Summary: Advantages and disadvantages of different leadership styles. Psychological types of leaders

Helpful Hints 29.09.2019
Helpful Hints

10 types of leaders.

1. "Bastard"

The “bully” is loud, steadfast (hard), formidable, loves to be afraid of him. desires to control everything and everyone. For him, life is an ongoing struggle for power. But the “bully” is a man, and he is also afraid of two things: his own imperfection and intimacy. When you are dealing with such a leader, stand up straight, look him in the eyes and say without preamble what you need.

2. Turtle

The slow boss is usually friendly. However, it has two major drawbacks: it delays its decision at all costs, and it makes do with assertions. general avoiding being specific. Don't judge the turtle boss for these shortcomings. He is the victim of a demanding, pedantic upbringing. He puts your problem aside in order to avoid trouble, explicit or implicit.

Burning with smokeless rage, the "fighter" is a walking bomb, in which the clock mechanism silently works. His (or her) anger does not gurgle on the surface. And suddenly, unexpectedly for you, the “fighter” explodes: he screams, attacks you and splashes out sarcasm at your address and without an address. He likes to shoot indiscriminately, quickly and often. The energy of his explosion was exhausted, and there was a gloomy silence. The "fighter" is afraid of his own anger and his emotions. For him, the restoration of justice (real or imagined) is the goal, vengeance is good weapon. It can be resisted constructively

4. "Smoothie"

He is naturally always smiling, friendly, helpful, humorous. He tells you what you want to hear from him. If you try to "pin it to the wall", it is better to pour mercury and collect it with a fork. The Flatterer believes more in form and influence than in essence and competence. Since he always approves of everything and everyone, he is usually a great specialist in tricks. The flatterer is afraid of direct conversation and direct action. This behavior creates enemies in some cases. He needs approval.

5. "Pessimist"

The "pessimist" is unhappy from his whole life, from himself, and you personally are also a misfortune for him. It looks like he should work somewhere else, but any other organization will not give him happiness and good luck either. The “pessimist” blames, whimpers, feels sorry for himself and seeks to get rid of the difficult situation in which you will certainly lure him with your problems. He is deeply convinced that everything that is not in his own hands will fail.

6. Know-It-All

He does know me, but his trouble is that he acts like he knows everything. He (or she) is very impatient, unable to listen. If he gets into a "mat" (chess) situation, he blames others. He has little need for people and does not like to work in a group of leaders or like-minded people, where everyone is equal. The know-it-all thinks that his mind and knowledge is the only way to evaluate how people work. He fears the disappointment of his subordinates in his knowledge.

7. "Introvert" (a person focused on their experiences)

He (or she) is secretive and difficult to get something out of him when you need information. He is sensitive and afraid to open up. He has a lot to offer, but he can't express his thoughts clearly. The "introvert" is afraid of hurting other people's feelings and being seen as a "pressure person". If your boss is an "introvert", try to inspire him to talk as much and for as long as possible.

8. "Nekopenhagen"

This is an incompetent leader. He does not understand and does not know much, but he claims to know much more than he really does. Be careful with such a boss: he can steal your ideas and pass them off as his own. He is most afraid that his shortcomings will become known. If you're working with a "non-Copenhagen" boss, consider both his incompetence and your own ideas in detail and accurately. When talking to him, use facts rather than emotions to prove your point.

9. "Lazy slob"

His or her personal habits (tendencies) may be disgusting. Disorder and chaos reign both in his work and in his personal life. "Lazy slob" cannot find his things, prioritize tasks. His clothes are constantly wrinkled, stained or torn. He can eat too much, smoke, drink alcohol immoderately. He does not accept that he is an adult who should be held responsible for his actions.

10. "Abnormal"

His behavior is abnormal (deviates from the norm). Abnormality manifests itself in sexual advances, frequent absenteeism, constant lies. The "abnormal" leader often tries not to do something, but to get off. He hopes that his subordinates will "cover" him.

Leadership styles

Leadership style is a way, a system of methods for influencing a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors in the effective operation of the organization, the full realization of the potential of people and the team. Most researchers distinguish the following leadership styles:

*Democratic style (collegiate);

*Liberal style (permissive or anarchist).

The directive style of management is characterized by high centralization of leadership, the dominance of one-man management. The leader demands that all cases be reported to him, single-handedly makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The prevailing methods of management are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication. The authoritarian leadership style has a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate, leads to a significant decrease in initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees.

The democratic style of management is characterized by the distribution of authority, initiative and responsibility between the head and deputies, the head and subordinates. The head of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collective decisions. Regularly and in a timely manner informing the members of the team on issues important to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for high-quality and efficient work, kindly and politely; orders are applied as necessary. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

The liberal style of management is characterized by the lack of active participation of the leader in the management of the team. Such a leader “goes with the flow”, waits or requires instructions from above, or falls under the influence of the team. He prefers not to take risks, “keep his head down”, shirks the resolution of urgent conflicts, seeks to reduce his personal responsibility. He lets work take its course, rarely controls it. This style of leadership is preferable in creative teams, where employees are distinguished by independence and creative individuality.

There are no "bad" or "good" management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates, and other factors determine the optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing leadership style. The study of the practice of managing organizations shows that in the work effective leader each of the three leadership styles is present to varying degrees.

The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personality traits and temperament, rather than gender characteristics. Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of only one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite consciously combine various leadership strategies.

Most preferred by subordinates and appropriate to the situation, the leadership style depends on their personal qualities and the requirements of the environment. Leadership styles depend on the "maturity" of the performers: their desire to achieve their goals, education and experience, their willingness to take responsibility for their behavior. Accordingly, two main factors ("Tasks" and "Relationships") and four styles are distinguished:

1) "Instructions" (directive) - with immature performers with a high orientation of the leader to the task and low - to the relationship with the group; The directive style is effective and subjectively acceptable for subordinates performing vague tasks. When the task is sufficiently structured, and its greater structure is already perceived as excessive control, the style negatively affects the satisfaction and expectations of subordinates.

2) "Sales" (supporting style) - the average maturity of the performers, the orientation of the leader, both on tasks and on relationships.

3) "Participation" (orientation to participation in decision-making) - a moderately high level of maturity of subordinates, a strong orientation of the leader to relationships and a weak one to tasks. This style is more appropriate for non-standard tasks that require the involvement of employees, when subordinates seek to participate in the decision-making process.

4) "Delegation" - with a high maturity of subordinates, the leader's style is characterized by a low orientation of managerial influences, both on tasks and on relationships.

Basic parameters of three management styles

Control Style Options

Types of management styles



1. Decision making and task definition

Personally by the leader

Taking into account the suggestions of subordinates

Approval and agreement with the opinion of subordinates

2. Method of bringing the solution

request, begging

3. The degree of regulation of the actions of subordinates


(maximum freedom of subordinates)

4. The nature of communication between the leader and subordinates

Short, business, dry

long-term, not only business, but also personal

May not engage in communication if subordinates do not contact him

5. The nature of the regulation of the behavior and activities of subordinates

Emphasizes claims

Focuses on rewards

Refrains from regulating the behavior and activities of subordinates

6. Opinion of the head about subordinates

Considers all subordinates to be initially good, flexibility in changing assessments

Doesn't give grades to subordinates

7. The attitude of the leader to the initiative of subordinates

incredulous, negative

Encouraging the manifestation of initiative

Reassessment of the possibilities of the initiative of subordinates

8. Moral and psychological climate in the organization



Extremely changeable

9. Performance indicators of the organization

High quantitative, medium qualitative

Medium quantitative, high qualitative

Unstable indicators

10. Supervision of the leader over the activities of subordinates


Types of leaders differ significantly from each other - primarily through the loyalty of their own staff. One of them is constantly indulgent to minor weaknesses, but stricter about keeping order. The other, being a supporter of change, is much more demanding of the very fact of staff loyalty and at the same time sees the personality of any subordinate in dynamics. If a representative of the first type of constancy can be mistaken in the psychology of a subordinate, then the leader of the second type is distinguished by more powerful insight. Probably, all the dislike of the first type for the second is explained by the fact that the latter has a higher speed of gray brain cells.

Leaders can be classified into several types:

