess from the word. And the signs were passed down from generation to generation: from father to son. And, often, they were very faithful, and behind them stood physical phenomena and the laws of nature, which ordinary people could not always explain. But on the other hand, trace the causal relationship and notice that if the actions unfold in such and such a way, one should expect this and that.

Similarly, with the smoke that spreads on the ground before the rain. People have long noticed a close relationship between the "behavior" of a fire, or rather its smoke, and the upcoming weather. Probably, this sign originated well, oh, oh, a very long time ago, when people kindled large fires every evening to keep warm and cook food, but this, of course, is only my assumptions and I cannot say this with 100% certainty, although I it seems that this was the case. Otherwise, where would there be so much information and observations of the fire, from which such an important sign in all respects could be born.

So why, if smoke spreads on the ground, it's rain. This sign is based on the complex and unshakable laws of physics. But in fact, everything is quite simple. Before the rain, the air is usually already saturated with moisture - it contains many tiny particles of water. So, when there is a lot of moisture in the air, particles of smoke, like everything that, one way or another, comes into contact with water, get wet. Water molecules are heavier than air molecules, so smoke particles that are saturated with moisture under the influence of gravity fall down. Therefore, before the rain, smoke spreads on the ground.

This is not the only sign about the weather - there are a lot of them. For example, such: “If at night the sky is covered with clouds, and the wind intensifies, then frosts are not expected”, “A lark flew in - to a steady heat, the rooks returned from the south early, expect a warm spring”, “If the April rain starts in large drops, it will not long”, “Before the bad weather, dandelion flowers close”, “If the larks sing for a long time, the weather will remain clear without any precipitation, you can’t hear the birds in the morning - expect bad weather”,“ The nightingale sings all night before sunny days”, “Quiet bright night without dew - expect rain the next day”, “April with water - May with grass”. And many, many others. The fact that there are so many signs about the weather is not at all surprising, because it has always been very important for people to know what kind of weather to expect, and earlier, as far as we know, weather forecasts were not made and they were not shown on TV. So people noticed different laws of nature.

Whether to believe in signs or not is a personal matter for everyone, but they are often very truthful, and sometimes even more truthful than meteorological forecasts, so I think you should not discount signs and consider them stupidity and a relic of the past. Look, at least, at the sign presented in this article ...

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