What is the herb oregano useful for and how to use it? Application in medicine. Collection and preparation of oregano.

Health 19.12.2017

To date, science knows an incredible number of various herbs and plants with healing properties. One of these plants is oregano, which successfully grows in the wild. In Slavic countries, it is used as a therapeutic agent, while at the same time, most of the European population knows oregano called oregano. Oregano is one of the most popular Italian spices, without which it is impossible to cook a real pizza. Based on this, it can be seen that oregano is a unique herb with a number of distinctive properties, which allows it to be used not only in folk medicine but also in cooking.

Why is oregano considered medicinal?

Oregano is one of the most mysterious plants with incredible benefits for humans. It is used for therapeutic, prophylactic and cosmetic purposes, brewing, insisting, and also combining with other components. It should be noted that for the preparation of drugs different type effects on the body, the roots, stem and flowers of the plant can be used, which contain in their composition a lot of substances useful for the body.

One of the main substances present in this plant is essential oil, acting as a natural flavor and an effective basis for the creation of therapeutic products. Oregano ether consists of alcohols, phenols, carvacrol and thymol. These components make the motherboard itself, giving it a specific flavor and properties.

Do not forget about other components that provide healing properties oregano. These are micro-, macroelements, free alcohols, vegetable acids, tannins, flavonoids, etc. These components allow for antimicrobial therapy, help to relieve the inflammatory process, relieve swelling and normalize the course of biological processes.

Benefits of using herbs

It should be noted that the considered herbal remedy is effective method treatment in folk medicine. Serious ailments cannot be cured with the help of oregano, but it has a number of properties that allow it to be used as an auxiliary therapeutic tool. Thus, grass in folk healing is used to solve various problems, since oregano has the following properties:

  • pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • relieves inflammation, improves bile flow;
  • acts as a diuretic;
  • has a positive effect on work nervous system, carrying out effective prevention of neurosis,
  • insomnia and depression;
  • reduces soreness of the teeth, inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
  • normalizes work gastrointestinal tract;
  • oregano is often used as a drug to fight fungal infections;
  • due to its strong diaphoretic and expectorant action, the herb is successfully used for therapeutic purposes in bronchitis and colds, as well as effective remedy From cough;
  • tones the skin, eliminating inflammation and various rashes;
  • the use of oregano is relevant for menstruation, since herbal infusion helps to reduce pain and spasms;
  • lowers blood pressure (but only if hypertension is not severe;
  • helps with spasms of the intestines, stomach, liver diseases;
  • relieves inflammation of internal organs, due to which the plant is used for pancreatitis;
  • a large number of women use oregano seeds for weight loss, as they help burn fat deposits, etc.

Video about the beneficial properties of oregano and its application

Medicinal properties of the motherboard for women in gynecology

In addition to all of the above positive properties plants, it is necessary to mention its main purpose - the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is for this reason that oregano is called the mother. It is worth noting that, depending on the problem, the remedy should be made according to different recipes. However, the use of this plant must be taken with great care, as there are problems in which oregano cannot be used. It is for this reason that situations in which oregano therapy will be most relevant are described below.

When menstruation is delayed

Violation menstrual cycle is a fairly common occurrence among modern girls. In each individual case, the delay in menstruation is evidence that the process of formation and excretion of the egg is disturbed. The situation is common at first glance, but it requires a detailed study with the subsequent restoration of the cycle.

It should be noted that the best treatment is prevention, so gynecologists advise girls who are faced with the use of herbal infusions. The best method for restoring cycle length is oregano. To prepare the product, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw materials with three glasses of boiling water and soak the composition for 40 minutes in a dark, warm place. The resulting infusion should be filtered and drunk throughout the day in a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When breastfeeding

Today, a large number of external factors have appeared that negatively affect the process breastfeeding. Quite often there is such a situation that a young mother loses milk and in order to ensure that the process of natural breastfeeding of the baby is not interrupted, additional funds can be applied. It is worth remembering that the lactation period is quite “gentle”, as a result of which it is highly undesirable to use concentrated infusions and decoctions.

