Municipal solid waste management service. New receipts

Interesting 06.09.2019

Let's figure out what is MSW or MSW?

Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458 - FZ made changes to the very concept of MSW. There is a new term, TKO. What is solid municipal waste? This is household waste from residential buildings. But the concept of MSW is broader, it also includes waste generated at enterprises, similar in composition to household MSW. The concept of municipal solid waste includes several more groups of waste.

All municipal solid waste can be divided into two groups:

  1. Biological trash.
  2. Household waste, in other words, ordinary garbage.

Thus, MSW is the most diverse group of waste. Of all the diversity, the main varieties can be distinguished:

  • biological remains
  • synthetic MSW
  • cellulose
  • oil products

MSW management

Changes in the federal law also affected the disposal of MSW waste. If earlier management companies had to deal with this, they also set the cost of export for residents. Now it is the responsibility of regional operators. A certain export scheme has been established. Garbage is taken to a nearby MSW landfill.

It should be understood that it is impossible to abruptly switch from the old system to the new one. This is planned to be done gradually. The reference year is 2017. The rules for handling municipal solid waste are prescribed in regulatory documents and are gradually being finalized.

Regional operator

This term refers to a legal entity dealing with MSW in a designated area. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for the provision of services with management companies or directly with the owners.

The operator is selected by competition. The contract with him is concluded for a period of 10 years. Previously, the fee for this service was calculated based on the area of ​​the premises owned by the owner. Now the fee will be set on the basis of the norm of municipal solid waste per person.

The accumulation standard is the average volume of MSW per unit of time, according to Federal Law No. 89.

MSW recycling

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted garbage.

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The most financially advantageous way. But at the same time, it adversely affects nature and irrationally occupies the territory. Storage of MSW is carried out at special landfills and landfills equipped with the necessary facilities.

Landfills for burial should be located outside residential, recreational, water protection zones, medical institutions, places of mass recreation. The disposal of radioactive, toxic, that is, hazardous waste is unacceptable.

In the process of decomposition of workings, harmful fumes are produced. They cause damage to the state of the soil cover, nearby ground and surface water, the atmosphere, and can also cause harm to humans. When gases are released, there is a high probability of their ignition. In such a situation, landfill gas requires proper handling, that is, it needs to be collected and disposed of.

The advantage of this method is its low cost. But at the same time, this requires large territories, which in the future will be unsuitable for economic work and life. To correct the situation, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time and invest a lot of money in it.


The most popular way. The output is ash, which takes up much less space than the original MSW. As a rule, the remaining ash is taken out. This method has disadvantages. In the process of burning MSW, a large amount of toxic substances is released.

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Residues of substances adversely affect the nature nearby this place. To get rid of this drawback, it is necessary to use afterburning furnaces. They carry out the neutralization of harmful substances. Modern incinerators have a cleaning system and an electricity generator.

The advantages of this method are small financial costs, reduction in the volume of residues. In addition, the heat released during the combustion process can be used to generate electricity and for heating. The main disadvantage is toxicity.

A variation of combustion is pyrolysis - thermal decomposition of workings in the absence of air. It contributes to the preservation environment.


Thanks to composting, up to 30% of MSW is recycled, this applies to safe organic waste. To facilitate the fight against MSW, their systematic sorting is necessary. Increasingly, containers for certain types of MSW can be seen in Russian yards. For example, containers for plastic containers, cullet, paper.

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Waste bins for hazardous MSW are becoming more and more popular:

  • used batteries
  • old thermometers
  • old lamps

So that hazardous household waste does not have time to cause irreparable harm to the environment, it must be sorted.


MSW is a sought-after recyclable material, the recycling of household waste allows the production of a large number of products, such as paper products, glass containers, various metal and plastic waste.

Recycling waste not only reduces the amount of waste to be disposed of, but also saves Natural resources, the number of which is decreasing every year.

Types of waste suitable for recycling:

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  • Scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Metal residues are sorted in the process of magnetic separation, pressed, packaged and sent to the foundry for remelting.
  • Plastics. The reuse of polymer residues is problematic due to the degree of their contamination. In addition, secondary raw materials do not meet quality requirements. Recycling polymers is more expensive than producing virgin ones. Recycling is carried out only if there are no strict requirements for the resulting material.
  • Glass containers. It is used for the production of technical glass used in construction. To do this, cullet is sorted, cleaned, dried, crushed and heated, followed by remelting.
  • Waste paper. After collection paper waste, first of all, the raw materials are sorted. After receiving the waste paper mass and clean it. In the future, the mass can be subjected to discoloration and ultimately sent to the production of paper. The new paper is produced using recycled and virgin materials combined.
  • Wood. This material is in demand in construction. Recycling allows you to save on the costs of production of primary products.
  • Used electronics. When processing used electronic circuit boards, you can get gold, silver, palladium, as well as nickel, iron, copper and glass polymers. The sorted metal is then sent to the melting furnace.
  • Oil products. Asphalt, bitumen, oils.

Each type of waste has its own processing technology. Mixed MSW is sorted using various types of separation.

Standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste

At the beginning of 2016, a new item on the removal of municipal solid waste appeared in receipts for housing maintenance.

What does this concept mean?

What is municipal solid waste?

Solid municipal or, as they are also called, household waste includes a fairly wide list: waste from residential and industrial, commercial and public buildings, fallen leaves, remnants of repair materials, waste from yard areas, spoiled food.

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In other words, they include everything that falls into garbage containers near high-rise buildings.

Solid municipal waste also differs in the way it is processed and handled, the source of occurrence, the level of danger, composition and other characteristics.

However, not everything can be thrown into the bins in the yard. The law specifies the rules for handling and clear separation of municipal waste.

Can be disposed of in trash cans:

  • wood and plant waste;
  • small garbage collected by janitors (dust, cigarette butts, etc.);
  • food waste and spoiled food;
  • textile items
  • materials used for packaging (cardboard), waste paper and newspapers.

Do not throw into garbage containers:

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  • bulky waste after repair;
  • liquid and oil products;
  • faeces of domestic animals;
  • expired medicines and other pharmaceutical waste;
  • toxic substances.

All this garbage must be taken out individually using special services. This is especially important for municipal waste hazardous to health, such as broken light bulbs and used energy-saving lamps.

You need to know the basic rules for handling them.

Such things contain mercury, which even in small quantities has a detrimental effect on human health.

Most of us do not think about the consequences that are possible due to violations of the rules for handling municipal waste. Garbage can lie in containers for several days and cause unpleasant consequences: contamination (in the case of organic waste), poisoning (mercury) and possible fire.

It is important to follow the rules of treatment and teach your children to do this. After all, the health of those around you and your family directly depends on how seriously you take them. ecological situation generally.

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The small inconvenience of calling the special services cannot be compared with the danger to which innocent people are exposed.

Amendments to the law on the accumulation of municipal waste

Recently, several significant amendments have been made to the legal act for the accumulation of municipal solid waste.

