Fauna of Khakassia. Healing herbs tour in Khakassia

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One of the subjects of the Russian Federation is the Republic of Khakassia. It is located in the Siberian Federal District and borders on the Kemerovo Region, the Krasnoyarsk Cream and the Republics of Tyva and Altai.

The Republic of Khakassia is famous for its rivers - the Yenisei, Abakan, Tomyu, White and Black Iyus.

Flora of Khakassia

The flora of Khakassia is quite peculiar and unusual. Plants that are familiar to all people, as well as species little studied by man, grow here. Here you can see both steppe and meadow vegetation, as well as high-mountain and taiga regions.

As a rule, the mountain taiga belts are suitable for the growth of dark coniferous and subalpine cedar forests. In such forests, round-leaved birch, wild rosemary, Altai honeysuckle, shrub alder and gray willow are often found. Also growing here: lingonberries, blueberries. And in the herbage there are: hairy sorrel, ortilia, bergenia, Siberian geranium.

Cedar and fir grow in the taiga dark coniferous forests. And the undergrowth is: Dahurian rhododendron, wild rosemary, Altai honeysuckle, spirea, currant, mountain ash and alder.

Mixed valley forests are characterized by the presence of birch, cedar, fir, spruce, willow, larch and aspen. In the undergrowth there are: low birch, Kuril tea, currant, spirea, alder and other plant species.

The alpine belt consists of light cedar forests, alpine meadows and mountain tundra. The soil of these places is suitable for the growth of cedar and fir. The undergrowth is also birch, honeysuckle, alder, juniper.

Of the shrubs here are found: dwarf birch, willow, alder.

The tundra of the Republic of Khakassia can also be classified - shrub, lichen, grassy tundra. A large number of plants grow in them - sedges, white-flowered geraniums, schultia. Sheep fescue, daffodil anemone, dryad and Turchaninov's cross are also found here.

The steppe vegetation of the Republic of Khakassia is also diverse. Here grow greyish panzeria, thyme, cold wormwood, teresken, cochia, snakehead. Also, the steppe territories are famous for their caragans, dwarf small-tufted cereals. Steppe herbage are: fescue, thin-legged, feather grass, bluegrass, sedge, white-tomented speedwell, asters, onions and many other plants.

Fauna of Khakassia

The Republic of Khakassia has sheltered many different types animals.

Of the mammals found here: Djungarian hamsters, hare hares, voles, long-tailed ground squirrels, moles. Here you can also meet mink with muskrat. The permanent inhabitants of these places are: steppe lemming, narrow-skulled voles, shrews and badgers.

Also, the inhabitants of these places are foxes, wolves, brown bears, lynxes, wolverines.

The large animals of Khakassia include roe deer, Sayan reindeer, elk, musk deer and deer.

The world of reptiles in Khakassia is quite diverse. Live here: viviparous lizards, common vipers, muzzles and patterned snakes.

The world of birds deserves special attention. Each natural area Khakassia sheltered various types of birds. Here are found: quail, bearded partridge, black-headed coinage, chatterbox. Near the reservoirs you can see the Short-eared Owl, Demoiselle Crane, Mallard, Pintail and Gray Duck.

In the steppe regions there are lapwings, yellow wagtails, soots. Representatives of the steppe world of birds are also red-eared buntings and horned larks.

There are also birds of prey in Khakassia - black kite, hawk and saker falcon.

Their bats are inhabited by pond, water and mustachioed bats, long-eared bats, northern kozhanok and two-colored kozhyan.

The water world of Khakassia is not deprived of the presence of inhabitants. The waters of the steppe territories are rich in chum salmon, trout, peled, bream, Siberian vendace. Also common here: omul, carp, pike perch, top. Aboriginal fish are: perch, pike, crucian carp, roach and lake minnow.

Climate in Khakassia

Spring starts in April and ends in May. During this period, the snow cover melts, and the average air temperature ranges from 4 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Summer comes to Khakassia in June. The air temperature ranges from 18 to 24 degrees, and the absolute maximum is +38 degrees. August is characterized by heavy rainfall.

September and October - autumn months Khakassia. The air temperature begins to drop to +10 and below. Night frosts return in October, and snow falls in November.

Winter in Khakassia is quite cold. The coldest mark in January is -52 degrees. As a rule, winters are dry, with strong and persistent frosts. Snow cover is formed already in early November and lasts until early April.

The peculiarity of the vegetation cover of the Khakassky Reserve is determined by a whole complex of interrelated factors (geographical, climatic, orographic, geological, edaphic), which, in the process of historical development, shaped its modern flora and vegetation.

Steppe group of plots

To date, the summary of the flora of the steppe group of the reserve includes 837 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 346 genera and 84 families. This is about 48% of the species composition of the flora of the entire territory of Khakassia (Ankipovich, 1999).

The richness of the floristic composition of the steppe areas of the reserve is explained by the wide variety of ecological niches of the steppe belt, the geological antiquity of the territory, the significant transformation of the flora during the ice age, as well as the location in close proximity to the Western Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau mountain systems.

Steppe vegetation on the territory of the plots is represented by desert, real, meadow, stony and solonetsous steppes.

Deserted steppes in the modern vegetation cover have a limited distribution, are located on stony-gravelly dry and poor chestnut soils, and are also noted fragmentarily along the southern slopes. The vegetation cover is sparse and squat. The soil cover by plants does not exceed 40%. The cereal basis of phytocenoses is composed of desert wheatgrass ( Agropyroncrislatum), serpentine splayed ( Cleistogenessquarrosa), Valisian fescue is also common ( Festucavalesiaca), wheatgrass cranked (Elytrigiageniculatum). The main types of herbs are grayish armor ( Panzeria lanata), thyme ( thymus), cold wormwood ( Artemisia frigida), teresken ( Ceratoides papposa), cochia ( Kochia), dwarf caragana ( Caragana pygmaea) and others.