  • hyperthymic type- figuratively speaking, such a leader is like a supersonic liner, rushing around the city and country at breakneck speed. He makes business contacts, often attends presentations, is familiar with famous and public people. He always has answers to all questions, including eternal ones. He treats failures philosophically, his subordinates are loved and praised, and the employees themselves try not to let their boss down, to meet a high standard. If failures occur, such a leader enthusiastically rushes to the rescue. This type resembles a short-distance sprinter. He does everything as if "on the run";
  • autic type- figuratively speaking, this type of leader is similar at the same time to Koshchei from a fairy tale, and to Muller from Seventeen Moments of Spring. His gaze suggests an x-ray machine. Add to this suspicion and impregnability. But with all this, he loves the external signs of loyalty of subordinates. The head of the autistic type is in love with ceremonial meetings. He is obsessed with scenarios of such events and loves to participate in them, even if his health leaves much to be desired. But his insistence on doing everything and everyone as well as others usually causes fits of rage in his subordinates. With his daily behavior, the leader of the autistic type provokes the team to a lack of loyalty. This type of leader considers himself an excellent manager. This type of leader does not understand that there are other values ​​in life besides work: love, friendship and family. By the way, such a position does not bring such a leader personal happiness;
  • demonstrative type- a leader of this type is able to torture an employee, because he perceives his subordinates as a very pale background for his brightest person. All initiatives of employees, if they are not to their liking, as they say, are "quenched in the bud." A leader of this type demands to share his views, because he is convinced of their correctness. He does not even allow the thought of the possibility of reasoning not on the subject of the viability of his own views. The absence of external signs of loyalty provokes him to further confrontation. Such a leader is not picky about the qualifications of his employees, the most important thing for him is to speak lush compliments and smile. Such a position discourages employees, does not stimulate creative work and provokes lawlessness;
  • conformal type- figuratively speaking, this is a "pawn" in the hands of the actual - true, real, informal - owner of the company. This type of leader tries so hard to please his employees that he goes too far. He does not shy away from some degree of fawning over the workers. A conforming leader tends to be conniving. Subordinates will very soon consider him a sheep in the skin of a wolf, and they will treat him accordingly. In this case, the question can be raised not about the loyalty of the staff to the manager, but about the loyalty of the manager to the staff. As a boss, he is very weak, he endlessly practices tea drinking in a team, and he clearly does not know how to make people work. He is good, kind, but so soft that at his sight and subsequent communication with him, the question arises: what does he do in the chair of the head, how did he end up there at all. In life, such leaders do not stay long in their chair. An exception to the rule is possible only when the actual leader is someone else, and our good-natured person with a happy expression performs the functions of a formal leader;
  • labile type- a leader of this type usually gives the impression of a kind parent, he likes to operate with the concepts of good and evil and evaluates everyone according to the principle: a bad person is a good person. Such a leader tries to find a common language with employees, and most often he succeeds. Subordinates love such a leader - they love it, because warmth, charm, participation come from him. The leader of the labile type is always ready to help the employee. He cannot be strict, but not because he is weak, but because he does not want to offend the worker. This type of leader is constantly looking for a balance between the need to manage hard, and the desire to find a kindred spirit among the team. He is characterized by the desire and desire to make his business partners his friends, and, under appropriate conditioning circumstances, also relatives. He builds personal relationships very well, but he lacks patience, he indulges too much both his weaknesses and other people's amusements;
  • stuck type- This is a brazen, proud and cruel person. He makes no secret of his contempt for the people who work for him. Layoffs are frequent at his firm, because few qualified professionals will tolerate such treatment. The loyalty of the staff rests on a sense of fear due to the constant suppression of the individual. A leader of this type considers it his sacred duty to teach life to the staff, he is absolutely not interested in what the subordinate thinks about his business proposals;
  • psychasthenic type He is smart, perceptive, attentive to people. A leader of this type seeks to calculate in advance contact with employees, provides an opportunity for the employee to realize himself, try to work in different departments and in different positions. The subordinate feels sincere concern for himself, goes out of his way to justify the trust. The only weakness of this type of leader is eternal doubts and some indecision. Analytics is very good, but continuous analysis does not leave room for life, activity and happiness to breathe air. He is tormented by doubts according to the formula "on the one hand, on the other hand." Indecisiveness in making decisions leads to the fact that he “weighs” his whole life “for” and “against”, missing out on excellent real chances;
  • cycloid type- the head of the cycloid type lives according to the principle "When it dawns on me." If he feels bad, then he works on autopilot, if he is well, he is ready to embrace the whole world. Employees subordinate to him know: this boss will not let them offend. Well, if nothing happens to the company itself during the period of hibernation of the head, but what if clever competitors decide to take the enemy out of the game? It is clear that they will not find a better time. The head of the cycloid type will never be able to offer normal resistance in a state of semi-lethargic sleep. He can flounder, but his behavior will only aggravate the guilt, let the company down, as they say, "under the monastery." It is the leaders of this type who need smart and loyal assistants who would help them cope with the trouble and get out of the crisis. Loyal employees are worth more than gold for the head of a cycloid tap. By the way, the staff, on occasion, is ready to act as a support for such a boss. The management style of a hard administrator is one of pervasive control. Most of his time is absorbed by supervisory functions. Everything happens according to the formula "the cat is out the door, the mice are dancing." The reaction of employees to such leadership consists in refusing to participate in solving upcoming problems, from being ready to share responsibility. This position, in turn, strengthens the tough administrator in his dismissive attitude towards employees. He himself is constantly in a stressful situation. As a result, the guiding pressure is intensifying. Staff turnover is increasing, the best are leaving, many are falling ill or are said to be ill.
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A highly authoritarian or autocratic leader imposes his will through coercion, rewards, and so on. The leader is democratic, prefers to influence through persuasion, reasonable faith or charisma. He avoids imposing his will on his subordinates.

It is quite obvious that it is very difficult to find either authoritarian or democratic styles of personnel management in its extreme manifestations. Leadership styles can be mixed and depend on the situation, i.e. adaptive. This brings more results than adherence to only one style. Nevertheless, in general, it can be said that the main emphasis in leadership should be placed on socio-psychological, economic methods of leadership and on a democratic style of management. The command method is not suitable, because. in my opinion, it is impossible to force new ideas, non-standard approaches to solving problems to be born at the behest, just because the boss wants it that way. Thus, the most effective style in today's rapidly changing world is adaptive style, i.e. reality style. Whatever type of leader we consider, first of all we are talking about a person who has a particular leadership style. And often, personal characteristics dictate the style of behavior. In the next part of the essay, we will consider the psychological types of leaders.

    Psychological types of leaders.

A leader is not a position, but a psychology, a way of life and a way of thinking. As a psychological type, the leader on the line of business responsibility is higher than the performer, specialist and responsible employee. Supervisor:
    Always thinks about the desired result ahead (directed to the future, and does not understand the past). He always gives orders, even to employees, even to colleagues, even to the boss. He doesn't explain, he guides! Gives instructions.
As you know, in business, you can implement only two strategies: either become the owner and take charge of your business, or go to hired workers. You will have to obey and seek a common language with superiors in both cases. According to statistics, there are much more employees than owners, so the topic of effective cooperation with the manager (or managers) is currently extremely relevant. Psychologists of different schools have compiled many classifications of leaders, but the very first and, accordingly, the classic classification is Kurt Lewin, an American psychologist. He described three main leadership styles: authoritarian, democratic, and liberal. Let's call a leader adhering to an authoritarian style of leadership a "Dictator", a democratic one, respectively, a "Democrat", and a liberal one, of course, a "Liberal". Now consider how each of them relates to subordinates, to the performance of their duties, to doing business. « Dictator ». You will feel it as soon as you step over the threshold of the office. As a rule, the offices of the Dictators are quiet, the doors are closed, most of the employees have slightly raised shoulders, their heads are stretched forward and they look frightened, slightly frowning. Not all employees are aware of this, since their thoughts, as well as their actions, are under strict control. Each employee has their own job description. And it lies not somewhere in a distant folder in the personnel department, but in a drawer of its own desk. The dictator suppresses any initiative as unacceptable self-will and impudent free-thinking. The structure of the company resembles an army one with the motto: "Orders are not discussed - orders are carried out!". The best employees struggle with the desire to salute and bark: “That's right!” Decisions Dictator takes alone and to discuss anything with anyone and is never going to. Subordinates are a tool for realizing the will of the boss. And like any other broken tool, it easily replaces some employees with others. But since it is bad for just one person, even such as the Dictator, over time he starts a narrow circle of like-minded people. But not in order to consult, but in order to receive information, to hone your ideas. He does not accept the opposition, he dismisses all oppositionists instantly, "so that others would be disrespectful." Controls all subordinates permanently and very tightly. Meetings are held in order to distribute tasks and to control the reaction to these tasks. Emotions are ignored, creativity is banished. The proverb “I am the boss - you are a fool” is composed about him. In the world of business, the tough position of the Dictator most often works for him, to increase his authority and respect among partners. « Democrat ». It is much warmer in his company. Loud speech and laughter can be heard. People crowd in the smoking rooms, discussing the latest news. Posters of creative content are hung over the tables of employees. Motto: "We are a team!" is in the air. The Democrat convenes meetings to develop and adopt common decisions. He likes brainstorming, disputes, furious discussions. He strongly encourages collegiality and any initiative. Inactive employees fall out of his field of vision. The Democrat does not remember them by sight or by name. The one who does not sound is absent for him as a person. He skillfully delegates authority and shares responsibility. He understands jokes and is condescending about practical jokes. Always ready to take part in the general fun and, as a rule, is a welcome guest at any party. At the same time, he loves when good words are said about him and show him their sympathy and loyalty. The Democrat is distinguished by sincere attention to employees. Knows who has how many children, is aware of family problems. For him, each employee is an interesting personality. With such apparent softness, discipline in the team does not suffer, the people work not out of fear, but out of conscience. After the end of the working day, they work out of interest and excitement, knowing that their achievements will be noticed and appreciated. To exercise control, the Democrat usually finds himself an appropriate deputy and sometimes plays the game of "good guy and bad guy" with his subordinates. As a rule, a Democrat is an excellent politician and subtle diplomat, and this allows him to be successful in business. « Liberal ». The term "management" does not suit him very well. Rather, he is listed as a leader, is a formally appointed boss. Tries to avoid responsibility and decision making. Refers to the authority of the "party and government", shareholders, the president and other superiors. Demanding, control, discipline in his company are absent. He prefers to give power to the labor collective without a fight. At the same time, there is always an informal leader in the team, who actually manages the company. From the Liberal in such a situation, only a hand is required: to sign an agreement, a payment order, an invoice. And this situation suits him very much. As a rule, the Liberal has a long-standing hobby, which he passionately indulges in his free time, and sometimes even during working hours. Often the Liberal does not have a strong will and a clear goal, does not have deep knowledge and the desire to master them. But he can hold a leadership position for a long time if he suits the shareholders and the "gray cardinal", if he likes the size of the salary and at the same time there is absolutely no "want to change places". Under especially favorable circumstances, he may even be proud of his mission. Needless to say, the Liberal does not enjoy respect in the team, most often this is a condescending attitude on the part of employees and business partners. As a rule, most leaders combine different leadership styles with the prevalence of one of them. According to statistics, dictators are more common among women, men prefer a democratic style of leadership. Liberals are found in equal numbers among both men and women. In the psychological structure of the leader's personality, there are 3 main blocks of professionally important qualities: I. Professional competence, which includes: knowledge, skills, skills (special); administrative-legal, economic competence, socio-psychological competence, i.e. knowledge in the field of psychology. II. Pedagogical abilities - the ability to influence other people with the aim of directed changes in the properties and states of these people. III. Block of qualities: - Organizational abilities (leading block) i.e. capable of coordinating and coordinating the joint activities of people, the ability to set tasks, stimulate, control the joint activities of the performer and achieve solutions to the tasks set. - Moral and ethical qualities (a person's ability to comply with the norms of business ethics). - Communication skills (for business communication). Depending on the dominance of severity in a particular leader, one of the 3 leading components is distinguished types of leaders [ 10] : 1. Specialist Head Dominance professional competence before organizational, psychological and pedagogical abilities. - does not like to work with people, - differentiates special professional and organizational issues, - his main contribution to the joint activities of the team is the solution of professional issues, - has a great individual contribution, personal achievements, but as an organizer and mentor a lower contribution. 2. Leader-organizer - dominance of organizational features with relatively weak pedagogical abilities and professional competence - a typical manager; teamwork, attracts specialists to work, including those exceeding him in competence, professionally organizes the joint activities of the group, achieves high group results. 3. Leader-mentor. - dominance of pedagogical abilities, - interest and need to work with people, especially young workers, to transfer knowledge; take pride in student achievement. The most common professional organizer. Intermediate types are more common. Many psychologists have considered the question of the most effective psychological type of leadership. In the next part of the essay, we will reveal the psychological portrait of an effective leader.

