Herbal teas from what. Herbal teas for every day, recipes at home, useful properties

Auto 14.04.2021

The tea ceremony is a well-known occasion to relax and have fun, even if this is done not in a restaurant, but in a cozy kitchen, having a sincere conversation with loved ones. The most popular hot drink is black tea, green tea is brewed a little less often, but they are not as safe for some categories of people as you might think. It's good that there is a great alternative: herbs instead of tea.

Our ancestors drank exclusively natural drinks, and today the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is gradually returning, so more and more people choose useful herbs. This is easily explained: the flavonoids included in their composition, essential oils, vitamins and valuable trace elements bring great benefits to the body!

What herbs are useful to drink instead of tea: do's and don'ts

Herbal teas are more correctly called herbal drinks, since they do not contain a tea leaf or very little of it. It is a product that relieves pain, tones or warms, invigorates and stimulates or relaxes and soothes: it all depends on the composition of the plants.

Popular black and green teas drunk in uncontrolled amounts can be harmful nervous system and even cause insomnia, which cannot be said about properly selected herbal preparations, the features of which we will discuss in our article.

Nature gives us a huge selection of medicinal plants that can be used to treat or prevent many diseases. Herbal drinks have benefits that are important to be aware of:

  • are not addictive;
  • made from cheap raw materials;
  • do not interfere with the absorption of vitamins;
  • do not cause edema;
  • help to achieve a certain therapeutic effect.

If a person suffers from diseases associated with an imbalance in purine metabolism (for example, gout), then it is better to exclude classic black tea from everyday life, because it contains up to 0.1 g of harmful uric acid. And caffeine, which is part of the tea leaf, increases excitability and is not always useful for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems. So feel free to drink herbal preparations and have fun!

However, herbal drinks have their own contraindications:

Important: if you experience abdominal pain, headache or allergic reactions, immediately stop taking herbal tea! And, of course, when choosing ingredients, do not forget about the state of your health.

Herbal teas are used not only in collections, they can be made on the basis of a specific plant: for example, from one mint, rosehip or blackcurrant leaves. But if you like a variety of flavors and aromas, then you can safely experiment by making your own recipes.

Examples of herbal mixtures:

Yes, yes, you can add your favorite spices to your herbal teas: cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, etc.

Teas for vivacity

The advantages of such drinks are that they easily replace invigorating morning coffee and help you get in shape after a sleepless night. To prepare a healing drink, take the following ingredients in equal proportions:

  • raw ginger root;
  • blooming Sally.

After drinking a cup of this tea, you will definitely cheer up, but do not forget that such a tone does not replace a good rest. Some .

Teas to calm the nervous system

These drinks have a relaxing effect and are great for relieving tension after a hard day at work. To prepare, take:

  • valerian root;
  • leaves of lemon balm and mint;
  • thyme;
  • motherwort;
  • chamomile.

To achieve a lasting sedative effect, drink this collection daily 1 hour before bedtime (the exception is valerian, which is not recommended for a long time).

To reduce pressure

For this purpose, use tea from chokeberry, barberry, strawberry flowers and leaves, succession and knotweed.

Cleansing teas

Cleansing the body is the key to its normal functioning. Cleansing teas are used as an aid. Here are their ingredients:

  • to dissolve mucus (fennel fruits, plantain and elderberry);
  • to obtain a choleretic effect (dandelion root, calendula, wormwood, chamomile, immortelle, corn stigmas).

For a mild laxative effect, use buckthorn, senna, joster, and rhubarb root. To cleanse the lungs, violet and oregano are used; to remove toxins from the body - nettle, dandelion or burdock; to clean the vessels, they drink tea from white mistletoe, Japanese sophora or black currant.

miracle tea

If you have problems with excess weight, the body is slagged with toxins and salts, and the level of bad cholesterol is off scale, then this tea is for you:

  • immortelle;
  • chamomile;
  • Birch buds;
  • St. John's wort;
  • strawberry roots and leaves.

The ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio and drunk for a long time in the form of tea without sugar.

