Megan Fox has settled their differences with Shia Labouf. Shia Laboeuf opens up about his past relationship with Megan Fox

Career and finance 30.08.2019
Career and finance

Sweet couple Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf are increasingly appearing in public together, new wave interest in which reappeared in 2015. Journalists and ordinary people are wondering whether this is a subtle game, or everything is very serious. Let's try to deal with you.

A little biography of Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox

Shia LaBeouf was born on June 11, 1986 in Los Angeles in an unusual family. Shia's father, Jeffrey Craig LaBeouf, is a clown, and his mother, Sheina Saaid, is a dancer. Parents divorced after a while, because of his father's addiction to drinking. In 1999, at the age of 13, the boy starred in his first film, the X-Files series, 6th episode of the 7th season. Later, the picture "Treasure" followed, where the actor was able to demonstrate his dramatic abilities. In 2004, the young actor starred in the film "Triumph", based on real events. When evaluating the film, critics received this work ambiguously. The film "Paranoia", which brought the long-awaited success to Shaye in 2007, takes him to the next stage of recognition and popularity.

Megan Fox was born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on May 16, 1986. Megan was the second child in the family of a housewife and prison guard. Her parents divorced when Meghan was barely three years old. The mother remarried, and the stepfather took his family to Port St. Lucie, Florida. The harsh upbringing of the girl's stepfather, led to the fact that Megan grew up as a difficult rebel child. A girl from the age of five began to dance, and as a result, this hobby brought her recognition and awards. Believing in her strength, she goes to conquer Hollywood. Since 2010, the actress has been officially married to actor Brian Austin Green. Has two sons, Noah Shannon Green and Body Rance Green.

Joint projects

After the release of the next part of "Transformers", where Megan Fox was replaced by model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and Shia LaBeouf gave a number of very significant interviews, rumors spread that the actors met. Shia later did frank confession He had a relationship with Megan. He stated that: "I have never seen the difference in personal and work, but the relationship with Megan is our own business." He was also glad that Megan Fox left the project, because it became much easier for him without her "sharp tongue".

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At the same time, when asked by journalists about how he assesses his affair with Fox, which was long-term with Brian Austin Green, he repeated many times with different intonations: "I don't know ...".

Woman's Day collects its rating of the main characters of girlish dreams, dreams and fantasies. Very soon you will be able to vote for your idols. In the meantime, we will represent the participants of the Golden Hundred every day. Today is the turn of Shia LaBeouf. What does it mean unusual name actor, what he does in the morning and why he is still not married, you can find out right now.

Photo frame from the movie "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps"

Personal data

Growth: 179 cm

The weight: 77 kg.

Nickname: Rap Pi (in music circles). In general, the name of the actor from Yiddish is translated as “gift”.

Financial position: Hollywood star's fortune is estimated at about $200 million. It is known that for his role in the film "Transformers 3: The Dark Side of the Moon" he received $ 15 million.

Housing problem: mansion in California, in a place called Sherman Oaks. The cost of the house is $ 1.8 million. Its layout includes three bedrooms, four bathrooms, glass walls overlooking the pool, a huge kitchen with a dining area, a living room with a fireplace, an office, a dressing room. In the courtyard of the estate there is a garden and a garage for two cars.

What's in the garage: simple Mercedes truck. Here is what he says about this: “I have always lived well on a modest budget. I don't need a Lamborghini, I'm quite happy with my truck."

Main achievement: several MTV awards, including "Male Breakthrough of the Year", "Best Actor" and "Best Kiss". And the film "Transformers", where Shia plays leading role, hit the Guinness Book of Records as the most downloaded film of 2009.

Male hobbies: plays the drums. And a tattoo; so far there are three of them on the actor’s body: the inscription “1986–2004” on the wrist, a paw print on the left shoulder, and a hand in handcuffs writing a letter on the left side.

Favorite dishes: spicy Mexican cuisine - burritos, fajitas, guacamole. He admitted more than once that he dreams of a girl who can cook all this deliciously for him.