Small sod real steppes are widespread, occupying both flat and slope habitats on chestnut and southern chernozems. The basis of the herbage is formed by small-turf drought-resistant grasses blooming in the first half of June - false sheep's fescue ( Festuca pseudovina), thin-legged slender ( Koeleria cristata), deceptive feather grass ( Stipa krylovii), bluegrass racemose ( Poa botryoides), serpentine ( Cleistogenes squarrosa). The colorfulness of phytocenoses of small-turf grass steppes is given by the participation of plants from other families that bloom here either in spring or at the end of summer, when the steppe comes to life after a summer dormant period. In addition to the cereals listed above, permanent species are also white-tomented veronica ( Veronica incana), Altai heteropappus ( Heteropappus altaicus), cold wormwood ( Artemisia frigida) and gray ( Artemisia glauca), stinky cornflower ( Thalictrum foetidum), foot sedge ( carex pediformis). Among the co-edifiers, the most common dwarf caragana ( Caragana pygmaea), and in some areas Martyanov's wormwood ( Artemisiamartjanovii) and cymbaria daurica ( Cymbariadahurica). The herbage is sparse and low, no more than 10-15 cm high from the soil surface. The most widespread are polydominantly cereal, cereal-fescue, wheatgrass-turf-cereal, Karagan turf-grain small-turf steppes, as well as sedge-cereal and wormwood-cereal steppes derived from them.

Coarsely sod real steppes occupy slopes of western and eastern exposure in the steppe areas, but in the forest-steppe areas they move to the southern slopes. The soils are predominantly ordinary, less often southern chernozems. Feather-grass (tyrsovye) steppes are more widespread, oat steppes are less common. In contrast to small-turf grass steppes, large-turf real steppes are monodominant with strong, competitive edificators - hairy feather grass ( Stipa capillata) and desert sheep ( Helictotrichon desertorum). The herbage of coarse-turf steppes is much denser and taller. The main species are joined by steppe bluegrass ( Poa stepposa), comb wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum), steppe timothy grass ( Phleum phleoides), sedge squat ( carex supina), multi-colored carnation ( Dianthus versicolor), real bedstraw ( Galium verum), crescent alfalfa ( Medicago falcata) and others.

Meadow steppes and steppe dry meadows occupy small areas in the areas and are found on the northern slopes of hills, ridges and in the form of small areas along the rises in the floodplain. As a rule, these are more humid areas with leached, less commonly ordinary chernozems, which are characterized by high fertility. Steppe meadows, as well as meadow steppes, are characteristic of the vegetation of the forest-steppe belt.

The most widespread are forb-grass and forb associations. The basis of the meadow steppes and steppe meadows are species - Russian iris ( Iris ruthenia), steppe timothy grass ( Phleum phleoides), steppe bluegrass ( Poa stepposa), awnless bonfire (Bromopsis inermis), less often feathery feather grass (Stipa pennata).

From forbs in a significant amount stand out: volodushka multiveined ( Bupleurum multinerve), Strawberry ( Fragaria viridisSanguisorba officinalis), Danish Astragalus ( Astragalus danicus), Ruysch snakehead ( Dracocephalum ruyschiana), tuberous stalker ( Phlomis tuberosa), scabiosa pale yellow ( Scabiosa ochroleuca), buzulnik gray ( Ligularia glauca) and a number of other flowering plants - small krasnodnev ( Hemerocallis minor), Asian bathing suit ( Trollius asiaticus), forest anemone ( anemones sylvestris), saranka ( Lilium pilosiusculum).

Stony steppes are widespread in all areas of the reserve, confined to steep stony slopes of southern exposure and representing different stages of development of steppe associations, which, in turn, depend on the degree of accumulation of fine earth. In addition to the usual, widespread steppe species, species characteristic of this phytocenosis are also found here. First of all, they include relict species - patrinia rock ( Patrinia rupestris), filamentous cobresia ( Kobresia filifolia), download Patren ( Gypsophila paternalii), aster alpine ( Aster alpinus), upright chamerodos ( Chamaerhodos e recta) and others - prickly mountain grate ( Orostachys spinosa), arctogeron gramineous ( Arctogeron gramineum), goniolimon beautiful ( Goniolimon speciosum), wool-leaved breaker ( Androsace dasyphylla), one-seeded conifer ( Ephedra monosperma), Pallas' asparagus ( Asparagus pallasii), Siberian phlox ( Phlox sibirica). Widespread are weedy plant species - marigold ( Chenopodium aristatum) and white ( Chenopodium album), blue amethyst ( Amethystea caerulea), saltwort hill ( Salsola collina) and shrubs: caragans (genus Caragana), spirea (genus Spiraea), wild rose ( Rosa acicularis).

On saline soils, around mineralized lakes, Chievy and Pikulnikov steppes are widespread. Usually, along the coastal strip of salt lakes, solonchak vegetation, consisting of swede ( Suaeda), saline ( Salicornia europaea), saltwort ( Salsol a), Kermek Gmelin ( Limonium gmelinii), bitter saline ( Saussurea salsa), Siberian saltpeter ( Nitraria sibirica). As you move away from the lake, it is replaced by various associations of solonchak, then steppe solonchak meadows (usually with thickets of iris two-scaled - Iris biglumis), behind which are Pikulnikova or vostrets solonetsous steppes. Often, between the meadow and steppe vegetation, there are small strips of chiy solonetzic steppe, formed by a densely bushy turf grass - chiy brilliant ( Achnatherum splendens).

