How to write a letter to the police against your neighbors. Features of writing a collective complaint

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In apartment buildings, you will definitely come across such a neighbor who “poisons life” for all other residents of the house. It doesn’t matter if he is rowdy, littering in the stairwell or arranging loud feasts - the precedent is solved by filing a complaint. This type of appeal to the competent authorities is more effective in a group form. Consider how to competently draw up a collective complaint against neighbors.


A collective complaint is a legitimate type of appeal. It is mentioned in article 2 of the Federal Law No. 59 of 02.05.2006. Together, you can complain about anyone, and the fact of a dishonorable neighborhood is no exception.

To whom to complain

For the appeal to make sense, you need to complain to the right authorities. The official in whose name a group complaint will be filed is determined depending on the situation. Consider the most common of them. "Bad" neighbors can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Drinkers, arranging constant binges. Such citizens, as a rule, do not work anywhere and are the perpetrators of arsons and floods. In addition, alcoholics and their guests smoke and litter in the stairwell, and also arrange noisy nightly “gatherings”. In the fight against such neighbors:
    • Visit an authorized district police officer, because the noise level should not exceed the permissible norms - 30 dB (Law "On Administrative Responsibility").
    • In the event of a flood or fire, contact housing inspection or other competent organization (housing and communal services, HOA, etc.). In this case, one cannot do without drawing up an appropriate Act, which will list the losses from the damage caused. If it is not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, go to court with all the available documentation.
    • When neighbors litter on the floors of the entrance, complain to the Rospotrebnadzor service.
  2. Animal lovers whose pets crap on stairwells and bark loudly. A trip to the district housing and maintenance organization, which monitors the maintenance of the "smaller brothers", will help here.
  3. Residents who make repair and construction work around the clock. For these actions, the council should be sought in the housing and communal services department attached to your home.

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Where to begin

The first thing to do is to find like-minded people in the house, for whom the behavior of a “careless” neighbor also prevents them from living peacefully, like you. The second is to study the normative documents in order to confirm your words with excerpts from the legislation (for example, Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Sample Claim

So, if the neighborhood with a person is a source of general irritation, proceed to draw up a collegial claim. It must be understood that the sample of such a statement is not much different from the generally accepted one. Most importantly, consider some of the nuances:

  • Draw up one document, under which the original signatures of each disgruntled tenant must be present, with a transcript of their last names, first names and patronymics. It would be useful to indicate the phone number of each complainant.
  • Describe, point by point, the situations that have occurred with each citizen on behalf of whom the claim is being filed.
  • When writing a statement, use the first person plural - "we, us" and describe what happened as if "from the side."

The rest of the group application form is standard:

  1. Create a heading for the document. Specify in it:
    • addressee of the complaint;
    • personal data of each participant (name, phone numbers);
    • address of at least one citizen (to provide a response).
  2. In the center, write "Collective complaint / statement" and begin to state the essence of the complaint. All facts should be described concisely and accurately, adhering to the style of business correspondence.
  3. Specify the articles of the law to which you refer in the appeal.
  4. In conclusion, ask the law enforcement officers to solve your problem. Write down exactly what results you want to achieve. For example: "to have a conversation with violent neighbors", "to evict the tenant of apartment No.".
  5. Make out the final part with a list of team members, as well as their handwritten signatures.

You can easily make a collective complaint according to the model proposed below.

It is not at all necessary to seek legal assistance in drawing up such a document as a complaint against neighbors to the district police officer. Recommendations for the preparation and general requirements for the content of such a document can be found below. The district police officer himself can also help to file a complaint against the neighbors. In addition, for the legal justification of the requirements for the district police officer, you can use the advice of a lawyer on our website.

When does it make sense to write a complaint about the neighbors to the district police officer? It is necessary to proceed from the powers of this official. The district police officer, of course, is unable to resolve land disputes (in this case, it is advisable to prepare, etc.). A complaint should be addressed to the district police officer when the actions of neighbors constitute an administrative offense or a crime, when law and order is violated, etc.

When receiving appeals, including complaints, the district police officer is guided by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated December 31, 2012 No. 1166 Issues of organizing the activities of district police officers. So, the complainant has the right to demand compliance with the requirements section VII of this Instruction.