    An effective leader: a psychological portrait.

According to L. R. Krichevsky, leadership is a phenomenon that takes place in the system of formal relations; the role of the leader is predetermined, the range of functions of the person implementing it is stipulated. The head of the team is appointed from the outside, by higher management, receives the appropriate authority, has the right to apply sanctions. Analyzing the psychological portrait of an effective leader, L. R. Krichevsky gives criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a leader. Efficiency criteria are divided into two classes: psychological and non-psychological. Let us dwell on the psychological criteria, which include: 1. Satisfaction with membership in the labor collective with its various aspects (relations with colleagues and the manager, salary and etc.); 2. Motivation of team members (desire to work and the desire to maintain membership in the team); 3. The authority of the leader in the team; 4. Self-assessment of the team (concerns a number of important characteristics and represents the overall result of the success of its functioning). Taking into account the above criteria for the effectiveness of leadership, L. R. Krichevsky comes to the conclusion that a leader is considered effective if the team he leads has high rates according to the psychological and non-psychological criteria of group effectiveness. Let us consider in more detail the psychological portrait of a leader, including an effective one, which is based on three important variables: personality, leadership style and authority. M. Shaw proposes to consider the personality of a leader from the point of view of three components: biographical characteristics, abilities, personality traits. Let's take a closer look at each component. The biographical characteristics of the leader's personality include his age, gender, socio-economic status and education. Age is not only a natural, but also a largely socio-psychologically determined characteristic of a person, it is largely his experience. Analyzing data on studies of the relationship between age and leadership effectiveness, R. L. Krichevsky comes to the conclusion that such a relationship has not been identified, giving examples of how effective leaders are. young age(21-25 years old) and extremely mature age. It is generally recognized that a person's gender identity is closely related to the assimilation and implementation of the role standards of behavior accepted in society, cultivated in the immediate environment of the individual, for example, in the family. Traditionally, the leader is a man, but everything more women fulfill themselves in this role. Interest in models of female leadership, in this regard, is increasing in modern socio-psychological research. Of course, some differences in the characteristics of male and female leadership have been identified, but there is no evidence-based data on the predominant effectiveness of one sex or another as leaders. As for the status and education of the leader, these characteristics have high positive correlations with the effectiveness of leadership. Following the path we have chosen, let's consider the next component of the leader's personality - abilities. M. Shaw divides abilities into general (intelligence) and specific (knowledge, skills, etc.). According to E. Ghiselli, T. Kono, the relationship between intelligence and leadership effectiveness is curvilinear, as a rule, managers with intermediate grades are the most effective, not with excessively high or low indicators. The specific abilities of the leader's personality include special skills, knowledge, competence, awareness. The third component - the personality traits of the leader is represented by the following personal characteristics (the most common in research as determining the effectiveness of leadership):
    dominance, as the desire to influence subordinates, while the influence of the leader, based on means of both a social, formal organizational and psychological nature, must find an internal response from subordinates; self-confidence, giving subordinates a basis for a sense of stability, and other leaders - a basis for business cooperation; emotional balance, control of their emotional manifestations, the adequacy of the emotions shown; stress tolerance; creativity, the ability to creatively solve problems, which is especially important for innovation; striving for achievement, involves taking responsibility for solving a problem, striving for moderate, predictable risk, the need for specific feedback; enterprise; responsibility, which includes, on the one hand, fidelity to agreements, on the other hand, high quality of products; reliability in the performance of the task; independence, own point of view, own professional and human face; sociability, one of the most important characteristics of success, since the manager devotes about three-quarters of his working time to communication.
R. L. Krichevsky complements the above personality traits of an effective leader with the following managerial characteristics: 1. Breadth of views, global approach, 2. Long-term foresight and flexibility, 3. Energetic initiative and determination, including in risky conditions, 4. Hard work and continuous learning, 5. Ability to clearly formulate goals and attitudes, willingness to listen to the opinions of others, 6. Impartiality, disinterestedness and loyalty, 7. Ability to fully exploit the capabilities of employees through the right placement and fair sanctions, 8. Personal charm, 9. Ability to build a team and harmonious atmosphere in it, 10. Health. L.I. Umansky studied organizational skills in the 70s and 80s. In the course of the study of organizational abilities, 3 groups of qualities were identified that distinguish effective leaders: 1. Organizational flair (organizational insight) - the ability to understand people; manifests itself in: - Psychological selectivity (ie observation, sensitivity to the psychological nature of people, the ability to take them into account in professional activities). - Empathy (the ability to empathize, understand the emotional state of a person). - Reflections (reflection; the ability to put yourself in the place of another person, to understand the course of his thoughts and motives for actions). - Practical psychological mindset (interest in the psychological qualities of other people and willingness to use psychological knowledge in practice). - Psychological tact (sense of proportion, boundaries of behavior in interaction with others). 2 . Emotional-volitional impact(the ability to influence other people through an emotionally sensitive sphere): - Social vigor - the ability to charge the people around you with your energy. - High demands - the ability to make high demands on others in order to achieve certain results. - Criticality - the ability to fix deviations from the norm and express opinions about deviations. 3 . Propensity for organizational activity- a person's need for organizational activity, spontaneous manifestation of organizational activity, speech activity, a high degree of participation in activities, taking responsibility for the results. According to T. Kono, the most effective is an innovative and analytical leadership style that can ensure organizational survival in the face of the most intense market competition. This leadership style implies: commitment to the organization, energy and innovation, sensitivity to new information and ideas, generating a large number of ideas and alternatives, quick decision making and good integration. collective action, clarity in the formulation of goals and attitudes, readiness to take into account the opinions of others, tolerance for failures. A. V. Kuznetsov considers another style variant of the modern effective leader - participatory (or participatory) management. This leadership style has the following characteristics:
    Regular meetings of the head with subordinates; Openness in relations between the leader and subordinates; Involvement of subordinates in the development and adoption of organizational decisions; Delegation of a number of powers by the head to subordinates Participation of ordinary employees both in planning and in the implementation of organizational changes Creation of special group structures with the right to make independent decisions
Providing the employee with the opportunity to autonomously (from other members of the organization) develop certain problems, formulate new ideas, thereby contributing to the development of innovative processes. F. Fiedler developed a "probabilistic model of leadership effectiveness", in which the effectiveness of the leadership style is mediated by the degree of control the leader has over the situation in which he acts. The situation in this model has three parameters:
    The degree of favorable relationship between the leader and subordinates. The magnitude of the position of power (influence) of the leader in the group (including his ability to control the actions of subordinates and use various means of stimulating their activity). The structure of the group task (including the clarity of the goal, the ways and means of achieving it, the presence of a plurality of solutions, the possibility of checking their correctness).
According to this model, a leader of a directive type is most effective in situations with high or low situational control (SC), a leader prone to collegial management methods is most effective in situations with moderate SC. R. L. Krichevsky notes that the adherents of this approach measure the leadership style using a special scale, the indicators obtained in this case can have several interpretations. According to one of them, this is a characteristic of the style of leadership, according to others - the personality of the leader. Thus, the influence of not only the style, but also the personal characteristics of the leader on the effectiveness of the work of the team is carried out according to the principle of probabilistic connection. Concluding the consideration of the psychological portrait of an effective leader, let's move on to the third variable - the authority of the leader. According to the research of Yu. P. Stepkin, one should talk about three forms of the leader's authority: moral, functional and formal. Formal (official, official) authority is due to the set of powers and rights that the position gives to the leader. Such authority in pure form is able to provide no more than 65% of the leader's influence on his subordinates. The basis of moral authority is the ideological and moral qualities of the individual. The core of functional authority is the competence of the manager, his various business qualities, and his attitude to his professional activities. The psychological authority of the leader, which includes the moral and functional aspects of authority, is not only a condition for the effectiveness of the leader, but also the result of his personal, stylistic and other life manifestations in the team he leads. Numerous studies show that team satisfaction with intra-organizational relations is higher with a democratic management style. Authoritarian leadership has a negative impact on the socio-economic climate in the team. At the same time, it is observed that discipline is most developed in teams with a democratic and authoritarian style of management, and the least - with a liberal style of leadership. The effectiveness of a particular management style is determined by the specific conditions of the leader's activity, which, as a rule, are changeable - the transition to an authoritarian style is justified only under unfavorable conditions for performing tasks, in other cases, the democratic style is more productive, the least effective is the liberal (permissive) style. Thus, a manager who wants to work effectively cannot afford to apply any one style of leadership throughout his career. The leader must learn to use different styles, methods and types of influence that are most suitable for a particular situation, for a particular team and the tasks facing it. The best leadership style is one that is reality oriented. In the literature, an “effective” leadership style is one that changes depending on the situation. Therefore, no leadership style can be considered the most effective. An effective leader is one who can adapt the principles of management to the current needs of production, taking into account unforeseen situations. The functional component (meaning its content) is relevant to the specifics of the tasks solved by the team, its main goals. The result of a productive holistic contribution of the leader will ultimately be an increase in the effectiveness of group activities. Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that three important variables form the basis of the psychological portrait of a leader: personality, leadership style, authority. Each of these variables, having its own characteristics, largely affects the effectiveness of the leader.