Floodplain and valley meadows are widespread in the areas of “Podlistvenki”, “Lake Itkul”, “Lake Shira” and “Kamyzyak steppe” near Lake Ulukh-Kol. There are predominantly field, beckmann, pikulnikovy and sedge solonetsous meadows, where the basis of the herbage is formed by bluegrass meadow ( Poa Pratensis), red fescue ( Festuca rubra), beckmannia orientalis ( Beckmannia syzigachne), short-awned barley ( Hordeum brevisubulatum), meadow foxtail ( Alopecurus pratensis), and their forbs are horsetail ( Equisetum arvense), goose cinquefoil ( Potentilla anserina), meadow geranium ( Geranium pratense), British elecampane ( Inula britannica) and others.

Insignificant areas are occupied by glycophytic floodplain and valley meadows. The most widespread are cereal polydominant, bluegrass, as well as sedge-grass and sedge marshy meadows. In drier areas there are forb and grass-forb meadows. According to the species composition of plants, these meadows are more saturated with species. Here, pyramidal sorrel is added to the forbs ( Rumex thyrsiflorus), red clover and creeping clover ( Trifolium pratense and Amoria repens), burnet officinalis ( Sanguisorba officinalis), meadowsweet ( Filipendula ulmaria), Veronica longifolia ( Veronica longifolia), Siberian buzulnik ( Ligularia sibirica), primrose cortusiform ( Primula cortusoides), Asian bathing suit ( Trollius asiaticus), krasnodnev small ( Hemerocallis minor).

Willow thickets are found in the meadows: Koch willows ( Salix kochiana), rosemary ( Salix rosmarinifolia), Taraika willow ( Salix taraikensis), less often drooping birch ( Betula pendula).

Bogs are found mainly in river valleys and along lake shores. In heavily waterlogged areas with water windows, reed and tuber-reed bogs develop, where, along with common reed ( Phragmites australis), sea tubers ( Bolboschoenus maritimus) and flat stem ( Bolboschoenus planiculmis) occur, Tabernemontana reeds ( Scirpus tabernaemontani), horsetails ( Equisetum), Laxman's cattail ( Typha laxmannii), plantain chastuha ( Alisma plantago aquatica), umbrella susak ( Butomus umbellatus). Significant areas are occupied by sedge lowland bogs. The basis of the herbage is formed by soddy sedge ( Carex caespitosa), less often other types of sedges - graceful ( carex delicata), Dzungarian ( Carex songorica); reed grass unnoticed ( Calamagrostis neglecta), marsh bluegrass ( Poa palustris), marsh marigold ( Caltha palustris).

Tree and shrub vegetation in the steppe part of the reserve is found on the northern slopes in the form of copses and small groves, and only in some areas there are small forests. The tree stand is composed of drooping birch ( Betula pendula) and Siberian larch ( Larix sibirica), aspen is less common ( Populus tremula). They sometimes form pure stands, but more often they form mixed stands. Typical communities: birch forest with forb-oatmeal cover, birch-larch and larch-birch forests with sedge-forb cover, aspen-birch forest with sedge-forb cover. The density of crowns of the stand is 0.2-0.5, the productivity is not more than IV-V quality classes. Both park-type forests with sparse undergrowth and forests with well-developed undergrowth predominate (canopy density 20-70%). The undergrowth is dominated
meadowsweet ( Spiraea), cotoneaster chokeberry ( Cotoneaster melanocarpus), wild rose ( Rosa acicularis), acacia yellow ( Caragana arborescens), and on the Khol-Bogaz site, the Daurian rhododendron is added to them ( Rhododendron dauricum), which forms thickets even outside the forest canopy, in the steppe areas. On the steep southern slopes, larch sparse forests are often found on the stony steppe. Single larches or small groups are separated from each other at a great distance. The space between them is occupied by various variants of steppe phytocenoses (mainly petrophilous). Thickets of steppe shrubs are widespread along the logs and slopes, consisting of medium meadowsweet ( Spiraea media), cotoneaster chokeberry ( Cotoneaster melanocarpus), yellow locust ( Caragana arborescens), wild rose ( Rosa acicularis); bird cherry is less common ( padus avium), hawthorn blood red ( Crataegus sanguinea), Siberian barberry ( Berberis Siberiana), Tatar honeysuckle ( Lonicera altaica), bush curly grass ( Atraphaxis frutescens).

Mountain-taiga group of sites

In the flora of the mountain-taiga areas of the reserve, 541 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 71 families and 250 genera were registered. Of these, 26 are higher spores, 8 are gymnosperms, and 507 are angiosperms.

Of the species of vascular plants identified in this area, 21 are included in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kharkiv: Orchidaceous orchid ( Orchismilitaris), Altai rhubarb ( Rheumaltaicum), wrestler Pascoe ( Aconitepascoi) and others.

The endemic group consists of 29 species that belong to 15 families and 20 genera, of which 18 species are endemic to the Altai-Sayan floristic province; 2 species - Sayan endems; 1 - West Sayan endems; 7 species of Western Sayan-Altai endems; 2 species - endems of Altai and the western part of the Western Sayan.

The flora is characterized by the presence of a significant number of relics - the male thyroid gland ( Dryopterisfilix-mas), Siberian kandyk ( Erythronium sibiricum), Siberian anemone ( Anemonastrum sibiricum) and etc.

