Catriona White, Jim Carrey's ex-girlfriend, has committed suicide. Jim Carrey's lover committed suicide Jim Carrey and Catriona White's suicide note

Family and relationships 10.07.2019
Family and relationships

The day before, information appeared in the international media that Mark Burton, the legal husband of Jim Carrey's beloved Catriona White, who committed suicide, is suing a Hollywood actor, accusing him of Catriona's death. According to the lawsuit, Kerry used his fame and high status, in order to illegally obtain the drugs that White used during her suicide, and also controlled Catriona's every move and had access to surveillance cameras in her house. Jim Carrey did not leave the scandalous lawsuit unanswered - today People magazine published an official statement from the actor, which leaves no doubt about his innocence.

What a terrible shame. It would be much easier for me to meet with this man's lawyer and deal with him like a man, but in some life situations we must show restraint and defend our honor from the evil that is widespread in this world. I will not tolerate this soulless attempt to take advantage of me or the woman I loved. Ekaterin's problems began long before our meeting, and, unfortunately, no one could prevent her tragic loss. I really hope that someday people stop trying to take advantage of what happened and let her rest in peace,

It says in the statement.

Jim Carrey and Catriona White met in 2012 on set and soon began dating. Their relationship lasted several months, but soon ended. Since then, Jim and Catriona have constantly resumed their relationship, then parted again. Their final breakup happened at the end of September last year - a few days after that, Catriona was dead in her home in Los Angeles. Next to the body was a suicide note addressed to Jim. In it, Catriona confessed her love to the actor and asked for his forgiveness, writing that she was not created for this world. It was later revealed that Catriona was a Scientologist, and was also married to Mark Burton. Their wedding took place in 2013 in Las Vegas. The couple planned to dissolve the marriage, but for unknown reasons, the divorce proceedings never began.

Jim Carrey, one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, has been the center of litigation. He is accused of the death of ex-girlfriend Catriona White. Catriona's last letter, discovered the other day, brought the proceedings to a new round.

Depression as a Reason for Relationships

Educated as a hairdresser and makeup artist in Ireland, Catriona arrived in America in 2009.

She was attracted by the glitter of Hollywood, she dreamed of acting career and about fame, however, the girl could not break through to the big screen. A tiny role in the series "Online Gamer" did not bring her fame or fortune.

There were also no professional jobs. And new acquaintances brought her to Scientology, promising that it was there that she would have a rich clientele and the opportunity to meet influential people.

In 2012, Catriona meets Jim Carrey, a popular and wealthy comedian. However, it is on the screen he is cheerful and carefree.

In life, Jim Carrey often suffers from depression. The first wife of the actor Melissa Vomer, in her interview, shared with reporters the details of how she had to comfort the “carefree” merry fellow until the very morning when he was in literally the words howled as they rolled across the floor.

It turned out that Ekaterin knew what depression was and had the experience of plunging into a state of complete all-consuming apathy.

Weird Romance

Their relationship from the outside looked rather strange. Catriona, modest and shy, categorically did not like to attend secular parties, which Jim visited. However, she had problems not only with her own shyness.

In fact, the girl was very afraid that she would simply be sent out of the country because of an expired visa. In fact, she lived and worked in the US illegally, without a visa or work permit. Perhaps she was trying to somehow legitimize her stay in the country, which is why she married Mark Burton. True, Jim Carrey did not even know about her marriage.

Catriona and Jim closed in his house from time to time, drew all the curtains and spent several days in the twilight, not communicating with anyone, and not even leaving the house.

However, joint grief could not lead to the emergence of a craving for life. Soon Jim and Catriona broke up.

Second try

And in May 2015, Jim Carrey and Catriona White began to appear together again. At the same time, Ekaterin was fully confident that this time she and Jim would be fine. She specifically underwent a purification rite according to the laws of Scientology and believed that she would help her overcome any emotional instability.

But the girl still failed to keep the sympathy of the actor. It is not known what was to blame, but on September 24, 2015, Jim finally broke up with his Irish flower.

A few days later, friends found her body. Pills were strewn nearby, and there was a note for Jim. She asked his forgiveness, confessed her love and wrote that she was not created for this world.

The bitterness of eternal separation

Over time, the girl's relatives became more active, accusing Kerry of Catriona's suicide. The husband, who actually became known after the death of Katrina, also spoke out against the actor. The lawsuits, with varying levels of press coverage, are now in their third year. Relatives claim that Jim Carrey provided the young lover with psychotropic drugs, which she took in large quantities, taking her own life.

