Socio-psychological portrait sample. Methods for the rapid compilation of a psychological portrait of a person

Health 24.09.2019

Psychological picture- This is a verbal description of a person that contains the characteristics of an individual and his likely behavior under certain circumstances. detailed information about a person is needed when choosing a profession, hiring an employee for a certain position, in marriage agencies, to determine the prospects for a joint family life. A psychological portrait of a person is compiled based on the results of tests, various questionnaires (Kettell, Mehrabian, Eysenck) and communication with a psychologist.

The psychological portrait plays a fundamental role in choosing the future type of activity. Before entering educational institution, you need to find out in which area a person can achieve great success. After all, nothing good will come of it if you do something that you don’t like.

Thanks to a well-composed psychological, stakeholders can get to know a person better, understand the motives of his behavior. With the help of such a description, it is possible to identify lies, a tendency to conflict, strong and weak character traits.

Many managers, when applying for a vacant position, test candidates to determine the qualities and abilities of applicants. It is important for managers to know how a person will act in a difficult environment, whether he will be able to solve problems, whether the individual has the character traits necessary to complete the task.

The psychological portrait of the child will help the teacher find an approach to his student. If adults want to reach the hearts of children, they need to know. By determining the type of temperament of each child, you can correctly plan the process of his upbringing.

Psychologists, at the request of the client, make up a psychological portrait of a person in order to find him a suitable life partner. After all, it is known that two polar personalities will not be able to build harmonious relationships. If partners want to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, they must have similar values, a suitable temperament, think the same way and work together towards the cherished goal.

The main components of the psychological portrait of a person

Before describing the psychological portrait of an individual, you should find out what criteria make it up. Each person inhabiting the planet is an individual. Any individual has basic and programming characteristics. The basic criteria are the temperament, character, as well as the abilities of the individual. Programming criteria - orientation, intelligence and self-awareness.

Individuals, depending on susceptibility, are divided into the following types:

  1. Reality oriented.

Easily get used to any role, they know how to adapt to any situation. Make the right decisions quickly.

  1. Oriented to the past.

Act in accordance with established rules and laws. Good performers.

  1. Future oriented.

May exhibit inappropriate behavior. Do not accept hierarchy. They are the authors of many ideas.

Components of a psychological portrait of a person:

  1. Temperament.

Based on specific features nervous system. Defines the behavior pattern of an individual. His features are difficult to correct. There are 4 types of temperament: sanguine (balanced psyche, flexible behavior, liveliness), choleric (emotionality, mood variability, thirst for novelty), phlegmatic (inertia, poise, shyness), melancholic (vulnerable psyche, pessimism, vulnerable nervous system).

  1. Character.

These are the original features of each individual. Character is manifested in communication and in the process of social activity. For each individual, a characteristic is compiled based on the attitude to the following aspects of life: work (laziness, hard work), people (sociability, isolation), oneself (selfishness, modesty), objects of the material sphere (stinginess, generosity).

  1. Capabilities.

These are individual characteristics of an individual. Thanks to their abilities, people achieve success in certain area life. Abilities develop during training.

  1. Orientation.

It is based on motivation. It determines the activity and behavior of the individual. Orientation is focused on some task, communication or on oneself. Some individuals strive to satisfy their physiological needs and provide themselves with comfortable living conditions. Others are looking for themselves in various areas of social activity, trying to realize their creative abilities.

  1. Emotionality.

Its essence is the involuntary reaction of a person to external stimuli. Arise against the will and desire of the individual. Feelings about a certain situation reflect the depth of significance for the individual of various events. A strong-willed person must be able to suppress his emotions, not to show his true feelings to others.

  1. Intelligence.

Determines the level of education of the individual. Depends on the acquired knowledge, age, specifics of the profession. Thanks to the intellect, an unfamiliar situation is assessed, important decisions are made, and behavior is regulated. With the help of intelligence, an individual adapts to a new environment, correctly builds his relationships with other people. Intelligence is the ability to think rationally and act expediently in a situation.

  1. Sociability.

The ability to communicate is an important character trait. Revealed in communication individual characteristics of people. Thanks to communication, there is a transfer of information, information about feelings, thoughts, knowledge of the subjects of the conversation.

  1. Self-esteem.

On the basis of introspection, the individual develops an emotional-value attitude towards his own person. Self-esteem can be adequate, overestimated or underestimated. The individual evaluates his own abilities, achievements, his place in society.

If you have identified low self-esteem in yourself, then you should contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

  1. Volitional qualities.

Qualities of character influence the life and actions of people. Strong-willed individuals make decisions independently, are not afraid of difficulties, they are decisive and persistent. Weak people are often weak-willed. Such individuals fail to realize themselves in society, although they have all

  1. Self control.

The upbringing of a person and the ability to lead in society depend on self-control. People who do not know how to control their feelings, words, behavior are not able to build friendships or partnerships with others.

  1. Ability to work together.

Different individuals have different capacities for collective work. The ability to work in a team is the ability to adapt to other people, to listen to a different point of view.

How is a psychological portrait of a person compiled?

In order to correctly draw up a psychological portrait of an individual, one should adhere to the following rules:

  • the method of studying the individual must correspond to the purpose of the experiment, the age of the person, the level of his education;
  • in addition to a personal conversation with an individual, two personality questionnaires and three projective methods should be used;
  • compare the data based on the results of all studies, trace their correlation;
  • create comfortable testing conditions for the examined individual;
  • compose a portrait so that its text is understandable to people who do not have a psychological education.

What methods are used to compile the necessary psychological portrait:

  • the study of the emotional-volitional sphere - the SAN method, the Spielberg test, Bas-Darka, Nemchin;
  • study of the cognitive-cognitive area - an intelligence test, Wexler, memorization of 10 words, exclusion of superfluous, equality matrices, Schulte tables;
  • examination of the interpersonal-social sphere - the Etkind color test, the Bales, Leary method, sociometry;
  • study of motivations and needs - Orel methodology, types of work motivation according to Gerchikov, career anchors, 14 basic needs according to Murray.

What projective methods are used in the study inner world and transferring its content to an external one:

  • drawing "house, tree, person";
  • the image of a fictional animal;
  • psychogeometry;
  • Rorschach spots.

What personality questionnaires are used to identify certain characteristics in an individual:

  • Leonhard test;
  • 16-factor Cattell questionnaire;
  • MMPI (full or abbreviated version).
  • the initials of the subject, his age, profession;
  • the purpose of the study (for example, for compliance with the position held);
  • methods that were used;
  • the behavior of the individual during testing (trembling of hands, strong excitement);
  • research results;
  • psychological characteristics of the individual and the forecast regarding his behavior;
  • conclusions, wishes, recommendations.

