Festive program for June 12 of the year. Russia Day

Fashion & Style 13.08.2020

AT as part of the celebration of the Day of Russia large-scale events will be held in the capital.

Visitors are waiting poems from Pushkin's robot, tea drinking from a two-meter samovar, master classes in making flags and much more. Ten parks will host free film screenings.


On Fountain Square on the Day of Russia from 13:00 to 21:00 there will be concerts and DJ sets. At 4:00 pm, Nashi in the City street music festival starts on Festivalnaya Square with the participation of Russian bands playing mainly in the pop-rock style.

Two days, June 11 and 12, Sokolniki Park visitors will be able to communicate with Pushkin the robot. The android will be brought from the "Robostation" to VDNKh, he has an outward resemblance to the poet and can read more than 600 of his poems. You can listen to his performance of your favorite excerpts from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" or the novel "Eugene Onegin" from 12:00 to 18:00 next to the Rotunda stage, not far from the main entrance to the park.

Hermitage Garden

On the Day of Russia in the Hermitage Garden organize a tea party from a giant samovar as part of the I All-Russian festival of Russian feast and hospitality "Samovarfest". Guests will be treated to tea from a two-meter brass samovar from 12:00 to 21:00. At the same time, 500 people will be able to drink a hot drink from it.

Also in the Hermitage Garden there will be a free screening of the Russian film "After You" (2016) directed by Anna Matison with Sergei Bezrukov in leading role. Start at 21:00.

Tagansky park

Day of Russia in the park will begin with the distribution of thousands of ribbons of the colors of the Russian tricolor. Guests will be invited to participate in the creation of a giant flag. The action starts at 15:00. Entrance to the event from Taganskaya street.

In the evening there will be a free screening of the Russian comedy melodrama "Without Borders" (2015), consisting of four short stories about love. The session starts at 18:00.

Poklonnaya Gora

On the Square of the Victors there will be a concert of creative teams and performers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Police. From 10:00 to 18:00 in honor of the holiday eternal flame there will be a guard of honor watch.

Also on stage will be Alexander Rosenbaum, Zara, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Ivanov and the Rondo group, Jasmine, Alexander Buinov, Stas Piekha and others.


On this day Moscow's best music and dance groups will perform at several specially constructed venues located on and near Voznesenskaya Square. An amazing variety of genres awaits you: from classics and folklore, to pop and dance!

sunset sky, Spectacular light, bell ringing and the stars of the Helikon-Opera Theater - the enchanting finale of the celebration of the Day of Russia in Kolomenskoye!

Park "Gardeners"

June 12 will be held in the park Mini Grand Prix of Russia: from 10:00 to 14:00 young champions from 1 to 6 years old will take part in the balance bike competition. Fountain Square will turn into an obstacle course for the race: the athletes will have to go around all the obstacles and get to the finish line first.

During the whole day sports and active games on the lawns of the park: badminton, frisbee, discgolf, at the end of the competitive day - a picnic.

At 18:00 on Fontannaya Square the brass band "Modern" will perform the Anthem of Russia and other famous melodies. Also on Russia Day in Sadovniki Park, volunteers will hand out traditional tricolor ribbons.


"Russian Engineering School" will introduce visitors to robotics: from 11:00 to 17:00 on the green lawn, a family workshop for parents with children from 3 years old is waiting for the participants of the holiday. Programming and building lessons will be held on LEGO Mindstorms and LEGO WeDo.

At 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00 the bowling alley robot competition starts on the lawn: guests will assemble and program androids, then send them to the “battlefield”. The task is for the maximum a short time knock down skittles with a robot without leaving the circle of the ring.

At the same time, at 11:30, 13:30 and 15:30, a special track for Brontosaurus radio-controlled cars will unfold on the lawn.

At 12:00 at the playground the scientific and interactive show "Children of Einstein" will begin: safe explosions of hydrogen balloons, creation of a festive hairstyle and soda, salvation from the heat with a vortex generator.

From 17:00 to 19:00 - concert: children's creative teams will rise to the main stage, songs about Moscow and the Russian anthem will be performed by the Rock'n'Lora group. At 20:00 on the playground - an open screening of the film "After You". Starring Sergei Bezrukov.

Krasnaya Presnya

June 12 at 14:00 The holiday will begin with a lecture by historians on Russian state symbols. From 15:00 to 17:00 master classes in aircraft modeling and kite design will be held.

From 17:00 on the stage of the park bands will perform. The holiday will end with a film screening at the summer cinema. The broadcast of the film "After You" will begin at 20:00.

Fili Park

On Russia Day Fili park visitors will be entertained with football master classes, relay races and dance programs. In the evening, guests are waiting for a mass launch of balloons into the sky and a show documentary film"Grand Maket Russia" in the summer cinema. Start at 21:00.