Herbs for tea: selection and preparation

The main rule when choosing a herbal drink: all the ingredients should taste good, because we want to get tea for everyday use. This means that you will have to exclude some useful, but bitter or tart-tasting herbs such as yarrow or tansy.

Herbal tea should be perfectly infused and always freshly brewed: then all the healing substances will benefit your body. By the way, not only leaves are poured into the teapot, but also fruits, flowers and even stalks of fruit trees. Remember: tea should not contain many plants with strong aromas, otherwise they will kill each other, and our task is to make a drink that is harmonious in taste and aroma, in which the components do not suppress each other, but complement each other.

It is better to take care of the raw materials for tea in advance and collect the plants during flowering, and then dry them well and grind them if desired. Important: the collection of plants should be carried out only on clear and dry days, preferably in ecologically clean areas.

The leaves are not dried in the sun, but in a shaded dry room, additionally dried in an oven, stored in closed jars without oxygen and extra aromas. Fruits and berries are dried first in the sun, and then in the oven on the smallest fire for 2-4 hours.

If it is not possible to independently collect herbal raw materials, feel free to buy herbs in pharmacies that sell products that have passed certification and radiological control.

Herbal drinks can be consumed by all people, regardless of age and health status. If you decide to drink such teas for the purpose of treatment or prevention, you must strictly monitor the expiration date of the collection, preventing the appearance of an atypical aroma or taste.

How to make an herbal drink

Take a set of your chosen herbs and chop them if they are fresh. If dry, just mix. Classic dosage for brewing: 1 heaping teaspoon per 250 ml of boiling water. Take a teapot and rinse it with boiling water, then pour herbs into it and pour hot water over it. Cover tightly with a lid, wrap in a towel and leave alone for half an hour: so much time is needed for the herbs to give all their healing properties to boiling water, and the drink turns out to be rich and tasty. Also, herbal drinks can be prepared in a water bath.

As a rule, sugar is not added to the teapot, otherwise the unfinished tea will quickly disappear, and it cannot be consumed cold. But your favorite jam or bite is even welcome.

Tip: If you plan to add solid ingredients (twigs, roots or bark) to the herbal drink, they must first be crushed and boiled for 10 minutes.

There's no accounting for tastes, so don't be surprised if guests or family members don't like your favorite pick. And they also say “tea is a personal matter, it is not clear with whom they do not drink it”! So enjoy the shades of natural flavors, aromas and become healthier!

The site site can advise you on fragrant and healthy herbal teas in the Tea.ru online store - only natural herbs, free shipping on orders over 1000 rubles!

Can't concentrate on work? Do you constantly drink coffee, but the effect is minimal? Not able to fall asleep quickly and sleep well after a busy day at work? - Pay attention not to the benefits of modern civilization and its products, but to the gifts of mother nature, which can stabilize your condition without the slightest harm to health.

Every day, the number of people who, taking care of their own health, prefer natural ingredients and medicinal herbal decoctions is increasing. The recipe of such teas on natural herbs is incredibly diverse, in fact, as is the effect of their use: some are filled, others, others tone up, others soothe - it is difficult to count all the effects.

Be that as it may, aromatic drinks are very beneficial for human health, as they improve health and have a beneficial effect on emotional condition. The main advantage of such drinks is that everyone can create an individual herbal bouquet, guided by their own taste and desired effect.

Let's take a closer look at the 10 most useful herbs that are used to make teas, as well as their beneficial properties.

Herbs and teas

From this article you will learn:

Rosehip (wild rose)

To prepare the appropriate fragrant tea, you can use not only rose berries, but also roots, flowers and even leaves. As practice shows, rose hips and tea based on them have the most useful properties. It is in these small fruits that a huge amount of vitamins and minerals is concentrated. In terms of vitamin C, these berries are 2 times superior to the closest "competitor" - blackcurrant. Each 100 g of this product contains at least 800 mg of the vitamin.

What is useful for the body:

  • perfectly resists inflammatory processes;
  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates problems with high blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels and improves their elasticity.

Brewing: 20-30 mg of dry rose hips should be crushed. Then these ingredients are placed in a thermos, pour 400-500 ml of boiling water and let it infuse for 1 night. The drink is consumed after straining. Drink 30 minutes before meals.