An example of writing a psychological portrait of a person

Only an experienced psychologist can make a psychological portrait of any person. The specialist chooses which corresponds to the purpose of a particular study. In order to analyze yourself on your own, you should use simplified methods, for example, DISC personality typology testing or socionics. Similar tests are easy to find on the Internet and take online. With their help, you can find out your type of character.

An example of a psychological portrait of a personality based on the questionnaires of Cattell, Mehrabian, Eysenck:

  • Nikiforova Elena, 20 years old, student;
  • character traits: sociable, has many friends, good-natured, emotional, often acts under the influence of emotions, impulsive, prone to aggression;
  • temperament: according to the Eysenck questionnaire, sanguine, easy to get to know and communicate with, perfectly adapts to unusual living conditions;
  • intelligence: according to the results of the Cattell questionnaire, intelligence is above average, has abstract thinking, excellent quick wit, quickly perceives new information;
  • motivation: according to the questionnaire, Mehrabiana is motivated to achieve her goal, that is, success;
  • emotional stability: average, easily excited, too emotional, uncompromising, irritable;
  • communication skills: talkative, active, often distrustful, prone to leadership, independent, knows how to behave in a new team;
  • Summing up: the test results are within the normal range, attention should be paid to excessive suspicion and inflexibility of the subject.

Psychological analysis of the personality portrait

psychological personality questionnaire emotional

Watching other people, how they work, study, experience joys and sorrows, we often pay attention to the differences in their behavior. After all, everyone grew up and was brought up in different families, in different conditions, that is, in different social environment. All this directly affects how a person will be in his adult life, how he will build his relationships with other people, what character traits he will have .... Based on observations of people, having some knowledge of psychology, we can make a psychological analysis of the portrait of a person. It is very useful to draw up such an analysis in order to successfully manage people, to make it easier to find relationships with them. mutual language, know their strengths and weak sides.

Starting the psychological analysis of the personality, let us find out, first of all, what he will be like. Usually, the personality structure includes: temperament, character, volitional qualities, abilities, emotions. These concepts are relatively constant in a person and in their totality represent a psychological portrait of a person. According to these criteria, I will conduct my psychological analysis.

In my work, I will conduct a psychological analysis of my friend Christina. Her age is 23 years old. She has higher education majoring in jurisprudence. Currently works in a firm that provides notarial and legal services to the public. Christina also graduated music school, piano department. On the this moment continues to make music.

We now turn directly to psychological analysis. Let's talk about temperament first. In order to more accurately determine Christina's temperament, I suggested that she take the Jung questionnaire. The results showed that she is an ambivert, that is, she combines the traits of both an extrovert and an introvert. This suggests that she does not experience big problems in communication, but she is not characterized by ease in it either. For example, if Christina finds herself in a situation where you need to show organizational skills (when working in groups at seminars, at any events, etc.), then in most cases she will not show her initiative. In contrast to this, I can make the following argument: Christina has many friends, it is pleasant and interesting to communicate with her, everyone treats her well and respects her, getting into society, she looks sociable. But in this communication she does not have a special need. She likes to spend time alone with herself, she rarely meets with friends. This suggests that she combines the features of both an introvert and an extrovert. It can also be said about Christina that she takes risks only if it is justified. For example, there was such a situation in her life: speaking at a conference on the English language, the teacher promised to give the final grade for the semester automatically. Christina understood that it was difficult to learn all the tickets, it was better to overcome her fear and insecurity and speak at the conference, as a result, she spoke and received an automatic five. In this situation, she did so because she understood that it was worth it, her risk would be justified. But when she is offered to participate in debates or discussions, just for the sake of expressing her point of view, she often refuses. This once again confirms that Christina is an ambivert. The test results exactly matched what Christina really is, I confirmed this with examples from her life.

Christina also passed the Eysenck questionnaire to determine temperament. The result of the questionnaire showed that she belongs to such a personality type as a phlegmatic. This is manifested in the fact that she has stable aspirations and moods. It has a strong, balanced, efficient nervous system. Christina is very hardworking, loves to bring everything she has started to the end. Her facial expressions, speech, movements are calm, to some extent even slow. She also has difficulty switching from one job to another and does not adapt well to a new environment. I will confirm these provisions with examples from the life of Christina. She can work from morning until night, until she completes all the work that she has planned, or that needs to be completed on time. It often happens that Christina works seven days a week. At the same time, she always has the patience to bring everything to the end. But at the same time, Christina can only work successfully in her usual environment. For example, when she changed jobs, at first it was very difficult for her. Outwardly, it was noticeably small, but internally she felt discomfort, although she tried to fight it in order to quickly get used to the new team and the new workplace. She also finds it difficult to switch from one activity to another. For example, when she finishes working with clients, it is difficult for her to switch to working with documentation, she swings for a long time. All this confirms that Christina is a phlegmatic.

I will now move on to describe Christina's character. Taking as a basis the criterion of attitude to life, we can say that she is an optimist. Always knows how to find in events and people bright sides. She loves her life and the people around her. Christina rarely gets discouraged, even if she has some kind of trouble. In such cases, she simply tries not to think about the bad, and sets herself up for the fact that all this is temporary, all bad things pass. In her opinion, despondency is not a completely constructive emotion. Thanks to this character trait, Christina always moves towards her goals and achieves them no matter what. Last year, she took part in the competition " Star Trek”, people of different ages took part in it, where they showed their talents. In this competition, Christina performed a song. But then she failed to take the prize. Drawing a conclusion from this situation, she realized that she just needed to better prepare for the competition and confidently go after victory, at that moment, according to her, she was not at all upset, but on the contrary, she was glad that she had room to grow and something to strive for . Even this situation from her life suggests that Christina is an optimistic type of people.

Also, describing the character, I can say that Christina is very disciplined. This character trait is manifested in her life everywhere. For example, that she is punctual. If he makes an appointment with someone, he always arrives on time, often even in advance. In order to do his job more successfully, he draws up an action plan that he strictly adheres to. Given today's pace of life, it is very difficult to stick to the daily routine, but Christina manages to do it to some extent. She tries to eat at the same time, goes to bed on time if possible, does exercises in the morning, in other words, leads healthy lifestyle life. Christina keeps herself within tight limits, beyond which she tries not to overstep.

