Open lesson "Epic heroes - defenders of the Russian land". Summary of classes for children of senior preschool age

Career and finance 13.10.2019
Career and finance

Bogatyrs are the epic defenders of the Russian Land, the "superheroes" of the Russian people for many centuries. Let's remember the main ones.

1. Ilya Muromets. Holy hero

Ilya Muromets canonized Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian hero. Ilya Muromets is the main character not only of Russian epics, but also, for example, German epic poems of the 13th century. They also call him Ilya, he is also a hero, yearning for his homeland. Ilya Muromets is also found in the Scandinavian sagas, in them he, no less, is the blood brother of Prince Vladimir.

2. Bova Korolevich. Popular hero

Bova Korolevich for a long time was the most popular hero among the people. Lubok tales about the "extraordinary hero" came out in hundreds of editions from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Pushkin wrote The Tale of Tsar Saltan, partly borrowing the plot and the names of the heroes of the fairy tales about the Boys Korolevich, which his nanny read to him. Moreover, he even made sketches of the poem "Bova", but death will prevent him from finishing the work.

The prototype of this knight was the French knight Bovo de Anton from the famous chronicle poem Reali di Francia, written in the 14th century. In this regard, Bova is completely unique hero- visitor.

3. Alyosha Popovich. junior

The "youngest of the younger" heroes, and therefore his set of qualities is not so "supermanly". Vice is not even alien to him: cunning, selfishness, self-interest. That is, on the one hand, he is distinguished by courage, but on the other, he is proud, arrogant, quarrelsome, perky and rude.

4. Svyatogorsk Megahero

Megahero. But the hero of the "old world". The giant, the elder hero the size of a mountain, whom even the earth does not hold, lies on the mountain in inactivity. Epics tell about his meeting with earthly cravings and death in a magical grave.

Many features of the biblical hero Samson have been transferred to Svyatogora. Difficult to define exactly ancient origin. In the legends of the people, the veteran hero transfers his strength to Ilya Muromets, the hero of the Christian age.

5. Dobrynya Nikitich. Bogatyr with connections

Dobrynya Nikitich is often associated with the chronicle Dobrynya, the uncle of Prince Vladimir (according to another version, a nephew). His name embodies the essence of "heroic kindness." Dobrynya has the nickname "young", with a huge physical strength“He won’t hurt a fly,” he is the defender of “widows and orphans, unfortunate wives.” Dobrynya is also "an artist at heart: a master of singing and playing the harp."

6. Duke Stepanovich. Bogatyr-major

Duke Stepanovich arrives in Kyiv from conditional India, after which, according to folklorists, this case the Galicia-Volyn land is hiding, and arranges a boasting marathon in Kyiv, passes tests from the prince, and continues to brag. As a result, Vladimir learns that Duke is really very rich and offers him citizenship. But Duke refuses, because "if you sell Kyiv and Chernigov and buy papers for an inventory of Dyukov's wealth, then there will not be enough paper."

7. Mikula Selyaninovich. Bogatyr-plowman

Mikula Selyaninovich is a heroic agrarian. It is found in two epics: about Svyatogor and about Volga Svyatoslavich. Mikula is the first representative of agricultural life, a powerful peasant plowman.
He is strong and hardy, but a homebody. He puts all his strength into agriculture and family.

8. Volga Svyatoslavovich. Bogatyr mage

Supporters of the "historical school" in the study of epics believe that Prince Vseslav Polotsky was the prototype of the epic Volga. Volga was also correlated with Prophetic Oleg, and his campaign in India - with Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Volga is a difficult hero, he has the ability to be a werewolf, he knows how to understand the language of animals and birds.

9. Sukhman Odikhmantievich. Insulted hero

According to Vsevolod Miller, the Pskov prince Dovmont, who ruled from 1266 to 1299, was the prototype of the hero.

In the bylina of the Kyiv cycle, Sukhman goes to get a white swan for Prince Vladimir, but on the way he comes into battle with the Tatar hordes, who are building viburnum bridges on the Nepre River. Sukhman defeats the Tatars, but in battle he receives wounds that he seals up with leaves. Returning to Kyiv without a white swan, he tells the prince about the battle, but the prince does not believe him and imprisons Sukhman in prison until clarification. Dobrynya goes to the Nepra and learns that Sukhman did not lie. But it's' too late. Sukhman feels shamed, peels off the leaves and bleeds. From his blood begins the river Sukhman.