An example of a complaint against neighbors to a district police officer

District Police Commissioner

Police Department No. 6 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Ryazan

390020, Ryazan, st. Svetlogorskaya, 49

from Nikiforova Irina Dmitrievna,

390013, Ryazan, st. Machinistov, 79-18

Complaint about neighbors

I am writing to you with a complaint about the actions of my neighbors Vasnetsov, who live at the following address: Ryazan, st. Mashinistov, 79, apartment 22. Their apartment is located above mine and from time to time they violate my rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006 No. 25 (Rules for the use of residential premises).

Neighbors constantly spend time very loudly: they listen to music, shout, use loud and foul language. In addition, they rented one of their rooms to a Tajik family. Now in our entrance there is a constant smell of Tajik cuisine, children run around the entrance and scream. They do not respond to comments, because (I suspect) they do not speak Russian.

November 25, 2016 at 20:00 my neighbors Vasnetsovs again violated the rights of other residents of the house: they listened loudly and shouted songs, used obscene words. In response to my rude remarks, I was asked to shut up.

Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes limits on the exercise of rights and freedoms: the rights and freedoms of other persons must not be violated. For obscene language, liability is established by Art. 20.21 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. I also ask you to check whether the Tajik family is registered at the address of my neighbors, the legality of the stay foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

I ask you to check the facts stated in the appeal, to bring the neighbors to administrative responsibility, to oblige them not to allow a violation of public order again. Report the action taken to the applicant.

On criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation in accordance with Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I know.

November 27, 2016 Nikiforova I.D.

Sending a complaint in writing is guaranteed to lead to a check of the neighbors. The district police officer is obliged to respond to complaints received by him, subject to the following requirements:

  • the handwriting of the document is legible and readable (which is why it is best to type the complaint on a computer);
  • the document is drawn up according to the rules;
  • anonymous complaints are not considered if they do not contain information about the crime committed, therefore, full names are indicated. the applicant, his actual address and address of registration;
  • The complaint is signed by the complainant and dated.

In addition to preparing a complaint against the neighbors, we recommend that the district police call "02" and leave a message. This will be one of the evidence of a violation of public order or a violation of the rights of residents. It is not necessary to address a complaint about neighbors in the name of the district police officer (for example, when you cannot find information about him). The applicant has the right to file a complaint addressed to the head of the police department, with the wording “to the police department”. The main thing is to send the document to that department, the house belongs to the jurisdictional service area.

How to File a Complaint Against a Neighbor

A complaint against neighbors does not have to be in writing, although even if the complaints are made at a personal appointment with the district police officer, most likely he will ask you to issue them in the form of a complaint. Personal reception of citizens is carried out by the district police according to the approved schedule (look on the Internet on the website of the regional body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), but at least 3 times a week. If a complaint against neighbors is announced orally, pay attention to fixing the appeal in a special journal for registering citizens' appeals.

In writing, a complaint against neighbors can be handed over to the district police officer in person, when walking around the territory or at a reception. You can send the document by registered mail. Be prepared for the visit of the district police officer, who will interrogate the facts and circumstances set out in the complaint.

If the claims against the neighbor are of a property nature, a complaint against the neighbors to the district police officer and the answer to it can become one of. However, to recover the money, you need to go to court.

AT recent times the problem of protection by citizens of their constitutional (and in fact - simply human) rights, it would seem, in the most ordinary everyday situations becomes urgent: loud, garbage on the landing, illegal redevelopment, migrants and others.

There are a great many of them! Today we will focus on one of the most harmless. Let's take a look at a specific example.

Case example

Citizen R., who lived in a separate apartment, had a very pretty pit bull terrier puppy.

And, at first, the animal caused only positive emotions and did not cause any problems. But, as time went on, the dog grew up and began to behave accordingly to rather big sizes. In addition, the owners were often away from home for a long time, and the dog was left to itself, howling and whining when it was not walked on time.

The owner did not react to the remarks, and sometimes answered in a sharp form that it was his personal business when to walk the dog.

The last straw of patience was an unpleasant smell near the apartment. Gr. R. decided to protect his rights within the framework of the law Russian Federation and turned to the local point of public order for advice from the district police officer.