  1. The distinction between waste from production and residential areas has been abolished.
  2. The organization of a unified system of control over the disposal of all waste is prescribed.
  3. A new calculation of payment for the removal of household waste has been determined.
  4. The norms for the accumulation of garbage per inhabitant of an apartment or entirely from a retail space per area have been introduced.
  5. An MSW operator is appointed to resolve all organizational issues in the regions. Its appointment is carried out by the administration bodies (a competitive selection is carried out). The main requirements: the availability of serviceable vehicles for waste disposal and permission for this activity of Rospotrebnadzor.

During the past year, various tests were carried out, as a result of which the standards for the accumulation of solid waste were developed and calculated. This is exactly what the new column displays in the payment receipt for the maintenance of housing.

Determination of standards for the accumulation of municipal waste

The new instruction clearly defined the standards for each category of persons subject to the rules of treatment.

These include:

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  • owners of residential premises;
  • owners of adjacent territories;
  • individual entrepreneurs renting industrial premises.

The standards are determined using special measurements once a season, carried out by the MSW operator. To do this, choose a residential area in which at least 2% of the total population is concentrated for small cities, 1% for large cities and 0.5% for million-plus cities.

To carry out such measurements, special equipment is used - special containers and large plastic bags. The separation of solid waste of all three categories is clearly monitored, and the possibility of mixing is excluded. After carrying out such work, a waste report for each day should be drawn up.

The next step is the calculation of additional coefficients using specially derived formulas:

  • average daily standard;
  • average quantitative standard for each season;
  • annual standard (daily multiplied by the number of days in a year);
  • monthly average.

After the experimental containers are filled, the mass and volume of the waste is measured.

To do this, a number of steps are taken.

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  1. Leveling all waste.
  2. With the help of a special ruler, the volume of collected waste is measured. The measurement takes place from top to bottom, and the length of the ruler is one and a half meters.
  3. To measure the mass, a dynamometer is used, and then the mass of the empty tank is subtracted from the obtained value.
  4. If the weight of the garbage is less than 10 kg, it can be weighed on a loading vehicle.

All the results obtained are entered into a special table, after which the average values ​​are displayed for all types of solid waste separately (residential, house, industrial).

The MSW operator is an entrepreneur who is legally responsible for all calculations made and carries out further work with them.

What do standards depend on?

Ordinary residents of apartment buildings are probably wondering what the norms given in the receipts depend on, why are they not the same for everyone?

They are influenced by the following factors:

  • the level of livability of the dwelling (presence of a central heating system, sewerage, etc.);
  • availability of containers for separate collection of various types of garbage (plastic, paper, etc.). (in this case, the mass of MSW is much less);
  • weather conditions (for example, in the northern regions of our country, the heating season has been significantly extended);
  • the presence of green plantings in the local area.

For accurate compilation of standards, data from well-maintained and disadvantaged areas are used. Great importance has a method of heating housing.

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After full study, for each type of premises, a sanitary passport is drawn up, which, without fail, indicates the number of people living in a high-rise building (for entrepreneurs - places in a cafe or restaurant); the level of improvement and grooming of the adjacent territory (the presence of landscaping and sidewalk paths).

If there is a separate collection of garbage, indicate the data on its measurement.

MSW standards for each person

For uniform calculations within the whole country, a special instruction has been created, which sets out approximate savings rates for each consumer.

  • average daily for the year;
  • average daily for the season;
  • average annual.

They are calculated taking into account population density.

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  • well-appointed housing central heating, gas and water supply, waste collection is carried out in a separate way);
  • poor housing (stove heating, lack of permanent water supply and sewerage, waste collection is not carried out, private houses are allocated separately);
  • liquid waste (a separate line is waste that accumulates in basements and cesspools).

The final decision on the amount of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is made by local governments. They are updated every 5 years.

Temporary standards

Such standards are valid for individual entrepreneurs while the MSW operator measures and calculates constant indicators.

The basis of the calculation of time standards is the occupation of each specific organization. Usually use the average value of the amount of garbage. According to the instructions, temporary standards should be adjusted once a year.

Each type of activity has its own coefficient. To calculate the number of waste accumulations, it is multiplied by the existing standards and the number of working days.

Now many areas of individual business use average time standards: shops (hardware, grocery, manufactured goods), stalls and stalls, transport offices, various service enterprises.

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The calculation of temporary standards does not include bulky waste. If such waste has appeared, they are included in the calculations and multiplied by a factor of 1.5. For large cities, the norms of accumulation of solid waste from production are at least 2 times less than from residential areas.

New regulations. Are they needed?

The adopted law on municipal waste management is aimed, first of all, at maintaining a favorable environmental situation in places where a large number of people live. In addition, the real indicators of the accumulation of solid waste in production are being calculated.

The measures taken will help:

  • increase the number of enterprises dealing with solid waste disposal;
  • establish safe disposal of hazardous waste and proper handling of it;
  • to build new factories for the processing of certain types of waste;
  • destroy illegal dumps and prosecute those responsible for their creation.

The instructions for the solid waste management law clearly spell out the disposal measures for manufacturing enterprises. Now special organizations responsible for the destruction of waste, will not be able to refuse them to accept garbage. Accordingly, the need for unauthorized landfills will disappear.

New rules for handling municipal waste in a difficult environmental situation, just in time. Their observance, both by ordinary owners of residential premises and by manufacturing companies, will ensure cleanliness and order in every city.

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What is municipal solid waste and how to handle it

TKO is an abbreviation that has appeared relatively recently. Previously, the name "MSW" appeared in all documents. In addition to changing the name of the waste group, some amendments were made to the law regarding the rules for handling MSW and the procedure for calculating standards. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant for most of our population.

What is this waste? Law on MSW

The concept of "municipal solid waste" (MSW) was established and defined in the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015). Aspects of this law govern certain requirements for waste management.

According to the law, MSW is waste that is constantly generated in residential buildings as a result of the use of any goods by residents. MSW also includes items that have become unusable in the process of their consumption by residents of houses for personal and domestic purposes. In addition to the waste that accumulates during the life of individuals, the group of MSW includes waste generated in the work of organizations and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs, which, in terms of its component content, is close to waste from residential premises.

The law spells out the rights and obligations of authorities at different levels in the field of MSW management. It also contains the rules for obtaining a license by organizations that wish to collect, transport, process, and dispose of municipal waste.

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In every subject Russian Federation According to the law, special organizations should be created that perform all actions with MSW - regional operators. When choosing regional operators that are legal entities, a competition is held, as a result of which the winning organization receives permission to implement activities for the treatment of MSW in the regions of the entire subject of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years.

Producers and importers of products are required by law to dispose of the waste generated after consumption of these products. If this obligation is not fulfilled, then importers and manufacturers pay a certain amount of environmental tax.

This law came into force on January 1, 2015, except for some of its aspects, for which other effective dates have been determined (or changed).

Hazard Class

The entire list of types of waste that make up MSW can be found in the FKKO. According to this classification catalog, it is also possible to determine the hazard class of a particular type of municipal waste. As a rule, a greater number of different groups of MSW are assigned to the IV or V class of waste hazard.

Handling rules

All the rules for handling MSW are detailed in the document “On MSW Handling” dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156 established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Let's get acquainted with some aspects of the Rules.

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The document states that all manipulations with MSW must be carried out in conditions of safety for people and natural environment.

