Development of children's speech activity in the process of different types of activities. Development of a child’s cognitive and speech activity through the use of educational games Cognitive speech activity

Career and finance 08.12.2023
Career and finance

Ponomareva Lyudmila Georgievna,


MADOU d/s No. 146 of the city of Tyumen

Cognitive development of children is one of the important areas in working with preschool children. Any child is born with an innate cognitive orientation that helps him adapt to new conditions of his life. Gradually, cognitive orientation develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive and research activities, manifested in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions about the world around them. It is cognitive activity that is one of the main means of forming coherent speech in a preschooler.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and has learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative and research activity will be,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological science. science Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

In preschool childhood, the child masters, first of all, dialogic speech, which has its own specific characteristics, manifested in the use of linguistic means necessary in colloquial speech. Only special speech education leads a child to mastering coherent speech, which is a detailed statement consisting of several or many sentences, divided according to the functional-semantic type into description, narration, and reasoning. The formation of coherent speech, the development of skills to construct a statement meaningfully and logically is one of the main tasks of speech education of a preschooler.


Having worked with children for several years, observing them throughout the day, I can conclude that the speech of a child who is not prepared for school usually retains speech features characteristic of younger children and contains many errors:

Impoverished dictionary;

Sentence construction is often incorrect;

Inability to present events coherently and consistently;

Pronunciation defects;

Confused pace of speech.

The better a child’s speech is developed in the preschool years, the higher the guarantee of his successful schooling. We do not always achieve a high level of children’s speech development using traditional methods and forms of organizing work. This is especially true now, since speech is disappearing from a child’s life. Children spend a lot of time in front of the TV and computer; some children are sometimes busy with various clubs and “development school.” Adults brush off children's questions and rarely listen without interrupting. The correct language is not always used when communicating with a child. If they read books, they don’t discuss them. But a child desperately needs communication. Poor speech leads to aggression, since the child cannot always express in words what he wants to say. Hence the problem of vocabulary, the problem of pronunciation, the problem of expressiveness of speech. And one cannot fail to take into account the cultural crisis of society and, as a consequence, the low level of culture of the individual, family, and educational space as a whole. Illiterate expressions, careless speech, reduction of vocabulary, loss of the very concept - culture of speech.

I always strive to develop children's conscious and active speech. It is speech activity, its volume and nature that become the main indicators of the success of educational, cognitive, gaming, communicative, labor and other types of activities. All the child’s achievements in familiarizing himself with the world of nature and society, in mathematics, in activities, etc. will not be noticeable if they are not expressed in his active speech.

Having realized this, I began work on the formation of cognitive activity and the development of coherent speech in children.

The purpose of my work:

Comprehensive development of the child’s personality through cognitive activity and familiarization with universal human values.


Form cognitive processes and methods of mental activity.

To promote the activation of children’s coherent speech in various activities.

Involve parents in joint research, project and productive activities with their children that contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity.

Improve the subject-development environment of the group in this area.

In the summer, having recruited children into the younger group, I conducted ascertaining experiments that revealed the children’s ability to compose descriptive and narrative texts in a situation of joint storytelling, and then independently.

The results of the examination were not unexpected for me: deficiencies in sound pronunciation, poor vocabulary and monotony of syntactic structures were recorded in the majority of children. Of the 25 children, two composed a story with a little help from an adult, 8 children - together with me, 8 - did not establish a logical connection between the sentences, 7 - refused to answer.

Also, while observing the children, I noticed that the cognitive activity of children at the beginning of the school year is not high enough, which can affect the development of speech, logical thinking, memory, and attention. Children do not show curiosity or research interest in the world of living and inanimate nature, preferring other types of activities.

Thus, the need arose to carry out targeted, systematic work to increase cognitive activity for the formation of coherent speech in children.

These observations allowed me to develop a methodology for individual training and the formation of coherent speech, taking into account the level of speech development of each child, using special speech exercises, tasks, situations that develop the understanding of younger preschoolers about the structure of a coherent statement (beginning, middle, end) and methods of connection between sentences (method shared storytelling).

Already at a young age, I do a lot of work that contributes to the development of connected speech skills. I teach children to listen and understand an adult’s speech, answer his questions, speak out in the presence of other children, listen to each other

The sequence of my work on the development of coherent speech can be schematically represented as follows: learning to name an object (toy), identifying features, actions, drawing up a joint description, then a narrative. At the same time, I conduct exercises: lexical (comparing and contrasting qualities and actions), grammatical (different ways of word formation - nouns and verbs, composing sentences consisting of 3 - 4 words), phonetic (clear pronunciation of words and sentences, intonation completeness of statements).

I solve program problems in various forms of joint activities with children, as well as in independent activities of children:

  • organization of educational situations,
  • looking at pictures, toys, reading stories, fairy tales, learning poems, riddles and communication situations,
  • dramatization of fairy tales, theatrical role-playing games.

I try to catch any statement of a child from one or two phrases and with my questions I encourage children to dialogue and express themselves more fully.

At the beginning of my work, I enriched the subject-development environment, selected albums of poems, sayings and proverbs, riddles, and nursery rhymes. I conduct various educational games:

  • to the description of toys: “What kind of object?”; “Tell me which one?”; “Find out what kind of animal?”;
  • to form ideas about the sequence of actions of the characters by laying out the corresponding pictures: “Who can do what?”; “Tell me, what comes first, what comes next?”; "Add a word";
  • thematic games: “Where does it grow”, “When does this happen”, “Who needs it”, etc.;
  • mosaic type games.
  • on the formation of the concept that every statement has a beginning, middle, end, i.e. is built according to a certain scheme: “Who knows, continues further”, “Brew compote”.
  • games that require motor activity, dexterity, etc. : “Flying caps”, “Hit the target”, “Goose”, etc.

All these games require 2-4 partners. Board and printed games help expand children's horizons, develop intelligence, attention to the actions of a friend, orientation in changing game conditions, and the ability to foresee the results of their move. Participation in the game requires endurance, strict adherence to the rules and brings children a lot of joy.

Each didactic game has its own educational task, which distinguishes one game from another: in some games more attention is paid, for example, to the development of memory, in others - attention, in others - thinking.

For these games I give a scheme of statements, and the children “fill” it with various contents. We reinforce the jointly compiled story with repeated questions so that the children can identify the main connections between its parts, for example: “Where did the goat go? Why did the goat scream? Who helped her? These games teach children: to talk about the content of each plot picture, linking them into one story; consistently, logically connect one event to another; master the structure of a story, which has a beginning, middle and end.

