Personal contacts of the leader and subordinates. Section VII Communication with subordinates

Fashion & Style 29.09.2019
Fashion & Style

Every year there are more and more business women occupying top positions in the modern business world. But for some reason, we still have a more biased attitude towards women bosses from the very beginning. Poll from shows that most of us, regardless of gender, are more comfortable working with a male boss. What can I say, if a female boss happened to manage a male team - this is where the highest level of diplomacy and self-control is required from her (however, the female team is also fraught with enough difficulties). If you are a leader, these tips will tell you how to behave with subordinates, place yourself in a team correctly and gain the respect of colleagues.

Don't play the role of a man

It looks funny, if not sad. A woman in business has her strengths, and they must be used in work in order to earn the respect of colleagues. A good leader is honest and reliable, and if you start pretending to be someone else, you are taking a big risk.

Cheek brings success

Self-confidence, fearlessness before solving problems are simply necessary for a good boss. Ladies in leadership positions need to learn how to confidently express their point of view and be ready to defend it. But just speaking beautifully is not enough - you need to have deep knowledge, experience and the ability to lead others. If you have this, your subordinates will respect you and your decisions.

Be fair

We are all someone's mothers, wives, daughters or sisters. And we are all used to having pets since childhood: fluffy pets, the best girlfriend in the yard… But a good boss, like a good teacher, does not get favorites among his subordinates and evaluates them solely on the basis of work results. Therefore, try to get rid of bias and behave in the same way with all subordinates, this will definitely turn out to your advantage.

Criticize When Needed

This rule is closely related to the previous one. If your subordinates do not cope with their duties and give poor results - criticize. And it does not matter who is in front of you - a woman or a man. Without honest and constructive criticism, high results, alas, cannot be achieved. If you hesitate to criticize, question your leadership skills. Just do not forget about the "carrots" - encourage colleagues when they achieve high results.

Save your emotions

Of course, you should not turn into a "man in a case." But screams, accusations, tears and other manifestations of your emotional nature are best kept. Try to separate personal and business relationships. Yes, it's difficult, but possible! Inspiration in the eyes, charisma, work zeal - that's what will come in handy when communicating with colleagues. Just remember that we are not robots. Sometimes giving in to a little blues is simply necessary!

Friendship with colleagues

Friendship between a boss and a subordinate always has two sides: both positive and negative. It can be assumed that friendly relations with a subordinate strengthen trust, reduce the need for control ... But everything can end in dismissal and resentment. In order to prevent such a deplorable outcome, it is necessary to agree on how to build working relationships on the “shore”.

Don't be afraid of failure

You are the boss and boss. And this means that other people will turn to you for advice, opinion, help. Sounds scary, right? “If the ship goes down, the blame will be on me,” smart managers realize. This is fair and must be accepted. The good news is that it is no coincidence that you are at the helm. So, with your knowledge and talents, you are really capable of running a business. And you shouldn't be afraid of mistakes. All the same, they will be - life is so unpredictable! It is better to spend your energy not on fear, but on finding ways to solve problems and mistakes!

Watch your image

You may be surprised, but we are still met “by clothes”. The way you look, how you treat yourself, affects the attitude of your colleagues and subordinates towards you. Your appearance must tell others that you are energetic and confident.

Develop and let employees develop

What really distinguishes effective leader from a mediocre manager? Of course, the desire to learn and the willingness to regularly set aside time for this! By developing in the field of your business, you thereby inspire your subordinates to go forward. Discussion of popular business literature, internal trainings, master classes in the area of ​​interest - introduce such a practice into the “manager-subordinate” relationship, and you will not only make your business stronger and stronger, but also rally your team, directing everyone towards a single goal.

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Many people mistakenly believe that having taken a leadership position, you can relax and just enjoy life. In fact, the boss is a responsible and serious position that requires maximum concentration from a person. In addition to performing their direct duties, the leader will also have to establish contacts with subordinates.

In the first weeks and even months after the appointment of a new boss, all employees of the company will look closely at the boss, analyze his words, actions, deeds, etc. That is why it is very important to build a communication strategy correctly when communicating with subordinates and know what not to say to your employees.

