Dialogue on the theme of rain. Dialogues about the weather in English with translation

the beauty 21.07.2019
the beauty

In this lesson you will find dialogues and texts in English about the weather:

weather. Dialogues and texts in English about the weather

The weather is a particularly important topic of conversation in Britain. Everywhere, except for the British Isles, they talk about the weather when there is nothing to talk about, but THERE it is always an interesting and exciting topic! Therefore, if you are going to England, be prepared to be able to keep up the conversation. Read and translate texts and dialogues about the weather! It is recommended to study first

Grammar constructions for memorization

Remember English grammatical constructions that are often used when talking about the weather:
1. be like - represent yourself
2. be as cold as - as cold as
3. be not so warm as - not as warm as
4. It is going to ... - Going to ...
5. It looks like ... - It looks like ...
6. It is sure to ... - It will definitely be ...

Translate the sentences with these constructions:

1.be like- pretend to be

What is winter like in Russia?
What is summer like in America?

2. be as + adjective + as ours- be the same as

Winters in America are as cold as ours.

3. be not so + adjective + as yours- be different from

Summers in America are not so cold as yours.

4. It is going to+ verb - Going to ...

5. It looks like+ noun – Looks like ….

6. It is sure to+ verb - It will definitely be ....

7. Expressions with the construction there is / are in the context of the topic "Weather"

There is a lot of snow everywhere.
There is no snow at all.
There is a lot of rain this autumn.
There is not a single cloud in the sky. (Not a cloud in the sky.)
There are clouds in the sky.

You will encounter these expressions in the dialogue and texts below.

Dialogue #1. I got Caught in the Rain

  • get caught in the rain - get caught in the rain
  • bad luck. - Bad luck.
  • It didn't look like rain. It didn't look like it was going to rain.
  • It is sure to rain. - It's bound to rain.

A. You got caught in the rain, didn't you?
B. Just a little. The shower came on all of a sudden, but I was already near home.
A. It didn't look like rain at all this morning, did it? But you can never tell…
B. I usually carry an umbrella all the time in season. But I forgot to take it this morning
A. Bad luck!
B. Yes. As they say it's sure to rain if you don't take an umbrella.
A. That's right.

Dialogue #2. thunderstorm

  • There's a thunderstorm coming on. - A storm is coming.
  • What a flash of lightning! What a flash of lightning!
  • There's a clap of thunder. “Here comes the roll of thunder.
  • A gust of wind - a gust of wind
  • What a shower! - What a downpour!
  • It will lay the dust…- He will beat the dust…

A. Look at those clouds. How black they are! There's a thunderstorm coming on. Aren't you afraid?
B. Oh no! I like it. Oh, look what a flash of lightning!
A. Yes, and there's a clap of thunder. The first thunder this year.
B. Shall I turn off the TV?
A. What? The thunder is so loud, I can't hear you.
B. I say, shall I turn off the TV? Mom says it's better to turn it off during a thunderstorm.
A. Yes, do. And I'll shut the window. A gust of wind may break the pane.
B. Oh what a shower!
A. It's good. It will lay the dust and revive the flowers in the garden.

Text #1. It Looks Like Rain (Joke)

  • village inn- country hotel
  • war time- war time

A man came into a little village inn and sat down at a table near the window. It was war time, and food was hard to get.

"We've got only soup today, sir," said the waiter to the man.
"OK, bring me a plate of soup," he said.

The waiter nodded and left the room. Soon he came back with a plate of soup. He put it on the table before the man and looked through the window, "It looks like rain, sir," said the waiter.

The waiter was thinking of the weather, but the man was thinking of the soup, which he had just tasted. "Well," he said, "and it tastes like rain, too."

Text #2. Talking about Weather

In Britain, it is considered rude to ask personal questions. At the same time silence is also rude. So the weather is a very convenient topic ‘ to fill the gap‘(fill in the pause).

  • on the Continent - everywhere except the British Isles
  • should it hail and snow - let it hail or snow
  • uproot - uproot
  • fair chance - a great chance
  • to pass as - pass for, pass for
  • witty - witty
  • sharp intellect [ʃɑːp ‘intilekt] - high intelligence
  • keen observation [ˌɔbzə'veɪʃ(ə)n - amazing observation

This is the most important topic in the land. On the Continent, people usually say, ‘He is the type who would discuss the weather with,’ to describe someone who is very boring. In England, this is an ever-interesting, even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather.

There is a very important rule: you must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. should it hail and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from the sides of the road, and should someone say to you: ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’ - answer without hesitation : ‘Isn’t it lovely?’

Phrases For Good Weather
'Lovely day, isn't it?' 'Isn't it beautiful?' 'The sun…' 'Isn't it gorgeous?' 'Wonderful, isn't it?' 'It's so nice and hot…' 'Personally , I think it's so nice when it's hot, isn't it?'

