Guy Orlovsky "Richard Long Hands - Count. Guy Julius Orlovsky

diets 29.06.2019

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Richard Long hands- Count

Faith is that we believe what we do not see; and the reward of faith is the opportunity to see what we believe.


Massive cedars are entangled in thick fleshy vines, Far North and the tropics collide with force in this garden, even the mighty oaks crackle in the death grip of the "stranglers of the trees." The ground is littered with scraps of peeled bark. The juice that rises from the roots through the capillaries of the outer layer stops, splashes into the cracks, and top part wood, without receiving moisture, dries up.

The hollow of an oak at the level of my knees, dark and wide, and when I drove out into the clearing, a flickering light lit up in the bowels of the tree, as if ball lightning fluttered in a web. With a tremor in my body, I cautiously moved the Bunny forward, but not directly, but in a wide, cautious arc. A clot of white fire, the size of a fist, trembles in a hollow, as if suspended by an invisible thread. An orange-red light illuminates the tree from the inside, it seemed that I was seeing something amazing, but I foolishly caught it, and then it exploded - ball lightning turns any trees within a radius of ten steps into chips.

In the darkness above the hollow, amber eyes flashed a couple of times, but when I began to peer, blinded by the bright light from the hollow, either the eyelids from the dense bark fell there, or it seemed to me, but the eye did not see, although there was an unkind feeling that something strong was watching and hostile.

Bobik, - I said loudly and I myself felt how stupid and blasphemous the human voice sounds in this strict temple of unknown gods, - don't go far, honey ...

The dog bucked merrily, his ears up, his eyes burning with delight, as if he had returned to his native garden, where he ran as a puppy, jumped up to lick my hand, and immediately rushed into the bushes with such a crash, as if a buffalo had swept by.

The bunny kept trying to jump, I held it, my eyes cautiously scan this Enchanted Forest. Super-huge relict trees, giant ferns, at the same time next to them are trees that seem to have fallen out of the fortieth millennium. Or even from a hundred million, because trees evolve slowly, but in a hundred million years they would have evolved to such iron beauties.

Perhaps it was a reserve. Perhaps someone's garden. Perhaps it all grew at the site of some kind of disaster.

I snapped my fingers, accurately calculating the place, the Red Demon appeared instantly. It smelled of such a bright purple fire, and not the usual crimson, that I turned my head in confusion, noticing only now that it was really gloomy, like before the rain.

Are these places familiar to you? I asked. - Look, look...

The Red Demon did not react, only slightly noticeably lowers and rises, although it seems to be not breathing at all. Bunny looked at him angrily, stamped his hoof. The demon didn't react, I clicked again, the demon disappeared.

Okay, - I said into space, - someday we will find the key to it?

Monstrously thick trunks floated past, some naked, others covered with green moss to the tops, the smell of rot, ant heaps, tree sap hit the nostrils. The leaves are either familiar, familiar, or fanciful, as if it was not nature that created it, but a crazy designer from those idiots who see it that way. Sometimes large drops of dew glisten, although it seems that dew should fall at night and disappear in the morning.

I stared at large ants, they stand motionless and move their harnesses, watch over a herd of ant cows. A huge bright caterpillar crawls along the neighboring leaf, crawls importantly and majestically, is fully aware of its uniqueness ... and suddenly it hurried, crawled with such speed, as if it were being poked in the ass with a needle. Climbing onto a bare branch, she froze, before my eyes, the orange hairs fell off at once, oily skin dried up, began to darken, until it turned into a shiny brown large-caliber bullet the size of an index finger.

I looked in surprise, but before I could look away, I had to go further, when suddenly winding cracks ran along the metal walls, as if along a castle wall during a strong earthquake. A dry click, then another, and another. There were more cracks, you can see how the whole cocoon at first became like a turtle shell, and then the plates separated from one another, began to rise, from the inside something was torn out. One piece fell out, a shaggy side immediately stuck out behind it, long clawed paws stuck out.

A minute later, the whole cocoon fell apart, no longer shiny, but miserable and shriveled. The rumpled butterfly crawled out completely dazed, blinking from the blinding light for it, hastily straightens and dries its wings, still folded like wet linen. Wings of amazing colors, such marvelous tones that nature itself cannot think of, no matter how anti-globalists praise it, skillful designers of homo sapiens put their hand and talent here.

Finally the wings became dry and elastic, spread out under the sun, catching its power. The butterfly froze, absorbing and storing energy for the first flight.

I sighed, sent Bunny forward.

Nature is full of wonders, I explained to him. - But if we click with a slurp on any curiosity, we will never reach the goal. Life is like this: either - either.