The first thing the police noticed was the fact that there are unlawful actions in the neighbor's actions. He pointed out that many issues on keeping pets in the existing Russian legislation are not currently worked out, and it is problematic to influence negligent owners according to the laws.

In particular, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for sanctions for inappropriate keeping of pets (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the district police officer informed Mr. R., that if the dog creates, as well as during the day, then you can try to influence the owner based on Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 dated March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" and existing regional legislation (in this case Law Ulyanovsk region, dated June 3, 2014 No. 88-ZO Art. one).

When an animal is contaminated with biological waste of public places, it enters into force h.4 Article. 30 Housing Code about the observance of cleanliness and order by the owners.

Conflict resolution procedure

In these cases, the district police officer suggested the following algorithm of actions. In order for the complaint to be considered as soon as possible, it is necessary to contact the nearest internal affairs department, where to file an application (an application sent by mail is usually considered in a longer period due to the time for forwarding and delivery).

An application is being made as follows (a standard form is provided in the duty units of the internal affairs department):

If an application is submitted to the duty unit, it is immediately registered in the proper manner and sent for consideration to the management, followed by writing off to a specific contractor for taking action within 3 to 10 days.

The applicant must a notification coupon is handed (on acceptance of the application).

After making a decision on the material of the check, the applicant is sent action notification.

If it is not possible to apply directly to the internal affairs body, you can send an application by mail. It is more efficient to do this by registered mail with notification. In this case, it does not hurt to make a copy of the application and keep the receipt of departure and the mail notice, since the internal affairs authorities do not hand over the coupon to the applicant.

To the statement it is necessary to apply any evidence that can serve as evidence of a violation of rights (audio, video recordings with a fixed date and time, photographs), indicate possible persons who are aware of the offense (they will be interviewed by the district police officer), various legitimate documents (certificates, acts, expert opinions), if any available (copies).

In addition, the precinct advised to contact Mr. R. with a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. This complaint is filed in a similar way and serves as additional evidence of interim measures. It also warns against escalating the conflict with rash accusations and statements in personal communication with the owner of the dog.

Having received the material for consideration, the district police officer visited the owner of the dog, interrogated upon the fact of the application and notified of the possible consequences in the form of an administrative penalty. Then he issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case. A copy of the decision and notice were sent to the applicant. The owner of the animal adequately reacted to these claims and began to pay appropriate attention to the dog, after which the complaints stopped.

If the problem is not solved

However, not every such case ends with a peaceful resolution. conflict situation. What if the initial measures had no effect?

In the presence of witnesses and other evidence of the offense, the district police officer is obliged draw up an administrative offense report according to the relevant article of regional legislation (in this case, article 1 of the Law of the Ulyanovsk region). It is advisable to contact the police again and on the basis of materials collected checks (decisions on refusal, notices, copies of statements, explanations of witnesses, acts of Rospotrebnadzor, complaints to the management company).

In a court it is possible to demand recovery from the defendant of material, non-pecuniary damage and court costs. It will be necessary to prepare an appeal to the world court. It is usually reviewed within 2 months. If the court is busy with clerical work, the consideration period may be extended.

If the owner of the animal shows aggressive actions towards the applicant (insults, threats, physical impact, damage to property), an application for criminal liability should be written in the form indicated above. A variant of a statement about animal cruelty (Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is also possible, which is also a measure of influence on irresponsible owners.

More powerful effect will have multiple applicants to the internal affairs bodies (as opposed to a collective complaint). Most likely, the materials will be combined into one, and the evidence base will immediately be enough to take administrative measures.

And, of course, the review will be incomplete if we do not consider such a moment as ignoring the statement(appeals) of a citizen by an unscrupulous district police officer (an anti-variant of the above example) due to his illiteracy or improper attitude to official duties. In such cases, you should contact the prosecutor's office of the district of residence with a statement on taking action against a police officer who commits violations or abuses in official activities. The application is drawn up in the same way as above, with the exception of the official who is being contacted.

To learn how to resolve a conflict with noisy neighbors, see the following video:

Among residents of apartment buildings drinking people occur quite frequently.