Excellent help to strengthen the work of the mammary glands, respectively, increase the amount of milk, tea with oregano. However, this tea is useful only if the nursing mother is not able to feed the child, there is not enough milk. After drinking the course of the motherboard, you need to stop using the remedy, since the herb described can adversely affect the composition of milk. It is necessary to brew the product in the proportion: 1 teaspoon of raw materials per 250 milliliters of boiling water.

Harm from drinking tea, decoction and infusion of the plant

Despite the fact that oregano is an extremely healing agent for the body, there are side effects from taking the drug. The main thing to pay attention to is the high allergenicity of the product, which is why it is necessary to use grass in any form with caution. In some cases, after taking an oregano decoction, respiratory arrest was diagnosed.

Also, the described plant has an extremely negative effect on male power. It inhibits libido and leads to erectile dysfunction. For this reason, it is better for men to refrain from medical measures implemented using the motherboard. It should be noted - despite the fact that the plant is used mainly for the treatment of specific female diseases, it is forbidden to take it during pregnancy, as this is accompanied by the most negative consequences.

Why is oregano forbidden during pregnancy?

In ancient times, decoctions and infusions of oregano were used to terminate unwanted pregnancies. The fact is that the herb concentrate has a natural aborting effect, causing uterine spasm. Usually, taking oregano is accompanied by a miscarriage, or serious violations in the development of the fetus, which can affect the health of the baby in the future after childbirth. Therefore, during the gestation of the fetus, grass should not be used under any circumstances.


Not everyone can be treated with oregano, since this plant has many contraindications that make its use impossible. The main contraindication is pregnancy. Negative impact grass will also have on people suffering from high blood pressure, further increasing it. Those who have peptic ulcer of the intestine or stomach, as well as gastritis with high acidity, will also have to refrain. Any disturbance in the work of the cardiovascular system is a contraindication to the use of oregano in the form of tea, decoction or infusion.

Photo: what does oregano look like

Oregano is a fairly tall flowering plant, with a stem length of 50-70 centimeters. At the same time, it should be noted the specific shape of the leaves: they are pointed at the ends, repeat an oblong-ovoid bend and have a length of up to 4 centimeters. The flowers are small, numerous, white, beginning to bloom in the first half of summer. Each flower has five petals.

Upright, branched tetrahedral stems covered with fine hairs. Leaves - finely serrated along the edge, petiolate, oblong-ovate, opposite. Oregano blooms from July to September with numerous small purple flowers collected in spikelets. The fruits ripen from August to October - brown, dry, smooth, rounded ovoid, consisting of 4 mm nuts.

Oregano herb, the use of which is widespread, is also called incense, motherboard or swan, since in folk medicine it was used to treat many gynecological diseases. In Russia, you can find 3 types of this herb, but the most valuable is oregano, which also grows in Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Caucasus, Siberia (Western and Central) in dry steppes, bushes, forest glades, meadows , slopes of ravines, forest edges etc.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials elevated flowering leafy stems and flowers serve. Harvesting is made at the very beginning of flowering, cutting off about 20 cm long, along with inflorescences. After that, the raw materials are knitted into bundles and dried, hanging for this in a ventilated dark room. After drying, the leaves and flowers are separated from the stems by threshing or rubbing through a non-metallic coarse sieve. Raw materials can be stored for no longer than 3 years in hermetically sealed containers. glass containers.

The smell of oregano is pleasant, the taste is tart, slightly astringent, bitter-spicy.

Chemical composition

Wide application herbs associated with her chemical composition containing tannins and dyes, a fairly large amount of essential oil, phenols, geranyl acetate, free alcohols, flavonoids and vitamin C in large quantities.

Oregano is also recognized by official medicine, it is included in the collection of herbs for bronchial asthma, gynecological, chest, hypertensive, sedative, cardiac collections, as well as in the collection for cleansing the body and for weight loss.