Small animals peep out from under the roots, I first mistook them for mice, then for giant wood lice. Under the hoof of the Bunny, the root cracked, the creature rushed away in a panic, dragging its crushed ass, I shuddered in disgust.

What kind of idiot experimented with trees and forest dwellers? Either one of those harmless idiots who finds a bizarre knot and tries to make a work of art out of it, or a madman who tried to create the new kind art, changing the genetic code of forest dwellers. I also understand the creation of various tiny fairies, obviously created from fireflies and phosphorescent butterflies. Is it difficult if you know how to change the gene code, but why the hell are these ridiculous creatures that they don’t pull on monsters, but are too disgusting for cute animals ...

However, I thought angrily, there is still such a thing as taste. Some people are so perverted that they get cats! Why not wood lice, this is not such a shift in the psyche, when compared with cat people ...

Dolmens stick out in a huge clearing, as it seemed to me from afar, when I saw strangely sloping brown columns over the green peaks, but the trees parted, I drove into the clearing and held the Bunny.

The ground is covered with a huge rocky plateau, strangely familiar, and five columns… A shiver ran through the body, the brain refused to believe that it was a half-buried palm with spread fingers. The phalanxes bent upwards seemed to me from a distance to be thick inclined columns, but now, close up, I can even distinguish clearly cut capillary lines.

The dog rushed forward, jumped into the palm of his hand with a run. The wind blows away the leaves from the shiny stone, the lines of life and fate, unerased by time, are clearly visible, on the huge fingers there are many dashes and lines characteristic of a person who has already lived and seen. The giant palm, the size of a tennis court, looks alive, and it seems that it is about to shrink ...

Bobik, - I shouted a warning, - you watch!

The dog waved his tail, saying, look after yourself, and I will bite anyone, let him dig out. And if I don’t bite it, I’ll scare it, it will burrow again with its head and ears. I tried to imagine the size of the whole figure, the brains creaking and skidding in place, this is something so cyclopean that I just don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t believe, this can’t be, because ... yes, because.

It seems that Gunter was talking about buried cities and how they dug a huge hole to pull out one statue, but it turned out that it was installed on the roof of some building, probably multi-story. So here this statue, even if right on the ground, will be taller than the very skyscrapers. I don’t believe what caused the earth, it wasn’t millions of years that flashed by, even Herculaneum and Pompeii were quickly dug up! Here, some powerful sorcerer, as they say, made the earth itself move like the waves of the sea: he lowered the mountains, raised the seabed, so that deep sea fish, never rising to the surface, were frighteningly close to the stars. Maybe some species have taken root in alpine lakes ...

From a distance came the dry crackle of splitting wood. The green tip swayed a couple of hundred paces away from me, went to the side. A little later the sound of broken branches trembled underfoot. I poked at the Dog, he showed with all his appearance that he would rush there and tear everyone to pieces, and bring his legs for analysis.

The trees slowly parted, the Dog became alert, and I heard the frequent clatter of axes. The bunny did not argue, when I jumped to the ground and threw the reins on the pommel of the saddle, the Dog, at my sign, went behind.

Massive trunks reluctantly go to the sides, roots suddenly stick out from under the ground, or even from under the moss, the leg falls through, and you can either scream or swear out of surprise. In the distant gap, a silhouette seemed to flash, the sound of axes getting louder. I crept more and more quietly, every time I mimicked under those trees, which I clung to, depicting ugly growths, just so that they would not try to pick the fungus out of me.

It was not a glade that opened up, but a vast clearing. A dozen or two stumps, trees butted up to me, branches to the side in a huge pile, the clearing was almost swept up, and on the other side two people were diligently baling with axes. Another one swings the wide blade at long handle, moving along the recently felled larch, the muscles play, the branches are cut off with one blow.

The dog pushed in the side, in the eyes of excitement and greedy impatience. You take, they say, the last one, I - all the rest. Okay, you all the rest, but leave me at least the last one.

No, - I whispered insistently, - you are a quiet affectionate dog, remember? .. Don't touch people, you're not a bull terrier, but something like a poodle. Well, let the dachshunds ...

He snorted indignantly, for some reason I remembered Jennifer - why would I? The men slowed down the blows, one shouted:

John! Look!

The bugbear looked back.

You're going the other way!

In the other, - the woodcutter agreed. - But tilt, that...

The tree crackled, slowly bent over and began to fall majestically, as I understood it, in the right direction. Branches break off with a bang. The trees rustled with displeasure, some tried to support the falling, but the branches sag, the heavy trunk broke lower and lower until it hit the ground, jumped and finally froze like a defeated knight in tournament armor.

I watched a little, fingers stroking the Dog, he almost grunted with happiness. It smells of fresh wood chips, tree sap. Butterflies and dragonflies hover over a bunch of branches, and ants and beetles greedily drink the flowing juice, although on occasion they grab the carried away dragonflies.