They cause a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors that they have to endure. And most citizens do just that, believing that it is useless to fight alcoholic neighbors.

Meanwhile, in such situations, the law still stands on the side of respectable tenants. AT The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 17, and), the Civil Code (Article 293) and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 7.21) provide protection measures from noisy and otherwise inconvenient neighbors.

A neighbor - an alcoholic, on the basis of these laws, can be punished administrative warning, fine, eviction, and even deprivation of housing. Eviction is an extreme measure, and the procedure depends on the basis on which the brawler lives in this living space. What are the legal methods of dealing with violators of the order, read.

First steps towards eviction

How to get rid of drunk neighbor?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to resolve the issue peacefully, since conversations and appeals to the conscience of a person with inadequate behavior are practically useless. Simply making claims is likely to provoke aggression on the part of the drinking citizen. Therefore, you can only talk to him when he is sober.

IMPORTANT! In no case do not use methods of physical influence on an alcoholic. Your actions will be regarded as hooliganism, and this is already a violation of the law on your part.

Every violation by a noisy neighbor is worth stop with the help of the police. You can call outfits or ask for help from the district police officer. By the way, your joint action to solve the problem with other residents of the house.

Collective complaints will have a greater effect, and the district police officer will have to actively respond to them. Read about how to write a statement to the district police officer.

All your requests make it in writing, keep copies or individual copies of complaints to the police. This will be your first step towards completely getting rid of the objectionable neighbor.

Of course, one cannot count on a quick solution to the problem. Therefore, be patient and do not deviate from the intended goal.

If the police don't help

Often in such situations, police officers are reluctant to respond to citizens' appeals.

There are even cases of ignoring the calls of the outfit at night. In such a situation, it is worth complaining about representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Complain about negligence in official duties should be in the prosecutor's office.

In order to avoid the response of the police towards you, make all statements in duplicate.

Compile the heading of the application by referring directly to two addressees: police officers and prosecutors.

Procedure according to housing status

There are factors influencing the peculiarities of the procedure for evicting an alcoholic from a dwelling. How to evict an alcoholic:

  1. From public housing

    The owner of municipal housing is the administration of the city or rural locality. The occupant of this apartment obliged to comply with the terms of the contract of social employment on the basis of which he occupies a similar living space.

    An alcoholic can be evicted from an apartment owned by the authorities on the following grounds:

    • non-payment of utility services for six months;
    • inadequate sanitary and technical condition of the apartment provided to the tenant;
    • residence in the apartment of strangers without a residence permit.
  2. Major allies in the process evictions from public housing for you will become local authorities . Send complaints to, Rospotrebnadzor (SES).

    An alcoholic neighbor living under a social contract. of employment, is evicted by the administration without providing alternative accommodation. Your main goal is collection of evidence that is, documenting your complaints to various authorities and fixing the response actions of authorized employees.

  3. From your own home

    It is much more difficult to evict an alcoholic, even maliciously violating the norms of cohabitation. Find out how.

    It is more expedient to act in these circumstances with the involvement of a competent lawyer, otherwise all attempts will be in vain.

    As in other cases, complain to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for every fact of violation of the order. Contact the SES with a complaint about the inadequate condition of the apartment.

    But the only in an efficient way will be collective litigation. Only this measure will give a chance to move the drunkard away from you.

    IMPORTANT! Unlike eviction from public housing, expulsion from one's own living space to nowhere is impossible. The regulation of actions in this situation is contained in Article 293 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    In these circumstances, the appeal of the governing bodies of an apartment building can be really effective: HOA, UK or local governments. In the presence of reasoned evidence, the court is likely to rule in favor of the suing.

    You will have to go to court twice. First, the court may issue a warning to the alcoholic neighbor, with the requirement to stop violations and bring their own housing in proper condition.

    It is unlikely that a descended person will fulfill these requirements. After the expiration of the period for correcting the situation, a re-application will be required. After that, the alcoholic is likely to be evicted. Housing is put up for auction and the owner, having received them, can purchase another apartment.

    IMPORTANT! It is worth considering that according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the court is unlikely to evict the owner from his only housing, unless it is a mortgage room. In this case, the court may take the side of the bank.

