Kolesnikova angela love wolf full version. wolf love

Interesting 29.06.2019

Angela Kolesnikova

wolf love

Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Hm. Just like Block. And why did I just pop at two in the morning for syrup for a sore throat? I would have waited for the morning, and then on my way to work, I would have gone to my favorite "Sunshine" and bought everything. Now stand here, wait your turn. Yes, yes, the queue at the pharmacy at night! People, why can't you sleep? Okay, I'm tired, angry, terribly sleepy after work with a sore throat. But a young couple over sugar-free lollipops and greens??? Can't you fall asleep without lollipops? And what are you going to do with the greens? Rumpled man in sweatpants and a stretched T-shirt for a pacifier and caffeine. Hmm, here, perhaps, it is worth even sympathizing with the poor fellow. Well, and finally, a miracle neighbor-grandmother with kind fanatical eyes and an eternal desire to talk.

Mashenka, you understand, well, it’s impossible without rose hips, no way! After all, what is the use: both vitamins, and minerals, and also amino acids! And what a taste, what a taste! - granny rubbed me for a good five minutes. - Here, do you drink rose hips yourself? BUT?

No, somehow it doesn't work. Your turn, Mary Ivanna.

Ahh, well, why do you need a wild rose at night?!

Oh, right, - the granny remembered herself and scratched cheerfully at the window.

Calmly. Masha, hold on! Now you can buy your favorite syrup and go home goodbye. Get five hours of sleep and go to work. You’ll just sleep, and you won’t get into the reports again until the morning! You have to work at work and rest at home. That's what my mother says.

Here I am such a workaholic, if only to delve into the reports. Pushkina Maria Viktorovna, twenty-seven years old, not married, no children, a lot of bad habits. True, I try to balance them by swimming and shooting. Well, how to balance, as I got involved in my student years, I continue to develop myself. She was not brought to criminal responsibility, to administrative ... well, it happened a couple of times. But that was a long time ago, so it doesn't count. I live alone, or rather with the cat Vaska, and sometimes cockroaches come to visit us, which I systematically persecute every six months. And where do the bastards come from? I work in a marketing agency as a chief accountant, at the same time I run a couple of small firms, and I also teach evening courses at a college at the request of my mother. She's my deputy director there. So it turns out that all the days are scheduled and there is very little time for yourself.

Everything, Mashenka, I bought. Here he is, look how handsome he is! - Grandma proudly shows me a bag of rose hips.

Wow, you are hedgehogs, so you are so wonderful, beautiful! Well, everyone hold on, now I’ll only drink you! Or I won't...

Ugh, wonderful! You go Mar Ivanna, but I still need to go to the store - I’m lying and I’m not even blushing.

Grandma stomped towards the house, still looking hopefully in my direction. Whoo! It seems to have passed.

Having bought her favorite medicine, without even leaving the window, she poured herself a full spoon and drank it. Mmmm... Beauty! Now you can go home.

Quietly humming under her breath, the anthem of the workaholic, moved towards the house. The nights in Chelyabinsk are, I must say, rather dark, so lights are usually turned on in the yards, though not in all of them. And how did you want? Savings must be economical! So one tiny light bulb hangs for the whole house, and then if you're lucky. Making my way along the next yard path through the lawn, or rather through the whole unmowed field, a strange sniffing came from somewhere to my right. It was very loud and was accompanied by some incomprehensible, reminiscent of whining, sounds. Mentally persuading myself to go home, I nevertheless headed for the sound, and the closer I got, the louder it became.

Having made my way through the thickets of Mary Ivanna's favorite wild rose and scratching my bare hands, cursing quietly, I tried to see what it was snoring. Until it opened my eyes. Bright yellow, with a round black pupil, the eyes of a dog. Very expressive eyes, I must say, filled with some kind of restrained power and ... mind. Well, there are smart dogs too, right?

Um, hi...

What else to say? The dog stared at me and did not take his attentive gaze away.

What do we sleep? Do we interfere with people's sleep? - All the same inseparable thoughtful look, and, of course, there was no answer. - Shut up, then?