Everything is clear, - I said, - that nothing is clear. We crawl away, report to the Bunny, and there we will make a decision in three heads.

The dog, to my surprise, really obediently crawled away, I did not know that he could do it, and besides, he would immediately understand and obey.

Huge gloomy trees slowly emerge from the twilight, approaching, lowering their branches menacingly. It is by lowering, and not spreading, that such giants have branches that begin at an unimaginable height, and from below thick roots stretch just as predatory, brown moss swells. There is a strong smell of rot, although there are not so many fallen trees, the ants have disappeared, they need light, but under horse hooves there are many wood lice, centipede, earwigs, huge snails without shells ...

It smelled of freshness, the nostrils caught the aromas of flowers, and the forest instantly gave way to a cheerful birch forest, the leaves are bright orange, sunny and bright red in all conceivable and unimaginable shades. I looked around dumbfounded, but no, I couldn’t bear it, there were gloomy trees behind me, it was gloomy and damp there, the late Dog jumped out, he was immediately engulfed in a hot flame sunlight. Through the sparse foliage, direct rays fall to the ground, warm the skin. From all sides, bird chirping, screams, squirrel chirping, soft grass underfoot, and butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, bumblebees, bees flock to many flowers.

The bunny cheered up, went more cheerfully, as if this world was dearer to him, and not those terrible and gloomy roads of hell, along which he galloped under the previous owner. In general, the dog even chased birds, mouth to ears, eyes shining, long tongue to the side, then disappeared for a long time, and returned, licking his nose stained with yolk.

Ahead it shone, and then it shone with all its might, as if a rock of pure gold was freely located on the ground. The trees do not part, a couple of giants rustle with foliage at the very top of this amazing rock, a few more stick out among the yellow and orange stones. The dog ran around, disappeared, his excited barking came as if from the depths of the earth.

The hare stopped in front of a wide dark crevice. The barking was repeated, crazy hares flew out of the darkness, the Dog darted out after them and stopped very pleased: did I really scare them?

Good, he agreed. - That's just what we need. Sit, sit, you don't need to scare the hares! A crack is needed. Not badly, of course ... but quite, quite.

I jumped to the ground, looked in, a rock of some unusually bright sandstone of a sunny color, either washed out inside, or so weathered, but the cave is comfortable, spacious, clean and dry. Under the far wall is a pile of huge stones. I walked around, felt the walls, whistled to Bunny, but the Dog rushed in first, readily plopped down on his fat ass and fidgeted, showing how eagerly he was ready to listen to my wise revelations.

I threw off my sword baldric, belt, then helmet and armor. The bunny squinted with a fiery eye when I removed the bag from it and pulled out the old tattered clothes of a commoner. The dog came up, sniffed and looked at me doubtfully.

Don't you already know? I scolded. - Do you need regalia? Are you ashamed of such a tattered one?

The dog looked away, and the Bunny neighed mockingly. I picked up a couple of the most massive stones, the earth is soft, the Dog and the horse watched in bewilderment as I dug a hole, put armor, a sword, a hammer and a bow there, carefully covered it with the bag itself, covered it with earth and dragged the stones back to their original place.

I'll be away for a while, I explained. - You are smart and brave, but don’t get into a fight in vain, it’s better to run away in order to return later. I need you alive, not two corpses surrounded by hundreds of defeated enemies. Got it, right? Now let me kiss you both...

The dog immediately rushed to lick in response, I stoically withstood his declarations of love, then I hugged the Bunny by the head and kissed his suede nostrils. He didn't snort as I expected, just sighed sadly.

They remained motionless at the entrance to the grotto. I looked back twice more, waved my hand, but as soon as the Dog made a movement to rush towards me, I showed my fist.

The trees at first floated by, then began to slip: I kept accelerating my pace until I started running. Without heavy armor, a heavy hammer on my belt, a sword in a scabbard, I feel like a butterfly. Even though my heart was beating faster and my breath was hot like a dragon's, I forced my leg muscles to contract at the same pace.

The birch trees ran towards me again, the path went down, in the shade the white-skinned trunks look blue, as if frozen, but the leaves burn with such a victorious purple that even such an insensitive cattle like me opens his mouth with delight. Then again the ground beneath me went up, the flames of solar heat raging here not only in the crowns of trees, but also on the tops of the bushes.

A sweet clearing with stunted grass opened up ahead, I grabbed the trunk of a birch tree on the run to stop. In the middle of the clearing a circle is outlined, in it naked with his back to me female figure with arms raised to the sky. In me, like a waking animal, anxiety stirred, and when I peered, a vague feeling of imminent trouble grew into confidence.