Phrases For Bad Weather
‘Nasty day, isn’t it?’ ‘Isn’t it dreadful?’ ‘The rain… I hate rain…’ I don’t like it at all. Do you?'
‘Just think - such a day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain, all day long.’

Learn these phrases by heart. If you are a bit slow in picking things up, learn at least one conversation, it would do wonderfully for any occasion. If you do not say anything else for the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation, you still have a fair chance of passing as a witty man of sharp intelligence, acute observation and extremely pleasant manners.

Text #3. How to Predict Weather

  • tip - hint
  • to predict - predict

Here are some tips for weather prediction.

watch animals. They are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure and they are very good as weather predictors. For example, insect-eating birds usually fly higher in good weather, but they often fly lower if a storm is approaching.

Watch a fire. If fire smoke rises steadily, the weather is going to be fine. If it turns or comes closer to the ground, a storm or snow is approaching.

watch nature. When wet weather is on the way, sounds are heard more clearly. The smell of flowers and other plants becomes more distinctive before the arrival of rain. A gray evening sky means that rain is going to happen.

Finally, remember a few weather expressions in english
1. It is not a good day to go out. It's better not to leave the house today.
2. It is not a good day for outing. “It’s better to go anywhere today.
3. This heat gets on my nerves. This heat is getting on my nerves.
4. It depends on the weather. - It depends on the weather.

Hello friends!

To learn how to keep up a conversation about the weather, check out the following examples of typical conversations. They will help you learn how to ask and answer questions about weather conditions outside the window.

  • In this dialogue, the conversation is between mother and daughter.
  • Dialogue about the weather between strangers on a bus stop.
Hello! Do you know which bus I can take to go to the British Consulate?- Hello! Do you know which bus I need to take to get to the British Consulate?
Hello! You should take No. 7a or No. 24.- Hello! You need to take number 7a or number 24.
— Thank you! The weather is very nice today, isn't it?- Thanks! The weather is wonderful today, isn't it?
— Oh yes! I hope it'll stay like this for the whole weekend.- Oh yeah! Hope the weather stays like this all weekend.
— We can only hope. The weather has been changing so fast lately.“One can only hope. weather in recent times changes very often.
  • telephone conversation between sister and brother about the weather in Hawaii.
— Hey, sis! How are you? How are Hawaii?- Hi sister! How are you? How is Hawaii?
— Hey Sam! This is the best weekend ever! Lauren and I spend the whole day on the beach.— Hey, Sam! This is the best weekend ever! Lauren and I are at the beach all day.
— How is the weather?- How is the weather?
— Marvelous! It's so hot in here. Sunny and humid but I like it.- Amazing! It's so hot in here. Sunny and humid, but I like it.
- I'm happy you're enjoying it. have fun! Bye!- I am glad you like it. Have some fun! Bye!
— I will! Bye!- Will! Bye!
  • Girl shares with her friend impressions of a trip to Hong Kong.
Hi Karen! I haven't seen you for ages! How are you doing?- Hey, Karen! I haven't seen you in years! How are you?
— Hey! Glad to see you! I'm fine, thank you. And you?- Hi! Good to see you! Well thank you. And you have?
Fine. Traveling a lot. Just came back from Hong Kong.- Good. I travel a lot. Just got back from Hong Kong.
— Wow! How did you like it?- Wow! Did you like it?
— I didn't see much because of work. But the air was so suffocating, it was hard to breathe. I don't know how people live there.“I didn’t see much because of work. But it was so stuffy in there, it was hard to breathe. I don't know how people live there.
— Yeah, I also heard that the climate there is very hot and humid.— Yes, I also heard that the climate there is very hot and humid.
  • Dialog about climate and weather in Russia.
— What's the weather like in Russia, Mary?— What is the weather like in Russia, Mary?
— It depends on the region. Usually it's very hot in summer and also very cold in winter. For example, in Moscow during winter the temperatures sometimes drop to 25-30 degrees below zero. It's also snowing a lot.- Depends on the region. It is usually very hot in summer and very cold in winter. For example, in Moscow in winter the temperature can reach 25-30 degrees below zero. And a lot of snow.
— Oh my God! I can't even imagine it! The coldest temperature that I’ve ever experienced was minus 7. And I have never seen snow in my life!- Oh my God! I can't even imagine it! The most low temperature where I lived, minus 7. And I have never seen snow in my life!
Well, you get used to it.- Well, you get used to it.
  • Friends are discussing favorite time of year.
— What is your favorite season, Ann?— What is your favorite time of the year, Ann?
— I like autumn. When it's not too hot but not too cold. I also like when it's raining. I think it's the most romantic season of all. And what about you?— I like autumn. When not too hot and not too cold. I also love it when it's raining. I think this is the most romantic time of the year. And your?
— I prefer summer. I like to spend time outside, camping or just chilling on the beach. I like when it's hot and sunny.- I like summer. I like spending time in nature, hiking or just relaxing on the beach. I love when it's hot and sunny.
— What about winter?— What about winter?
- I don't like winter very much. It's beautiful when it's snowing but I cannot stand cold weather.— I don't really like winter. It's beautiful when snowing but I can't stand the cold.