The organization appointed by the regional operator draws up an agreement with consumers, according to which this organization becomes responsible for all stages of municipal waste management. The operator's activities are determined by the program of the region in the field of MSW management and are carried out in accordance with the relevant territorial scheme.

Actions related to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and storage of MSW are carried out directly by the regional operator or with the help of other organizations dealing with waste.

MSW storage sites for consumers are determined in the contract concluded with the regional operator. Waste collection can be carried out:

  • in houses in waste collection chambers equipped with special containers;
  • in containers of different volumes located on specially designated areas on the street;
  • in disposable (packages) or other containers provided by the operator himself.

Bulky waste should be stored:

  • in bunkers on sites;
  • in a specially designated area for large-scale waste.

According to the Rules, the priority technology for MSW processing is the one that allows automated waste sorting. Also, preference for waste disposal is given to technologies that provide the final production of secondary raw materials for various industries.

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An important point in the processing of MSW is the exclusion from the total mass of hazardous waste (classes I and II) so that they do not end up in landfills.

Everything is in the rules possible reasons, in accordance with which the activities of regional operators may be terminated.

Savings standards

MSW accumulation standards are specified in the Decree of the Government of Russia dated April 4, 2016 No. 269.

Note! When determining the standard values, the garbage generated during the cleaning of adjacent territories is also taken into account.

For any differentiated category of objects, the standards are determined separately. To establish standard values, waste is measured in accordance with established rules.

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In order to calculate the standards, special formulas are used that determine the following indicators:

  1. The average per day standard for the season, which can be expressed in different units of measurement depending on the use of mass or volume values.
  2. Average in different seasons(periods of the year) daily standard, which can also be expressed in units of mass or volume per 1 calculation unit / day.
  3. Average monthly and annual standards.


The density of MSW (formerly MSW) is determined in the process of calculating waste accumulation standards. This is an important indicator, for the establishment of which it is necessary to know the volume and mass of garbage. For this purpose, the accumulated waste is leveled and their parameters are measured using a special ruler. After that, MSW is weighed and the mass of the container is subtracted from the obtained value of the total mass. Using the numbers obtained, the subsequent calculation of the average waste density is carried out, in which it is necessary to determine the daily rate of accumulation (depending on the number of residents), the average monthly and average annual standards, and the annual rate of MSW. Only by calculating the standards, you can determine the value of the average density.

Additional Information! The above calculations must be carried out by specialists in compliance with the norms and formulas specified in our legislation. In addition, certain equipment is required to carry out such work.

MSW recycling

Every year, over 70 million tons of MSW are generated in our country. Almost all waste can be recycled. However, in Russia, most municipal waste is simply stored in landfills, the area of ​​​​which is constantly increasing. This method of waste disposal is irrational both economically and environmentally. Therefore the question proper processing MSW requires close attention of the authorities and environmental services.

Consider the main methods of disposal of municipal waste that exist today.

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Burial. The cheapest way. However, it has many disadvantages. When waste is decomposed at landfills, toxic substances are released into the environment that pollute water, atmosphere and soil. At the same time, vast territories are required, which, after the elimination of the landfill, will be unusable for a long time. When implementing this method, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the location of polygons: they must be created outside the boundaries settlements, recreation and water protection areas, medical institutions.

Burning. A common method today. The product of the process is ash, the volume of which is much less than the volume of MSW before incineration. The ash is usually taken to landfills. This method also has certain disadvantages associated with negative influence on ecology. Therefore, they are trying to improve it through the use of afterburning furnaces with a gas purification system and an electric power generator.

An environmentally more rational method is pyrolysis - the decomposition of waste in the absence of air at high temperatures.

Composting. A method for the decomposition of the organic component of the garbage. Its essence is to create compost heaps in which waste is laid. In such heaps, decomposition of organic components occurs due to the activity of microorganisms. The disadvantage of this method is that an unpleasant odor appears during the biodegradation of waste. Also, the method requires preliminary sorting of garbage.

MSW processing. Most of the waste can be recycled to produce new materials and products. The method allows saving natural resources, protecting the environment and obtaining a cheap raw material base.

Different components of MSW are recycled in different ways.

Metal materials are sorted, pressed and packaged, after which the processed waste is sent to metallurgical enterprises for the purpose of remelting.

Plastic components serve as raw materials for the production of new products: polyester sheets and fibers, etc.

From glass residues, technical glass is obtained, which is used in construction work. In the process of processing, sorting, cleaning, drying, crushing and heating of raw materials are carried out for the purpose of further remelting.

Paper waste (together with fresh raw materials) is used to produce new paper. The collected waste paper is sorted, cleaned, in some cases decolorized and then sent to pulp and paper mills.

From wood waste produce a variety of building materials (for example, fiberboard, chipboard), fuel briquettes, pellets, etc.

Discarded electrical appliances are often a source of non-ferrous metals and polymers suitable for further use as raw materials.

Oil-containing wastes (asphalt, bitumen) are also processed.

Thus, the processing of each type of MSW is carried out according to different technologies, therefore, the most important stage of this method of disposal is waste sorting.

TV correspondents talk about one of the modern landfills for MSW, located in the Vologda region, about the principles of its operation and the problems of unauthorized dumps

Innovations regarding the rules for working with MSW are not yet clear to every inhabitant of our country. The change in the name itself (MSW to MSW) and the updated process for making payments for the provision of waste management services caused a lot of controversy. Unfortunately, only outdated methods of disposal of solid municipal (domestic) waste remain unchanged.

What is MSW and how to deal with it?

AT recent times The environmental community is literally in a fever from the simultaneous adoption of several serious legal acts restructuring the entire system of environmental control and supervision in Russia. So, on the eve of the New Year, we received an unexpected legislative "gift" - Federal Law No. 458-FZ dated December 29, 2014 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the invalidation of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 458-FZ). This document radically changes the waste management system, affecting the fundamental concepts and principles of environmental law.

We will not dwell on all the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ. We only note that they touched on almost all aspects of waste management: the issues of ownership of waste, the procedure for licensing activities for waste management, vocational training persons admitted to waste management, and much more. In addition, the terminology used in the field of waste management has also been changed.