Luxurious chestnut hair falls freely on her back and shoulders, slightly covering the left and falling to the side, she slowly lowered her hands and now, judging by the protruding elbows, she holds either in a ritual prayer at her chest, or covers her naked hemispheres.

She turned very slowly, staring straight ahead with unseeing eyes. In my opinion, she looks pure and innocent, defenseless in her nakedness, looking ahead with a forced smile. The figure is slender, with long legs and flat stomach, but feminine, so feminine that I mechanically patted the place where the hammer hung on my belt, did not find it, but still ready to rush to help, she obviously needs to be saved, when suddenly my eyes caught a tabby cat at her ankles. A fat, well-fed cat slowly walks in circles, clinging to her bare legs, ears up, eyes gleaming yellow.

My fingers immediately unclenched, I took a breath. Whatever that witch got herself into, that's her problem. And what a witch can be seen from the cat. Not a single witch will get a dog, they hate evil spirits, they immediately enter the fight. They even begin to growl at the owner if he embarks on unholy rituals. Witches always have cats, and occasionally owls and the bats. But first, cats, this is, as it were, the first degree of familiarization with wickedness.

A silver light flashed, a narrow beam fell from the sky, as a spotlight snatched her figure and outlined a circle on the ground with a diameter of five meters. The woman screamed, her body arched, her outstretched hands sliding over her body, awakening erogenous zones, but a real witch has them everywhere, it's only for businesswomen in two or three places and for secretaries in four. An alarming wind swept through the tops of the trees, crackled, branches swayed, taking and dropping falling branches.

There was a rumble under the ground. I swayed, I grabbed the birch again. In the clearing, three steps away from the witch, the earth rose like a green hump, it flashed blue, the earth groaned, and from the hole rose a huge demon one and a half human height, wide, with a convex chest and long arms. The woman froze, and the demon took a step towards her, grabbed her by the waist and jerked towards him with such force that the witch was almost flattened on his hard chest.

The woman screamed weakly. The demon stepped towards the pit, but noticed me and stopped. The muscles tensed, the head went into the shoulders, the neck swelled and became twice as thick. He growled in a rough voice:

What, savior?

The woman squealed and looked at me hopefully. I answered modestly:

Yes, they sometimes call me that, although with a capital letter - not necessarily, I'm modest. But drag this one, I allow it.

He roared hoarsely, like a Minos bull:

Oh, you're allowed!.. Yes, I'm up to your ears with one finger in the ground!

You won't get it, - I answered sympathetically. - You are instructed to pick it up if the fool makes a mistake ... so you took advantage of a woman's mistake, which is actually not good. They are stupid anyway, and if we use it, then we don’t need to get smart at all. I know something about you, unfortunate ones!

Why unhappy?

You have no free will,” I explained, feeling like an educator like Cyril and Methodius. - So get it, get it. She loves cats, isn't that enough?

The woman squealed, stretched out her white tender hands to me. The demon grimaced, roughly twisting her neck. The cry broke off, it became quiet in the forest, we heard how softly and sublimely the birds sang. The demon stamped his foot, the ground opened up wider, a column of crimson fire with black smoke escaped, enveloped both of them and immediately dissipated.

The silvery light with the same intensity poured for half a minute on a scorched spot in the middle of the clearing, then sadly faded, the beam disappeared, it was gloomy again below, and the sun illuminated only the tops of the trees. I looked around. Can't see the cat, faded, you bastard. This is not a dog, it will fight with any demon, and the cat will continue to wash itself, even if the owner is cut to pieces nearby.

Nov 4, 2015

Richard Longarms - Count

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Title: Richard Longarms - Count

About the book Guy Orlovsky "Richard Long Hands - Count"

Richard was on horseback and under a horse, struck blows and took it himself, chased dragons and ran away from them, he took possession of magic swords, he had a unicorn under his saddle, and next to him was an extraordinary Dog ...

...however, he could not imagine that he would find himself in such a situation, yes, yes, in such a completely ridiculous and hopeless situation! But - hit. And so far he sees no way out.

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Quotes from the book by Guy Orlovsky "Richard Long Hands - Count"

Monks and sages of other religions, if they invent, everything is like in China: gunpowder was used for thousands of years to fill fireworks and crackers, paper was invented for who knows what - for the same thousands of years they made lanterns and kites from it, the Hellenes created a steam turbine, but they chuckled at the funny toy and forgot about it.

The face is solemn, brightened, of course, a sword in his hands, and what a sword, the dream of any man. It's exactly the same as any lamb, when it dreams of getting strong horns and finally gets them, and now it's not a defenseless lamb, but a ram, a ram!

– Yes, there is only one life… and youth is another. Eh ... I thought, I felt sad and wanted something sweet. Probably beer.