In Goncharovsky park guests will be able to take part in sports competitions and watch a power extreme tournament among women. Outdoor games and quizzes are organized for children. The festive evening will end with a concert on the main stage.

Visitors to Perovsky Park also the whole day will be entertained with musical concerts. In the evening, visitors will have a quiz and a screening of the film "Wedding in Malinovka". Start at 20:00.

In Vorontsovsky park you can see the photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society "Peoples of Russia". At 20:00, the film "Courier" will be shown in the park.

In the Lilac Garden from 15:00 to 17:00 guests will be treated to a performance by stilt walkers, an informative lecture and a master class on creating a flag.

In the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow there will be an open-air disco.

Guests of the holiday in Babushkinsky Park waiting for master classes, a photo exhibition, animation and concert programs, as well as a film screening at 19:00.

Free film screenings

In the network of cinemas MOSKINO screenings of the best domestic films of the 20th century - winners of major European festivals will be held. On the big screen are the films that conquered Cannes, Berlin and Venice.

Movies on the program Alexander Sokurov, Alexei German Jr., Alexei Popogrebsky, paintings by Nikolai Ekk 1, the director of the first films with color and sound, films by Grigory Chukhrai, nominated for the Oscar and the Palme d'Or, and others.

It is celebrated in our country on June 12. This is one of the youngest, but significant public holidays, for which large-scale holiday programs are being prepared in large cities. FBA "Economy Today" will talk about the events planned for this day in Moscow.

History of the Day of Russia

In 1990, on June 12, at the very first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. Two years later, the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution according to which new holiday- "The day of the adoption of the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation." Its second name is Independence Day. The adoption of the declaration was the beginning of a new era in the life of the state, which has interesting story, and its people have a great will, which has been confirmed more than once in the most difficult moments of life.

In 1998, the head of state, Boris Yeltsin, proposed to rename the holiday to Russia Day. Since the adoption in 2002 of a new Labor Code, this name remained behind this holiday.

In 2018 Russia Day falls on a Tuesday. But since the working day of June 11 was postponed by the decision of the government to Saturday, June 9, the Russians will rest for three days - from June 10 to June 12 inclusive.

Specially for the Day of Russia, festive programs are being prepared, which include a variety of events - from patriotic rallies and gatherings of activists to grandiose concerts, festivals, sports competitions and fireworks.

On June 12, the ceremony of presenting state awards by the President of the Russian Federation takes place in the Kremlin: recognition at the highest level of the talent of Russians, successes and skills is an invariable tradition of Russia Day.

Program of events for the Day of Russia in Moscow

The main events dedicated to the Day of Russia holiday will be held in the capital on June 11 and 12. The center of Moscow and large parks - all of them will become festive venues. And the main street of the capital - Tverskaya - will turn into a pedestrian one for the duration of several festivals at once. One of them is “Moscow through the prism of epochs. The city that always hears the time, lives it in its rhythms and opens towards the future.” The venues of the festival will be dedicated to seven cultural epochs of the 20th and 21st centuries: "The Time of the Classics" (1900s), "The Formation of a New State" (1920s), "The Land of Victorious Socialism and the Post-War Years" (1930s - 1940s) ), Thaw (1950 - 1960s), Time for Changes (1970s - 1980s), "Time new Russia"(1990s - the beginning of the XXI century) and" Modernity "(2010s).

Each of the venues will host a rich cultural program corresponding to the theme of the era. In addition to performances by artists and musical groups, 20 sports zones will be organized here, where children and adults will be able to practice with experienced instructors. It is also planned to install seven FIFA football cyber-zones.

On June 10, 11 and 12, Muscovites and guests of the capital are invited to free walking tours dedicated to the history and life of the capital, as well as its famous residents. A whole cycle has been prepared, consisting of 27 excursion programs. Guides of the city project "Walking around Moscow" will lead the tours. To get into the group (up to 60 people), you need to register on the project website.

On the evening of June 12, a festive concert with the participation of popular performers will take place on Red Square.

By tradition, the celebration of the Day of Russia will end with fireworks, which will begin at 22:00.

The main fireworks - 500 volleys in 5 minutes - will take place next to the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. Launches will also be made at other sites: in Pobeda Park on Poklonnaya Gora, on Lyzhnetskaya Embankment, at VDNKh and Novo-Peredelkino, in Izmailovo and Kuzminki, in Southern Butovo and Mitino, as well as in 3elenograd, Troitsk and near Borisovsky Prydy.

Moscow celebrates Russia Day 2017: On Sunday, June 12, more than 150 different festive events will take place in the capital in honor of Russia Day. The main event will be a concert on Red Square with the participation of popular artists and fireworks.