The formation of coherent speech in preschoolers occurs through cognitive activity. The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of mind and forms on their basis stable cognitive interests through research activities, which manifests itself in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions about the world around them.

My work on developing coherent speech in preschoolers takes place throughout the day. Children enrich their vocabulary through observations in nature and familiarization with their surroundings. I teach children to compose stories of different types, form conversational speech, both in the classroom and in everyday life. I introduce children to fiction, teach them to listen and understand the meaning of the work. Using artistic words, I teach children to see the beauty of their native words.

The youngest preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that happens around him. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to learn not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest reasons for the observed phenomena. Maintaining children's interest, I lead them from getting to know nature to understanding it. To do this, it is very important to enrich children’s ideas about plants, animals, and inanimate objects found primarily in their immediate environment. During preschool childhood, thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, the emergence of a primary image of the world occurs. The image of the world is formed in the process of development of the cognitive sphere, which consists of 3 components:

1. Cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination,


2. Information (experience and achievements accumulated by humanity along the way

knowledge of the world);

3. Attitude to the world (emotional reaction to individual objects, objects, phenomena and events of our world).

However, it should be remembered that the process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults understand the world with their minds, and small children with their emotions. The basis of a three-year-old child’s worldview is the objective content of reality, his world - individual, concrete, real objects, objects, phenomena. A child learns about the world according to the principle: what I see and what I act with is what I know. He looks at objects as if from different sides; he is interested in their external (What? Who? Which?) and internal characteristics (For what? How?). But a three-year-old child cannot independently comprehend the hidden characteristics of objects (since in his arsenal there is only one way of cognition: I see - I act), he needs the help of adults.

Children of the fourth year of life begin to establish the first connections and dependencies (the relationship between the external and internal characteristics of an object), to understand the role and significance of objects in a person’s life.

In our group, at least once a month we conduct excursions (around the kindergarten); We introduce children to the structure of their own body, surrounding objects (toys, furniture), flora and fauna (birds, animals, indoor plants).

Children love gifts - these are gifts from autumn, winter, spring (autumn - beautiful leaves, rowan berries, plant seeds, sketches of autumn rain, etc., winter - snowflakes, bare trees and green Christmas trees, sketches of children's winter fun, etc. ., spring - the gentle sun, the first leaves and flowers, etc.).

In order to bring children to an understanding of such natural phenomena as rain and snow, I conduct simple experiments with snow, water, and ice. Watching heavy rain from the window, children see how water flows down the glass, what puddles there are on the roads after rain. After several observations, with my help, we still draw conclusions: rain can be different (cold, warm, drizzling, heavy, torrential). Most often, it rains when clouds appear in the sky, but sometimes it happens in good weather when the sun is shining, such rain is called “mushroom rain.” It is warm and goes away quickly. To develop children’s interest in this phenomenon, I used the poem “Rain” by Z. Alexandrova, the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Rain”, etc.

To show the relationship between living and inanimate nature, I pay attention to how green it becomes after the rain, how easy it is to breathe. The children were convinced that rain is water. They compared the water from the tap and from the puddle and noted: the water in the puddle is dirty, but the water from the tap is clean. If you boil water from a tap, then it is suitable for drinking, but from a puddle it is not suitable for drinking, but a sparrow can wash its wings in this puddle (my children and I have observed this more than once). I used the reading of A. Barto’s poem “Sparrow”.

Every observation of experience and natural phenomena is accompanied by speech.

So that children learn to construct their statements coherently and beautifully, every day I conduct:

  • articulatory gymnastics (“Funny Tongue”, “Curious Tongue”);
  • breathing exercises;
  • finger games and exercises;
  • in special moments she used folklore, artistic expression, poetry, and songs.

Children have a lot to learn and a lot to learn. This is the age

when a child is open to everything new, unknown, he is interested in everything, he wants to know and be able to, he gets to know the world around him - while playing.

A game is a way to explain, teach, organize direct educational activities in such a way as to take into account all the desires and interests of the child.

In my work I use games that promote the mental education of preschoolers: “Mosaic”, “Bead Stringing”, “Edible - Inedible”, etc.

For children in the group, the necessary conditions have been created for organizing role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Family”, “Hairdresser”, “Bus”, etc., which contributes to the development of children’s role-playing speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue with a partner - a peer, a partner - adults.

The main form of work on the formation of coherent speech are classes based on game situations and exercises:

  • “I’ll start, and you finish”;
  • “Who will remember better” (turn the picture over, children remember and tell what is shown in the picture);
  • “A toy came to visit us” (who can tell us more about it);
  • “Come up with a beginning or an end to a fairy tale”;
  • “Retelling along the chain”;
  • “Compiling a story according to a diagram”;
  • fairy tale “Turnip”, “Kolobok” (one child tells, the other illustrates);
  • retelling the story together with an adult;
  • the teacher talks, and the children post pictures, diagrams, etc.

Games in the classroom are very successful and bring great joy and satisfaction to every child. Children's self-confidence increases, the need for self-respect intensifies, and courage and persistence in defending their interests appear.

Expanding the range of children's ideas is inextricably linked with the organization of their environment. In our group, in order for a child’s speech to develop, children are surrounded by objects that they can examine, compare, study through games and work, and display the results of observations in words; conditions have been created in which they have the desire and need to speak, to transform what they perceive and observe into speech.

The developmental environment in the group is designed so that children can use objects easily and conveniently. The reality surrounding the child - everyday objects, people, pictures, toys - provides abundant material that is used to expand the world of children's perceptions and enrich the language.

  • Cognitive mini-environment – ​​satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him and stimulates cognitive activity.
  • Communicative mini-environment - stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction.
  • Creative mini-environment – ​​introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.

The groups have created educational game libraries, which include:

  • files on articulation gymnastics, finger games, physical exercises,
  • educational games,
  • aids that promote the development of children's speech: materials for storytelling (story pictures, fiction, various didactic, board and printed games - lotto, dominoes, “Cubs and their Animals”, etc.), allowing children to reproduce and continue what they did in class and in joint activities with the teacher.

With such an organization, children experience satisfaction, a feeling of pleasure, joy, and insight. This is also facilitated by the comfortable layout of the “corners,” which gives children the opportunity to play in small subgroups, have heart-to-heart conversations with the teacher, and have privacy.