10. Dunay Ivanovich. tragic hero

According to the epics about the Danube, it was from the blood of the hero that the river of the same name began. The Danube is a tragic hero. He loses to his wife Nastasya in an archery competition, accidentally hits her while trying to win back, finds out that Nastasya was pregnant and stumbles upon a saber.

11. Mikhailo Potyk. Faithful husband

Folklorists disagree on who Mihailo Potyk (or Potok) should be related to. The roots of his image are found in the Bulgarian heroic epic, and in Western European fairy tales, and even in the Mongolian epic "Geser".
According to one of the epics, Potok with his wife Avdotya Lebedya Belaya gives a vow that whoever of them dies first, the second is buried next to the grave alive. When Avdotya dies, Potok is buried nearby in full armor and on horseback, about fighting the dragon and reviving his wife with his blood. When he himself dies, Avdotya is buried with him.

12. Hoten Bludovich. Bogatyr-groom

Bogatyr Khoten Bludovich for the sake of a wedding with enviable bride The Tea Sentry first beats nine of her brothers, then a whole army hired by the future mother-in-law. As a result, the hero receives a rich dowry and appears in the epic as a hero "who married well."

13. Vasily Buslaev. Zealous hero

The most daring hero of the Novgorod epic cycle. His unbridled temper leads to a conflict with the Novgorodians and he is desperately rowdy, betting that he will beat all the Novgorod men on the Volkhov bridge and almost fulfills the promise - until his mother stops him.
In another epic, he is already mature, goes to Jerusalem to atone for sins. But Buslaev is incorrigible - he again takes up the old and absurdly perishes, proving his youth.

14. Anika warrior. Bogatyr in words

Anika warrior is still called today a person who likes to show off his strength far from danger. Unusual for a Russian epic hero, the name of the hero is most likely taken from the Byzantine legend about the hero Digenis, who is mentioned there with a constant epithet anikitos.
Anika the warrior in verse boasts of strength and offends the weak, he is shamed for this by death itself, Anika challenges her and dies.

15. Nikita Kozhemyaka. serpent fighter

Nikita Kozhemyaka in Russian fairy tales is one of the main snake fighter characters. Before entering the fight with the Serpent, he breaks 12 skins, thereby proving his legendary strength. Kozhemyaka not only defeats the Serpent, but also harnesses him to a plow and plows the land from Kyiv to the Black Sea. The defensive ramparts near Kyiv got their name (Zmievs) precisely because of the deeds of Nikita Kozhemyaka.

The word "hero" evokes modern man persistent association with mighty warriors, dressed in chain mail, who, with a sword in hand, protect Kievan Rus from an adversary. And few people know what they really were.

The first heroes were the Mongol commanders!

We are all still school bench we know about ancient Russian epic heroes- Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Recently, their images have been actively and successfully exploited in animation. This is not liked by many adults who are disgusted by the transformation of heroes from epic heroes into pop culture heroes. However, the truth is that the epic heroes are as far from their historical prototypes as the cartoon characters. For both of them are fiction...

Epic times

For the first time, the word "hero" gets into the ancient Russian chronicles already at the time of the decline of Kievan Rus, in the terrible hour of the Batu invasion. The entry refers to the events of 1240. “Batu came to Kyiv with a heavy force with many many of his strength, and surrounded the city. And the Tatar force surrounded, and the city was under a great siege ... Its first governor was Sebedyay Bogatur and Burundai Bogatur, who took the Bulgarian land and Suzdal ”- tells us the Ipatiev Chronicle.

So, the first "heroes" of the ancient Russian chronicle are the Tatar commanders Subedei and Burundai, who do not act at all as defenders of the Russian land. If we look into the Great Soviet encyclopedia, then we learn that the word "hero" comes from the ancient Turkic "bagatur" - "brave warrior". It is found in chronicles starting just from the 13th century.

It is logical to assume that all the “heroic” epics known to us were created no earlier than the same 13th century, or even later. Also, do not look for real events in the so-called "epics of the Kyiv cycle".

The only character who connects epics with historical Kievan Rus is Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun. But he also resembles his historical prototype Vladimir I Svyatoslavich no more than his cartoon namesake. And the “scientific” comparisons of the Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan with the epic Tugarin the Serpent, which flies across the sky and breathes fire, do not climb into any gates.