If we consider Christina's character from the point of view of her attitude to other people, to the team, to society, then we can say that she belongs to the individualistic type of people. This is manifested in the fact that she prefers individual work to work in groups. Relies only on himself, does not like to ask people for anything. She tries to do everything herself, she hopes only for herself. Such a trait has been present in Christina's character since childhood, I think that the reason for this lies in her upbringing. Parents always encouraged manifestations of independence, which developed such a character trait in her.

Describing Christina's character from the point of view of her attitude towards herself, I can say that she is self-critical. Adequately evaluates himself and his actions. He sees his own mistakes and, if possible, tries to correct them. He works hard on his shortcomings and complexes. For example, most recently, Christina took a training course on "How to become a self-confident person." This suggests that she sees her shortcoming, which needs to be fought, and is trying to eradicate it. When something does not work out for her, she blames herself, first of all, for this, and not circumstances and other people, she tries to understand what her mistake is. I already gave an example about her participation in the Star Trek competition. Then, she concluded that she needed to work more on herself, grow spiritually and professionally, and did not blame the jury or any circumstances for her defeat. All this confirms that Christina is very self-critical.

Analyzing the character and temperament of Christina, I also used E. Kretschmer's personality typology, according to which the temperament and character of a person depends on the physique. According to this theory, Christina belongs to such a type as an asthenic, since she has a thin physique, Long hands and legs, flat rib cage and weak muscles. This type of personality corresponds to such a type of character as schizotimic. This suggests that Christina is closed, serious, stubborn, it is difficult to adapt to new conditions. The way it is, given description fully corresponds to Christina. The presence of these character traits I argued above.

Now let's move on to the analysis of Christina's abilities. Since childhood, she dreamed of playing the piano, she constantly sang and arranged concerts for her parents at home with her girlfriends. All this testified to her musicality. When she was 6 years old, she entered the music school, the piano department. Upon admission, it was necessary to pass exams, where musical ear was tested. Christina did well on her exam. During the training, she almost never had problems, teachers praised her. Christina often took part in various music competitions and is still doing it, often in such competitions she won. Today, she continues to develop her musical abilities, is engaged in music.

And now I want to turn to the analysis of Christina's volitional qualities. Taking this criterion as a basis, I can say that Christina is a strong-willed person, that is, a person with a strong will. This is manifested in the fact that, starting any work, setting a goal or fulfilling a plan, Christina knows how to overcome difficulties and failures, both internal and external. This is evidenced by the fact that Christina can spend time at work from morning to night, and sometimes even work seven days a week. Despite the fact that in the course of this work she is accompanied by many difficulties, such as fatigue and the need for precision in work. Also, her behavior in most cases is quite responsible. You can rely on her in a difficult situation, she will never let you down.

Now I will move on to describe Christina's emotionality. At different types People express their emotions in different ways. Since Christina belongs to such a type of person as a phlegmatic, it can be judged that she seems impregnable to other people, to some extent mysterious. Her emotional state is in perfect balance. Most often, Christina restrains her emotions or shows them weakly. And all this is true. Christina is very difficult to piss off. She is very patient. I once witnessed when, while riding on a bus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a person standing next to her. young man, he answered something rudely to her, but Christina simply calmly apologized and continued to talk to me just as naturally. This indicates that she keeps her emotions to herself, behaves with restraint. But such restraint of emotions interferes with her performances, where emotionality is needed. Christina has to work hard on this, and this allows her to achieve success.

Conducting a psychological analysis, I talked a lot with Christina, asked her various questions, and conducted tests. This helped me to better characterize her personality, to identify some features. Such analyzes are very useful, as you begin to better understand people and the reasons for their actions.


Psychology? Gia ( other Greek<#"justify">Test (from the English test - test, test) - a standardized task, the result of which allows you to measure psychological characteristics subject. Thus, the purpose of a test study is to test, diagnose certain psychological characteristics person, and its result is a quantitative indicator correlated with previously established relevant norms and standards

A survey is a method in which a person answers a series of questions asked of him.

What does a psychological portrait include?

There are many criteria by which people can be classified in order to draw up their psychological portraits.

Academician B.G. Ananiev, who created the Leningrad school of psychologists, substantiated that each person has a bright personality that combines his natural and personal characteristics. Through individuality, the originality of the personality, its abilities, and the preferred field of activity are revealed. In individuality, basic and programming properties are distinguished. The basic ones include temperament, character, abilities of a person. It is through the basic properties that the dynamic characteristics of the psyche are revealed (emotionality, reaction rate, activity, plasticity, sensitivity) and a certain style of behavior and activity of the individual is formed. Basic properties - an alloy of innate and acquired in the process of education and socialization of personality traits.

The main driving force behind the development of individuality is its programming properties - orientation, intelligence and self-awareness. Individuality has its own inner mental world, self-consciousness and self-regulation of behavior, which are formed and act as organizers of the behavior of the "I".

B.G. Ananiev represented individuality as a unity and interconnection of the properties of a person as an individual, subject of activity and personality.

Based on the assessment of personality traits, it is possible to compile her psychological portrait, which includes the following components:

Temperament; 2. character; 3. ability; 4. orientation; 5. intelligence; 6. emotionality; 7. strong-willed qualities; 8. ability to communicate; 9. self-esteem; 10. level of self-control; 11. ability to group interaction.

Personality development continues throughout life. With age, only the position of a person changes - from an object of education in the family, school, university, he turns into a subject of education and must actively engage in self-education.

psychological portrait temperament character self-esteem

My psychological profile


Watching other people, how they work, study, communicate, experience joys and sorrows, we undoubtedly pay attention to the differences in their behavior. Some are fast, impetuous, mobile, prone to violent emotional reactions, others are slow, calm, unperturbed, with imperceptibly expressed feelings, etc. The reason for such differences lies in the temperament of a person inherent in him from birth.

The founder of the doctrine of temperament is the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (V-IV centuries BC), who believed that there are four main fluids in the human body: blood, mucus, bile and black bile. The names of temperaments, given by the name of liquids, have survived to this day: choleric, comes from the word "bile", sanguine - from the word "blood", phlegmatic - mucus and melancholic - black bile. Hippocrates explained the severity of a certain type of temperament in a particular person by the predominance of one or another liquid.