I hope these dialogues will help expand your vocabulary on the topic of weather and help keep the conversation going on this topic.

"When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather".
When two English people meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel Johnson

Hello! Who better than the British to talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often, the British, meeting on the street with acquaintances, first of all say such phrases:

- It "s splendid weather, isn't it? - Great weather, isn't it??

— What a terrible day! — What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

Weather in English in expressions and dialogues

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable to communicate with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of "secular" conversation, probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions without causing disputes and disagreements. Let's take a look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons - all have different weather!

Expressions about the weather in different seasons





Phrases and expressions about the weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and expressions in English related to weather phenomena will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Snow (snow)

Wind (wind)

cloud (cloud, cloud)

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let's see how to maintain a dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • talk about the weather in your hometown, etc.

Here are some similar dialogues on the topic of various similar conditions

The first topic of the dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hey Nick! What a nice day!
Hello, Kate! Oh indeed, the weather is fine!
Hey Kate! Oh, the weather is really great!
We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
It was raining this morning. I thought the weather would be terrible today.
— Yeah! Now it doesn't look like rain.
Yes! But it doesn't look like it's going to rain right now.
— It is sunny and probably about 20 °C.
Sunny and probably around 20°C.
— Enjoy yourself, Kate.
I wish you a good time, Kate.
— Thank you!
Thank you!

The second theme of the dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
Hi, Ann! What's the forecast for today?
Hey En! What is the weather forecast?
— I didn't weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
I don't know today's weather forecast. But it's cold today.
Yes, also the sky's overcast. It looks like rain.
Yes, the sky is overcast. Seems it will rain.
— The sun's just gone in.
The sun has disappeared.
— We have to go back.
We must return.
— I agree. I don't want to be wet through.
I agree. I don't want to get wet.
- Let "s hurry! It's starting to rain. It's necessary to keep the rain out.
Let's hurry up! The rain starts. You need shelter from the rain.
— That sounds like thunder!
Looks like thunder too!
— The bus stop is very close. Let's go.
Bus stop nearby. Went.

The third theme of the dialogue:

Phone call from a foreign friend in winter

Hello, John!
Hey John!
Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice is chanced.
Good afternoon Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I think your voice has changed.
- I "ve caught a cold.
I got cold.
— Oh! I forgot that now it's so cold in your country.
O! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
- It's very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
Very cold. Besides, strong winds blow.
— What's the temperature?
How many degrees?
— It's 12 degrees below zero.
12 degrees below zero.
Is it snowing?
— No, now it isn't.
No, it's not running right now..
— But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
But there was a snowstorm 3 days ago.
— It's difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
It's hard to imagine such weather conditions.

In the lesson, material is given to familiarize preschoolers with the types of clouds and rain, poems about rain are broken, examples of composing chains of words, the experience of "home cloud" is described.

on the topic:

"Where did the rain come from"

Types of children's activities:


Preliminary work:

Planned results:

Equipment and materials:

Introductory word of the educator.

Guess the riddle:

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds in the mist

Only feet on the ground (rain).

Mom and I went for a walk

He began to water the earth.

I watered, I watered

Rain sings a song:
Cap, cap...
Only who will understand her -
Cap, cap?
Neither I nor you understand
But flowers will understand
And spring foliage
And green grass...

Grain will understand best of all:

It will start.

(B. Zakhoder)

Who else likes rain?

Rain, rain
Look, look!
Rain, rain
Roar, roar!
Flowers are waiting for you in the garden
Rain, rain
Where are you?
The fields are waiting
And the birch trees are waiting
Oaks and roses
And the bulls

chickens, ducks,
And so are we
Waiting for the rain -
Let's run in the rain!

Why is it called that?

I saw this picture:

cloud after cloud

Raced across the sky:

Behind the cloud-bear-

cloud moose

And the wind drives, drives

Rushing the clouds.

That will touch you from a raid,

It wiggles a little...

Let's fantasize.

3. Presentation:"What are the clouds"



White fluffy cumulus


A cloud walked across the sky

The cloud covered the sun.

Only the sun hid

Cloud and cried ...

It's been raining.

What is rain?

4. Presentation: "What are the rains?


The heat from the sun evaporates water in oceans, rivers, and lakes, and the water vapor rises into the air. At very high altitudes, the air is too cold for all the water vapor to remain in a gaseous state. It condenses in cold air, forming water droplets that form clouds. The droplets hang high in the air until they become too heavy. Then they fall, it rains.

What other rains are there?