A common feature of the managerial activity of the head is the right to legitimately dictate, impose his will, opinion on the object of management through a system of administrative, economic, power mechanisms. Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, the head, on the one hand, is objectively built into the system of state power, which sees in his activity the support of the political regime, the source of tax revenues, the foundation of social stability. On the other hand, the manager is subject to economic laws, is forced to look for sales markets, minimize costs, pay taxes, look for customers and fight competitors. Success or failure in the activities of the institution directly depends on the effectiveness and correctness of its decisions. The enterprise may even be planned and unprofitable, but this does not lead to a change in the style of management. The essential difference between managerial activity and other forms of human activity is the adoption of socially significant decisions affecting the interests of many people and responsibility for their correctness and effectiveness to the owner. The resolution of the contradiction between the general and particular characteristics of managerial activity, as well as the influence of the leader's personal qualities on the decision-making mechanism, is expressed by the concept of "management style". It is important to emphasize the integral nature of the decision-making process, which requires special personal qualities. In the style of management, both general, algorithmic operations, as well as single, unique ones, reflecting the individual characteristics of the manager's professionalism, are fixed. They characterize his behavior not in general, but typical, "stable, invariant in him, constantly manifesting itself in various situations." Recently, assessments of management styles among researchers have changed to a large extent. If the liberal and authoritarian not so long ago were characterized mostly negatively, and the democratic one was considered the most positive, now it is understood that the optimal management style is the one that brings the enterprise more profit, ensures the stability of production, and the progressive nature of the development of the company. Increasing attention is paid to the subjective, psychological features of the manifestation of the manager's professional activity, his personal characteristics. The Russian psychologist R. Shakurov notes that each individual mental quality is not included in the composition of the style in its entirety, but only to the extent and form in which it is necessary for this activity. The forms and degree of manifestation of mental properties are regulated quite strictly, since managerial roles have an increased social significance. This does not change the general position that the effectiveness of the manager's decisions in a specific production situation depends primarily on objective external conditions and factors. Since there are many views on management styles, in terms of results, it is necessary to strive for their synthesis. Good result, can be achieved, not only through the effective management of people, but also simply under the influence of chance. Management efficiency is influenced by both internal and external factors (Table 3).

Table 3

Factors affecting the effectiveness of management

Table 3 continued

economic, political crises affecting the efficiency of the enterprise

Employee absenteeism, unmotivated absences and loss of working time

Socially Significant Events

Diseases of managers and employees

Structural changes in society

Events held by the trade union movement (strikes, rallies, etc.)

Adverse weather conditions

Industrial conflicts

Situation in the labor market: surplus of specialists, unemployment, insufficient qualification of workers

Dismissing or hiring new employees

Government measures to regulate social processes at the expense of employers

Expansion or contraction of the organization's activities

Repressive and aggressive to business legislation

Malfunctions of machinery and equipment, office equipment, communications

Migration processes that worsen the quality of the population

Criminal behavior of customers or staff: theft, fraud, embezzlement, technical vandalism

Sharp fluctuations in financial markets

Actions of influential persons assisting or interfering with the activities of the organization (lobby)

Unexpected changes in the market conditions for energy resources and raw materials

Factors of property protection and labor safety

Changes in the balance of political forces influencing the industrial policy of the state

Social initiatives of the team, invention and rationalization

New technologies for the production of goods and services

Development of management strategies, coordination of development plans with the team

Trade Union Requirements for Safety and Working Conditions

Administrative control, reward and penalty system

The influence of the media on the formation of the image of the enterprise and its management

Positive motivation for creative and productive work of employees

Effective leaders are people who are well aware of their personal strengths and weaknesses. Realizing them, they try to make the most of their strengths and minimize the consequences of their shortcomings. Self-education is the development of appropriate personal qualities in oneself, and it begins with the awareness of one's shortcomings, stereotypes of consciousness, delusions, internal barriers, barriers and their overcoming. An effective leader acts according to a plan that provides for all his main actions, his relationship with his subordinates, and also allocates time to think about promising issues and time to improve his skills. He soberly evaluates the results of his activities and admits his mistakes. He listens carefully to any criticism and suggestions of subordinates. A leader who neglects fair criticisms inevitably opposes himself to the team and, ultimately, loses the ability to manage effectively. The basis of the leader's true authority is knowledge and skills, integrity and humanity, courage and determination, since nothing compromises the leader as much as lack of initiative and cowardice, fear of responsibility and constant expectation of instructions from above on what and how to do. There are no "bad" or "good" management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates, and other factors determine the optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing leadership style. A study of the practice of managing organizations shows that each of the three leadership styles is present to one degree or another in the work of an effective leader. Speaking about the psychological portrait of an effective leader, one cannot limit oneself to a list of qualities, since there are factors that influence the formation of the leader's personality as an effective manager. The leadership style most appropriate to the situation and preferred by subordinates depends on the personal qualities of subordinates and the requirements of the external environment. If subordinates have a strong need for self-respect and belonging, then a support style (focused on human relations) will be most appropriate. If the subordinate has a need for autonomy and self-expression, he prefers an instrumental (task-oriented) style. Therefore, it is impossible to describe the universal psychological portrait of an effective leader without considering the specifics of the field of activity, the characteristics of the managed team, and the tasks that the leader has to solve.


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I. I. Skripyuk. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 512 p.
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Interaction with the boss is only partially regulated by the generally accepted rules of etiquette. Most of it has to be based on unwritten rules. In any team, they are individual, they depend a lot on the type of boss. For the correct construction of interaction with the leader, it is necessary to determine its type. In business etiquette, there are 3 types of leaders, but in reality there are many more.

authoritarian leader

Authoritarian leaders are considered the toughest leaders. They tend to suppress manifestations of initiative on the part of workers. For such a boss, it is important that they obey him in everything, and that his orders are carried out. All decisions are made only by him, he is considered himself the "luminary" of the company he leads. Such bosses themselves are completely devoted to work, they demand the same return from employees. For the purposes of the company, they are ready for any expenses.

When interacting with such leaders, one cannot show initiative. She gets punished. Refrain from discussing your ideas, as well as their proposals to superiors. Another rule is the exact observance of official discipline.

liberal leader

Liberal leaders are the opposite of authoritarian ones. But don't think that liberalism and lack of control are synonymous. is considered a suitable boss for scientific and creative teams. Work in art does not require constant intervention in the process, as well as monitoring the execution of tasks. But do not assume that you do not have to report to management at all. Although the control is carried out in a free form. Usually, the relationship between employees and this boss is based on trust and mutual respect. When talking with such a leader, you can discuss business topics.

Democratic Leader

The most acceptable type of leadership is a democratic leader. He gives subordinates a chance to solve work issues themselves, because he trusts their experience and professionalism. He is able to put an objective assessment of the abilities of any employee. The company for him is not his person, but the whole team.

Leaders are different. Sometimes it is difficult to adapt to a certain type of boss. But knowing the features will help a lot.

Such bosses encourage the manifestation of the initiative of employees, they consider and take into account their ideas. Often they know a lot about their own employees and their interests.

A characteristic feature of the style of communication with a democratic leader is that there is no distance. You can turn to such a leader with a personal problem.

Team Leader

Team leaders are mixed leaders. Such bosses clearly build a system of relationships between the team. He defines strict limits within the company, adheres to them himself. For example, if a rule is introduced according to which it is necessary to write an explanation of the reasons for being late, then the boss himself is never late. If employees are led by such a leader, then the role of informal relations in the company is reduced, but they are not reduced to nothing.

Company leader

Company leaders are trying to build a favorable model of employee interaction. But they go to this goal by applying the trial and error method. Taking calculations and plans as a basis is not their style. The social boss tries to maintain a balance between informal and working relationships among employees. In such a company, meetings, meetings, and so on are often held.

manipulative leader

Such leaders themselves determine the norms of behavior in the company. At the same time, they often change and are illogical. Despite the fact that the management does not fix such rules anywhere, all employees are obliged to understand them and strictly observe them. Those who are not helped by natural intuition to understand the unvoiced laws of the company will not work in it for a long time.