Am I a coward? That thought alone is scary. No, I'm just careful. True, caution is cowardice turned into a thoughtful form.

The very gusto under the nose of the church is to shit a whole bunch on their dogmas, on church books, on the altar, and even rub it with your palms. Because the devil must smile, he is a mocker, but angels are always mourning for a person, always with sad muzzles, because, according to officials from the church, one cannot talk about a person except with sadness in his eyes, thereby giving up without a fight all the fun to the devil.

“Fuck you,” I muttered in a trembling voice. - Get out, bastard.
The reptile didn’t get tired, I myself ran to the bridge, trying not to get too close to the water, who knows, suddenly there are those fish that climb trees. I hope only through the trees, and they won't climb the bridge. Who knows what kind of fish. And then the tree will be felled, and the bridge will be broken.

I am not Lady Eleanor, who smears herself with some nasty thing to scare away fish. I smell great of real smelly male sweat, which speaks of a strong, healthy and tasty body. In order to at least bite me, all the fish, animals, leeches and even worms in any river will fight.

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Richard Longarms - Count

Faith is that we believe what we do not see; and the reward of faith is the opportunity to see what we believe.


Massive cedars are entangled in thick fleshy vines, the extreme north and the tropics collide with force in this garden, even mighty oaks crackle in the death grip of "tree stranglers". The ground is littered with scraps of peeled bark. The juice that rises from the roots through the capillaries of the outer layer stops, splashes into the cracks, and the upper part of the tree, without receiving moisture, dries up.

The hollow of an oak at the level of my knees, dark and wide, and when I drove out into the clearing, a flickering light lit up in the bowels of the tree, as if ball lightning fluttered in a web. With a tremor in my body, I cautiously moved the Bunny forward, but not directly, but in a wide, cautious arc. A clot of white fire, the size of a fist, trembles in a hollow, as if suspended by an invisible thread. An orange-red light illuminates the tree from the inside, it seemed that I was seeing something amazing, but I foolishly caught it, and then it exploded - ball lightning turns any trees within a radius of ten steps into chips.

In the darkness above the hollow, amber eyes flashed a couple of times, but when I began to peer, blinded by the bright light from the hollow, either the eyelids from the dense bark fell there, or it seemed to me, but the eye did not see, although there was an unkind feeling that something strong was watching and hostile.

Bobik, - I said loudly and I myself felt how stupid and blasphemous the human voice sounds in this strict temple of unknown gods, - don't go far, honey ...

The dog bucked merrily, his ears up, his eyes burning with delight, as if he had returned to his native garden, where he ran as a puppy, jumped up to lick my hand, and immediately rushed into the bushes with such a crash, as if a buffalo had swept by.

The bunny kept trying to jump, I held it, my eyes cautiously scan this Enchanted Forest. Super-huge relict trees, giant ferns, at the same time next to them are trees that seem to have fallen out of the fortieth millennium. Or even from a hundred million, because trees evolve slowly, but in a hundred million years they would have evolved to such iron beauties.

Perhaps it was a reserve. Perhaps someone's garden. Perhaps it all grew at the site of some kind of disaster.

I snapped my fingers, accurately calculating the place, the Red Demon appeared instantly. It smelled of such a bright purple fire, and not the usual crimson, that I turned my head in confusion, noticing only now that it was really gloomy, like before the rain.

Are these places familiar to you? I asked. - Look, look...

The Red Demon did not react, only slightly noticeably lowers and rises, although it seems to be not breathing at all. Bunny looked at him angrily, stamped his hoof. The demon didn't react, I clicked again, the demon disappeared.

Okay, - I said into space, - someday we will find the key to it?

Monstrously thick trunks floated past, some naked, others covered with green moss to the tops, the smell of rot, ant heaps, tree sap hit the nostrils. The leaves are either familiar, familiar, or fanciful, as if it was not nature that created it, but a crazy designer from those idiots who see it that way. Sometimes large drops of dew glisten, although it seems that dew should fall at night and disappear in the morning.

I stared at large ants, they stand motionless and move their harnesses, watch over a herd of ant cows. A huge bright caterpillar crawls along the neighboring leaf, crawls importantly and majestically, is fully aware of its uniqueness ... and suddenly it hurried, crawled with such speed, as if it were being poked in the ass with a needle. Climbing up on a bare branch, she froze, before my eyes the orange hairs fell off at once, the oily skin dried up, began to darken, until it turned into a shiny brown large-caliber bullet the size of an index finger.