Oregano herb has a calming effect on the central nervous system, helps with disorders of the nervous system, insomnia (acting as a mild sleeping pill), neuroses, convulsions, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion or shocks, bad mood, and headaches. Also, official medicine uses decoctions and infusions for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Oregano is also used to delay menstruation, to improve bile secretion and enhance the secretion of sweat and digestive glands, helps to contract smooth uterine muscles, acts as an excellent diuretic and regulates the menstrual cycle.

Oregano is also used as an analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Its infusions are useful for diseases of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis), with poor digestion, especially with colitis or enterocolitis, which are accompanied by flatulence and constipation, as well as in the absence of appetite, secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, intestinal atony, biliary dyskinesia, spasms of the intestine or stomach, cholecystitis.

The oregano herb has also been used in the treatment of inflammation of the liver, it is used for painful menstruation, jaundice, increased sexual arousal, and also as an agent that enhances the secretion of sweat glands.

it medicinal plant has the ability to suppress the microbial flora in pulmonary tuberculosis, tonsillitis, rashes, and is also used for wound healing. In addition, decoctions of oregano are recommended for use in staphylococcal infections, especially in children.

Oregano is also used externally. For washing and compresses, it is used for headaches and skin rashes. With scrofula or rickets in children, they can be bathed in a decoction of oregano. Baths with the addition of decoction are also taken for various rashes. To stimulate hair growth or for headaches, they wash their hair with a decoction or infusion of oregano. Oregano preparations are effective for rinsing with inflammation of the oral cavity or pharynx, as well as compresses or lotions for eczema, itchy rashes, abscesses, boils, and for washing wounds.

And traditional medicine advises to rub the body with paralysis with oregano oil.

1. Infusion of oregano. Boiling water (200 g) pour 2 tables. spoons of raw materials, insist for a quarter of an hour and drink 100 g twice a day before meals. The same infusion is used for lotions, rinses and compresses. For baths, they take 10 liters of water and 10 tablespoons of raw materials.

2. A decoction of oregano. 200 g of hot water is poured with 2 teaspoons of herbs, covered with a lid, set to bask in water bath. A quarter of an hour is heated, cooled and consumed in the same way as the infusion.

3. Infusion of oregano for the treatment of epilepsy: 10 g of herbs are taken for 300 g of boiling water, insisted and filtered. Take this infusion before meals, 100 g three times a day. Course - 3 years.

4. Car racing fee. A mixture of a tablespoon of chamomile and oregano is poured into 200 g of boiling water, placed in a bowl and heated in a water bath for about 5 minutes, cooled, filtered and taken 100 g in the morning and evening.

5. Diaphoretic tea. Two tablespoons of a mixture of 1 part of the motherboard, two parts of dried raspberries, 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink 100 g hot three times a day.

6. Breast tea. They take a tablespoon of a mixture of 2 parts of marshmallow root, 2 teaspoons of coltsfoot leaves and 1 teaspoon of oregano, pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink warm after eating 100 g each.

7. An anti-inflammatory collection is prepared for gargling the throat and mouth: two tables. spoons of a mixture of four parts of oregano, 6 parts of oak bark, 1 part of marshmallow root pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter. Use warm after meals for rinsing several times a day.

8. Tea: 2 teaspoons of herbs pour 200 g of boiling water, insist for 3 minutes and drink the entire portion with honey or sugar. This tea stimulates digestion. It is also recommended to drink it for women with early menopause or with constant and frequent hot flashes, severe bleeding, depressed mental state, and also to increase lactation in nursing mothers.


A contraindication to this herb is any period of pregnancy, because, causing uterine contractions, oregano serves to terminate pregnancy.

Oregano (Origanum) - perennial herbaceous plant or semi-shrub of the Lamiaceae family. Has many others folk names(bone-breaking grass, forest mint, materka, mother plant, fleabane, bedbug grass) 30-75 cm high.