The dog grumbled something and closed his eyes. Where's my phone? Now I will shine on you! Turning on the flashlight, she froze. A black, unrealistically huge dog was lying on the grass, closing his eyes, and only his nose was actively sniffing something in the air. And then she opened her eyes again, and I realized that it was most likely a wolf. Of course, I, as a resident of a metropolis, did not have exact confidence, but something told me that dogs of such sizes definitely do not exist. As if reading my thoughts, the animal, shaking its head, stood up on its paws.

Mother dear! What are you fed with?

At the withers, the wolf reached me almost to the chest, and if you remember my considerable height of one hundred and seventy-seven centimeters, it became frankly creepy. Long strong paws, confidently standing on the ground, held a considerable weight of such a carcass, wide rib cage, awesome beautiful tail, and incredibly smart eyes, eye-catching, on a huge black muzzle.

Oddly enough, the fear passed quite quickly, leaving behind only admiration, surprise, disbelief in what was happening and a terrible desire to touch it with your hands! Aaah, hold me seven, but I'm going to stroke this gorgeous animal! Carefully stretching out left hand, since I am right-handed, and if they still want to bite off my hand, then my beloved right one will remain, slowly came closer. The wolf dog seemed to be following my actions with a smirk.

Uh-uh, can I pet you? - And she made the most begging face in my opinion, which so often helped me out. - I'm careful.

Apparently, my pleading face rolled, and the animal graciously lowered its head, as if allowing itself to be touched. Uh, everything! The instinct of self-preservation failed completely, and I already stretched out both hands, in a hurry to touch this miracle. I have always loved animals, and here is such a rare specimen!

To begin with, I stroked his huge head with soft hair, which I carefully passed through my fingers. The animal closed its eyes to my actions with pleasure, and I was completely sure that it was really a wolf, because I simply could not turn my tongue to call it a dog. Then she scratched behind her ears, smoothly descended to the mighty neck and walked along the spine.

You are my good, - I kept saying, and my hands reached for the tail, which made the wolf suddenly turn its head sharply and bare white fangs of impressive length. - Oops! Understood, the tail is inviolable.

The animal immediately returned to the same benevolent state in which it had been only a few moments ago.

In general, ten minutes later, when I finally threw out all my love for a new furry friend, we were already sitting on the ground. More precisely, the wolf was lying, and I was sitting next to him, sprawled on the floor on him, so large and comfortable.

And where did you just come from? - Once again I was amazed, stroking the beast slyly looking at me.

In response, the wolf only looked mysteriously at the sky. Following his example, and then looking at the clock, I realized that it was almost morning and I didn’t seem to have time to sleep. And as nice as it is to sit here with a new friend, it's time to go home. Rising slowly, she brushed the grass off her jeans.

Well, everything, handsome, let's say goodbye. You will run, look into the neighboring yard ...

It's a pity, of course, to leave him here, but not to bring this colossus home? Yes, and Vaska will not appreciate my impulse to take another pet.

Running my fingers goodbye along his neck, I regretfully turned towards the house. And in less than two steps, the moon in the sky, before that not very bright and large, began to clearly increase in size, illuminating everything around. Stopping and covering her eyes with her hand from the unexpectedly bright light, she tried to understand what was happening? Another meteorite flying?

And it was the moon. Huge, white with a bright, almost blinding light, it reached me even through closed eyelids. It would seem, where even brighter? But it turns out there was. Unable to bear it, I sank to the ground and covered my face with my hands. Yes, what is it???

Weakness came in quick waves. It seemed that a little more consciousness would leave me completely. But suddenly it all ended. The darkness soothingly touched the closed eyelids, releasing the fear that had bound me. The breakdown was still present, and the whole body remained wadded and naughty. The last thought before I was knocked out was that now everyone is jumping out into the street and they will definitely see me ...

I had an amazingly real dream. I was lying on soft grass, and billions of distant stars burned in the sky, occasionally breaking down like a bright white arrow. Next to them is the yellow moon, carefully and affectionately illuminating everything around. Warm wind blew over my body, bringing with it the wonderful aroma of freshly cut grass, wood, and fire. And I wasn't alone either. There was an amazing man, making me relax and tremble a little from ... anticipation.