-Mushroom rain

A cloud is circling above me.
And the mushrooms make me laugh:
From the rain under the umbrella in a hurry


oblique rain

What is rain like?

The poem "What rain?

The rain dripped, drizzled,
Allowed, knocked, mowed,
It poured downpour, stood like a wall.
Drumming, crushing herbs.

The rain is blind and torrential
Growing, mushroom,
Cover, hanging, fast,
Sleepy, slow and arrogant,

Like a reed standing upright,
And cold and hot
Also, thunder
rainbow, stripe,

Parallels and into the grid,
And with the wind, even in a cage.
That's how much rain there is
For plants and people

(O. Grigoriev.)

Physical education minute

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly, first -

Cap, cap, cap, cap

The drops began to ripen.

Drop drop to catch up -

Let's open the umbrellas

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

The game "Chains of words»

For example:


Summary of the lesson.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group

on the topic:

"Where did the rain come from"

Integration of educational areas:"Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children) "Communication",

"Music", "Reading fiction"

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, communicative, perception of fiction, productive.


To develop the search activity of children: the ability to determine tasks based on the problem posed; the ability to plan the stages of their actions, to argue their choice.

Reveal, enrich and consolidate knowledge about rain, clouds, their types.

To develop observation, creative imagination, cognitive interest in the world around us, as well as memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Formation in preschoolers of a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects as a means of developing the foundations of ecological culture

Preliminary work:

  • Talking to children about the importance of water
  • Reading a poem by N. Nikolaenko “Rain-shower” and other poems about rain, clouds, water.
  • Reading the fairy tale by T.A. Shorygin "The Adventures of Cap and Lee"
  • Reading the fairy tale “Kapitoshka. Water Journey»
  • Reading the fairy tale "The water cycle in nature"
  • Conducting separate experiments with water (states of water, properties of water)
  • Didactic game "Who needs water"
  • Drawing on the theme "Journey Droplets"
  • Cognitive game "Where, what kind of water is there?", "Good or bad."
  • Presentation on the topic: “What are the clouds”, “What are the rains”
  • Experiment "The water cycle in nature on the example of a garden in a jar"

Planned results:

He has ideas about the occurrence of clouds and rain, knows the types of rain and clouds, knows about the benefits of rain for all living things, performs the stages of the experiment, knows how to draw conclusions.

Equipment and materials:

Presentation: “What are the rains”, “What are the clouds”, pictures depicting different types of clouds and rain.

For the “Home Cloud” experience, a three-liter jar, ice cubes, boiling water.

Introductory word of the educator.

Guess the riddle:

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds in the mist

Only feet on the ground (rain).

A musical recording sounds: the sounds of rain.

Mom and I went for a walk

He began to water the earth.

I watered, I watered

He drove everyone under umbrellas (rain).

2. Conversation on the topic: “Where did the rain come from?”

Who likes rain and why?

Rain sings a song:
Cap, cap...
Only who will understand her -
Cap, cap?
Neither I nor you understand
But flowers will understand
And spring foliage
And green grass...

Grain will understand best of all:

It will start.

(B. Zakhoder)

Who else likes rain?

Rain, rain
Look, look!
Rain, rain
Roar, roar!
Flowers are waiting for you in the garden
Rain, rain
Where are you?
The fields are waiting
And the birch trees are waiting
Oaks and roses
And the bulls

chickens, ducks,
And so are we
Waiting for the rain -
Let's run in the rain!

What is rain? (children's answers)

Where does the rain come from? (children's answers)

Now we will conduct the experiment "Home Cloud"

Why is it called that?

Pour boiling water into the bottom of a three-liter jar and cover with a plate with ice cubes. Let's observe how water vapor, rising up, and

cooling, it will turn into tiny droplets of water, forming a cloud.

Clouds, clouds - curly sides.

Clouds are curly, whole, full of holes,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.

Have you seen clouds? What do they look like?

I saw this picture:

cloud after cloud

Raced across the sky:

Behind the cloud-bear-

cloud moose

And the wind drives, drives

Rushing the clouds.

That will touch you from a raid,

It wiggles a little...

Let's fantasize.

Let's close our eyes and imagine the sky with clouds floating across it.

The recording of the song "Clouds" sounds Music: V. Shainsky Lyrics: S. Kozlov

Tell about what you see.

3. Presentation:"What are the clouds"

Clouds can be of different shapes, colors, sizes. Appearance Clouds depend on how quickly they form and how much water they contain.

A wide variety of clouds can be divided into three main groups - low, medium and high clouds.

Cirrus Clouds formed from ice crystals form at high altitudes in very cold air. They often appear light and thin.

layered clouds form low above the ground. They are gray in color and are often seen in low coastal areas.