It is also interesting that most of the epics known today were recorded in the former Novgorod lands. The rest are in different parts present-day Russia. But neither in Belarus nor in Ukraine (which were also part of Kievan Rus) not a single epic was recorded - although there are legends of that period.

The conclusion is obvious: the “Old Russian” epics known to us are a “remake” of the 13th-15th centuries. Moreover, the "remake" of Novgorod, which has the most remote relation to the history of Kievan Rus proper. But what songs the inhabitants of Kyiv listened to in earlier times - we, alas, do not know.

The epics that have come down to us are, first of all, literary and epic works that arose as a reaction to Tatar-Mongol yoke and designed to raise the people's spirit in this difficult time. At the same time, epic vocabulary already contained neologisms such as the Turkic "hero". And in later epics, Ilya Muromets is even called the "old Cossack", which gives us the upper limit of their occurrence - the 16th century.

"... and the Pechenezhin's husband strangled"

All of the above does not mean at all that in the days of Kievan Rus there were no brave warriors. There were, of course! True, they were not called “heroes”, but “brave”, “horobry” or “brave” (the related adjective “brave”). From the annals we know many examples of the personal military prowess of princes - such as Svyatoslav Igorevich, Andrey Bogolyubsky, Izyaslav Mstislavich, Mstislav the Brave, Mstislav Udatny, Daniil Galitsky. As well as their warriors: Evpatiy Kolovrat, who opposed Batu with a small squad; courtier Andrei, who captivated the Hungarian governor Filnius; Tysyatsky Dmitry, who defended Kyiv from the entire Batu Horde.

In 992, the Pechenegs raided Russia. Prince Vladimir went out to meet them and stopped them on the Trubezh River at the ford. Both sides hesitated to fight. Then the Pecheneg prince drove up to the river, called Prince Vladimir and said to him: “You let your husband out, and I let mine out - let them fight. If your husband throws mine to the ground, then we will not fight for three years; but if our husband throws yours to the ground, we will ruin you for three years.”

Vladimir sent heralds to his camp with the words: “Is there no such husband who would grapple with the Pecheneg?”. And then an old man came to the prince and said to him: "Prince! I have one smaller son at home; I went out with four, and he stayed at home. Since childhood, no one has thrown him to the ground. Once I scolded him, and he crushed the skin, so he got angry with me and tore the skin with his hands.. The delighted prince called the miracle young man to himself, but he first asked him to check. An angry ox was set on him, but the fellow dodged and snatched a piece of meat from the ox with his hand. The impressed prince said that he could fight the Pecheneg.

The next morning the duel took place: “And the husband of Vladimir came out, and saw his Pecheneg and laughed, for he was of medium height. And they measured the place between the two armies, and sent them against each other. And they grabbed tightly, and the Pechenezhin's husband strangled his hands to death. And threw him to the ground. And the Russians exclaimed, and the Pechenegs ran, and Russia chased after them, beating them, and drove them away..

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, Prince Vladimir made his fighter and his father "great men." And in honor of the victory he founded the city of Pereyaslavl. Here the author of "The Tale ..." for the red word fibbed a little - after all, the city of Pereyaslavl was known as early as the beginning of the 10th century. The author of "The Tale ..." also does not call the Russian "khrabor" by name. But folk legends call him Nikita Kozhemyaka or Jan Usmoshvets.

Conquest of the Kasogs

The second case occurred in 1022 with the brother of Yaroslav the Wise, Mstislav Vladimirovich the Brave, Prince of Tmutarakan. When he went on a campaign against the Kasogs (a Caucasian tribe, the ancestors of the current Circassians and Adygs), he defeated the Kasog leader Rededya in a personal duel, and then slaughtered him.

By the way, now this episode is often interpreted incorrectly, and the fact that Mstislav stabbed Rededya with a knife is considered shameful. However, Mstislav, according to the ideas of his time, entered the highest degree nobly, preserving the main thing for the Caucasian horseman - honor. For even before the fight, Rededya set a condition: “... if you prevail, you will take my riches, and my wife, and my children, and my land. If I prevail, then I will take your everything.”

Mstislav won the duel (having previously turned to the Mother of God for help): “... and hit them on the ground. And he took out a knife and stabbed him in the larynx, and so Rededya was stabbed to death. And he went into his land and took all his wealth, and his wife, and his children, and imposed tribute on the kasogs ”. That is, Mstislav stabbed Rededya so that he would not be a witness to how the Russian, under the terms of the duel, would take "his wealth, and his wife, and his children." Returning to Tmutarakan, the prince erected the Church of the Virgin.