In the nature of the vegetation cover is clearly expressed altitudinal zonality, two belts are distinguished - high-mountain and mountain-taiga. Vegetation belongs to forest, meadow and tundra types. As the total height of the mountain uplift increases and the aridization of the climate intensifies, the boundaries of the vegetation belts shift upwards.

The Western Sayan is a mountain system with a common latitudinal strike, characterized by sharp differences in the vegetation of the macroslopes of the southern and northern exposures.

In the lower part of the mountain taiga zone, at an altitude of 400 - 700 m, there are secondary forests of birch and aspen or mixed forests, in which there are also conifers: pine, Siberian larch, spruce and fir. Under such forests, gray or light gray forest podzolized soils are formed.

Above 600 - 700 m, mountain dark coniferous taiga from fir begins ( Abies sibirica), cedar ( Pinus sibirica) and ate ( Picea obovata). Dense and moist dark coniferous Sayan forests are located on light, slightly podzolic or mountain podzolic, usually gravel soils. Under the fir forests, a cover of green mosses is formed with the participation of blueberries ( Vaccinium myrtillus), cranberries ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and small taiga grasses from the two-leaved mullet ( Mojanthenum bifolium), European weekly ( Trientalis europaea), Northern Linnaean ( Linnaea borealis). Birch grows as an admixture to coniferous species ( Betula pendula), aspen ( Populus tremula), bird cherry ( padus avium).

Near the upper limit of the mountain-taiga zone, which lies in the Sayan mountains at an altitude of 1550-1600 m (in the west) to 1900-2100 m (in the east), cedar dominates almost everywhere, but in the east, often together with cedar, it rises to the upper boundary of woody vegetation. also larch. Under the canopy of cedar forests, lichens are common in combination with green mosses.

From a height of 1400 to 1800 m, round-leaved birch was noted in the undergrowth ( Betularotundifolia), and in the living ground cover pleurosis, or Schreber's pleurium ( Pleuroziumschreberi) and polytrichum vulgaris ( Polytrichum resp.mupe).

Stripes and small areas of birch forests stretch along the river valleys, sometimes with an admixture of fir and Siberian pine. Birch is included in the second tier of cedar or fir forests. There are mixed forests with a predominance of birch with a cover of green mosses or less often with blunt reed ( Calamagrostisobtusata). Aspen is also found as an admixture in the mixed dark coniferous forests of the foothills and lower parts of the southern slopes near river valleys.

In floodplains, tall-grass meadows and small areas of forested or bushy swamps with shrubby cinquefoil ( Pentaphylloides fruticosa).

In the alpine belt, the dominant position is occupied by tundra, and in the strip of cedar and fir subalpine woodlands - meadows. Small areas of low-growing plant communities are interspersed with stony placers.

On the border of the mountain-taiga belt along the slopes of southern exposures, there are light forests of cedar ( Pinus sibirica) with subalpine short grasses and bushy thickets of gray willow ( Salix glauca).

There are many round-leaved birches, various willows, Altai honeysuckle, green mosses, among which are scattered violets, blue gentians, and bergenia thickets in rocky places. Forest meadows overgrown with leuzea safrolovidnaya ( Rhaponticum carthamoides), or maral root, with pink inflorescences and rugged leaves resembling deer antlers. Even higher, on the border of light cedar forests along the banks of mountain springs, you can find thickets of another valuable medicinal plant - the golden root ( Rhodiola rosea).

Mountain tundra in territories with pronounced vertical zonality occupy very large areas and develop at different heights. Lichen, dwarf birch (shrub), dwarf birch-moss, lichen-moss and moss tundras dominate among the high-mountain tundras.

The shrub tundra is usually located in hollows, closed basins and river valleys ah northern slopes. The surface of the soil here is covered with an almost continuous moss carpet, over which thickets of gray willow rise ( Salix glauca) and round birch ( Betula rotundifolia) with a height of only 20 - 40 cm.

On flat surfaces, moss-lichen tundras are more common. Their main background is formed by large bushy lichens - cladonia and cetraria, as well as forest mosses. Occasionally, some higher plants are also found: claytonia ( Claytonia joanneana), fescue, cobresia.

Many parts of the highlands are occupied by rocky and gravel tundra. Their vegetation cover is most often not continuous: lichen curtains, sharp-toothed dryad ( Dryas oxyodonta), some alpine cereals (bison - Hierochloe alpina, bluegrass - Poa alpina, thin-legged - Koeleria atroviolacea), gentians, skerdas ( Crepis chrysantha) alternate with patches of exposed rocky or loamy soil. Above the strip of tundra vegetation, stony rashes, rocks, snow fields and glaciers dominate.

Subalpine and alpine meadows occupy small areas, usually on well-warmed southern slopes or in the upper reaches of river valleys, and are characterized by a depleted floristic composition and an abundance of arctic species.

Subalpine meadows are represented by tall and short grass meadows.

Tall grass subalpine meadows are represented in limited areas, short grass meadows are more common - with the participation of Krylova geranium ( Geranium krylovii), ferruginous watershed ( Aquilegia glandulosa), alpine odorant ( Anthoxanthumalpinum) and etc.

In the southern part of the mountain-taiga areas, there are low-grass subalpine meadows, they are confined to treeless slopes. It is dominated by such ornamental species as the Pallas primrose ( Primula pallasii), compact mytnik ( Pedicularis compacta). Of the other species, Siberian bluegrass, darkest sedge are common ( Carex aterrima).

Alpine meadows are an integral element of the vegetation of the highlands of the reserve. They occupy the slopes of northern exposures, where large-grass and small-grass meadows stand out.