Herbal teas: Top 5 most useful herbs for tea from website magazine

Do not rush to drink the third cup of coffee of the day if it is difficult to concentrate, or swallow sleeping pills when you can’t fall asleep after a tiring day. A drink of lemon balm with mint will help to cheer up in the early morning, and acacia tea with honey will provide a sweet dream.

Today, people who care about their health are happy to exchange traditional tea bags for herbal teas. They are very diverse: cooling and warming, vitamin and healing, tonic and soothing, but in any case, all these drinks are very useful, they have a beneficial effect on both physical health and the emotional state of a person. And the best part is that each of us can make our own unique bouquet of those herbs that we like best.

The most useful herbs for tea

For the preparation of healing drinks, leaves, roots, flowers and berries of a wild rose are suitable. But most often tea is made from dried rose hips. In terms of the concentration of nutrients, few gifts of nature can compete with these small red berries. Dried rose hips contain 2 times more vitamin C than black currants (800 mg per 100 g of product). This explains the fact that rosehip tea boosts immunity, treats colds, speeds up recovery from many ailments, and helps the body fight inflammation, including in the joints. This healing drink is recommended for capillaries, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with blood pressure, diseases of the urinary tract. Rosehip tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves metabolism, heals the liver, improves the functioning of the gallbladder.

How to cook: 1 tablespoon of dry fruits is crushed, placed in a thermos, half a liter of hot boiled water is added and left overnight. Drink, filtered, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.

2. Chamomile flowers

Headaches, bloating, illness respiratory tract, nervousness, insomnia - all these problems can be overcome by ordinary chamomile. Tea from the flowers of the plant is useful for diabetes, ulcer, gastritis, liver diseases. It is recommended to drink for weight loss: medicinal properties chamomile tea - the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, control appetite, improve digestion, and have a calming effect are very important when losing weight. A healing drink from sunny flowers has a positive effect on women's health. It is used to treat and prevent gynecological diseases, eliminate disorders in the endocrine system. Chamomile tea is useful for both small children and pregnant women, the main thing is to adhere to the correct dosage, and prepare a weak decoction for babies. He will come to the rescue when the crumbs have a cold, a tummy ache or teething. For colds, chamomile is brewed with linden flowers.

How to cook: 1.5 teaspoons of dried chamomile inflorescences are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, cover the mug with a saucer, leave for 10-15 minutes, filter and drink fresh, as chamomile tea quickly loses its healing properties.

3. Mint leaves

Peppermint tea can be drunk at any time of the day. In the early morning, the delicate aroma of fragrant leaves refreshes, gives a feeling of coolness, gives strength, helps digestion at lunch, and relaxes and relieves stress in the evening. Mint is considered a female herb: its fragrant leaves contain vegetable estrogens, close to female sex hormones, so men should not get carried away with mint tea. Peppermint tea is very beneficial for digestion. It will come to the rescue if you suffer from bloating, as it is able to destroy pathogenic microflora in the intestines, make it easier to breathe with a cold, and with regular use it will help prevent allergies and the formation of tumors. Peppermint tea helps in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system: relieves anxiety, improves brain activity, lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches, and normalizes sleep. To enhance the calming effect, mint is brewed with lemon balm.

How to cook: 1 coffee spoon of finely chopped leaves is poured into 300 ml of non-cool boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Drink fresh until the essential oils and vitamins have evaporated. A wonderful drink is obtained from mint, taken equally with green tea.

4. Linden blossoms

Linden tea relieves intoxication in case of poisoning, normalizes digestion, improves blood circulation, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. It will help you fall asleep faster, reduce the chances of getting sick if you feel unwell. Linden tea, as well as chamomile, is indispensable for colds, especially for pregnant women: it relieves fever, helps get rid of headaches and nasal congestion, and stimulates the immune system. To enhance the healing effect of linden for colds, it can be brewed with plantain, licorice and sage. Since linden tea is medicinal drinks, you can not drink it all the time, you must definitely take breaks. Linden tea is especially useful for people who have problems with blood vessels. It treats inflammatory processes, relieves swelling, prevents atherosclerosis. With its golden color, sweetish taste with honey notes and pleasant fragrant aroma, linden blossom can ennoble any herbal tea. Whatever drug collection you take, it will only benefit from the presence of linden in it.