In modern psychology, the word "temperament" means dynamic features the human psyche, that is, only the pace, rhythm, intensity of the flow of mental processes, but not their content. Therefore, temperament cannot be defined by the word “good” or “bad”. Temperament is the biological foundation of our personality, it is based on the properties of the human nervous system and depends on the structure of the human body, metabolism in the body. Temperamental traits are hereditary, so they are extremely difficult to change. Temperament determines the style of human behavior, the ways that a person uses to organize his activities. Therefore, when studying the traits of temperament, efforts should be directed not to their changes, but to the knowledge of the characteristics of temperament in order to determine the type of human activity.

Types of temperaments:

Sanguine is the owner of a strong type of nervous system (that is, nervous processes have strength and duration), balanced, mobile (excitation is easily replaced by inhibition and vice versa);

Choleric is the owner of an unbalanced type of nervous system (with a predominance of excitation over inhibition);

Phlegmatic - with a strong, balanced, but inert, immobile type of nervous system;

Melancholic - with a weak unbalanced type of nervous system.

To determine my type of temperament, I had to go through G. Eysenck's questionnaire. After answering the proposed questions, I found out that I have emotional stability and extroversion is characteristic of my temperament type. This means that I am a Sanguine temperament. And indeed, comparing the description of Sanguine, I found all those features inherent in me.

Their positive qualities: cheerfulness, enthusiasm, responsiveness, sociability.

And negative: a tendency to arrogance, dispersion, frivolity, superficiality.

“A dear sanguine person always promises so as not to offend another, but he does not always fulfill the promise, so you need to check whether he fulfilled his promise” - unfortunately this is about me.


Character (Greek - "chasing", "imprint") is a set of stable individual characteristics of a person that develops and manifests itself in activity and communication, which determines her typical ways of behavior. Those personality traits that relate to character are called character traits. Character traits are not random manifestations of personality, but stable features of human behavior, features that have become properties of the personality itself. The character expresses not random, but the most typical, essential features person. In the structure of character, 4 groups of traits are distinguished that express the attitude of the individual to a certain side of activity: to work (for example, industriousness, a penchant for creativity, conscientiousness in work, responsibility, initiative, perseverance and their opposite traits - laziness, a tendency to routine work, irresponsibility, passivity); to other people, a team, society (for example, sociability, sensitivity, responsiveness, respect, collectivism and their opposites - isolation, callousness, callousness, rudeness, contempt, individualism); to oneself (for example, self-esteem, correctly understood pride and self-criticism associated with it, modesty and the opposite of them - self-conceit, sometimes turning into vanity, arrogance, touchiness, self-centeredness, selfishness); to things (for example, accuracy, thrift, generosity, or, on the contrary, stinginess, etc.).

The core of the formed character is the moral and volitional qualities of the individual. A person with a strong will is distinguished by certainty of intentions and actions, greater independence. He is determined and persistent in achieving his goals. The lack of will of a person is usually identified with weakness of character. Even with a wealth of knowledge and a variety of abilities, a weak-willed person cannot realize all his possibilities. My character traits:

I am creative, I like to draw; I am initiative and persistent, but, unfortunately, I have periodic bouts of laziness, sometimes I become somewhat infantile and irresponsible, and I am also unable to perform routine, uninteresting work for me for a long time.

In dealing with others, I am sociable and responsive, I try to show respect and be polite with everyone.

I have a sense of dignity and a certain pride, nevertheless I am quite modest. But, unfortunately, it is very easy to offend me, any harsh word addressed to me can hurt me and unsettle me for a while.

In relation to things, I should be more careful and thrifty.

K. Leonhard identified 4 types of character accentuation: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable.

Accent types:

Demonstrative type

It is characterized by an increased ability to displace, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, to adventurism, artistry, posturing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; the prospect of being unnoticed weighs him down. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (slight mood swings) in the absence of really deep feelings, a tendency to intrigues (with an external softness of the manner of communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, reverence, surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence makes him particularly uncomfortable, he can not stand it. The desire of the company is usually associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. It can annoy with its self-confidence and high claims, it systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends itself. Possessing a pathological capacity for repression, he can completely forget what he does not want to know about. It unchains him into lies. Usually lies with an innocent face, because what he says is the truth for him at the moment; apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with extraordinary thinking and actions.

stuck type

He is characterized by moderate sociability, tediousness, a tendency to moralize, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows alertness and distrust towards people, is sensitive to insults and disappointments, is vulnerable, suspicious, is distinguished by vindictiveness, experiences what happened for a long time, and is not able to easily move away from insults. He is characterized by arrogance, often acts as the initiator of conflicts. Self-confidence, rigidity of attitudes and views, highly developed ambition often lead to the persistent assertion of his interests, which he defends with particular vigor. He strives to achieve high performance in any business he undertakes, and shows great perseverance in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affects (truthfulness, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertness in the manifestation of affects, in thinking, in motor skills.

Pedantic type

It is characterized by rigidity, inertness of mental processes, heaviness to rise, a long experience of traumatic events. Rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active side. At the same time, it reacts very strongly to any manifestation of a violation of order. In the service, he behaves like a bureaucrat, presenting many formal requirements to others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order, scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried, diligent in performing actions, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-checks, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism . Willingly yields leadership to other people.

excitable type

Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and urges are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloom, anger, a tendency to rudeness and scolding, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provocative side. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, quarrelsome in a team. There is low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, heaviness of actions. For him, no work becomes attractive, works only as needed, shows the same unwillingness to learn. Indifferent to the future, lives entirely in the present, wanting to extract a lot of entertainment from it. Increased impulsivity or the resulting excitation reaction is extinguished with difficulty and can be dangerous to others. He can be imperious, choosing the weakest for communication.

After passing the Shmishek questionnaire, I found out that I have an excitable type of character accentuation.

In part, I agree with the description of this type, I really am sometimes too impulsive, irritable and quick-tempered. I live in the present, trying to get the maximum pleasure from what is happening to me at the moment. Nevertheless, I believe that I do not have a tendency to rudeness and conflicts, and I am also very sociable.


Ability in psychology is considered as a special property of a psychological functional system, expressed in a certain level of its productivity. Quantitative parameters of system productivity are accuracy, reliability (stability), speed of operation. Ability is measured by solving problems of a certain level of difficulty, resolving situations, etc.

The level of abilities is determined by the degree of resolvability of contradictions between the properties of the individual and the relationship of the individual. The best option is when there is an ability in any field of activity and an interest in doing it.

Abilities are divided into general and special. General abilities can predetermine a tendency to rather a wide range activities, they are formed by the development of intelligence and personality traits. General abilities include: willingness to work, the need to work, diligence and high efficiency; character traits - attentiveness, composure, focus, observation, development of creative thinking, flexibility of mind, ability to navigate in difficult situations, adaptability, high productivity of mental activity.