Common snowfield meadows different composition with a predominance of the ferruginous watershed ( Aquilegia glandulosa), which occupy shallow runoff hollows on slopes of different steepness, slope bends, and terraces. Often coexist along the banks of streams with subalpine large-grass meadows. Sometimes the catchment meadows are so extensive that the slopes turn blue during the mass flowering of the dominant. The most represented are forb-catchment meadows. These are the most variegated and colorful meadows of the highlands. During mass flowering, orange spots of the Asiatic bathing suit are added to the blue catchment ( Trollius asiaticus), pink ones - Altai hollywort ( Oxytropis altaica), white - callianthemum ( Callianthemum sajanense), yellow - Altai doronicum ( Doronicum altaicum). In the lower tiers, there is usually alpine short grass - Altai violet ( Viola altaica), sibbaldia creeping ( Sibbaldia procumbes), cyminalis large-flowered ( Ciminalis grandiflora). The surface of the soil is completely covered with moss.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of December 19, 1991 No. 2060-1 (amended on February 21, 1992 No. 2397-1; dated 1993 No. 5076-1). « About protection natural environment". Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated October 20, 1992 No. 12 “On specially protected natural territories and objects of the Republic of Khakassia”. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Khakassia dated November 28, 1996 “287 “On preparation for publication of the Red Book of rare and endangered plant species of the Republic of Khakassia”. The Government of the Republic of Khakassia DECIDES:

1. Establish the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (plants) of rare and endangered wild plants subject to special protection throughout the Republic of Khakassia.

2. Establish that the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (plants) is an official document containing a summary of information about these objects flora, as well as about necessary measures for their protection and restoration.

3. Entrust the maintenance of the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia (plants) to the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Khakassia (Vishnevetsky I.I.).

Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia A. Lebed.

Mathematical freak show means a collection of various bizarre creatures. AT this case we are talking about rare, endangered and vulnerable plant species of the Republic of Khakassia.

Man is closely connected with nature. The scale and forms of these connections are steadily growing from the local use of certain species of plants and animals to the almost complete involvement of the living cover of the planet in the life support of modern industrial society. The position of man in the biosphere is twofold. As a biological individual, a person is dependent on physical environmental factors and is connected with them through nutrition, respiration, and metabolism. The entrance of biological evolution human body adapts to changes in the environment. In deviated extreme conditions a lot of effort and money is spent on the artificial creation and maintenance of a “comfortable” environment. As a powerful social system, humanity creates its own intensively developing cultural environment on earth, passing labor and spiritual experience from generation to generation. The technical power of man has reached scales commensurate with biospheric processes. Construction and mining equipment annually moves more material on the Earth's surface than is carried to the sea by all the world's rivers as a result of water erosion. There are many examples of environmental degradation and undermining the economy of entire nations as a result of the spontaneous development of relationships with nature. At present, this danger threatens all mankind. In the conditions of modern economic, or rather mismanaged, activity, the possibility of a complete undermining of the natural reproductive forces of nature, irretrievable losses of individual populations and species of living organisms is real, the ecological situation on our planet is deteriorating.

The development of ecology as a science that studies the relationship of organisms with environment, led to the understanding that human society, in its relationship with nature, must also obey environmental laws. Global character environmental issues leads to the fact that in their solution the interests of various social groups, individual countries, regions, socio-economic systems collide. Any form of industrial and economic development of areas of human revival is associated with a sharp violation of the ecological balance and such an intrusion into the structures of relationships in nature, which in many cases leads to anthropogenic disasters, including geological ones, for example, as a result of a decrease or increase in the level of groundwater. The sad results of the use of certain chemicals in agriculture or the struggle in China with the so-called "harmful" sparrows. , cases of gross violation of environmental procedures, which turned the Great Lakes in North America into "dead" ones, an ecological disaster threatens in our republic, unique in its healing properties, lake, "Pearl of Khakassia" - Lake Shira.

Involved in solving environmental problems big number of people. This is due to mass urbanization, the rapid growth of megacities, their alienation from wildlife, the alienation of people from each other and the need in connection with this to search for other interlocutors, which gave rise to people's craving for nature, the desire to preserve it. Instead of loners who care about the conservation of biodiversity, the preservation of landscapes, unique natural phenomena, a mass trend has appeared that has a political character and is capable of forcing the whole society to listen to its opinion.

Task number 1.

This plant has great importance in the nutrition of the peoples of Sayano-Altai, which was reflected in the calendar. How the Sagays, Shors and Beltirs designated this month, you will find out after completing the task.

Task number 2.

Indicate the numbers of drawings with numbers x and y for which the statements are true: a). x + y \u003d 0, No. _ b). x + y 0, No. _ c). x + y 0, No. _

Replace them with letters with the given coordinates, and you will find out the name of this month in Russian.

Task number 3.

The bulb is narrow-cylindrical or conical. You will find out the dimensions by completing the task.

Erythronium sibiricum (Fisch/ et Mey/) Kryl (1841)

Lily family - Liliaccae /

Status - Vulnerable species Endemic to the Altai - Sayan mountain region. A relic of tertiary broad-leaved forests.

Morphology. Perennial, herbaceous, bulbous plant. The bulb is narrowly cylindrical or conical, 3-6 cm long. At the base of the stem there are two opposite leaves with an elliptical wide plate. The flower is solitary, large, drooping, with purple-pink leaves near the flower bed. The box is spherical.

Distribution. Occasionally in Shirinsky, Beysky, Ordzhenikidzevsky, Bogradsky, Ust-Abakansky, Askizsky, Tashtypsky districts.