Such leaders are able to interact normally with people who can adapt to the frequent change of circumstances. But the leader personally often violates the rules invented by him. A manipulator is not an authoritarian boss. Such leaders encourage informal relationships, show attention to employees.

Leader "careerist"

For a careerist, the team acts as a step or stage for future advancement up the ladder. He shows indifference to employees, formal politeness, but in case of failures, he dumps the blame on them.

Remember that whatever the boss, it is important to protect his authority. He is the "face" of the company and its reputation.

He listens to other people's ideas, but passes them off as his own. He loves instant results, spectacular, which are noticeable to higher authorities. Often impulsive, eager for activity. It is sometimes difficult to understand the meaning of his orders. Collects compromising evidence and likes to use it. Friendship leads only with people who are personally useful to him.

ascetic leader

For ascetic leaders, the needs of the firm play a major role. They demand a similar approach to work from employees. At the same time, the manager may not even think about how to feed his family on a small salary. He himself is usually not married, because the family problems of others are incomprehensible to him. Despite this, his subordinates are respected for his dedication to the cause. But there is always a visible distance between the workers and such a boss.

Such managers establish only business relationships with employees. At the same time, they do not prohibit interpersonal relations of employees, but do not take part in them.

Leader "workaholic"

Another representative of leaders is the workaholic boss. For such leaders, work is not a means, but a primary passion. They come to work before dawn and leave after sunset. At the same time, they sincerely do not understand why the rest do not behave this way. Demanding to employees, but do not swear because of trifles. All working moments close on themselves.

The head of the workaholic believes that no one is capable of doing the job better than him. Attitude towards employees is built in accordance with their level of significance and applicability in the work. He is too worried about the results of his work, therefore, when he fails, he becomes rude.

Indecisive leader

Bosses are called indecisive leaders due to the fact that they avoid making commitments, each time waiting for orders from higher authorities. They are afraid of not only personal, but also working relationships with subordinates. The interaction of employees and such a boss is carried out through a secretary or deputy. They have a love for bureaucracy. Problems take too long to resolve.

For comfortable work under their supervision, you will have to become a true expert in the field. If problems arise, you will have to solve them yourself, without relying on your superiors. The only unwritten rule is the mutual non-interference of subordinates and the boss in the work.

Patriarch Leader

For patriarchal leaders, the main role is played by informal relationships, not business ones. It is better for such a person to manage a small team, where the participants treat the leader with respect. "Patriarchs" have requests that go beyond the boundaries of subordination. They require special honors: gifts, assistance in off-duty affairs, flattery and compliments.

The negative feature of this boss is the ability to fire a person without serious reasons, based on personal motives. Subordinates often laugh at him kindly, but fulfill personal requests.

Head "pedant"

Absolute order is valued in everything. In each work they will find flaws, they cannot stand being late, loafers, untidiness in clothes, inaccuracies in work. In communication, they are boring, dry, too lengthy, require accuracy in small things.

The successful completion of cases by employees does not make a special impression on the head of the pedant. With a negative result, he will plague everyone with moralizing, but he is almost incapable of financial punishment.

Charismatic leader

A serious difference is personal charm and business acumen. These leaders may not even require to observe the chain of command, the workers and so observe it of their own free will.

Charismatic bosses are too far from employees. They almost do not communicate with them on non-work topics. But such a boss constantly appears on time and eliminates problems associated with work. The team unites on the basis of reverence or adoration of the leader.

leader "friend"

The “friend” type boss doubts every little thing. He tries not to interfere in the work of the company and employees, and only a truly urgent need can force him to do this. But even in this case, he waits until the last moment, thinking that everything will be decided without his participation. He likes to shift obligations to employees, it is difficult for him to insist on his own, to force others to fulfill requirements and orders.

Understanding the distinctive features of the types of leaders will help in resolving conflicts, establishing "smooth" relationships with superiors.

At the same time, he is a true diplomat, is able to resolve the conflict, acts as a “balancer” of relations in the company, which is why employees like him. He knows how to listen to others, collects opinions, but if he wants to take them into account at the same time, he faces the impossibility of this task. As a result, he prefers not to solve problems at all than to face resentment from employees.

In conclusion, we note that the rules of interaction in teams depend a lot on the type of leadership. But no matter what the boss is, all employees, in accordance with business ethics, are obliged to protect his authority. The leader is the face of the company. And if the employee does not give a damn about the reputation of the company, then he will not discuss the sensitive issues of the company in public. Service ethics strictly forbid discussion and criticism of management behind the back.

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Question number 1. Role functions of the leader in the organization

In accordance with modern ideas, the essence of the work of a leader is to perform a number of representative functions, among which one can single out strategic, expert-innovative and administrative, communication, social.

In different situations and at different levels of management, certain qualities of a leader are of different importance. So, in the period of creation and restructuring of an enterprise, first of all, leaders are needed - leaders with an organizational and entrepreneurial streak, in a period of stable development, leaders - planners with good administrative acumen - are put forward in the first place.

At various levels in the management hierarchy, three types of leaders can be distinguished: top, middle and lower levels.

The main tasks of the top management of the organization are to determine its mission, values, policies, performance standards, formation of the structure and management system, representation. Top management is implemented as part of a team that is selected by the first person who holds his position on the basis of a contract with the owner (the state, shareholders, shareholders) and is fully responsible for the state and results of work. From a legal point of view, the duties of the first person include the organization of work within the framework determined by law, the charter and other documents; disposal (within the stipulated limits) of property and funds; conclusion and termination of business contracts, opening bank accounts; solving personnel issues; stimulation of subordinate managers, etc.

Middle managers (divisions and enterprises included in this organization) are appointed and dismissed by the first person or his deputies and are responsible to them for the fulfillment of the tasks received and the safety of the property of the units entrusted to them. Through subordinate managers, they manage the activities of their units. Within the framework of their competence, they are given the right to solve personnel issues, encourage and punish their subordinates. Middle managers represent the most bureaucratized layer of managers, the number of representatives of which is growing rapidly, increasing the number of storeys in management structures.

Attitude towards middle managers in modern theory management is negative, and at every opportunity, enterprises in the West are reducing them. Due to such measures, it is possible to reduce up to 30-40% of the managerial staff.

The leaders of the lower level - brigades, sections, groups, etc., already work directly with the performers and bear full responsibility for their work.

In general, the leaders of all links carry, in addition to official duties, informal ones. They consist in a fair and respectful attitude towards employees, showing interest in their health, personal problems, success, relationships in the team, providing them with comprehensive assistance if necessary. This is very important from the point of view that not only subordinates depend on the leader, but the leader also depends on his subordinates in readiness to fulfill their orders and informal requests.

There are many attractive things about being a leader. It provides ample opportunities for personal development, is prestigious, brings dignity and respect to others, and is exciting, as it involves solving complex problems. The head of a particularly large organization has to perform a huge (up to 200) number of activities during the working day. And in this activity, the main task is not to do this or that work on your own, but to, having studied the situation and outlined a plan of action, organize its implementation by the forces of subordinates, control and evaluate their actions, mark those who have distinguished themselves. The role of a leader in the modern era is transforming from a dictatorial one into the role of a “father of the family”, not only giving orders, but also creating a favorable moral and psychological climate.

Depending on the managerial situation, the manager has to perform various role functions, for example:

Administrator (supervises execution);

Planner (develops methods and means by which others achieve the goal);

Politician (sets goals and line of conduct in the group);

Expert (source of reliable information or a qualified specialist);

Representative of the group in the external environment;

Regulator of relations within the group;

Judge, peacemaker;

Symbol (example, face of the group);

Dictator (cancels individual responsibility in the group: all claims against me, act on my behalf; do as I said);

Father (to whom they turn for help);

Scapegoat (the person in charge of everything in case of failure).

Dedicated roles are, in essence, a set of those skills that a leader should have.

The modern scientific and technological revolution has radically changed the conditions and nature of production and labor. Technological and social processes have become so complex, and the knowledge and qualifications of the performers, their independence have increased so much that the manager is not able to manage everything alone. Under such circumstances, he becomes the organizer of the independent work of subordinates, united in teams, where business cooperation and consulting come first. According to the well-known American specialist in the field of management G. Mintzberg, such a leader performs the following managerial functions:

* interpersonal (a symbol of power, a leader who captivates employees to achieve goals; a liaison in the management team);

* informational (a center concentrating information and distributing it among subordinates and to the outside world);

* decisive (planning and initiating changes in the organization; coordinator of activities in non-standard situations; resource distributor and mediator).

Question number 2. Leadership style and management effectiveness

image leadership leadership

Leadership style can be seen as a particular form of style in general. The most general definition of style puts emphasis on the way a person interacts with the world - both objective and social. You can associate style with specific forms of life, while it will become an attribute of the individual in this particular activity. Leadership and management are special forms of professional activity that require the adaptation of the socio-psychological properties of the subjects of these forms of activity. In this regard, the possibility of the formation of styles in professional management activities as stable and integral systems of personality-determined methods of management and leadership is obvious.

The beginning of the development of the theory of leadership styles was laid by K. Levin, who in 1938 proposed three types of styles.

1. Authoritarian (dictatorial), which is characterized by brief business orders, threatening prohibitions, an unfriendly top with subordinates, subjective praise and censure. The position of the leader is outside the group or above it. Affairs in a team (group) are planned by the leader in advance, decisions are made individually, the voice is decisive, while subordinates know only immediate, short-range goals, distant ones are unknown.