I don't believe that you can achieve anything just by ordering people to do this or that.
You must, figuratively speaking, take up the oar and row with them.
Harold Jenin

The power of a word

A well-chosen strategy of communication with the team will help to avoid the occurrence of many problems. A good boss should always control what and how he says, it is on this, in many respects, that the success of the joint work of the boss and the team depends.

There are many examples in history that the power of a word can convince a person to perform a certain action, deed. Therefore, the leader must, first of all, become a good speaker who can not only give orders, but also maintain the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

Forbidden phrases when communicating with subordinates

If you want to enlist the support of employees, try to exclude certain phrases and expressions from your speech:

1. "We've always done it this way"

Instead of using this dubious argument, try to make convincing arguments in favor of your point of view. Do not crush your subordinates with your authority, but on the contrary, show that you are ready to compromise and look for the right solution together.

2. "Find it out for yourself (herself)"

If an employee turned to you for help, then most likely he has already tried everything possible ways task and now needs your advice.

3. "Your predecessor worked better"

This is a very offensive remark, which is sure to hurt the pride of the employee. You should not compare (at least out loud) your subordinates. Criticism should be constructive: it is best to say what exactly the employee is doing wrong than to get personal.

4. "You're lucky you were hired at all"

This phrase, uttered by the boss with the appropriate intonation, can cause only one desire in the subordinate - to look for a new place.

5. "I don't need your explanations"

Even if you are very angry and do not want to talk to an employee, find the strength to calm down and listen to him. Remember that dialogue is the path to compromise.

6. "I watch you all the time"

The boss is not the educator kindergarten, which controls every step of employees. Give your subordinates more freedom, only in this case their work will become more productive.

7. "It's a stupid idea"

You should not give such an assessment to the judgments of your colleagues (even if you really think so). Try to soften the phrase: “This is not quite what we need”, “Keep working in this direction”, etc.

8. "I knew you couldn't do it"

Before you say it out loud, think about the fact that the employee who failed the task is already having a hard time. Try not to aggravate the situation, but, on the contrary, support a subordinate whose conceit is at zero.

The boss and subordinates are at different levels, so it can be very difficult for them to understand each other. Such misunderstanding often results in open enmity and conflicts that decompose the atmosphere in the team, show the leader in an unsightly light. Barriers, sometimes insurmountable, arise between the subordinate and the boss. To understand a subordinate, a leader needs to try to imagine himself in his place, and this is not so difficult, since the future boss, before becoming one, also visited the role of a subordinate. Each leader has his own and.

How to communicate with subordinates

Not being able to correctly assess a person, to understand what led him at the time of making a decision, the leader himself becomes a hostage to the situation. Clinging stereotypical labels to everyone, you can lose the trust of subordinates. But stereotypes (“bad”, “good”) in standard cases make it easier to understand people.

Leaders often meet with typical mistakes in interaction with subordinates. So, a boss who is knocked out of his usual rut can make a hasty decision. "Cooling down" he can change his view of the problem. Having already once found himself in an unpleasant situation, the boss will intuitively avoid it without understanding the details. Or underestimating the importance of the problem, the manager leaves it without a solution. Insufficient evaluation of employees' points of view can negatively affect the consequences.

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Many subordinates use in relation to the boss and the team such a phenomenon as psychological games. They choose a model of behavior for themselves and through it they try to benefit:

  • "Kazan orphan"- the subordinate deliberately avoids the leader, does not perform the assigned task, justifying such behavior by the lack of interest of the authorities, may complain to the higher management;
  • "I'm being torn to pieces"- presenting oneself as a victim due to high employment and workload, irrational distribution of one's capabilities leads to non-fulfillment of the chosen block of work;
  • "Holy simplicity"- through feigned openness and gullibility, the subordinate arouses pity for himself and thereby shifts his duties to others;
  • "Clown"- ease, gaiety, eccentricity makes it possible to postpone work for the sake of entertaining comrades, instills confidence in the correctness of such jokes and "shifting" duties on others;
  • "Oh, how good I am"- an accidentally thrown phrase about success, a small favor puts the figure of this subordinate on the level of authority and example among colleagues, which is the main goal of this character.