While working with parents on this issue, I made the following conclusions: most parents do not even have basic knowledge about the concept of coherent speech, and they focus their attention on the child’s correct pronunciation of sounds in words. For other parents, it is difficult to work with the child on coherent speech, i.e. they find it difficult to organize it at home.

I started involving parents in the development of coherent speech in children with a questionnaire. The purpose of the survey is to analyze and summarize parents’ responses for further work with the family on the formation of coherent speech in children. I have prepared a series of consultations for parents on the following topics:

“Homemade TV solves problems with speech development in children”

“Developing a child’s speech at home”

"How to teach a child to tell"

When working with parents, I used conversations, during which I answered questions they had, introduced them to fiction and the dynamics of the development of children’s coherent speech. Traditionally, I invite parents to open days and open classes. In open classes, parents gain knowledge and skills in developing certain skills and abilities in a child, for example, in developing a story based on a series of plot pictures, retelling a story with and without support for plot pictures, and many others.

The development of both monologue and dialogic speech in children occurs directly during preparation for the holidays and their implementation. Parents and children consolidate the text of roll calls, poems, and dramatizations.

Parents are offered one of the most effective forms of work - correspondence counseling, which, in addition to general recommendations on the development of children's speech, includes the “Game Library” - a selection of practical games and exercises to enrich and develop vocabulary at home. Parents regularly receive homework assignments, for example, write a story about an animal, learn a poem about winter, come up with a riddle, as well as assignments like:

  • think of what happened before;
  • come up with it yourself, because it’s not shown in the picture;
  • what the artist called this painting;
  • let's come up with a name;
  • I'll start, and you finish.

My main idea for writing the experience was the development of cognitive activity, as a means of developing children’s coherent speech through the introduction of various types of activities.

Planned result:

  • The ability to retell literary texts meaningfully and expressively.
  • The ability to conduct a coordinated dialogue between the teacher and the child, between children.
  • The ability to express one’s thoughts coherently, consistently and logically.
  • The ability to compose stories from personal experience and write short tales.

Based on the analysis of the work results, positive dynamics can be noted:

  • children began to speak freely, listen to each other, complement, generalize, notice mistakes and correct them;
  • children's stories became more concise, more precisely, the construction of sentences became more complex, their construction became more correct;
  • children began to use common sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences in their speech;
  • in the children's stories, conjunctions appeared that indicated causal, temporary connections;
  • In stories, children began to use descriptions, comparisons, and introductory words.

The work I have done on the formation of cognitive activity and the development of coherent speech in preschool children allows us to conclude that the conditions I have identified and implemented are effective.

I will continue and improve my work in the cognitive-speech direction in the coming years.


1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M., 2004

2. Kovinko L. Secrets of nature - it’s so interesting! – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.-80 p.

3. Jackie Silberg “500 five-minute educational games”, Minsk, 2004.

4.Development of children's verbal creativity. Preschool education; 1972.

5. Coherence of speech in different types of storytelling in children. Education and training of early and preschool children: Native speech: Abstracts of a scientific conference. Siauliai, 1974.

6. Development of coherent speech. Education and training in kindergarten / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, T.A. Markova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1976

7. Coherent speech. Speech development in preschool children. Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1976. (co-authored with N.F. Vinogradova).

8. Development of children's speech when familiarizing themselves with fiction. Speech development in preschool children. Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1976.

9. The influence of vocabulary work on the coherence of speech. Preschool education, 1981, No. 2.

10. Work on the development of coherent speech (junior and middle groups). Preschool education, 1984, No. 10

11. Development of coherent speech. Mental education of preschool children. - M.: Education, 1984.

12. How to develop your baby’s speech. Preschool education. 1996. No. 5.

13. Think of a word (speech games, exercises, situations). - M.: Education, 1996.

Materials from Internet sites.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Lobas Yanina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU No. 58 "Little Red Riding Hood"
Locality: Neryungri, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Name of material: article
Subject:"Development of cognitive and speech activity in preschoolers through riddles"
Publication date: 04.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children

through riddles.

Cognitive activity is an important personality quality.





to know what is unknown is a valuable property that largely determines

effectiveness of teaching and professional activity.

The desire for knowledge, for mastering skills and abilities in children

early and preschool age is almost inexhaustible. Children's "why" and





which always had to be stated as enormous strength and tension

cognitive activity of the child. “If I,” writes Selly, “

proposed to depict a child in his typical mental state, then I,






who looks with wide open eyes at some new miracle or








needs vary from child to child.

For some it is expressed very clearly and has, so to speak, “theoretical”

direction. For others, it is more related to practical activity

child. Of course, this difference is primarily due to upbringing.




practical life, they easily learn everyday practical skills, but

who have a weakly expressed “disinterested” interest in everything around them,

which characterizes children-theorists. These latter have

a vivid form of manifestation of the period of asking “why?” and “what is this?” and

also periods of special interest in individual intellectual operations

and “exercises” in them. Just like some children 100 or more times





movements, so these children “practice” either in acts of comparison, or in acts

generalizations, then in acts of measurement, etc. “In some children,” writes Selly,






passion; they like to measure the size of some objects by others, etc.”

In preschool age, cognitive development begins to develop.

activity “directed and stimulated by a cognitive task.”

More Knyazev O.L. (1986) noted the decisive influence of the environment

loved ones











Children's activity may slow down.









activity using adequate techniques.

Selley D. Essays on the psychology of childhood, trans. from English M., 1909, p. 78.

There, p. 86.

We chose methods for guessing and composing riddles.

At the stage of guessing specially selected riddles, the goal was









reception of a riddle;

what methods of evidence do children know?

Having analyzed the level of cognitive activity in older

preschoolers, we can draw the following conclusions:

children are not used to listening to a riddle and thinking

on the problematic task included in it;


taken into account



were in a hurry




associated it with other signs, gave the wrong



confirmed it with signs;

when they did not understand the figurative comparison, they ignored it;








understand the essence of comparison as a means of recognizing signs




encouraging them to think by analogy;




children, since they could not analyze any whole, it

parts, elements, properties, difficult to prove,

relied on arguments;




mastered generalization and comparison;



cognitive activity, forced the child mentally

tense up








wished for




understanding of figurative comparisons.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to conclude that




synthesis, comparison, fostering sensitivity to the semantic nuances of words and

teaching children the ability to use precise words to express their

thoughts is the main condition for understanding, and therefore for successful

guessing riddles.

Therefore, the main tasks of the work were:

teach children to see and understand figurative comparisons;

using the model to determine a generalized image of the mystery


teach children to construct riddles on their own.