Innovations have also touched upon the most frequently generated waste - solid household waste. So, in Art. 1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ "On Production and Consumption Wastes" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 89-FZ), a new term for this category of waste has appeared:

municipal solid waste - waste generated in residential premises in the process of consumption by individuals, as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties in the process of their use by individuals in residential premises in order to meet personal and domestic needs. Municipal solid waste also includes waste generated in the course of activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises in the process of consumption by individuals;

In addition, new terms related to the treatment of MSW were introduced into this article:

from Federal Law No. 89-FZ

standard for the accumulation of solid municipal waste - the average amount of solid municipal waste generated per unit of time;

solid waste management operator - individual entrepreneur or a legal entity carrying out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of municipal solid waste;

regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste […] - operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste - a legal entity that is required to conclude a contract for the provision of services for the treatment with municipal solid waste with the owner municipal solid waste that is generated and the places of collection of which located in the area of ​​activity of the regional operator;

balance of quantitative characteristics of the formation, disposal, neutralization, disposal of solid municipal waste on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the ratio of the amount of solid municipal waste generated and the quantitative characteristics of their utilization, neutralization, disposal, transfer to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (receipts from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation) for subsequent disposal, neutralization, burial;

Thus, the term “municipal solid waste (MSW)”, which is familiar to us, has been replaced by “municipal solid waste (MSW)”. In our opinion, the new term is more consistent with the current environmental practice. In addition, completely new concepts of the operator for the treatment of MSW and the regional operator for the treatment of MSW were introduced into the sphere of waste management, which are understood as organizations of the communal complex.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 458-FZ, effective January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented by Art. 13.2, which contains requirements for the development and implementation of regional programs in the field of waste management, incl. with MSW. Such a program will have to include the values ​​of target indicators in the field of waste management (including MSW), the achievement of which is ensured as a result of the implementation of the program, a list of measures for waste management (including MSW) indicating the expected results , as well as information on the financing of these activities. These measures should be aimed at stimulating the construction of facilities for the processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste (including MSW); co-financing the construction of facilities for the collection, transportation, processing and disposal of waste from the use of goods; stimulation of waste disposal, identification of places of unauthorized waste disposal, etc. The list of measures will be taken into account when forming the measures of the relevant state programs and will be subject to agreement with the territorial bodies of the authorized federal executive body (that is, with Rosprironadzor). The regional program will be required to be published on the Internet.

From January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will also be supplemented by Art. 13.3, according to which, in order to organize and carry out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste, the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation will approve a territorial scheme in the field of waste management, incl. with MSW. This scheme will have to be developed in accordance with territorial planning documents and include data on the location of sources of waste generation, on the amount of waste generated, on targets for the neutralization, disposal and disposal of waste, on the location of waste collection and accumulation sites, on the location of processing facilities , disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste (including MSW) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, etc. The scheme will also be subject to approval by Rosprirodnadzor and be made publicly available on the Internet.

From January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented by an entire chapter - Ch. V.1 "Regulation of activities in the field of municipal solid waste management" (Art. 24.6–24.13).

In accordance with Art. 24.6 collection, transportation, treatment, disposal, neutralization, disposal of MSW in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation will be carried out by the regional operator in accordance with the regional waste management program and the territorial waste management scheme, while the rules for handling MSW approved by Government of the Russian Federation. The treatment of MSW, which are waste from the use of goods, will be carried out taking into account the features established in Art. 24.2 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ. The status of a regional operator will be assigned to a legal entity on the basis of a competitive selection conducted by authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years. The grounds for depriving a legal entity of the status of a regional operator will be determined in the rules for handling MSW.

According to Art. 24.7. The MSW owner will conclude a public contract with the regional operator in accordance with the standard contract approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (the contract can be supplemented by agreement of the parties with other provisions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation). The regional operator will not have the right to refuse the owner to conclude an agreement if the owner’s waste is generated and the places of their collection are located in the operator’s area of ​​activity (by the way, the regional operator will have the right to carry out activities on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the rules for handling MSW and taking into account the agreement concluded between the subjects of the Russian Federation). This situation cannot but rejoice, because it turns out that the owners of MSW placement facilities - regional operators - will have not only rights, but also obligations.

Based on Art. 24.8 regulated activities in the field of MSW management will include:

Provision of services for the treatment of MSW by a regional operator.

All listed types of activities will be carried out at prices determined by agreement of the parties and not exceeding the marginal tariffs to be established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of tariff regulation for each organization carrying out these types of activities, and for each of the listed types of activities . Regulation will be subject to a single tariff for the service of a regional operator for the treatment of MSW, as well as tariffs for the processing, neutralization and disposal of MSW.

According to Art. 24.9 regulation of tariffs will be carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments. A single tariff for the MSW management service will be set for regional operators, other tariffs subject to regulation - for MSW management operators. Tariffs will be calculated on the basis of pricing principles established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The methods of tariff regulation and the criteria for their application will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the event of a change in tariffs at the initiative of the state (for example, in connection with changes in legislation), a procedure will be provided for compensating for lost benefits for MSW operators. The federal executive body authorized in the field of state regulation of tariffs in the field of MSW management will monitor tariffs.

In accordance with Art. 24.10 in order to calculate the volume and (or) mass of MSW, when concluding agreements with MSW operators, it will be necessary to be guided by the rules for commercial accounting of the volume and (or) mass of MSW, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In cases determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the volume and (or) mass of MSW is planned to be determined based on the MSW accumulation standards established by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local governments. The procedure for determining the MSW accumulation standards will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 24.11 all information relating to regulated activities for the treatment of MSW (including information on tariffs and parameters of tariff regulation) will be publicly available and will have to be published on the Internet.

Based on Art. 24.12 the legitimacy and validity of setting and changing tariffs will be checked at the federal and regional levels, with planned and unscheduled inspections (for example, at the request of citizens) being expected to be carried out.

In addition, according to Art. 24.13 now, for the construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization of facilities used for the management of MSW, it will be necessary to draw up an investment program based on the territorial scheme in the field of waste management, which will have to contain planned and actual values ​​of the performance indicators of MSW management facilities, a list measures for construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization, the amount of financial needs, the schedule for the implementation of the program and the preliminary calculation of tariffs in the field of MSW management. The procedure for developing, coordinating, approving and adjusting investment programs will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, by the end of 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will have a lot of “paper” work to do, because they must develop and approve a lot of by-laws in the field of MSW management before the entry into force of Ch. V.1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, i.e. until January 1, 2016

In addition, according to paragraph 9, which will also be supplemented from January 1, 2016, Art. 23 of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ, the costs of paying for NWOS when placing MSW will be taken into account when setting tariffs for an operator for the treatment of MSW, a regional operator in the manner established by the pricing principles in the field of MSW handling.

We note another important point: from January 1, 2019 Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented by paragraphs. 6 and 7, on the basis of which, when waste is disposed of at waste disposal sites that do not provide NVOS, no payment for NVOS will be charged, however, it should be noted that the exclusion of NVOS (due to the implementation of environmental measures, the presence technical solutions and structures providing environmental protection) will need to be confirmed by the results of monitoring the state of the environment.

As we can see, the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ significantly limit the rights of local governments in the field of waste management. If now they can organize the collection, removal, disposal, recycling of waste themselves, then starting from January 1, 2016 they will only be able to take part in all waste management operations, and village self-government bodies will be able to participate only in the collection and transportation of MSW, district - in the processing, recycling, neutralization and disposal of MSW, and urban - in all of the above operations within urban districts.

In our opinion, all this is only for the better. During its labor activity The author has repeatedly worked with village administrations on the issue of concluding contracts with licensed landfills and can state with confidence that chaos reigns in the localities and a complete misunderstanding of the system of environmental control and supervision in general and safe waste management in particular.