A wide cultural and sports program awaits the residents of the capital during the celebration of the Day of Russia. There will be many options for where to go and how to spend the day with benefit. Festive events will be held throughout the capital. And since this Day of Russia is an official holiday, citizens will have a great opportunity to visit interesting places Moscow to participate and view the festive program.

Day of Russia 2017. Program of events

Festive events will be held at VDNKh, Gorky Park and Poklonnaya Hill. Fairs and festivals will work in Moscow on June 12. Various sports competitions are planned in the parks. Children will enjoy watching the kite show and the launch of hot air balloons.

Free film screenings will be held in 10 parks of the capital on June 12. In the Hermitage Garden, Krasnaya Presnya Park, Izmailovsky and Kuzminki Park, you can watch the film After You (2016) with the participation of Sergei Bezrukov. Visitors to Tagansky Park are waiting for the comedy about love of 2015 "Without Borders". Lianozovsky, Vorontsovsky and Perovsky parks will show "Girls", "Courier" and "Wedding in Malinovka".

And a giant samovar will be brought to the Hermitage garden on the Day of Russia. There will be held the festival of Russian feast and hospitality "Samovarfest". It is planned to create a giant tricolor in Taganka Park. Concerts and DJ sets are scheduled for May 12 at Fontannaya Square.

Day of Russia 2017 in Moscow: Full celebration program

Among the biggest events are the gala concert of the festival "Shield and Lyre" in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, which will be held from 18.00 to 22.00, the music festival "Russia" in the museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" from 12.00 to 20.00, cultural and entertainment scheme with the exposition of the State Tretyakov Gallery "Art of the 20th century" in Pobednaya Square as part of the "Cherry Forest" festival.

The central event of the celebration of the Day of Russia will be a performance on Red Square with the participation of leading musical artists, which will begin at 17.30 and end at 22.00. Among the stars will be Yolka, Igor Krutoy, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Bilan, Semantic Hallucinations, Alexander F. Sklyar, Valeria, Philip Kirkorov and Alexander Rosembaum. After the end of the event, a solemn salute awaits visitors.

Russia Day 2017 in Moscow: Sokolniki

On June 12, Sokolniki Park will host 4 large-scale events. At 12:00 on Festivalnaya Square, the “Big Training” of the Match TV television channel starts, at which the honored Russian moto extreme sportsman Marat Kankadze will perform. Football fans, especially fans of the capital's "Spartak", will be able to look at the Cup of the Russian Football Premier League, which the red - white won this year for the first time in 16 years.

After training and until 21:00 - a concert "Our people in the city" with the participation of young artists. The headliner of the event is the rock band "7B", popular, in particular, thanks to the song "Young Winds".
There will be something to see on Fountain Square: there will be another concert from 13:00 to 21:00, and guests of the park are also scheduled to meet with four-time Olympic champion in gymnastics Alexei Nemov.
From 11:00 to 20:00 on the stage "Rotonda" will be held the III Moscow Festival of Contemporary Literature. Among the visitors of the event was video blogger Nikolai Sobolev, who gathered more than 3 million subscribers on YouTube in a record period. He will present his own recently published book "The Way to Success".

Russia Day 2017 in Moscow: Krasnaya Presnya

In the Krasnaya Presnya park, they will learn how to competently fly kites and design airplanes. In addition, there will be a lesson on the history of the national flag.

From two o'clock there will be a performance by Russian Radio. The event will be hosted by the authors of the early show "Russian Peppers" and TV and radio host Dmitry Olenin. Speakers include Sati Casanova, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov.

Moscow celebrates Russia Day 2017: Pushkinskaya Square
The festival town "Multinational Russia" will start working on the square from 12 o'clock. Tents "Country of cartoons" will be presented (cartoons about various settlements and peoples), the interactive "Power of Crafts" - a forge with a peck and anvil, the inspirited workshop "Land of Dolls" will open its own door. The guests will also be interested in the exposition "Country in Detail", showing the diversity of absolutely all 85 regions of the Russian Federation.

At 14:00 a big concert will begin with the participation of national groups and artists. The event will be hosted by actress Yana Poplavskaya and performer Zarif Norov. The festival was initiated by the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs.

Russia Day 2017 in Moscow: Poklonnaya Hill

The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War will open its doors on Poklonnaya Hill for free. On the Day of Russia, everyone will be able to visit dioramas, visit expositions and exhibitions, as well as open areas for weapons and military equipment.

The main event will be the patriotic flash mob "Symbols of Russia". Hundreds of students, teenagers, members of youth and public organizations the flag of the Russian Federation will be unfurled, and the anthem will be performed to the accompaniment of a brass band.