We proceeded from the fact that if these tasks are successfully implemented, children

will be able to create figurative comparisons independently, master techniques


The solution to these problems was carried out in stages:

Finding similar objects based on any characteristic in


Using a set of pictures, teach children to analyze and

compare different objects, look for figurative comparisons;

Introduction of a model with which children learn to make riddles

- guess;

Collective writing of riddles.



make sure that the children first

did not listen to the task attentively and incorrectly

answered the questions posed, but with the help of the teacher’s question,


examination, examination

became more active






make discoveries for yourself. We supported the emerging interest in tasks

With the question of substitute objects, we turned to the personal experience of children.

As a result

tasks were able to develop children’s powers of observation,








operations that form the core of cognitive activity.

As a result of completing the tasks of the second stage, it could be noted that

that the children, relying on figurative comparisons, tried to explain their guess,

first putting forward your proof, and only then the thesis (the answer). Children




conclusions, found similarities in various objects and based on this

gave a figurative comparison.

At the third stage of work, children learned to understand the diagram and generalize

characteristics and properties of objects based on the model, which will be necessary for

the next stage of teaching children how to write riddles.

The goal of the fourth stage was to teach children to independently








drawing up

riddles in various game situations.

came up with



selected objects, children's thoughts were directed so that as a result they

from all the named characteristics and properties of an object, we identified the main and

made up



use figurative comparisons.

After analyzing the riddles compiled, it could be noted that the children




figurative comparisons, demonstrated the skills of analysis, synthesis, generalization,

turned to personal experience.


method of teaching children to independently compose riddles and their paths

solutions, allows you to increase the level of cognitive activity in all





tasks that direct children to understand the world around them can

become successful for the development of cognitive activity and its indicators, and

also for the development of coherent speech. Riddles, being one of the oldest



a bunch of


surrounding reality, interconnections and relationships of objects and



various logical tasks, and are the basis for the child to master

operations of thinking. They promote the mental development of the child.

While playing a riddle, the child takes a test of intelligence, where it becomes clear

how well he knows the signs, properties, qualities of objects and phenomena.

A riddle is a game of recognition, guessing what is hidden, what is presented in

in a different way, in a different capacity. The riddle teaches imagery and originality

INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM OF STUDYING AND DEVELOPING COGNITIVE SPEECH ACTIVITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SPEECH IMPAIRMENTS 11 1.1. Scientists' ideas about cognitive and speech activity in preschool children 11 1.2. Features of the development of cognitive-speech activity in preschoolers with speech impairments 14 1.3 Ways to study and develop cognitive-speech activity in preschoolers with speech impairments 16 Conclusions on Chapter 1 25 CHAPTER 2: EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH AIMED AT THE STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE-SPEECH ACTIVITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SPEECH IMPAIRMENTS 26 2.1. Organization of ascertaining research 26 2.2. Organization of formative research 29 2.3. Organization of a control study 43 Conclusions on Chapter 2 46 CONCLUSION 48 REFERENCES 53 APPENDIX 58