By the way, the very next year, Mstislav went to his brother Yaroslav with an army in which there were helmets. That is, according to their ideas, Mstislav defeated Rededya in fair fight and he himself became a prince of Kasog by right.

Summing up all that has been said, it should be emphasized once again that "khrabors" have never been translated into Russia. However, to study this issue only according to epics or other purely literary works it would be reckless.

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  1. To acquaint children with the great canvas of the artist V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs", with the names of Russian heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.
  2. To instill in children pride in their ancestors, to make them feel their involvement in the history of our great people.
  3. To teach to answer the questions posed coherently and consistently, to describe the appearance of the heroes and the surrounding landscape; talk about the characters of the characters and the mood of the picture; use synonyms and comparisons in speech.


Reproduction of "Bogatyrs" painting by artist V. Vasnetsov; large illustrations depicting forests, fields, meadows, rivers, mountains; map of Russia, books about heroes, slides; the sound recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength” by A. Pakhmutova to the verses by N. Dobronravov, the sound recording of “Dawn on the Moscow River” by M. Mussorgsky from the opera “Khovanshchina”, the sound recording of “On Native Soil” performed by Savinov.

Vocabulary work:

Russia, ancestors, Slavs, heroes, epics; armor - clothes of heroes (chain mail, shield, helmet, armor, aventail); weapons of heroes (spear, sword, bow with arrows, mace).

Lesson progress

The music "On native soil" performed by Savinov sounds. Children enter the hall and look around.

Teacher. Guys, you and I live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. Motherland means native. Like mother and father.
Approach the map. Look, please, what it is - our Motherland.

Children. Big, huge, immense, beautiful, rich. There are oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains, forests and fields. Russia is the biggest country in the world.

Teacher. Has our country always been like this?

Children. She was smaller. Not so pretty. Not many people lived here.

Teacher. More than a thousand years ago, the Russian state was formed. It was called Rus. At first it was small, but for our ancestors - the Slavs, it was the Motherland.
Today we will talk about the past of our Motherland. About our ancestors. Who are the ancestors?

Children. These are people who lived many, many years ago. These are the grandparents of our grandparents.

Teacher. Correctly! Our ancestors called themselves Slavs, the Russian people originate from them. Why Slavs? Think about what word it sounds like?

Children."Slavs" is similar to the word "glory".

Teacher. And this means that the Slavs are a glorious people. What do you know about the Slavs? What were the ancient Russians?

Children. The Slavs were fair-haired, blue-eyed, tall, broad-shouldered, large build, kind, hospitable, courageous. They loved their homeland. When necessary, they became brave warriors and did not spare their lives for mother earth and their father's house.

Teacher. Well you said. Well done!
We have a lot of forests, rivers, animals and plants in Russia. So all these riches have long attracted our enemies - they wanted to take possession of our lands. In the old, long time ago great danger for the Russian lands they represented the raids of enemies: they went to Russia, devastated villages and villages, took women and children captive, took away the looted wealth with them. What book says all this?

Children. In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

Teacher. Children, folk wisdom says that the earth can feed a person with its bread, give water to drink from its springs, but the earth cannot protect itself. This is the holy cause of those who eat bread, drink water, admire the beauty native land.
Remember, please, what were the names of our ancestors - the defenders of the Russian land?

Children. Bogatyrs.

Teacher. Who are the rich people?

Children. Strong men, warriors, fighters.

Teacher. And what were they?

Children. Strong, courageous, courageous, fearless, resolute, heroic, valiant, brave, courageous.

Teacher. How do you know about heroes?

Children. From epics, Russian folk tales, poems.

Teacher. What is an epic? What word does it come from?

Children. Reality, the truth is what really happened. These are songs, tales about the exploits of heroes.

Teacher. What helped the heroes in the fight against the enemies of the Russian land?

Children. Strength, courage, courage, resourcefulness, love for the Motherland.

Teacher. And what proverbs do you know about valor and love for the Motherland?


Die yourself, but save a comrade.
From your native land - die, do not go!
For the edge of your death stand!
Stand boldly for a just cause!
To live is to serve the motherland.
The happiness of the Motherland is dearer than life.
Not the hero who is waiting for a reward - but the hero who goes for the people!

Teacher. Now I will tell you riddles about weapons and armor.