White fluffy cumulus clouds (which also occur quite low) decorate the blue sky in good weather. Cumulus clouds are named for their shape. They look like heaps of cotton wool, all the time, changing their shape. And in summer and more often in autumn there are fogs.

Fog is also a cloud of water droplets that occurs in cold air near the ground and is more common in lowlands.

rain clouds are clouds. They are dark in color because the water droplets (or ice crystals) that make up them have grown in size and become so large that gravity causes them to fall to the Earth. (When water droplets are small, they reflect light, but as they grow in size, they absorb light and appear darker.) Rain clouds can be low and flat or tall and drooping. Overhanging anvil-shaped rain clouds are called cumulonimbus, and they bring really bad weather - thunderstorms, hailstorms and tornadoes.

A cloud walked across the sky

The cloud covered the sun.

Only the sun hid

Cloud and cried ...

It's been raining.

What is rain?

4. Presentation: "What are the rains?

Rain are precipitation falling from clouds in the form of droplets. (0.5-7 mm.)

The heat from the sun evaporates water in oceans, rivers, and lakes, and the water vapor rises into the air. At very high altitudes, the air is too cold for all the water vapor to remain in a gaseous state. It condenses in cold air, forming water droplets that form clouds. The droplets hang high in the air until they become too heavy. Then they fall, it rains.

If the rain is finer, it is called drizzle.

What other rains are there?

-Mushroom rain- the most favorite among the people of the rain. pouring through Sun rays sometimes with almost clear blue skies. They call it mushroom, because. this summer rain, warm and short, it is believed that mushrooms begin to grow after it. According to folk beliefs, not only mushrooms grow under such rain, but also small children. It's fun to run under large drops shining in the sun. They also say about such a rain “the princess is crying”

A cloud is circling above me.
Happy rain, mushroom rain.
And the mushrooms make me laugh:
From the rain under the umbrella in a hurry

Shower or torrential rain, torrential frequent rain that usually pours in summer. When they say “it pours like a bucket” they mean a downpour. The density of jets in a shower can be 10-15 per 1 sq.cm. Heavy rains are typical for summer. Short-term downpours contribute to air purification, good wetting of the soil, and refresh green spaces. If the torrential rain drags on, then it is fraught with flooding.

oblique rain- rain with strong constant wind.

What is rain like?

The poem "What rain?

The rain dripped, drizzled,
Allowed, knocked, mowed,
It poured downpour, stood like a wall.
Drumming, crushing herbs.

The rain is blind and torrential
Growing, mushroom,
Cover, hanging, fast,
Sleepy, slow and arrogant,

Like a reed standing upright,
And cold and hot
Also, thunder
rainbow, stripe,

Parallels and into the grid,
And with the wind, even in a cage.
That's how much rain there is
For plants and people

(O. Grigoriev.)

Physical education minute

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly, first -

Cap, cap, cap, cap

The drops began to ripen.

Drop drop to catch up -

Let's open the umbrellas

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

The game "Chains of words»

For example:


Water - river - sea - waterfall - cloud - rain - puddle - stream - river - Volga - Russia ...

Drop - dew-fog-sun - steam-cloud - rain - water - puddle - ..

5.Drawing "Journey of a Drop"

- Let's play a game - transformation. You will be raindrops. Imagine your journey and display it in your drawing.

Summary of the lesson.

Let's take a look at your drawings. Tell us about your journey, beginning with the words: “I am a drop ....”



Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group

on the topic:

"Where did the rain come from"

Integration of educational areas:"Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children) "Communication",

"Music", "Reading fiction"

Types of children's activities:cognitive-research, communicative, perception of fiction, productive.


To develop the search activity of children: the ability to determine tasks based on the problem posed; the ability to plan the stages of their actions, to argue their choice.

Reveal, enrich and consolidate knowledge about rain, clouds, their types.

To develop observation, creative imagination, cognitive interest in the world around us, as well as memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Formation in preschoolers of a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects as a means of developing the foundations of ecological culture

Preliminary work:

  1. Talking to children about the importance of water
  2. Reading a poem by N. Nikolaenko “Rain-shower” and other poems about rain, clouds, water.
  3. Reading the fairy tale by T.A. Shorygin "The Adventures of Cap and Lee"
  4. Reading the fairy tale “Kapitoshka. Water Journey»
  5. Reading the fairy tale "The water cycle in nature"
  6. Conducting separate experiments with water (states of water, properties of water)
  7. Didactic game "Who needs water"
  8. Drawing on the theme "Journey Droplets"
  9. Cognitive game "Where, what kind of water is there?", "Good or bad."
  10. Presentation on the topic: “What are the clouds”, “What are the rains”
  11. Experiment "The water cycle in nature on the example of a garden in a jar"

Planned results:

He has ideas about the occurrence of clouds and rain, knows the types of rain and clouds, knows about the benefits of rain for all living things, performs the stages of the experiment, knows how to draw conclusions.