Day of Russia 2017 in Moscow: Tverskaya street, Teatralny proezd and Triumfalnaya square

Free excursions and fireworks await Moscow residents on Russia Day

From 12:00 to 20:00 on the section from Pushkinskaya Square to Manezhnaya, as well as on Okhotny Ryad, a large-scale celebration of the Day of the History of Russia will take place. The site will be divided into 17 thematic zones. So, on the territory of "Dyakovskaya culture" they will demonstrate the activities of weavers, potters and jewelers, in the zone "Rus and neighbors" - equipment Russian troops, and on the site "USSR in the 30s" it will be possible to play board games, listen to songs with a guitar, look at the parade of athletes and an exhibition of retro cars. The space dedicated to the Great Patriotic War will host courses for machine gunners, nurses and air defense fighters.

In the Theater passage at the same time will pass special equestrian program. The main performances are performances by the team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School "Traditions of Equestrian Russia".
Art lovers will definitely want to head to Triumphalnaya Square - there will be an exhibition Tretyakov Gallery"The Art of the 20th Century" and the "Cherry Forest" Festival.

Day of Russia 2017 in Moscow: Festival "Multinational Russia"

12.00 - opening of the festival town on Pushkinskaya Square;

14.00 - press conference with the participation of the winners and members of the jury of the All-Russian children's competition "Dolls in national costumes of the peoples of Russia";

15.00 - 15.20 - musical and dance improvisations "Parade of Friendship of Peoples";

15.30 - 15.50 - the official part and the anthem of Russia performed by the participants of the concert;

15.50 - 20.00 - big concert program.

On the occasion of the Day of Russia, the Hermitage Garden will host a festival of samovars called Samovarfest. On the occasion of this holiday, the largest wood-fired samovar will be brought to the capital. The volume of this samovar is 300 liters. It will be included in the Russian Book of Records as the tallest brass samovar in the country.

The festival "Shield and Lyre" will be held on June 12 from 17:00 to 22:00. As part of this event, a gala concert of the winners of the XII festival is planned. musical creativity Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shield and Lyre" with the participation of popular creative teams, performers from among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Police.

Music Festival "Russia"will be held in the Kolomenskoye Reserve from 12:00 to 22:00:

12.00 - ensemble "Fidgets" (stage on a potato field), folklore ensemble "Besedushka" (interactive on the grass),
State Brass Band of Russia (at the entrance to the park);

12.30 - Moscow Chamber Orchestra Musica Viva (stage near the honey factory);

13.00 - Lyudmila Ryumina and the ensemble "Rusy" (stage near the Church of the Ascension of the Lord), children's hour with the theater of people and puppets "Eccentrics" (interactive on the grass);

13.30 - State Orchestra "Guslars of Russia" (stage on a potato field), State Brass Band of Russia (at the entrance to the park), Moscow Chamber Orchestra Musica Viva (pavilion of 1825);

14.00 - accordion ensemble "Russian timbre" (stage near the honey factory), Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater (interactive on the grass);

2.30 pm - ensemble of sacred music "Blagovest" (pavilion of 1825);

15.00 - Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble (stage at the Church of the Ascension of the Lord), the State Academic Orchestra of Soloists "Russian Patterns" (stage on the potato field), children's hour with the theater of people and puppets "Eccentrics" (interactive on the grass);

15.30 - soloists of the New Opera Theater (stage near the honey factory);

16.00 - soloists of the theater "Helikon-Opera", a ball in the noble estate (pavilion of 1825), Dmitry Pokrovsky's ensemble (interactive on the grass);

16.30 - stars of the show "Dancing" on TNT channel Adam and Nastya Cherednikova, dance flash mob (stage at the Church of the Ascension of the Lord), Moscow State Academic Dance Theater "Gzhel" (stage on the potato field);

17.00 - State Chapel of Moscow named after Vadim Sudakov (stage at the mead factory);

18.00 - theater "Helikon-Opera", gala concert (stage near the Church of the Ascension of the Lord).

Another interesting event scheduled for June 12 is the demonstration performance of the Presidential Regiment's horse escort. In Teatralny Proyezd, riders will demonstrate the art of riding and the skill of rebuilding in the best traditions of equestrian ceremonial.

On June 12, Perovsky Park will host a sports festival dedicated to the Day of Russia from 11:00 to 13:00. There you can do fitness exercises and get a master class from athletes and professional instructors.

Day of Russia 2017. Salute. Salute points on the map

Red Square will, of course, become the central platform for the Day of Russia. Solemn events here will begin at 17:00 - a big gala concert. True, to get to it, you will need special invitations. But the fireworks, which at ten o'clock in the evening will decorate the capital's sky, can be seen from almost anywhere in the city: volleys will be launched at the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge.