How to cook: dried flowers and bracts (wings) are poured with hot water, covered with a lid and wrapped tightly for 20 minutes. For 300 ml of water you will need one and a half tablespoons of raw materials.

Popularly, this odorous plant with a pleasant lemon taste is called lemon mint, lemongrass, mint and honey. First of all, lemon balm is valued as a sedative. Folk healers have long been preparing a drug from the leaves of the plant, which drives away melancholy. A fragrant lemongrass drink is drunk with irritability, insomnia, depression, and neuroses. Lemon balm tea is useful in the absence of appetite, poor digestion, loss of strength. It helps with muscle spasms, lowers blood pressure, raises the tone of the body, is used as a remedy to combat colds, which is accompanied by chills. For stomach pains, lemon grass is brewed in half with peppermint. Melissa tea can be drunk during pregnancy: it will help expectant mothers with toxicosis. Melissa, like mint, is a female herb: it is equally useful for both young girls and older women. Inflammation of the appendages, climacteric neurosis, painful periods - lemon balm can be a reliable assistant in the fight against these problems.

How to cook: 1 teaspoon of fresh or dried lemon balm herb is poured into 200 ml of non-cool boiling water and infused in a thermos or a sealed container for 20-30 minutes. Drink only freshly prepared tea (can not be heated).

What other herbs can be used to make tea?

If you like green tea, you can brew it in half with linden, chamomile and lemon balm. To strengthen the immune system, fight colds and inflammatory processes it is useful to prepare drinks with the addition of raspberry leaves, blackberries, strawberries, cherries and black currants, brew echinacea herb, thyme, add cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn and mountain ash to tea.

Stevia tea with lemon balm is indispensable for mental stress: it helps to concentrate, improves memory, and normalizes cerebral circulation. An infusion of flowers and leaves of angelica, lemongrass, clover, lovage, strawberry has a tonic effect. And yarrow, sage, oregano, rose petals, acacia flowers, citrus peels and raspberry leaves have a calming effect.


Some herbs have a pronounced therapeutic effect, so it is recommended to brew them strictly following the recipe, and only after reading all the contraindications. Before drinking such drinks, it would be useful to consult a doctor, especially if they are intended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children.

How to brew herbal tea?

When brewing medicinal herbs it is important to preserve the useful substances with which they are enriched. Properly prepared tea has a rich taste, wonderful aroma and is a storehouse of bioactive substances. Herbs, leaves and fruits of medicinal plants are brewed in a heated dish (previously rinsed with boiling water). It is better if it is an enamel pan, glass or porcelain teapot. Dry berries need to be crushed, roots and fruits - finely chopped, and it is better to brew them in a thermos, leaving them overnight. For example, rose hips need to be infused for at least 8 hours. To preserve vitamins, herbs are poured with water cooled to 90º (but not boiling water!).

Rules for harvesting herbs for tea

Young leaves of raspberries, strawberries, black currants are plucked when they are fully unfolded. Berries for tea are harvested fully ripe, flowers (linden, wild rose, chamomile, jasmine) - fully bloomed. The harvesting of raw materials is carried out in sunny weather (in the morning after the dew has come down). Dry the collected herbs in a shaded room (in a well-ventilated room, in the attic or under a canopy on the street). Store finished raw materials away from strong-smelling products, in linen bags, paper bags, tightly closed glass and ceramic jars from 1 to 3-4 years. The drying temperature and shelf life of medicinal raw materials depend on its type. All bags and jars must be labeled with the name of the herb and the time of its collection.

Observing all the rules for harvesting, storing, preparing and drinking herbal tea, we get the opportunity to feed on the freshness and power of healing natural gifts. Having collected raw materials on our own, we can be confident in the naturalness of the product, which cannot be said about tea bags: it is not known what it is made of. Herbal teas do not contain caffeine, unlike traditional black and green teas. In general, they have many advantages. Drink to your health!