General ability acts as a socio-psychological basis for the development of special abilities for certain kind activities: music, research, teaching, etc.

I really want to develop in myself a greater industriousness than what I have now, this would help me become more successful in my studies, and in the future, in work.

I am lucky that I am quite attentive and collected, and I also have a well-developed creative thinking. Although, perhaps I lack some sense of purpose in the fulfillment of my tasks.

It turns out very well that in my case my ability to create coincides with my interest in this area.


The basis of the orientation of the personality is the motivation of its activities, behavior, satisfaction of needs. Orientation is on the task, on communication, on oneself. One person can only satisfy physiological needs and ensure the safety of existence. For others, in addition to these needs, it is very important to satisfy social needs and needs for self-expression, realization creativity. The task of the psychologist is to identify the needs, interests, beliefs of each individual and determine the specific direction of her motives.

I try to develop in myself all kinds of directions, but sometimes I focus on one thing, forgetting about others at the same time. At the moment, I am completely absorbed in my studies, I have set myself a certain number of tasks that I need to complete, in addition to studying, I spend the remaining free time with my close friends and family.


The famous Soviet psychologist S.L. Rubinstein considered intelligence as a type of human behavior - "smart behavior". The core of the intellect is the ability of a person to identify essential properties in a situation and bring his behavior in line with them. Intelligence is a system of mental processes that ensure the realization of a person's ability to assess the situation, make decisions and, in accordance with this, regulate their behavior.

Intelligence is especially important in non-standard situations - as a symbol of teaching a person everything new.

The French psychologist J. Piaget considered one of the most important functions of the intellect to be interaction with the environment through adaptation to it, that is, the ability to navigate in conditions and build one's behavior accordingly. Adaptation can be of two types: assimilation - adapting the situation through changing conditions to a person, his individual style of mental activity, and accommodation - adapting a person to a changing situation through a restructuring of the style of thinking.

Intelligence can also be defined as general ability act expediently, think rationally and function effectively in environment.

The structure of intelligence depends on a number of factors: age, level of education, specifics professional activity and individual characteristics.

In addition to cognitive, there is professional and social intelligence (the ability to solve problems of interpersonal relations, to find a rational way out of the situation). It should be remembered that intelligence is knowledge plus action. Therefore, it is necessary not only to develop all types of intelligence, but also to be able to implement rational decisions, show your intelligence both in words and in deeds, since only the result, specific actions determine the level of a person's intelligence.

I try to develop all kinds of intelligence and I believe that I manage to find the most rational ways to solve problems that sometimes develop.


Since the time of Plato, all mental life has been divided into three relatively independent entities: mind, will, and feelings, or emotions.

The mind and will to some extent obey us, but emotions always arise and act against our will and desire. They reflect personal significance and assessment of external and internal situations for human life in the form of experiences. This is the subjectivity and involuntary nature of emotions.

The ability to manage emotions most often means the ability to hide them. Ashamed, but pretending to be indifferent; it hurts, but it is hidden; offensive, but outwardly only irritation or anger. We can not show our emotions, because of this they do not weaken, but often become even more painful or take a defensive form of aggression. It is simply necessary to manage emotions, firstly, for health, and secondly, out of ambition.

All emotional phenomena are divided into affects, actually emotions, feelings, moods and stressful conditions.

The most powerful emotional reaction is affect. It captures the whole person and subjugates his thoughts and actions. Affect is always situational, intense and relatively short-lived. It occurs as a result of some strong (objective or subjective) shock. Actually, emotions are a longer reaction that arises not only as a reaction to past events, but mainly to those that are supposed or remembered. Emotions reflect the event in the form of a generalized subjective assessment. Feelings are persistent emotional states that have a clearly defined objective character. These are relationships to specific events or people (perhaps imaginary). Moods are long-term emotional states. This is the background against which all other mental processes proceed. The mood reflects the general attitude of accepting or not accepting the world. Prevailing this person moods are possibly related to his temperament. Stress is a non-specific reaction of the body in response to an unexpected and tense situation. This is a physiological reaction, which is expressed in the mobilization of the body's reserve capabilities. The reaction is called non-specific, since it occurs in response to any adverse effect - cold, fatigue, pain, humiliation, etc. Stress management issues are discussed in special literature. There are other emotions that arise during communication.

I consider myself a very emotional and open person and in most situations I openly express my emotions. It is quite difficult for me to hide my feelings from others, whether they are positive emotions or negative ones, one way or another they are reflected on my face. I don’t think it’s very bad, maybe it’s easier to make contact with others. Although communicating with people who are unfavorably inclined towards you, such a quality, of course, is unlikely to be an advantage.

Ability to communicate

Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process of human interaction. In communication, the individual characteristics of all participants in this process are most diversely revealed. Communication has its own functions, means, types, types, channels, phases. The most obvious function of communication is the transmission of some information, some content and meaning. This is the semantic (semantic) side of communication. This transmission affects a person's behavior, actions and deeds, the state and organization of his inner world. In general, it is possible to single out informational (obtaining information), cognitive, managing and developing functions of communication, the function of exchanging emotional and mental states in general. The means of communication are verbal (speech in different forms) and non-verbal (pantomime, facial expressions, gestures, etc.).

Types of communication: communication of two (dialogue), communication in a small group, in a large group, with a mass, anonymous communication, intergroup communication. The listed types refer to direct communication.

Communication channels: visual, auditory, tactile (touch), somatosensory (sensations of one's body).

Types of communication: functional-role (boss - subordinate, teacher - student, seller - buyer), interpersonal, business, rapport (communication with one-sided trust - the patient trusts).

Phases of communication: planning, getting into contact, concentration of attention, motivational probing, maintaining attention, argumentation, fixing the result, completion of communication.

It seems to me that I am a sociable person, I need communication with loved ones like air, communicating, I exchange energy with my interlocutor, I get new emotions. I also use non-verbal communication, use facial expressions and gestures when I am overwhelmed with emotions.

As for the types of communication, I feel most comfortable alone with an interlocutor or in a small group, such communication gives me more pleasure than communication with a large number of people at the same time.


On the basis of self-knowledge, a person develops a certain emotional and value attitude towards himself, which is expressed in self-esteem. Self-esteem involves an assessment of one's abilities, psychological qualities and actions, one's life goals and the possibilities of achieving them, as well as one's place among other people.