Fireworks on Russia Day 2017. Where is the best place to watch fireworks

  1. Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora - point No. 1 on the Alley of Partisans, 400 meters from the Museum of the Great Patriotic War
  2. Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora - point number 2 on the hill at the entrance platform
  3. Luzhniki - Lyzhnetskaya embankment, opposite the Big Sports Arena
  4. VDNKh - on the square between Agricultural Street and the north gate of VDNKh
  5. Novo-Peredelkino - a wasteland on the bank of the pond, Fedocino street, house 18
  6. Lianozovo - on the bank of Altyfievskiy pond, Novgorodskaya street, 38
  7. Izmailovo - a town named after Bayman, a site on the shore of the Silver-Grape Pond
  8. Kyzminki - POCTO site, 3areche street, house 3A, building 1
  9. Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo - the territory of the Tyshino airfield, 500 meters south-west of the Bolokolamskoe highway
  10. Mitino - park behind the Aquamarine sports complex, Polovka street, house 5
  11. Obrychevo - a sports ground 60 meters southeast of the main building of the RUDN University, Miklyxo-Maklaya street, house 6 building 1
  12. Borisovskie Prydy - area of ​​the embankment of the Moscow River, Borisovskie Prydy street, house 25, building 2
  13. South Butovo - on the bank of Chernevsky Pond, Akademika Pontryagin street, house 11, building 3
  14. Levoberezhny district - Friendship Park, a site near the sculpture "Friendship of Continents", Festivalnaya Street, 2B
  15. 3elenograd - on the bank of the pond in Pobedy park, Ozernaya alley, house 8
  16. Troitsk - on the territory of the PAH Institute of Physics, 300 meters north-east property 11, Physical street, property 11

Fireworks for the Day of Russia 2017. Fireworks points on the map

Below you can find interactive map location of fireworks. In other words, see where the fireworks will be on the map.

Day of Russia 2017. Parking

In Moscow, on June 12, motorists will be able to leave their cars for free in parking spaces, according to website Moscow parking. It will be possible to leave a car without payment at any parking lot located on the street and road network and included in the parking space zone of the capital.

At the same time, flat parking lots with barriers will remain paid and will operate at current rates. CEO GKU "Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space" (AMPP) Alexander Grivnyak noted that drivers need to follow the rules traffic and leave cars only in permitted places.

Day of Russia 2017. History of the holiday

Russia Day before, until 2002, had the name Independence Day of Russia. Russia Day is a public holiday, and is one of the "youngest" holidays in the country.

Numerous surveys periodically conducted by the media or sociological services show that every year the number of Russians who do not know what date Russia Day is being celebrated is decreasing. The "Levada-Center" took up the statistical study. The opinions of Russians about the celebration of this day were studied. The information received showed that less than 1/2 of the population considers the holiday to be the Day of Russia.

A significant proportion of Russians call the solemn date Independence Day. A few more percent of residents consider the event to be the Day of the Declaration of Independence. Some perceive June 12 as the date of the election of the first Russian president.

Representatives of different generations already almost all confidently call the 12th day of the first summer month a holiday, a significant percentage of patriots consider it a significant date.

Russia Day: Popularity among the people

Despite the policy of popularizing the holiday, not all Russians know what holiday June 12 is. The Levada Center conducted a corresponding survey. The opinions of Russians about what is celebrated on June 12 in Russia are divided between Russia Day, Independence Day, and the Day of the Declaration of Independence. Some people remember that the first Russian president was elected on that day. In general, less than half of Russians know that June 12 is the day of Russia.

Such data was obtained according to the Levada Center:

47% of respondents - chose the correct option - the day of Russia;

33% live back in the early 2000s and voted for Independence Day;

6% - remembered Boris Yeltsin;

8% - did not answer;

4% - said that this is not a holiday at all;

2% - suggested options that stand out from the general list.

Day of Russia: At the government level

Russians subconsciously draw an analogy between the day of Russia, calling it Independence Day, and Independence Day in the United States. This is fundamentally not true. If the United States gained independence at the same time, from the moment the Declaration was signed, then Russia has been independent for a very long time, and the date of the proclamation of Russia as a state cannot be specifically named.

However, not only ordinary people they don’t know what holiday June 12 is, they find it difficult to determine it even at the top. As deputy Nikolai Pavlov rightly noted in 2007, the beginning of the Declaration of Sovereignty declares Russia to be part of the Soviet Union. The exact text is as follows: “Parrying, Alexei Mitrofanov generally stated that with the same success, on a par with a national holiday, June 12 can be considered the day of the Liberal Democratic Party, because on that day Zhirinovsky took 3rd place in the presidential election, which secured himself an influential place in politics." This is such a mess.

Day of Russia: History of the holiday

At the state level, this is, of course, the most important holiday today. This is the date from which the formation of a new statehood based on the principles of democracy, civil law, and federalism began.