The number of preschool children with speech development problems is increasing every year. Underdevelopment of speech prevents them from fully communicating and causes difficulties in successfully mastering knowledge from various subjects. Speech difficulties also negatively affect the emotional state of the child. Children with special needs need timely assistance, which the teacher must provide to them with great patience. “A child whose development is hampered by a defect is no less developed than his normal peers, but otherwise developed. She can achieve the same thing as a normal person, but in a different way, in a different way,” said L.S. Vygotsky. Due to certain mental and physical disabilities, such students slowly master the program material, and over time, great difficulties arise. Children perceive educational material better if it is presented in the form of a fairy tale or theatrical performance. It is necessary to set a goal to help children with speech disorders, solve problems related to their upbringing and education, and ensure their integration into society. ... A fairy tale, creativity - this is the most subtle and delicate touch. A fairy tale is the childhood of thought. She makes the world of childhood bright and interesting. (V. Sukhomlinsky) In speech development classes with children, often use a fairy tale and make up fairy tales. Writing fairy tales helps in correctional work with children, maintains interest in educational activities, helps to acquire skills and abilities to construct sentences, consistently express one’s opinion, and adhere to logical connections between individual statements; Students' vocabulary is enriched, their creative abilities are developed, and positive emotions arise. “A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty... Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only learns, but also responds to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, shows his attitude towards good and evil. The parable contains the first ideas about justice and injustice” (V. Sukhomlinsky). Relevance. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening and perceiving speech. Speech activity is one of the main conditions for the timely speech development of a child. Cognitive activity is the desire for the most complete knowledge of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In older preschool age, cognitive development is the development of cognitive processes (perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination), which represent different forms of the child’s orientation in the world around him and regulate his activities. Cognitive and speech development of preschoolers is aimed at developing children's cognitive interests and intellectual development. Among the researchers who studied the cognitive development of children with speech pathology, one can name such scientists as L.S. Tsvetkova, T.M. Pirtskhalaishvili, E.M. Mastyukova, N.A. Cheveleva, G.S. Sergeev, who studied different types of perception; G. S. Gumennaya, who studied the features of memory; HE. Usanova, Yu. F. Garkusha, T. A. Fotekova, who studied attention; I.T.Vlasenko, G.V. Gurovets, L.R. Davidovich, L.A. Zaitseva, V.A. Kovshikov, Yu.A. Elkin, O.N. Usanova, who studied the uniqueness of various forms of thinking; V.P. Glukhov, who explored the imagination. The first three years of a child’s life are of decisive importance for the development of speech activity. Insufficient development of speech means and cognitive activity in children with ODD limits their circle of communication, contributes to the emergence of isolation, lack of initiative, indecisiveness, and shyness; gives rise to specific features of speech behavior - the inability to establish contact with an interlocutor and maintain a conversation. In turn, a low level of communication slows down the rate of development of speech and other mental processes. When studying children with ODD, the main attention should be paid to the state of cognitive activity and especially linguistic means of communication: many research works emphasize the presence of persistent lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic disorders that limit the possibilities of spontaneous formation of speech skills in children. Thus, the targeted formation of coherent speech is of utmost importance in the general system of preschool education. By forming perception, attentiveness, and observation in children, we develop cognitive processes, which are a prerequisite for the development of thinking and imagination. Teaching children to analyze, synthesize, abstract, compare, generalize, and draw simple analogies means to a large extent preparing them for successful learning. The content of correctional speech therapy work is determined through the implementation of a set of functions of a speech therapist (overcoming oral speech disorders through the development of: speech breathing, motor skills, articulatory apparatus and sound production, intonation expressiveness of speech; improvement of lexical and grammatical structure; formation of morphological and syntactic systems of language and development of coherent speech; overcoming impairments in written speech). The teacher implements the content of work on speech development in the classroom. Correctional and developmental work on speech development can only be effective if there is close cooperation between a speech therapist, psychologist, teacher and parents in overcoming speech disorders and development based on the communicative competence of preschool children with speech underdevelopment. The relevance of the study made it possible to formulate the topic of the final qualifying work: “Development of cognitive and speech activity in preschool children with speech impairment.” Object of work: cognitive and speech activity of preschool children with speech impairment. Subject: development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children with speech impairment. Purpose of the work: To identify the influence of non-traditional technologies on the speech development of a child. Hypothesis. Children with speech disorders have a reduced level of development of cognitive and speech activity. Specially organized correctional classes and games will allow you to correct disorders of cognitive and speech activity. According to the hypothesis and purpose of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1. Analyze the theoretical aspects of the problem in the works of specialists. 2. Develop children’s speech using all groups of non-traditional methods in their work; 3. Develop recommendations for teachers and parents on the use of non-traditional methods; 4. Analyze the performance of the work. During our research, the following methods were used: 1) theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem; 2) collection and analysis of data on the problem under study. Research base: MADOU kindergarten No. 23 of the city of Khabarovsk To ensure the reliability of the provisions and conclusions and solve the outlined problems, the following research methods were comprehensively used: theoretical: analysis, systematization and generalization of data from general and special psychological and pedagogical literature in order to identify the state of the problem under study; analysis of curricula, correctional methods and teaching aids in order to clarify modern approaches to correctional work with children with speech disorders of preschool age; synthesis, abstraction and concretization for the purpose of theoretical substantiation of the methodology for the formation of cognitive and speech activity; empirical: targeted observation of the educational process and play activities of older preschoolers with speech impairments, questioning of parents, speech therapists, psychologists and educators, psychological and pedagogical experiment (ascertaining and formative) in order to substantiate and test psychological and pedagogical conditions and correctional and developmental methodology formation of speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age; statistical: quantitative and qualitative analysis and generalization of experimental data, methods of statistical analysis in order to determine the differences between two statistical samples (CG and EG) according to? * Fisher's test (Fisher's angular transformation) and Student's t-test. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is: the theory of polymorphism of the structure of the defect (L. S. Vygotsky, M. S. Pevzner, J. Piaget, etc.) the doctrine of the psychological aspects of diagnosing abnormal development of children (B. V. Zeigarnik, V. I. Lubovsky, S. Ya. Rubinstein, etc.); theory of regularities in the development of communication in ontogenesis and conceptual provisions on the leading role of communication in the formation of a child’s personality (L. N. Galiguzova, N. S. Zhukova, Ya. L. Kolominsky, M. I. Lisina, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova, T. I Pirozhenko, T. A. Repina, A. A. Smirnova, etc.); the concept of taking into account the individual and personal characteristics of the child and the need for a systemic influence of the correctional process on the formation of content, activity and personal components of intelligence as a tool for balancing the person and the environment (V. M. Sinev) the concept of individual genetic research of personality (S. D. Maksimenko, V. S. Merlin, etc.); provisions on an individually differentiated approach in the structure of the pedagogical study of children (V. I. Bondar, I. G. Eremenko) concept of development, training and socialization of children with speech disorders (V. V. Tarasun, G. M. Khvorova) provisions on the need active search for the positive in the personality structure (L. S. Vygotsky, A. S. Makarenko, L. I. Fomicheva, etc.); position on the leading stable cognitive style of a child with speech impairment (V. Tarasun); scientific conclusions about the unity of age-related patterns in normal and abnormal mental development (A. K. Agavelyan, L. I. Bozhovich, V. I. Bondar, L. S. Vygotsky, T. A. Vlasova, V. V. Davydov, V. V. Lebedinsky, V. I. Lubovsky, V. M. Sinev, V. Tarasun, L. I. Fomicheva, M. K. Sheremet and others); activity approach to understanding communication (B. G. Ananyev, L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontiev, A. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, L. A. Petrovskaya, S. L. Rubinstein, etc.); normative indicators and criteria for the speech development of a preschool child (E. F. Sobotovich) psychological and pedagogical approaches to constructing classifications of the intellectual development of children with speech development (D. I. Shulzhenko). The scientific novelty of the results of this study lies in the fact that for the first time the manifestations of cognitive and speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age have been comprehensively studied; the features of cognitive and speech activity in preschool children with speech impairment were specified; a correctional and developmental methodology for the formation of speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age has been developed, scientifically substantiated and tested, taking into account the identified differentiated psychological mechanisms of underdevelopment of the speech system; the stages and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of cognitive and speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age are determined; methods, techniques and means of forming speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age have been improved; The content of the components of cognitive and speech activity in preschool children has been clarified. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of using the developed special correctional and developmental methodology for the formation of cognitive and speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age in the process of teaching and raising children of this nosology by parents, educators, correctional teachers and special psychologists of special preschool institutions, educational institutions and rehabilitation centers, visited by children with speech disorders; the possibility of using a method for determining the level of speech activity and a questionnaire in the differential diagnosis of the communicative development of children with speech disorders. The research materials can be used when teaching professional courses in higher educational institutions in the direction of “Correctional education. Speech therapy ", as well as in the process of professional retraining and advanced training of correctional teachers, in particular, speech therapists, special psychologists, teachers working in preschool institutions, children with speech disorders are visited in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and an appendix.