Chapter 1

Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Hm. Just like Block. And why did I just pop at two in the morning for syrup for a sore throat? I would have waited for the morning, and then on my way to work, I would have gone to my favorite "Sunshine" and bought everything. Now stand here, wait your turn. Yes, yes, the queue at the pharmacy at night! People, why can't you sleep? Okay, I'm tired, angry, terribly sleepy after work with a sore throat. But a young couple over sugar-free lollipops and greens??? Can't you fall asleep without lollipops? And what are you going to do with the greens? Rumpled man in sweatpants and a stretched T-shirt for a pacifier and caffeine. Hmm, here, perhaps, it is worth even sympathizing with the poor fellow. Well, and finally, a miracle neighbor-grandmother with kind fanatical eyes and an eternal desire to talk.

Mashenka, you understand, well, it’s impossible without rose hips, no way! After all, what is the use: both vitamins, and minerals, and also amino acids! And what a taste, what a taste! - granny rubbed me for a good five minutes. - Here, do you drink rose hips yourself? BUT?

No, somehow it doesn't work. Your turn, Mary Ivanna.

Ahh, well, why do you need a wild rose at night?!

Oh, right, - the granny remembered herself and scratched cheerfully at the window.

Calmly. Masha, hold on! Now you can buy your favorite syrup and go home goodbye. Get five hours of sleep and go to work. You’ll just sleep, and you won’t get into the reports again until the morning! You have to work at work and rest at home. That's what my mother says.

Here I am such a workaholic, if only to delve into the reports. Pushkina Maria Viktorovna, twenty-seven years old, not married, no children, a lot of bad habits. True, I try to balance them by swimming and shooting. Well, how to balance, as I got involved in my student years, I continue to develop myself. She was not brought to criminal responsibility, to administrative ... well, it happened a couple of times. But that was a long time ago, so it doesn't count. I live alone, or rather with the cat Vaska, and sometimes cockroaches come to visit us, which I systematically persecute every six months. And where do the bastards come from? I work in a marketing agency as a chief accountant, at the same time I run a couple of small firms, and I also teach evening courses at a college at the request of my mother. She's my deputy director there. So it turns out that all the days are scheduled and there is very little time for yourself.

Everything, Mashenka, I bought. Here he is, look how handsome he is! - Grandma proudly shows me a bag of rose hips.

Wow, you are hedgehogs, so you are so wonderful, beautiful! Well, everyone hold on, now I’ll only drink you! Or I won't...

Ugh, wonderful! You go Mar Ivanna, but I still need to go to the store - I’m lying and I’m not even blushing.

Grandma stomped towards the house, still looking hopefully in my direction. Whoo! It seems to have passed.

Having bought her favorite medicine, without even leaving the window, she poured herself a full spoon and drank it. Mmm... Beauty! Now you can go home.

Quietly humming under her breath, the anthem of the workaholic, moved towards the house. The nights in Chelyabinsk are, I must say, rather dark, so lights are usually turned on in the yards, though not in all of them. And how did you want? Savings must be economical! So one tiny light bulb hangs for the whole house, and then if you're lucky. Making my way along the next yard path through the lawn, or rather through the whole unmowed field, a strange sniffing came from somewhere to my right. It was very loud and was accompanied by some incomprehensible, reminiscent of whining, sounds. Mentally persuading myself to go home, I nevertheless headed for the sound, and the closer I got, the louder it became.

Having made my way through the thickets of Mary Ivanna's favorite wild rose and scratching my bare hands, cursing quietly, I tried to see what it was snoring. Until it opened my eyes. Bright yellow, with a round black pupil, the eyes of a dog. Very expressive eyes, I must say, filled with some kind of restrained power and ... mind.

wolf love

Chapter 1

Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Hm. Just like Block. And why did I just pop at two in the morning for syrup for a sore throat? I would wait for the morning, and then on my way to work I would go to my favorite “Solnyshko” and buy everything. Now stand here, wait your turn. Yes, yes, the queue at the pharmacy at night! People, why can't you sleep? Well, okay, I'm tired, angry, terribly want to sleep after work, with a sore throat. But a young couple over sugar-free lollipops and greens?! Can't fall asleep without lollipops? And what are you going to do with the green? Rumpled man in sweatpants and a stretched T-shirt for a pacifier and caffeine. Hmm, here, perhaps, it is worth even sympathizing with the poor fellow. And finally, a miracle neighbor, a granny with kind fanatical eyes and an eternal desire to talk.