  4. From a room in a communal apartment
    Based on Art. 83 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, an alcoholic neighbor is evicted from a room in a communal apartment on the following grounds:
    • non-payment for services;
    • violation of the rights of neighbors;
    • inadequate sanitary condition of the dwelling and common areas.

    It is necessary to act in the same order: first file complaints with the police, SES, Housing Inspectorate. Then, together with other residents of a communal apartment, file a lawsuit with a demand to collect debts for housing and communal services and bring the living space into proper condition.

    When living together in a communal apartment, all these requirements must be met strictly, so eviction is quite realistic.

How to complain to Rospotrebnadzor and Housing Inspectorate?

The purpose of complaints to regulatory organizations cannot be to demand the eviction of an alcoholic neighbor, since these organizations do not have such powers. They should be contacted with a request to conduct an inspection and draw up inspection reports, which you can later use when filing a lawsuit in court.

IMPORTANT! It is desirable that under the complaints there were signatures of a large number of residents of the apartment building. It will be useful to have phone numbers. Collective complaints, as a rule, are not ignored by the authorities.

  1. Rospotrebnadzor (SES) should be contacted in case of improper maintenance of residential premises. The LCD in article 30 obliges residents to keep common property clean, that is, to comply with sanitary and environmental standards.

    If cleanliness is not observed in the apartment of an alcoholic, an unpleasant smell comes from it, cockroaches, rodents live in it, then Rospotrebnadzor can conduct an inspection and draw up an act. Then the neighbor will be required to eliminate the shortcomings.

  2. A complaint to the Housing Inspectorate is drawn up in case of improper technical condition of the premises. If pipes periodically leak in a neighbor’s apartment, the apartments on the floor below are flooded, the regulatory authorities can draw up inspection reports and demand the elimination of accidents and leaks.

For more information on how to file an application to various authorities, read this.

Complaints Algorithm

The application-complaint has a standard form, like any application. The text is drawn up in any form, only a few points should be taken into account:

  1. The complaint is made out one, at once from several affected persons.

    After the last name and position of the person in whose name the document is drawn up, list the full names of all persons dissatisfied with the actions.

  2. To provide an answer, the address of one of the residents of the house is proposed.
  3. Describe the specific situations that have developed with each of the tenants.
  4. Specify the articles of the law that are violated by the actions of a neighbor - an alcoholic.
  5. Be sure to include your requirements at the end. Specify specifically what, in your opinion, should be done by law enforcement officers or inspectors of the organizations you contact.
  6. At the end of the collective complaint must be the original signatures of each applicant.
  7. A complaint to any authority is drawn up according to this model.

    Be sure to make a complaint in duplicate and get the signature of the receiving person on yours.

How to file a lawsuit?

requires citizens living in residential premises to observe the rights and interests of neighbors.

The behavior of alcoholics who violate the order are grounds for their eviction from the dwelling. Therefore, the lawsuit to evict a noisy neighbor is quite legal.

The main condition that the court can take into account is systematic violations.

Only in this case, the judicial authorities can decide on the application of extreme measures of influence - eviction.

Your task - prove to the court that no other measures taken by you worked, and the neighbor continues to disturb the order and thereby infringes on your rights. All work done prior to going to court must be documented.

The package of documents when applying to the court should consist of:

  1. Complaints filed by you to various authorities. Each must be signed by the persons who accepted the applications and the dates of acceptance.
  2. Acts of inspections of the Housing Inspectorate and SES, copies of which must be required from the inspection authorities.
  3. Copies of resolutions of the administration, management companies.
  4. Certificates from the Criminal Code on the presence of arrears in payment of housing and communal services.
  5. Copies of police reports.

Only the presence of written evidence of the futility of attempts to influence can give a chance to hope for a positive court decision, therefore documents must be prepared with great care.

After collecting all these documents, write a class action lawsuit in court. In the application, state all the episodes, the confirmation of which you have, point by point, referring to the articles of the laws violated by the neighbor. At the end, state your demand for the eviction of a citizen from the apartment.

Thus, it is realistic to evict an alcoholic neighbor only through the court and only if the apartment is not his own only living space or he lives in a municipal or communal apartment.