I looked in surprise, but before I could look away, I had to go further, when suddenly winding cracks ran along the metal walls, as if along a castle wall during a strong earthquake. A dry click, then another, and another. There were more cracks, you can see how the whole cocoon at first became like a turtle shell, and then the plates separated from one another, began to rise, from the inside something was torn out. One piece fell out, a shaggy side immediately stuck out behind it, long clawed paws stuck out.

A minute later, the whole cocoon fell apart, no longer shiny, but miserable and shriveled. The rumpled butterfly crawled out completely dazed, blinking from the blinding light for it, hastily straightens and dries its wings, still folded like wet linen. Wings of amazing colors, such marvelous tones that nature itself cannot think of, no matter how anti-globalists praise it, skillful designers of homo sapiens put their hand and talent here.

Finally the wings became dry and elastic, spread out under the sun, catching its power. The butterfly froze, absorbing and storing energy for the first flight.

I sighed, sent Bunny forward.

Nature is full of wonders, I explained to him. - But if we click with a slurp on any curiosity, we will never reach the goal. Life is like this: either - either.

Small animals peep out from under the roots, I first mistook them for mice, then for giant wood lice. Under the hoof of the Bunny, the root cracked, the creature rushed away in a panic, dragging its crushed ass, I shuddered in disgust.

What kind of idiot experimented with trees and forest dwellers? Either one of those harmless idiots who finds a bizarre twig and tries to make a work of art out of it, or a madman who tried to create a new kind of art by changing the genetic code of forest dwellers. I also understand the creation of various tiny fairies, obviously created from fireflies and phosphorescent butterflies. Is it difficult if you know how to change the gene code, but why the hell are these ridiculous creatures that they don’t pull on monsters, but are too disgusting for cute animals ...

However, I thought angrily, there is still such a thing as taste. Some people are so perverted that they get cats! Why not wood lice, this is not such a shift in the psyche, when compared with cat people ...

Dolmens stick out in a huge clearing, as it seemed to me from afar, when I saw strangely sloping brown columns over the green peaks, but the trees parted, I drove into the clearing and held the Bunny.

The ground is covered with a huge rocky plateau, strangely familiar, and five columns… A shiver ran through the body, the brain refused to believe that it was a half-buried palm with spread fingers. The phalanxes bent upwards seemed to me from a distance to be thick inclined columns, but now, close up, I can even distinguish clearly cut capillary lines.

The dog rushed forward, jumped into the palm of his hand with a run. The wind blows away the leaves from the shiny stone, the lines of life and fate, unerased by time, are clearly visible, on the huge fingers there are many dashes and lines characteristic of a person who has already lived and seen. The giant palm, the size of a tennis court, looks alive, and it seems that it is about to shrink ...

Bobik, - I shouted a warning, - you watch!

The dog waved his tail, saying, look after yourself, and I will bite anyone, let him dig out. And if I don’t bite it, I’ll scare it, it will burrow again with its head and ears. I tried to imagine the size of the whole figure, the brains creaking and skidding in place, this is something so cyclopean that I just don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t believe, this can’t be, because ... yes, because.

It seems that Gunter was talking about buried cities and how they dug a huge hole to pull out one statue, but it turned out that it was installed on the roof of some building, probably multi-story. So here this statue, even if right on the ground, will be taller than the very skyscrapers. I don’t believe what caused the earth, it wasn’t millions of years that flashed by, even Herculaneum and Pompeii were quickly dug up! Here, some powerful sorcerer, it will be said, made the earth itself move like the waves of the sea: he lowered the mountains, raised the seabed, so that deep-sea fish, never rising to the surface, were frighteningly close to the stars. Maybe some species have taken root in alpine lakes ...

From a distance came the dry crackle of splitting wood. The green tip swayed a couple of hundred paces away from me, went to the side. A little later the sound of broken branches trembled underfoot. I poked at the Dog, he showed with all his appearance that he would rush there and tear everyone to pieces, and bring his legs for analysis.

The trees slowly parted. The dog was alert, and I heard the frequent clatter of axes. The bunny did not argue, when I jumped to the ground and threw the reins on the pommel of the saddle, the Dog, at my sign, went behind.

Small animals peep out from under the roots, I first mistook them for mice, then for giant wood lice. Under the hoof of the Bunny, the root cracked, the creature rushed away in a panic, dragging its crushed ass, I shuddered in disgust.

What kind of idiot experimented with trees and forest dwellers? Either one of those harmless idiots who finds a bizarre twig and tries to make a work of art out of it, or a madman who tried to create a new kind of art by changing the genetic code of forest dwellers. I also understand the creation of various tiny fairies, obviously created from fireflies and phosphorescent butterflies. Is it difficult if you know how to change the gene code, but why the hell are these ridiculous creatures that they don’t pull on monsters, but are too disgusting for cute animals ...