Herbal tea was once the main tea drink. Only since then, when black and other varieties of tea were brought to Russia, did it give way. Now that the fashion for a healthy lifestyle has reappeared, herbal tea is once again becoming very popular. The benefits of herbal tea are undeniable and are confirmed today by many scientific studies. Indeed, what could be better than drinking a cup of healthy herbal tea on cold winter days? So what are the benefits of herbal tea and is there any harm?

Herbal tea is tea obtained by brewing herbs, flowers, and plant roots. You can make this tea with any herb. We need to calm down after a hard day at work, relieve the first signs of a cold, relieve nausea or bloating - we resort to herbal teas.

In winter, this tea will warm, raise our immunity. In summer, it is an excellent cooling and healthy drink. All herbs have healing properties. And in addition to simply quenching thirst, herbal tea can solve a number of health problems.

Benefits of herbal tea

Herbal tea has many health benefits. It can be drunk hot or cold. At all times and all over the world, such tea is valued as a drink that gives the key to health and longevity and is the most ancient drink. How can I benefit from drinking herbal tea?

The main benefit of such tea is that when brewing any part of the plant, we get a healing drink with all the beneficial properties inherent in this plant in an easily digestible form. In addition, herbal tea is:

excellent source of vitamins and minerals;




ether compounds.

Herbal teas are simple, inexpensive, and effective. This is one way to drink a delicious drink without caffeine and non-drug prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

Flavonoids and antioxidants contained in the tea drink help to remove toxins and heavy metal compounds from the body, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive system, capillaries and connective tissues, contribute to faster healing. Flavonoids, as scientists believe, can have an antitumor effect, slow down the aging process.

Tannins also help the body fight many diseases, have astringent properties relieve inflammation.

Depending on the herb or several types of herbs being brewed, herbal tea may have the following properties:



Immuno-strengthening and immunostimulating;


Relaxing and soothing;

As a rule, herbal tea is drunk without sugar. But you can add sweetener if you like. It is better if it is natural honey or stevia.

Harm of herbal tea

It is hard to imagine that herbal tea can do any harm. However, certain requirements must be met.

First of all, this applies to the herbs from which you will prepare tea. Their collection should be carried out in an ecologically clean area so that they do not contain harmful substances from industrial enterprises or highways and roads.

Never buy herbs from the market until you know exactly where they were collected. It is better to buy at a pharmacy or a store.

Some herbs are only for healing. Drinking them in the form of tea is not recommended. These are herbs such as comfrey, ephedra, willow bark, celandine, dubrovnik, lobelia and the like, which contain poisonous and toxic substances. They are taken strictly in a certain dose and strictly regulated time.

There may be individual intolerance to some herbs, which can manifest itself in the form of a rash, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, coughing, sneezing, and so on.

The main purpose of herbal tea is prevention. Therefore, do not brew too strong tea.

Be sure to consult your doctor or specialist, especially if you are currently undergoing treatment and taking medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to brew herbal tea

Herbal tea is essentially a decoction or infusion made from the herb, leaves, bark, seeds, or flowers. It does not contain caffeine and is drunk, as a rule, for the sake of prevention and for their own pleasure due to the beneficial properties of the herb or herbal collection.

As noted by many scientists, herbal tea is much better than vitamins in tablets. Therefore, in order to retain all the healing properties, herbal tea must be properly brewed.

One of the main requirements is brewing tea in a sealed container. To do this, you can use a teapot, in a mug or a glass with a lid. When brewed, the herb releases essential oils.

When brewing some herbs, they must be kept in a water bath after brewing with hot water. It is allowed to brew in a thermos.

It is better to pour some herbs first with warm boiled water and then bring to a boil over a fire and boil for several minutes. As a rule, bark or fruits are brewed in this way.

How to choose herbal tea

When it comes to choosing herbal tea, the first thing you need to know is for what purpose you will be drinking it. Now you can buy ready-made herbal preparations intended for specific purposes. These are vitamin, to strengthen the immune system, for children, especially for women or men and compiled by specialists in a clear proportion.

Herbal tea should contain nothing but the herb itself, no artificial flavors or colors.