The actor's attempts to explain that Catriona's problems began much earlier than the moment they met, the relatives do not find a response. And in response, he filed a lawsuit against Catriona's mother, accusing her of libel because of his unwillingness to buy her a house.

AT recent times The tabloids were full of reports of a new letter that Catriona had written to Jim and kept on her phone. Allegedly, she blames the actor for the lack of love for her, addiction to a free lifestyle and the consequences in the form of infectious diseases.

True, the letter was written back in 2013, apparently, during their first separation. The psychologist who observed Catriona confirms that the girl suffered from very low self-esteem and excessive sensibility. At the same time, she passionately desired to marry Jim.

The actor's lawyer claims that the reason for the lawsuit is not in trying to establish the truth, but in the desire to get Hollywood star impressive monetary compensation.
Jim carrey for a long time did not appear at traditional parties.

Unlike Jim Carrey, another American actor found his happiness in never losing again.

According to the data Western media, Catriona White's lover committed suicide.

According to Los Angeles police officers, on Monday evening, their department received a call from two acquaintances of 28-year-old White. Arriving at her home to visit her, they found the body of a woman.

Representatives law enforcement found a suicide note in White's house, in which she said that she broke up with the 53-year-old actor on September 24. On the same day, a post appeared on her Twitter page with rather strange and disturbing words:

I hope that I was a ray of light in the life of the closest and dearest person to me.

According to preliminary data, Catriona White died from an overdose of illegal drugs.

Catriona and Jim met at the end of 2012 on the set where White worked as a makeup artist. Many publications immediately suggested that the girl who came to conquer Hollywood was simply using the movie star and his connections for personal gain. However, these conversations did not last long, since in May 2013 the couple broke up.

Yes, we broke up and no longer see each other, but I still think that she is beautiful,

Said then in one of his interviews Kerry.

However, in May current year, Catriona and Jim rekindled their relationship. But, as it turned out, the second attempt was unsuccessful.

0 October 21, 2016, 03:28

Jim carrey

The confrontation continues with the relatives of his late girlfriend Catriona White, who died in September last year. Her mother Bridget Sweetman is an actor in that he infected Catriona with venereal diseases, lied to her and put pressure on her. On Thursday, the woman's lawyer submitted new documents to the court, which indicate that Kerry "deliberately withheld the results of his tests" and is currently "desperately trying to save his reputation."

The documents, which were at the disposal of the court, say that on Valentine's Day, instead of flowers and sweets, the actor was supposed to give Catriona White the results of his tests and refrain from intimacy.

These documents confirm that Jim Carrey lied to the media, the public and the court. It will become clear to everyone that he is a dishonest person who believes that he can deceive people because he is famous. The world will know the truth about what Jim did to slander my daughter, Bridget Sweetman said in a statement. The defense of the actor, represented by lawyer Martin Singer, did not remain silent and commented on the attacks:

The words of the lawyer of the accusing party desecrate the memory of Catriona and distort the truth. Earlier, in response to Bridget Sweetman's first statements, Jim Carrey filed a lawsuit in which he emphasized that the false accusations were for financial gain by White's mother.

Cathriona White and Jim Carrey

28-year-old Cathriona White (Cathriona White), ex girlfriend Jim Carrey committed suicide in Los Angeles, police say.

They arrived at the call on Monday evening and found the woman's body.

She left a suicide note addressed to Kerry, which talked about their breakup on September 24 this year.

On the same day, she tweeted that she was leaving and hoped she had been kind to her loved ones. Then it was difficult to guess what kind of care she had in mind.

It is believed that the cause of death was an overdose: pills were found next to the body.

The police were called by 2 of her acquaintances who came to visit White.

53-year-old Kerry met White in 2012, they met for several months, then broke up. They rekindled their relationship in May of this year.

Jim Carrey reacted to the tragedy: “I am shocked by the death of my dear Catriona. She was really a kind and gentle Irish flower, too sensitive for this world, for which the main thing in life was to love and be loved.

My heart is with her family and friends, everyone who loved her and cared for her. We are all struck like a lightning bolt.”

Catriona White was the makeup artist. She came to the US from Ireland.

Her Instagram is full of photos of food, animals and family members.

A week ago, White celebrated her birthday at the popular Nobu restaurant in Malibu.

Two weeks ago, the girl posted a photo of a verse quote: “I sometimes smile and act like nothing is wrong. It's called dealing with s—t and staying strong

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