Equipment and materials:

Presentation: “What are the rains”, “What are the clouds”, pictures depicting different types of clouds and rain.

For the “Home Cloud” experience, a three-liter jar, ice cubes, boiling water.

Introductory word of the educator.

Guess the riddle:

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds in the mist

Only feet on the ground (rain).

A musical recording sounds: the sounds of rain.

Mom and I went for a walk

He began to water the earth.

I watered, I watered

He drove everyone under umbrellas (rain).

2. Conversation on the topic: “Where did the rain come from?”

- Who likes rain and why?

Rain sings a song:
Cap, cap...
Only who will understand her -
Cap, cap?
Neither I nor you understand
But flowers will understand
And spring foliage
And green grass...

Grain will understand best of all:

It will start.

(B. Zakhoder)

Who else likes rain?

Rain, rain
Look, look!
Rain, rain
Roar, roar!
Flowers are waiting for you in the garden
Rain, rain
Where are you?
The fields are waiting
And the birch trees are waiting
Oaks and roses
And the bulls

chickens, ducks,
And so are we
Waiting for the rain -
Let's run in the rain!

(Alexander Vvedensky)

What is rain? (children's answers)

Where does the rain come from? (children's answers)

The heat from the sun evaporates water in oceans, rivers, and lakes, and the water vapor rises into the air. At very high altitudes, the air is too cold for all the water vapor to remain in a gaseous state. It condenses in cold air, forming water droplets that form clouds. The droplets hang high in the air until they become too heavy. Then they fall, it rains.

Now we will conduct the experiment "Home Cloud"

Why is it called that?

Pour boiling water into the bottom of a three-liter jar and cover with a plate with ice cubes. Let's observe how water vapor, rising up, and

cooling, it will turn into tiny droplets of water, forming a cloud.

Clouds, clouds - curly sides.

Clouds are curly, whole, full of holes,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.

Have you seen clouds? What do they look like?

I saw this picture:

cloud after cloud

Raced across the sky:

Behind the cloud-bear-

cloud moose

And the wind drives, drives

Rushing the clouds.

That will touch you from a raid,

It wiggles a little...

Let's fantasize.

Let's close our eyes and imagine the sky with clouds floating across it.

The recording of the song "Clouds" sounds Music: V. Shainsky Lyrics: S. Kozlov

Tell about what you see.

3. Presentation: "What are the clouds"

Clouds can be of different shapes, colors, sizes. The appearance of clouds depends on how quickly they form and how much water they contain.

A wide variety of clouds can be divided into three main groups - low, medium and high clouds.

Cirrus Clouds formed from ice crystals form at high altitudes in very cold air. They often appear light and thin.

layered clouds form low above the ground. They are gray in color and are often seen in low coastal areas.

White fluffy cumulus clouds (which also occur quite low) brighten up the blue sky in fine weather. Cumulus clouds are named for their shape. They look like heaps of cotton wool, all the time, changing their shape.And in summer and more often in autumn there are fogs.

Fog is also a cloud of water droplets that occurs in cold air near the ground and is more common in lowlands.

rain clouds are clouds. They are dark in color because the water droplets (or ice crystals) that make up them have grown in size and become so large that gravity causes them to fall to the Earth. (When water droplets are small, they reflect light, but as they grow in size, they absorb light and appear darker.) Rain clouds can be low and flat or tall and drooping. Overhanging anvil-shaped rain clouds are called cumulonimbus, and they bring really bad weather - thunderstorms, hailstorms and tornadoes.

A cloud walked across the sky

The cloud covered the sun.

Only the sun hid

Cloud and cried ...

It's been raining.

What is rain?

4. Presentation : "What are the rains?

Rain are precipitation falling from clouds in the form of droplets. (0.5-7 mm.)

The heat from the sun evaporates water in oceans, rivers, and lakes, and the water vapor rises into the air. At very high altitudes, the air is too cold for all the water vapor to remain in a gaseous state. It condenses in cold air, forming water droplets that form clouds. The droplets hang high in the air until they become too heavy. Then they fall, it rains.

If the rain is finer, it is called drizzle.

What other rains are there?

Mushroom rain - the most favorite among the people of the rain. It pours through the sun's rays, sometimes with an almost clear blue sky. They call it mushroom, because. this summer rain, warm and short, it is believed that mushrooms begin to grow after it. According to folk beliefs, not only mushrooms grow under such rain, but also small children. It's fun to run under large drops shining in the sun. They also say about such a rain “the princess is crying”

A cloud is circling above me.
Happy rain, mushroom rain.
And the mushrooms make me laugh:
From the rain under the umbrella in a hurry

Shower or torrential rain, torrential frequent rain that usually pours in summer. When they say “it pours like a bucket” they mean a downpour. The density of jets in a shower can be 10-15 per 1 sq.cm. Heavy rains are typical for summer. Short-term downpours contribute to air purification, good wetting of the soil, and refresh green spaces. If the torrential rain drags on, then it is fraught with flooding.

oblique rain - rain with strong constant wind.