When harvesting herbs on your own, you need to dry them in the shade or under a canopy, spreading them out in one layer or tying them in small bunches. Drying herbs in the oven is allowed, while the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Can be dried in the electric dryer for fruits and vegetables.

Herbs are stored in tightly closed paper bags, cardboard boxes or cotton bags. The shelf life depends on the particular herb. Usually it's one or two years.

The most useful herbal teas for every day

For many centuries, from generation to generation, people transmitted information about healing powers herbs. With so many herbal teas to choose from today, it can be difficult to know which tea to choose. Here are just some of the healthy herbal teas you can drink every day. In fact, there are many more.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is the most famous tea. It has calming properties, helps lower blood sugar levels, and improves digestion. They also drink tea for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and use it to gargle the throat and mouth. Studies have shown that chamomile tea can reduce death rates by almost 29 percent.

Elderflower tea

Elderberry flowers are traditionally used in the treatment colds. This tea is an effective decongestant, helps to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

It also has diaphoretic properties, cleanses the lymph nodes, strengthens the immune system. Elderflower tea is drunk for allergies, asthma, in the treatment of fungal infections, urinary tract infections, and toothache.

Melissa tea

Melissa is a member of the mint family. These herbs have soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain. The plant is rich in antioxidants and contains the powerful compound eugenol.

Lemon balm tea can be drunk with digestive problems, with sleep, with stress and anxiety.

Fennel tea

This is the most famous tea, which is drunk with bloating and increased gas formation. It has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, relieves spasms, removes bad breath.

Mint tea

Traditional tea for nausea and vomiting. Tea stimulates the production of bile, improves digestion, soothes and promotes sound sleep.

Tea with lemongrass

Lemongrass has a positive effect on digestion, calms the nerves and lowers blood pressure. It will also help with insomnia, acne, colds.

Tea with lavender

Lavender is known for its relaxing properties. Lavender tea is most often drunk to relieve stress and calm the nerves. It will also help with stomach problems, relieve pain associated with arthritis or other bone diseases, headache.

Echinacea tea

Echinacea has excellent tonic properties. They also drink this tea to boost immunity, for colds, to relieve pain in the joints and muscles.

nettle tea

Nettle is rich in minerals. It is a good source of iron, calcium, silicon. Nettle tea is a good anti-inflammatory agent, improves skin condition, fights allergies, improves blood composition.

thyme tea

Thyme tea can be drunk during a cold. Thyme contains essential oils that protect the body from viruses and infections. It also helps with coughing as an expectorant. It will help with pain in the stomach, throat, with menstrual pain.

Tea with red clover flowers

This tea is especially well known for its ability to reduce symptoms and ailments during menopause. If you suffer from frequent hot flashes, disturbed sleep - brew a cup of tea with red clover.

rosemary tea

The aroma of rosemary, according to scientists, helps improve cognitive performance, help prevent brain aging.

Tea with ginger

Ginger tea is a good remedy on the early stages infections. They drink it for rheumatic pains, it dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, promotes weight loss.

Hibiscus tea

Red hibiscus tea is a very versatile tea. It can be drunk hot or cold. It perfectly quenches thirst, improves appetite, fights colds. This tea is also good as a laxative and diuretic.

This particular type of green tea is very rich in antioxidants. It contains 17 times more antioxidants than blueberries and 7 times more than dark chocolate.

Oolong tea promotes weight loss. With a large amount of antioxidants, it can reduce bad cholesterol, good prevention of cardiovascular disease, improve skin condition.

Pu-erh tea is the only tea that can mature and improve with age. Studies have shown that it can reduce fat deposits, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea can help with headaches, insomnia, eczema, high blood pressure, allergies.

The use of this tea can improve the condition of the skin, clear it of acne, promotes the strengthening and growth of hair.

This tea can also be attributed to herbal teas. It is rich in antioxidants, contains vitamins and valuable minerals that have a beneficial effect on the heart, liver, DNA cells.

This is not a complete list of the best herbal teas. In the summer, collect the leaves of strawberries, currants, raspberries, stock up on rose hips and other berries. all this is perfect for brewing delicious and healthy herbal tea.