Significant progress towards achieving safe waste management can occur if users of natural resources comply with the following norm of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, which will come into force on January 1, 2017:

from Federal Law No. 89-FZ

(as amended, which will come into force on 01/01/2017)

8. Burial of waste, which includes useful components to be disposed of, is prohibited. The list of types of waste, which include useful components, the disposal of which is prohibited, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ, another gap in the legislation, which has already been mentioned more than once, has been closed. So, from January 1, 2016 Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented with paragraph 10 of the following content: "It is prohibited to use municipal solid waste for land and quarry reclamation." One of the author's articles, published earlier in the Ecologist's Handbook, was devoted to this issue. The fact is that many unscrupulous users of natural resources are currently trying to “place” their household and construction waste, filling voids from the development of minerals or trenches, pits, quarries, passing off this process as land reclamation. Moreover, there are cases of coordination (!) of projects of such reclamation. Over the past couple of years, several explanatory letters from Rosprirodnadzor have been issued clarifying this situation. And now, fortunately, the norm under consideration will be enshrined in law, which will exclude any discrepancies.

We briefly reviewed the innovations in the field of MSW (now MSW) management that await us in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 458-FZ. We advise our readers to study this document in more detail, especially the timing of the entry into force of its individual provisions. How it will work in practice, time will tell. Let's hope that the adoption of this legal act will not cause another round of bureaucratization of the environmental control system, but will lead to a real improvement in the environmental situation in our country.

For more information about these changes, see:

– Prokhorov I.O. Waste management: new terminology and new concepts // Ecologist's Handbook. 2015. No. 2. P. 8–24 (;

– Zhelyabovskaya D.S. Implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ: draft regulatory legal acts // Ecologist's Handbook. 2015. No. 4. P. 14–28 (

For more details see: Nelzikova E.A. On the new procedure for licensing activities for the treatment of waste of I–IV hazard classes // Handbook of an ecologist. 2015. No. 3. P. 36–45 (

Previously, such a document was called "program integrated development in the field of waste management.

For more details, see: Lamikhova M. Ecological fee: what, where, when? // Handbook of ecologist. 2015. No. 4. P. 39–48 (

See Lamikhova M. Land reclamation or unauthorized disposal of waste? // Handbook of ecologist. 2014. No. 12. P. 38–44 (

M. Lamikhova, Environmental Engineer, Ecological Center Group of Companies

The event is traditionally held under the Patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and is held with the organizational participation of the Center for Environmental Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for Entrepreneurship in the Housing and Utilities Sector, the ERBA Association, the All-Russian public organization Business Russia, UNIDO Center, APET and RATEK Associations.

Our enterprise submitted a declaration of payment before 03/10/2017, but due to the incorrect operation of the Nature User Module, we were unable to display the presence of reports of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEP) at the enterprise and the deadline for submitting it in authorized body. Later, when the Module started working, we made an updated calculation and submitted it to the Rosprirodnadzor Department on 04/27/2017. The amounts of the fee remained the same, and nothing has changed in the calculation, except for one new line with data on the reporting of SMEs. Can Rosprirodnadzor fine us for not submitting the updated calculation before 03/10/2017?

Do I need to update the information about the facility that provides the NVOS?

Product use National economy(food, domestic purposes) tend to change their consumer value and move into the category of waste. What is TCO? Waste is a concept that does not have a clear definition. It is not known what is waste and what can be disposed of as secondary raw materials. The environmental movement for the use of waste as a secondary resource proposes to subject the collection of waste to a sorting system.

Management companies regulate their activities in accordance with the resolution adopted at the legislative level on the inclusion of fees for the treatment of MSW in utility bills. What is it in the receipt, and how will this service be implemented? In accordance with the innovations of 2016, this column in the receipt appeared as a separate line for paying for maintenance services for apartment buildings. This column determines the fee for the removal of municipal waste.

Waste classification

Asking the question, "MSW treatment - what is it on the receipt?", you need to sort everything out in order. All stored waste is divided into classes according to the degree of danger of environmental impact. There are five in total, only the last of them (the 5th) includes municipal or household waste. The remaining four classes are industrial waste.

Municipal solid waste has the following sources of generation:

  • residential areas;
  • objects of municipal economy, public catering;
  • cemeteries;
  • estimates street, melted snow;
  • trade enterprises, with the exception of industrial trading floors, such as office equipment, car dealerships, etc.;
  • consumer service establishments.

What is MSW, what does the concept consist of? Wastes are divided according to their state of aggregation into solid, liquid and gaseous. solid waste are formed in public utilities, in the production of products as by-products of unused materials or output products. Liquid waste - on chemical plants, metallurgical plants and where solvents and many other liquid substances are used. Gaseous wastes are emissions (decomposition products) from industrial enterprises generated during the disposal of household waste.

Municipal solid waste

Tons of household waste are sent to landfills every year. Until 2016, waste was considered household waste and was understood as waste from residential areas. What is MSW and MSW? What is the difference? It's easy to answer. These are wastes classified as non-hazardous waste, and their sources of formation are the same. The reform of payment for housing and communal services and the development of new rules for the name and handling of waste made its own adjustments, which were reflected in utility bills.

Waste management

Waste management activities consist of a set of operations such as collection, accumulation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of waste. This activity is regulated by Decree No. 458-FZ of 2016 on waste management. It is carried out by the regional solids handling operator household waste. In some cases, this service is provided jointly with the management company.
Tariffs for the treatment of MSW are determined by the regional operator that serves the territory. Distribution and appointment to the position of a regional operator is carried out on a territorial basis.

What does this in the receipt mean "treatment with MSW"? When accumulating and collecting waste, they are disposed of. The cost of these services and the norms for their accumulation are calculated by the regional operator (according to tariffs). The amount of the fee for the maintenance of apartment buildings is reduced by the amount for the disposal of waste by the operator.

Management Company, concluding an agreement with a waste management operator, ensures regular and permanent collection and removal of waste, followed by their neutralization and disposal. The same company must keep the areas near the containers clean. Still, what is this "MSW treatment" in the receipt? This is the amount for the distribution of maintenance fees for an apartment building (according to the number of residents of this building). The amount of the fee depends on the sorting of waste, which is taken into account at a separate rate.

Tariffs for the treatment of MSW

The regulation of waste management activities includes a tariff system for paying for activities and develops a system of tariffs for each item of this activity.
Waste accumulation is the starting unit for setting tariffs. The system of tariffs is provided for activities on the services of a regional operator, their processing, disinfection and disposal. Regulated tariffs are reviewed every six months and broken down according to the territorial scheme with their differentiation by types, technological features. MSW removal and its regularity or multiplicity are included in the tariff charges.

Waste collection

The organization of waste collection involves an equipped site and the availability of containers for the collection and accumulation of waste.
MSW treatment, what is it in the receipt? Is it included in the payment for the use of containers? Separate waste collection is advisable if, after sorting, they will be used as secondary raw materials (plastic bottles, glass, paper, bulky waste).

Waste accumulation

After systematic storage and accumulation, MSW must be removed. Waste is taken to special landfills or some other places provided for these purposes. This is also integral part fees for the treatment of MSW in receipts.
Before the owners had time to deal with one abbreviation, a new concept arose. MSW and MSW: what is the difference? MSW is solid household waste. Until 2016, their handling was not subject to commercial accounting, which is carried out by calculation and based on their mass. Savings standards are determined based on the number of residents of an apartment building. The average mass of waste per tenant is calculated. Regular removal of waste from the places of their accumulation makes it possible to make an adequate account of them and calculate the accumulation standard according to the tariff. Measuring instruments are subject to certification. To work with them, you must have permission.