Such games interfere with the progress of work and, trying to establish labor discipline, the boss can use punishment in relation to subordinates. Reprimands, censures and other forms should be manifested to the extent that they do not damage the line of respect of the subordinate. He must, through punishment, realize his guilt, but at the same time not break contact with the leader. Just like punishment, rewards should be used in moderation. Excessive enthusiasm for this method leads to familiar communication and discontent.

Unspoken and public rules of conduct in the workforce are often set for optimal interaction between management and subordinates, as well as for proper communication employees with each other. If you have basic knowledge in this area, you can avoid many mistakes and misunderstandings, which, unfortunately, often happen in a team.

The task of the authorities

What is the task of the leader? Any leader, knowing the elementary rules of behavior in a team, must first of all be demanding of himself and be an example for his subordinates. He needs to clearly and competently set tasks for his subordinates, as well as explain what the result should be. If a junior colleague copes with the task without comment and on time, then the manager needs to encourage the employee. Moreover, the more merit, the greater the reward.

If the subordinate fails to complete the intended task, then criticizing him, one should not get personal. Reasonable criticism should only concern business matters, and should not interfere with the personal life of an employee.

The boss has another task - to protect his employees from higher authorities. He needs to protect his subordinates, as far as possible, from the management of the company, and from attacks from outside.

Employee and boss behavior

The rules of conduct in a team prescribe the following important skill for the boss: he must competently give orders. How and in what form to do it? The main thing is to take into account the character, personality of subordinates and circumstances. It should be ordered only in extreme cases, when the situation gets out of control or the employee performs his duties in bad faith.

It is advisable to give orders in a mild form, in the form of a request. This will create a friendly atmosphere in the team, and employees will quickly and conscientiously fulfill the assigned task.

How to treat your boss

The rules of conduct for employees in a team are almost always the same. First, each member of the team who has a boss over him should not treat him as a personal enemy. And secondly, the worker must create in the society where he spends day and night, a benevolent atmosphere - but not impose his point of view on others. If the opinion of one employee does not agree with the opinion of another, then the personal position must be introduced flexibly and gently, while not flattering or pleasing the authorities.

It is necessary to defend one's own opinion, observing the interests of the organization. In no case should you, bypassing the opinion of the boss, turn to higher management for help. By this, the employee questions the professional qualities of the manager and reduces the opinion of the management about him.

Relationships between colleagues

Each employee must treat other members of the team with respect. To do this, you need to find the right tone of communication. He must be friendly, benevolent, otherwise the relationship will be broken. The rules of human behavior in a team, especially in a worker, should be primarily aimed at fruitful, creativity to the point and in a friendly environment.

Consider some cases when a new leader comes to the team. To what extent will he be able to manage the new society and will he be able to avoid annoying mistakes?

What should be the leader?

It is known that the chances of success are more given to those who are endowed with charm or, as they say now, charisma. For a boss, charisma can mean the following:

  • pleasant, impressive appearance and loud voice;
  • energy, preferably even increased;
  • the presence of any distinctive abilities;
  • personal charm, benevolence;
  • the ability to lead a team, lead people.

The rules of conduct in the team are different, therefore, having come to a new team, the boss must carefully monitor the reaction of each employee. The sooner he understands who is the formal and informal leader in the team, who forms public opinion who plays the role of "grey eminence", the easier it will be for him to continue to fulfill his duties.

Building Relationships

A sensible boss will carefully look at both those who will meet him warmly and kindly, and those who, on the contrary, will behave aloofly. And with "warm" and "cold" he should get closer as soon as possible. Especially with the latter, in order to smooth out the unpleasant impression of the first meeting.

At the first opportunity, it is advisable for the manager to gather everyone for a corporate party and observe the behavior of employees. Often drunk people relax and tell the truth. At the same time, the boss will understand who is more or less susceptible to the “green snake”.

While the new leader has not delved into the essence of the relationship of colleagues, better rules behavior in the team does not change dramatically. It is extremely necessary to establish good relations with the women's team, since it is women who form public opinion.

Of course, the boss must be competent in his field, but at first the passionate desire to show himself in all its glory must be completely eliminated. In an established society, all “roles” are distributed, and breaking an established system is like making enemies for yourself. At the same time, you can inadvertently freeze stupidity and earn an appropriate label, which then will have to be torn off with difficulty.