The leaf is opposite, petiolate, entire, oblong-ovate, pointed at the tip, dark green above and light green below. The small tubular flowers are pink or pinkish-purple, with pale purple corollas with a pinkish sheen. Often stamens protrude from the corolla. One plant contains up to 1000 seeds, blooms in the second half of summer.

Oregano - types and places of growth

There are about 50 species of oyster mushroom around the world. The homeland of the plant is considered to be Southwest Asia, since ancient times it has also been known in North Africa. It can be found throughout the mediterranean sea and to Central Asia. Oregano loves light and dry soil, so more often it can be found in dry forests, in bright places - glades, meadows, edges.

Western and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, middle Asia, Kazakhstan - these are places of constant growth of oregano. It was brought to America only in the last century and immediately began to be cultivated as a medicinal plant and spice. In Russia, it grows everywhere, except for the most northern regions, it can be found both in open spaces and in thickets of shrubs.

Oregano - medicinal properties

This medicinal herb has been used since ancient times for a calming effect on nervous disorders in children, it has the property of sleeping pills. Oregano stimulates appetite and improves bowel function - stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, removes bile. The plant is able to provide many medicinal effects: anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic and hemostatic. With neuroses, the sedative property of the herb is used. Oregano also has other properties that can be used for insomnia and headaches, biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis.

Oregano - dosage forms

The plant contains essential oils and tannins, a high concentration of ascorbic acid. Grass leaves and buds (fresh and dried) are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures; the upper parts of the shoots, flowers and leaves, powder from crushed grass are also used as medicinal raw materials.

Steamed grass is used for skin diseases, they also use alcohol tincture and vegetable oil infused with oregano.

Oregano - recipes

1. Against smoking, oregano is used as part of the collection: mother and stepmother, marshmallow officinalis, oregano. Oregano is taken two times less than other herbs. Three tablespoons of the collection are poured into a half-liter thermos with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Strained decoction relieves withdrawal symptoms, cleanses the lungs and simply soothes.

2. Oregano, an infusion of herbs for headaches: Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs into 0.5 liters. boiling water, strain after 30 minutes, you can take 1 glass.

Oregano - contraindications

Medicines with oregano are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, since it is this herb that is used in medicine to normalize the menstrual cycle during delays and for early termination of pregnancy. It is not recommended to use infusions for patients with cardiovascular disorders. Essential oil is not recommended for patients with hypertension.

It is worth a little cold, as we begin to brew herbal tea, which necessarily includes oregano - which has a pleasant aroma and a whole range of various useful and medicinal properties. But few people know that oregano is the champion among plants in terms of the content of the trace element selenium, which is given a very important place in the fight against oncological diseases. Tea from a modest oregano is able to replace expensive drugs.

Oregano is an indispensable seasoning for many dishes - both tasty and healthy, especially in combination with dill, cilantro, cumin, dried seeds are ground and mixed). Oregano tea has an exquisite taste.

Oregano grows in sunny places, blooms in July-August. The flowers and leaves are very fragrant, especially when rubbed in the hands. For medicinal purposes, flowering leafy shoots are cut at a height of 25 cm from the crown during mass flowering. AT good summer you can harvest a second crop in the fall.

Oregano is used as an antiseptic, for spasms of the stomach and intestines, paired with chamomile - 1: 1), for constipation, as a choleretic agent, for metabolic disorders, diathesis in children, for migraines, insomnia.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep, stuff a small linen bag with oregano and mint, pine needles, and laurel leaves and place it next to your pillow.

Infusion. Pour 15 g of grass with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day, with insomnia 1/3 cup for the last time before bedtime).

Contraindications: It is not recommended to use decoctions, infusions, tea based on oregano herb for pregnant women, people with a disease of cardio-vascular system, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.

Also, oregano is contraindicated in persons suffering from renal, intestinal or hepatic colic and hypertension. With these diseases, it is recommended to reduce the intake of drugs based on oregano.

About the healing and beneficial properties of the properties of this amazing plant, as well as regular readers of our magazine will tell about its use in traditional medicine.