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn, it is woven from iron rings. ( chain mail)
An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front the beak hung over the face. ( Helmet)
The weapon is not easy to pick up, not just pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders ... Well, guess what? Of course… ( Sword)
In order to protect the chest from the blows of the enemy, you already know this for sure, a heavy, shiny and round one hangs on the left hand of the hero ... ( Shield)

Teacher. Well done guys, you know a lot about the ancient defenders of the Russian land. Today we will talk about three heroes, get acquainted with a very interesting picture.

A reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

Teacher. Maybe someone knows what it's called?

Children's answers.

Teacher. Do any of you know the name of the artist who painted this picture?

Children's answers.

Teacher. Yes, this is a painting by the artist V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

Sounds introduction to M. Mussorgsky's opera "Khovanshchina" "Dawn on the Moscow River." Children look at the picture for several minutes.

Teacher. Look at the picture. Who is pictured here?

Children. Russian bogatyrs.

Teacher. Who will name them?

Children. Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets.

Teacher. How are the heroes depicted?

Children. The artist depicted the heroes in the form of fairy-tale heroes.

Teacher. Tell about each of them separately. What are their faces, clothes, weapons? What horses are under them and what are they decorated with?

Children's answers.

Teacher. What landscape surrounds the heroes?

Children. Everything is beautifully drawn here - the clouds, the sky, and even the Christmas trees under the feet of the horses. Everything here is real.

Teacher. That's right, everything is beautiful, but notice how calm comes from the picture. Nature, as it were, froze, quieted down. Where does this calmness come from?

Children. Nature is calm when she has such protectors.

Teacher. What do heroes do in the field?

Children. At the outpost they protect Russia from enemies.

Teacher. Which hero do you like best?


I like Ilya Muromets - he has the most strength.
And I like Alyosha Popovich - he is young, but brave and a good friend. The enemy is defeated not by heroic strength, but by cunning and dexterity.
I like Dobrynya Nikitich. He is a fearless warrior, he even defeated the Serpent Gorynych. He is handsome, he has blond curls, keen eyes.
And I like all the heroes. They are brave and fair, they will not give offense to anyone.

Teacher. How are heroes similar and how are they different?


Everyone defends the Motherland from the enemy. Everyone is on horseback, everyone has weapons and armor.
They are different in age, have different horses, different weapons.
They have different faces and characters. They are different in origin.

Teacher. All of you guys are right. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich are the most beloved and famous Russian heroes. As guardians of holy Russia, they stand at the outpost (border) of the heroic, past which neither the beast will slip, nor the bird will fly.

In the center, Ilya Muromets, a peasant son, sits on a portly black horse. He is thick and powerful, like the age-old forest that has surrounded him since childhood. Glorious hero. Power, strength and wisdom are felt in all his appearance. He has a noble Russian face, a broad gray beard. A horse stands under him, "slightly shaking his bells under his bangs." The horse is calm, only evil squints its eyes towards the enemy. “If he moves, it seems that the earth will buzz from the step.” The hero is well armed: a damask club hangs from his right hand, a quiver with arrows is visible behind it, a shield and a long spear are in his left hand. He is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. Vigilantly peers Ilya into the steppe distance. He is ready for battle, but he is not in a hurry: such a hero will not shed human blood in vain. The hero loves the Motherland and honestly serves her.

By right hand from Ilya Muromets - Dobrynya Nikitich, a warrior known and beloved by the people. Dobrynya is skilled in fighting, swimming, archery. He is dressed richly and smartly. Dobrynya's shield is decorated with stones, his sword is damask, and his gaze is fixed. Beneath him, a long-maned white horse stands, flaring his nostrils, apparently smelling the enemy.

The third hero Alyosha Popovich is the son of a priest. He is also a brave and courageous warrior, not as strong as Ilya or Dobrynya, but he takes agility, speed, resourcefulness. He is both a warrior and a hussler. He knows how to sing songs and knows how to fight. A sly smile on his lips, now he will sing a song to the whole steppe. He is more modestly armed. In his left hand he has a bow, and on his right hand he has gusels. Alyosha's red horse is a match for him: he lowered his head low to pinch the grass, but pricked up his ears. Heather Alyosha! He does not look in the direction of the enemy, but only squints his eyes and holds a tight bow at the ready.

The heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly on guard of the Motherland. Above them is a low sky, covered with cold, leaden clouds. Behind the hills is the expanse of Russia, which raised and sent heroes to protect itself. It is difficult to imagine the heroes differently than they are depicted by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.
Vasnetsov claims with his picture that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready:

Stand for the honor of the Motherland against the enemy,
Lay down your head for the Fatherland in need.