Waste treatment

Sorting of waste, their collection and preparation for disposal is processing for their subsequent use or disposal. The waste that is most suitable for use as secondary raw materials is sorted. For example, paper that has retained its consumer qualities may become suitable for use after processing as a raw material in paper and pulp production.

Disinfection / neutralization and disposal of waste

Disinfection is carried out by incineration, in order to extract ferrous and non-ferrous metals from waste with their subsequent reclamation. Municipal solid waste has properties that are determined by their morphological and fractional composition.
This composition has variable meanings in different climatic zones and seasonal patterns of change. These parameters determine the humidity, heat capacity and size of waste, which are taken into account when choosing methods for their disposal. Humidity contributes to their sticking together, and when they are neutralized in furnaces - to the walls of the drum. Fractional components of MSW can have abrasive properties and abrade each other during their compaction, such components include glass, porcelain, and metal parts. Waste density has a seasonal character, which defines it as the most pronounced in summer. The mass depends on the size of the settlement.

Waste is disposed of at specialized authorized landfills, which are called municipal solid waste landfills.
These are engineering structures that ensure the disposal of waste and the creation of conditions for their safe storage for a long period of time. Extraction of the filtrate in the process of compacting and pressing them in the conditions of the landfill is carried out in a special filtration compartment.

Impact of waste on the environment

Waste pollution is an environmental protection problem. To solve the problems of providing environmental safety human and natural environment, it is necessary to develop schemes that ensure the safety of waste management. Now it is clear that in the receipt "MSW treatment" is a payment for environmental, sanitary and epidemic safety, which consists in the service that guarantees it.

The environmental tension created by waste has not been resolved by innovations in the management of MSW since 2016, but creates the prerequisites for creating a safe environment within the city. Fulfillment of legally justified requirements in the arrangement of places for the accumulation and collection of waste creates conditions for their safe transportation. Reforms of housing and communal services include the treatment of MSW in the system of payments for utilities. This is reflected in the receipt, and payments are received by the regional operator, which territorially serves the public utilities.

MSW treatment - what is it in the receipt? This year, a phased transition to MSW (service for the treatment of municipal solid waste) from the service for the removal of municipal solid waste began. From this article, you will learn the intricacies of working with regional MSW operators, when changes will affect you and whether you will have new responsibilities.

Formally, the term "municipal solid waste" was introduced on January 1, 2016 and replaced MSW (municipal solid waste), and the treatment of MSW has become one of the public services. This is provided for by Part 4 of Art. 154 ZhK RF. From January 1, 2019, the procedure for payment for MSW has changed.

To start the transition in practice, it was first necessary to create a legal framework. In 2016–2017, the foundation was laid for:

  • approved the Rules for the treatment of municipal solid waste MSW (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156);
  • amendments were made to the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354 (hereinafter - Rules No. 354). These innovations are provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2017 No. 232 (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 232).

Who will provide municipal service for the treatment of MSW

You will provide this CG together with the regional operator for the treatment of MSW. You are responsible for the maintenance of the waste accumulation site (container site), and the regional operator is responsible for providing the WC itself, starting from the accumulation site.

Services for the removal of solid waste / MSW are excluded from the maintenance and repair of common property.

If the MKD is not equipped centralized system sewerage, then the removal of liquid household waste, as before, is the responsibility of the organization managing the MKD (subparagraph "e" of clause 11 of the Rules for the Maintenance of Common Property in the MKD, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 13.08.2006 No. 491 (hereinafter - Rules No. 491), clause 26 of the Minimum List of Services and Works Necessary to Ensure the Proper Maintenance of Common Property, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2013 No. 290 (hereinafter referred to as the Minimum List).

When will the new public services system start working?

The regional operator begins its work when two conditions are met:

  1. In the subject of the Russian Federation, a single tariff for the treatment of MSW has been approved.
  2. The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the regional operator for waste management entered into an agreement.


By this year, the transition from MSW to MSW management will be completed.

These conditions must be met by January 1, 2019. Such requirements are established by Part 20 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 No. 176-FZ and clause 2 of Resolution No. 232.

Until the two conditions above are met in your region, you continue to remove solid waste and collect fees for it in the old way.

How to work with a regional operator

You will need to conclude a standard contract for the provision of MSW management with a regional operator. Then you can legally provide this utility service to consumers. This is provided for in clause 148(7) of Rules No. 354. The standard form of the contract was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156.

  • MSW management and main problems on the way to its optimization

Agreements with owners of premises for the provision of a new service for the treatment of MSW

It will be you who will provide the CG for waste management to the container site and conclude an agreement with the owners of the premises in the MKD.

Which contract will need to be concluded depends on the method of managing the MKD:

  • in the management of the MA - an agreement on the management of MKD. It is concluded between the MA and the owners of residential premises and parking spaces, persons who received premises from the developer, or the developer, partnership or cooperative;
  • in the management of HOA, housing complex, housing cooperative - an agreement on the provision of public services for the treatment of MSW. It is concluded between a partnership or cooperative and the owners of residential premises and parking spaces.

With the direct method of managing the MKD, the contract for the provision of services for the treatment of MSW with the regional operator is concluded by the owners of the premises in the MKD.

This procedure is enshrined in paragraph 148(4) of Regulation No. 354.

Requirements for the provision of municipal services for the treatment of MSW

The main requirement is the frequency of waste removal. The frequency depends on the outside temperature:

  • in the cold season (at an average daily temperature of 5 ° C and below) - at least once every three days;
  • in warm time year (at an average daily temperature above 5 °C) - at least once a day (daily removal of MSW).

Permissible deviation of terms - no more than:

  • 72 hours (cumulative) within one month;
  • 48 hours at a time at an average daily air temperature of 5 °C and below;
  • 24 hours at a time at an average daily air temperature above 5 °C.


The regional operator must send you an offer to conclude an agreement within a month from the date of obtaining the corresponding status. Regardless of the method of managing the MKD, the regional operator concludes an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of MSW with the owners of non-residential premises (paragraph 3, clause 148(1) of Regulation No. 354).

For every 24 hours of deviation in total during the billing period in which it occurred, the fee is reduced by 3.3%.

The requirements are set out in VII Annex 1 to Regulation No. 354.

The KU for the treatment of municipal solid waste is not provided for general house needs. This is provided for in paragraph 148(29) of Regulation No. 354.

MSW fee on utility bill

When will it start in your region? new order, you will be required to exclude the garbage collection fee from the maintenance fee. “MSW handling” will need to be indicated on a separate line in the receipt.

The fee will be calculated based on the number of consumers permanently and temporarily residing in the premises, unless a decision has been made in the subject of the Russian Federation to calculate the fee based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling.