Determining the theoretical foundations for the formation of cognitive-speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age and generalizing the results of the experimental study allowed us to formulate the following conclusions: 1. The relevance of the problem of the formation of cognitive-speech activity in children with speech disorders was proven on the basis of an interdisciplinary analysis of special psychological and pedagogical scientific research. methodological literature and modern approaches to teaching and raising children of this category. The variety of speech development disorders in such children affects the process of development of cognitive and speech activity, which can be explained directly by the specificity of speech development, along with limited language experience and insufficient knowledge about language and its use in the communication process. An analysis of scientists' studies on the speech development of children with speech disorders made it possible to determine a violation of the communicative function of speech, which manifests itself both in the inability to fully perceive verbal information and in the inability to adequately form a speech utterance and interact with people around them in accordance with the situation. According to the term “cognitive-speech activity” is considered to mean the presence of a motive for a speech utterance and a direct speech utterance, which can arise as a response to the interlocutor’s remark or as a desire to inform the interlocutor about one’s own thoughts, experiences, emotions, needs. 2. The components of cognitive-speech activity and the criteria for their formation are determined: content (ability for productive communication, use of speech as a means of communication), motivation (contact in communication, ability for dialogical speech), initiative (initiative in the communication process, ability for monologue speech) . For each criterion, a number of indicators were identified that made it possible to determine the levels of formation of the components of cognitive and speech activity: high, sufficient, average, low and zero. It has been established that in children with speech impairment, cognitive and speech activity is not always formed and developed spontaneously, which requires competent assistance from specialists. 3. It has been established that children with speech impairment of preschool age are at a significantly lower level of development of cognitive and speech activity before classes with them than after them. Features of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children with speech impairments were identified: decreased ability to communicate; decreased desire to show one’s individuality and express oneself; decreased initiative in the communication process; violation of contact and selective contact; decreased initiative and independence in speech expressions; decreased ability to maintain a conversation on a topic, to speak out in accordance with the situation; unstable interest in interaction; limited understanding of the names of objects, names of actions, names of qualities and properties of objects and space-time relationships and the ability to find and demonstrate relevant pictures or objects; limited understanding of action names and ability to perform appropriate actions; selective reaction to treatment, to one’s own name; inconsistency with age indicators in the use of necessary language units in speech; the presence of echolalia, cliche phrases, autonomous speech; presence of non-communicative speech; limited or absent use of the words “yes” and “no” in speech; insufficient vocabulary (according to age and program requirements) of nouns, verbs, adjectives and limited use of them in speech; limited understanding and compliance with lexical and grammatical norms of the native language; a decrease in the child’s ability to inflect and create words; features of the use of intonation means of expressiveness and pausing; features of a coherent utterance; decreased ability to fully, consistently, and logically express one’s thoughts. It has been proven that all children with speech impairment of preschool age have features of the formation of cognitive and speech activity of varying degrees of manifestation. 4. A correctional and developmental methodology for the formation of cognitive and speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age has been developed, which includes research-diagnostic, correctional-activity and functional-speech stages of formation, each of which involves its own goals, objectives, directions, methods and techniques of work . The stages were combined with external and internal connections, resulting in a continuous pedagogical process, and the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by preschoolers with speech impairments are considered as an integral system. 5. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for a correctional approach to the formation of speech activity in children of this category have been identified and scientifically substantiated, namely: observation of the child and direct interaction with him and an objective assessment of the dynamics of development of cognitive and speech activity in a child with speech impairment; structuring corrective action based on taking into account information obtained during examination and observation of the child; creation of an adequately organized environment for carrying out correctional influence (structuring the regime, time, space) for correlating the emotional state of the child in order to create motivation to learn new speech material and increase cognitive and speech activity; the use of autostimulation as an integral part of the behavior of a child with speech impairments in order to fill it with new meaning, which will become the basis for the formation of cognitive and speech activity; the use of an appropriate number of tasks, the change of which would precede the oversaturation of impressions by a child with a speech disorder; step-by-step presentation of tasks with mandatory ones using stimulation as a method of developing motivation for interaction and direct cognitive-speech activity; relationship in the work of specialists and parents of children with speech disorders; stimulation of cognitive and speech activity, taking into account the characteristics of the communicative and speech activity of a child with speech impairment. 6. Effective methods for the formation of cognitive-speech activity have been developed, scientifically substantiated and tested, which included: creation and maintenance of a cognitive-speech environment; constant speech accompaniment of the child’s activities; teaching the child to express thoughts in any way available to her; the use of incentives and rewards in order to increase motivation for cognitive and speech activity; using the child's existing vocalizations; the use of echolalia and a tendency to stereotype actions; stimulation of cognitive and speech activity against the background of emotional uplift; development of cognitive and speech activity through imitation; activation of passive vocabulary and its gradual transformation into active; nurturing initiative and the desire for self-realization. 7. The effectiveness of an experimental correctional and developmental methodology for the formation of cognitive-speech activity in children with speech impairment of preschool age has been experimentally proven based on the positive dynamics of the levels of formation of components of cognitive-speech activity of children with speech impairment of preschool age, observed when comparing the results of diagnostic-modeling (stating) and testing and generalizing (forming) stages of the experiment. In particular, the indicators of the level of formation of components of speech activity in CE compared with CE are respectively: motivation: high not found, sufficient: + 8.6%, average: + 19%, low: + 14.3%, zero - 41, 9%; initiative: high: not detected, sufficient: + 10.7%, average: + 13.8%, low: + 9.5%, zero - 34%; content: high: + 4.3%, sufficient: + 17 .6%, average: + 12.9%, low: - 27.3%, zero - 7.5%. Mathematical statistics data based on Fisher's angular transformation and Student's t-test indicate that children at the control stage achieved the best results. All of the above gives grounds to assert the effectiveness and feasibility of using the proposed methodology for the formation of speech activity in the process of correctional and developmental education of children with speech disorders. The conclusions drawn confirm that the purpose of the study has been achieved and the intended tasks have been completed. The conducted diploma research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem of the formation of speech activity in children with speech disorders of preschool age due to the complexity of this disorder and the versatility of the issues included in this topic.


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Development of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children through the formation of communicative abilities.

Teacher-speech therapist, MA preschool educational institution DS of the city of Nizhnevartovsk

No. 48 “Golden Cockerel”

Speech is an indispensable condition and a necessary component of any activity, including communicative ones. The child gradually masters speech, developing in joint activities with adults and peers that are social in nature and multifaceted in nature. In the process of carrying out increasingly complex activities at each subsequent stage, more and more cognitive tasks arise before him, requiring recourse to speech communication to solve them. The child consistently develops means, techniques and methods of communication (communication). As his need for communication increases, which in turn stimulates the accumulation and development of his speech skills. These skills, which are formed spontaneously, “adjusting” to the needs of communication, at the same time turn out to be not yet sufficiently formed for the transition to a new activity - educational. In preschool children, it is possible to develop skills associated with conscious orientation to linguistic reality if the verbal composition of speech is made the subject of conscious analysis, i.e. the means of communication themselves. At this stage, the help of adults is important - work (classes, games, exercises) aimed at correcting, developing, improving existing ones and developing new skills necessary for full communication and subsequent schooling. The formation of speech skills begins with the material of words and statements.