Familiar cold tea

You remember some things all your life, they remind you of the most best moments are associated with the most pleasant memories. Now that I myself am far from young and I have big family, with special gratitude I remember my grandmother, who soldered me tea for colds. I can't confuse the taste of this potion and its aroma with anything. As soon as I caught a cold, a cup with herbal decoction and raspberry jam immediately appeared. Grandmother brewed dried raspberries, lime blossom and oregano grass. All equally mixed stood in a jar in the kitchen, always ready in case of illness of the household. And what is most interesting, this tool helped everyone without a hitch. I am still treating myself, and my family too, if someone catches a cold.

This fragrant tea is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and a half, filtered and drunk half a glass 3-4 times a day until you feel better, usually 3-4 days.

Indeed, this is a recipe that has stood the test of time.

Olga Samsonova

Firming bath

I have not yet met people who would never get sick with anything. Everyone has a runny nose or malaise. So I fall down from some kind of infection several times a year. The most unpleasant thing for me in such cases is a cough. Apparently, this is a feature of my body: when I catch a cold, I have a very strong cough. Once I was taught to treat my trouble with baths.

Oregano herb is taken as a therapeutic agent for baths. Pour 400-500 g of dry grass with a bucket of boiling water, leave for 30-60 minutes, strain and pour the infusion into the bath. The water temperature should be 38-39 degrees. Duration 15-20 minutes.

Such a bath, based on oregano, is very soothing for coughs, especially in acute and chronic bronchitis In addition, the bath has a restorative effect. I noticed this on myself and on my girlfriend - we both really like to soak in the bath, but since then, as both of them began to use oregano, neither she nor I especially got sick anymore. Another effect of this bath is a wonderful dream.

Also, oregano herb has beneficial properties that help to calm the nervous system. Especially if it is taken simultaneously and inside:

three tablespoons of dry grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave to brew for one and a half to two hours, strain and take half a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Arrange yourself a dispensary at home, take healing baths with oregano in spring and autumn, and you will not be afraid of a cold, nor the flu.

Tatyana Filinova

Collection for the intestines

Many ways to improve your health are known: diets, cleansing, various health exercises, and so on. All this I'm in different time tried it on my own life. And I came to the conclusion that instead of violent measures, it is better to use natural, natural remedies. For several years I could not cope with problems in the intestines: weak motor skills led to habitual constipation. I tried to eat bran, but somehow they didn’t go to me, I didn’t like something. I couldn't bring myself to do enemas. In a word, I had to constantly monitor the condition of the intestines, by all means to help him more cheerfully cope with his duties. Once I was advised to use for this herbal collection of oregano and other useful plants, which I still cannot get enough of, it helped me so well.

The following herbs are taken: goose cinquefoil, parts of the herb), oregano, parts of the seeds), cumin, parts of the seeds), dandelion officinalis, parts of the leaves), dill, part of the seeds), birch, drooping birch, parts of the grass). Pour two tablespoons of the collection with one and a half cups of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take two tablespoons 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

After such therapy, not only cleansed the intestines, but he finally got used to working normally. Several courses of taking this collection saved me from a long-standing problem. What is most pleasant in such treatment is naturalness, no mechanical effect, which does not suit me in any way, since I believe that one cannot interfere with the work of our body, one must only help it, and here a janitor with a whisk can only do harm.

Natalya Ermilova

Oregano-grass saved the nerves

Nowadays, there are few such people who can boast of strong nerves. In any case, I am not one of them. And in recent times I began to notice that I was instantly irritated on any occasion. Girlfriends began to give advice, recipes. Who advised valerian, who to drink motherwort. From valerian, I just feel bad, my body does not accept it at all, a brutal appetite woke up from motherwort tincture, I was afraid for my health. But my surprise knew no bounds when I accidentally found out that the nerves are perfectly strengthened by an ordinary herb, the well-known oregano, which I usually drank when I had a cold.

