For everyone and about everything. The most interesting finds in the stomachs of sharks The most terrible luggage of the tiger shark

Auto 17.08.2019

The most incredible things have fallen into the jaws of sharks over the past couple of centuries. How many sensational discoveries were made by scientists and fishermen who looked inside the bloodthirsty predators.

Secret documents, live turtles, ancient jewelry, and, of course, people were taken out of the belly of sharks.

In this article, we publish the TOP 30 most terrible and amazing finds in the stomachs of sharks!

1. Why does a shark need a coat?
In the stomach of a shark caught in the Adriatic Sea, there were three winter coats (without owners), a raincoat and a license plate from a car.

2. Marine disco
A musical instrument was once removed from the belly of a tiger shark caught off the coast of Senegal. It was a native drum "tam-tam" 27 centimeters long and 25 centimeters wide and weighing a good 7 kilograms.

3. Military secret
During the Second World War, in the stomach of a shark that managed to take charge of a sunken Japanese destroyer, the Americans found a notebook with a secret cipher, which later helped them a lot in the confrontation with the Japanese Navy.

4. Bold knight
A shark that was killed near a pier in Australia was found to have a fur coat and a whole set of steel knightly armor along with a helmet in its belly. The experts could not explain where these armor came from, and how the shark managed to swallow them.

5 Rambo Shark
Puerto Rican fishermen caught a shark with dynamite in its belly. It turned out that the sea predator swallowed some of the explosives that were used two months earlier to expand the entrance to the harbor of San Juan.

6. Australian man-eater
In 2001, off the eastern coast of Australia, 47 buttons, 3 leather belts, 7 gaiters and 9 shoes were found in the stomach of a huge whale shark: all that was left of the people swallowed by the cannibal.

7. Zenith Champion
In 2005, a dead woman was found off the coast of Sweden. White shark 2.5 meters long. Never before have sharks of this species, the most dangerous to humans, appeared north of the waters of Portugal.

The experts found that the sea predator died from stress (apparently, having seen where it had drifted). In her stomach was found a ticket to the premiere of Swedish director Lukas Moodysson's "The Hole in My Heart", a Coca-Cola can with Hebrew inscriptions, and a football fan's scarf with the inscription "Zenith Champion".

8. The shark is not afraid of "repellers"
In 2005, a white shark off the coast of South Africa ate an electronic shark scare device called the Shark Shield while testing the system.

A huge fish 3.6 meters long ate, without choking, a miracle of technology attached to a baited float, right in front of researchers from the South African organization Natal Sharks Board, which deals with protecting people from shark attacks.

9. Who is stronger: polar bear or shark?
In June 2008, scientists investigating how far a shark can swim in Arctic waters in search of food were extremely surprised to find the jaw of a young polar bear in the stomach of a Greenland predator caught in the Svalbard region of the Norwegian Arctic archipelago!

“We haven’t found anything like this before. We don’t know how the bear’s jaw got into the shark’s stomach,” Keith Kovacs from the Norwegian Polar Institute shrugged. "We can't determine if the shark swallowed a live bear or ate it when it was already dead."

The question of whether the Greenland shark can attack a live bear is very difficult, the scientist believes. In the past, in the stomachs of sharks were found the remains of a Canadian reindeer caribou: the shark attacked the deer in the water. And among local residents there are still rumors that sharks can jump out of the water and grab a person standing on the ice.

10. Secure safe deposit box
In 1821, a whole collection of coins was found in the stomach of a captured shark. As it turned out later, one local fisherman used shiny coins instead of baubles and noticed that his bait was often just bitten off. Most likely, it was this shark that was the culprit, although there may have been other numismatists.

11. A living person inside a shark
In October 1927, near the Falkland Islands, from the stomach of a 17-meter whale shark, fishermen from a whaler removed a living person, but in an unconscious state, with minor skin damage.

When he came to his senses, he told how, during the installation of networks, his boat was attacked by huge monster. From a strong blow, the boat capsized, and the fisherman was in the water. He does not remember the further development of events, as he lost consciousness.

12 Cannonball Shark
The year 1823 was remembered by the fishermen for another amazing find. The cannonball, which weighs almost 3 kilograms, was easily digested in the shark's stomach. Various guesses of his appearance in the belly of a shark lead to only two versions of what happened.

The first says that at that time there was a war for independence in Latin America and one of the cores in the next battle somehow fell into the shark's mouth.

The second version says that someone was executed on the ship, with a shell tied to his feet and the shark ate the unfortunate man along with the core.