- Mashenka, you understand, well, you can’t do without rose hips, no way! After all, what is the use: both vitamins, and minerals, and also amino acids! And what a taste, what a taste! - Grandma kept up with me for a good five minutes. - Do you drink rose hips yourself? BUT?

- No, somehow it doesn't work. Your turn, Maria Ivanovna.

Ah-ah-ah! Well, why do you need a wild rose at night?!

“Oh, right,” said Granny, and shuffled cheerfully towards the window.

Calm down, Masha. Hold on! Now you can buy your favorite syrup and go home goodbye. Get five hours of sleep and go to work. You’ll just sleep, and you won’t get into the reports again until the morning! You have to work at work and rest at home. That's what my mom says...

Here I am such a workaholic, if only to delve into the reports. Pushkina Maria Viktorovna, twenty-seven years old, not married, no children, a lot of bad habits. True, I try to balance them with swimming and shooting. So how do you balance it? As I got involved in my student years, I continue to develop myself. She was not brought to criminal responsibility, to administrative ... well, it happened a couple of times. But that was a long time ago, so it doesn't count! I live alone, or rather, with the cat Vaska, sometimes cockroaches come to visit us, which I systematically persecute every six months. And where do the bastards come from? I work in a marketing agency as a chief accountant, at the same time I manage a couple of small firms, and I also teach evening courses at college at the request of my mother. She's my deputy director there. So it turns out that all the days are scheduled and there is very little time for yourself.

- Everything, Mashenka, I bought it. Here he is, look how handsome he is! - Grandma proudly shows me a bag of rose hips.

Wow hedgehogs, so you are wonderful, beautiful! Well, everything, hold on, now I will only drink you! Or I won't...

- Wow, great! You go, Maria Ivanovna, but I still need to go to the store - I’m lying and I’m not even blushing.

Grandma stomped towards the house, still looking hopefully in my direction. Phew! It seems to have passed.

Having bought her favorite medicine, without even leaving the window, she poured a full spoon and drank. Mm… beauties! Now you can go back.

Angela Kolesnikova

wolf love

Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Hm. Just like Block. And why did I just pop at two in the morning for syrup for a sore throat? I would wait for the morning, and then on my way to work I would go to my favorite “Solnyshko” and buy everything. Now stand here, wait your turn. Yes, yes, the queue at the pharmacy at night! People, why can't you sleep? Well, okay, I'm tired, angry, terribly want to sleep after work, with a sore throat. But a young couple over sugar-free lollipops and greens?! Can't fall asleep without lollipops? And what are you going to do with the greens? Rumpled man in sweatpants and a stretched T-shirt for a pacifier and caffeine. Hmm, here, perhaps, it is worth even sympathizing with the poor fellow. And finally, a miracle neighbor, a granny with kind fanatical eyes and an eternal desire to talk.

- Mashenka, you understand, well, you can’t do without rose hips, no way! After all, what is the use: both vitamins, and minerals, and also amino acids! And what a taste, what a taste! - Grandma kept up with me for a good five minutes. - Do you drink rose hips yourself? BUT?

- No, somehow it doesn't work. Your turn, Maria Ivanovna.

Ah-ah-ah! Well, why do you need a wild rose at night?!

“Oh, right,” said Granny, and shuffled cheerfully towards the window.

Calm down, Masha. Hold on! Now you can buy your favorite syrup and go home goodbye. Get five hours of sleep and go to work. You’ll just sleep, and you won’t get into the reports again until the morning! You have to work at work and rest at home. That's what my mother says.