Favourite drink: Scotch whiskey, Dos Equis beer, ice black tea.

Friends Feature: Transformers partner Megan Fox, even after a short affair, maintained a good relationship with LaBeouf: “He is so cheerful, he constantly makes me laugh to tears. For this I love him. Shia, do you hear, I love you! And he's so attractive too! Very beautiful. Once on the set, Shia and Tyrese Gibson began to argue which of them is cooler. It was necessary to squeeze the bar in the prone position. Strong, pumped up Tyreese squeezed 70 kg, and thin Shia - 95 kg, and eight times! Gibson almost fell under the ground there.

Flaws: smokes, unrestrained with alcohol, had problems with drugs in his youth.

Where can you meet: in Los Angeles, where his mother lives, and in London, where the military drama Fury is currently being filmed.

Attention! If Shia LaBeouf is not your ideal, be sure to leave a comment on who deserves to be on the list of the 100 most desirable men in the world.

Favorite women

With Megan Fox, the novel turned out to be not only cinematic

Shia is a loving nature, although he calls himself a “consistent supporter of monogamy” and assures that he is not interested in one-night stands. But the list of famous beauties for some reason makes one doubt that the actor is monogamous.

His first serious romance happened with a model Lauren Hastings. He saw the girl in Justin Timberlake's video "Cry Me A River", later they were introduced by mutual friends. The novel lasted about a year, but the young people "did not agree on the characters."

In parallel, LaBeouf is filming in several parts of "Transformers" along with Megan Fox. In the film, they are in love with each other, and the audience wanted their relationship to be a reality. Shaya was constantly tormented by questions: are you having an affair? The actors smiled mysteriously, because Megan met with Brian Austin Green. And only two years later it became known that yes, there was a short relationship. At that time, Green and Fox decided to leave, the girl needed support. “You are on the set for six months with someone who should be attractive to you, and you to him. - This is the only comment of the actor on this topic. “I never understood the separation of work and life in such a situation. But the time I spent with Meghan was very special, I think you can see the chemistry between us on screen." Later, Megan still married Brian, they have a son.

And LaBeouf hit a new relationship with Carey Mulligan. The couple lasted two years. They broke up due to being too busy: the actors did not see each other for months. And Carrie wanted to get married, and 25-year-old Shia was not ready for a serious step. But the actors remained on good terms: “I still love her. I think she's an amazing person and an incredible actress. We are still friends. But I wouldn't want to take it all back, and neither would she."

The next woman in the life of an actor is a designer Carolina Fo. They met at a karaoke bar. A year later, the paparazzi caught them on a walk in the park - judging by the photo, the lovers were very happy. They started talking about the wedding. But suddenly the relationship ended - according to rumors, the reason was the consent of LaBeouf to star in the frank film "Nymphomaniac". At least, they say that Carolina made a scandal about this right in the middle of the street.

Unable to maintain this relationship, Shia threw himself into work on Nymphomaniac and met his current girlfriend there. Mia Goth seven years younger than him. Now lovers everywhere appear together, holding hands, and recently returned from London, where LaBeouf met the entire Goth family. “Everything suits me in Mia. We have the same attitude to life, we are both a little crazy, and, in the end, we like each other, ”says the happy actor.

Five unexpected facts from life

Photo frame from the film "Triumph"

  • The actor has poor eyesight, and Shia wears contact lenses: blue, green, and regular.
  • The actor's parents are a dancer in a nightclub and a clown. The actor says that the ability to laugh and dance well was passed on to him genetically. What he used from the age of 9 - he performed at a local comedy club, telling jokes he himself invented from the stage.
  • Shia is a master of outrageousness. At the Berlin Film Festival - 2014, the actor appeared on the red carpet with a bag on his head, which was written: "I'm not a celebrity anymore." And then he flew to Los Angeles and sat in the same package for a week in one of the galleries, calling it an art installation "I'm sorry." Any passer-by could shake hands with the actor. When asked what it was, LaBeouf did not answer.
  • The actor madly wanted to play in "Nymphomaniac" Lars von Trier. The director set him a condition: you need to send pictures in the nude. Shia went further - sent a love video with his girlfriend. Trier approved him for the role without even watching the recording.
  • No matter how tired the actor is the day before, in the morning he always walks his pet - Bulldog Brando - in the vicinity of his mansion.
December 02, 2018

The actress confirmed for the first time that she was in a close relationship with co-star Shia LaBeouf.