But you and I know that it was Baron Munchausen who wanted to fly over the sea, but failed!

13. Twice Eaten
In 1862, the Jutland steamer was caught in a storm. At this time, a very curious goose appeared on deck, which was taken on board by the second engineer Tate. The waves were of great height and one of them washed the bird into the sea. The owner had already said goodbye to his pet, but thanks to an amazing set of circumstances, they met again.

A shark that swam by swallowed the goose whole and was soon caught by local fishermen. On the foot of the goose was a label with the name and address of the owner.

He was returned home, after which the goose was eaten again by Tate himself, apparently in honor of the return of the pet.

14. Bad conspiracy
During the years of the American Revolutionary War, an American ship named Nancy was engaged in reconnaissance, posing as an ordinary ship.

But thanks to a shark caught by the British, the ship was exposed. The fact is that British sailors used a piece of pork to catch sharks. Having caught another predatory fish, the captain ordered to get the bait out of her belly for re-catching.

However, very interesting materials were found in the shark's stomach: somehow the shark swallowed compromising evidence in the form of documents from the ship, and they then became the main evidence for exposing the spies.

15. Stay alive
In 1922, a turtle was removed from the stomach of a shark. She was huge and also alive. Probably, only thanks to her shell she managed to survive despite the close proximity to the caustic gastric juice of a predator.

The rescued animal was housed in the New York Public Aquarium and named after the biblical prophet Jonah.

16. Eaten intellectual
A terrible find in the stomach of a shark was discovered in 1856. Scientists from New Orleans found the corpse of a well-dressed man in the belly of a great white shark.

The gentleman was wearing brand new patent leather shoes, natural cotton socks and a silk shirt. But there were no pants. Perhaps the fabric from which they were sewn was not as high quality as the rest, and digested.

17. Kamikaze shark
Another shark, which liked the explosives, swallowed a depth charge fired from a ship while measuring depths in pacific ocean. The bomb had a clockwork and, of course, exploded a few minutes after it was swallowed by an interested person. strange object shark.

18. Tattoo for eternal memory
A shark was brought to the Sydney Aquarium for spectacle in 1935. In the very first performance, she amazed the audience with an unusual trick - she regurgitated a bitten off tattooed arm. James Smith, former bandit and master of the hand, was killed and thrown into the sea. It retained fingerprints and a tattoo, with the help of which the poor fellow was identified.

19. Boots with a bonus
One day Croatian fishermen were caught in a net by a great white shark. Opening the belly of the fish, they saw men's feet there, dressed in warm boots. Where the rest of the body went is still a mystery.

20. Serial killer
The most terrible "luggage" boasts a tiger shark. In 2003, a huge predator was caught off the coast of the Philippines. Having opened her stomach, the fishermen found a terrible find - 2 swimsuits, 5 "slippers", 7 pants and 2 work overalls. This is all that has survived from the people who were swallowed up by the bloodthirsty cannibal.

21. Shark vs Paparazzi
In 2011, fishermen found fishermen in the stomach of a tiger shark caught in the Mediterranean Sea. digital camera and a half-decomposed human hand.

The identity of the victim was identified from the photographs stored on the device. It turned out to be a young man who worked as an employee of one of the local newspapers.

In pursuit of sensations, he photographed famous people while relaxing and swimming on the beaches.

Apparently, in one of the swims, the paparazzi met a real star of horror films.

22. King Shark
In 2012, a giant hammerhead shark was caught in the net - to the surprise of the fishermen, a large number of English gold coins, jewelry and household items were found in the stomach of the fish. All the findings were handed over to the state, and to the admiration of historians, a ring of Henry the Eighth himself was found among the jewels.

23. Hello, who's talking?
In 2010, a group of businessmen were vacationing on a yacht in Jamaican waters. While sailing at sea, one of them was talking on the phone. By the way, for this reason, the phone was waterproof. But due to negligence, the businessman dropped the phone and he went to the bottom.

What was the surprise of vacationers, when one of them, a few days after the incident, for the sake of interest, decided to call the lost mobile phone - a rude male voice picked up the phone.

It turned out that fishermen were engaged in fishing a few kilometers from the yacht. From the ripped belly they removed the ill-fated telephone, torn from music and vibrations.

24. Grandma Shark Relics
An ordinary June morning in 1968 for the fisherman Correia from the islands of New Guinea was the brightest event in his life. Not far from his boat, he saw a huge 6-meter body of a great white shark - the predator was dead.