Here I am such a workaholic, if only to delve into the reports. Pushkina Maria Viktorovna, twenty-seven years old, not married, no children, a lot of bad habits. True, I try to balance them with swimming and shooting. So how do you balance it? As I got involved in my student years, I continue to develop myself. She was not brought to criminal responsibility, to administrative ... well, it happened a couple of times. But that was a long time ago, so it doesn't count! I live alone, or rather, with the cat Vaska, sometimes cockroaches come to visit us, which I systematically persecute every six months. And where do the bastards come from? I work in a marketing agency as a chief accountant, at the same time I manage a couple of small firms, and I also teach evening courses at college at the request of my mother. She's my deputy director there. So it turns out that all the days are scheduled and there is very little time for yourself.

- Everything, Mashenka, I bought it. Here he is, look how handsome he is! - Grandma proudly shows me a bag of rose hips.

Wow hedgehogs, so you are wonderful, beautiful! Well, everything, hold on, now I will only drink you! Or I won't...

- Wow, great! You go, Maria Ivanovna, but I still need to go to the store - I’m lying and I’m not even blushing.

Grandma stomped towards the house, still looking hopefully in my direction. Phew! It seems to have passed.

Having bought her favorite medicine, without even leaving the window, she poured a full spoon and drank. Mm… beauties! Now you can go back.

Quietly humming the anthem of the workaholic under her breath, she moved towards the house. The nights in Chelyabinsk are, I must say, rather dark, so lights are usually turned on in the yards, though not in all of them. And how did you want? The economy must be economical! So one tiny light bulb hangs for the whole house, and then if you're lucky. When I made my way along the next trodden courtyard path through the lawn, more like an unmowed field, a strange sniffing came from somewhere to the right. It was very loud and was accompanied by some incomprehensible, reminiscent of whining sounds. Mentally persuading myself to turn around and go home, I nevertheless headed for the sound, and the closer I got, the louder it became.

Having made my way through the thickets of my excessively talkative neighbor's favorite rose hips and scratching my bare hands, cursing softly, I tried to see who was sniffing. Bye this is did not open her eyes. Bright yellow, with a round black pupil of the dog's eyes. Very expressive, I must say, filled with some kind of restrained power and ... mind.

Well, there are smart dogs too, right?

“Uh…mm, hi…”

What else to say? The dog stared and did not take his eyes off me.

- What are we sipping? Do we interfere with people's sleep? I asked.

Still the same inseparable thoughtful gaze, and, of course, there was no answer.

- Silent, then? I continued.

The animal grumbled something and closed its eyelids. Where's my phone? Now I will shine on you! Turning on the flashlight, she was stunned: a black, unrealistically huge dog was lying on the grass, expressing downright universal calm, and only her nose was actively sniffing something in the air. And then she opened her eyes again, and I realized that it was most likely a wolf. Of course, I, as a resident of a metropolis, did not have exact confidence, but my intuition told me: there are definitely no dogs of this size. As if reading my thoughts, the animal, shaking its head, stood up on its paws.

- Mother dear! What are you fed with?

At the withers, the wolf reached me almost to the chest, and if you remember my considerable height - one hundred and seventy-seven centimeters - it became frankly creepy. Long strong paws, confidently standing on the ground, held a significant weight of an impressive carcass, and a wide chest, a beautiful tail and incredibly intelligent eyes, drawing the eye to a huge black muzzle, strikingly distinguished him from all the canines I know!

Oddly enough, the fear passed quite quickly, leaving behind only admiration, surprise, disbelief in what was happening and an irresistible desire to touch it with your hands! Aaah, hold me seven, but I'm going to stroke this gorgeous animal! Cautiously stretching out my left hand, since I am right-handed, and if they still want to gnaw it off, then the one with which I am more dexterous will remain - the right one, slowly came closer. Either a dog or a wolf seemed to be following my actions with a smirk.

- Uh-uh, can I pet you? - And she made the most, in my opinion, imploring face, which so often helped me out. - I'm careful.

Apparently, my pleading face made an impression, because the animal graciously lowered its head, as if allowing itself to be touched. Uh, everything! The instinct of self-preservation failed completely, and I happily stretched out both hands, in a hurry to touch this miracle. I've always loved animals and this is such a blessing!

To begin with, she stroked the huge head with soft hair, gently passing it through her fingers. The animal closed its eyes in pleasure, and full confidence came to me that it was really a wolf, because now I just couldn’t turn my tongue to call it a dog. Then she scratched behind her ears, smoothly descended to the mighty neck and walked along the spine.