The picture depicts epic heroes, but we perceive them as living people. The artist glorifies the defenders of the Motherland. Vasnetsov wants us all to be proud of our heroic ancestors, to remember them, to love the land where we were born. Such a picture could be created by a person who loved his people, his history very much. The picture makes people worry, experience the best feeling - a sense of pride for the Motherland.
And now let's listen to A. Pakhmutova's song "Our Heroic Strength."

The song sounds.

What feelings does this music evoke in you?

Children. Pride, determination.

Teacher. Well, today we remembered the epic heroes, from whom, according to legend, the strength of Russian warriors, who defended our land from enemies at different times, went.


  1. Preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland. Methodical manual on patriotic education in the preschool educational institution / Ed. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.
  2. My country. Revival of national culture and education of moral and patriotic feelings. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution / Auth.-comp. Natarova V.I. etc. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005.
  3. Danilina G.N. Preschoolers - about the history and culture of Russia: A manual for the implementation of the program " Patriotic education citizens Russian Federation for 2001-2005". – M.: ARKTI, 2003.
  4. Where does the Motherland begin? (Experience in patriotic education in the preschool educational institution) / Ed. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.
  5. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Patriotic education at school. - M .: Iris-press, 2002.
Bogatyrs - epic defenders of the Russian Land

Bogatyrs are the epic defenders of the Russian Land, the "superheroes" of the Russian people for many centuries. Let's remember the main

1. Ilya Muromets. Holy hero

Ilya Muromets canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian hero. Ilya Muromets is the main character not only of Russian epics, but also, for example, German epic poems of the 13th century. They also call him Ilya, he is also a hero, yearning for his homeland. Ilya Muromets is also found in the Scandinavian sagas, in them he, no less, is the blood brother of Prince Vladimir.

2. Dobrynya Nikitich. Bogatyr with connections

Dobrynya Nikitich is often associated with the chronicle Dobrynya, the uncle of Prince Vladimir (according to another version, a nephew). His name embodies the essence of "heroic kindness." Dobrynya has the nickname "young", with great physical strength "he will not hurt a fly", he is the protector of "widows and orphans, unfortunate wives." Dobrynya is also "an artist at heart: a master of singing and playing the harp."

3. Alyosha Popovich. junior

The "youngest of the younger" heroes, and therefore his set of qualities is not so "supermanly". Vice is not even alien to him: cunning, selfishness, self-interest. That is, on the one hand, he is distinguished by courage, but on the other, he is proud, arrogant, quarrelsome, perky and rude.

4. Bova Korolevich. Popular hero

Bova Korolevich for a long time was the most popular hero among the people. Lubok tales about the "extraordinary hero" came out in hundreds of editions from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Pushkin wrote The Tale of Tsar Saltan, partly borrowing the plot and the names of the heroes of the fairy tales about the Boys Korolevich, which his nanny read to him. Moreover, he even made sketches of the poem "Bova", but death will prevent him from finishing the work.

The prototype of this knight was the French knight Bovo de Anton from the famous chronicle poem Reali di Francia, written in the 14th century. In this regard, Bova is a completely unique hero - a visiting one.

5. Svyatogorsk Megahero

Megahero. But the hero of the "old world". The giant, the elder hero the size of a mountain, whom even the earth does not hold, lies on the mountain in inactivity. Epics tell about his meeting with earthly cravings and death in a magical grave.

Many features of the biblical hero Samson have been transferred to Svyatogora. It is difficult to determine exactly its ancient origin. In the legends of the people, the veteran hero transfers his strength to Ilya Muromets, the hero of the Christian age.

6. Duke Stepanovich. Bogatyr-major

Duke Stepanovich comes to Kyiv from conditional India, behind which, according to folklorists, in this case, the Galicia-Volyn land is hiding, and arranges a boasting marathon in Kyiv, passes tests from the prince, and continues to brag. As a result, Vladimir learns that Duke is really very rich and offers him citizenship. But Duke refuses, because "if you sell Kyiv and Chernigov and buy papers for an inventory of Dyukov's wealth, then there will not be enough paper."