The surprise of the man was incredible when, having gutted the shark, he found gold coins dated 1790 in the stomach. According to the research, it was possible to find out that the coins were minted during the reign of George III.

How they ended up in the shark's stomach is still a mystery. In one of the bold assumptions, it is indicated that the age of the found shark was 180 years, which explains the precious find.

25. Dead Man's Chest
In 2000, a white shark was caught off the coast of Cuba. A small chest was found in her belly. It is difficult to guess what the people present thought about the contents, but when they opened the chest, they found tools for the most sophisticated torture.

The belonging of the chest to any era has not been established, the design of the chest and the material from which it was made remained a mystery to experts.

26. Achtung
During the Second World War, the Americans of one of the destroyers were shocked by the discovery in the stomach of a shark, which almost became the death of the curious. They found an unexploded German artillery shell in the shark's stomach.

How he got there and why he detonated is not known. Most likely, the projectile, similar to a fish with its oblong shape, fell into the water and interested the predator.

27. Balloon Shark
Vietnamese fishermen often find sharks in their nets. But a shark with a compressed air tank - for the first time. Interestingly, there are no human remains in digestive system the monster was not found. Apparently, a predatory shark decided to attack a swimming scuba diver, and he, not at a loss, sent his balloon into her mouth.

28. Heart of the Ocean
February 21, 1975 will forever remain in the memory of the brave fishermen. In the morning, fate presented an extraordinary test: a huge white shark got into the net of their ship with the dreamy name "Romance of the oceans", and they fought with it throughout the day.

And only in the late afternoon, tired fishermen defeated the predator. Having lifted the ruthless killer on board, they without hesitation began to butcher the carcass. The find, hidden in the insides of a shark, shocked not only the fishermen-heroes, but also became a mystery to scientists.

From the bloody belly of a great white shark, the marble head of a woman could be seen. After extracting the contents from the shark's womb, the fishermen looked at the find for a long time. In front of them was a fragment of a white marble statue of fine workmanship, identical to the ancient Greek sculpture of Venus de Milo. But unlike the original, their gift had hands wrapped around something that looked like a heart.

So who is she, the twin sister or the keeper of the heart of the ocean?

29. Lost Wanderer
In 1910, a brass gaff was found in the stomach of a shark with the brand "Wanderer" stamped on it. It was a gaff from the bow of the ship "Wanderer", which set sail in 1825 and disappeared along with the entire crew.

30 kilometers from the place where the shark was caught, scientists found a sunken ship. It was the lost Wanderer. Now this ship is raised on land and is in one of the museums.

30. Shark Obstetrician
The amazing find was made in November 2014 by a Cape Town family walking along the beach when they came across a dead shark. After the children noticed movement in the shark's stomach, the head of the family took a knife and cut open the shark's belly.

They didn’t find a person there - the stomach was empty, but soon everyone found out the cause of the tremors - they were three little sharks. They were moving fast and briskly. The man, one by one, freed the newborns and sent them to freedom in the Atlantic Ocean!

Maybe you also know about some finds in the stomachs of sharks that were not included in this TOP-30?

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in the jaw to sea ​​monster the most incredible things have fallen over the past couple of centuries of observations. Thus, according to eyewitnesses, different years important documents, live turtles, various relics from the bottom of the sea, and, of course, people were taken out of the belly of a white shark ...

    A cannonball of 6 pounds of metal in the form of a cannonball was discovered in the belly of a shark in 1823. The researchers put forward the idea that the core was tied to the body of the deceased so that he would safely go to the bottom. The shark did not disdain either carrion or the load itself ...

    Coin warehouse
    In 1821, a whole collection of coins was found in the stomach of a captured shark. As it turned out later, a local fisherman used small coins as a spinner. The bait, along with the spinner, got into the habit of biting off the shark, which was subsequently caught.

    Compromising evidence During the war in the United States (1775-1783), the American ship Nancy posed as neutral and conducted reconnaissance activities. However, the cunning brig was declassified by British sailors who caught the shark. The latter, in some incomprehensible way, swallowed compromising documents with Nancy. They subsequently became evidence of the betrayal of the ship.

    Animals inside shark stomachs Goose In 1862, a goose was found in the belly of a shark. The poor fellow must have been swept out to sea by a storm. A tag was attached to its paw, which indicated the address and name of the owner. Finding the owner was not difficult. The victim of the elements and the predator were returned to him, but the owner ate the goose again.