2. Democratic. The leader brings instructions to subordinates in the form of proposals, therefore, a comradely tone, respectful and attentive attitude towards colleagues are typical for him, while the position of the leader is within the group and the team. Orders and prohibitions are combined with discussions, praise and censure - with advice. Activities are not planned in advance, but in a group, decisions are made on the basis of collegial discussion, for the implementation of which the manager and subordinates are responsible.

3. Permissive. A leader with the dominance of this style does not show a penchant for praise and censure; complete elimination of the department of the team and lack of cooperation are typical for him. Members of the group work independently, while the leader himself is in the group. Things in the group go by themselves, since the leader does not give any instructions, the fronts of work are made up of the individual interests of the leaders of the subgroups.

The effectiveness of leadership depends on a number of factors: organizational culture, technology used, expectations from the use of a certain style of leadership, moral satisfaction of subordinates from working with a leader of a particular style. In addition, increased attention to team relations and the needs and desires of employees is effective when production tasks are routine and unattractive to employees.

Along with the concept of "leadership style" there is an idea of ​​the style of management, the relationship between which is rather vague and complex, since it is not possible to completely and consistently separate these two types of professional activity. The concept of leadership style is broader, as it covers the sphere of interpersonal relations, which are both official and informal, while management style is directly related to the solution of specific management tasks. The literature on the theory and practice of team management presents wide range management styles that are essentially the same as leadership styles.

4. Authoritarian style, which is characterized by the manager's unity of command in solving both large and small tasks facing the team. In an organization dominated by an authoritarian management style, everyone is waiting for their manager to decide. This style assumes that the initiative and the last word, as a rule, remain with the head of the team, like all the most significant instructions and orders. However, in an authoritarian style, as in any other, there are not only minuses, but also pluses. The ability of a manager to take personal responsibility, especially in a critical situation, is undoubtedly his virtue, but the authoritarian style suppresses the initiative and creative undertakings that come from below, which is its main drawback.

5. Collegiate style. For managers with this style, the main goal is to consult with the team. The last word in this case will be how and what the team will decide. Along with the obvious advantages within this style, there are also disadvantages, the essence of which is especially evident in situations where even issues that do not require detailed discussion are often brought up for collective discussion.

6. Planned style. For managers who demonstrate this style, the main thing is a plan, a program. Managing on the basis of a clear and deeply elaborated plan is, of course, a positive quality of the subjects of this style. However, adherence to the plan too precisely often also creates a certain brake on maneuver, initiative and operational restructuring of activities.

7. An emergency style of haste and companionship, when the goal is often achieved at any cost. The ability of a manager to mobilize himself to solve a priority task turns from a blessing into a disaster for the team, which significantly reduces its quality in conditions of emergency work. With this style of management, conflict situations inevitably arise.

8. The liberal style is often and not without reason also called conniving. The team, as it were, “floats at the behest of the waves”: subordinates mostly themselves not only solve the problems that arise before them, but also have the opportunity not to particularly reckon with the opinion of their manager. With all the obvious shortcomings of this style, the positive is that the initiative of subordinates is not suppressed. The liberal style is dangerous for the subject in that it characterizes him as an unprincipled and unbusinesslike person, which sooner or later leads to a fall in the authority of the manager.

9. Regulatory or controlling style, which, in contrast to the liberal style, is characterized by constant regulation of what needs to be done, how and in what time frame. For subordinates, constant regulation and control turn into a big problem, as this creates a nervous atmosphere in the team and creates a difficult psychological climate.

10. Perestroika style. The subject of this style always has a lot of ideas and projects, in connection with which he constantly modifies the goals and objectives of the work. At the same time, the collective is constantly, as it were, in a state of arranging things, which gives rise to a situation of incompleteness, and in fact the activities of the collective are reduced to restructuring for their own sake.

11. Conservative style of management, which puts at the forefront the inviolability of traditions, once and for all established rituals, principles and methods for solving managerial problems. This style carries confidence in the stability, sustainability of the team, but such a team most often lags behind events.

12. Diplomatic style. A manager with this style is known in the team as a diplomat who is able to negotiate and solve a problem where, it would seem, there are no real possibilities. He places the main stake in decision-making on personal contacts, and often on personal connections. However, the flexibility of his behavior in difficult situations of business communication often turns into demagogy. A manager with a diplomatic style often changes his requirements, instructions in a way that is beneficial to him, based on the current situation.

13. Documentary style. A manager with a documentary style attaches exceptional importance to documents, written orders and, as a result, slips into "paperwork" and bureaucracy. Spending a lot of time and effort on preparing various documents and certificates, such a manager seeks to reinsure himself in case of any checks, but he no longer has time for live communication with colleagues, direct management of the team. The positive aspect of this style is the good organization of office work and order in current and archival documents.

14. Leadership style is characterized by the fact that its subject captivates, inspires the team to solve those problems in which he deeply believes. The leader is confident in himself and in the reality of the implementation of the plans and programs put forward. He, as a rule, has optimism and shows it in solving the problems facing the team. If the leader has a high level of creative abilities, then he becomes the creative leader of the team. The disadvantages of this style include the following: the leader often neglects the administrative means of managing the team.

15. Administrative style. This style is typical for managers who strictly follow all instructions and orders. coming from above, and bring their implementation to its logical end, no matter what the cost. The positive aspects of style are knowledge of the organization's administrative management mechanism, job descriptions and other attributes of power. If we compare the classification of the basic models of leadership styles, originating from Lewin's research, with the management styles just listed, then the greater specificity and detail of the latter system become apparent. You can pay attention to the layering of the functions of leadership and management in the presented classification, which allows us to consider it as a system of leadership styles.

The main feature of effective leadership is flexibility. Depending on the specifics of the situation, the leader must use the advantages of a particular style of leadership and management, as well as be able to neutralize it. weak sides. The effectiveness of leadership depends on a combination of styles, which is determined by specific goals, objectives and conditions of the professional situation, not least related to the successful adaptation of the leader to new managerial tasks and is due to his general mental abilities.

Question number 3. Relationship between leadership and team management

In management psychology, management and leadership are distinguished as activities of relatively independent subjects of management: management is the process of organizing and managing the joint activities of team members, carried out by an officially appointed leader, and leadership is the process of organizing and managing communication and activities of members of a small group and the team, carried out by the leader. determined in the course of spontaneously forming interpersonal relationships.

An experimental study of the socio-psychological foundations of leadership and leadership began in the 1920s. XX century, however, due to its psychological complexity, this problem does not have a generally accepted solution to this day.

Leadership, according to most experts, is associated with status power as a derivative of official, formal relations. The leader may be appointed by higher authorities; he receives powers of authority, including the right to apply positive and negative sanctions. Leadership is generated by a system of informal relations and is essentially a psychological phenomenon, since a leader can be promoted spontaneously: he is recognized by the environment due to his personal qualities and can use the right to sanctions against partners, but these sanctions are also informal. Thus, the leader uses the personal form of power as one of its varieties. He, as a rule, does not seek to preserve the existing system of relations forever, he readily responds to innovations, and he may also neglect the rules of the managerial hierarchy, directly referring to the source of information. There is a point of view that the basis of the interaction of the leader with the "subordinates" is the principle of equality, since the leader is able to admit his mistakes and is not afraid to openly take the necessary measures to correct them. Many leaders exhibit the characteristics of an authoritarian style, but this is not a traditional autocracy, as it is based on an honest and respectful attitude towards the personality of partners. The leader is characterized by perseverance in achieving the group goal and the search for like-minded people, he is a constant student and must “stick out” and stand out.

1. Varieties of power: the leader has personal power, the leader has a combination of personal and status power with status priority.

2. Leadership is associated with the regulation of intra-group interpersonal relations that are informal in nature, and leadership is a means of regulating relations within the framework of a social organization.

3. Leadership arises and functions predominantly spontaneously, is characterized by relative stability of functions and manifestations, while leadership is a process of purposeful and controlled activity of social organizations and institutions and is more stable

and constancy in their manifestations.

4. The decision-making process in the management system is more complex and repeatedly mediated than in leadership conditions.

Summarizing the list of differences, it can be argued that the behavior of a leader is more characteristic of planning the actions of subordinates, distributing tasks and identifying ways to complete them, explaining responsibilities, requiring compliance with certain performance standards, and criticizing unsatisfactory work. Leadership can be defined as the process of group management carried out by the boss as an intermediary of social power based on the legal norms and powers of the wider social community in which this small group is included.

It seems that management and leadership solve similar social problems: stimulating the group, aiming it at certain tasks, finding funds for them. effective solution. However, leadership is a psychological characteristic of the behavior of individual members of the group, and leadership is a certain manifestation of social relations in the group, primarily in terms of the distribution of management roles - subordination.

One should not simplify the psychological essence of the phenomenon of leadership, in the management of a small group there are always two layers, two aspects of power: the formal legal one, which can be called "administration", and the psychological one, which in many ways brings the leader closer to the informal leader in terms of ways of influencing group members. Therefore, despite the fact that the phenomena of management and leadership are quite close in their psychological essence, it would be erroneous to imagine that they are in full correspondence in one person of a manager. There are several important arguments against such a merger. Firstly, most often the leader and the head of the group have a different orientation: the latter is entirely aimed at achieving the goal of the team's activities and solving the tasks facing it, while the former is more focused on intra-group interests and relationships. Secondly, it is possible to single out only a rather specific kind of groups for which a merger in one person of a leader and an intellectual leader will be effective. It's about first of all, about scientific teams, whose productivity increases if their leader is able to lead in the leading scientific activity groups. Third, there are many types social groups where, due to significant age or status differences between the leader and the members of the group, the combination described above is impossible. This fully applies to the student group. The teacher, no matter how close he may be to his students, must rely in the management of the group mainly on the functions of power and his authority as a leader, and the informal leaders of the group will be identified from the ranks of the students. Thus, the main instrument of the leader's psychological influence on the group is his influence both on it as a whole and on its leader (for example, the headman of students), which can be considered as a combination of status and personal forms of power.