The trend in the range and abundance of the species. Reduction in populations due to intensive extermination due to high decorative properties, early flowering and consumption of bulbs.

Since ancient times, the Khakass have been harvesting kandyk for the future Sagay, Shors and Beltir, in connection with economic activity, May meant "pis ayy" or "khandyh ayy" - the month of harvesting kandyk. Kandyk, like sarana, was of great importance in the nutrition of the peoples of the Sayano-Altai, which was reflected in the calendar. Yakuts, advancing from Southern Siberia, to the north, in my memory saved for the beginning of summer relic name"bes ayy" - that is, the month of kandyk. However, in Yakutia, where this edible root does not grow, the term "demon" was transferred to pine sapwood, the harvesting of which corresponded to the meaning of kandyk. This fact once again emphasizes the ethno-cultural connection of the Yakuts with the Sayano-Altai region.

Conservation measures The species is included in the "Red Book of the RSFSR", a summary of "Rare and endangered plants of Siberia". Protected in the reserve "Khakassky" (site "Small Abakan").


This work calls to draw the attention of all people living in the territory of our republic to the conservation of nature, the improvement of the social environment for the benefit of their health. In 1991, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the organization of the Chazy reserve was issued, which in 1999 became part of the Khakassky reserve.

RESERVED - means inviolable. It is this approach to business that makes it possible to create standards of untouched nature in specially protected areas. Therefore, nature reserves are the highest form of environmental organization. The existing system of state nature reserves and national parks, was formed on January 11, 1916 and includes 100 state nature reserves with a total area of ​​33.5 million hectares and 35 national parks with an area of ​​7 million hectares. The protected system of protection is called upon to preserve and leave to posterity the original form of nature, our task is to help it.

The form of the lesson is a lesson - a game.

Type of lesson - learning new material.

Purpose: to introduce students to plants and animals used in the symbols of the state, using the example of the Republic of Khakassia and the city of Abakan.

  • acquaintance with the diversity of plants and animals of Khakassia;
  • the study of plants and animals used in the symbols of the Republic of Khakassia, the city of Abakan;
  • to continue the formation of a sense of pride in their small homeland and respect for natural wealth.

To conduct this lesson, preliminary preparation is necessary, which includes the collection of material about plants and animals - symbols. Students get acquainted with legends, myths about plants, animals.

Members of the jury (3 people), archivists (3 people), readers (2 people) are selected from among the students in the class. The rest of the students are divided into 3 teams. Each team comes up with a name, chooses a captain.

During the classes

Teacher: Animal world Khakassia is no less interesting and diverse than the world of plants. (slide № 11 – 14) The next competition is “You - to me, I - to you”. This is a contest of riddles about animals living on the territory of Khakassia.

Each team asks 2 riddles to their opponents. Thinking time - 30 sec. For a correct answer 1 point.

(teams guess riddles)

Teacher: The third competition is called “I want to know everything”. Teams answer questions. Time for reflection is given no more than 1 minute. Write down the answer on the form, pass it to the jury.

Abakan native - my capital!
The city of sun, songs and friends!
Abakan dear, proud of you
All the people of Khakassia are mine.
You abandoned the narrow streets
And like a rider in the steppe galloped away.
Abakan - "Bear's Blood"
In Russian,
Simply in Khakass
You are AGBAN.

(while reading the poem, slide show No. 15 - 21)

Teacher: The first question will be devoted to the capital of Khakassia - the city of Abakan.

In 1980 the emblem of the city of Abakan was approved. What flower is depicted on the coat of arms? (slide number 22)

(teams respond)

Teacher: While the jury checks your answers, I suggest listening to the archivist, who will name the correct answer and explain to us why this flower was chosen as a symbol.

Archivist: Many beautiful plants grow on the territory of our republic. But the hottest is considered the most beautiful . (slide number 22,23) Therefore, it was depicted on the coat of arms of our city. But there is another explanation as well. The city of Abakan is a young, developing city, and it has been compared to this flower.

Frying is the popular name of the plant, and the scientific name is Asian bathing suit. Bathhouse is a perennial plant. It begins to bloom at 9 years old. On one plant from 1-3 flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. In the people, this flower is called avdotka, cufflinks, half a day, an ox's eye. For a long time frying was under the protection of the state, because. This plant was on the verge of extinction. People exterminated it, collecting huge bouquets.

Teacher: It is indeed a very beautiful flower. Our Khakassian poet Valery Mainashev dedicated his poem “Frying” to this plant.

Again I wander through the green forests
Above the smokeless flame of frying.
And the cuckoo's voice is distant,
Like the heart of the spring forests.

Oh frying, frying, you are children of the sun
(as people say).
As soon as May returns through the forests,
Millions of suns are burning.

I know that there are other flowers.
We admire their beauty
But they are like other girls,
I have never warmed my soul.

I'll pick up an armful of flowers again,
I will plunge my face into the living fire,
And the heart will be filled with sweet pain,
Like that distant spring.

It's like the years are back again
Where my soul was pure and gentle,
And beloved whole carts
I brought fryers from the forest.

O frying, frying, burning passionately,
Let spring bloom in the forests, sing!
And when you leave, extinguished,
Our side will darken.

Teacher: We continue the contest “I want to know everything”.

Abakan is the capital of Khakassia. The coat of arms of the city depicts zharok. And what plant and animal is depicted on the coat of arms of the republic? ( teams respond)

Teacher: While the jury is checking your answers and summing up the preliminary results, we will again turn to our archivists. Dear archivists, what is depicted on the coat of arms of Khakassia? (slide number 24)

Archivist: The coat of arms of our republic depicts a birch branch and a winged leopard.