The tea ceremony has long been used for pleasure. This is a common relaxation option, even if the process does not take place in a cafe, but at home, while talking with dear people.

The most common drink is black tea, green tea is used less often, but for certain people these drinks are not as safe as many people think. The good thing is that other drinks can be used instead of tea as an alternative.

What herbs are good to use instead of tea?

Since ancient times, our relatives preferred to drink only drinks natural origin, and today, over time, the fashion for maintaining healthy lifestyle life, so that many people prefer to drink healthy herbs, combining business with pleasure. This is explained very simply and logically - these drinks contain essential oils, flavonoids, valuable micronutrients, vitamin complexes which are of great benefit to the body.

Teas made from natural herbs should be called herbal drinks, since tea tree leaves are not used for their preparation, or there is a small amount of it at all. This drink very well eliminates soreness, warms, tones, stimulates, invigorates or gives a relaxing effect. The effects can be different, it all depends on what is included in the composition of the plants used to make the drink.

Common green and black tea, consumed in large quantities, can harm the human nervous system, sometimes they can provoke the development of insomnia. But if you choose the right herbs, then you will get exceptional benefits for the body.

Mother nature gives us as a gift a lot of plants with a healing effect that can help in the treatment of many diseases, or are excellent prevention their occurrence. There are benefits to herbal drinks that you need to be aware of.

  • do not provoke addiction from the body;
  • do not provoke the appearance of puffiness;
  • do not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
  • are made from cheap raw materials;
  • help to obtain a certain therapeutic effect.

If a person has diseases that are provoked by an imbalance in purine metabolism, then it is better not to use an ordinary black drink at all, since such a drink contains a large amount of uric acid, which is harmful, and the caffeine present in the tea leaf increases excitability and does not always benefits people who have problems with the activity of the heart muscle, with blood vessels, people with hypertensive problems. So you can safely drink herbal drinks and get benefits and pleasure.

Contraindications to the use of herbal preparations

As with every product, herbal teas have some contraindications for use:

  • It has been scientifically proven that if you drink a portion of peppermint very often, then in the future it will be difficult to conceive a child, certain problems may arise. So all good things should be in moderation.
  • Women in position are forbidden to drink teas in which plants such as nettle and thyme are present.
  • If you have a chronic illness, do not take uncontrolled and systematic teas made from unverified plants (it is recommended to consult a doctor before use).
  • If you are hypertensive and often have high blood pressure, then you should give up herbs such as licorice and St. John's wort. It should also be noted that licorice has a bad effect on potency.
  • If you have impaired kidney function, then you should be careful when using thyme, as well as birch buds.
  • Individuals who have such problems with gastrointestinal tract, like an ulcer and gastritis, you should stop drinking their chokeberry teas.

It should be noted that with the manifestation of any allergy, soreness of the head, soreness in the abdomen, you should immediately stop drinking herbal tea. And, of course, when choosing components, do not forget about the state of your health.

What herbs can be used daily instead of tea?

Herbal drinks are drunk not only as part of fees, some of them are made on the basis of a specific plant. For example, leaves from one wild rose, from lemon balm or black currant use great polarity. If you prefer the difference in taste characteristics and aromas, then you can conduct your own experiments in order to end up with the recipe you like the most.

Herbal mix options:

  1. , lemongrass, mint;
  2. Raspberry leaves with lime flowers and rowan berries;
  3. Thyme with rowan fruits, with wild rose, with strawberry leaves.
  4. Rosehip, lemon peel, oregano, immortelle, nettle.
  5. Dried apple slices, cherry blueberry leaves, chamomile collection.
  6. Raspberry leaves, cinnamon, orange peel;
  7. Cardamom with lemon balm;
  8. Rosehip and blackcurrant.

Herbs for energy

Such drinks can be a good alternative to coffee, which gives energy. The advantage of such teas is that after a sleepless night they saturate the body with energy and help to get in shape. To prepare a drink with invigorating effects, the following components are suitable:

  • (raw).

All components must be taken in equal proportions. Drink a cup of such a drink, you can cheer up well, you will be full of energy, your mood will improve, but do not forget that such a tone cannot replace a good rest.