An important section is the development of the lexical side of speech. The child must be able to recognize and understand the words he hears; select the right words and use them; group into lexical and grammatical categories - . It is necessary to form and develop the structure of words, subject relatedness, the generalizing function of the word, on the basis of which the child learns to identify properties and characteristics. This work provides the child with opportunities to develop phrasal speech, because the ability to identify properties, signs, and actions of this object in an object form the basis for constructing a statement about this object. Attention is also required to the formation, i.e. to the connection of words (coordination, control, adjacency). By practicing various types of word combinations, children develop the ability to correctly construct prepositional-case combinations. Purposeful work is required on the correct construction and use of forms of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Work on a proposal should include its deployment, distribution and intonation.

Then the transition to coherent speech occurs. Children are activated in this work: they must now make the subject of awareness and self-development of thoughts in a coherent statement and the means by which this coherence is achieved.

At the same time, when improving speech skills, the development of children’s creative speech skills is provided. It is especially important to pay attention to this when working on dialogues, retelling, and composing stories; practice more widely tasks such as: “Continue the story”, “Compose the story from the beginning”, “Make the story more complete”, etc. The effectiveness of work is largely determined by how the child himself participates in the speech process and the degree of his initiative. An adult should direct this process this way. so that children increasingly participate in communicative operations. This work activates memory and attention, develops more complex skills that require taking into account the communication situation. Therefore, at each lesson, communicative and cognitive tasks should be solved in the game, relying on the child’s conscious activity. Work on the semantic side of speech and its structural elements (including: understanding the intonation side of a statement, recognizing close or complex words, understanding grammatical forms and structural structures) is also carried out at the stage of teaching children dramatization, in theatrical activities. At first it is better to use small completed dialogues and dialogues from fairy tales. Then they use short fairy tales and stories with dialogic speech, understandable and interesting plots. A lot of preliminary work with children is necessary: ​​reading fairy tales and stories, conversations about their content, retellings, inventing fairy tales, composing stories.

It is important to strive for every activity, game, and joint activity between an adult and a child to be playful in nature and at the same time have educational and developmental goals.

The activity must be emotionally charged, must attract children, and arouse keen interest. To successfully implement the assigned tasks, multifaceted, colorful, scientifically based didactic material, created or selected by teachers and parents, is required.


Game "How many words?"

Goal: to reinforce the concept of “word” in children

An adult shows an object (picture) and names a word. Then the children repeat. They answer how many words they named.

Game “Who is this? What is this?"

Goal: to consolidate in children the concept of “word”, denoting a living or inanimate object.

Children ask questions to pictures with animate objects “Who is this?”, with inanimate

"What is this?"

Game "Who does what?"

Goal: to consolidate in children the concept of a word that denotes an action.

Children answer the question: “What is he doing?” by looking at the children’s actions and pictures. Then they put it themselves

Game "What is he like?"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of words denoting the characteristics of an object. Children answer the question about an object: “Which one?” and ask questions themselves.

Game "What do you have?"

Goal: to teach children to correctly form nouns and names units from pictures. the number “I have a ball”, and the child the plural “I have balls”

Game "What does anyone need"

Goal: to teach children the correct use of nouns in selecting and naming pictures: a pilot needs an airplane; a carpenter needs a hammer, etc.

Game "Fish, Beasts, Birds"

Goal: to consolidate nouns in the children’s active dictionary on the topics “Fish”, “Beasts”, “Birds”

Children walk in a circle, repeating: “Fishes, birds, animals...” The leader suddenly stops at someone and he names the corresponding word (from the topics “Fishes” or “Beasts” or “Birds”)

Game "What is this?"

Goal: to reinforce general concepts in children.

Children in a circle - the teacher throws a ball and names a word from some general category (color “toy”, “furniture”, etc.), the child must name the generalization word.

Game “What is the same color?”

Goal: to teach children to use adjectives in speech, to correctly coordinate them with nouns in gender, number, and case.

An adult shows a color, the child must name objects of the same color. Red - red flower, red T-shirt, etc.

The game “Who moves how?”

Goal: to teach children to use present tense verbs correctly. An adult asks how a butterfly, hare, sparrow, etc. move.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Goal: to teach children to name cardinal and ordinal numbers.

The child counts objects or pictures on the table. Then he places them in different places, saying: “The first kitten hid behind the chair, the second kitten hid under the closet,” etc.


Game "Who is better?"

Goal: to strengthen children’s concepts of words and sentences.

Children have 2 (3) subject pictures. You need to make sentences with these words. Bear, forest - The bear lives in the forest.

Game "Picture Suggestions"

Goal: to teach children to make common sentences based on a plot picture.

Children look at the story picture, answer questions, spreading more and more


Who? - Fedya - What is he doing? - Watering flowers - Where? - In the garden - When? - In the summer - In the summer Fedya

waters flowers in the garden.

Game "What?"

Goal: to teach children to use a simple common sentence with an addition in T.P.

The child is given an object picture and answers the question:

What are they sawing with? - with a saw. What do they sew with? - seamstresses sew with a needle

Game "Who sits where?"

Goal: to teach children to use the preposition NA in speech.

Based on the plot picture, children come up with sentences, answering the question: “Who is sitting on what?”

A squirrel sits on a branch. Nina is sitting on a chair.


Game "Who has who?"

Goal: teach children to compose complex sentences. Children are given two pictures with animals and asked to make sentences: The cow has calves, and the goat has kids.


Where are you going bear?

  • In the city to see the Christmas tree.
  • Why do you need it?
  • It's time to celebrate the New Year.
  • Where will you put it?
  • I’ll take you to my house, to my home
  • Why didn’t you cut it down in the forest?
  • It's a pity I'd better take a look. Conversation with a cat
  • Why are you a black cat?
  • Climbed at night in .
  • Why are you white now?
  • I ate sour cream from a pot.
  • Why did you turn gray?
  • The dog rolled me in the dust
  • So what color are you?
  • I don't know this myself.

Belkin's pockets

  • Squirrel, where is your mushroom warehouse?
  • In the pockets of the oak trees!
  • Where is your little house?
  • In a pine tree.
  • What about the bed?
  • The bed is on me.

Frog's purchases

  • Where are you coming from, frog frog?
  • Home from the market, dear friend.
  • What did you buy?
  • A little bit of everything: I bought kva-pusto, kva-sol and kva-rtoshka.