    Live turtle In 1922, they extracted from the bowels of a shark creature. It turned out to be a huge turtle, which, by a lucky chance, the predator did not have time to digest. The long-suffering animal, after an unfortunate (or happy) event, was named after the famous biblical character Jonah, with a similar fate, and settled in the New York aquarium.

    People found in the stomachs of sharks The corpse of an intellectual A sad end was found in the stomach of a white shark by a gentleman from New Orleans in 1856. The chronicles of that time note that the dead man, who was removed from the belly of the animal, had new shoes, a silk shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons and cotton socks. The trousers must have been of poor quality fabric, as they were digested first...

    A hand with a tattoo In 1935, a terrible find was discovered in the body of a shark in Sydney - a human hand with tattoos. The examination established that the hand belonged to a certain Mr. James Smith. Togo was killed and a corpse thrown into the sea, which was picked up by a shark.

    Feet In Fiume, in 1887, a shark was caught, opening it, they found male feet, shod in boots. Where the rest of the body went is unknown ... The most terrible find in the stomach of a fish But the most terrible "luggage" can boast of a tiger shark, a relative of the white one. In 2001, a huge predator was caught near Australia. Opening up her belly, fishermen found a terrible find - 47 buttons, 9 shoes, 3 leather belts, 7 pants ... This is all that has survived from the people who were swallowed up by the bloodthirsty cannibal.

The most interesting finds in the stomachs of sharks October 12th, 2014

The most incredible things have fallen into the jaws of a sea monster over the past couple of centuries of observations. So, according to eyewitnesses, in different years, important documents, live turtles, and various relics from the bottom of the sea, and, of course, people were taken out of the belly of a white shark ... Alive, however, no one managed to get out of the stomach of a voracious fish.

Coin warehouse

In 1821, a whole collection of coins was found in the stomach of a captured shark. As it turned out later, a local fisherman used small coins as a spinner. The bait, along with the spinner, got into the habit of biting off the shark, which was subsequently caught.


6 pounds of metal in the form of a cannonball was discovered in the belly of a shark in 1823. The researchers put forward the idea that the core was tied to the body of the deceased so that he would safely go to the bottom. The shark did not disdain either carrion or the load itself ...

Compromising evidence

During the war in the United States (1775-1783), the American ship Nancy posed as neutral and conducted reconnaissance activities. However, the cunning brig was declassified by British sailors who caught the shark. The latter, in some incomprehensible way, swallowed compromising documents with Nancy. They subsequently became evidence of the betrayal of the ship.


In 1862, a goose was found in the belly of a shark. The poor fellow must have been swept out to sea by a storm. A tag was attached to its paw, which indicated the address and name of the owner. Finding the owner was not difficult. The victim of the elements and the predator were returned to him, but the owner ate the goose again.

live turtle

In 1922, a living creature was extracted from the depths of a shark. It turned out to be a huge turtle, which, by a lucky chance, the predator did not have time to digest. The long-suffering animal, after an unfortunate (or happy) event, was named after the famous biblical character Jonah, with a similar fate, and settled in the New York aquarium.

Corpse of an intellectual

A sad end was found in the stomach of a white shark by a gentleman from New Orleans in 1856. The chronicles of that time note that the dead man, who was removed from the belly of the animal, had new shoes, a silk shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons and cotton socks. The trousers must have been of poor quality fabric, as they were digested first...

Arm with tattoo

In 1935, in Sydney, a terrible find was discovered in the body of a shark - a human hand with tattoos. The examination established that the hand belonged to a certain Mr. James Smith. Togo was killed and a corpse thrown into the sea, which was picked up by a shark.


In Fiume, in 1887, they caught a shark, opening which, they found male feet, shod in boots. Where the rest of the body went is unknown ...

But the most terrible "luggage" boasts a tiger shark, a relative of the white. In 2001, a huge predator was caught near Australia. Having opened her stomach, the fishermen found a terrible find - 47 buttons, 9 shoes, 3 leather belts, 7 pants ... This is all that has survived from the people who were swallowed up by the bloodthirsty cannibal.

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The most interesting finds in the stomachs of sharks

Sea monsters swallow everything indiscriminately
Findings inside these fish are truly creepy. Sometimes the most incredible things fall into their jaws, from relics and documents to living turtles and, of course, people ... Alive, however, no one managed to get out of the stomach of a predator.

1. Warehouse of coins
In 1821, a whole collection of small coins was found in the stomach of a captured shark. No, she didn’t swallow her wallet, everything was more interesting, the local fisherman came up with the idea to use coins as baubles. The bait, along with the spinner, got into the habit of biting off the shark, which was subsequently caught.