“You are my good one,” I said, and my hands reached for the tail, which made the wolf suddenly turn its head sharply and bare white fangs of impressive length. - Ouch! Understood, the tail is inviolable.

The animal instantly returned to the same benevolent state in which it was just a few moments ago, and we continued our acquaintance.

In general, ten minutes later, when I finally threw out all my love for a new furry friend, we were already sitting on the ground. More precisely, the wolf was lying, and I was half-spread on it, so large and comfortable.

- And where did you just come from? - I was amazed again, stroking the beast slyly looking at me.

In response, the wolf only looked mysteriously at the sky. Following his example, and then looking at the clock, I realized that it was almost morning and I didn’t seem to have time to sleep. And as good as it is to sit here with a new friend, it's time to go home. Rising slowly, she brushed the grass off her jeans and smiled sadly.

- Well, everything, handsome, let's say goodbye. You will run here again, look into the neighboring yard ...

It's a pity, of course, to leave him here, but not to lead this colossus to yourself? Yes, and Vaska will not appreciate my impulse to take another pet.

Running my fingers goodbye along his neck, I regretfully turned towards the house. Has not passed even two steps, as the moon in the sky, before that not very bright and large, began to clearly increase in size, illuminating everything around. Stopping and covering her eyes with her hand from the unexpectedly bright light, she tried to understand what was happening? Is another meteorite flying towards us?

And it was the moon. Huge, white, bright, it blinded me even through closed eyelids. It would seem, where even brighter? But it turns out there was. Unable to bear it, I sank to the ground and covered my face with my hands. Yes, what is it so-o-o-o?!

Weakness came in quick waves. It seemed that just a little bit more, and consciousness would leave me completely. But suddenly it all ended. The darkness soothingly touched the closed eyelids, releasing the fear that had fettered me, but the breakdown made itself felt, and the body remained wadded and naughty. The last thought, before I lost consciousness, was that now everyone is jumping out into the street to admire the unusual satellite of the Earth today and someone will definitely notice me.

Angela Kolesnikova

wolf love

Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Hm. Just like Block. And why did I just pop at two in the morning for syrup for a sore throat? I would have waited for the morning, and then on my way to work, I would have gone to my favorite "Sunshine" and bought everything. Now stand here, wait your turn. Yes, yes, the queue at the pharmacy at night! People, why can't you sleep? Okay, I'm tired, angry, terribly sleepy after work with a sore throat. But a young couple over sugar-free lollipops and greens??? Can't you fall asleep without lollipops? And what are you going to do with the greens? Rumpled man in sweatpants and a stretched T-shirt for a pacifier and caffeine. Hmm, here, perhaps, it is worth even sympathizing with the poor fellow. Well, and finally, a miracle neighbor-grandmother with kind fanatical eyes and an eternal desire to talk.

Mashenka, you understand, well, it’s impossible without rose hips, no way! After all, what is the use: both vitamins, and minerals, and also amino acids! And what a taste, what a taste! - granny rubbed me for a good five minutes. - Here, do you drink rose hips yourself? BUT?

No, somehow it doesn't work. Your turn, Mary Ivanna.

Ahh, well, why do you need a wild rose at night?!

Oh, right, - the granny remembered herself and scratched cheerfully at the window.

Calmly. Masha, hold on! Now you can buy your favorite syrup and go home goodbye. Get five hours of sleep and go to work. You’ll just sleep, and you won’t get into the reports again until the morning! You have to work at work and rest at home. That's what my mother says.

Here I am such a workaholic, if only to delve into the reports. Pushkina Maria Viktorovna, twenty-seven years old, not married, no children, a lot of bad habits. True, I try to balance them by swimming and shooting. Well, how to balance, as I got involved in my student years, I continue to develop myself. She was not brought to criminal responsibility, to administrative ... well, it happened a couple of times. But that was a long time ago, so it doesn't count. I live alone, or rather with the cat Vaska, and sometimes cockroaches come to visit us, which I systematically persecute every six months. And where do the bastards come from? I work in a marketing agency as a chief accountant, at the same time I run a couple of small firms, and I also teach evening courses at a college at the request of my mother. She's my deputy director there. So it turns out that all the days are scheduled and there is very little time for yourself.