In any case, this process is quite lengthy and requires a lot of effort. In addition to problems with drinking neighbors, it may turn out that someone in your porch is behaving too noisily. Where to complain about, how to write a statement correctly and in, read the articles on our website.

Useful video

The following video shows the eviction of an alcoholic neighbor from an apartment through a court in Severodvinsk:

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Application to the police. Reports of incidents (crimes, events threatening personal or public safety, as well as other circumstances requiring verification of possible signs of a crime or administrative offense) are received around the clock and immediately registered in the duty units of the territorial (linear) internal affairs bodies or by calling 102.

The law provides that a statement from a citizen must be accepted at any police station, regardless of where the crime was committed. However, an immediate appeal to the police will help to solve the crime as soon as possible. According to statistics, the faster you declare, the faster the disclosure. Most of the crimes are solved in hot pursuit.

You have the right to apply, either orally or in writing. If you do not want to write, then the attendant will write it from your words.

When filling out the application form, you must, without fail, indicate: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), postal or e-mail address for sending a response or notification, the essence of the appeal.

In the absence of the specified mandatory details, as well as in a number of other cases provided for by the Law, the appeal may be left unanswered. In addition, a written appeal containing obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, will remain unanswered on the merits of the questions raised.

How to write a statement to the police, the duty officer will tell you. Each police department already has ready-made application forms. Unfortunately, not all police officers are eager to accept applications from citizens, if this is your case and you are denied acceptance, citing a bunch of unfounded arguments. You calmly ask about the name and surname of this policeman, and then tell him that if he does not accept your application as expected, then you will file a complaint with his chief or the chief of police in your region. Referring to the fact that this incompetent police officer denied you the legal right to take a statement to the police.

When drafting an application, you must clearly articulate your thoughts. Indicate the exact date, time and place of the crime, as well as describe in detail what happened. It needs to be to the point. Emotions at this moment are best left at home, you will still have time for this. Base your statement on facts only.

If you intend to prosecute a specific person, whose guilt will later be proven, then it is no longer possible to withdraw the application, since the applicant is liable for false denunciation under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A note about this is made in the protocol, which is confirmed by the signature of the applicant. With an anonymous statement, a criminal case can be initiated.

After submitting the application, you will be given a document in which the following must be indicated: the date of application, the number of the duty unit, the rank, position and full name of the person who accepted the application, as well as the time during which the decision will be made. These data must be verified. By law, a response must be given within 10 days of filing the application. After receiving the document, you need to sign in the journal where your application is registered.

Sample letter to the police

(if you know - full name)
(your name)

Application to the police (sample)

I ask you to register my statement about a crime against persons (indicate the full name and other information about the persons involved - if they are known, if not, write “persons unknown to me”), which ________________ (describe the events of the crime, place, time, as well as the circumstances of its commission, a list of witnesses or eyewitnesses, if known) ______________________.

Number and signature

If the statement was made by the duty officer, then you write from my words written down correctly and sign. The application to the prosecutor's office is written a little differently.

Reporting a crime to the police

Sample report of a crime to the police

Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city district __________,

Grozny Ivan Vasilyevich
from Rusinov Artem Alexandrovich,
resident (address of residence and phone number)

Application for initiation of a criminal case

Warned about criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The circumstances of the commission of the crime are described, indicating the place, time, method of commission and the person who committed it (if it is established), as well as a request to file a complaint. this fact criminal case and bring to justice the person who committed the crime.
If a criminal case is initiated on my application, I ask you to provide its number, surname and telephone number of the investigator who will be entrusted with the investigation.
In case of refusal, please send me a copy of the relevant decision and provide an opportunity to familiarize myself with the refusal material in order to prepare a reasoned complaint against such a decision.