Rules of conduct in a team at work, where all newcomers - this is the only case when it is worth putting all the dots over i and designating your place under the sun.

What is the task of leadership?

To adapt to a new society, each person, whether a boss or an employee, needs some time. This usually takes about three months. After (to the boss in the first place), you need to show yourself with better side and take decisive action. If this does not happen, people will not take him seriously and respect him. Modesty adorns leadership for a while.

It is easier for a new leader to notice shortcomings in a new place. Giving orders, he should not sit idly by. This will raise him sharply in the eyes of his colleagues. The rules of behavior and communication in a team that has already taken shape dictate to the boss not to cut everything off the shoulder, not to rush to change and establish their own “laws”.

The main task of the leader is to attract like-minded people, people who are ready to sacrifice something to achieve a common goal. Such people can sometimes argue to the point of hoarseness, make mistakes, but go towards what was planned. And it is advisable to avoid people who look into the leader’s mouth and try in every possible way to please. As a rule, their actions are aimed at achieving their own advancement.

Norms and rules of behavior in a team where there are "strange" employees

Every team has people with different personalities. Knowing some features of behavior, you can avoid many unpleasant situations. Conventionally, people who undermine the desire of others to fulfill their duties, devouring the precious time of colleagues, are divided into four types:

  • brawlers;
  • gossips;
  • complainants;
  • talkers.

Brawlers are people who are looking for reasons to squabble in every possible way. Every little thing pisses them off, including a burned out light bulb or a non-working coffee maker. If a similar people begin to annoy, then the one to whom they directed their energy should not follow their lead and swear in response. In fact, such people provoke others into a quarrel and always come out “winners” from such a situation. Benevolent workers who are not accustomed to such scandals will be almost one hundred percent defeated. Therefore, it would be wiser not to pay attention to the provocation of the brawler, listen to all his accusations against you and even sympathize with them. This will cool the ardor of the squabbler.

If one of the employees begins to feel the strange behavior of colleagues when he appears, notices puzzled looks thrown at him, then he must understand that he has become a victim of a gossip. In such a situation, it is necessary to calculate the person who spreads rumors - and in the future to avoid communication with him in every possible way.

Complainers can be recognized by the fact that they are "always bad." And at work, and at home, and children, and parents - everyone is sick, they study poorly, and so on. They can't finish their chores, be it repairs or reading books. You need to know that once you help such people in solving problems, it will become a permanent occupation. Therefore, the complainant needs to sympathize, listen to his complaints - and immediately talk about his own.

Talkers are the most annoying type of people who practically devour other people's time at work. With their conversations, they do not allow others to focus on the most basic things. The only salvation from talkers is a good bookcase, and at worst, a barrier can be built from flowers or ordinary scanners.

Almost all young employees dream of becoming a boss. Although anyone can take such a post, only a few can become a real leader. The newly minted boss faces not only organizational issues, but also issues related to subordinates. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready for leadership, and to know how to behave with subordinates. The article will talk about the features of the behavior of the boss.

Types of leadership

How to behave with subordinates? There are two main systems of leadership. The first is democratic, and the second is command or authoritarian.

In the first case, a shorter distance in communication is established between the boss and subordinates. In this case, he uses persuasion methods. In such a team, employees perceive themselves as full-fledged partners in a common cause. Responsibility is perceived as a special trust and equality on the part of the first persons of the enterprise.

The authoritarian method is mainly present in large enterprises. Employees act as small details in a large and single mechanism. They perform tasks and achieve the goals set for them by the leader.

In the first case, employees have initiative, and in the second it is completely absent. What is needed for a leader - he chooses himself. It is best to look for the golden mean. After all, putting pressure on the team is not recommended, as well as ignoring subordination.

Adaptation of a young leader

How to behave with subordinates? When the management of the company changes, the boss will need the ability to plan, communicate and achieve positive results. The new leadership is stressful for the team. Therefore, he should not immediately make changes in his work. The main thing in the work of any leader is to feel their employees, to be confident and responsible.

Personal example

How should a leader behave with subordinates? The company is a mirror image of its boss. Few employees feel positively about the prospect of staying in the office after the manager leaves. It is necessary to plan the working day of subordinates correctly, and in the same way create your own schedule.