Fox and hedgehog

  • You, hedgehog, are both good and handsome to everyone,
  • Yes, thorns don't suit you
  • Why, fox, am I ugly with thorns, or what?
  • It's not that he's ugly.
  • Or maybe I'm clumsy with thorns?
  • Not that clumsy!
  • Well, what kind of thorns am I?
  • Yes, you are somehow inedible with them, brother.


Game “Animal Dispute” story by K. Ushinsky

Goal: to teach children sequential retelling, dramatization; develop theatrical skills.

A cow, a horse and a dog argued among themselves which of them the owner loved more.

  • Of course, me, says the horse. - I bring him firewood from the forest. He himself rides me to town: he would be completely lost without me.
  • No, me,” the dog grumbles. - I'm guarding his house. The owner heard this argument and said:
  • Stop arguing in vain: you are all mine, and each of you is good in his place.


1. Familiarization of the preschooler with the sounding word

2. Preparing for literacy in kindergarten

Preschool age, as is known, is a period of intensive development of the child, and timely acquisition of correct speech, including its active use, is one of the main conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child, the formation of a full-fledged personality, and preparation for school.

... “To learn to speak, you need to speak” M.R. Lviv

Speech is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people for cognition, self-organization, self-development and for building one’s personality, one’s world through dialogue with other individuals.

In order for a child to master oral speech in a timely and high-quality manner, it is necessary that he use it as often as possible, coming into contact with peers and adults, i.e. had a certain speech activity. With the normal development of speech, this process occurs unnoticed, by itself, and the pedagogically correct organization of children’s life and communication makes it possible to accelerate the formation of speech activity.

The comprehensive development of a child is carried out on the basis of assimilating the centuries-old experience of mankind. This experience comes to children from adults; it is transmitted through language.

Much attention is paid to speech development in kindergarten and in our group. This is teaching the native language, correct speech, developing verbal communication, expanding the vocabulary, and learning retelling. The components of speech activity are the speed of speech reactions both in dialogue and in other situations, the choice of games and gaming hobbies related to speech, speech imagination, and mastery of the language system at a certain level.

Our group has created all the conditions for the development of children's speech. A rich subject-development environment: a schoolchild’s corner, books, a theater corner, a speech corner, story-based games to familiarize children with social reality.

In our group we have a wonderful book corner with relevant educational materials for the modern preschooler. I introduce children to the history of the creation of the book and the work activities of those people who create it,

We often go to the library. It's always interesting to learn something new

Mastering coherent speech is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, namely a chain of words united by one verb.

I always strive to ensure that children independently name objects, their characteristics, actions, and can classify them. For this purpose, a speech box is designed, where various subject and subject pictures are placed. Children independently make up riddles-descriptions and stories based on pictures.

I widely use finger games and games with origami elements in my work. Children make cups for their fingers and then play the game:

“We have five assistants in reserve every time, They shave, glue and wash, knead, iron, clean I will cover my fingers with hats, all my friends.

Literary and speech holidays are of particular importance. We dedicate these holidays to the work of children's writers. The main task of such holidays is not only to give joy from meeting your favorite works, but also to solve speech problems.

Children learn poetry and design little books. We also conduct speech quizzes, competitions, and tournaments that help develop thinking and children learn to reflect basic emotional states. During the holidays, we get great pleasure from communicating with fairy-tale characters.

When working on the development of speech, it is necessary to activate its main components, therefore I pay great attention to word games, the purpose of which is to enrich the vocabulary and form grammatically correct speech. Thanks to such games, children operate with linguistic information, which increases their own speech activity. I play the following games: “Selection of adjectives”, “Say the opposite”, “Pair to pair”, “New story”.

A speech therapy clearing was invented to develop fine motor skills. Thanks to her, the children become the main characters in their composition.

A fairy tale is one of the most accessible genres of fiction for children. The language of the tale is simple and accessible.

By retelling a fairy tale, the sound expressiveness of speech, diction, phonemic perception, and vocabulary are formed. It is easier for children to complete a math task with their favorite fairy tale characters. The kids love to show tabletop and finger theaters based on fairy tales. Especially favorites are “Pykh”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”.

Memorizing poetry is a tedious process, so I use the following techniques: telling in pairs, drawing a poem, singing.

Sketching poetry is an excellent assistant for solving many educational problems. For each word or small phrase, a picture is created. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child can easily reproduce text information

K. D. Ushinsky wrote:

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him, he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

We have favorite games with a globe and a geographical map. Here not only speech develops, but also horizons. The child becomes a traveler, he conquers seas and countries, remembers the names of cities, flora and fauna of other countries.

In parallel with this work, speech games are necessary; the use of board and printed games is mandatory, which help children learn to classify objects, develop
speech, visual perception, figurative and logical thinking, attention, observation,
interest in the world around us, self-testing skills.

Our group has interesting glasses of different geometric shapes. Having put them on, children find objects of the same shape and come up with different names for these objects.

Proverbs and sayings are genres of oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings reflect various aspects of people's lives and everyday life.

Proverbs and sayings broaden children's horizons and help children learn folk art better. In Russia they believe that a saying is a flower, and a proverb is a berry.

In our free time, we like to guess proverbs, dramatize them, and play the “Finish the Proverb” game.

Children know many proverbs and sayings about the seasons.

Many words in the Russian language have not one, but two or three, some have a dozen or more meanings. There is a pattern: the more often a word is used in speech, the more ambiguous it is. Polysemantic words form a semantic unity. The interpretation of their meanings necessarily reveals a certain similarity between the objects they designate and the phenomena of the surrounding world. The word “nose” is in great demand. It was needed by people and animals, as well as by boats, ships and boats, which began to proudly plow the waters of the seas, oceans, lakes and rivers with their bows. -The word “tail” is useful to all animals, birds, as well as trains, planes, rockets and comets. - Working on the ambiguity of words ensures the child’s speech development and contributes to the formation of the qualitative side of children’s vocabulary, the development of free speech, and the ability to consciously choose the most appropriate linguistic means for a given statement. Ultimately, this work serves to develop the level of general speech culture.-

The speech development of an older preschooler is determined by the degree of formation of his knowledge, skills, cognitive and social motives, needs and interests, as well as other mental formations that form the basis of his personal culture. A high level of speech achievements gives him the opportunity to realize both social and intellectual activity among peers and adults. Expanding the content of communication needs directs the child’s attention to new aspects of reality: to knowledge of the human world and relationships with others, the natural world, objective-practical and artistic reality. New communication needs determine the need for new means that should help realize new goals.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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