Teacher: Why is a birch branch and a snow leopard depicted on the coat of arms?

Archivist: (slide №24, 25) Birch is a sacred plant for many nations. In Russia, the birch was called the tree of four deeds: the first thing is to illuminate the world, the second thing is to console the cry, the third thing is to heal the sick, the fourth thing is to keep cleanliness. In celebration of the Trinity, the ancient Slavs dressed her up with ribbons, danced round dances, sang songs.

The ancestors of the Khakass celebrated the Earth holiday in the month of April. On this day, they performed the rite of Thanksgiving to Birch. They tied a chalam to it - ribbons of white, blue, red, green colors and asked the gods for harvest, prosperity, health.

Thus, birch symbolizes spiritual purity, patronage higher powers. It is a symbol of friendship, and a wreath of birch branches symbolizes the immortality and greatness of the state.

The name "birch" was given to this plant in ancient times. This plant is unpretentious - it can grow both on sands and on marshy soils with excess moisture. But birch is a photophilous plant.

Archivist: slide number 26) Snow Leopard, in the countries of the East, symbolizes courage, readiness to fight with any opponent, even alone. These qualities were inherent in the creators of the first Kyrgyz state on the territory of Khakassia (6th-7th century).

The white color of the figure of the leopard indicates the peaceful existence of modern Khakassia, and the presence of wings is a symbol of the tirelessness and speed of development of our region. The snow leopard is a resident of the highlands. Found at altitudes up to 5500m. above sea level. The second name - snow leopard - has been rooted in our language for a long time. As early as the 17th century, Russian merchant furriers adopted it from hunters from Asia. In the Turkic language - irbiz, which in translation into Russian means a snow cat. The snow leopard has soft, fluffy fur and a long fluffy tail. The general background of the snow leopard's outfit is light gray, and many dark spots are scattered over it. Such a motley color masks it among dark rocks, stones, white snow. The body of the snow leopard is elongated and squat. It helps him to disguise himself. The favorite habitats of the snow leopard are rocky areas of mountains, heaps of stones. The leopard arranges shelter and lair in caves, rock crevices. In these shelters, he spends daylight hours, and with the onset of twilight he goes hunting. He walks cautiously but boldly. He has no enemies. In the XIX century. the snow leopard was not uncommon. Hunting for him was allowed all year round and even encouraged, leopards were considered harmful predators, and their skins were highly valued. Hats and coats made of snow leopard fur testified to the wealth and worldly wisdom of those who possessed them. Since 1973 hunting for snow leopards is prohibited due to a decrease in numbers.

Teacher: Jury announce the preliminary results of the three competitions.

(the jury sums up the preliminary results)

Teacher: Our next competition is “Know Me”. Team captains participate in this competition. They will be given a description of the plant and within 2 minutes. will have to guess this plant.

The captains are getting ready. I have a question for the players.

Flora and fauna are diverse on the territory of Khakassia. But as a result of human activities, the number of plants and animals gradually began to decline. To preserve and restore the number of endangered species, the Khakassky reserve was organized. Guys, think and tell me, how can you help in preserving the natural wealth of the republic?

(talking to players about it)

Teacher: The captains are ready to answer.

(captains answer, the jury sums up the results of the competition)

Teacher: Our last competition is homework “My coat of arms for my small Motherland”. Teams defend the layout of their coat of arms. 3-4 minutes are allotted for defense.

(layout protection)

Teacher: Now I ask the jury to sum up our game.

(the jury sums up the results, announces the winners)

Teacher: Our competition is over. Tell me, guys, did you learn something new, interesting for yourself?

I will end our lesson with these words (slide number 27)

God has given a wonderful homeland,
Heart - joy, soul - grace.
As long as I breathe, I will sing you
The Holy Land is my ancient mother.

Collection of trees and shrubs
(curator G.N. Gordeeva)

It includes 796 taxa of woody vegetation of various life forms in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Eastern and Central Asia, Europe, and North America. 63% of the total number of collected plants are characterized by regular flowering and fruiting; 17% of introduced species bloom and do not bear fruit, most of them do not set fruits and seeds, less often defective ones with low germination are formed; 20% do not bear fruit. In some species, the seeds do not have time to ripen.
Long-term observations of the growth and development of woody plants in the arboretum made it possible to identify the most promising ones for use in various fields of economic activity.
More than 200 trees, shrubs and vines are promising for green building in the south Central Siberia. Of particular value are evergreen conifers - spruce prickly form silvery, tree-like junipers: Chinese, hard and rocky, creeping junipers: Cossack, false Cossack, Sargent.
The relics of the Far East are highly decorative - Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet, Manchurian ash, Amur linden and Manchurian linden. So, thin-leaved mock orange and Schrenk mock orange, Korean abelia, deutsia, barberries and cotoneasters of East and Central Asia, snowberries and silver sheferdia of North America.
Extremely interesting for green building are decorative forms of species, such as red-leaved apple trees and vesicles, variegated svida, Lorberg's caragana, numerous varieties of lilacs, and pyramidal poplars.
15 species are promising for field-protective afforestation on rainfed lands, and 30 species on irrigated lands. They are based on Siberian species, but along with them, other regional species are used: pinnately branched and smooth elm, Ussuri and Russian pears. Among them, the common oak is of great interest, the study of which is being carried out with a view to its possible use as the main species in field-protective afforestation in the south of Central Siberia. For afforestation of open sands and hollows of blowing, sea buckthorn and silver sucker are used, which quickly spread over their area due to their high root sprouting ability.
When creating pasture-forage plantations, many types of drought-resistant caragana are promising. In breeding work or for direct use in fruit gardening, Manchurian walnut, various-leaved hazel, Viburnum-gordovina, Manchurian apricot, Actinidia kolomikta, many types of barberries and hawthorns, currants (53 species in total) are promising. Among hawthorns, large-fruited ones are especially interesting, with pleasant palatability fruits - black hawthorn, Zongar, softish.
In the process of forming a dendrological collection, 100 species of rare and endangered plants listed in the Red Books of the USSR and the RSFSR were tested. 48 species are characterized by high viability, and among them 15 species are renewed by self-sowing (Manchurian apricot and Siberian apricot, Ledebour's almond, whip-shaped wood pliers, glandular cherry, blue honeysuckle, Chinese flat seed).
In Khakassia and in the south Krasnoyarsk Territory 113 species of woody plants are cultivated and used in green building. Of these, 76 are species of foreign origin. The species composition of the dendrological collection does not remain constant, it is systematically replenished. The death of plants occurs for two reasons: severely freezing species that are in an oppressed state die, and as a result of the natural completion of the life cycle.