However, I thought angrily, there is still such a thing as taste. Some people are so perverted that they get cats! Why not wood lice, this is not such a shift in the psyche, when compared with cat people ...

Dolmens stick out in a huge clearing, as it seemed to me from afar, when I saw strangely sloping brown columns over the green peaks, but the trees parted, I drove into the clearing and held the Bunny.

The ground is covered with a huge rocky plateau, strangely familiar, and five columns… A shiver ran through the body, the brain refused to believe that it was a half-buried palm with spread fingers. The phalanxes bent upwards seemed to me from a distance to be thick inclined columns, but now, close up, I can even distinguish clearly cut capillary lines.

The dog rushed forward, jumped into the palm of his hand with a run. The wind blows away the leaves from the shiny stone, the lines of life and fate, unerased by time, are clearly visible, on the huge fingers there are many dashes and lines characteristic of a person who has already lived and seen. The giant palm, the size of a tennis court, looks alive, and it seems that it is about to shrink ...

Bobik, - I shouted a warning, - you watch!

The dog waved his tail, saying, look after yourself, and I will bite anyone, let him dig out. And if I don’t bite it, I’ll scare it, it will burrow again with its head and ears. I tried to imagine the size of the whole figure, the brains creaking and skidding in place, this is something so cyclopean that I just don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t believe, this can’t be, because ... yes, because.

It seems that Gunter was talking about buried cities and how they dug a huge hole to pull out one statue, but it turned out that it was installed on the roof of some building, probably multi-story. So here this statue, even if right on the ground, will be taller than the very skyscrapers. I don’t believe what caused the earth, it wasn’t millions of years that flashed by, even Herculaneum and Pompeii were quickly dug up! Here, some powerful sorcerer, it will be said, made the earth itself move like the waves of the sea: he lowered the mountains, raised the seabed, so that deep-sea fish, never rising to the surface, were frighteningly close to the stars. Maybe some species have taken root in alpine lakes ...

From a distance came the dry crackle of splitting wood. The green tip swayed a couple of hundred paces away from me, went to the side. A little later the sound of broken branches trembled underfoot. I poked at the Dog, he showed with all his appearance that he would rush there and tear everyone to pieces, and bring his legs for analysis.

The trees slowly parted. The dog was alert, and I heard the frequent clatter of axes. The bunny did not argue, when I jumped to the ground and threw the reins on the pommel of the saddle, the Dog, at my sign, went behind.

Massive trunks reluctantly go to the sides, roots suddenly stick out from under the ground, or even from under the moss, the leg falls through, and you can either scream or swear out of surprise. In the distant gap, a silhouette seemed to flash, the sound of axes getting louder. I crept more and more quietly, every time I mimicked under those trees, which I clung to, depicting ugly growths, just so that they would not try to pick the fungus out of me.

It was not a glade that opened up, but a vast clearing. A dozen or two stumps, trees butted up to me, branches to the side in a huge pile, the clearing was almost swept up, and on the other side two people were diligently baling with axes. Another swings a wide blade on a long handle, moving along the recently felled larch, muscles play, branches are cut off with one blow.

The dog pushed in the side, in the eyes of excitement and greedy impatience. You take, they say, the last one, I - all the rest. Okay, you all the rest, but leave me at least the last one.

No, - I whispered insistently, - you are a quiet affectionate dog, remember? .. Don't touch people, you're not a bull terrier, but something like a poodle. Well, let the dachshunds ...

He snorted indignantly, for some reason I remembered Jennifer - why would I? The men slowed down the blows, one shouted:

John! Look!

The bugbear looked back.

You're going the other way!

In the other, - the woodcutter agreed. - But tilt, that...

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Richard Longarms - Count

Faith is that we believe what we do not see; and the reward of faith is the opportunity to see what we believe.


Massive cedars are entangled in thick fleshy vines, the extreme north and the tropics collide with force in this garden, even mighty oaks crackle in the death grip of "tree stranglers". The ground is littered with scraps of peeled bark. The juice that rises from the roots through the capillaries of the outer layer stops, splashes into the cracks, and the upper part of the tree, without receiving moisture, dries up.

The hollow of an oak at the level of my knees, dark and wide, and when I drove out into the clearing, a flickering light lit up in the bowels of the tree, as if ball lightning fluttered in a web. With a tremor in my body, I cautiously moved the Bunny forward, but not directly, but in a wide, cautious arc. A clot of white fire, the size of a fist, trembles in a hollow, as if suspended by an invisible thread. An orange-red light illuminates the tree from the inside, it seemed that I was seeing something amazing, but I foolishly caught it, and then it exploded - ball lightning turns any trees within a radius of ten steps into chips.