Self-esteem can be underestimated, overestimated and adequate (normal).

I determined the level of my self-esteem using a scale of personal qualities, I divided the proposed qualities into 2 columns, in the first - the qualities that my ideal possesses, in the second - the qualities of the anti-ideal. After that, from both columns I singled out the qualities inherent in me. The key to the test is the ratio of the qualities I have in each column to the number of qualities in that column. Ideally, with adequate self-esteem, this ratio should be approximately 1:2

Here are the features I have chosen:

Qualities that an IDEALANTIIDEAL should have. NeatnessSlovenliness 2. Cheerfulness Envy 3. Restraint Nervousness 4. Tenderness Suspicion 5. Integrity Carelessness6. Responsiveness Pride7. Enthusiasm Grudge 8. Caring Resentment 9. Sincerity Slowness 10. Persistence Shyness 11. CautionIndecision

The ratio in the column with positive qualities is 1:2, which indicates normal self-esteem

In the second column, out of 10 negative qualities, I chose 6 that are characteristic of me, this indicates a slightly low self-esteem (or my self-criticism?!)

I believe that I have a normal self-esteem, that I adequately assess the strengths and weaknesses of my character, and also try to fight my negative traits ... and I have a lot of them ... I need to become more organized, punctual and more obligatory in fulfillment the promises I made.


I really enjoyed writing this term paper, descriptions of my character, passing tests - almost all of their results turned out, in my opinion, to be true and truly reflect the main features of my character. But most of all I remember the temperament accentuation test, i.e. to identify overly pronounced individual personality traits. As a result of passing this questionnaire (Schmishek's questionnaire), according to the highest rates of accentuation, I received 4 types: Hyperthymic, Exalted, Emotive and Cyclothymic.

Hyperthymic type

People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a penchant for mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relations with others. Often spontaneously deviate from the original topic in conversation. Everywhere they make a lot of noise, they love the companies of their peers, they strive to command them. They almost always have very good mood, good health, high vitality, often blooming appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency to gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with high self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and at the same time businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, energetic, active, enterprising. A strong desire for independence can serve as a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger, irritation, especially when they meet with strong opposition, fail. Prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, projectionism. Not experiencing enough serious attitude to your duties. They find it hard to endure harsh discipline. monotonous activity forced loneliness.

exalted type

A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, pleasure. These feelings can often arise in them for a reason that does not cause much enthusiasm for others, they easily become delighted with joyful events and completely despair from sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not bring matters to open conflicts. AT conflict situations they are both active and passive. They are attached to friends and relatives, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impulsive, easily move from a state of delight to a state of sadness, and have mental lability.

emotive type

This type is related to exalted, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, fearfulness, deep reactions in the field of subtle feelings. Their most pronounced feature is humanity, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, they rejoice in other people's successes. They are impressionable, tearful, they take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react sharply to scenes from films where someone is in danger, a scene of violence can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disrupt sleep. They rarely come into conflict, they carry grievances in themselves without splashing them out. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants, take care of animals.

Cyclothymic type

It is characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic states. They are characterized by frequent periodic mood swings, as well as dependence on external events. Joyful events cause them to have pictures of hyperthymia: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a jump in ideas; sad - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communicating with people around them also often changes.

In adolescence, two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of being hyperthymic, but then lethargy and loss of strength appear, something that was previously given easily, now requires exorbitant efforts. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a drop in appetite, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, deep down, however, falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not ruled out. They study unevenly, make up for the omissions that have happened with difficulty, give rise to an aversion to classes. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood swings are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. Bad days are marked by more intense bad mood than lethargy. During the recovery period, desires are expressed to have friends, to be in the company. Mood affects self-esteem.

In my opinion, the description of these 4 types most fully reflects almost all of my features.

Despite all the work done, I did not learn anything new about myself and my mental traits, I knew all this before, but I systematized all the information and re-checked it with the help of tests and questionnaires. Such a “revision” of my inherent qualities reminded me again of my shortcomings and served as an incentive for a new stage in the fight against them.

On this, I will probably finish compiling my psychological portrait and will continue to work on myself in order to be happy and successful.


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TOPIC: Psychological portrait of a person


To the question of what a person is, different experts answer differently. It is in the diversity of their answers, and, consequently, in the difference of opinions on this matter, that the complexity of the very phenomenon of personality is manifested.

Almost all theories of personality are based on the assumption that personality as a socio-psychological phenomenon is a vitally stable formation in its main manifestations. The stability of a person characterizes the sequence of her actions and the predictability of her behavior, gives her actions a natural character.

The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his actions that are significant for people. Feeling of stability in the individual important condition internal well-being of a person and the establishment of normal relationships with other people. If in some manifestations essential for communication with people the personality would not be relatively stable, then it would be difficult for people to interact with each other, to achieve mutual understanding: after all, each time they would have to re-adapt to the person, and would not be able to predict his behavior.

Based on these prerequisites, it became possible to describe the main personality traits, to draw up a psychological portrait of a person. And this, in turn, opens up opportunities for its systematic study, the study of manifestations of behavior in various life situations, and the conduct of psycho-correctional work, in the case when such a need arises.

1. A variety of approaches to the definition of personality

The main problems of personality psychology at the initial - philosophical and literary stage of its study were questions about the moral and social nature of a person, about his actions and behavior. The first definitions of personality, given by such representatives of ancient thought as Aristotle, Plato and Democritus, were quite broad. They included everything that is in a person and that he can call his own, personal: his biology, psychology, property, behavior, culture, etc. This interpretation of personality has its grounds. After all, if we recognize that personality is a concept that characterizes a person and his actions as a whole, then everything that belongs to a person or concerns him should be attributed to him.

During the clinical period of personality study, the specialists focused on specific features that are moderately expressed in almost all people, but are especially pronounced in a sick person. This definition in itself was correct for solving psychotherapeutic problems, but it was too narrow for a holistic description of a normal personality. It did not include, for example, such personality traits as decency, conscience, honesty, and a number of others.

The experimental period in the study of personality is associated primarily with the names of G. Eysenck and R. Cattell, and in Russia with the name of A.F. Lazursky. These scientists developed a technique and methodology for conducting systematic observations and an experimental procedure in which it was possible to obtain and generalize data relating to the psychology and behavior of a healthy person. As a result of this, a theory was laid down, called the "theory of traits", in which real-life factors, or personality traits, were identified, described and defined.