At first, the people were not up to the holidays. June 12 - what a holiday! A difficult situation in the country, default after default, crisis after crisis ... There is no time to delve into the essence political situation- to feed myself and my family. At that time, polls were also conducted, and the results were not impressive - at the mention of Independence Day, people's eyes did not light up with patriotism, they did not understand the essence of the holiday. The only thing that pleased the Russians was an extra day off, which could be devoted to rest. The authorities, of course, sought to popularize the holiday, held rallies and demonstrations, but this was somehow held without enthusiasm.

All the same B. Yeltsin decided to change the meaning of the holiday by changing the name. In 1998, a proposal was made to rename it the Day of Russia, but the final decision was made only in 2002.

Today is the day of Russia is a symbol national unity, Motherland, freedom, peace and harmony. The patriotism of the people is growing, perhaps this happened due to the successful winter Olympics in Sochi, the annexation of Crimea. Although we have not yet fully realized the importance of this holiday, but, undoubtedly, we have begun to relate to it much better. Perhaps the whole reason is that life in the country has improved somewhat.

Day of Russia: And what happened before ...

Celebrating the Day of Russia today, June 12, one should not forget about the centuries-old history and traditions of the state, because its formation did not take place in 1990, but much earlier, informs w. There were times when the glory of the state burned even brighter. And the fact that today we are independent is not the result of the signing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, but the centuries-old efforts of our ancestors, who earned this right at the cost of their blood and happiness.

There was an event in the history of Russia, which in its significance is comparable to the signing of the 1990 Declaration. This event is the election of Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky as Prince of Rostov and Suzdal. It happened on June 4, 1157. As a result, northeastern Russia became independent in relation to Kyiv, and Andrei Bogolyubsky became the first elected prince. This is where the parallels need to be drawn.

Later, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, in which Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled, became the Grand Duchy of Moscow. And already it served as the basis for an independent Russian state. This is how Kievan Rus collapsed, this is how the Soviet Union collapsed. Thank God that we managed to preserve the foundations of statehood at that distant time and in our recent past.

On June 10, 11 and 12, Moscow will host 114 events dedicated to the Day of Russia. The celebration will reach an unprecedented scale by June 12 - Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to attend several festivals, gala concerts and flash mobs at once in almost all districts of the capital.

Russia Day this year will be remembered for several festivals at once. As Ruposters already wrote, from June 1 to June 12, the capital hosts a grandiose historical festival "Times and Epochs. Collection", which brought together more than 6 thousand reenactors from all over the world.

It will end on the Day of Russia with a big holiday on Tverskaya Street and Okhotny Ryad. There will be 17 thematic zones for the guests of the festival, dedicated to different eras - from the period of princely Russia to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

20 city parks are waiting for Muscovites and guests of the capital with special programs. Visitors can expect quests, master classes, an exhibition of national costumes and antique exhibits, a fashion show and a number of other entertainments.

June 12 The Hermitage Garden will host the "Samovarfest", for which the organizers will bring a large wood-burning samovar "Moskva" with a volume of 300 liters. It is planned that this samovar will enter the Book of Records of Russia as the tallest samovar in the country.

On Triumfalnaya Square, within the framework of the XVII Cherry Forest Festival, an exposition of the State Tretyakov Gallery "Art of the XX century" will be presented. Guests of the Tagansky Park on the Day of Russia will be able to participate in the creation of a giant "living" flag. The band will also perform on the stage of the park with a program composed of musical hits of the 1920-1930s.

The Bauman Garden will host a festival of new drama "Theatre. New Forms", which will start at 13:00 and last until 20:00. A freestyle show and a musical and poetic performance will take place on the main stage. The Kuzminki park will host competitions in assembling robots, as well as races of radio-controlled cars for speed. At eight o'clock in the evening, the film "After You" with Sergei Bezrukov will be shown in the park.

In the evening, visitors to Fili Park will see a mass launch of balloons into the sky and a screening of the documentary film "Grand Maket Russia" in a summer cinema. A mass bike ride will take place in the Sadovniki park. In addition, badminton, frisbee and disc golf games will be organized for park guests.

On Red Square from 19:00 to 22:00 there will be a Grand Gala Concert, which will be attended by Polina Gagarina, Timati, Nyusha, Turetsky Choir, Disco Crash and many others. The performance of the musicians will end with festive fireworks.

Izmailovo Park will host one of the most massive meetings with bloggers - Maryana Ro, Edward Ateva, Milena Chizhova and Christian Kostov. Prize draws and photo shoots with bloggers will take place at the event. At the end of the event, participants will draw a huge flag of Russia.