2 teaspoons of dry chopped oregano herb pour 200 ml. boiling water, then insist for 20 minutes. How to use: in a warm form, ½ cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Sometimes before going to bed I took a decoction with a spoonful of honey, a very pleasant treatment and really strengthens the nerves without compromising health. Now I don't use any pills.

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From June to September, pinkish-lilac flowers of oregano delight fans of field and forest bouquets. Golden time for herbalists and connoisseurs of good, fragrant tea. Oregano has long been used for brewing, which acquires many useful properties.

About the benefits of oregano

This plant is recognized as medicinal. In our country, it grows everywhere except for Far North. She loves to "settle" in sunny forest clearings, on hills and open meadows.

At present, the number of this species of oregano has significantly decreased, and in many regions of Russia, harvesting of the plant is limited. During flowering, grass and flowers are richest in vitamin C, tannins and essential oils. The aroma of the plant is extraordinary!

Healing properties of oregano

Origanum vulgaris is a part of pharmacy fees, shows its medicinal properties in many diseases both in combination therapy and independently.

Oregano is a powerful natural sedative. Teas and decoctions from it easily cope with anxiety, nervousness, bad mood, insomnia. An infusion of oregano herb in combination with St. John's wort or meadowsweet helps with exacerbation of anacid gastritis, digestive disorders, and weak intestinal tone. It is very useful for people with stagnation in the gallbladder to drink tea with oregano, because. This plant facilitates bile excretion.

Infused oregano, taken shortly before a meal, increases appetite, helps in the absorption of food, regulates the acidity of the stomach (especially indicated for those who have low acidity).

In folk medicine, oregano is saved when high pressure because the herb has a diuretic effect. Gargling with infusion of oregano relieves sore throat, reduces inflammatory process in the tonsils with angina. The medicinal plant is used in the home treatment of bronchitis, cough, asthma - oregano has an expectorant effect. It is used to treat menstrual disorders.

The diaphoretic effect of oregano is perfectly manifested in fever, it helps to reduce the temperature from critical to optimal numbers.

Outwardly, weed is applied to wounds and cuts - a slight hemostatic effect is wonderfully combined in oregano with antiseptic.

An infusion or essential oil is added to relaxing aromatic baths. By the way, the skin after such procedures glows with beauty and youth, because oregano contributes to the renewal of dermal cells.

Oregano extract is included in the time-tested drug Urolesan, which exhibits healing properties for kidney stones and urinary tract, problems with the biliary tract.

You can not use oregano and even add to tea during pregnancy, because it has an abortive effect.

Application in nutrition

Oregano is a popular spice synonymous with Oregano and is found in many spice mixes for meat, chicken, fish and other dishes.

In addition to tea, oregano is added when making homemade kvass (for flavoring) and when pickling cucumbers (they turn out to be especially crispy and appetizing smelling).

To drink tea with health benefits, oregano is recommended to be brewed together with other plants: strawberries, blackberries, mint, chokeberry. Fragrant leaves are often added to homemade alcoholic drinks.

Healthy Recipes

Oregano leaf tea with blackberry

Young leaves of oregano and blackberries (can be replaced with raspberries, currants) after harvesting are dried on a newspaper - under the sun and in the air. Then dried at a temperature of 40 degrees in the oven. In whole or crushed form, fall asleep in paper bags and store in a dry place. For brewing in a ceramic teapot, take a spoonful of the collection for 3-4 cups of boiling water. Drink with honey or sugar.

Cooking kvass with oregano

Kombucha can be insisted not on tea, but on an infusion of oregano. At the same time, the infusion retains all beneficial features, harmoniously combined with the benefits of kombucha. The combination of oregano and kombucha is especially interesting and useful for kidney diseases.

In the case of classic kvass, take 10-15 g of finely chopped raw oregano per 1 liter of bread kvass. Oregano is wrapped in a two-layer gauze bag (sterile) and lowered into a container with a drink at the peak of its fermentation. Then they take it out of the finished kvass. The drink strikes on the spot with a marvelous aroma, pleasant and refreshing taste!

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