Photo: Genin

Megan Fox admitted that she was in a close relationship with actor Shia LaBeouf. On the air of one of the American TV shows, the 32-year-old actress confirmed for the first time that she had an affair with her co-star in Transformers.

According to Megan, this novel began during the work on the famous fantastic Michael Bay. It first happened in 2007 and happened again in 2009. This romantic relationship did not go far, they ended immediately after Fox stopped acting in Transformers. The actress frankly stated that she had real feelings for LaBeouf.

more on the topic

“I would say it was very romantic. I loved him,” said the star. Fans have previously suspected a couple in an affair. These rumors were at one time fueled by LaBeouf himself, who hinted at a connection with a colleague. According to the actor, he never separated life and work and spent a lot of time with Meghan.

In an interview with the New York Daily News, she not only spoke about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, but also put in a warm word for her partner in the Transformers movie. Shia LaBeouf.

“I'm not worried about Shaya. I love my Shaya. And I know he will be great. I haven't spoken to him in years, but I don't worry about him. He is a brilliant fellow, talented and funny, so there is no reason to worry about him, ”said Meghan.

Oddities in Shaya's behavior began in February last year, when he came to the premiere of the Nymphomaniac tape with a paper bag on his head and announced that from now on he was a non-public person. Despite his "non-publicity" LaBeouf got into trouble every now and then, it seems, more often than ever before.
His last outing ended in his treatment. While watching a musical play, Shaya loudly commented on what was happening on stage, smoked and cursed loudly, he either answered all the comments of the audience with rudeness, or simply ignored it. As a result, the audience's patience snapped, and they called the police. Seeing the law enforcement officers, LaBeouf (and he was pretty drunk) began to run away, but he did not succeed, and under white hands the star was taken to the police station. There "non-public" spent the night. A very rumpled and embarrassed Shaya was seen and managed to photograph the paparazzi. As it turned out, the actor decided to get rid of one of his addictions. Let's hope he succeeds.

Recall that in 2007, when Megan and Shia starred in Transformers, LaBeouf said in an interview that there was a romantic relationship between him and Fox. At that time, she was just breaking up with her boyfriend Brian Austin Green, who is now her husband and father of her children, but Megan herself denied this information.
But back to the interview with Fox. The actress said that she doesn’t like red carpets too much, and if she had her will, she would never have appeared on them.
“When you are involved in a promo for a new tape, you are forced to appear in front of the public on the red carpet. It's just part of your job, but I honestly never dreamed of such a thing. Unfortunately, actors and actresses do not have the right to choose, it's just a job, ”Megan admitted.

The actress admitted that she does not depend on social networks like many of her colleagues. Of course, a young mother of two children does not have enough time for such nonsense.
“I have never been addicted to the world wide web, like many people nowadays. I don't read what they write about me online and I'm not that interactive. I think that Twitter in some way puts pressure on people who get used to it very quickly and cannot live unless they send a few photos a day to the public. I am more secretive and do not show every moment of my personal life. Once I used Twitter for five days in a row, and that was the end of the use of Twitter for me, ”said Megan.
Now the actress has made a decision for herself to act in one or two projects a year in order to be able to be longer with her children Noah and Bodhi.
“Shooting for 16 or 18 hours in a row is now very difficult for me, not only physically, but also emotionally. Motherhood has changed me.
When I was pregnant, people often told me, “Sleep more while you can,” and I just smiled back. Now I know what they meant. I probably won’t be able to sleep like I used to, ”Megan admitted.

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