What is rain like?

The poem "What rain?

The rain dripped, drizzled,
Allowed, knocked, mowed,
It poured downpour, stood like a wall.
Drumming, crushing herbs.

The rain is blind and torrential
Growing, mushroom,
Cover, hanging, fast,
Sleepy, slow and arrogant,

Like a reed standing upright,
And cold and hot
Also, thunder
rainbow, stripe,

Parallels and into the grid,
And with the wind, even in a cage.
That's how much rain there is
For plants and people

(O. Grigoriev.)

Physical education minute

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly, first -

Cap, cap, cap, cap

The drops began to ripen.

Drop drop to catch up -

Let's open the umbrellas

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

The game "Chains of words»

For example:


Water - river - sea - waterfall - cloud - rain - puddle - stream - river - Volga - Russia ...

Drop - dew-fog-sun - steam-cloud - rain - water - puddle - ..

5.Drawing "Journey of a Drop"

- Let's play a game - transformation. You will be raindrops. Imagine your journey and display it in your drawing.

Summary of the lesson.

Let's take a look at your drawings. Tell us about your journey, beginning with the words: “I am a drop ....”

The climatic conditions that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion face daily have led to the fact that talking about the weather is almost an eternal topic in the mouths of the British. Therefore, if you want to speak English fluently and naturally, like a born Briton, then you simply must be able to keep up a conversation about capriciously changeable or, conversely, stubbornly stable weather outside the window. Communication on this topic and we will learn in today's lesson. We will learn what words describe the weather in English, learn popular phrases and analyze the principle of their construction, and also work through the studied information in the form of a dialogue.

For the first time, a description of the weather in English occurs to us back in primary school. Often in the classroom, the teacher builds small dialogues with the children about what the weather is like today and how the children feel about it. Thus, students repeat the learned vocabulary, and also gradually get used to feeling confident in a conversation in a foreign language.

When studying today's material, we will try to adhere to a similar tactic: first, we will study the grammatical and lexical basis, and then we will practice in "live" speech, i.e. we will strive to build our own dialogue about any weather in English. So, let's look at a few small rules.

Important grammar points

  1. In order to make a simple expression about the weather in English, you need to use the grammatical construction it is . When translated into Russian, such phrases are translated as short impersonal sentences. It is windyWindy. It is sunnySunny. It is coldCold.
  2. The pronoun it is also used as a subject when referring to weather phenomena characteristic of a particular season or occurring in this moment time. Notice the difference in the context of the sentences for the Present Simple and Present Continuous aspects.
  • Itissnowingoutside- It is snowing outside (weather today, right now).
  • ItrainsinautumninPrague– It is rainy in Prague in autumn (a seasonal phenomenon).
  1. The noun weather (weather) in English is always used with the definite article the. If there is an adjective before the noun, the article is not required.
  • The weather is getting colderBecomescooler.
  • Does she like cold weather? -HerLikecoldweather?
  1. Vocabulary expressing natural phenomena, as a rule, is used without the article. But it should be borne in mind that when designating a location, English requires the use of the definite article the.
  • JacklikessnowJack loves snow.
  • My dog ​​likes to lie in the sunMydogloveslieon thesun.

Knowledge of these norms is necessary for the grammatically correct construction of a story about the weather in English. Now let's get acquainted with the lexical part of the material.

Description of the weather in English (vocabulary)

So, the tables below will help us learn words on the topic of weather in English. They are all divided into thematic blocks, which makes it easier and more efficient to assimilate new information. English words and expressions on the topic of the weather are given with transcription and translation, which allows you to work out all the necessary skills at once: reading, pronunciation, translation and writing.

Basic Expressions

Let's start with the simplest vocabulary. This section contains basic phrases and words about the weather in English for children, as well as for adults who are just starting their way to mastering the language. Since it is difficult to work with English transcription at a basic level, a column with an approximate pronunciation in Russian is given next to it. In the following sections, only the original transcription is used.

In the first table, consider a list of nouns that describe natural phenomena.

Word Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
weather [weather] weather
sun [san] sun
wind [wind] wind
rain [rain] rain
snow [snow] snow
fog [foog] fog
ice [ice] ice
thunder [θʌn.dər] [sunder] thunder
lighting [lighting] lightning

But in a conversation about nature, a variety of adjectives are more often used. Therefore, in the following table, we will get acquainted with the characteristics that indicate the weather in English with Russian translation and pronunciation.

sunny [sled] solar
windy [windy] windy
rainy [Rainy] rainy
snowy [snowy] snow
foggy [fogs] fog
warm [woom] warm
hot [hot] hot
cold [cold] cold
frosty [frosty] frosty
cloudy [cloudy] cloudy

This short list will allow children and beginners to make a couple of sentences about the weather.