7. Mikula Selyaninovich. Bogatyr-plowman

Mikula Selyaninovich is a heroic agrarian. It is found in two epics: about Svyatogor and about Volga Svyatoslavich. Mikula is the first representative of agricultural life, a powerful peasant plowman. He is strong and hardy, but a homebody. He puts all his strength into agriculture and family.

8. Volga Svyatoslavovich. Bogatyr mage

Supporters of the "historical school" in the study of epics believe that Prince Vseslav Polotsky was the prototype of the epic Volga. Volga was also correlated with Prophetic Oleg, and his campaign in India - with Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Volga is a difficult hero, he has the ability to be a werewolf, he knows how to understand the language of animals and birds.

9. Sukhman Odikhmantievich. Insulted hero

According to Vsevolod Miller, the Pskov prince Dovmont, who ruled from 1266 to 1299, was the prototype of the hero.

In the bylina of the Kyiv cycle, Sukhman goes to get a white swan for Prince Vladimir, but on the way he comes into battle with the Tatar hordes, who are building viburnum bridges on the Nepre River. Sukhman defeats the Tatars, but in battle he receives wounds that he seals up with leaves. Returning to Kyiv without a white swan, he tells the prince about the battle, but the prince does not believe him and imprisons Sukhman in prison until clarification. Dobrynya goes to the Nepra and learns that Sukhman did not lie. But it's' too late. Sukhman feels shamed, peels off the leaves and bleeds. From his blood begins the river Sukhman.

10. Dunay Ivanovich. tragic hero

According to the epics about the Danube, it was from the blood of the hero that the river of the same name began. The Danube is a tragic hero. He loses to his wife Nastasya in an archery competition, accidentally hits her while trying to win back, finds out that Nastasya was pregnant and stumbles upon a saber.

11. Mikhailo Potyk. Faithful husband

Folklorists disagree on who Mihailo Potyk (or Potok) should be related to. The roots of his image are found in the Bulgarian heroic epic, and in Western European fairy tales, and even in the Mongolian epic "Geser". According to one of the epics, Potok with his wife Avdotya Lebedya Belaya gives a vow that whoever of them dies first, the second is buried next to the grave alive. When Avdotya dies, Potok is buried nearby in full armor and on horseback, about fighting the dragon and reviving his wife with his blood. When he himself dies, Avdotya is buried with him.

12. Hoten Bludovich. Bogatyr-groom

Bogatyr Khoten Bludovich, for the sake of a wedding with an enviable bride, China Sentry, first beats nine of her brothers, then a whole army hired by her future mother-in-law. As a result, the hero receives a rich dowry and appears in the epic as a hero "who married well"

13. Vasily Buslaev. Zealous hero

The most daring hero of the Novgorod epic cycle. His unbridled temper leads to a conflict with the Novgorodians and he is desperately rowdy, betting that he will beat all the Novgorod men on the Volkhov bridge and almost fulfills the promise - until his mother stops him. In another epic, he is already mature, goes to Jerusalem to atone for sins. But Buslaev is incorrigible - he again takes up the old and absurdly perishes, proving his youth.

15. Anika warrior. Bogatyr in words

Anika warrior is still called today a person who likes to brag about his strength far from danger (& couch fighter). Unusual for a Russian epic hero, the name of the hero is most likely taken from the Byzantine legend about the hero Digenis, who is mentioned there with the constant epithet anikitos. Anika the warrior in verse boasts of strength and offends the weak, he is shamed for this by death itself, Anika challenges her and dies.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6" Alyonushka ", Stroitel

Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region

Synopsis of a musical-themed lesson with children of the preparatory group

on educational field"Music"

musical director Galkina L.N.

Topic:Bogatyrs are the defenders of the Russian land.

Target:Development of musical abilities of preschoolers through acquaintance with the history of Russian folk culture.


· To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian land.

· To cultivate love for the Motherland and a sense of pride in the exploits of Russian soldiers, the desire to imitate them and serve the Fatherland.

· Arouse interest in the language of epics, legends, songs, legends about Russian heroes.

Preliminary work: acquaintance of children with the reproduction of V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes",with the names of Russian heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;

learning a dance composition with a group of boys "Our Heroic Strength" music ;

learning the song "At my Russia" op. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve;

learning folk proverbs and poems by V. Berestov "Bogatyrs", "Bogatyr - that's what he is."

Dictionary activation: hero, epic, narrator, chain mail, harness, shield, sword, helmet, equipment, armor, bridle, harness, mace.Reading passages about epic heroes.

Methods for managing children's activities: conversation, play.