Sample letter to police for neighbors

Head of _____________________ Department of Internal Affairs
District _______ city __________
(if you know - full name)
(your name)
residing at:_____________

Police report on neighbors

Warned about criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
I, Rusinova Elena Leonidovna, am the owner of house number 1, located at the address: Moscow, st. Lenina, house number 1, apartment number 2. My family lives with me: (full name of the family living together). I am on maternity leave.
Neighboring apartment number 3 in house number 1 on the street. Lenin in Moscow by right of ownership belongs to Petrova Nina Nikolaevna. The specified apartment is rented out (full name of the tenant), who lives in the house with his family. Son __________________ - _________________ turns on loud music.
To all my requests not to disturb our peace, to give us the opportunity to have a normal rest, _________________ does not respond. In the daytime, it is not possible to put a small child to bed because of the loud sounding music, the music plays all day long until late at night.
Due to the fact that _______________, as well as his father ______________, do not react in any way to my legal requirements, I had to measure the sound pressure level, which, depending on the time of day, ranged from 55 to 70t dB.
According to table 3 of the Sanitary Standards Noise at workplaces, in the premises of residential, public buildings and on the territory of residential buildings SN 2.2.4 /, approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated October 31, 1996 No. 36, permissible sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands, the equivalent and maximum levels of sound and penetrating noise must comply with the values ​​established in the current regulatory legal acts, and not exceed the maximum allowable sound level in rooms and apartments in the daytime (from 7 to 23 hours) 55 dB, at night ( from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) - 45 dB.
In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the use of residential premises is carried out taking into account the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens living in this residential premises, neighbors, fire safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic, environmental and other legal requirements.
In accordance with Article 293 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the owner of a dwelling uses it for other purposes, systematically violates the rights and interests of neighbors, the local government may warn the owner of the need to eliminate the violations.
Regarding the current situation, I turned to the district police officer for the Leninsky district Bezdelnikov Ivan Lenivtsev, who, citing employment, as well as the right of _____________ to do whatever he sees fit in his area, refused to check.
The instruction on organizing the work of the district police officer provides that the district police officer in his activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Police", federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and this Instruction.
In order to ensure the personal safety of citizens, the district commissioner must protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. Also, the district commissioner, when considering appeals and applications from citizens, must: receive and register in the journal of appeals and reception of citizens by the district police commissioner (Appendix N 2), reports received from the population about offenses committed at the administrative district, followed by mandatory registration in in due course appeals about committed or upcoming crimes in the Book of Registration of Statements and Reports of Crimes.
As follows from the Law of the Moscow Region dated 01/11/2008 N 1 / 2008-OZ (as amended on 09/16/2011) "On ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens at night on the territory of the Moscow Region" night time means the period from 22.00 to 6.00 hours on weekdays and from 23.00 to 9.00 hours on weekends (Saturday, Sunday). Actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens at night at protected facilities in the Moscow Region include the use of sound-reproducing devices at night, as well as sound amplification devices. Accordingly, violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine.
In addition, _____ (full name of the tenant)________ is registered at the address: (indicate the registration address) "_______________", d.__, kv.___, and actually lives in Moscow, st. Lenina, house number 1, apartment number 3 without registration, and also without a lease agreement. Thus, ______ (full name of the tenant) ______ violates the registration regime.
In accordance with Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, residence at the place of residence or at the place of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation who is required to have an identity card of a citizen (passport), without registration at the place of stay or at the place of residence - entails the imposition of an administrative fine.
When exercising his powers, the district commissioner has the right to demand from citizens and officials to stop a crime or an administrative offense, as well as actions that prevent the police from exercising their powers; remove citizens from the scene of an offense or incident.
Draw up protocols on administrative offenses, impose within their competence administrative penalties on citizens and officials who have committed administrative offenses; to carry out in the cases and in the manner prescribed by law, administrative detention; carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, a personal search and search of things and documents found during detention.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as send individual and collective appeals to state bodies, local governments and officials . Citizens exercise the right to appeal freely and voluntarily. The exercise by citizens of the right to appeal should not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons.
Written appeal received by a state body, local self-government body or official in accordance with their competence, is considered within 30 days from the date of registration of the written request (Article 12 of the above Law).
Based on the foregoing, guided by Article 2 of Federal Law No. 59-F of May 2, 2006 “On the Procedure for Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”,

Review this complaint and take appropriate action.
Conduct an audit on the arguments I have stated, bring to justice the perpetrators of the violation of my rights, assist in the restoration of my violated rights.