We also offer to learn a cheat sheet, which contains English questions about the weather, and several options for answering them.

Expression Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
What weather do you like? [Wat weather do yu like] what kind of weather do you like?
I like (cold/hot/snowy) weather. [Ai like cold/hot/snowy weather] I like (cold / hot

/snowy weather.

What is the weather like today? [Wat from the weather like today?] What's the weather like today?
The weather is fine. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz faɪn] [The weather from fine] Good weather.
The weather is bad. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz bæd] [Ze weather from bad] The weather is bad.
It is (sunny/warm/windy) today. [ɪt ɪz (sʌn.i/ wɔːm/ wɪn.di/) təˈdeɪ] [it from (sleigh/woom/windy) today] Today (sunny/warm


It is raining. [ɪtɪz reɪnɪŋ] [It from Reining] It's raining.
It is snowing. [ɪtɪz snəʊɪŋ] [it from snowing] Snowing.
What is the weather like in (summer/spring/ autumn/ winter)? [Wat iz the weather like in (summer/spring/ootem/winter] What is the weather like (summer/spring/autumn, winter)?
It is very cold in winter. [ɪt ɪz veri kəʊld ɪn wɪntə(r)] [it from vari cold in winter] It is very cold in winter.
It is so (cloudy/ sunny) today, isn't it?

Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

[ɪt ɪz səʊ (klaʊ.di/ sʌn.i) təˈdeɪ, izn’t it.

jesɪtɪz. nəʊ it izn't]

[It's from sow cloudy/sleigh today, yes, it's from. Know it iznt] It's so (cloudy/sunny) today, isn't it?

Yes, yes. No not like this.

For younger students of this vocabulary will be enough to ask about the weather or characterize it. And everyone who is older will have more interesting and varied vocabulary.

Weather forecast

Surely, you often have the question “What will the weather be like tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / over the weekend?” Humanity has not lost this interest for many decades, despite the fact that sometimes the predictions of meteorologists do not come true at all. But we continue to closely monitor the predicted weather changes. Consider how the weather forecast sounds in English.

The table lists popular word combinations and phrases about the weather that can often be heard or read in weather forecasts. However, the British use these expressions in everyday speech, describing weather changes.

Expression Transcription Translation
Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
It's forecast to snow. [ɪt iz fɔːkɑːst tə snəʊ] They promise snow.
It's going to be sunny. [ɪt iz ɡəʊ.ɪŋ tə bi sʌn.i] It will be sunny.
The weather will change. [ðə weðə(r) wɪl tʃeɪndʒ] The weather will change.
We're expecting a thunderstorm. A storm is expected.
The temperature will be 11 degrees below zero. [ðə temprətʃə(r) wɪl bi ɪˈlevn dɪˈɡriːs bɪˈləʊ zɪərəʊ] The temperature will be minus 11 degrees.
It's supposed to clear up later. [ɪt iz səˈpəʊzd tə klɪə(r) ʌp leɪtə(r)] The sky will clear up soon.
There is a chance of some rain. [ðeə(r) ɪz eɪ tʃɑːns əv səm reɪn] Light rain possible.

good weather in english

Sometimes there are days that just want to admire surrounding nature. In this section, we provide a list of phrases that will help you write an enthusiastic description of good weather in English.

This type of question is easily answered with the standard Yes, it is/No, it isn't.

bad weather in english

Nature doesn't have bad weather, but bad days do happen. To express your frustration with constant rain or other vagaries of nature, use this table. Let's see how it is denoted bad weather in English with Russian translation of phrases.

The vocabulary we have studied already makes it easy to translate your thoughts about the weather from Russian into English. Let's try to make dialogues.

Weather in English - dialogues with translation

Learning a language in the form of a dialogue is possible for any level of training.

Children will be interested in playing questions and answers. For example, you ask what the weather is like in Africa, and the child briefly answers.

You should not spend long dialogues with the child, otherwise the baby will get tired and bored.

A more detailed conversation can be held with a friend or acquaintance. Imagine that you want to arrange a meeting with a friend.

Hi! What are you doing tomorrow? Hello, what are you doing tomorrow?
Hi! I am free tomorrow all day. Hello, I'm completely free.
Cool! Let's go for a walk in the park tomorrow? Great! Shall we go for a walk in the park tomorrow?
Oh, do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Oh, have you heard tomorrow's weather forecast?
No, I don't. And you? No and you?
I've just heard it over the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy. I just heard it on the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy.
So, we can meet at a café. Then we can meet at the cafe.
OK. see you later. OK see you later.

The next day you met, and the weather was just wonderful.

Now practice on your own. Make up some dialogues about the hottest, coldest, and most memorable day of 2017. Successful completion of the task and always excellent weather in your area! See you soon!

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