Types of children's musical activities in the classroom:


Musical-rhythmic movement.

Playing in the orchestra.

Expected results:

The manifestation of emotional responsiveness;

Development of free communication with adults and peers.

Criteria for evaluation:



Perseverance in finding a way out of a problem situation.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive Development"

"Speech development".

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall to the music.

Musical director: Guys, we live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. Motherland means native. Like mother and father.

Children sing the song "At my Russia" op. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve.

Musical director: More than a thousand years ago, the Russian state was formed. It was called Rus. At first it was small, but for our Slavic ancestors it was the Motherland.

Today we will talk about the past of our Motherland. About our ancestors. Who are the ancestors?

Children.These are people who lived many, many years ago. These are the grandparents of our grandparents.

Musical director: Correctly! Remember, please, what were the names of our ancestors - the defenders of the Russian land?

Children: Bogatyrs.

Musical director: Who are the rich people?

Children:Strong men, warriors, fighters.

Musical director: And what were they?

Children:Strong, courageous, courageous, fearless, determined, heroic, valiant, courageous, courageous

Child:Bogatyr, this is what he is:

He's strong, he's healthy

He shot with a bow

Accurately threw a club,

Standing on the border

Vigilantly, vigilantly watched!

Mother Russia defended.

Musical director: And what are the most important Russian heroes you know?

Children:Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Musical director: Correctly. Here they are, look (draws the children's attention to the reproduction of "Three Heroes" by V. Vasnetsov and reads a poem)

Thundered with glory in fairy tales and epics

Three friends, three old comrades.

Three heroes fought shoulder to shoulder with the enemies:

Alyosha, and Dobrynya, and Ilya.

Many centuries have passed. But until now

We know these faces from the picture...

And your native land keeps eternal memory of you:

Alyosha, and Dobrynya, and Ilya.

The artist of the painting "Three Heroes" V. Vasnetsov claims that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready "to stand for the honor of the Motherland against the enemy, for the Fatherland in need to lay down their lives."

Musical director: How do you know about heroes?

Children:From epics, Russian folk tales.

Musical director: What helped the heroes in the fight against the enemies of the Russian land?

Children:Strength, courage, courage, resourcefulness, love for the Motherland.

Musical director: Guys, let's help the heroes get ready for a heroic deed.

The game "Collect the hero on the road"

On the table, from the proposed pictures depicting weapons and clothes, the children choose and name only those on which objects related to Russian heroes (background -introduction to M. Mussorgsky's opera "Khovanshchina" "Dawn on the Moscow River")

Boys reading a poem V. Berestov "Heroes"

There were bumps on the forehead,
Under the eye - lanterns.
If we are boys
Then we are rich.
Scratches. splinters,
We are only afraid of iodine.
Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring.
Let the head be green
M in plasters leg.
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.
Stubborn, in the morning we
Back to battle, on patrol...
Scars from those battles
Remained so far.

Musical director: Boys, show your heroic strength.

Dance "Our heroic strength" music A. Pakhmutova, sl. N. Dobronravova

Musical director: Guys, what proverbs do you know about valor and love for the Motherland?

Children:Die yourself, but save a comrade.

From your native land - die, do not go!

Stand boldly for a just cause!

To live - to serve the Motherland.

Not the hero who is waiting for a reward - but the hero who goes for the people!

There is safety in numbers.

Hard in teaching - easy in battle.
Where there is courage, there is victory.

To study military affairs is always useful.
A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.
Victory does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands.
The hand of our hero is strong.
They fight not by number, but by skill.

Musical director: Now I will tell you riddles about weapons and armor.

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn,

It is woven from iron rings. (Mail)

An iron hat with a sharp end

And in front, the beak hung over the face. (Helmet)

Weapons are not easy to raise,

Not just pick up and hold in your hand.

It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders ...

Well, guess what? Of course… (Sword)

To protect the chest from the blows of the enemy,

You already know it for sure

On the left hand of the hero hangs

Heavy, shiny and round ... (Shield)

Musical director : Well done, guys, correctly guessed all the riddles. After all the military deeds, the Russian heroes loved to relax their souls, play musical instruments. And now we're playing.

arr. G. Korotkova "Russian dance" performed by a children's orchestra.

Musical director: Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.
Keep her peace and quiet
This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table
And a native window in a forgotten village ...
Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.
Take care of her to be forever
With our truth and strength
All our destiny.
Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

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