Celebrations in honor of the Day of Russia will begin in the capital this Saturday. So, for example, in the Luzhniki Olympic Sports Complex on June 11, Muscovites are expected to run five kilometers through multi-colored clouds of safe paint. Tennis player Vera Zvonareva, host Maria Komandnaya and TV producer Tash Sargsyan will take part in the race.

It will be possible to celebrate one of the main holidays of Russia online. Social network"VKontakte" will offer to paint avatars in the colors of the tricolor. To do this, users will simply hover over their main photo, click on the "Add effects" pop-up menu and select the appropriate design.

Odnoklassniki users will be able to sing the Russian national anthem using the Karaoke function in the OK Live app live. All streams with the hashtag #RussiaDay2017 will be included in a special section of the "Video" tab, the best ones will be shown on the Life TV channel.

The #LIVE project and Life.ru launched an Internet flash mob "I am part of my country!" To participate, you need to record a short video with the flag of Russia in your hands and send it to [email protected] until June 10 inclusive. All videos will be published on June 11 in the #LIVE project community.

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MOSCOW, June 12 - RIA Novosti. A large-scale program with festivals, exhibitions and master classes awaits Muscovites at all city venues on Russia Day, June 12, while the central event will be a big concert on Red Square, hosted by Nikolai Baskov and Olga Shelest, and all festive events will end with colorful fireworks on the main square.

Festivals in Sokolniki and master classes on Presnya

Large-scale program of celebration of the Day Russia will pass in Sokolniki Park, which includes four major festivals at once.

So, from 12.00 to 16.00 on Festivalnaya Square, the "Big Training" of the Match-TV channel starts, within which one of the most titled Russian motorcycle extreme sportsmen Marat Kankadze will perform for the guests. And for football fans, the trophy of the winners of the Russian Football Premier League, which Spartak won for the first time in 16 years this year, will be on display at the site from 14.00, according to the portal.

At the end of the "Big Training", the concert program "Ours in the City" starts, where the best Russian bands will perform. Rock band 7B will be the headliner.

From 13.00 to 21.00, another concert program will be held on the Fountain Square of the park, which will include DJ sets and musical performances. And the main event of the site will be the meeting of the guests of the park with the Russian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion Alexei Nemov.

On the stage "Rotonda" from 11.00 to 20.00 will be held the third Moscow Festival of Contemporary Literature. Among the guests of the event is the popular video blogger Nikolai Sobolev, who recently published the book "The Way to Success".

Workshops on kite flying, aircraft design and a concert will also take place in the Krasnaya Presnya park. Master classes will be held in the park from 12.00 to 20.00, and at 14.00 the concert of Russian Radio will begin.

Russia Day will also be celebrated in other parks. So, for example, the large music festival "Russia" will be held in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, a concert of the Imperialis orchestra will be held in the Muzeon Park of Arts, and a holiday of Russian hospitality "Samovarfest" will be held in the Hermitage Garden.

Events on the main streets

On Pushkin Square from 12.00 to 20.00 will be held the festival "Multinational Russia", organized by the Federal Agency for Nationalities. At 12.00 the festival town will start working. The tents "Country of cartoons" (cartoons about different peoples and cities), interactive "Country of crafts" (forge with a hammer and anvil), "Country of dolls" (doll workshop) will be presented.

The exhibition "Country in Detail" will open, demonstrating the diversity of all 85 regions of Russia. The culmination of the festival at 14.00 will be a big concert with the participation of national groups and performers. The hosts are actress Yana Poplavskaya and singer Zarif Norov.

The grand celebration "Day of the History of Russia" will be held on Tverskaya Street from 12.00 to 22.00 (on the section from Pushkinskaya Square to Manezhnaya), as well as on Okhotny Ryad Street. About 17 thematic zones will be placed here, the best reconstructions for all 12 days of the Times and Epochs. Collection festival, which began at the beginning of the month.

Among the thematic zones are such as "Dyakovskaya culture" (the work of weavers, potters and jewelers), "Russia and neighbors" (an exhibition of the armor of Russian troops), "The era of Peter I" (Moscow street of the XVIII century), a site dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812, "USSR in the 1930s" (table games, guitar songs, a parade of athletes and an exhibition of vintage cars), "The Great Patriotic War" (courses for machine gunners, nurses, air defense fighters).

From 12:00 to 20:00, a special equestrian program dedicated to the Day of Russia will take place on Teatralny Proyezd, within the framework of which a performance by the military-applied equestrian sports team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School "Traditions of Equestrian Russia" will take place.

Triumfalnaya Square will host an open festival "Cherry Forest", as well as an exhibition exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery "Art of the XX century".