Despite the certain differences between leadership and leadership that have already been discussed, they still have a lot in common. There is an idea that they are brought together by the following common features: the manager and the leader exercise significant social influence in the team, only different means; they play the role of coordinators, organizers of the activities of members of social groups and use subordinate relations: in the first case they are clearly regulated, in the second they are not foreseen in advance.

The formation of the socio-psychological structure of the team is associated with the promotion of leaders in informal small groups and in the team as a whole. Leadership, we repeat, is associated with the expression, design and regulation of intra-group interpersonal relations that are of an informal nature, which is manifested through a personal form of power recognized by the group as the right to influence and evaluate. The leader embodies the system of goals and values ​​preferred by the group, is their carrier and active guide to life. In this regard, the leader is the one whose attitudes and orientations become reference, initial standards for all or most members of the group in their assessment of significant aspects of its life. The leader leads the group, organizes, plans and manages its social activities, while showing a higher level of activity than all other members of the group.

Due to the great importance that the phenomenon of leadership has in social psychology and management psychology, it has been studied by many researchers: at present, there are several classifications of leadership forms and types of leaders. Leadership is closely related to the solution of certain group tasks, so it is classified according to the types of group activities. There are group forms of instrumental and expressive activity.

Instrumental activities are aimed at the fulfillment by the group of its target functions, for which it was created, while expressive activities are aimed at maintaining the unity of the group, its further development and rallying. Accordingly, there are two main types of leaders.

The first is the functional (instrumental) type, which serves as an instrument of production. Consequently, the instrumental leader, as it were, plays the role of an instrument for the group to achieve its goals. Such a leader (a competent, intelligent leader) is focused on the tasks set, and it is he who tirelessly fights to achieve them. Thus, the purpose of instrumental leadership is to manage the group in the process of solving its target tasks. To do this, the leader uses motor, emotional, intellectual, strong-willed, moral efforts, as a rule, aimed at solving specific operational and long-term tasks of group activity.

The second type of leader is affective (expressive), a leader that arises in the system of informal interpersonal relations in a group of people engaged in some kind of joint activity, united by common interests and goals. The interests, motives and attitudes of an expressive leader are not directly related to the content of the activity, since he is focused on the relationship between group members, his role is to ensure a positive psychological climate of the group and its stability. The most important differences between the expressive type of a leader and the instrumental one are that for the former, intellect and intellectual abilities are not as decisive as for the latter.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the differences in the motivation of these two types of leadership. Studies show that the functional type more easily achieves a leading position in very favorable or very unfavorable situations, while the expressive type achieves this more easily in intermediate cases. In addition, it has been found that if the group has an approximately equal ratio of participants by sex, a man more often becomes a functional leader, and a woman becomes an expressive leader. Psychology in its subject areas has a sufficient number of different classifications not according to the tasks that are delegated to the leader by the group, but according to other psychological properties.

The ratio of management and leadership in the management system

In management psychology, management and leadership are distinguished as activities of relatively independent subjects of management: management is the process of organizing and managing the joint activities of team members, carried out by an officially appointed leader, and leadership is the process of organizing and managing communication and activities of members of a small group and the team, carried out by the leader. determined in the course of spontaneously forming interpersonal relationships. An experimental study of the socio-psychological foundations of leadership and leadership began in the 20s of the XX century, however, due to its psychological complexity, this problem does not have a generally accepted solution to this day.

Leadership, according to most experts, is associated with status power as a derivative of official, formal relations. The leader may be appointed by higher authorities; he receives power, incl. the right to apply positive and negative sanctions. Leadership is generated by a system of informal relations and, in its essence, is a psychological phenomenon, since the leader can be put forward spontaneously: he is recognized by the environment due to his personal qualities and can use the right to sanctions against partners, but these sanctions are also informal. Thus, the leader uses the personal form of power as one of its varieties. He, as a rule, does not seek to preserve the existing system of relations forever, he readily responds to innovations, and he may also neglect the rules of the managerial hierarchy, directly referring to the source of information. There is a point of view that the basis of the interaction of the leader with "subordinates" is the principle of equality, because the leader is able to admit his mistakes and is not afraid to openly take the necessary measures to correct them. Many leaders exhibit the characteristics of an authoritarian style, but this is not a traditional autocracy, because. it is based on an honest and respectful attitude towards the personality of the partners. The leader is characterized by perseverance in achieving the group goal and the search for like-minded people, he is a constant student and must “stick out” and stand out.

The main differences between management and leadership can be identified, which boil down to the following:

Varieties of power: the leader has personal power, the leader has a combination of personal and status power with status priority.

Leadership is associated with the regulation of intra-group interpersonal relations that are informal in nature, and leadership is a means of regulating relations within the social organization.

Leadership arises and functions predominantly spontaneously, is characterized by a relative stability of functions and manifestations, while leadership is a process of purposeful and controlled activity of social organizations and institutions and is more stable and constancy in its manifestations.

The decision-making process in the management system is more complex and repeatedly mediated than in the conditions of leadership.

Summarizing the list of differences, it can be argued that the behavior of a leader is more characteristic of planning the actions of subordinates, distributing tasks and identifying ways to complete them, explaining responsibilities, requiring compliance with certain performance standards, and criticizing unsatisfactory work. Leadership can be defined as the process of group management carried out by the boss as an intermediary of social power based on the legal norms and powers of the wider social community in which this small group is included.

It seems that management and leadership are solving similar social problems: stimulating the group, aiming it at certain tasks, finding means for their effective solution. However, leadership is a psychological characteristic of the behavior of individual members of the group, and leadership is a certain manifestation of social relations in the group, primarily in terms of the distribution of management roles - subordination.

One should not simplify the psychological essence of the phenomenon of leadership, in the management of a small group there are always two layers, two aspects of power: the formal legal one, which can be called administration, and the psychological one, which in many ways brings the leader closer to the informal leader in terms of ways of influencing group members. Therefore, despite the fact that in their psychological essence the phenomena of management and leadership are quite close, it would be erroneous to imagine that they are in full correspondence in one person of a manager. There are several important arguments against such a merger. Firstly, most often the leader and the head of the group have a different orientation: the latter is entirely aimed at achieving the goal of the team's activities and solving the tasks facing it, while the former is more focused on intra-group interests and relationships. Secondly, it is possible to single out only a rather specific kind of groups for which a merger in one person of a leader and an intellectual leader will be effective. We are talking, first of all, about scientific teams, the productivity of which increases if their leader is able to lead in the leading scientific activities of the group. Thirdly, there are many types of social groups where, due to significant age or status differences between the leader and members of the group, the combination described above is impossible. This fully applies to the student group. The teacher, no matter how close he may be to his students, must rely in the management of the group mainly on the functions of power and his authority as a leader, and the informal leaders of the group will be identified from the ranks of the students. Thus, the main instrument of the leader's psychological influence on the group is his influence both on it as a whole and on its leader (for example, the headman of students), which can be considered as a combination of status and personal forms of power.

Despite the certain differences between leadership and leadership that have already been discussed, they still have a lot in common. There is an idea (R.L. Krichevsky, E.M. Dubovskaya, 1991) that they are brought together by the following common features: the head and the leader exercise significant social influence in the team, only by different means; they play the role of coordinators, organizers of the activities of members of social groups and use subordinate relations: in the first case, they are clearly regulated, in the second, they are not foreseen in advance.

The formation of the socio-psychological structure of the team is associated with the promotion of leaders in informal small groups and in the team as a whole. Leadership, we repeat, is associated with the expression, design and regulation of intra-group interpersonal relations of an informal nature, which is manifested through a personal form of power, recognized by the group as the right to influence and evaluate. The leader embodies the system of goals and values ​​preferred by the group, is their carrier and active guide to life. In this regard, the leader is the one whose attitudes and orientations become reference, initial standards for all or most members of the group in their assessment of significant aspects of its life. The leader leads the group, organizes, plans and manages its social activities, while showing a higher level of activity than all other members of the group.

Question number 4: The image of a modern leader

Image is a complex formation, consisting of many components. A good reputation is difficult to acquire, it takes years, and it can be lost instantly, and often because of a trifle: not answering a phone call or letter in time, not sending a fax that is expected, showing bad manners in any form.

Everything is important for an attractive image - the culture of speech, the manner of dressing, and the interior of the office.

It is difficult for an individual with bad taste to count on a favorable impression. Self-confidence and stereotyped behavior negatively affect other people's perception of a person who is interested in recognition and a friendly attitude towards himself. In all countries, the code of conduct for a well-bred person includes at least four basic rules: politeness, naturalness, dignity, tact.

Businessmen all over the world are almost unanimous about the three most preferred qualities of a potential business partner - these are competence, integrity and reliability.

It is these qualities that provide the main thing in business relations - their predictability, the ability to rely on a partner, confidence in his commitment. They are highly valued throughout the world because they are an indispensable condition for successful, fruitful business relationships - mutual trust.

As a rule, people's sympathies are acquired not only due to innate qualities, but also due to the ability to present oneself.

The business image is more and more often specially designed in the interests of a person or a company, taking into account the characteristics of the activity, internal merits, qualities and characteristics of the image carrier.