As a result of the active differentiation of research areas, by the second half of the 20th century, a large number of different approaches and theories of personality had developed in personality psychology. These include: psychodynamic theories that describe a personality and explain its behavior based on its internal, subjective characteristics; sociodynamic, in which the main role in the determination of behavior is assigned to the external situation; interactionist - theories based on the principle of interaction of internal and external factors in the management of actual human actions. Each of the theories of personality described in the literature and supported by practical research deserves to be taken into account and used in the search for the most complete definition of personality.

The word "personality", like many other psychological concepts, is widely used today in everyday communication. However, when using this term, no strict distinction is usually made with the concepts of "man", "individual", "individuality". Some psychologists believe that any adult is a person. According to K.K. Platonov, a person is a concrete person or a subject of the transformation of the world on the basis of his knowledge, experience and attitude towards him. With this approach, the question of the difference between the individual and the personality is practically removed. By definition, A.V. Petrovsky, personality in psychology denotes a systemic quality acquired by an individual in objective activity and communication and characterizing the degree of representation of social relations.

In our opinion, the definition given by R.S. Nemov: Personality is a person taken in the system of his psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relations by nature, are stable, determine the moral actions of a person that are essential for himself and those around him.

2. The concept of a psychological portrait of a person

Approaches to the structure of personality in different theories are different. In the theory of Z. Freud, this is the unconscious, consciousness, and superconscious. In social learning theory, these are abilities, cognitive strategies, expectations, values, and plans of behavior. Some theories deny the existence of a stable personality structure. Most researchers studying this phenomenon include in the personality structure: abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions, motivations, social attitudes.

Abilities are understood as individually stable properties of a person that determine his success in various activities. Temperament includes the qualities on which a person's reactions to other people and social circumstances depend. Character contains qualities that determine a person's actions in relation to other people. Volitional qualities cover several special personal properties that affect a person's desire to achieve their goals. Emotions and motivation are, respectively, experiences and motivations for activity, and social attitudes are beliefs and attitudes of people. These concepts are relatively constant in a person and in their totality represent a psychological portrait of a person.

Some researchers (Kudryashova S.V., Yunina E.A.) offer a slightly different idea of ​​the psychological portrait of a person.
They include in it:

1) socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, occupation);

2) socio-psychological characteristics (needs, motives, attitudes towards others, levels of understanding);

3) individual-personal (attention, memory, type of thinking, psychosomatic type or temperament).

Consider the psychological portrait of a person on a specific example.

3. Drawing up a psychological portrait on a specific example

Alexander B., a young man of 25, agreed to become a test subject for compiling a psychological portrait of a person. He has a higher education in management and currently works as a sales representative of one of the commercial firms in Novosibirsk. The psychological portrait was compiled after several conversations with Alexander and his colleagues and testing with a 16-factor Cattell personality questionnaire.

Alexander is distinguished by high growth, normal physique. Has the ability to sustain physical exertion. According to him, he loves to walk with a fast, wide step, which is probably due to professional necessity. All his movements are well coordinated, fast and precise.

Alexander's facial expressions can be called somewhat monotonous, but at the same time quite expressive, always corresponding to experiences. He has a casual smile. Gesticulation, like the rest of his movements, is more expressive and lively than facial expressions. All his movements are very simple and natural. One of Alexander's favorite gestures is the "conducting" gesture. He likes to put his hand down, beat the beat with a short movement of the brush, stroke his head with his hand against the hair. When it comes to business, he often diligently suppresses his mental and emotional manifestations.

Alexander B. speaks very clearly and clearly, in a rather low voice, somewhat drawn out, very clearly, expressively, with good diction. According to him, at school he took part in amateur performances, which influenced his speech and voice, but he never had the desire to continue these studies more seriously.

Gymnastics and sports are not systematically involved. He likes to watch different games, but he rarely takes part in them. As a child, he loved games associated with risk - climbing steep, steep rocks or trees.

Strives for solitude, does not like noisy companies. Rather secretive - prefers not to express his thoughts openly and does not show his feelings. He speaks warmly about his friends, while noting that he had close friends at the institute, but now he does not often meet with them. When asked about the existence of a beloved girl, he answered that while he had not seriously fallen in love, there were only light hobbies.

In clothes, he has his own individual style, although he does not like cardinal changes - rather, he complements, deepens, improves what was previously developed.

The character is close to sanguine.

According to the data obtained as a result of testing according to the Cattell method, Alexander B. has the following character traits that are most developed in the personality structure: asceticism, nobility, conservatism, isolation, organization, practicality, adherence to principles, rationalism, self-sufficiency, restraint, cooperation, patience, purposefulness, honesty.

3.1. Positive trends

Alexander B. has a rational and practical mind. He is always calm and reserved. He likes to think and make plans about his future life, when drawing up these plans, career growth occupies a large place in them.

According to colleagues: Alexander is not petty, open and unsophisticated, responsible and reliable. Often shows nobility in responsible and difficult life situations, shows a firm grasp in business. He is distinguished by the efficiency and accuracy of the implementation of his plans. Plans, especially when it comes to work, almost always take a concrete, complete form. He has the patience and determination to overcome difficulties without the support of friends or family members. Unusually persistent, thorough, interested in details and specific procedures. Correct, steady and stable.

Alexander B. is distinguished by activity and adventurism, and gives the impression of a bold and resolute person, enterprising and self-confident, thinking independently.

He has adequate self-esteem, this is expressed in a sense of self-confidence, the presence of self-determination, an inner core. In behavior, this is manifested in activity, the desire to expand the field of one's activity, and the absence of fear of failure. Not afraid to take risky steps, take the initiative. He is quite independent in his views and desires. He speaks of more experienced colleagues with warmth and respect.

In relations with others, Alexander B. is dominated by the motive of cooperation, rationalism. He enjoys helping colleagues and friends. The healthy pragmatism inherent in him convinced him of the idea that in business the final result, visible, tangible and practical, is most important. He is caring for his immediate environment, knows how to convince of the validity of his actions and deeds.

3.2. Negative trends

On the basis of data on childhood addiction to risky games and entertainment, and a reluctance to take part in team games, it can be concluded that with a commitment to freedom in choosing activities, there is no need for cooperation with other people when it comes to hobbies and non-career activities.

Alexander takes his work seriously and thoroughly, he is inclined to do all the work from beginning to end himself, not trusting others. After the work is completed, it is important for him to find out the opinion of others about what has been done. We can say that Alexander needs recognition by others of the value of what he has done. Otherwise, he loses confidence in the importance and necessity of what he is doing, and in this case he may even lose interest in work. O is completely at a loss when people express dissatisfaction with his work.