Drinks to calm the nerves

Such drinks can give relaxation, they are very well suited to eliminate tension after have a hard day. To prepare a relaxing drink, you will need the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • motherwort;
  • thyme;
  • mint, ;
  • valerian root.

Herbs can be combined or used individually. To get a lasting sedative effect, drink this drink every day before going to bed at night. The only exception is valerian, as it is forbidden to use it for a long period of time.

To lower blood pressure

Persons who suffer from high blood pressure can drink a drink made from strawberries (both leaves and flowers are suitable), from knotweed and string, barberry, black mountain ash. One cup per day is enough, it is not recommended to take in large quantities. All good things should be in moderation, since in large quantities even the most healthy drinks can harm the body.

Cleansing drinks

In order for the body to function normally and perform its tasks, it needs to be cleansed. Cleansing drinks are used as additional means. Here are the ingredients for obtaining such drinks:

  • fenhelic fruits, elderberry and plantain are suitable for dissolving mucus;
  • to ensure a choleretic effect, it is worth using stigmas of corn, calendula, chamomile, wormwood, immortelle.

To provide a mild laxative effect, it is recommended to use rhubarb root, joster and senna. To cleanse the lungs, it is worth using oregano and chamomile. To remove accumulated toxins from their body, drinks made from burdock, dandelion and nettle should be consumed. To clean the vessels, you should drink drinks from their blackcurrant, Japanese sophora.

How to choose and prepare herbs?

The main rule when choosing an herbal drink is that all the nutrients should be to your taste, because you will consume the drink daily. That is, drinks made from tansy and yarrow are certainly very healthy, but tart and bitter in taste. Not everyone will like this.

Herbal tea should be well brewed before drinking. Only freshly brewed drinks should be taken, only in this case all the healing nutrients will become beneficial to the body. By the way, not only leaves are placed in the teapot for brewing, but also flowers and fruits, and in some cases the stalks of useful plants.

Remember, the drink should not contain plants with a strong smell, as they will strongly interrupt each other and you will not be able to get a harmonious drink. It is worth choosing herbs in such a way that all components complement each other, both in aroma and taste.

It is recommended to prepare raw materials for making tea in advance. Plants are harvested at flowering time. After that they are dried. It is important to follow one important rule- plants should be collected only in dry and clear days, it is desirable that they grow in clean areas. Refuse to collect plants on the sides of the roads, as there will definitely not be anything useful in them.

Drying the leaves should not be done in direct sunlight, but indoors - dry and shaded. You can use the attic for drying, some people dry the herbs in the oven, which is much faster and does not affect the benefits of the herbs in any way. As for storage, it must be carried out in closed containers. Where no other flavors and oxygen will go. Berries and fruits are recommended to initially dry in the sun. Then send to the oven and dry for 3-4 hours on low heat.

If you cannot and do not want to collect herbs yourself, then you can purchase it at pharmacies. When choosing a pharmacy, preference should be given to those that have undergone radiological control and certification.

Teas made from medicinal herbs are allowed to be drunk by all people, regardless of their state of health and age. If you decide to use such drinks for preventive purposes or for treatment, you need to carefully monitor the expiration date.


Take herbs and grind them well. If they are dry, then mix. For brewing, it is recommended to take 250 ml of boiling water and add one teaspoon of herbs to it. Rinse the teapot with hot water, then pour the required amount of collection and fill with water. Close the lid and let it brew for half an hour. It takes exactly 30 minutes for herbs to saturate the water with their healing properties, and the tea came out delicious and had a pleasant aroma.

In addition, it is allowed to prepare such drinks in a water bath. Sugar should not be added to the teapot, as it can spoil very quickly. Sugar can be added to your cup immediately before drinking. Instead of sugar, you can use honey, so the drink will be saturated with additional useful components. But remember that honey should not be added to a hot, but to a warm (60 degrees) drink, otherwise all its beneficial properties will be lost.

If you want to prepare a herbal drink with additional solid ingredients (bark, branches, roots), then they must first be crushed and boiled for 15 minutes.

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