Collection of medicinal plants
(curators L.P. Kravtsova, L.Yu. Shuvalova)

In the collection of medicinal plants, 220 species of the natural flora of Khakassia, other regions of the south of Central Siberia and the country were tested. The collection is represented by 100 species of 81 genera of 28 families.
    For use in medicine medicinal plants collections are conditionally divided into several groups:
  • strengthening cardiovascular system- Siberian adonis, large-flowered foxglove, evading peony, Altai jaundice, common motherwort, Baikal skullcap, medicinal valerian, blue cyanosis;
  • used in gastrointestinal diseases- common yarrow, medicinal burnet, bitter wormwood, snake mountaineer;
  • operating primarily on the central nervous system- Rhodiola rosea, safflower-shaped leuzea, ball-headed muzzle, securinega semi-shrub, high larkspur;
  • used in diseases of the respiratory system - Ural licorice, common coltsfoot, gray-haired veronica, common cuff, large-cup primrose, marshmallow officinalis, Thuringian hatma;
  • regulating metabolism - a series of tripartite, large celandine, Ural licorice, elecampane high, oregano.
As a result of a comprehensive assessment, 91% of the species promising for introduction were identified. For panzerina silvery, the aerial part of which is recommended as a sedative and vasodilator, not inferior in strength to valerian and motherwort, a cultivation technology has been developed. In natural habitats, the structure and dynamics of cenopopulations of this species, seed productivity were determined. In culture, the morphology and characteristics of seed germination, the seasonal rhythm of development, age conditions, the dynamics of the accumulation of raw mass, the content of flavonoids were studied. According to economically valuable traits, 2 cenopopulations of silver panzerina were identified for use in introduction.

Collection of ornamental plants
(curator M.A.Martynova)

In collection ornamental plants wild-growing plants from different natural habitats in the south of Central Siberia, as well as from other regions of Russia, were tested, planting and seeding material from which was supplied by botanical gardens.
Fifteen-year studies have shown that many species from forest, steppe, meadow, saline habitats are promising under cultural conditions. Unsuitable for cultivation are plants that vivo grow in swampy places, along the banks of rivers, in the tundra of the high mountain belt.
Currently, the collection includes 111 species resistant to introduction, belonging to 17 families, 76 genera. An assessment of the economic and biological indicators of plants showed that 61 species are suitable for use in landscaping rockeries (single-flowered tulip), borders (alpine aster), in the form of group plantings, as ground covers (field grass), for vertical gardening.
Among wild plants, Clausia sunflower is of theoretical and practical interest as a little-studied decorative species, rare in the regions of the Russian Federation, previously not used anywhere in landscaping. A technology for growing Clausia sunflower has been developed. It is recommended for use in landscaping in the south of Central Siberia.
An experiment is being carried out on the cultivation of ferns in the wings from the irises of the pikulka and the Russian. A patent of the Russian Federation has been received for the method of growing common bracken fern. In the collection of ornamental plants, 32 varieties of plants of cultivated flora are also cultivated.

Over 1000 taxa of wild-growing species sent from other botanical gardens of the country and neighboring countries have been tested in the collection of fodder plants for 15 years. These are plants of various directions of use - haymaking, pasture, silage, and also used to protect soil from deflation.
Most of the collection is cereals, which make up 65% of the total, 25% legumes, 10% herbs. 72% of the collected species go through all phases of development, bloom and bear fruit every year, and 65% of the species self-seeding. According to the scale of introduction success, half of the species in the collection are resistant to the arid conditions of the steppe zone.
Among the hay species, a promising form of meadow timothy grass has been identified for perennial crops on irrigated lands. Of the plants of the pasture type of use, false sheep fescue has proven itself well. The two most promising populations with high productivity and nutritional value have been identified. For these species, recommendations for their cultivation have been developed.
Very promising in the collection are the awnless brome, the reed dwarf, the steppe timothy grass, the pubescent sheep, the Schell's sheep, and the splayed serpentine. Among the legumes for hay-type use, sickle-shaped alfalfa, hybrid alfalfa, sandy sainfoin, mountain clover are expedient; for pasture use - horned loon, Danish astragalus; for ensiling - bloated astragalus, sainfoin astragalus; to protect soils from deflation - Yenisei grate, sandy grate, Pabo grate.

Botanical Garden of Research Institute of Agrarian Problems of Khakassia /
comp.: V.K. Savostyanov [i dr.]. - Abakan: [b. and.], 2006. - 20 p.

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