Ksenia Borodina showed her daughter. Borodina's husband showed the face of his youngest daughter

Health 22.08.2019

Girls who grow up in an atmosphere of beauty and luxury naturally become more fashionistas in the future. The presenter Ksenia Borodina is raising her two charming daughters in just such an environment. Marusya in a dress made a huge impression on the Web, the site says.

Instagram Ksenia Borodina

No matter what people say, Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram is successful thanks not only to her participation in various television projects, but also thanks to the children who are raised by a super stylish mom.

In 2009, Ksyusha gave birth to her first child from Yuri Budagov. The daughter was named Marusya, and briefly, in the circle of the Maru family. And already 6.5 years later, Theona was born, shortly Thea, born in marriage with Kurban Omarov.

By the way, the Dagestan businessman also has a son, whose name is Omar, in honor of his father's surname. Thus, the couple has three children, two of whom are girls.

Like any other mother, Ksenia Borodina loves to post photos and videos with her daughters. Publications often delight her fans, because, judging by the microblog, the girls grow up happy and cheerful, and already love fashion and style.

The youngest daughter of Borodina follows in the footsteps of the eldest

Attractive was the picture with Theon, who will be three years old on December 22. The girl, according to her mother, found the dress of her older sister, put it on and now completely refuses to take it off. It is noteworthy that Marusya wore an outfit for her birthday, and for her 8th birthday, but Teya, it seems, is not particularly interested in sizes, she likes the point.

Borodina said that Maru, being the age of Thea, always wore only dresses and asked to buy only dresses. Well, the youngest, apparently, followed in the footsteps older sister, and it doesn’t matter to her that the shoulders are still too small or the length of the outfit completely hides the legs. The main thing is style and fashion.

And yes, the girls have someone to learn from. Mom Ksyusha often changes bows, while always trying to look impeccable and impeccable, without unnecessary pathos and pretentiousness. Delicate taste and not immediately, but over time, she became one of the most fashionable girls in secular society.

The host of "House-2" has been hiding the heiress from prying eyes for more than a year and does not show her face to anyone. In photographs, Theona always stands or sits with her back to the lens.


Borodina does not participate in boastful family photo shoots that glossy magazines sin. Many celebrities intrigue for a while, and then show the face of their child on the cover of some publication. Xenia, as it turned out, is not one of those.

“No one sold a child to a magazine, although, believe me, everyone wants to, but we don’t want to,” the principled Borodina once assured her subscribers. “Leave the little man alone ...”

And finally, the husband of the star Kurban decided to show the suffering fans at least the profile of the girl. He shared a black and white snapshot of his favorite women on Instagram. "My good morning. #ask,” wrote loving husband and father.

Publication from Kurban Omarov (@zimamoscow) Mar 16 2017 at 1:14 PDT

The businessman's subscribers began to be touched. Many noted that the baby has a mother's profile. Others insist that Theon is daddy's copy. One of the users thought that the girl's lips were the same as those of her older sister Marusya. She reminded someone of Kurban's son from Omar's previous relationship. And almost everyone agreed that Xenia's daughter is growing up as a beauty.

It is noteworthy that at the end of last year, Borodina even recorded a video message so that she would no longer be bothered by the question of why she did not show her face. youngest daughter. A loving mother rushed to the defense of her child and did it rather abruptly.

"Answer: because! Everything! Here, please, can this question be closed once and for all? Dad and I made such a decision. We have wonderful children. Everyone is fine, don't worry. All the most beautiful, - who started rumors, that something is wrong with Thea’s appearance, the host of Doma-2. “Everyone is happy, and everything is fine with them! It’s just that we made a decision.”

Ksenia is outraged that the Internet community has a special, biased attitude towards her and her children. “Why don’t you ask other public people why they didn’t show their children? Keti Topuria didn’t show, the Presnyakovs didn’t show, Lena Temnikova didn’t show either. And very many, many stars and public people do not show their children. And they have every right to do so," Borodina is convinced.

By the way, some gossips believe that Ksenia and her husband want to "sell more expensive" the face of their baby to some publication, as other celebrities do. The same Jolie received an astronomical amount from the magazine for the first pictures of her twins. So, perhaps someday the beautiful Theon will smile at the world from the cover of a gloss.

Ksenia Borodina made a gift to her fans and showed her face youngest daughter.

On June 10, the permanent TV presenter of the reality show "Dom-2" Ksenia Borodina celebrates her birthday. eldest daughter Marousi. The girl was eight years old.

On this day, the telediva decided to arrange an incredible surprise not only for the birthday girl, but also for all her fans. Ksenia Borodina dared to show the face of her youngest daughter

Ksenia Borodina did what millions of microblog subscribers had been waiting for for almost a year and a half. She showed a close-up of her youngest daughter Thea. This time the baby is captured in full face, and nothing prevents the devoted fans of the Doma-2 star from examining the pretty face of the little girl in every detail.

“Teona also joins the congratulations of her beloved sister,” Ksenia Borodina signed the incredibly touching picture.

The photo of the baby made a splash. In a short period of time, fans have left several thousand comments. They shower Theon and her parents with compliments, claiming that the couple's heiress is growing up to be a copy of her dad.

“Beautiful girl! Grow up healthy for the joy of mom and dad!”, “I have long wanted to see, I saw - I’m delighted!”, “How she looks like Kurban! Princess!”, “What a cute little angel. And what kind of eyes”, “Well, finally we saw this miracle! Grow baby healthy and happy”, “Pretty.... What beautiful kids turned out, one more beautiful than the other”, “Little angel. How unexpected. I imagined her like that”, “Zimushka! Dad's copy! You have beautiful daughters”, “God, what an Angel! The eyes of both Maru and Theonochka are deep! ”Ksenia Borodina’s fans admire the girl.

Ksenia's fans did not forget to congratulate her too eldest daughter Marusya happy birthday. But the most touching message to her adored heiress was left by her mother. Ksenia Borodina published full of love and tenderness post in the microblog.
“My soul, my first, you are just mine and I am very grateful to you that you chose me. I am so lucky with you, my part, you feel your mother with every cell of your body, I am always in your field of vision, you worry about me every minute, I feel your love every second ...

…I admire a daughter like you. My smart, my beautiful, as a mother, I will do everything so that you have everything that you wish. At your place big family- and brother, and sister, and close people are always nearby. My dear, happy birthday to you, ”wrote Ksenia Borodina.

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