The amount of the fee for WC in the receipt for the treatment of municipal solid waste for the consumer is calculated according to the formulas 9(1)-9(8) of Appendix 2 to Regulation No. 354 (clauses 148(30), 148(31), 148(38)) . The calculation procedure depends on two factors:

  • whether the authority of the subject of the Russian Federation made a decision on the calculation of fees for the treatment of MSW based on the total area of ​​​​the dwelling;
  • separately or without separation, MSW is collected and accumulated in MKD.
  • About optimization of solid household waste management in the housing and communal services system
  • organization and maintenance of such places, including maintenance and cleaning of garbage chutes, waste bins, container sites;
  • organizing the collection of waste of I–IV hazard classes (hereinafter referred to as hazardous waste), for example, waste mercury-containing lamps;
  • transfer of hazardous waste to organizations licensed for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of such waste.

This is provided for in sub. "e(2)" paragraph 11 of Regulation No. 491 and paragraph 26(1) of the Minimum List.

From July 1, 2018, cities and towns in the south of the Kemerovo region switched to a new form of waste management. In this regard, consumers have many questions. We asked Marina Deryabina, Head of the Claims Processing Department, to answer the most common of them.

Why was it necessary to create a regional waste management operator?

The regional operator is fully responsible for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of municipal solid waste. This means that not a single garbage truck should pass by the municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill and dump garbage somewhere in the woods at the edge of the forest. Previously, some garbage carriers, in order to save on coupons for waste disposal, allowed themselves such actions. Numerous heaps of garbage in the suburban forests confirm this - these are clearly not leftovers from a picnic. The Regoperator is responsible for preventing the appearance of new and existing unauthorized dumps.

Why was transferred to the new waste management procedure only southern part Kemerovo region?

The Kemerovo region is divided into 2 zones: "South" and "North". In one of them, the competition for the selection of an organization that will receive the status of a Regional Operator was managed to be held within the time limits established by law, in the other, they were a little behind. From January 1, 2019 Northern part the region will also switch to a new waste management procedure. This is not a whim of some official, but a requirement of federal law.

Can homeowners in an apartment building regulate the amount of fees for waste management, for example, by entering into a waste collection agreement not every day, but every 2 days?

The payment of the population for waste management was formed from the formula: multiply the waste accumulation standard by the tariff for EKOTEK LLC and divide by 12 months. These norms and tariffs are approved by the Decrees of the REC of the Kemerovo Region. The frequency of waste removal is approved by sanitary regulations. The general meeting of owners does not have the authority to change any of these documents.

As a draft law, there is a discussion on a possible reduction in fees for waste management with separate collection of MSW, but this mechanism has not yet been approved.

Will there be incentives for paying for garbage collection and removal services? Where to go to get them?

The service for the collection, removal and disposal of MSW from July 1, 2018 refers to public services. Accordingly, all benefits that are provided for other utilities apply to it. To receive compensation, you must contact the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

At the same time, there is an important nuance: compensation is provided only if there is no debt for housing and communal services.

Who is obliged to conclude an agreement with the Regional Operator?

Such an agreement must be concluded by all legal entities, owners of private houses, owners of premises in the MKD. If the residents of the MKD have decided to switch to direct contracts with the regional operator and have provided a protocol on such a decision, the contract is considered concluded with all residents, otherwise, the contract is concluded by the Management Company. For owners of premises in apartment buildings, an agreement for the provision of services for the treatment of MSW, in accordance with the law, is a public offer. That is, the execution of the contract in writing is not mandatory.

The owners of private houses must themselves conclude an agreement for the treatment of MSW with a regional operator and pay him directly according to the issued receipts.

The contract form is posted on the official website of Ecotek LLC on the Internet

You cannot withdraw from the contract.

Why does the Regional Operator not remove construction and other waste?

The organization of the removal of construction waste is the responsibility of the owner. He himself must take care not only of who will repair his apartment, but also of who will then take out his waste for proper disposal. This provision of the law is not new, it's just that management companies have taught people to remove all waste from the container site, including construction waste. To the waste accumulation standard and, accordingly, to the fee for the waste management service construction garbage Excluded. This means that if the Criminal Code takes him out, he will issue an additional bill to the house. If the owners are ready to pay for the removal of construction waste for a negligent neighbor, then let them pay. If you want to save money on your house account, then you need to help the management company to identify the owner of construction waste and ensure that he himself organizes their removal and transfer for disposal.

Who is obliged to put things in order at the container site?

In accordance with the requirements of the law, the owner is responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the waste accumulation site. If a container yard is installed next to an apartment building, then the responsibility, depending on the form of management chosen by the owners, lies with the managing organization or the association of property owners. The responsibility of the regional operator arises from the moment the garbage is loaded into the garbage truck.

Should the owner of a private house pay for waste disposal if he does not have any, because he burns or buries garbage on his site?

For owners of residential buildings, the conclusion of contracts for services for the treatment of MSW is mandatory. An exception can be made only if the place where the waste is buried meets all sanitary requirements and standards, which cannot be done in a private household. Incineration of waste without special equipment that cleans emissions is prohibited. Plus, a license is required for handling waste of I-IV hazard classes. For violation of all these rules, the owner of the house or land can be fined. Therefore, it will be easiest to conclude an agreement with the RO.

Will the regional operator be responsible for cleaning roads in winter period in the private sector, because otherwise there is no way to get to the places of accumulation of waste for their removal?

The clearing of roads in the private sector in the winter period must be organized by local governments of the municipality. CTOs or street committees can be of great help in this matter. A regional operator, as, indeed, a fire brigade or Ambulance, is not engaged in clearing roads of the private sector from snow.

One of the tasks of the regional operator is the fight against unauthorized dumps. Does this work also “sit” in the tariff for waste management?

The regional operator is obliged to respond to requests received by him from unauthorized dumps: go to the site, draw up an act, take a photo of the violation, determine the coordinates of this place and send a notice demanding to eliminate the accumulation of waste to the owner of the land on which it was found.

If the owner does not eliminate the landfill within 30 days on your own, then the regional operator is obliged to remove it with the subsequent recovery of the costs incurred in court.

Where to go if the payment receipt indicates a larger number of residents than it actually is?

If the fee for the removal and disposal of MSW is calculated incorrectly, then you can contact the regional office of the regional operator Ecotek LLC in your city or call the multi-channel phone 8-800-550-52-42.

To correct, you must provide the appropriate supporting documents. For example, if one person is registered in an apartment, and the fee is set for two, then you need to provide a certificate from the MFC on the number of registered people (apartment card).

Whom should I contact on issues of non-export, poor-quality removal of MSW?

In this case, you can contact your managing organization or directly to the RO by calling 8-800-550-5242 (multichannel telephone of operators).

Feedback methods with Ecotech LLC:

Phone: 8-800-550-52-42

Branches of the Subscriber Service of Ecotek LLC:

Novokuznetsk, pr. Metallurgov, 48, 1st floor
Tashtagol, st. Pospelova, 5A, 3rd floor
Osinniki, per. Green, 16, 2nd floor
Mezhdurechensk, st. Goncharenko, 4a, 2nd floor
Kiselevsk, st. Transportnaya, 54, 1st floor
Prokopyevsk, st. Esenina, 48, 1st floor
Myski, st. Lenina, 11, 3rd floor

TKO is an abbreviation that has appeared relatively recently. Previously, the name "MSW" appeared in all documents. In addition to changing the name of the waste group, some amendments were made to the law regarding the rules for handling MSW and the procedure for calculating standards. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant for most of our population.