It is very important for him to receive precise and comprehensive instructions from the management - he must know exactly when and what to do. In a situation of unpredictable developments in the future, and also if a lot of unplanned things have fallen on his head, he can easily develop a stressful state.

Consistency in everything, solidity, stability of aspirations, focus on the constant systematization of all accumulated experience and knowledge can be hypertrophied, and in turn lead to such character accentuation as pedantry.

He is constantly busy searching for the very best in life. Covered by ideas of self-improvement, although these ideas do not affect personal relationships, but mainly relate to his work and career growth. This can lead to the devaluation of what Alexander has at the moment.

Alexander has a desire to help others, but his actions and deeds are sometimes intrusive. The desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, but just when it is not only not necessary, but on the contrary, can be harmful.

Some ambition sometimes leads him to confrontation even with friends, can lead to tension in relations with colleagues. Alexander spoke about cases when he got into scandalous situations, while there was no fault of his in what happened.

Alexander B. is quite reserved when it comes to his relationships with loved ones and family members. It is difficult to create a trusting and emotionally warm atmosphere in dealing with him. It gives the impression of a person who is only interested in those areas of activity that will lead him to professional success and career growth.

4. Ways to correct unwanted personality traits

For a person with such psychological characteristics, it can be recommended, first of all, to attend social and psychological trainings, such as, for example, team building trainings, trainings for the formation of communication skills.

This will allow: to expand the possibilities of establishing contact in various situations of communication; develop the skills of understanding other people, yourself, as well as relationships between people; activate the processes of self-knowledge and self-actualization; expand the range of their creative abilities.

From the description of the psychological portrait, it can be seen that Alexander B. pays little attention to communication with loved ones, there is no mention of the existence of close friends or a girlfriend at the moment. It is also difficult for him to take into account the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in his behavior. In this case, you can recommend attending trainings in interpersonal relations.

Individual work with a psychologist can also give good results. The unwillingness of Alexander B. to talk about his relationships with loved ones, about family members, the lack of serious hobbies for people of the opposite sex suggests that in this case there may be a certain internal conflict, the resolution of which will give energy, opportunities and desire for further development and self-actualization of the personality.


Thus, in this work, we have in general terms considered approaches to such a multifaceted concept as the concept of “personality”, and made an attempt to describe and analyze the psychological portrait of a person.

Given all of the above, we can say that the personality of a person is one of the most complex categories, and the problem of studying it is an area in which, despite the long period of study (from antiquity to the present day), there are more questions than answers.

However, the currently available theories and methods for studying personality make it possible to single out certain stable constructs for describing the most characteristic features. This gives us the opportunity to speak of a personality as a peculiar set of psycho-physiological traits that are formed in vivo, which determine the thinking and behavior peculiar to a given person, on the one hand, and on the other, it allows us to comprehend the manifestation of these traits and the search for forms and methods of psycho-correctional work, if necessary. their applications.

Personal development is the recognition and realization of the unique capabilities that each person has. The wider, more diverse the types of activities in which the personality is included, the more developed and streamlined they are, the richer the personality itself.

Bibliographic list

Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. / Personality and its formation. - M., Nauka, 1988. - P. 281-310.

Kudryashova S.V. Yunina E.A. Psychology: teaching materials for independent work of students: Part 1, 2. - Perm: Publishing house PRIPIT, 2002. - 258 p.

Meili R. Factor analysis of personality. // Psychology of individual differences: Texts. - M. Nauka, 1982. - 407 p.

Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1. General foundations of psychology. - M: Humanite. ed. center VLADOS, 2001. - 688 p.

Petrovsky A.V. Personality. Activity. Collective. - M: Nauka, 1982. - 643 p.

Radugin A.A. Psychology. / The concept and structure of "personality". - M: Publishing House CENTER, 2001. - 400 p.

DOCTOR 2.1 Emotional-value ... psychological characteristics personalities suicides through psychological and linguistic analysis... Coursework >> Psychology

Psychology in compiling psychological portrait personalities written texts CHAPTER 2: COMPILATION PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT PERSONALITIES SUICIDENT 2.1 Components of analysis...

The most important points that affect the success and duration of the work of the client and his psychologist are not only the skills of a specialist in the first minutes of communication and acquaintance to determine the type, character traits of the visitor, but also the ability to quickly and accurately draw up a psychological portrait of a person. This will help to establish contacts with clients, avoid unplanned provocative moments. But most importantly, the psychological portrait of a person allows you to more accurately talk about the habits and inclinations of a person, his possible fears and complexes. It also helps to gain the visitor's trust, to overcome the client's barriers of indecision and stiffness.

How to make a quick and high-quality psychological portrait of a person?

The psychologist must have this skill. His duties include compiling a psychological portrait of a person whom he sees for the first time and knows absolutely nothing about her. However, in daily practice, this skill will not be superfluous for any person. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to “draw” a fairly accurate portrait in a matter of minutes, especially at first sight. Therefore, it is recommended to observe a person for some time, to find out some specific necessary initial data and details.

Psychological portrait of a personality and classification of its details

For convenience, all moments of observation of a person can be sorted into groups according to the principles of significance, brightness of perception of the object of observation by the observer. This classification is very convenient. The first group includes age, gender, posture and physique. The second includes the general appearance (style of clothing, accessories, details of the image and neatness). In the third, facial expressions, gait, gestures and manner of speaking can be distinguished. And finally, fourthly, large group, distinguish the following features and characteristics:

The shape and features of the face, lips, gaze and eyes;

Separate sexual characteristics and their features (for example, the absence or presence of hair in open areas of the body);

Arms and hands (joints, shape, skin, movements).

Psychological portrait of a personality and its characteristics

After considering the features of appearance in detail, the first three points can immediately determine the type of character to which they are inherent. And you can immediately begin to draw a socio-psychological portrait of a person and identify typical moments. For example, lowered shoulders, a fat build, a cautious gait, black and gray colors in clothes, lack of gestures and reticence, pronounced wrinkles at the corners of the lips and on the bridge of the nose - all this suggests that this person is a melancholic. But the fourth group will already talk about more hidden character traits. For example, pursed lips, a sullen look, deep-set eyes indicate that the psychological portrait of a person will contain information about the presence of phobias and fears in such a person. As seen from simple examples, this technique for determining the type of character and temperament is not so complicated, but very useful. To master it, only attentiveness, a penchant for analysis and practice are needed.

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