In many cases, the image is the result of skillful orientation in a particular situation, the correct choice of a behavior model.

The choice of a behavior model is the reproduction of such behaviors that, in everyday communication, help a person become attractive.

Among the many models, there are those that become the subject of special study. First of all, these are etiquette models (etiquette).

The interaction of people, including business, in various situations has long been regulated and ordered by the norms and rules of etiquette.

Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (treatment with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and clothes). Etiquette, like communication, can be divided into business and informal.

Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people related to the performance of their official duties.

Informal (secular) etiquette streamlines communication in the field of leisure and satisfaction of material and spiritual needs (when eating, selecting items of clothing, organizing celebrations, attending theater performances, concerts, sports events, etc.).

Due to the presence in the program of official events of business receptions, performances by artists, it can be difficult to clearly separate business and informal etiquette.

Diplomatic protocol and etiquette are distinguished by orderliness and strictness.

Business protocol and etiquette in general are aimed at a wide range of business people, they are more flexible and less formalized.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of leadership styles and their effectiveness

Leadership style is the most important factor in enterprise management, a properly defined style will most successfully use the potential of the organization's employees. Therefore, having considered the features of authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles, we should move on to their advantages and disadvantages.

It should be noted right away that there are no “bad” and “good” leadership styles, since everything depends on the situation, type of activity, coherence, personal characteristics of team members and much more. For example, an authoritarian style is quite appropriate if there are two conditions, if the subordinates voluntarily agree to directive methods of leadership, and if the production situation requires it.

success in everyday, ordinary work that does not require creativity and novelty, and the main forces are directed to the number of products;

ensuring the clarity of management, which allows you to make faster production decisions to minimize costs;

Ensuring in small organizations a quick response to changes in environmental conditions;

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style are expressed in the suppression of the initiative and creativity of subordinates, weak motivation, and the absence of effective labor incentives. Also, subordinates have a high degree of dependence on the constant will of the leader, an employee with an authoritarian style does only what the boss says, although in reality he could do more and, possibly, better. Their work is routine. Performers cannot be fully satisfied with their work, as their opinion and experience are ignored. The price of mistakes with this style of leadership is very high, as it carries not only economic losses, but also causes psychological trauma in the relationship between subordinates and the leader. Adaptation of subordinates to drastic changes in the organization is significantly reduced. Communication in such a team becomes poorer, creative growth is excluded only because in the future a promising employee can compete with the leader.

“Out of all the negative qualities of leaders of this type, the majority of respondents put rudeness in the first place. With complete certainty, we can say that nothing repels people so much as rudeness. IN AND. Lebedev (1990) notes that rudeness and rudeness have their own roots and causes. The first of them is the imitation of the head of the team to the head of a higher level and sometimes unconscious copying of his management style. And since rudeness is one of the features of the administrative-command system, it will not be eliminated as long as such a system exists.

The second reason is that some leaders find it easier to command, order, shout than to really organize the production process.

The third reason is the underestimation of the opinion of subordinates. The head believes that there is no point in consulting, reckoning with them, since their knowledge does not correspond to the level of his competence.

The fourth reason is the misconception that subordinates should be afraid of the leader.

Fifth reason. Rudeness, arrogance, tyranny of the boss can be a means psychological protection because normal human relations will inevitably reveal his incompetence, insolvency. On this occasion, the American psychologist T. Shibutani wrote that "... those who are very smug and domineering only compensate for the deep-rooted feeling of inferiority ...". That is why such leaders are “sensitive to disrespect and inattention, show great interest in symbols of the status of power, outward signs success and are constantly concerned about the impression they will make on others. Hence their morbid intolerance of criticism.

The sixth reason is the presence in the position of a leader of a person with psychopathic character traits: suspicion, lust for power, exaggerated conceit, self-confidence, and so on.

Seventh - the wrong attitude of higher authorities to such leaders: "Yes, rude, harsh, but the plan gives ... The owner!".

The democratic style of management, as shown by various studies, has more advantages than the authoritarian one, in almost all cases the staff of the organization is most satisfied with the democratic style of leadership, that is, one in which the leader is focused in his activities on subordinates: he makes decisions based on their opinion, provides them the initiative in the process of work. Also, the democratic style has the following number of advantages:

Allows you to solve non-standard tasks that require a creative approach;

ideas put forward by subordinates form the basis of the manager's decisions and, thus, employees remain satisfied, and the manager's responsibility is reinforced by their moral support;

a favorable psychological climate is created in the organization's team, which makes it possible to more effectively use the psychological mechanisms of motivating subordinates;

The head is exempt from accepting insignificant, non-principal issues of the organization's activities;

caring attitude on the part of the leader, allows you to combine exactingness with a willingness to help subordinates;

The goals and objectives of the organization's activities are accessible and understandable to subordinates.

However, the democratic style of leadership should not be applied if the team is not well-established, the workers do not have sufficient qualifications and activity, and production is not based on extreme conditions. Also, these styles require a lot of time to develop and agree on a management decision, fraught with the danger of weakening control, sometimes even leading to irresponsibility.

The use of the latter, liberal style, is becoming more widespread due to the growing scale of scientific and technical activities, which involve highly qualified specialists. It is they who do not want to be under pressure from the leader, to be subordinate to anyone.

Like any other leadership style, the liberal style also has a number of the following advantages:

subordinates are given considerable freedom of action, the initiative of subordinates is not suppressed, they are spared from constant control;

subordinates most often have a fairly wide awareness of the state of affairs in the team, as well as the prospects for its development;

Work in such a team brings satisfaction to employees and creates a favorable psychological climate;

The manager is maximally unloaded, responsibility for actions is transferred to subordinates;

high labor motivation of employees;

subordinates are most often well informed about the state of affairs in the organization, as well as about the prospects for its development.

“The tactics of minimal interference (intervention) in the affairs of the team requires tact, high erudition and managerial skills from the leader, you need to be able to allegedly do nothing yourself, but know about everything and not lose anything from your field of vision. A liberal leader must master the principle of delegation of authority, maintain good relations with informal leaders, be able to correctly set tasks and determine the main areas of work, and coordinate the interaction of employees to achieve common goals.

The most dangerous test for a liberal management style is the emergence of conflict situations, a kind of battle of ambitions, the likelihood of which is very high in a team consisting of gifted extraordinary personalities. Theory, practice and art of management: textbook / V.I. Knorring. Ed. 3rd rev., add. - M.: Norma, 2007. - 378 p. And thus, in the absence of a regulated decentralization of power, informal leaders can assign the functions of a leader to themselves and enjoy great influence on team members. A manager may lose his own authority, his importance in the team, the benefits and status that accompany him.

A low level of exactingness to subordinates can lead to a low quality of performance of production tasks. Therefore, the effectiveness of the liberal style depends on the aspirations of the team members, a clear formulation by the manager of the goals and objectives of production and the conditions for their activities.

Obviously, no style is universal for any type of organization. In each case, there is a certain balance between liberal, authoritarian, democratic styles, so if you increase the share of elements of any style, this will lead to a decrease in the share of others.

“It is believed that leaders use different sides of styles depending on their personal qualities, situation, specific task, individual characteristics subordinates.

The most stable signs of the factor "authoritarianism - liberalism":

1) centralization of power - decentralization, delegation;

2) propensity for sole decision-making - collegial;

3) efficiency in resolving issues - not efficiency;

4) control - weak control;

5) use of organizational and administrative methods - moral and psychological;

6) the desire to ensure performance discipline and personal responsibility - setting on the consciousness and independence of employees;

7) orientation to higher management - to the team;

8) resolving issues in accordance with official subordination - in accordance with the informal structure;

9) activity personnel policy- passivity;

10) increased conflict - the desire to avoid conflicts;

11) the predominance of negative motivations in managing people - positive motivation, lack of coercion and pressure;

12) the desire to concentrate all information - the tendency to transfer information down;

13) great sociability from above - from below;

14) the desire for a single line of conduct - a tendency to disagree and fight opinions

The nature of the work influences the formation of style: among the leaders of a research institute, the authoritarian style is less common than in the group of production and construction managers. Style does not depend on the hierarchical level of management and on professional knowledge. Both liberal and authoritarian (more often) leadership styles can be effective. For lower-level managers, efficiency is positively associated with authoritarianism and negatively with liberal style.

“According to Frank Fiedler, the features of management largely depend on the situation, and since a leader who professes a certain style, as a rule, cannot change himself, it is necessary, based on the task at hand, to place him in those conditions where he can best himself manifest." Personnel management of a modern organization: Educational and practical guide / Shekshnya S.V. - M .: CJSC "Business School", 1998 - 23 p.

According to the author of this work, the democratic style of leadership can still be recognized as the most optimal, since it allows you to avoid serious mistakes in making decisions and takes into account the knowledge and experience of subordinates. With this style, it is easier to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions. This style offers a certain amount of flexibility, allowing for high technology and innovation. But still, leadership is an art, so no researcher will be able to develop a theory effective style a guide that will be ideal for all situations, for all teams and their leaders. Leadership itself would lose its appeal if such a style were developed, turning the leadership process into the use of standard techniques. Management would become routine and uninteresting. Therefore, every leader must know and be able to use all three styles in accordance with the situation.

image leadership leadership


1. Business psychology: Course of lectures: A textbook for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2000.

2. Psychology of management: Textbook. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 1997

3. Socio - mental foundations of managerial activity. Textbook for university students. - M: Publishing house center "Academy", 2002.

4. Kamenskaya V. G. Socially - psychological foundations management activities, higher education. - M.: ACADEMA, 2002.

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