"___" __________________ G.
__________________ /____________/

Police report for theft

Police report for theft sample

Head of _____________________ Department of Internal Affairs
District _______ city __________
(if you know - full name)
(your name)
residing at:_____________

I ask you to bring to justice an unknown person who, on December 31, 2015, at about 23.00 on Lenin Street, near house No. 1, stole my car, make, model vehicle: ________________________, state registration plate: _____________________________, identification number (VIN): ________________________, year of manufacture: ________, engine N ______________, chassis (frame) N ______________________, body (sidecar) N ________________, vehicle passport: series ________, N __________, issued ______________________ registration certificate (registration certificate) of the vehicle: series _____, issued _____________________.

Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the body of inquiry, the inquirer or the investigator is obliged to take one of the following decisions:

1) on the initiation of a criminal case
2) on refusal to initiate a criminal case;
3) on the transfer of a report on jurisdiction in accordance with Article 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and in criminal cases of private prosecution - to the court in accordance with the second part of Article 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the body of inquiry, the inquirer or the investigator is obliged to make a decision no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of this message. Please inform me of the decision immediately after it is made. In case of extension this period up to 10 or 30 days in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, I ask you to inform me about this immediately after the decision to extend the term is made.

On liability under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for knowingly false denunciation warned.

"___" _______________ 20__
_____________________ /________________/

Reporting a threat to the police

Sample letter to the police about a threat

Head of _____________________ Department of Internal Affairs
District _______ city __________
(if you know - full name)
(your name)
residing at:_____________

Life Threat Statement
(Declaration of a death threat)

"___" _________________ 20____ my neighbor, based on personal hostile relations that we have developed for a long time due to unsettled land relations, threatened to kill me under the following circumstances.
The threat was made to them under the following circumstances: __________________
The threat was expressed in the following form: _____________________
The following witnesses can confirm that he threatened to kill me:
1. Name, address, phone
2. Name, address, phone
I perceive his threat of murder as real, since I have reason to fear the implementation of this threat: ___________________________
In connection with the foregoing, in order to protect my health and life and my family members, as well as to prevent possible other crimes against me, I ask you to take measures to punish _____________________ in a criminal manner.
For deliberately false denunciation and for giving false testimony under Art. 306, 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation warned.

"___" ____________ 20__

Online police report

You can file a police report online through:

- portal of public services ();

- website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ();

How to send a police report through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An appeal to the police in the form of an electronic document will be considered in accordance with the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation” and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of September 12, 2013 No. 707 “On Approval of the Instruction on the Organization of Consideration appeals of citizens in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”.

The response to the appeal will be sent depending on the address you specified: in the form of an electronic document, if you specified the address Email, or in writing if you provide a postal address.

If the appeal does not contain information on the results of the consideration of the identified issues by the relevant territorial internal affairs bodies and the resolution of these issues does not fall within the exclusive competence of the departments of the central office of the ministry, then it will be sent for consideration on the merits to the territorial internal affairs bodies.

You have the right to attach Required documents and materials in electronic form.

How to submit a complaint to the police online through the GOSSLUGI portal

On the page that opens, select the category "Security and law enforcement".
Next, from the list of sections, select "Acceptance of applications and reports of offenses."
In this section, the service "Reception of applications, reports of crimes and other information about the incident" is available.

We select this service, and a page with information about this service opens. On this page, the body responsible for providing this service is indicated - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the recipients of the service - legal entities and individuals, the documents necessary for obtaining this service - an application for an incident, and also a template for preparing an application, the cost of the service and the procedure for its payment - in this case, the service is provided free of charge, the term for the provision of the service and its result.

We will use the application template. To do this, open the application template directly from the portal and fill out the application. Then it must be printed, signed and submitted to the duty department of the internal affairs body, where it will be registered and considered in the prescribed manner.

The portal also provides an opportunity to apply and receive this service in electronic form, without the need to personally come to the internal affairs body. To do this, click on the green "Submit Application" button.

On the page that opens, it is proposed to go through the authorization procedure, which is necessary to identify the citizen who submitted the application. Since anonymous statements under the legislation of the Russian Federation are not considered.

If you do not yet have a password to access the services on the portal, then you need to go through the registration procedure. To do this, select the item "go through the registration procedure."

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