Program of the Museum of War on Poklonskaya

On Poklonnaya Hill, the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War has prepared a special program and will open its doors to everyone free of charge. The Museum of the Great Patriotic War is the first among federal museums to come up with an initiative to give everyone the opportunity to visit the museum for free in honor of the Day of Russia. On this day, guests will be able to visit dioramas, visit expositions and exhibitions, as well as open areas of weapons and military equipment.

The main event will be a patriotic action - a flash mob "Symbols of Russia". Hundreds of students, schoolchildren, members of youth and public organizations will unfurl the largest national flag of Russia and perform the national anthem to the accompaniment of a brass band.

Also on this day, the museum will host a special exhibition "Symbols of the Russian State", there will be guided tours, master classes and interactive programs. Popular melodies by Russian and Soviet composers will be performed by brass bands.

Big concert on Red Square

A concert dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Russia will be held on Red Square from 17.00 to 22.00. It will be hosted by Olga Shelest and Nikolai Baskov. The organizers promise a big star line-up on the stage of the square on this day, however, it will be possible to get to the event only by invitation cards.

About 30,000 people are expected to attend the concert.


The Moscow Zoo has prepared its own special program for the citizens. Guests can take a free tour, watch a concert, or take a wind instrument master class.

During the tour, visitors will be told about the animals of our country - for example, about what the polar bear does in winter or who lives in the forests of the middle zone, and who lives in the city.

The free tour will start at 2:00 pm. To participate, you must first register.

Also at 15.00 within the framework of the project "Zoomusic" there will be a concert "Carnival of Animals". Everyone is welcome at the summer stage in the old territory. At the end of the program, soloist of the stage orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater Yaroslav Alekseev will talk about traditional wind instruments and give a master class on how to play them.

Domestic films in cinemas

On the Day of Russia, 12 cinemas in Moscow will immediately show domestic films of both the Soviet period and modern ones for free.

On the big screen, viewers will be able to see the paintings that conquered Cannes, Berlin and Venice. The program includes films by Alexander Sokurov, Alexei German Jr., Alexei Popogrebsky. Citizens will also have the opportunity to watch the films of Nikolai Ekk, the director of the first films with color and sound, and the films of Grigory Chukhrai, a nominee for the Oscar and the Palme d'Or.

In honor of the holiday, the movie "Faust" directed by Alexander Sokurov will be shown at the "Zvezda" cinema. The film is based on the first part of Goethe's tragedy of the same name. The film won the Golden Lion at the 68th Venice Film Festival in 2011.

The Fakel cinema will show films by Alexei German Jr., in which Chulpan Khamatova played one of the main roles. These are "Paper Soldier" (2008) and "Under Electric Clouds" (2015). The first film received the Silver Lion at the 65th Venice Film Festival for Best Director.

Another winner of the Berlin Film Festival is the film by Alexei Popogrebsky "How I Spent This Summer" (2010). At the 60th ceremony, actors Grigory Dobrygin and Sergey Puskepalis received the Silver Bear for best male roles. The picture will be shown at the Yunost cinema on June 12.

The free film program also includes films made in Soviet time who took part in various film festivals. Among them are "Jumper" by Samson Samsonov (1955), "Forty-First" by Pavel Chukhrai (1956), "Start in Life" by Nikolai Ekk (1931), "One Hundred Days After Childhood" (1975) and "Rescuer" (1980) by Sergei Solovyov and others.

Cartoons and cinema at VDNKh

A special program for the Day of Russia was prepared by the VDNKh exhibition complex, and the celebration began already at the weekend.

Here, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio celebrates its birthday, where guests of the holiday will be pleased with master classes in drawing natural materials, creating toys from hay, outdoor games and a dance flash mob.

In the Small Workshop, everyone will be able to watch the studio's cartoons.

On June 12, several sites dedicated to Russia "yesterday and today" will be open in the historical park. Thus, visitors will be able to see the historical reconstruction "From the Rurikids to the Romanovs. XI-XVII centuries", play historical games, see weapons, military life and costumes of that time.

Additionally, the program will include a private screening of the cult film by Pavel Lungin "The Island" and a lecture by the famous historian Andrei Sazanov. In addition, the audience will see films from the Russian Geographical Society - a retrospective of films "Peaks of Russia".

The park will have a free movie zone where children and adults can experience the real emotions of skydiving, wingsuit flying and modern fighter jets.

At the beginning of summer, the park opened the summer dance season - they teach zumba, Latin American dances, belly dance and break dance for free, guests also have the opportunity to attend parties and master classes.

There are rental stations for bicycles, roller skates and hoverboards on the territory of VDNKh.

Fireworks on Red Square

Colorful fireworks will sum up all the festive events in the city. It will be launched at approximately 22.00 at the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge between Moskvoretskaya and Varvarka streets.

500 multi-colored volleys will soar into the sky, and the fireworks will last five minutes.

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