In the darkness above the hollow, amber eyes flashed a couple of times, but when I began to peer, blinded by the bright light from the hollow, either the eyelids from the dense bark fell there, or it seemed to me, but the eye did not see, although there was an unkind feeling that something strong was watching and hostile.

Bobik, - I said loudly and I myself felt how stupid and blasphemous the human voice sounds in this strict temple of unknown gods, - don't go far, honey ...

The dog bucked merrily, his ears up, his eyes burning with delight, as if he had returned to his native garden, where he ran as a puppy, jumped up to lick my hand, and immediately rushed into the bushes with such a crash, as if a buffalo had swept by.

The bunny kept trying to jump, I held it, my eyes cautiously scan this Enchanted Forest. Super-huge relict trees, giant ferns, at the same time next to them are trees that seem to have fallen out of the fortieth millennium. Or even from a hundred million, because trees evolve slowly, but in a hundred million years they would have evolved to such iron beauties.

Perhaps it was a reserve. Perhaps someone's garden. Perhaps it all grew at the site of some kind of disaster.

I snapped my fingers, accurately calculating the place, the Red Demon appeared instantly. It smelled of such a bright purple fire, and not the usual crimson, that I turned my head in confusion, noticing only now that it was really gloomy, like before the rain.

Are these places familiar to you? I asked. - Look, look...

The Red Demon did not react, only slightly noticeably lowers and rises, although it seems to be not breathing at all. Bunny looked at him angrily, stamped his hoof. The demon didn't react, I clicked again, the demon disappeared.

Okay, - I said into space, - someday we will find the key to it?

Monstrously thick trunks floated past, some naked, others covered with green moss to the tops, the smell of rot, ant heaps, tree sap hit the nostrils. The leaves are either familiar, familiar, or fanciful, as if it was not nature that created it, but a crazy designer from those idiots who see it that way. Sometimes large drops of dew glisten, although it seems that dew should fall at night and disappear in the morning.

I stared at large ants, they stand motionless and move their harnesses, watch over a herd of ant cows. A huge bright caterpillar crawls along the neighboring leaf, crawls importantly and majestically, is fully aware of its uniqueness ... and suddenly it hurried, crawled with such speed, as if it were being poked in the ass with a needle. Climbing up on a bare branch, she froze, before my eyes the orange hairs fell off at once, the oily skin dried up, began to darken, until it turned into a shiny brown large-caliber bullet the size of an index finger.

I looked in surprise, but before I could look away, I had to go further, when suddenly winding cracks ran along the metal walls, as if along a castle wall during a strong earthquake. A dry click, then another, and another. There were more cracks, you can see how the whole cocoon at first became like a turtle shell, and then the plates separated from one another, began to rise, from the inside something was torn out. One piece fell out, a shaggy side immediately stuck out behind it, long clawed paws stuck out.

A minute later, the whole cocoon fell apart, no longer shiny, but miserable and shriveled. The rumpled butterfly crawled out completely dazed, blinking from the blinding light for it, hastily straightens and dries its wings, still folded like wet linen. Wings of amazing colors, such marvelous tones that nature itself cannot think of, no matter how anti-globalists praise it, skillful designers of homo sapiens put their hand and talent here.

Finally the wings became dry and elastic, spread out under the sun, catching its power. The butterfly froze, absorbing and storing energy for the first flight.

I sighed, sent Bunny forward.

Nature is full of wonders, I explained to him. - But if we click with a slurp on any curiosity, we will never reach the goal. Life is like this: either - either.

Small animals peep out from under the roots, I first mistook them for mice, then for giant wood lice. Under the hoof of the Bunny, the root cracked, the creature rushed away in a panic, dragging its crushed ass, I shuddered in disgust.

What kind of idiot experimented with trees and forest dwellers? Either one of those harmless idiots who finds a bizarre twig and tries to make a work of art out of it, or a madman who tried to create a new kind of art by changing the genetic code of forest dwellers. I also understand the creation of various tiny fairies, obviously created from fireflies and phosphorescent butterflies. Is it difficult if you know how to change the gene code, but why the hell are these ridiculous creatures that they don’t pull on monsters, but are too disgusting for cute animals ...

However, I thought angrily, there is still such a thing as taste. Some people are so perverted that they get cats! Why not wood lice, this is not such a shift in the psyche, when compared with cat people ...

Dolmens stick out in a huge clearing, as it seemed to me from afar, when I saw strangely sloping brown columns over the green peaks, but the trees parted, I drove into the clearing and held the Bunny.

The ground is covered with a huge rocky plateau, strangely familiar, and five columns… A shiver ran through the body, the brain refused to believe that it was a half-buried palm with spread fingers. The phalanxes bent upwards seemed to me from a distance to be thick inclined columns, but now, close up, I can even distinguish clearly cut capillary lines.

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