2. Cannonball
A 6 pound metal cannonball was removed from the belly of a shark in 1823. Most likely, the core was tied to the body of the deceased so that he would safely go to the bottom. The shark did not disdain either carrion or the actual load itself ...

3.Compromising evidence
During the US war in the 18th century, the American ship Nancy posed as neutral and carried out reconnaissance activities. However, the shark caught by the British surrendered everyone with giblets, in some incomprehensible way, incriminating documents turned out to be in her stomach, which became evidence for the accusation of treason.

4. Goose eaten twice.
In 1862, a goose was found in the belly of a shark. The bird was washed into the sea by a storm, but since it was with a tag on its paw, which indicated the address and name of the owner. Finding the owner was not difficult. The victim of the elements and the predator were returned to him, but the owner, not disdaining, ate the goose again.

5. Live turtle
In 1922, a living creature was extracted from the depths of a shark. It turned out to be a huge turtle, which, by a lucky chance, the predator did not have time to digest. After the rescue, the long-suffering animal was settled in the New York aquarium.

6. Stupid intellectual
A sad end was found in the stomach of a white shark by a gentleman from New Orleans in 1856. The chronicles of that time note that the dead man, who was removed from the belly of the animal, had new shoes, a silk shirt, which is not unimportant with mother-of-pearl buttons, and good quality socks.

7. Arm with a tattoo
In 1935, a tattooed hand was found in the body of a great white shark in Sydney. Experts have determined that she is to Mr. James Smith. Who was killed and thrown into the sea, but the body was immediately picked up by a shark.

8. Feet
In Fiume, in 1887, they caught a shark, opening which, they found male feet, shod in boots. Where the rest of the body went is unknown ...

9. The most terrible find in the stomach of a fish
But the tiger shark caught in 2001 in Australia boasts the most terrible “luggage”. Having opened the belly of a predator, the fishermen found a terrible find - 47 buttons, 9 shoes, 3 leather belts and 7 pants ... This is all that has been preserved from people who were swallowed up by the bloodthirsty cannibal.

1. Warehouse of coins
In 1821, a whole collection of small coins was found in the stomach of a captured shark. No, she didn’t swallow her wallet, everything was more interesting, the local fisherman came up with the idea to use coins as baubles. The bait, along with the spinner, got into the habit of biting off the shark, which was subsequently caught.

2. Cannonball
A 6 pound metal cannonball was removed from the belly of a shark in 1823. Most likely, the core was tied to the body of the deceased so that he would safely go to the bottom. The shark did not disdain either carrion or the actual load itself ...

3.Compromising evidence
During the US war in the 18th century, the American ship Nancy posed as neutral and carried out reconnaissance activities. However, the shark caught by the British surrendered everyone with giblets, in some incomprehensible way, incriminating documents turned out to be in her stomach, which became evidence for the accusation of treason.

4. Goose eaten twice.
In 1862, a goose was found in the belly of a shark. The bird was washed into the sea by a storm, but since it was with a tag on its paw, which indicated the address and name of the owner. Finding the owner was not difficult. The victim of the elements and the predator were returned to him, but the owner, not disdaining, ate the goose again.

5. Live turtle
In 1922, a living creature was extracted from the depths of a shark. It turned out to be a huge turtle, which, by a lucky chance, the predator did not have time to digest. After the rescue, the long-suffering animal was settled in the New York aquarium.

6. Stupid intellectual
A sad end was found in the stomach of a white shark by a gentleman from New Orleans in 1856. The chronicles of that time note that the dead man, who was removed from the belly of the animal, had new shoes, a silk shirt, which is not unimportant with mother-of-pearl buttons, and good quality socks.

7. Arm with a tattoo
In 1935, a tattooed hand was found in the body of a great white shark in Sydney. Experts have determined that she is to Mr. James Smith. Who was killed and thrown into the sea, but the body was immediately picked up by a shark.

8. Feet
In Fiume, in 1887, they caught a shark, opening which, they found male feet, shod in boots. Where the rest of the body went is unknown ...

9. The most terrible find in the stomach of a fish
But the most terrible "luggage" boasts a tiger shark caught in 2001 in Australia. Having opened the belly of the predator, the fishermen found a terrible find - 47 buttons, 9 shoes, 3 leather belts and 7 pants ... This is all that has survived from the people who were swallowed up by the bloodthirsty cannibal.

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