Everything, Mashenka, I bought. Here he is, look how handsome he is! - Grandma proudly shows me a bag of rose hips.

Wow, you are hedgehogs, so you are so wonderful, beautiful! Well, everyone hold on, now I’ll only drink you! Or I won't...

Ugh, wonderful! You go Mar Ivanna, but I still need to go to the store - I’m lying and I’m not even blushing.

Grandma stomped towards the house, still looking hopefully in my direction. Whoo! It seems to have passed.

Having bought her favorite medicine, without even leaving the window, she poured herself a full spoon and drank it. Mmmm... Beauty! Now you can go home.

Quietly humming under her breath, the anthem of the workaholic, moved towards the house. The nights in Chelyabinsk are, I must say, rather dark, so lights are usually turned on in the yards, though not in all of them. And how did you want? Savings must be economical! So one tiny light bulb hangs for the whole house, and then if you're lucky. Making my way along the next yard path through the lawn, or rather through the whole unmowed field, a strange sniffing came from somewhere to my right. It was very loud and was accompanied by some incomprehensible, reminiscent of whining, sounds. Mentally persuading myself to go home, I nevertheless headed for the sound, and the closer I got, the louder it became.

Having made my way through the thickets of Mary Ivanna's favorite wild rose and scratching my bare hands, cursing quietly, I tried to see what it was snoring. Until it opened my eyes. Bright yellow, with a round black pupil, the eyes of a dog. Very expressive eyes, I must say, filled with some kind of restrained power and ... mind. Well, there are smart dogs too, right?

Um, hi...

What else to say? The dog stared at me and did not take his attentive gaze away.

What do we sleep? Do we interfere with people's sleep? - All the same inseparable thoughtful look, and, of course, there was no answer. - Shut up, then?

The dog grumbled something and closed his eyes. Where's my phone? Now I will shine on you! Turning on the flashlight, she froze. A black, unrealistically huge dog was lying on the grass, closing his eyes, and only his nose was actively sniffing something in the air. And then she opened her eyes again, and I realized that it was most likely a wolf. Of course, I, as a resident of a metropolis, did not have exact confidence, but something told me that dogs of such sizes definitely do not exist. As if reading my thoughts, the animal, shaking its head, stood up on its paws.

Mother dear! What are you fed with?

At the withers, the wolf reached me almost to the chest, and if you remember my considerable height of one hundred and seventy-seven centimeters, it became frankly creepy. Long strong paws, confidently standing on the ground, held a considerable weight of such a carcass, a wide chest, a stunning beautiful tail, and incredibly intelligent eyes that attract the eye on a huge black muzzle.

Oddly enough, the fear passed quite quickly, leaving behind only admiration, surprise, disbelief in what was happening and a terrible desire to touch it with your hands! Aaah, hold me seven, but I'm going to stroke this gorgeous animal! Carefully stretching out her left hand, since I am right-handed, and if they still want to bite my hand off, then my beloved right hand will remain, slowly came closer. The wolf dog seemed to be following my actions with a smirk.

Uh-uh, can I pet you? - And she made the most begging face in my opinion, which so often helped me out. - I'm careful.

Apparently, my pleading face rolled, and the animal graciously lowered its head, as if allowing itself to be touched. Uh, everything! The instinct of self-preservation failed completely, and I already stretched out both hands, in a hurry to touch this miracle. I have always loved animals, and here is such a rare specimen!

To begin with, I stroked his huge head with soft hair, which I carefully passed through my fingers. The animal closed its eyes to my actions with pleasure, and I was completely sure that it was really a wolf, because I simply could not turn my tongue to call it a dog. Then she scratched behind her ears, smoothly descended to the mighty neck and walked along the spine.

You are my good, - I kept saying, and my hands reached for the tail, which made the wolf suddenly turn its head sharply and bare white fangs of impressive length. - Oops! Understood, the tail is inviolable.

The animal immediately returned to the same benevolent state in which it had been only a few moments ago.

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