Deadlines and force majeure can be present in the work of any company, but not always. When this becomes the norm, it is the wrong approach to the organization of work. When at the enterprise all employees adhere to a clear working time, the correct attitude to its planning is formed as a result.

clear goals

How should a boss deal with subordinates? When the manager defines tasks, it is necessary to provide them with the necessary information. It is difficult for an employee to work all day without knowing what he is working on.

An effective boss sets clear goals and indicates the contribution that each subordinate should make to the common cause. They are quickly implemented and contribute to the motivation of the staff.


How to behave with subordinates? Management style can be characterized by two opposites:

  • meticulousness and constant monitoring of employees, even in small things;
  • connivance with subordinates, expecting that all tasks will be completed correctly and on time, without the participation of the boss himself.

A good manager sets realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, and coordinates them in the process of work. He knows how to motivate employees and give them the tasks that they will certainly complete. If the requirements are exorbitant, the team will not be able to fulfill the intended goals, and if the requirements are too light, they can unnecessarily relax.


How to behave with subordinates? A system that includes a complex of rewards and punishments must be present. And it must be applied equally to all employees. It is especially difficult to do this when close relatives, friends, and sometimes loved ones work in the team.

Here you can follow the following tips:

  • do not hire close relatives, because in this case it is quite difficult to maintain objectivity;
  • no need to start office romances, which will avoid addiction.

Employees always notice the injustice that the boss allows himself. Everyone should understand that with excellent work they will be rewarded, and with poor work they will be punished. If this does not happen, then the authority of the boss will be completely undermined.

Many employees are motivated by recognition. It's a pity that some bosses are too stingy with rewards. Surveys conducted revealed that only 5% of employees received praise from their management. This attitude greatly affects the moral climate of the team and the results of work. After all, employees do everything to complete the assigned tasks flawlessly.

In addition to expressing gratitude verbally, the manager can encourage the employee financially. In this case, the boss, who can appreciate the merits of his subordinates, will be respected in the team.

Conflict resolution

How should a boss deal with subordinates? It must be understood that any person does not feel comfortable without positive self-esteem. Therefore, any leader should see in his employees, first of all, a personality and show goodwill, respect and tolerance.

If an employee made a mistake or committed an offense, but understands his guilt and adequately treats the punishment, then when the manager hurts his pride, he will not forgive him. Therefore, when solving conflict situations it is necessary to criticize the actions of the offender, and not himself.

The boss deserves respect, who praises in front of everyone, but scolds in private, does not complain about his subordinates, and sometimes takes their blame on himself.

Despite personal dislikes and sympathies, the manager must treat his employees equally, without personal preferences. In front of strangers, he should call them by their first and middle names, regardless of age.

Psychology - how to behave with subordinates - based on such advice, will allow the boss to maintain a working atmosphere in the team and win the respect of his employees:

  1. The leader should set only clear goals. Subordinates must understand what is required of them. You can push this or that employee to improve his professional qualities by giving him a task of particular complexity. However, it must be fulfilled.
  2. How should a subordinate behave? Employees are waiting for the leader active action. If they do not exist, then labor productivity will decrease, and its authority will also fall. You should constantly evaluate the result of the work of subordinates, because they are waiting for it.
  3. There is no need for the boss to give employees ready-made solutions. It is best to push them to the right execution.
  4. The leader should not walk around the office idle or constantly drink coffee, in which case he will quickly lose his authority.
  5. You should not brush aside conflicts in the team so that an unresolved problem does not corrode it from the inside.
  6. The manager should not create unhealthy rivalry by constantly praising the same employee.
  7. The boss should be interested important events in the lives of their subordinates (wedding, birth of a child).
  8. The norms of behavior in the team depend on the leader, in this case from the leader. It is he who creates favorable climate at work.
  9. The boss must be able to properly distribute the responsibilities of his subordinates. It is important that each employee is responsible for his specific area of ​​work. The leader should not go in cycles in everything on himself, it is necessary to trust his employees.

To become a boss, it is necessary to develop not only professionally, but also in terms of human relations. After all, there is nothing impossible in this. To create a cohesive team aimed at the effective performance of work - this is what a leader should strive for.

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