The concept of “municipal solid waste” (MSW) was established and defined in Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ(as amended on November 28, 2015). Aspects of this law govern certain requirements for waste management.

According to the law, MSW is waste that is constantly generated in residential buildings as a result of the use of any goods by residents. MSW also includes items that have become unusable in the process of their consumption by residents of houses for personal and domestic purposes. In addition to the waste that accumulates during the life of individuals, the group of MSW includes waste generated in the work of organizations and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs, which, in terms of its component content, is close to waste from residential premises.

Composition of MSW

The law spells out the rights and obligations of authorities at different levels in the field of MSW management. It also contains the rules for obtaining a license by organizations that wish to collect, transport, process, and dispose of municipal waste.

In each subject of the Russian Federation, by law, special organizations must be created that perform all actions with MSW - regional operators. When selecting regional operators that are legal entities, a competition is held, as a result of which the winning organization receives a permit to implement MSW management activities in the regions of the entire subject of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years.

Producers and importers of products are required by law to dispose of the waste generated after consumption of these products. If this obligation is not fulfilled, then importers and manufacturers pay a certain amount of environmental tax.

This law came into force on January 1, 2015, except for some of its aspects, for which other effective dates have been determined (or changed).

Hazard Class

The entire list of types of waste that make up MSW can be found in the FKKO. According to this classification catalog, it is also possible to determine the hazard class of a particular type of municipal waste. As a rule, a greater number of different groups of MSW are assigned to the IV or V class of waste hazard.

Handling rules

All the rules for handling MSW are detailed in the document “On MSW Handling” dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156 established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Let's get acquainted with some aspects of the Rules.

The document states that all manipulations with MSW must be carried out in conditions of safety for people and the natural environment.

The organization appointed by the regional operator draws up an agreement with consumers, according to which this organization becomes responsible for all stages of municipal waste management. The operator's activities are determined by the program of the region in the field of MSW management and are carried out in accordance with the relevant territorial scheme.

Actions related to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and storage of MSW are carried out directly by the regional operator or with the help of other organizations dealing with waste.

MSW storage sites for consumers are determined in the contract concluded with the regional operator. Waste collection can be carried out:

  • in houses in waste collection chambers equipped with special containers;
  • in containers of different volumes located on specially designated areas on the street;
  • in disposable (packages) or other containers provided by the operator himself.

Bulky waste should be stored:

  • in bunkers on sites;
  • in a specially designated area for large-scale waste.

According to the Rules, the priority technology for MSW processing is the one that allows automated waste sorting. Also, preference for waste disposal is given to technologies that provide the final production of secondary raw materials for various industries.

An important point in the processing of MSW is the exclusion from the total mass of hazardous waste (classes I and II) so that they do not end up in landfills.

The Rules spell out all the possible reasons, according to which the activities of regional operators may be terminated.

Savings standards

MSW accumulation standards are specified in the Decree of the Government of Russia dated April 4, 2016 No. 269.

Note! When determining the standard values, the garbage generated during the cleaning of adjacent territories is also taken into account.

For any differentiated category of objects, the standards are determined separately. To establish standard values, waste is measured in accordance with established rules.

In order to calculate the standards, special formulas are used that determine the following indicators:

  1. The average per day standard for the season, which can be expressed in different units of measurement depending on the use of mass or volume values.
  2. The average daily standard in different seasons (periods of the year), which can also be expressed in units of mass or volume per 1 calculation unit / day.
  3. Average monthly and annual standards.


The density of MSW (formerly MSW) is determined in the process of calculating waste accumulation standards. This is an important indicator, for the establishment of which it is necessary to know the volume and mass of garbage. For this purpose, the accumulated waste is leveled and their parameters are measured using a special ruler. After that, MSW is weighed and the mass of the container is subtracted from the obtained value of the total mass. Using the numbers obtained, the subsequent calculation of the average waste density is carried out, in which it is necessary to determine the daily rate of accumulation (depending on the number of residents), the average monthly and average annual standards, and the annual rate of MSW. Only by calculating the standards, you can determine the value of the average density.

Additional Information! The above calculations must be carried out by specialists in compliance with the norms and formulas specified in our legislation. In addition, certain equipment is required to carry out such work.

MSW recycling

Every year, over 70 million tons of MSW are generated in our country. Almost all waste can be recycled. However, in Russia, most municipal waste is simply stored in landfills, the area of ​​​​which is constantly increasing. This method of waste disposal is irrational both economically and environmentally. Therefore, the issue of proper processing of MSW requires close attention of the authorities and environmental services.

Consider the main methods of disposal of municipal waste that exist today.

Burial. The cheapest way. However, it has many disadvantages. When waste is decomposed at landfills, toxic substances are released into the environment that pollute water, atmosphere and soil. At the same time, vast territories are required, which, after the elimination of the landfill, will be unusable for a long time. When implementing this method, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the location of landfills: they must be created outside the boundaries of settlements, recreation areas and water protection, medical institutions.

Burning. A common method today. The product of the process is ash, the volume of which is much less than the volume of MSW before incineration. The ash is usually taken to landfills. This method also has certain disadvantages associated with a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, they are trying to improve it through the use of afterburning furnaces with a gas purification system and an electric power generator.

An environmentally more rational method is pyrolysis - the decomposition of waste in the absence of air at high temperatures.

Composting. A method for the decomposition of the organic component of the garbage. Its essence is to create compost heaps in which waste is laid. In such heaps, decomposition of organic components occurs due to the activity of microorganisms. The disadvantage of this method is that an unpleasant odor appears during the biodegradation of waste. Also, the method requires preliminary sorting of garbage.

MSW processing. Most of the waste can be recycled to produce new materials and products. The method allows saving natural resources, protecting the environment and obtaining a cheap raw material base.

Different components of MSW are recycled in different ways.

Metal materials are sorted, pressed and packaged, after which the processed waste is sent to metallurgical enterprises for the purpose of remelting.

Plastic components serve as raw materials for the production of new products: polyester sheets and fibers, etc.

From glass residues, technical glass is obtained, which is used in construction work. In the process of processing, sorting, cleaning, drying, crushing and heating of raw materials are carried out for the purpose of further remelting.

Paper waste (together with fresh raw materials) is used to produce new paper. The collected waste paper is sorted, cleaned, in some cases decolorized and then sent to pulp and paper mills.

Many building materials (for example, fiberboard, chipboard), fuel briquettes, pellets, etc. are produced from wood waste.

Discarded electrical appliances are often a source of non-ferrous metals and polymers suitable for further use as raw materials.

Oil-containing wastes (asphalt, bitumen) are also processed.

Thus, the processing of each type of MSW is carried out according to different technologies, therefore, the most important stage of this method of disposal is waste sorting.

TV correspondents talk about one of the modern landfills for MSW, located in the Vologda region, about the principles of its operation and the problems of unauthorized dumps

Innovations regarding the rules for working with MSW are not yet clear to every inhabitant of our country. The change in the name itself (MSW to MSW) and the updated process for making payments for the provision of waste management services caused a lot of controversy. Unfortunately, only outdated methods of disposal of solid municipal (domestic) waste remain unchanged.

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